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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Intern: Danchao Zhang Date: May 7, 2018

Grade Level: 3rd/4th Subject/ Topic: puppet show practice
Approx. time spent planning this lesson: 2hrs
Main Focus: Practice the shadow puppet show
Brief Context: The fourth lesson about preparing for the puppet show.
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: having learned the previous lessons in the unit.
Objectives: [Indicate connections to applicable national or state standards.]
1. Readers will be able to read their script fluently.
2. Puppeteers will be able to manipulate their puppets correctly.
3. Group members will be able to work together coherently to perform the puppet show.
4. Hosts and students who share and pray will be able to say their part nicely.
5. All students will be able to perform the whole show coherently and smoothly.
Assessment: [Formative and Summative]
Students’ puppet show practice performance
Worldview Integration: It’s a preparation lesson for a puppet show about a bible story.
Instructional Resources: shadow puppets, shadow puppetry materials (projector, screen).

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains (see UDL Guidelines)

Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means of Expression Multiple Means of Engagement
Options for Perception Options for action/interaction Options for recruiting interest
Practice their own shadow puppet

Options for Language/Symbols Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Effort &

Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Function Options for Self-Regulation
Showing students the intricacy and Rubric of the show for each group
details of performing shadow


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: [Relationship & community building. Note any specific ways in which you plan to build or
strengthen relationships and community – student-student & teacher - student.]
CONDUCT MANAGEMENT: [Behavioral expectations, strategies to encourage self-regulation, etc.]
Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention: sing a tune. Call 123
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students: ask them to answer questions; stand nearby them; draw
their name sticks to have that student answer a question

PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT: [Note any specific ways you will use the environment to contribute to the learning.]
Performing at the screen


Motivation/Opening/Intro: [Think creatively about how to engage your students into the content.]
1. Teach new vocab: 展现,入场,退场。
Development: [It may help to number your steps with corresponding times. Think about what your students are doing!]
2. Students finish making their puppets.
3. Tell students, “One puppeteer will mainly stay at right, manipulating puppets from right. One puppeteer will mainly
stay at left, manipulating puppets from left. For the other puppets you can decide yourself. Underline the part that
you need to manipulate using pencil. You may want to change later. So please use pencil.” Students practice their
part of story using puppets for once or twice to roughly have an idea what each of them will do.
Closure: [What will you SAY to emphasize the most important aspect of your lesson?]
4. Students practice doing their part with the whole group.

Practice session plan during lunch recess

1. Decide the people for each role in the performance.
2. Practice the puppet show once

Practice session plan during next day’s lunch recess

1. Remind students of the original positions of the puppets and what get to stay from the previous scene/group as
左边 右边
场景一 亚哈 以利亚
场景二 亚哈 以利亚
场景三 以利亚和亚哈本来就在
场景四 云朵

2. Practice the performance for as many times as possible, according to the plan below.
Plan for puppet show
1. welcome. Hosts(主持人):陆善伟(Chinese,中文),彭毅祥(English,英文)
2. puppet show. Readers: 高兴磊,杜爱德,屈子轩,范凯洁
3. Hosts: “Students will share what they have learned from the story.” Sharing of what they
have learned from the story. Sharing students: 白昱晨、郭凯巍、屈子轩、邓纯美
4. Prayers in Chinese (郭凯巍). Prayers in English (刘佳明).


[Please note recent evidence of your efforts as a professional.]
diligently prepare for the puppet show

Students love shadow puppetry and are willing to stay to practice during lunch recess. But they were easily attracted by
other interesting activities and wanted to not to stay in for the practice for the last lunch recess. Fortunately, the
teacher who was in charge of that interesting activity couldn’t do it that day. So my students could stay to practice. It’s
very easy for these children to choose to do something fun instead of doing something that is important to them. This
indicates that I need to teach them a lesson (maybe using other people’s stories) about choosing to do something
important instead of something fun when it is necessary.

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