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KiJuanna McCrory

L. Kenly

British Literature

16 March 2018

Teen Suicide

Everyone all know Teen Suicide is committed or thought about doing suicide everyday .we all

know suicide start at a very young age like around 10 to 24 years old .we all know it'd be a

reason behind why people want to commit or think about suicide everyday. There are person

who want to commit suicide because things that go on in their lives. either people feel like no

one care or loves them. I even know a person that thought about doing suicide because they have

been molested. He thought if I judge him things with our relationship will be ruined. the reason

he was thinking about suicide was because people at his school would make fun of him. so it

took a long time for him to tell me anything. Like his parents wouldn't listening, so I would be

the only person he would talk to and I would have to give him advice . My ViewPoint is people

will do anything to do suicide. They probably do suicide because they think it will solve their

problems. Suicide is caused by being bullied. Girls think about or attempt suicide about twice as

often as boys, and tend to attempt suicide by overdosing on drugs or cutting themselves. Suicide

rate is differ from girls and boys. Anyway teen suicide it's been committed every year because

of what going on. it could be that other people that been bully at school would think about

suicide. Like if others find any information they probably harassed that person and that person
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and that person will get enough of it then end their lives. To be honest people need to stop

harassing others because people has feelings. So there really is nothing thing wrong to talking to

people about your problems. Even when you don't know how to tell anyone just pull someone

aside that you trust and talk to them. It is wrong to brutal one another it doesn't prove nothing but

leads to someone life. Even if you or other person teasing a person doesn't mean to continue to

messing with them. Like it really need to stop because when a person parents want to know the

reason why. Everybody want to be quiet. they probably want to be quiet because they don't want

to be in trouble or they know they could of help that person. suicide is really serious a lot of

people did suicide in the last year because of cyberbullying. Suicide really is taking a lot of

parents children's lives. it would be better to have a voice and speak up the truth. Teen suicide

are mostly is at risk of commit suicide of those teens that are abused of alcohol and drugs. The

depressive effects on these drugs and alcohol can intensify teen depression that teens are already

have as well. Alcohol and some drugs can cause depressive effects on the brain .For teenagers,

sometimes their overwhelming hopelessness is enough to cause them to take their own lives.

Most teens who survive suicide attempts say that they tried to kill themselves because they were

trying to escape a situation that seemed impossible to deal with. the kinds of problems that

teenagers face may be different from those of adults, but the problems are very real to the teens

that are facing them ,or they were trying to escape overwhelming feelings like rejection, guilt,

anger, or sadness. If a teen is facing a problem and has nobody to talk to, they may feel

neglected, unwanted . Like in canada young people suicide has been decreasing for the past

decade. People there in canada doesn’t know why this is. Some researchers say this decrease in

suicide rates is because depression is now better recognized and treated in young people. The

latest figures for death by suicide among 15 to 24 year-olds in Canada show national incidence
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rates of 11.6 per 100,000 population. This means that for every 8,620 young people between the

age of 15 and 24, there will be one death by suicide. Talking about suicide may suggest that

they are planning taking their own life. They may ask for your opinion and talk about suicide

with you.People create their will for many different reasons Some have their will created and

change it when their death is seemingly close. If your loved one is creating a will or talking

about what they would put in theirs, talk to them.Everyone gives things away here and there, but

usually they don't give expensive items or items they may need in the future. This is some of the

stuff you would know if someone is attempting to do suicide or is willing to do

suicide.Sometimes if someone is abusing drugs or alcohol, they are depressed or could have

suicidal thoughts. Sometimes suicidal people abuse these drugs as a form of escape from their

reality. Some even think it will give them the willpower to actually take their own life.Every day,

approximately 105 Americans die by suicide. You would also know that they doing suicide

because they would repeatingly say they will do this to kill themselves. People that repeating

say they are going to kill themselves they want someone to say something or help them. They

feel that if they say that may be someone would reach out to an adult to help them. Now and day

people don’t care about what people do if it dont have nothing to do with them. When people

find out that person took their life they want to beginning and doubting themselves be like oh i

should of help him or her. They also try to overdose him or her because they know if they take to

many pills they will either pass out for along period of time. Also when overdosing it can affect

your body functions and have serious medical complications and lead to death. Overdosing can

