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Data Analysis and Artificial Generation of Product Reviews

John Feilmeier

4.1: Source files

Source files, both in CSV and ARFF format, are available at my project's ​Github repository​[1]. The
raw data from which I am generating these CSV and ARFF files (`review_data_big_raw.csv`) has
been turned in via `make turnitin` on acad.

4.2 Initial Documentation

4.2a: Data Source

The source of my dataset is customer reviews of various products on A list of URLs of
the products’ review pages is available in the `​dataRetreival` section ​of my project repository[2]. I
selected these products by searching using free association, and sorting the results by
those items with the most ratings using the ​`Amazon™ Sort - Number of Reviews`​ plugin[3] for
Google’s Chrome web browser.

4.2b: Goals
As one of the most-used e-commerce companies in the U.S.[4], provides millions of
customers[5] across the nation with numerous products and services, and many of these customers
leave reviews of the products they have purchased. These reviews can be very important[6] to a
product, as shoppers with access to many similar items will choose those with better ratings. This
provides the interested data analyst with a huge repository of labelled natural language data. My
goal in analyzing this data is to find consistencies in the similarly-rated reviews for different
products, and consistencies in the similar products for high or low-rating reviews. These
similarities may then be helpful in automatic text generation using an LSTM neural network.
Another more personal goal is to expand my knowledge of Natural Language Processing and
generating content with Long Short-Term Memory neural nets. This is an interesting field that has
many applications in user interface design and machine learning, and this project is an opportunity
for me to dive in and get some experience with it.
The data from product reviews is a popular one, and has been explored for ​various​[7]
outcomes​[8]. I scraped my data from Amazon, so my product reviews are unlikely to match the
datasets used by others. As far as my knowledge of other projects, I am beginning a new analysis of
this data.

4.2c: Steps Taken So Far

To begin with, I retrieved the amazon review data (product name, rating, review title, review text,
etc. ) as a JSON file, using techniques from two web-scraping tutorials[9]. At first, I was only getting
a few reviews for each product, leading to a small dataset and poor initial results. I found the ​second
tutorial/ guide (referenced at [9]) and added some of that functionality to the initial script. The
change in URL caused some of the previous code to break, so I had to inspect the HTML in
ChromeTools to find the proper location of the Title and Price information. I then wrote a python
script to parse the JSON data and write it to a raw CSV file[10].
The next step was to try to figure out what useful information I could coax/squeeze/beat out of the
‘bag-of-words’ contained in the raw data. Using NLTK[11] and some incredibly helpful tutorials[13]
about NLP and machine learning in Python, I wrote some functions to generate two classes of
output. The first is simply a CSV file with the most common words as headers, each review row
giving a ‘True’ value if it contained the word. The second involved some more extensive processing
with the NLTK library. The review text is tokenized and lemmatized[14], and the results are then
checked for spelling errors and labelled to find the correct part of speech. The list of tagged words is
then processed to retrieve the percentages of nouns, verbs, etc. that make up the review or the
review title. Using the english stop word list from NLTK, percentages of stop words or meaningful
words are also generated.

Challenges ​ Opportunities
The less complex process has two parameters that can change the nature of the output. Looking
into the resulting files, I saw some oddly specific words that had made it into the top 200 words,
and so added the ability to turn each review into a Python ‘set’ before processing. This prevents
reviews with heavily repeated words from distorting the most-used words across all reviews. This
created a somewhat changed dataset. I also added the option to use the tokenized review, which
simply parses a review into a list of unchanged words, or the lemmatized review, which uses the
NLTK lemmatizer to convert the words into some calculated root word.
While the NLTK library is indispensable, I am also unsure of how effective some of the stemming
and lemmatizer functions are at producing good data. Working with a large dataset, it is a challenge
to go through and actually read all of the results to make sure they make sense. That is the main
reasoning behind having 4 options for the simpler program. If I can generate a few different
permutation of the data, hopefully one produces reliable models and I can find out why it did and
the others didn’t.
The spell checking is based on the Enchant ​port ​for Python[15]. I have not mastered its application
yet, as a cursory glance at the results show a fairly high percentage of misspelled words. My own
preconceptions about users’ literacy and the effort to correct accidental spelling mistakes leads me
to think that a good measure of spelling accuracy will be helpful in classifying reviews, but I am also
interested to be proven wrong.

