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No 126129_01_02_sc1

To check the formula dependency .we click TRACE DEPENTENTS MULTIPLE TIME.This arrow help to
know the dependency with different sheet.means they get the data from different sheet.double click
the USD symbol will take u to go to diologue box then double click there will take u to actual data.

Refmove arrow use for remove lines.

When there is a formula in the functiion then we use TRACE PRECEDENTS.Then we come to know were
this cell get the data see the backward dependence we use TRACE PRECEDENTS.

No 126129_01_03_sc1
If we want to add any column better we have to select the entire column 7 or 12 .if we want to add
more multiple column with different column the select +SUM(5,7,12) Like that.

No 126129_01_04_sc1

If we want to stay in the active cell press CONTROL ENTER.

No 126129_01_05_sc1
If we want to drag the data of B column to H column .just select the B column ,then above mark will
come then drag the data were we want to take him.

No 126129_01_06_sc1
If we want to increase the value by 5 from B2 to f7.then write 5 in seprate column as mention above
and copy then select the number we want to increase then go to paste special with shortcut key


In Operation select add.and ok.then all the number bigger by 5.

Like that we can subtract ,multiply,divide

No 126129_01_07_sc1

If we want to check the formula behind it

Press F2 to see the formula any find out wether it is correct or not ,we can cross the

We can cross check by selecting the portion of the formula then press F9 key to see what occur the
result is

No 126129_04_02_sc1 Approx match Vlookup and H lookup

Using v lookup .we can match the salary with respect to %.

Vlookup( salary,looup datawhitch is M:N,selected lookup data m&N so, N is 2 so,put 2)

Now we can make data table absolute by putting $ sign F4.becouse once we drag the coloum the data
which we are looking for cant change.
If we select M:N vertically we not need to do absolute refence,which show in the diagram.

Note :- Make sure data is in ascending order shown in M.

No 126129_04_03_sc1 Exact match Vlookup and H lookup

We put false or 0 to get the exact match data.

Some time if there is a space in the cell which shows in row no 8 ,9 rating then to eliminate space we
use trim function in vlookup to get the data exact match.

No 126129_04_04_sc1 Nested vlookup

Now there is 2 table J toK and M to,first we have to see the state matching to Region and then
dependent to get the tax rate.
Which gives SE.then we check the dependence to get the tax rate.

Once is got the region we again check the dependence table ,by putting vlookup and E2+1 is
dependence is 3 but table is taken from M to u so, it will count 3 from M so we will take +1.

No 126129_04_05_sc1 large v lookup.

We can use the above formula +2 is becouse F and g is there so we use +2 which can be same in other
cell also.

No 126129_04_08_sc1 INDEX

INDEX formula help it to get the data from both row and column.and make the shipping zone table
absolute by $ to copy to other cells.
No 126129_05_01_sc1

Countif is used to know how many full time employee is in this table.

We can also do it +countif(d:d,”full time”)

If we want to know how any pleople with name Tim in employe name,1 is in row 11.we will get No of
the name start with tim


Another similar function sum if

+sumif(D:D,”full time”,H:H)

D:D check how many people is full time

H:H check the total salary of full time employee.

Another function is Averageif

+averageif(D:D,”full time”,H:H).

No 126129_05_02_sc1

Here we can set the multiple criteria to get the information

Check how many people is fultime and job rating is 5,note countif will only count

+countif (D:D,”fulltime”,I:I,5) we will get the answer .for numering entry we cant put the quote in the
formula. Like that we can put multiple criteria.

Sumif will add ,so put first the details which we want and they fix the criteria.

No 126129_06_01_sc1

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