be harmful to your body because it can be harmful for your body function and it function cause

your body cant handle all them drugs. Drug overdosing can slowly stop your heart rate and your

breathing and also damage your brain. Drug overdosing doesn’t take long to travel through your
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blood cell to your head to your brain. When people feels not alone in their head their mind kind

of play with them. Their mind it like i sometimes keep repeating in your head . when it does keep

repeating what people was saying to you it encourages you to do something .so when people say

they have another mind in their head people be thinking something is wrong with you or

something is wrong with you. That something is that millions of other Americans suffering

from mental illness. “There’s something inside me that pulls beneath the surface” ( Rigo6) . In

the united states, nearly one out of five adults have mental illness in the given year . Meaning

43.8 million adults is nearly two times the population of Australia, experience a mental health

disorder every year. 350 million people which is five percent of the population suffer from

depression everyday . they are suffering and sometimes dying of silence because they so what

don’t talk about their mental health. We should encourage everyone to seek a therapy thoses who

have mental illness. Therapy is good for your mind just like exercise is good for your body.The

truth is everyone can benefit from learning about mental health .people should be open to

learning the symptoms and signs of mental health order. This quote means there another voice in

the mind telling them what to do. This connection could also commit suicide because whatever

voice in there head encouraging you to do suicide it will lead to suicide (Deliee 1). Same as

people “love dead poet society as a teen”. Seventeen percent of students in grades 9th to 12th

had seriously considered suicide with in the past year. Celebrity deaths, both intentional and

accidental, often lead aware of newspaper headlines and magazine covers, not to mention

ceaseless coverage on television and online. It is important to remind them that the celebrity is

gone, because death is forever. The media will move on to the next stories, but their families

will remain grounded in suffering. The importance of ensuring that suicided, particularly the

hyper exposed death of celebrities ,are discussed “openly and at an age appropriate level.” The
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death of non celebrity,(Scutti 2) particularly the suicide of another child, it can raise even more

difficult questions. Instead, focus on the finale of it by using statements like the loneliness or

pain you might feel is temporary, but there is no happy ending to a suicide. Particularly suicide

is hard to talk about. It hard to keep the dialogue open and responsive,but it’s up to us to make it

happen.conversation with adolescents and tweens should also emphasize the connection that

remain:”Even though she or he was desperate enough to do this, she or he ties to you will always

be there”but can also address that,what you can learn from this is to always talk to people when

you feeling despairing. People that love it because it address imperfections of adolescent life

with the beauty rarely found in any films. There is almost always some warning or signs but not

will him; we just didn't even have a chance to save him.” (creators syndicate 12) They save him

but wasn't trying to save him. Suicides often haircuts with man that anyone who knew these

young boys is now at rest. A boy who dead suicide he said we must be vigilant, we must know

the signs and we must know what to do. So the friend he lost some months earlier, before he did

suicide he loved and treated people well and love his life. After he died his father struggle with

what he would do differently if he were to have the chance. Most Teens announced that there

were may not reach adult until it too late. as adults they should listen to their kids and other

teens. “The number of students contemplating and attempting suicide in battle ground is

staggering”(Hotakainen 21). Which mean a lot of students has been thinking about suicide for a

long period of time. The district show have multiple officers to stay in contact with students and

address their concerns as a way to head off “tragic outcomes.” mini who are working to prevent

suicide say the news media should resist stories on individual suicide and not describe the

methods used. they warned that depressed chicks are vulnerable and can be tempted to engage in

copycat suicides. If you spend a lot of time talking about the number of suicide in the amount of
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depression and anxiety and all that kind of stuff it sets in the there my a greater tendency to carry

out kinds of behavior . But if you start telling stories people who found positive friends

,spiritually,healthy activities or began serving others it gives kids more opportunity to grab onto

those sources of strength . It something we need to be able to talk about so that kids can help

they needs. “No one care posts the bad things they’re going through”(Tanner 6). Which means

as i see this quote means people only posts things that happy but really they hide their true

feelings. Questions about mood including frequency of feeling hopeless and considering or

attempting suicide. Teens use of electronics devices especially smartphones for less than five

hours daily more likely doubted from eight percent in 2009 to nineteen percent in 2015. 70%

more most likely to have suicidal thoughts and actions. Those who reported one hour of daily use

of great girls use social media everyday or nearly every day of 87% by 2015. Suicide rates in

both the U. S and the area have been rising over the past decade with the largest increases among

older women” (Florida time union 1) .Mostly women that is older is the suicide highest rate.