4.2d: Commercial Applications

The results of this analysis could be used in any area where some qualitative text must be generated
for an item or experience. Ethical and legal considerations aside, companies could generate spam
positive reviews for their products that could pass for human-created text, pushing their product
rating up and to the top of the results for searched keywords on e-commerce websites. The results
could also be used in Research and Development to see what customers are focusing on when they
leave positive or negative reviews, providing feedback to the producers of the product about where
there is success and where there is room for improvement.
This same process, if not overfitted to product reviews, could be used for other human-written
forms as well. As automation begins to replace much of the mundane work of form completion,
many forms still require a written textual account. If a dataset of previous written textual accounts
could be analyzed, much of this extra work could be eliminated, freeing up the employee’s time for
more valuable pursuits.

4.2e: ML and modelling Techniques

My goal is to predict whether a review is positive or negative, or for one product or another, so I
anticipate most of the analytical techniques used on this dataset to be nominal classification. For the
‘bag-of-words’ approach, my initial thought is that a Naive Bayes-type of algorithm will give a good
result, as none of the attributes (the common words) are necessarily related to each other. For the
morte complex dataset, I think some sort of Decision Tree or Decision Table will be my best bet, as
the structure of the data I generated from the raw state shows statistics about each review, those
values having been generated from the string and their values intertwined. I also plan to throw this
data into a LSTM neural net and see what happens.
WEKA, Scikit-learn data-mining package for Python, and Keras with both TensorFlow and Theano
backends will provide me with the data analytics platforms I will use for this analysis. RapidMiner
may be used for data visualization, as it has more advanced capabilities than WEKA and is simpler
than the python library Matplotlib to use.

4.2f: Other Interesting Items

While I do have a dataset prepared, I am curious as to whether one set of reviews may be more
predictive than others, or if there is some product with reviews that are more representative of the
general population’s reviewing. My choice of products was entirely arbitrary, and this choice was
made to remove the likelihood of product-specific words from being counted as very important. I
may find that a single product with many reviews, such as the Kindle Fire tablet, can provide a
better model to apply to the other random reviews.
Another aspect of this project that grabs me is that the raw data, while useful as a dataset in its own
right, can be processed in many ways to possibly provide a more useful dataset. While I may not
unlock the unanswered secrets of Natural Language Processing, I will be able to objectively judge
the efficacy of my parsing of the review data, as the simpler ‘bag-of-words’ and my more heavily
processed data face off in the various machine learning algorithms at my disposal.

5.1: Source files

Source files, both in CSV and ARFF format, are available at my project's ​Github repository​[1], in the
arffFiles ​and ​parseResultCSVFiles ​directories. The files used are ​Big_Bigram_goodbad.arff​ and
Big_Bigram_goodbad_SELECTED.arff​[1] for the bigram data, and B ​ ig_Smart_goodbad.arff​ and
Big_Smart_goodbad_SELECTED.arff​[23] for the ‘smart’ data.

