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hey guys today I'm here with Coach red pill who runs an up-and-coming YouTube channel

commentary usually revolves on politics these kinds of things so thanks so much for joining me
coach I really appreciate it oh it's a pleasure being on thank you for having me yeah of course so
to kick things off can you please give a brief introduction of yourself as well as some of the
topics that you personally like to cover on your channel sure I'm basically like I like to say I'm
basically an old fart with a really stupid moniker but that moniker you know Coach red pill it
keeps me on point as to what I'm trying to do which is basically help younger guys figure out the
world and see it as it really is not as the illusions of the Beco world would have you would have
you think right and and so my role I feel is to coach guys to see the world to figure things out on
their own and to take lessons from my own experience that might help them and I've been very
fortunate I think that there are a lot of people who are responding to my content and so here we
are ya know so your channel that is specifically geared towards men you do cover any Content
that might be useful to women or absolutely absolutely I've done like a number of videos I try to
do one like basically one a day although right now I'm in a mini hiatus just for this week I'm
going to be cranking up again on Sunday and and I do content for women specifically for women
because it seems to me that a lot of people are telling women to act in certain ways that I think
that are detrimental for them and in the long run because in the short run it's all good and fine to
be like a super feminist and a career girl and all the rest of it but long term they seem to be
sacrificing a lot of things that are very important in a healthy and complete life and they become
to regret later when the opportunity has passed specifically having children family and every
career guy will tell you that at the end of the day having a family is much more important than
having had a great career because a great career is very very fragile whereas a great family is
very very sturdy and gives you an emotional sustenance that a great career can never give you
absolutely and we are social creatures so at the end of the day we do want to at least be with
family be with friends have a families way more fulfilling a career will come to an end and you'll
be alone unfortunately do you think that right-wing panels on YouTube their days are numbered
their time is coming to an end do you think there's going to come a point where they're just
gonna we already know that many of them have been demonetised but do you think they're going
to start outright banning many of them in in math numbers and so far as banning them no but this
limited state is essentially the same thing a limited state for those of you who might not know is
a new policy that Google is rolling out whereby essentially a video of a controversial youtuber is
essentially left adrift with no links to any other similar content so unless you know that youtuber
specifically you'll never find their content okay and I suspect that something like that happened
to me because I put out like about 20 videos and I barely had 150 to 200 subscribers and then all
of a sudden is sort of picked up because I was very lucky there were a certain big youtubers
specifically mr. medic er who helped me out helped me get more more well-known among the
the community that we were part of and it seems that this limited state this gulag that YouTube is
imposing is is much worse than outright banning because gives you the illusion that you know
your content is out there but nobody's connecting with it so therefore it demoralizes you whereas
if you were outright banned it would be a more more of a bigger splash if you will I mean see it's
the Streisand effect yeah if you ban somebody then everybody know this is it but if you don't ban
them and you leave them in this limited state which is a similar to what happens in Twitter
Twitter does this throttling business which is basically they isolate a particular Twitter user and
so their tweets don't really go out very much and people actually don't even see these tweets on
their feed and so they get demoralized and so that's a pattern it's demoralisation D monetization
which as of today as a matter of fact we're speaking on a Thursday the 17th of August whole
swaths of the of the what you would call center right right a classical liberal type some alt right
some up light but the sort of right-wing leaning in general they've all been suddenly demonetized
all of them the war ski brothers computing forever armored skeptic all of them all at once had all
of their videos hundreds of thousands collectively of videos have all of a sudden being and Vindi
monetized and that's the second stage and I don't think that we're ever going to see though
outright banning because it raises too much of a ruckus but this limited state well that's just
Terms of Service of YouTube and what's a guy going to do right so it that's what I think is going
to happen yeah I mean even luke rudkowski I always pronounce his last name wrong so I'm sorry
but he I know that over 600 of his videos were demonetized in one day and he is a journalist just
he tries to be as objective as possible he tries to report both sides he doesn't come out publicly
about his political views which is really interesting but also I've heard that generally when you
subscribe to a channel and they publish a new video you'll get a notification on your phone when
they publish a new video but I've heard tons of reports of people saying I'm not getting the
notifications so they don't know when a new videos out to watch it and then also I've heard tons
of reports of people saying oh suddenly I'm losing tons of subscribe to subscribers like water
going through you know bucket with holes and it suddenly they're just mask losing subscribers
and this is not normal it's almost as if in the same way that on Twitter a while back people were