Women from ages 65 and older these total numbers that took their lives is the two small age

groups. This is why it showed increase suicide rate locally. The largest number of women's that

committed suicide is the age of 45 to 64. Do to these ages,it seems to get bigger. Although the

middle age been increasing in suicide. The suicide rate been also Rising around the Border.

Middle aged women is increasingly easy access to drugs such as opioide. Opiate painkillers and

cheap Heroin Today up the suicide risk . One of the most significant risk factors for an individual

to die by suicide,” Dr Christine Moutier ,Chief medical prevention, told CNN. Men and Boys has

always had the highest suicide rates. Surprisingly Preteen and Teens has always remained low in

suicide rates. The power of asking was at again Illustrated when Utah reported that using the

question s and putting them in everyone's hands helped the state reverse their suicide rate for the
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first time of the year. people that need treatment doesn't get it that one of the biggest problem.

80% of college student who died by Suicide didn't receive no consistent treatment prior to their

death. Suicide can be prevented which set apart from other sources of pain suffering in the world.

Together we prevent the unnecessary tragedies. “if by some chance people who thought this was

a joke and made themselves feel superior by the constants bullying and harassment see this post

please come to our service and witness the complete devastation you have created”(patrick 9)

.Hopes that greater awareness of the problem with saved lives by speaking out. The Government

should have a lot about anti-bullying. A 14 year old boy and Australian took his life in 2016. He

told the Australian newspaper that nothing happened to the bullies and they're just go on to the

next poor kid. another family of victim and it her life was unclear she was on vacation from her

boarding private school. she wrote a note saying “standing up even if your voice shakes”. It

appears she was feeling stressed of what she was going through. “You'll never being good

enough... You never was” (Los Angeles time 3). Something in your mind that making you doubt

yourself. Hip Hop artists Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, and logic was likely dominant the top Grammy

category Sunday, doing so in a year the genre went deep into issue of mental health, drug

addiction and suicide. 30% and 50% people said John trapper call The Suicide Prevention line

director when the video went viral. Message like logic where he said I'm thinking about suicide

but want to get help which he got it, a very positive model. Like promising rapper Lil peep he

did suicide by overdosing, after a short career in which he was open about his suicidal impulses

drug addiction. With such as new artist lil Uzi vert alluding to Suicide, violence or overdosing

as likely Bank from almost everyone there knew. They turn to alcohol, Molly, Lenny. They song

logic message could help reach young people and music fans who see stigma around mental

health treatment. Art Can Connect with people that suffering, but have to have hope on the other
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side. It don't have to tragic if you give people a action step. Young people have to face

challenges like drugs and depression. If peers and friends tell their experience like abuse or

mental issue illness then large it is a good example of how to own your own struggles and

destigmatize them. “We are seeing an alarming increase in deaths from substance abuse and

despair” (Rice 5). In the u.s. life expectancy in 2016 was 78.6 years and decreases in 2015 of 0.1

years. Americans have poorer health than other nations in other areas, including birth

outcomes,injuries,homicide, adolescent pregnancy, HIV /AIDs ,obesity, diabetes and heart

disease. Americans engages and I'm healthy or risky Behavior such as high calories intake drug

abuse and Firearm ownership live in cities designed for a cars rather than pedestrians or have

weaker social welfare support and let Universal Health Insurance. And the CDC report, the drop-

in life expectancy is Doom more than the opioid crisis,as a main caused. More importantly, the

accompanied by a dramatic surge in deaths from alcohol abuse and an increases in the suicide

rate. The problem is that the concentrated in the rural large white counties stagnant wages,

unemployment, poverty and loss of major industries that fueled local economies. “ The time is

right and you're ready, just need to do it” ( cava 6). Judge Lawrence Moniz focused instead on

carter’s text message to a friend after Roy’s death. In the text, she confessed to persuaded Roy to

get back in his truck after he had stepped out. While Carter’s words were heartless by any

definition. It true that her words caused great harm but they say he chose to kill himself. Clearly