5.2 Project Documentation

5.2a: Additional Data Collection

After some analysis, I found that my initial data collection was unbalanced. I had collected the first
50 pages of reviews, sorted by those most recently written. As it turns out, most of the oft-reviewed
products on that I found have an average rating of over 3.5 stars, with the bulk of
those reviews being 4 - or 5 stars. I tried removing some of the positive reviews from my dataset to
make the data more egalitarian, but the resulting dataset was small enough that the quality of
predictions began to fall.
Returning to the reviews page for some of my chosen products on, I found that I could
sort the reviews by ‘Positive’ (4 or five stars) or ‘Critical’ (less than 4 stars). I went back to my
source URLs and had them sorted by those that had highest rating (‘Top Rated’), and separately
scraped the first 50 pages of reviews for both Positive and Critical reviews, leaving the computer to
chug through the scripts while I got myself a snack. When I returned, I was horrified to find that not
only were most of the entries for product reviews totally empty, but that I had hard-coded the
output files for the data and effectively wiped out all of my data! Digging deeper, I found that the
titles of these missing product reviews were all ‘Robot Check’. I had removed the ‘sleep’ instruction
in my web-scraping script (to save time) and Amazon’s bot checking algorithms caught and tagged
my computer and connection string as a web spider!
Fortunately, I had not pushed these latest changes to my GitHub repository and could retrieve my
previous data. Unfortunately, I still needed more reviews. I searched around the internet and found
that I was not the first to make this mistake, and that by changing my connection string (and
reintroducing the sleep timer) I might be able to start scraping again. With a 3 second rest between
website requests and a new name, I was able to successfully retrieve the increased dataset that I
used for the rest of the project, with only 17% more positive reviews than negative, compared to
the nearly 75% ratio of the original data.
In my initial tests of the newer data scraping script, I collected a smaller sample dataset consisting
of positive and critical reviews for 3 different coffee makers. I wanted to see what the difference in
the active bigrams would be when all the product reviews were for a similar product. This was also
to save myself the hours it would take to collect bad data in the event that my new user string did
not work. This run did work, and the active word and word pairings reflect the source products,
with ‘coffee’, ‘machine’, ’water’, ‘the coffee’, ‘coffee maker’, ‘this machine’, ‘of coffee’, and ‘mr
coffee’, among the highest occuring words and bigrams in the reviews.

5.2b: Goals Reached

I am pleased with the accomplishments made in this project. While I did not achieve above 80
percent for any of the classification or prediction methods, I have managed to collect, process,
create and apply models, and generate novel reviews. I tried to vary my approaches to these
different goals, processing my data into two main camps: a simpler ‘bag-of-words’ set of data, and a
‘smarter’ set that utilizes different natural language processing techniques to create a dataset ​about
the data, instead of counting words.


I am happy with the results of this aspect of my project. I didn’t think I would get over 60%
accuracy given the dataset I am working with. People all over the country, at different ages,
different literacy levels, different languages and accents, with different opinions, all writing and
rating these products they have bought. In spite of all that, there are things that we have in common
in the way we express ourselves on Of the two approaches I took, the ‘bag-of-words’
had better accuracy. This is probably due in part to my beginner knowledge of NLP, and therefore
the failings of my ‘smart’ dataset. It may also be related to the nature of these online reviews, where
grammatical analysis is more evenly spread across all products and ratings, and relate more to the
individual reviewer than the rating or product itself.


This goal was abandoned in favor of spending more time on the text generation. The initial attempts
to classify reviews by their product were rarely better than a random guess, and the removal of the
product name dropped the accuracy of classifications by less than one percent. This may have been
due to the random list of products I chose, or the number. I’m sure that if I had scraped data of only
two products that the results would have been better, but it seems like the choice of the product
would matter more so than the differences between the products.
“i'm getting ready however it does not dissappoint full of the chicken
and he loved it however with other hair supplements on the bottom
of the tabletop of the quality is great product at a great product can't
beat the price they are quite deep it has started togrow my i”

-Markov Chain text generator

"ld it was a gift for my daughter for a good product i had to return it
and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality
is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my
daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the
sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt
for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and
the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a
gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter
and the sound quality is a gigt for my “

-LSTM Neural Net and over 20 hours of my life

This aspect of the project was fascinating and produced some very interesting results. I used both
LSTM Neural net and a Markov Chain technique to produce text. Building the model for the LSTM
took 18 hours to complete! The Markov, on the other hand, was very quick and produced more
legible results.


