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Ghalih Hakiki Kavisa 21030116140126
Iftitania Ardita Putri Utami 21030116120036
Megaria Rachmasari 21030116120054
Tifany Minasheila 21030116130148

Sedimentation is one of separation of mixture of solid and liquid (slurry) into fluid of clear
and sludge (more concentrated slurry concentration). Separation can take place because of the
gravitational force that occurs in the granules. Sedimentation process in chemical industry is
widely used, for example in papermaking process where slurry is cellulose slurry which will be
separated into pulp and water, water treatment process, and proces separation of syrup waste to be
processed into sugar.

Laboratory batch sedimentation

General conception in simple batch sedimentation, illustrated by suspending some finely
divided solid in water in a graduated cylinder and allowing the content of cylinder to stand
undisturbed. The time rate of decrease in height of visible interface between supernatant clear
liquid and slurry containing the particles is the sedimentation rate.

Fig 1. The height of interfaces and concentration of zones in batch sedimentation.

The figure above shows an initial slurry having a uniform concentration with a uniform
solid particles inside the tube (zone B). The particles begin to settle and are assumed to reach
maximum speed quickly. The formed zone D consists of heavier particles that settle more quickly.
During sedimentation, the height of each zone changes. Zones A and D increase, while zone B
decreases. Finally zone B is gone, all solids are in zone D. Currently called the critical settling
point, example when the formation of a single boundary between the clear liquid and sediment.

Exercise. From the data of table above, prepare a plot showing the velocity of settling in
centimeters per minute as function of the fraction settled (the distance settled at the indicated time
divided by the distance ultimately settled).

The results of sedimentation of slurries of four different concentrations of the same calcium
carbonate are plotted in below.

Fig 2. Height of interface during batch sedimentation.

ρb = bulk density of slurry
µb = bulk viscosity of slurry
k = a factor whose value depends upon concentration of solid and other properties of the system.
In stokes equation (17), k = g/18, a constant

1. Simple batch settling tank
 It have been and still are widely used. The manner describe for the small-scale
laboratory graduate.
 The tanks is filled and the slurry is allowed to settle for the desired time.
 The thickened material may be removed through a valve in the bottom of the tank, or
the clarified solution may be withdrawn, either by lowering a swing siphon or by the
successive opening of draw-of f connection, starting with the uppermost.
 When the decanted solution begins to show the presence of sludge or the sludge level
is exposed, the decantation is stopped.
2. Continuous Sedimentation

Fig 3. Sectional diagrammatic drawing of a continuous thickener

 It is conducted in inverted cones, or in cylindrical or rectangular tanks or vessels
equipped with slowly revolving rakes for moving the thickened sludge to the central
 In large concrete tanks the mechanism for moving the rakes may be so constructed that
the rake arms are automatically raised to lift the rakes off the bottom when subjected
to an overload, as might be caused by an interruption to the discharge, and

automatically lowered again the to the normal operating condition when the overload
is passed.
 The feed is introduced through a feed well at the top center of the cone or cylinder.
 The slurry settles directly below the feed well, forming a sludge which is withdrawn
from the bottom.
 The clear fluid flows to the periphery and is withdrawn by overflowing a
circumferential weir.
3. Tray Tickener
 It is an instalation of one thickener directly above another, which may be opertaed
indepently on the same or different feeds, or in series.
4. Filler Thickener
 It is the combination of a filter and thickener. The feed is introduced into the tank.
 The solution is withdrawn through a submerged filtering medium or cloth.
 The solids that collect on the filtering medium are periodically removed by mechanical
scrapers or by low pressure air or water on the reverse side of the filter.
 They settle to the bottom where they are removed as a sludge

Continuous Sedimentation
The operation of continuous sedimentation tanks or thickeners depends upon the same
characteristics of the slurry as indicated for batch sedimentation. The differences between
continuous and batch operations are indicated by the concentration of the solids at different height
in the thickener.

Fig 4. Concentration as a function of height at various time intervals in batch
The operation of batch sedimentation starts with a column of slurry having uniform
concentration, as indicated by the long dashed line t0, representing zero time. Shortly thereafter,
the interface settles to a level indicated by the line t1, with the concentration throughout the settling
slurry practically identical with that of the original except accumulating to form the sludge. The
process continues as indicated by the curves t2 and t3, with the upper interface setting and lower
interface rising until it merges with the upper interfaces. The single interface representative the
level of the compacting sludge having a concentration distribution shown by the curve t3 then
settles slowly during final compression of the sludge.
The major difference between continuous and batch sedimentations is the complete
absence of any zone B of the same composition as the feed, unless such conditions are
approximated directly below the feed well then the horizontal interface between the clear fluid and
sludge is well below the bottom of the feed well. Under this condition the feed slurry appears to
settle in a cylindrical column directlymbelow the feed well. When the feed rate is not excessive
and a properly clarified effluent is produced, the upper or clarification zone in the continuous
process is a region where the solids are present at such a low concentration that the mechanism
approaches that of free settling. Immediately below this clear zone is the zone of sludge