this verdict reflects the outrage of a community. Cyber bullying has increasingly dangerous by

product of social media revolution. From the range growth phenomenon of revenge porn to the

long standing practice of trolling. In Massachusetts, an involuntary manslaughter charge can be

brought when an individual causes the death of another person by encouraging in behavior that is

considered reckless enough to cause harm. Its legality aside the verdict may encourage parents to
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pay closer attention to their children texting to their friends. The concerns was that it could of

send a message to the district attorney to pursue cases, while outrage over Carter’s role in Roy’s

suicide is understandable. This sort of judgement would give someone sympathetic to love one

could be at fault. The positive public takeaway from this case should be “ being more careful,

which not bad but need to be concerned with justice of this case. Carter has the chance to turn the

decision around on appeal, which may or may not lead to a retrial depending on what police

decides.frank and medwed assume that appeal and suggest that the case defense attorneys will

focus on the “element of connection” and attempt to decouple carter’s comments to roy from his

decision to get back in the truck. There are some strong grounds for appeal, it would make sense

to go back. Maybe one outgrowth of this case that massachusetts legislature will decide if they

too, need a law specific to the crime of encouraging suicide. There already conflicting views

answers from the two state organizations. The offender fate was sealed through her own words.

A deeply troubled offender whose actions rose to the level of wanting and reckless disregard

liberties union issued a comment the judge had said literally killed Mr Roy by a 17 year old girl.

The limits of their criminal laws and violates free speech protections guaranteed by the

Massachusetts and u.s constitutions. How do you know if someone doing suicidal? Direct and

indirect verbal expression : i don’t want to live anymore ,”there is nothing to live for

anymore,”people will be better off without. There increase in drug and alcohol use. Talking

about suicide may suggest that they are planning taking their own life. They may ask for your

opinion and talk about suicide with you. This may be a cry for help. Normally people create their

will when they know they going to die. If someone has attempted suicide don’t leave the person

alone. Call 911 or local emergency number right away. If you can do so safely, take the person to

the nearest hospital emergency room yourself. Get help from a trained professional as quickly as
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possible. Encourage the person to call a suicide hotline number. Ask the person directly about

his or her feelings, even though it may be awkward. You should anxious for this question.

Everyone may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, but someone care about you and

want to help. Some people might not believe it now,but the way you’re feeling will change. I

appears to me that, for many possible reasons, there is more social anxiety and depression in

America, which turn increases suicide rates. There may be some suicide rate differences between

groups of people employed in certain careers or occupations, but it isn’t enough evidence to

know for sure. What’s actually driving up overall suicide rates isn’t fully understood. But there’s

general consensus that it’s a range of things. It is the thesis of this article that people do not resist

technical change as such and that most of the resistance which does occur is unnecessary.

della Cava, Marco. "Texting Suicide Verdict could Set Bad Precedent, Legal Experts Say." USA

Today (Online), 17 Jun, 2017. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Rigo, Robert. "Let's Talk about Suicide." New York Times (Online), 24 Jul, 2017. SIRS Issues


Deliee, Madeleine. "We Need to Talk to Kids about Suicide without Glamorizing it.."

Washington Post - Blogs, 11 Jan, 2017. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Hotakainen, Rob. "Washington State Grapples with Teenage Suicides." McClatchy Washington

DC News Bureau, 04 Aug, 2016. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Rice, Doyle. "Drugs, Alcohol and Suicides Contribute to Alarming Drop.." USA Today (Online),

07 Feb, 2018. SIRS Issues Researcher,

"Suicidal Beats." Los Angeles Times, 25 Jan, 2018, pp. E.1. SIRS Issues Researcher,
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Posner, Kelly. "Preventing Suicide." USA Today (Online), 07 Feb, 2018, pp. n/a. SIRS Issues


"Friday Concern Over Rising Suicide Rates." Florida Times-Union, 05 Jan, 2018. SIRS Issues


Tanner, Lindsey. "Rise in Teen Suicide, Social Media Coincide; is there Link?" Press & Sun-

Bulletin, 14 Nov, 2017. SIRS Issues Researcher,

Patrick, A. O. "Teen's Suicide may Prompt Australia to Act on Bullying." Washington Post, 13

Jan, 2018, pp. A.10. SIRS Issues Researcher,

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