talking about that they were suddenly losing followers and people were like why am i
unfollowed from you I was following you and I didn't do this it's almost like YouTube's doing
the same thing and maybe that is also a way to demoralize you as well like oh people don't like
me anymore what's going on you know yeah I I had that experience myself as a matter of fact a
couple of weeks ago I lost something like 2% of my subscriber base in a single second it just
they just been gone and my thinking is that well they blame it on the bots you know the bot is the
ultimate excuse they blamed it on the bot when Jordan Peterson was completely deep platform
from Google I mean either you can took away his gmail account and Jordan Peterson is really
too big a fish for them to just simply discard that casually and but it still took several hours for
him to be replac formed as well but it seems clear to me that these big tech essentially have
monopolies over their respective areas Princeton YouTube sure there's vid mean there is a
dailymotion and a couple of others but youtube is the ballgame insofar as freeform videos video
content is concerned and they have this monopsony and they are d monetizing they are putting
people in limited state they are using their monopoly to slant their content in a particular political
direction I mean I don't think anybody sensible would say that oh we should allow all content on
YouTube because there are certain content that we do not want for instance obviously
pornography art obviously you know snuff films or are those videos from Isis where they show
them throwing some homosexual off a roof times I don't want that clearly there's a whole
category of videos that everybody can agree with that we don't want but insofar as political
content well where do you draw the line and the thing is see that the people on the Left who are
happy with this situation don't understand that eventually that line will be moved over to where
they are sitting and they will be sliced by that line and they will be demonetised and deep
platforms just as surely as the right is being demonetised in the platform right now and and that's
the horror of the situation yeah contributing to their own demise although they accurately they
don't really realize it but but they will soon one day also it sorry to interrupt but it's also
contributing something else it's really interesting which is the radicalization of people because
people are getting angrier and it's becoming a black-and-white issue you know the the shades of
Gray's are just peering and it's becoming you know us or them and I think that that kind of
polarization is extremely dangerous especially in the current times that we're living in where we
have a very controversial president we have a rudderless administration and we have to face facts
they don't know what they're doing they're just sailing along without any clear policy goals or
any kind of clear direction and in in domestic and economic and foreign affairs I mean they're
just adrift and and this is a recipe for chaos and anarchy and a lot of problems and and you know
well I did something else it doesn't seem that very cohesive administration at this point there's a
lot of people who don't want to listen to him who speak out against um all these kinds of things
he is a leader trying to control and obviously do good things for America but it's very hard
because these people obstructing them every step of the way so I can't even imagine what's going
on in the White House on a daily basis it must be insane but I know so actually kind of tied into
all this obviously the current political climate is extremely eated far more heated than we have
seen it in well at least in my lifetime that I can recall so do you think one side is more to blame
than the other for the current climate or are they equally to blame because right now we're seeing
the extremes we're seeing the extreme right and the extreme left we have the Charlottesville issue
that we're not going to get into because it's been done to death but we also see an Tifa now so
people are like oh I chief is to blame oh the the white nationalists of whites who premises
whatever are to blame no no no it's the center that's to blame you see the center the political
center has essentially curtailed any kind of serious political debate our whole host of issues
specifically economic issues because at the end of the day it's your rice bowl that matters people
care about their rice bowl everything else is secondary and the problem that we have had over
the last twenty years is that with the implementation by both parties the Democrats and the
Republicans of neoliberal economic policies that have loosened capital controls or done away
with them so the capital is able to go wherever it wants to where you have the elimination of
trade barriers what you have had happen is the exporting of jobs millions of jobs have been
exported from the democracies of the West to the poor developing countries China Vietnam
Mexico I mean we all know the list and so what's happened is that it's left huge swathes of the
population of the Western democracies without jobs and without a sense of purpose because one
of the things that you have to understand especially for men that a lot of people fail to understand
or fail to to give enough weight to is that see for a man to be truly happy it's not just that he has a
job he has a job that is worthwhile that is a sacrifice that that he is happy to take for the benefit of
his family now the problem that we are having now is that we are and be in the when the riptides
of the sexual revolution whereby the traditional family roles are have been eroded significantly
so you have a lot of men who don't know how to be men because they were not taught how to be
men and there's also a culture that actively despises them for being men are wanting to be met a
wanting to have a family in Milan que tiene t exactly they call it toxic masculinity when before
