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Created By M.M.


My first book where my ideas have been put into a book template by my
partner J so many thanks to him for all his hard work.

I have been trying to achieve ‘Kieron’s Law’ and aiming to have information
leaflets/booklets posted through to every door in England, Ireland,
Scotland & Wales with transparency in mind to help parents, grandparents
and children alike. I have therefore brought this book to you, although
what if ones do not own a computer or are unable to operate one or afford
one. Can you please advise family and friends where to find my short
booklet in a library to help guide them if it has helped you.

Not to be taken as legal advice as much as to use a general guide with

useful tips, keywords and terminology from my own personal experiences
as a natural mother, mother and a grandparent.

The idea is this book helps you to help yourself and is aimed at anybody
age 12+ years with easy to read colourful text and basic pictures, because
some people do learn better from pictures.

I hope you enjoy reading and learning from it as much as I did creating it
where I started doing so on paper with rough sketches, before seeing it all
come to life.


Adjacent to the following colour pages-

Page Colour

Burgundy-How It Starts
Beige-Next Stages
Light Blue-Things Stepping Up
Purple-Cherry Picking
Green- Further Destruction To Your Family Unit
Yellow- Adoption Decision
Red- Adoption Order
Orange- While You Are Waiting
How It Starts
Mental Health Physical health Problem
Anonymous Referrals (alienating ex, vindictive
neighbour, school, doctor, health visitor,
nursery or other) Mistake Circumstances
Budget cuts Lack of resources Housing
situations Benefit cuts Austerity Targets
(Postcode lottery area) Incompetence
Procedural error Accidental injury (Request
copies of x-rays, Paediatrician reports)
Learning difficulties Past domestic violence &
abuse Legal glossary Medical terms definition/
meaning Inaccurate files on record Inaccurate
records held on file about you/ your child (your
data) Severing bond (closeness/love) for your
child Birth certificate (government ownership
to you) Poverty

Next Stages
(Mum or dad needs support/ask for support from family,
friends or children’s social services) Child in need Child
protection (you need to work towards child in need category
then case closed) police powers children’s social services Twin
tracking/contingency planning (planning for return home and
forced adoption all at once until outcome decided) Increased
appointments Fact finding hearing (Extra worry from mum and
dad if you are safe and same for the child) (Hold onto your
birth certificate, they can get a copy) Threshold
statement/Response Depression Reduced contact Court order
(each one needs to be challenged) Friends disappear Mum and
dad worry about losing you and vice versa Isolation Section 7
report CA 1989 Process with policy and procedure regulations
codes of conduct not given to mum, dad or child always to
help them get you home (you can request your own data age
12-13 years old) Assessment triangle (helps you with position
statement) Assessments Children’s/adult’s mental health
services Interim supervision order (means in the meantime)
(Write to your doctor and other medical professionals involved
to request to be informed if children’s social services request
copies of your medical files and get a receipt always) (Always
take names on phone they work in public office and never see
a social worker alone/have a witness)
Section 20

Voluntary agreement signed or not

Judge can dispense without parental
consent and you lose PR (parental
rights) Signing it just makes it quicker
and easier for the LA (local authority)
should they want to get your child
adopted should they choose. Twin
tracking/contingency planning means
sometimes some children get to go
back home. Not all families have their
children leave home, who gets asked
to sign one. My personal preference
would to be not to sign but work with
SS (social services) best you can as
much as they will allow.

Supervision Order (interim means in the meantime) see

you at court by the time/date this order runs out (usually
28 days means a month unless specified otherwise) EVERY
Things Stepping Up
Social services can talk to third parties/ other parties (third
parties are other people) People who are not involved then
talking to them can mean your confidentiality has been
breached, see data protection principles (ICO) or Information
Commissioners Office are who you can contact if this happens
(LGO) Local Government Ombudsman for complaints about
the Council if you have gone through the process with 3 stages
through the Council first in England. In Ireland everything
works under the NHS trust and the Council deals more with
maintenance. In Scotland it’s the (SPSO) Scottish Public
Services Ombudsman In Wales it’s Public Services Ombudsman
for Wales, intermediary services (services that combine to
share information about you/your child) Doctors, Health
Visitors, Schools, Midwives, Mental Health Services, Police
(Garda for Ireland) (Heddlu De Cymru for South Wales &
Heddlu Gogledd Cymru for North Wales) hospitals and any
public organisation/agency involved all connect and discuss
you and your family once SS are involved Family courts for UK,
Sheriffs courts for Scotland You have PR and SS have a duty to
update you and invite you to all meetings and encourage
contact is in place with your child Although Councils state they
will not discriminate against you for making complaints please
bear in mind they still can Natural Law and Rules of natural
justice Article 6 HRA 1989 right to fair trial, Article 6 HRA 1998
right to private family life (ECHR Articles) European Convention
on Human Rights
Quick guide- Check out principles 1-8 data protection
act 1998

