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* You cannot use an alias in a GROUP BY clause

* HAVING clause do not expect GROUP BY clause

* HAVING clause expect Aggeragate Function inside the clause, and this aggeragat
ion will be acted as a column in SELECT Clause
* select CONVERT(int, '') = 0(Zero value)
* IF IntegerColumn = '1' -> It is CONVERT(int, '1'). So no error.
* IF VarcharColumn = 1 -> It is CONVERT(Varchar, 1). If all values in varcharcol
umn are integer, no error. Else Conversion Error
* SSIS2005 Script Task uses VSA. But SSIS2008 Script Task uses VSTA
* SSIS2005 Script Task has PreCompileIntoBinaryCode Property. But SSIS2008 doesn
t have it.
* ROLLBACK TRAN forces a rollback of ALL open transactions
* Index with (ignore_dup_key =on): applicable only of Unique index; ignores dupl
icate key; will not insert duplicated; No error msg raised. If u try to use it w
ith nonclustered / clustered index, 'Mutually Exclusive' error msg will be raise
* Name given to create primary key or unique, will be the name of the index that
* Drop index (created with key constraints) is not possible. It'll raise 'constr
aint enforcement' error. Instead, we can alter table and drop constraint
* Data rows can not be accessed if Clustered Index disabled. It will raise error
"query processor unable to produce plan"
* In SQL server 2008 R2, Resource DB can not be moved
* Page/Row level compression affects existing query plan, bulk import and export
; does not affect backup operations, restore operations, or log shipping operati
* SSIS can be configured to auto-connect Control Flow Tasks. To configure, click
Tools, Options, Business Intelligence Designers, Integration Services Designers
, Control Flow Auto Connect and check the "Connect a new shape to the selected s
hape by default
* Round(Value, -1): to round to one position BEFORE the decimal place, so the RO
UND function will round to the nearest multiple of 10
* When length is not specified in a variable declaration statement in VARCHAR/CH
AR, the default length is 1
* TempDB will not involve in below operations:1)Changing the database owner from
dbo to anything else. 2)Dropping the database. 3)Running DBCC CHECKALLOC or DBC
C CHECKCATALOG. 4)Setting the database to OFFLINE
* ROUND (numeric_expression , length [ ,function ] )
* By using IDENTITY_INSERT, we can insert duplicate values into an identity colu
mn in a table
* In SQL Server 2005, 5 system endpoints are available(Dedicated Admin Connectio
n, TSQL Local Machine, TSQL Named Pipes, TSQL Default TCP, TSQL Default VIA). Qu
ery to Fetch: select name, endpoint_id from sys.endpoints where endpoint_id < 65
* ISNULL will return a type of the parameter that is being checked. i.e., "DECLA

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