that was something that was praised the notion of a paterfamilias the the notion of the man of the
house it was something that was praised and something to aspire to and today it's belittled
especially by the elites and that the elites notion percolates through the entire society and also be
the I feel frankly I feel sorry for your sex for women because women it seems to me in our
current society are taught values that go directly against women's happiness because women that
I'm an old fart I know enough about people and about women to know that most women don't
want to be flooding around sleeping with everybody who crosses their path what they want to
have is a nice strong family you know and and build a nest as it were and yes I know I'm going
to be called sexist and you know whatever is you can throw at me I'm sure but it's the truth all
right because this state of affairs that the sexual revolution has upturned it was going on for not
just merely millennia but since the dawn of the species okay this this epoch that we're living in
this is new this is new fangled this has never really been done before or let me rephrase it when it
has happened it has usually been during the decay stages of great empires and we can get into
that whole debate but that's for a much longer podcast my thinking is that the women especially
have been sold a bill of goods that make them profoundly unhappy see a young woman
especially smart women who go to good universities you know Ivy League schools or top-tier
University they are it's drilled into them that they should be a they should be men basically that
they should go out and get a career and get a job and climb the corporate ladder that they should
use members of the opposite sex as sexual playthings as opposed to try to create any kind of
sensible long lasting emotional relationship they are taught that the whole notion of motherhood
is an option as opposed to one of the most important things that a woman can do with their life
and so what happens is that they pursue a career they forego the notion of childhood at least in
their 20s and early 30s thinking that oh they have plenty of time when of course they don't see
most studies indicate and this is not controversial that after the ages of thirty four thirty five a
woman's chances of contre of conceiving a child drop off significantly I'm talking seventy
percent alright and at the prime age to have for a woman to conceive is anywhere between
roughly the ages of 19 and 28 that rough decade is is it you know prime you know child rearing
years but they are taught they are socialized without even realizing it into foregoing that and
pursuing a career a career that does not make them happy alright and the funny thing is and what
I'm about to say is gonna sound incredibly Marxist but it's true you see the people who benefit
from women going into the workforce and mas especially smart women the educated driven
women the hard-working young women the people who benefit our corporations are the
capitalists the oligarchs because you see if you have just men lawyers and no women lawyers
well the cost of an hour of a lawyer's time is going to be say for the sake of argument $500 an
hour but if you have an equal number of women working just as hard then the average price of
that lawyer is going to drop by half of course right supply and demand when you have more
supply of something the price of that something drops off significantly and you're talking about
an hour of intellectual labor in a modern economy and so who benefits cui bono who benefits
from women going in math especially educated strong-willed determined women who benefits
from them going into the workforce and forgoing their familiar lives children and what have you
it's large corporations it's the capitalist society that we're living in and so we especially young
women have been socialized into thinking that that's what they should do and they don't realize
that they are being used as dray horses and that's a horrible vision but that is essentially what is
happening now you see men traditionally would do this because they were making the conscious
sacrifice of their personal happiness during their work day doing some miserable job that they
did not like in order to provide for their families but now both men and women are being
socialized into pursuing careers that do not make them happy for the sake of what they are not
striving for anything greater than themselves because that's the great secret of past generations
they were striving for something greater than themselves and that is what makes a man and a
woman truly happy to be aiming for a goal greater than themselves as opposed to aiming for
their own selfish narcissistic happiness I mean frankly how many pairs of shoes do you need to
be happy how many pairs of shoes can you use at the same time I mean is a closet full of Manolo
Blahniks does that make you happier than having a couple of small children running around
gleefully at your home I mean I would think that those small children would make you infinitely
happier society is not teaching young women or young men that on the contrary teaching them
you know buy the expensive shoes buy the expensive cars go into debt to buy all this crap that
you don't really don't need well and so it brings a kind of transy and happiness in the moment
materialism consuming but then of course after a while it goes away and you're no longer happy
and you need to consume more and so it's just this never-ending process but with a drug
addiction yeah this is rogue addiction let me weigh into the workforce it's not only that
ultimately at the end of the day they might not be coppy it's also a detriment to our society
because then fewer people are getting married fewer people are having families or it's not just
about having families having kids populating years it's about having strong families that makes
all the difference so but but if you're at work it's very difficult to to be there for your children and
help mold them in the way that you want them their their minds molded giving them the