Information Commissioner’s

Or you can go to the Local Government Ombudsman

for general complaints about SS/Council or you can
just go through Court
Cherry Picking

Or bond being destroyed The love and bond is being broken down
by children’s social services if there is no improvement by now
Contact may become more decreased Bond builds up with the
other family where your children are staying and SS use this against
you to show the bond between you as a family is breaking down
Conflict with family could be encouraged by SS and with one played
off against the other you might not necessarily notice straight away
or be informed Residency order may be applied for by the family
member where your children are staying if they are not in foster
care with strangers Child Arrangements Order (contact), Form C100
Fee Remission Form one for every application made if on low
income/ social security benefits is vital (Form EX160) and each form
has a leaflet to help you complete the form which accompanies each
one The application forms will be multipurpose to apply for various
things so it does not mean it is the wrong one Right to remove
(unless on child protection) child if under category of child in need
but family/foster carer/ex-partner/friend (where your children stay)
can phone police and contact SS if they say your child is distressed
(emotional harm) and significant harm should your child get
physically hurt during the process or removing them Requesting
your child back in writing with a care plan can have no effect
whether done through a Solicitor (you can send a copy to the
Council) or you the same still applies Log every event with name,
date and time and event (Chronology) File all paperwork in a folder
(you may never get it back) Request a signature when posting letters
(track and trace) and receipts of hand delivered keeping all receipts
Identity issues are now born. Challenge inaccuracies
quickly. Request telephone records (from consumer
relations at your council) Do as much as you can in writing.
Further Destruction To Your Family Unit

Never see a children’s social worker alone If there is no option,

audio record the conversation to ensure a correct record is
kept Research CA 1989 (children’s act 1989) DPA 1998 (Data
protection act 1998) HRA 1998 (human rights act 1998) The
European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) for a basic
understanding Family/ex-partner/friend or other starts bond
with your child in/out the home SS start out nice/build up trust
and can tend to turn (careful about volunteering information)
and can go behind your back and ask them to keep your other
children there with you knowing breaching your PR Mental
health act Equality Act 2010 There can be discrimination with
complaints (there is not meant to be) affecting your rights
Misconduct in public office Malfeasance in public office Special
guardianship/kinship Long (and short) term foster care Forced
adoption Residential care/children’s homes Child arrangement
order (C100) placement order (freeing order) Case law (use
latest case law you can find (Baillii), only need one or two
where there are similarities with your case to help bring out a
point) Perjury Perverting the course of justice Ask for policy
and procedure/rules and regulations/codes of conduct for
each organisation involved (there for them and the public) you
will often see these listed on their websites Be prepared
Directions Hearings Case Management Threshold response
statement Position statement Finding of fact hearing Gov.UK
is a reputable website for guidance to help support you if you
type in the keywords you need help with
How often a child is referred?

49 Seconds

49 Seconds

49 Seconds

A child referred to social services every 49 seconds

(It used to be every 20 minutes) they have to look to
family first as part of welfare checks
Adoption Decision

Is not the same as an adoption order means the adoption order has
still not been stamped Adoption panel (for some reason you do not
get a response to letters here) Parenting courses First aid courses
college courses (look up some others you could do) Expect contact
ideas to change after adoption decisions have been made and for
contact to be decreased and dwindle down (Letterbox, photos,
skype, phone calls but usually newsletters once or twice a year and
sometimes photos) The judge will decide once he has had ideas on
contact arrangements shown to him throughout your Case Long
term foster care is an alternative usually for the older child Appeal
form N161 Section 7 dpa 1998 (redacted data/your information)
Section 35 dpa 1998 (full data) Subject access requests under dpa
1998 Health care professions council (HCPC) check the register
(search professional by surname) General medical council (GMC)
check the register for doctors Because you still have parental rights
(PR) at this stage you are still have rights to be invited to meetings
like before Request minutes from meetings regularly (check your
apologies for not attending are not wrote down) Letter to doctor
and all other medical professionals who were/are involved you need
to be requesting to be informed first by letter if they feel the need
to involve other agencies (courtesy letter) Where other
professionals are involved medically or a health visitor or other who
is supportive of you request a letter from them if they are able to
help support you for family court Challenge new diagnosis (not
mentioned to you before) ask for full report Apply to revoke
adoption if this has not been achieved by an adoption order in 6
months time from the adoption decision being made by the judge at
court, and if the child is not adopted (form A52) is needed and don’t
forget form (EX160) for every application and remember to use the
EX160 if on low wage or benefits to avoid a hefty bill All forms
comes with a help leaflet showing you how to complete the form.
Any forms completed online cannot be saved (need printing straight
after completing)
All is not lost because you ‘still’ have parental rights