Fig 5. Concentration as a function of height in continuous sedimentation, showing the effect of
feed rate. Run II was made with feed rate equal to 1.42 times that of run I.
Run I, indicated the concentration of calcium carbonate as a function of height in a
continuous thickener which was producing a well-clarified overflow. The high clarification zone
provided plenty of distance for the free settling there into produce a clear solution overflow.
When the feed was increased by a moderate amount with the underflow rate maintained
approximately constant, there was a slight increase in the height of the compression or thickening
zone with the overflow remaining clear.
When the feed rate was still further increased to 1,42 times that of run I, a definite interface
or line indicating a sharp increase in concentration rose slowly from the top of the compression
zone toward the overflow. After three days this interface reached the approximate level of the
overflow which then become cloudy, with the concentration distributed as indicated by run II.
With the thickener operating in this manner, giving a cloudy overflow containing 4,6 gm of
calcium carbonate per liter, from a feed containing 45 gm of calcium carbonate per liter, the

approximate constant composition indicated by the almost vertical line of run II was about 70 gm
per liter.
The clarification capacity of the thickener is determined by the settling rate of the
suspended solid. This rate may be estimated from the rate of settling of the upper interface in a
batch sedimentation test. The vertical velocity of the fluid removed as a clear at any height in the
thickener is equal to the volume of fluid passing upward at that level divided by the area of the
thickener. The settling velocity must be greater than the vertical velocity of the fluid at that level.
If the settling velocity is less than the upward fluid velocity, the particles will pass out in the
overflow and there will be little clarification. If the settling velocity equals the upward fluid
velocity, the particles will neither rise nor fall and the concentration of solid in the clarification
zone will increase.
That the following relationship may be used to estimate the required are of clarifier
A=Q ⍴𝑅

A = Area (sq ft) required to thicken the discharge slurry to consistency of D
D = Parts fluid to one part solids by weight in underflow
F = Parts fluid to one part solids by weight in feed
Q = Mass of solids treated per unit of time (lb/hr)
R = rate of settling of pulp of consistency F (ft/hr)
⍴ = density of fluid (lb/ou ft)
It is often desirable to check the estimated cross sectional area of the thickener by
calculations of different concentrations, using as the rate of settling the constant rate of settling of
batch sedimentation of slurries of increasing concentrations.
The thickening capacity may be illustrated by considering the effect of varying the
underflow rate. The thickness or depth of the compression or thickening zone increased as the
underflow rate was decreased, as indicated, and the concentration of the underflow increased with
increasing depth of the thickening zone, at lest for a constant rate of feed.
The concentrations of the underflow or sludge from a continuous thickener depends on the
depth of the thickening or compression zone and the time that the solids are in this zone. The total
height or depth of the thickener depends in large measure on the required depth or time in the

compression zone. The required height of the compression zone may be estimated from data
obtained on a batch sedimentation under the following conditions.
Consider a batch sedimentation starting with a slurry at its critical concentration, that is,
the slurry has an initial concentration equal to the concentration of the top layer of the compression
zone (D) during the period of constant rate settling. The concentration of solids at the bottom of
the compression zone of a continuous thicker at any time is the same as the average concentration
of the compressions zone in the batch described above at a time equal to the retention time of the
solids in the continuous thickener. In other words, the concentration at the bottom of the thickener
is function only of the time of thickening.
The determination of the necessary volume for the compression zone of the continuous
thickener may be obtained from a consideration of the time each layer of solids has been in
The volume V required for the compression some in the continuous thickener is equal to
the sum of the volume occupied by the solids plus the volume occupied by the associated fluids
𝑄(𝑡−𝑡𝑐) 𝑡 𝐿𝑄
V= + ∫𝑡𝑐 𝑆⍴𝑙 𝑑𝑙

V = Volume of the compression zone
Q = Mass of solids fed per unit time
t-tc = retention time
L = Mass of liquid in compression zone
S = Mass of solids in the compression zone
By assuming a constant mean value for L/S so that equation become :
1 1 𝐿
V = Q(t-tc)[⍴𝑠 + ⍴𝑙 (𝑆) 𝑎𝑣𝑔]
Where (𝑆) 𝑎𝑣𝑔 = average mass ration of fluid to solid in the thickening zone from top to bottom.

This method may indicates thick compression zones as it is based on the average
concentration of the thickened sludge rather than the concentration at the bottom of the sludge.
Also, an increase in concentration of the sludge is brought about by the action of the rakes. These
factors probably more than compensate for the turbulance introduced by the rakes. In some cases
it may be possible to estimate the desired concentration just above the some of rake action by
making proper allowanse for the effect of the rakes.