Not only did I catch on to some of the basics of Natural Language Processing, but I also learned to
use some new tools in Python and WEKA. My work on this project has confirmed my suspicions that
NLP is an incredibly interesting field of study, and I hope to have the opportunity to learn more
about this realm of computer science.

5.2c: Machine Learning/ Modelling Techniques

On the Bigram version of the ‘bag-of-words’ dataset, I used the WEKA ‘Bayes’ functions NaiveBayes,
BayesNet, and NaiveBayesMultinomial, the WEKA ‘functions’ Logistic and MultilayerPerceptron, the
WEKA ‘rules’ OneR and Decision Table, and the WEKA ‘tree’ functions RandomTree and J48. Most of
the results came in near the 70% mark of accuracy. The ‘rules’ and ‘trees’ families of functions took
some time to evaluate the data after building a model in the full, 200-attribute dataset[21].

NaiveBayes 70.3933 % 65.99 % 59.9911 % 60.0452 %

BayesNet 70.3933 % 66.2646 % 62.3125 % 60.7289 %

NaiveBayesMulti 73.5314 % 66.1665 % 56.9026 % 59.6911 %


Logistic 72.7175 % 66.3528 % 62.7256 % 61.2551 %

OneR 54.3003 % 54.3003 % 59.1206 % 59.1206 %

DecisionTable 63.9011 % 64.5092 % 62.5486 % 60.5075 %

RandomTree 67.4512 % 65.8037 % 60.1682 % 59.4206 %

J48 71.5505 % 65.8527 % 63.6158 % 60.9649 %

MultilayerPercep 60.1549 % 64.2542 % 63.3601 % 61.7961 %


Fig 1: Accuracy results of various WEKA algorithms on both sets of data

I used the ‘Select attributes’ tab[22] in WEKA Explorer to pick those attributes the algorithm finds
most useful, here using the default BestFirst method. It chose 23 attributes:

('i', 'love')
('love', 'this')
('in', 'the')
('at', 'all')
('did', 'not')
('does', 'not')
('love', 'it')
('would', 'not')
('the', 'box')
('great', None)
('do', 'not')
('the', 'product')
('the', 'first')
('for', 'my')
('great', 'product')
('will', 'not')
('to', 'return')
('easy', 'to')
('i', 'thought')
('works', 'great')
('of', 'the')
('the', 'same')
('not', 'work')

A few of the entries, such as “in the” don’t immediately make sense, but I was struck how many of
the reviews contained this similar language. Removing all other attributes than these and the target,
I ran the same algorithms again with this smaller dataset(fig 1). The results were fairly close for
some methods, and the DecisionTable actually got more accurate, most likely due to decreasing the
number of attributes nearly 80%! The other methods lost some accuracy due to a drop in
granularity in the data, but the resulting trees and results became much more readable. Whereas
the size of trees from the full dataset were 500 and 8000 (!) for J48 and RandomTree, respectively,
those numbers came down to 49 and 1035, a huge drop compared to the slight decrease in
The size of the full data put some strain on my computer, with the MultilayerPerceptron taking 23
minutes to build a model and longer to calculate the folds for classification. This was somewhat
ameliorated by decreasing the number of attributes, but the RandomTree still remained large and
nearly incomprehensible. I think this is due to the nature of the data; these words or bigrams don’t
necessarily relate to each other in any way that is reasonable to the computer, just as hearing
people speak a foreign language doesn’t mean one comprehends it.
The ‘NaiveBayesMultinomial’ function provided the most accurate results for the ‘bag-of-words’
dataset. It is a specific implementation of the NaiveBayes algorithm that assumes the values being
encountered are a count, such as a word count, which is exactly what they are! I thought the
NaiveBayes algorithm would perform best, since the attributes are very independent of one
another. It makes sense that the best performer would be a naive Bayes made specifically for