foundation that you would like to pass on all these different things so it's very difficult because
you can never trust what like what the daycare going to teach your kids unless you really trust a
nanny or something it's a different thing and sometimes women have to work I understand that
completely but for those that just want to yeah but you also have to keep in mind that who is
going to care for a child better or more with more care than the child's mother who you know this
is your mother you can't sit down and like exactly exactly you know and so uh mom be that as it
may it seems that you see all this goes back to basic problems of philosophy specifically what is
the good life because that's the thing of Western philosophy a philosophy is another of the
cultures Confucianism one have you they have different problems than Western philosophy
Western philosophy is unique in that one of the key problems was what makes a good life all
right a career does not do that for you what makes a good life is to have an aim a goal greater
than yourself not yourself I view yourself as a person you know who you are and you're not that
interesting to yourself because you're you write very very few people are true narcissists but our
society is encouraging mass narcissism in order to sell us things so that people can become richer
materially speaking but not richer in a spiritual sentence now insofar as what I've tried to do with
my own channel I'm trying to little by little video by video you know a little 5 10 and 20 minutes
increments trying to give my audience sort of like a notion of how to build a good life all right
because I think that most important thing to build a good life to build a life that at the end of the
day you will be proud of and that you will have had something to strive for greater than yourself
and not simply selfish pursuits because there are a lot of people like for instance in the so called
pickup artist community they're just about getting laid and that's boring alright because you get
to a certain age where you realize it's very easy to get laid as often as you want and it's not
satisfying alright that's not the issue the issue in a man's life is to strive for something greater
than themselves and to build something greater than themselves because I mean every man has
known the sensation of building something something sometimes it's just trivial as building a
table and you spend you know a weekend building this really nice table with the tools at hand
and it comes out beautiful and there's a sense of satisfaction a sense of deep connection with
something profound alright and that sense of fulfillment can only be achieved by striving for
something greater and that's what I'm trying to pass along that this is always young men should
be looking for something greater than themselves and thinking long term because so much of our
society is so short-term they don't even think beyond the next year and you know I always tell
my my followers that the days are long but the decades are short and what does that mean it
means that you know you're going in your day to day and you have to do this you have to do that
you have to go here you have to go there and and it just seems like so much stuff like each day is
so long and so packed full of things that you have to do but then all of a sudden you look back
and 10 years have got behind you 20 years I'm 49 and I can assure you that 19 which is 30 years
ago when I was 19 it feels like yesterday it's like and sometimes I think myself around I'm just a
little bit older than 19 aren't I and then I looked down at my paunch so and and then the fact that
I'm going bald and I've got gray hair and I'm like holy cow three decades got behind me how the
hell did that happen it was just just the other day right that's the problem yeah kind of related
since I know you said you dedicate a lot of your content specifically to men so I'm curious then
what do you think makes a good strong man what qualities in your opinion should he absolutely
put that he should have confidence a confidence how can I put it see with a firm handshake and a
confident smile a man can accomplish pretty much anything all right you have to have
confidence in the way to build confidence is little by little I look around at young men you know
19 20 year-olds 25 year-olds 30 years old year olds and they are so lacking in confidence and it
comes from several sources number one most of these young men were raised by women
because they come from broken homes or else they had a father figure of some sort perhaps our
very own father who was so tentative about the notion of masculinity of being a man of being a
father of teaching things to his son that he had no idea what it meant to be a man and so he
comes out of his familial shell almost like a cripple and also our society on the one hand is hell-
bent for leather on making men look bad that men are stupid that men are toxic that masculinity
is toxic and all the rest of it and so from the culture men are stupid and morons and diss and I'd
be on to the commercials you watch commercials in the man is always that the ditz the idiot and
the wife is the one doing it all keeping over yeah exactly yeah and we have so many movies
where you have basically this Mary Sue character who's this go-getting girl she can do it all and
the guy is like this velaryon movie is just classic in that regard and the inner well it doesn't
matter I haven't seen it myself either I was told this but but my point is see the culture is saying
that men are stupid and toxic and losers the the issue of hate speech for instance and affirmative
action creates our stock receipts in our society we think that we're in democracy we're not the
West Marcus's are not democracies because since there's hate speech codes since there are
affirmative action program so whatever sort I'm not talking about only for black people but
they're also for women and for other minorities well what you basically have is that see some