Separation From Gases
Separation of suspended solids (or liquid) from gases may be divided into 2 general
classes, which are work dry, acting on the suspension as received and work wet, using an additional
fluid, usually water to facilitate the separation.
The most common type of separator is a filter which passes the gas and retains the solids
on a bed which may be cleared or discarded periodically. A mat of glass fibers, cellulose, or metal
mounted in a light frame is used in air conditioning and home heating systems, the mat being easily
replaced with a fresh filter when the old one ceases to operate effectively.
A dust collector is a system used to enhance the quality of air released from industrial and
commercial processes by collecting dust and other impurities from air or gas. Designed to handle
high-volume dust loads, a dust collector system consists of a blower, dust filter, a filter-cleaning
system, and a dust receptacle or dust removal system. It is distinguished from air purifiers, which
use disposable filters to remove dust. A simple enlargement in a pipe line which reduces the
velocity enough to permit the solids to settle out in the enlargement.
Cyclone Separator is the vertical cylinder with the inlet tangentially near the top, giving
the suspension a spinning motion the cylinder. The working principle of a cyclone is the presence
of a collection of particles and gases entering in the tangential direction into the cyclone at the top.
The collection of gases and particles is pressed down spirally because of the shape of the cyclone.
The centrifugal force and inertial force cause the particles to be thrown outwards, hit the wall and
then move down to the base of the cyclone. Close to the bottom of the cyclone, the gas moves
inverted and moves upward in the form of a smaller spiral. Gravitational forces cause the particles
to fall to the conical side to the discharge point. Particles of smaller size or density exit through
the upper part of the cyclone through a low pressure center. Clean gas out of the top of the cyclone
while the particles come out from the bottom of the cyclone.

Fig 6. Diagrammatic drawing of cyclone separator
Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is a technology to capture ash from combustion process by
giving electric charge to it. The working principle of ESP is by giving a negative charge to the
gray through several electrodes (commonly called discharge electrode). If the ash is passed further
into a column made up of a plate that has a more positive charge (collecting electrode), naturally
the ash will be attracted by the plates. Once the ash accumulates on the plate, a special rapper
system will make the ash fall down and out of the ESP system. The processes that occur in ESP so
ash (fly ash) can be collected are as follows :
Charging. ESP uses DC power as its power source, where the Collecting Electrode (CE) is
connected to positive and grounded poles, while the Discharge Electrode is connected to a 55-85
kilovolt DC negative pole. The electric field is formed between DE and CE, in this condition arises
the phenomenon of electric corona that fluoresce on the DE side. As the coal exhaust gas passes
through this electric field, the fly ash will be exposed to the negative charge emitted by the negative
pole at DE. The process of giving a negative charge to the ash can occur by diffusion or induction,
depending on the size of the ash. Some ash particles will be difficult to charge a negative charge

and thus require a larger electric field. There are also very easily charged particles of negative
charge, but the negative charge is also easily released, thus requiring the process of charging again.
Collection. The negatively charged ash, will be attracted to the CE or move according to
the existing gas flow. Flue gas flow velocity affects the ash collection process in CE. Low gas flow
speed will slow the movement of ash to toward CE. So generally ESP design is usually used in
some series CE and DE which is arranged in such a way that all the ashes contained in boiler flue
gas can be caught.
Rapping. The ash layer collected on the surface of the CE should be periodically thrown.
The most commonly used method is by hitting the CE section with a mechanical system. This
mechanical rapper system consists of a hammer, a propulsion motor, as well as a simple gearbox
system that can adjust the hitting motion to occur periodically. The rapper system is not only
mounted on the CE side, in DE there is also a rapper system. This is because there is a small part
of the ash that will be positively charged as it is charged by the positively charged CE.
The falling ashes of CE will fall and collect in the hopper located under the CE and DE
systems. These hoppers should be well designed so that the collected ash does not go back into the
ESP compartment. Furthermore, by using pressurized air, the ash assemblage is moved across the
pipes to a larger shelter.

Fig 7. Diagrammatic drawing of electrical precipitation

Stokes Law
 Denser and large particles have a higher settling velocity
 Equation :
g (  p   ) D p2
Vs 
 Settling Basins
Overflow rates are used for design: V0
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 ( )
Overflow rate = 𝑆𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 (𝑚2 )

Fig 7. Diagrammatic drawing of settling basins

 Settling Model

Fig 8. Diagrammatic of settling model

Vs = settling velocity of the particle
Vl = horizontal velocity of liquid flow
A particle that is just removed has a settling velocity v0.
This trajectory represents a particle which has a settling velocity v0
v0 = h / t = Q / A
t = V/A
A = surface area of the basin

Example 1
A water treatment plant has a flow rate of 0.6 m3/sec. The settling basin at the plant has an effective
settling volume that is 20 m long, 3 m tall and 6 m wide. Will particles that have a settling velocity
of 0.004 m/sec be completely removed? If not, what percent of the particles will be removed?
Answer :
v0 = Q/A = 0.6 m/sec / (20 m x 6 m) = 0.005 m/sec
Since v0 is greater than the settling velocity of the particle of interest, they will not be completely
removed. The percent of particles which will be removed may be found using the following
Percent removed = (vp / v0) 100 = (0.004/0.005) 100 = 80 %

Example 2
How big would the basin need to be to remove 100% of the particles that have a settling velocity
of 0.004 m/sec?
Answer :
v0 = Q / A
0.004 = 0.6 / A
A = 150 m3
If the basin keeps the same width (6 m):
A = 150 m3 = 6m x L
L = 25 m

Example 3

Brown, G.G. 1951. Unit Operations. New Delhi: CBS Publishers and Distributors


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