For the ‘smart’ dataset, I used the same functions as the ‘bag-of-words’ data, as well as the ‘meta’
function Bagging, which allows the user to utilize one of the other functions over and over again,
averaging the different models produced to minimize variance between different possible outcomes
of an unstable algorithm, such as J48 or RandomTree. These results did not improve very much
upon the straight J48 and Random Tree results.
Where the other dataset had extra attributes, this one could probably benefit from some more. This
data is an attempt to comprehend the language used by the reviewers, instead of regurgitating them
all into a Magical Prediction Box that turns them into results.
5.2d: New Techniques Used
In WEKA, I used MultilayerPerceptron for the ‘bag-of-words’ datasets. I thought that since I had
maxed out the acceptable number of attributes with nearly random bits of information, a simple
back-propagated neural network might have good results. It fared O.K., but the run for the full
dataset took a few hours ​???​. It actually came in at a close second for the ‘smart’ dataset, narrowly
losing to the J48 tree.


I was interested in using a neural net after seeing quirky and interesting applications of these
methods for generating valentine’s heart messages and photographic images. I followed Jason
Brownlee’s ​tutorial​[24] on his machine learning blog, using the first 200,000 characters in the total
compiled text of the critical reviews from my raw dataset. Training the model with 50 epochs was
to take over 13 hours, so I left my computer to run while my wife and I ran errands. To my horror I
found that my computer had restarted and killed the process! When I did finally get the program to
run, it took around 10 hours. While the results were not the enlightened prose I had hoped for, it is
fascinating to see what these techniques can accomplish by building a sentence character by
character. From the seed text:

"uality problem here that the manufacturer is not addressing instead

in response to so many of the re"

We get the result:

“cord player is sounds great and the sound quality is a gigt for my
daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the
sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt
for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and
the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a
gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter
and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality
is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my
daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the
sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt
for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and
the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a
gigt for my daughter and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter
and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter and the sound quality
is a gigt for my daughter and the soun”
Which is, granted, pretty repetitive after 5 words. The cool thing is how the network completed the
seed of ‘re’ to generate the word ‘record’ and began to create sensical words that talk about a
record player. It then reverts to the “and the sound quality is a gigt for my daughter” mantra. I
would like to experiment with this technique more, although perhaps not with text generation as
the time required to build a model somewhat stymies the creative spirit of experimentation.
Utilizing Amazon Web Services or some other remote processing service might make the
experience more painless.

Comparing the LSTM with a Markov Chain, Markov Chain is a much more effective tool for
generating text! It is much simpler to implement and the time required to run an implementation of
it in Python is almost trivial. Also, the results are fantastic!

“them for all of the crystal enthusiast or healer a must have if you
don't have plastic components so that why i thought i thought it was
a bargain highly recommend the vitamins are the best blender i
thought you could just make sure it takes a lot of the while”

“every vinyl record i've tried in the day i thought it was jammed
when it comes to return it and it worked fine and thinning over a
year my hair is not more than twice a day over time i thought it
would not put it in gallons to return it there are other font types i
thought i'd give this jbl a good size people are gonna love it and i
thought but well eventually”

-Two examples of Markov Chain generated text

It works be generating a dictionary of words from a text. The keys are a pair of consecutive words,
and the values are lists of possible third words based on a model of the text. I followed a
tutorial​[25]​ ​to get the basics, and added an option to prefer those word pairs that show up in the
top-selected Bigram attributes from the ‘simple’ dataset I generated. These examples are based on
the positive reviews, with the option to favor selected words. Here is a taste of random choices:

“the bottom of the blades are relly sharp be careful and take down
there are no other explanation for spiritual info on cleansing and
storage bins now have a big pot would not recommend getting this
purse i thought fits great product also works great product my co
worker to return it and was packed very well and just wanted them
to return it there these probably fit or water bottles inside if that is
Since whole words are chosen based on previous use, even the incoherent results are legible and
almost syntactically correct. With some more work on the selected attributes option, and trained on
a specific type and rating of product, this could generate useful customer reviews.

