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Pre-Calculus Section 4.

Trigonometry: the study of the measurement of angles Terminal Side

Angle: Determined by rotating a ray (half-line) about its endpoint.

Initial Side: Starting position of the ray

Terminal Side: Position after rotation.

y Initial Side

Terminal Side x Standard Position: an angle with its vertex at the origin and its initial side along the
positive x axis.
Initial Side
Positive Angles: generated by counter-clockwise rotation Positive

Negative Angles: generated by clockwise rotation


180˚ 0˚, 360˚

One full rotation = 360˚


Sketching Angles in Standard Position:

EX: Sketch the following angles in standard position.

A. 120˚ B. 505˚ C. -120˚ D. -480˚

Radian Measures:

Central Angle: Vertex is at the center of the circle

Unit Circle: Circle of radius one whose center is at the origin.

Radian: One radian is the measure of a central angle Ѳ that intercepts an arc s equal in length to the radius r of the circle.

One full rotation = 2π or 360˚ COMMON ANGLES:

½ rotation = π or 180˚
¼ rotation = π/2 or 90˚

π/6 OR 30˚ π/4 OR 45˚ ∨60˚ π/2 OR 90˚ π OR 180 ˚ 2π OR 360˚

Degree Measure: 1˚ = 1/360 rotation, 360˚= 1 rotation

Things to Know:
360˚ = 2π radians 180˚ = π radians 1˚ = π/180 radians 1 radian = 180˚/π

To Convert from degrees to radians: multiply degrees by π/180˚

EXAMPLE: Express each angle in radian measure

a. 135˚ B. -270˚

To convert from radians degrees: multiply radians by 180˚/π

A. –π/2 rad b. 2 π rad.

To convert to radians to DMS: 1. Convert radians to degrees

2. Use whole number for degrees
3. Multiply remaining decimal by 60.(minutes)
4. Multiply remaining decimal by 60 (seconds)

A. 5.8624 b. 3.2946
To convert from DMS to degrees: 1. Use whole number as whole number for degrees.
2. Divide minutes by 60, record decimal
3. Divide seconds by 3600, record decimal
4. Add decimals from 2 and 3 for final answer with whole number.

a. 282°13’59” b. 188°51’45”

Reference Angle: the acute angle formed by the terminal side and the x-axis.

Primary Angle: an angle within 360˚ or 0-2π ( positive direction, 1 rotation)

Coterminal Angles – Angles that have the same initial and terminal sides ( Add or subtract 2 π for each rotation)

EX – For each value, find the primary angle, the reference angle, the positive coterminal, and the negative coterminal. Also,
sketch the angle.

Angle Drawing Primary Reference Pos. Coterm. Neg. Coterm.




Finding Arc Length (s):

S=rƟ, where Ɵ is in radians.

EXAMPLE: Find the distance between the cities. Assume the earth is a sphere of radius 4000 miles and the cities are on the
same meridian(one city is due north of the other.)
***** What if they were both N or both S??
City 1 Latitude 37°25’46” N

Assignment: pg 291-293, 6-18 even, 32-38 even, 48-74 even, 87, 88

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