people are protected just by virtue of them belonging to certain tasks or class of people and so
that is the definition of an aristocracy see because you can insult white men all you want you can
kick them to death if you want to verbally speak in verbally saying of course but if you say
anything about some other like a lesbian cripple black women if you say anything about her and
especially if she's overweight you know you're branded a Nazi you know she is protected she is
untouchable because you've got you know intersectionality and all that right so she in this
aristocracy that we have created which is crazy we have some people who are above other people
and the problem is that see young men today are at the bottom of the barrel they are the ones and
so not only do they come from broken homes not only do they have very few ideas of what it
means to be a man and and nobody to give them any guidance practical guidance as to how to be
a man well the problem is also that in the society at large there at the bottom of the barrel and so
they look around and they're just victims and they're like little cripples and to grow out of that to
climb out of that is very very difficult the ones who do tend to be quite frankly either a little bit
psychopathic to be perfectly frank because who but you know somebody semi crazy you would
be able to easily just toss off all this frankly all this shit that is thrown it I think it comes down
also to Parenthood if you have a really great parents that instill all this into you and tell and
inform you about the entire narrative against right now all these kinds of things they have a
better chance and I don't think they necessarily but so it comes very much down to your parents
yes yeah and because they are oh well I'm not saying that only confident men are sidewise know
what I'm saying is that there are very very rare yes because it's the amount of shit that young men
are getting is unbelievable and the thing is I didn't quite believe it myself because I'm a different
generation and talking with a lot of younger guys like they tell me things that really just you can't
believe it and so what happens is that see it's difficult to grow that self-confidence and that's what
they need they need that self-confidence to feel that you know and the only way to get self-
confidence not self-esteem not just getting the TRO and the participation trophy self-esteem is
just a bunch of bullshit what young men need is self-confidence and the only way to earn self-
confidence is by developing something and watching it grow and seeing how your direct actions
have influence on the world change the world for the better alright and the first thing way to start
of course is by focusing on yourself and you look at yourself and you say yourself you know I'm
a big fat tub of lard how can I improve and you start dieting you start exercising you start lifting
weights you start getting into better shape and that's one step but then you start thinking well you
know I'm an ignorant buffoon because my schooling was horrible it taught me all this cultural
Marxist crap that has no use whatsoever so you start reading and you start reading the right
books not just any books the right books meaning the classics because the classics even the
classics that people debate doesn't matter they're all good all right you can say Oh Thomas
Hobbes and John Locke or this and that and you know imagine you all didn't know anything and
it's all about George George hey go screw that they're all good and they all teach you and they all
teach you and improve your mind and make you think in a more rational logical way just by the
fact that you're tagging along to these classic writers because all you dead white males the one
thing that they hadn't corn for them was that they're irrational as all get-out right that's what
made them great and the great thing about them is that as you read great novelists great writers
great thinkers I'm talking Dustin F ski all right yeah dusty asked me yeah Oh fiction except the
brothers karamazov which I'm currently reading but among other things I know it's one of the
bats I don't know why saved for last but crime and punishment is obviously glorious and notes
from underground all of them even all those short stories everything yeah I love them yeah those
notes from underground yeah by the way are you reading that is parenthetically the heavy our
translation velocity pepper really I generally read the Penguin Classics translations whatever
those are I was told that those are the best translations and so I kind of stuck with them ever since
could I read a ton of classic Russian authors from Sultan each in to check out to Tolstoy of who's
put Pushkin everyone so Nick oh really - I know both amazing yeah not just Russian I read the
classics all across the board but the Russians just they speak to me in a way that the others don't
yeah and well I'm growing all these classic writers you you you take them in and they change
you that's what great art does that's what great thinkers do they change you for the better even
when you disagree with them because there are a lot of writers a lot of great thinkers that you can
disagree with but they force you to argue with them they force you to be more thoughtful and
more precise in your thinking and that's the great thing about reading these great novelists these
great thinkers these great writers even when you're disagreeing with them you think better but
you know the current education is not about that it's about not hurting people's feelings which is
nonsense there's also another concept that's really important it seems to me to round off this issue
of what young men should be doing is that the concept of anti fragile Nicholas Taleb the the the
traitor and thinker well he wrote this book called anti fragile and as the the conceit is extremely
simple he said that basically systems when exposed to constant pressure tend to become stronger
robust and systems that lack any consistent pressure become weaker more fragile and and the