5.2e: Commercial Applications

My processing and analysis of the raw review data brought out interesting features. Words and
word pairs that correlate to a positive or negative review could be used by almost any reviewed
business or product in a customer satisfaction survey, with key words providing insight into
possible problem areas or where there is success. It could also allow for monitoring on
communications (forthright or clandestine) to gauge sentiment of the parties involved based on the
frequency of key words. With the huge volume of recorded textual back-and-forth generated in the
modern era, natural language processing and sentiment analysis could become a powerful tool in a
company or government’s ability to maintain control over those people within its purview.

I have only dipped my toe into the dark waters of automated content generation, but the results are
still compelling. Aside from creating ​goofy entertainment bots​[26], these methods could streamline
many aspects of bureaucracy. Forms requiring a written review or rundown of events could be
automatically generated, saving hundreds of hours of monotonous work and allowing important
employees to spend their valuable time doing more worthwhile tasks. Text generation could be
used in the marketing and entertainment industries for small companies without the budget for a
dedicated advertiser to help create the next viral marketing campaign, or by print-on-demand
t-shirt and mug companies to find a best-selling product. Scripting and web programming could be
done automatically based on a few requirements and a supervised and weighted code-generation
system. As powerful computing becomes more accessible via cloud computing ​services​[27], the cost
associated with performing this kind of science comes down, allowing more developers, both
professional and hobbyist, to work on this problem.

5.2f: Other Interesting Items

I found that working from scratch was a valuable experience. Actually retrieving the raw data and
getting to a useful state emphasized the importance of preprocessing in data mining, and it was
where I did most of the work. I had some ideas about what would be meaningful in a product
review, and took those ideas to the ‘smart’ dataset, which underperformed against the simpler
‘bag-of-words’ style dataset. It seems like the only barrier to better performance is how well one
preprocesses the data.
I used WEKA predominantly in this project, as I am familiar with it and I find the GUI helpful when
trying to comprehend what is happening to the data as the algorithms run. Other tools, such as
ScikitLearn for Python might be able to take more attributes, as WEKA would not read CSV files
with over 202 attributes. This limited my dataset , but based on the results of removing all but 23
word pairs only losing a few accuracy points, I think that the number of attributes would not make
much of a difference.
This project has widened my perspective on data analytics and data mining. The idea that a novice
such as myself can pull thousands of ratings down from webpages on, process them
and be able to gain insight into what makes a positive or critical review, let alone generate reviews
from this collected data that ​almost make sense​ is incredible. reviews are a fairly
obvious and low-hanging fruit, but there are large stores of data all over the internet, both public
and private. On one hand this is exciting: for many of the problems in various fields, the answer may
be out there in the hidden patterns of commerce, communication, and cohabitation we generate
every day on our phones and devices. On the other hand, when a robot can generate realistic
product reviews, ad campaigns, or television scripts, how will that change our culture and our
media? These changes are happening in my lifetime, and through this project I have found that I
want to be a part of this conversation.

5.3 Presentation Slides

Presentation slides are available in my ​Google drive​[28] and have been turned in via D2L.

[4] :
[6] :
[7]: ​​, L. Jack and Y.D. Tsai
[8]: ​​, Kunpeng
Zhang, Yu Cheng, Wei-keng Liao, Alok Choudhary
[9]: ​​ and
[10]:​, from ​​ with
changes by John Feilmeier
[11]: ​
[12]: ​
[14]: ​​, ©
2008 Cambridge University Press
[15]: ​
[21]: Link to results and full output of full bigram data analysis:
ults_200_attrs.txt​ ,
[22]: Link to result of WEKA’s select attributes on bigram and ‘smart’ data:
cted_result.txt​ ,
[23]: Link to results and full output of ‘smart’ data analysis:
[24] : Jason Brownlee, Machine Learning Mastery,
[25]: Shabda, Agiliq,
[26] : Subreddit Simulator, a subreddit populated exclusively by bots
[27]: ​
[28]: Google power point presentation

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