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The Origin of the Universe: _____ _______ ________

The Big Bang
________________ _____ the Big Bang theory, 137 billion years ago the whole matter of the universe was concentrated in
an extraordinarily ____________ __________ that, after the explosion, was driven in _____ _________________. Upon
cooling, it originated the _________________ _______________ that form the atoms (electrons, protons, neutrons, positrons,
etc.). and later the first chemical elements, _______________ _______________. By concentrating matter in some places
of space, the first stars and galaxies were formed, and ever since, the Universe has continued to evolve. In this cosmological
model, _____________,____________,_____ __________ are indifferent. Thus, in the ___________ ________________
originated all the matter of the Universe and, as it expanded, space and time ____________ ____________.

The ________ ___ ___________ : the expansion of the Universe

Like any cosmological theory, the Big Bang theory had to be tested and had to explain what was observed in the known
Universe. The first test that confirmed this theory was the demonstration that the Universe, since it originated, expanded in all
directions. This test was provided by the astronomer Vesto Slipher, when analysing the __________ _______________of
the most distant galaxies found that they were ________-_______________, which was deduced by the _____________
_____________, that they were away from us in all directions. In __________ Edwin Powell Hubble ________________ the
velocity of galaxy displacement, whose distance he had calculated, and concluded that, except for the closest ones, those of
the Local Group, most of them ____________ __________. Hubble pointed out that there was a direct relationship between
the red shift of the light spectrum of distant galaxies and the increase in distance between them, and stated that the further
away a galaxy lies, the faster it moved away from which could be deduced that _____ ___________________ _______ _____

Confirmation of The Big Bang theory,

However, was not definitively accepted until two major discoveries provided supporting evidence: _______________
________________ _____________________ ___________________ and record of the echo of the big explosion.

The Big Bang Testing

Cosmic microwave background radiation ________ ___________________ in_____________ by radio astronomers Arno
Penzias and Robert Wilson as they tested a new, very sensitive microwave receiver. They recorded a _______________
_________________, a noise that they could not eliminate, which proceeded equally from all points of space. They indicated
that this radiation of _______________ __________________ was the ______________ of the _____________
____________________, a radiation generated in the Big Bang that, as George Gamow had predicted, after traveling the
whole cosmos arrived as microwaves because the Universe was expanding.


The decisive confirmation of the Big Bang theory was made possible by data provided by the 1992 COBE space telescope,
whose images showed what the Universe was like shortly after the Big Bang. They detected ___________
____________________ of the background microwave radiation, which accumulated matter that originated stars, galaxies
and galaxy ____________.

______ ____________of Universe according to the Big Bang Theory

According to __________________, the end of the Universe will ______________ _____ whether its _____________
_____________, or density of its matter, is what is needed to stop its expansion, in an infinite time. The possibilities are:

 _______ ___________If the density of the Universe were___________ ________ the criticism, it would reach a
maximum size and begin to collapse, ending in a state similar to its beginning, called Big Crunch.

 _______ ___________If the energy-matter outside the Universe were insufficient and its density equal to or less than
the critical density, the force of gravity would slow its expansion and _______________ ______________. It would
become less dense and colder.

 _______ ___________ If the density of the Universe were close to the critical density and _____ _________
__________ would outweigh the force of gravity, there would be a very _________________ _______________ that
would take place by separating the bodies together by gravity.

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