MR/MRS/MS Stillhasparentalrights
is sorry they was not at the meeting
today (but they was not invited so
they cannot see this)

Children’s social services (SS) or the adopter(s) cannot change the
contact decided by the judge without first taking you back to court
(the adoption agreement can be changed at a later date when this
happens and the adopters do get a big say in the matter, since
parental rights (PR) transfers to them once an adoption order is
Adoption Order

Parental rights (PR) lost Adoption agreement (not legally binding but
ought to be and you can request to meet the potential adopters
although no guarantees they will agree) If contact gets changed
without first taking you back to court (check your judgement and
last care order) Form C2 is used for permission to start
proceedings/have your voice heard for a hearing (could lead on to
more hearings) in court (you apply back to the same family court
responsible) Adoptees disappeared off the radar (then you need
form C4) too so the child’s whereabouts can be found (Form EX160
with leaflet EX160A) as mentioned on the previous page is very
important to avoid a costly bill (one EX160 completed for each
application) at any time all times Pulled up over your
pictures/photos (your copyright) Request copies of the adoption
order (may state serial number 05/05) it means information is
redacted (with parts left out) the judgement and the last care order
(write to the same family court who made the decision) Request
copies of your solicitor files ‘in writing’ (GAL) Guardian Ad Litem’s
files in writing also from everyone else involved (Sars request)
subject access request (means you can request copies of all data
which pertains to you) Track and trace (you are best to request a
signature upon receipt) (ask your post office) Remember if it’s not
heard in court it’s not in court/was not in court (raise with your
solicitor should this happen and it’s vital evidence and check form
C2 was completed by them whether you receive a letter confirming
from your solicitor or not if your evidence is not heard as each
hearing counts and every court order needs to be challenged) Want
photos submitted into court (try to have the date showing on them
when taken) Request oral transcript from court for relevant
hearing/wish to request to submit recordings/video evidence (write
to same court for permission) Adoption breakdown/risk of adoption
breakdown (form C2 for permission and to request application form
for post adoption for better level of contact) if child searches for you
on social media Children can start looking approaching their teens
and may contact you Google search preparing a position statement

Court seal?




While You Are Waiting

Check all records match Make complaints if you see ‘double

case files’ (could mean double the financial gain for the
Council) Request a copy of the annotated/amended full A4
birth certificate (fastest delivery option) from the (GRO)
general registry office for a fee (around £20 approximately)
Will state ‘adopted’ on it (bottom right) in small print if child
really is adopted (and can be traced on the England and Wales
register) Request a copy again before the child turns 18 years
old (age 17 they can get their provisional driving licence so
now is a good idea) All natural (sometimes referred to as birth)
parents can get one for each child using the same details that
were on the original birth certificate Request a copy of the
adoption certificate too if you know the adopters details
(check names on them and see if there is any difference to
what you expected/were told how they appear) Request
copies of your medical files and a chronology of
ailments/diagnosis (potential diagnosis cannot be mentioned
on the chronology although you can be informed if there is
potential/possible diagnosis being considered) and ask for a
brief chronology with every Sars request (date, time and event
in date order) You do not have to disclose why you want ‘your’
personal data (sometimes it helps sometimes it does not) For
example DWP (department for work and pensions) have a file
retention policy of 18 months (this could be a reason for
requesting copies of dwp files copies which are also free) It
usually costs £10 for paper files and £50 for computerised files
(not all places charge you) Google ‘Requesting my files’. Join
‘What do they know’ (freedom of information) Check other
requests and make some yourself (not too many or not too
many questions) you do not want to run the risk being
considered to make vexatious requests (LGO) Local
government ombudsman for council complaints
Check written records match with dates names and so on


Birth certificate Chronology

Date Time Event




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