obvious example uses our human bones you know when the astronauts go up to space to the
International Space Station and they're there for six months what have you in floating in
weightlessness their bones of course because there's no gravity they are not under any kind of
pressure right and when they come back to earth their bones are so weakened that they have to be
very careful and many of them suffer stress fractures because their bones have been weakened by
the lack of pressure and as the weeks and then months after they come back to earth their bones
start getting stronger and stronger because of gravity putting that constant pressure on them same
with systems the same with people the more you pressure something the stronger it is yet our
education system goes in the exact opposite direction it tries to coddle people Philip DeFranco
was talking about this crazy professor in Georgia was saying that he would let people give
themselves whatever grade that they wanted for the class what the hell is that all about I actually
kind of I love Philip DeFranco personally I think that he's generally very fair and so I will pretty
much watch everything he puts out I think yeah I'm very thankful for his content for sure
especially because he has such a massive audience so yeah yeah he does he's a terrific guy and I
he's some he is somebody that I really respect because when he was younger and you know you
on YouTube you you could practically see him grow up he was a douche bag he was like oh
really it was a douche right I've only been watching him for like mmm one to two years okay
well I remember like way back in the day he was popular way back he because he was always
looking trying to get people on he has grown into a remarkable man a remarkably decent man
okay and that's an example of somebody who turned out right in the sense that you know you
start it off is down my situation as he himself has said I'm not going to discuss it specifically
because he said it much better than I have that I could and and it's really his story as it were but
his situation was extremely difficult really horrible situation of just you know you know his
father was out of the picture and there were like his mother boyfriends it was like a whole
horrible situation the guy was a messed up kid and you could see that on his videos when he was
younger right he was just a messed up crazy kid and he developed into a really great man
because of the pressure and the things that he decided that he wanted to accomplish okay so
going back to your original question how to improve young men well two things develop a goal
a thing that you want and don't be afraid of pressure in fact go looking for that pressure because
that pressure will make you stronger you can break it could easily break you but you know you
something breaks you you you you put the pieces back together and get up and we again you
know look in my own case I have suffered catastrophic failures in mine and they have been
pretty miserable yeah when they say that you know failure is horrible add pretty much is but the
thing is the great thing about it is when you crash I mean like completely crash your life your
career what have you you know you're you're sitting there and the debris and the smoke is
clearing and you sit up and you're like all bruised and banged up and you think yourself the first
thing that you think is I was like well it really sucks but it wasn't that horrible you know yeah
that's very in the moment sometimes it's pretty kind of struck but then later on down the road you
can laugh about it like all of my failures all the things that I tried to accomplish now I laugh
about them but in the moment it was a bit harder to be a you're crying and you're weeping and ah
yeah of course but the thing is see it's not the end of what nothing is the end of the world except
the end of the world oh yeah and everything can be solved everything can be managed even the
worst defeat can become the harbinger of a great success so are the best successes okay so but
that's the thing I always say because these young men are so afraid that's the thing that drives me
a little bit nuts they are so afraid of failure they're so afraid of the even not even failure
sometimes they're afraid of looking bad all right I fail you're looking bad crashing into a wall you
know it's not that bad and in point of fact in the long run it'll make for a better life yeah more
complete life it's natural to because no one's perfect they no one succeeds all the time in fact the
majority of people fail more than they succeed so it's perfectly natural nothing to be embarrassed
or ashamed about for the people who are watching this you and I talked a little bit before this
show about what we're going to talk about I like picking it off in a completely random direction
where you once ago I'm gonna have to have you on again I think because we're running out of
time I'm gonna ask you one more question and then for the other ones I'll save them maybe add a
few more and I'll have to have you on again because this has been really enjoyable I think a great
very easy conversation so my last question for you is do you think that politics is dehumanizing
us and I'm not just saying one side may be focus on your opinions about how it's affecting both
sides or all the many sides whatever you want to say not to put everyone in only two boxes yeah
that's a really interesting question the question is does politics dehumanize us politics is a natural
part of human existence we've always been political creatures because we are social creatures
yeah and we are social creatures and more importantly we have hierarchies we have people who
are higher up on the totem pole than others our positions are constantly shifting with Withey
among our each other you know relative to one another we're like passing elevators if you will
right some of us are up some of us are down some of us are up but not as high as others who are
higher up and in turn that there are others higher above them and then there are different people
than well you understand now the thing is see the problem is not politics the problem is that the
Western democracies have gone through a period of incredible stability over the last 70 odd
years ever since the end of the Second World War especially over the last twenty seven years
from the collapse of the Soviet Union you see this period of the last almost three decades has
been incredibly calm incredibly static there has been no great political debates no great
ideological clashes everybody agrees the Democrats and the Republicans for instance on the
economic front they agree on everything they're neoliberal they believe in neoliberal economic
policies you know insofar as foreign affairs insofar as just about everything that you can name
there are differences of opinion that are so slight but of course what happens is that you know
Ford's notion of the narcissism of small differences kicks in where you see an opposing side and
they have tiny little differences and they get blown out of proportion as if you know they're the
Biel and though it's like you know the people who you know the Yankees and the and the Mets
you know they're two ball teams in New York they're practically the same thing but you know
you say that to some New Yorkers but I'm going to hit you in the mouth right because of the
narcissism of small differences so my point is over the last three decades this political status has
created it's not just a political homogeneity it's been a it's failed to address certain problems that
have been festering over the last three decades specifically the unemployment or lack of
opportunity of middle class and lower middle class working men because all their jobs in the
Western democracies got exported over the last thirty years they don't have work the blue-collar
jobs are gone and those men they don't have any opportunities and they can't retrain for anything
because there is a natural hierarchy of people on this earth and some people are blessed with a
great deal of intellect and they can be the surgeons they can be the great lawyers and what-have-
you but most of us are average average and a lot of us are below average and because of this they
need a job some kind of work but the work that they traditionally had for hundreds of years is
gone that blue-collar working-class job no longer exists and so if these men and they are a huge
chunk of the popular they are in fact the driving engine of the Western democracies they are idle
they are living paycheck to paycheck did you know that three quarters three out of four
Americans cannot scrounge up $700 if they have an emergency they simply do not have the
wherewithal you know that's shocking three quarters of the population cannot come up with
$700 okay and for an emergency prefer like their car breaks down or they have a sudden you
know medical emergency or what have you we out of or cannot come up with $700 $700 was the
minimum wage is about the I don't know twelve dollars or something of that okay just to make
the math simple that's basically 50 hours of work they can't come up with that money they can't
if it's a week and a half of labor and they cannot get that money they don't have it everybody's
broke the working classes are ruined and that is the problem that has been festering over the last
thirty years that is coming to a head those are the people who wrote is for Trump those are the
people who are supporting the make America great again who are more right-leaning and they
are creating a reaction by the people who have been made aristocrats in this new paradigm the
protected classes they are they are who is fighting here right now you know we have
Charlottesville and everybody is talking about that but is fighting you have working class white
people white men and you have an Tifa and who doesn't if I represent or think that they represent
they represent the minority racial manure is a sexual minorities women and those are groups are
clashing okay this is very simple what's going on all right and and I think that pot would to go
back to your question it's not that politics are toxic or politics are bad it's that politics are
currently are not addressing the problems are facing the Western democracies they are refusing
to face them problems of immigration in Westerner not only that they're denying the exist and
this is why is adding that exactly so we are having a political class that refuses to look at
problems in the face because they prefer you know nice empty platitudes about revolution and
we're going to do you know this and that and you know pleasant sounding bullshit instead of
actually facing the effect and that's why Trump was so popular because he was actually saying
things that were true that nobody else was saying that's why he won the problem is of course that
he doesn't know how to solve these problems and that's becoming increasingly evident every day
we need politicians a political class or a political group or a political movement that has actual
real political ideas that can be implemented to solve the problems that we currently have in the
Western democracies all right so it looks like I've come to the end of my questions thank you so
much though for joining me coach where's the best place for people to find you online you can
find me at my channel on youtube just coach red pill and you're sure to find me right away okay
great and are you on Twitter as well yeah also coach red pill on Twitter okay and you know the
answer and on Twitter I just curl and just just do a lot of crazy stuff but youtube is my main
source is much more serious as it were okay wonderful I will link those below so if you guys
have enjoyed this interview I would hopefully you have then you can go and follow subscribe to
coach follow him on Twitter so thank you so much everyone for listening and thank you once
again coach it's been wonderful having you I appreciate your time thank you so much for having
me yeah of course

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