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The Truth About Medical Journals -

The illusion called medical journalism: the deep secret and
medical CIA - by Jon Rappoport plus commentary by Chef-
Doctor Jemichel on medical psychopathy.
I have a professor friend whose work includes medical
anthropology who has consistently asserted that articles
published in a medical journal are the leading authoritative
reference on new treatment or product assessment. That may
have been largely true back when the professor was a student
however the times have changed now. According to Jon
Rapoport[1] the reliability of possibly half the articles now
published in medical journals is questionable.


January 18, 2017 -
My "Freedom Calendar" of 2010 indicated January 20th as the
day that: "AMA Journal BRAGGED About HAVING CONTROL
used in the calendar.) I researched this and found the following:
"The Journal of the American Medical Association on January 20,
1940, bragged that the United Press had been induced to issue a
directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to 'clear'
through its New York Bureau and so-called science editor."[2]
And another quote like the above:

"...The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), the
organ of the Medical Syndicate in the U.S., had bragged as far
back as January 20, 1940, that the United Press had been
induced to issue a directive requiring all articles on cures and

human health to ‘be cleared’ through its New York bureau and
‘science editors.’---Hans Ruesch, 1982 (Naked Empress p102)"[3]
Apparently the January 20, 1940 issue is archived online[4] in the
form of a number of PDFs however it is a mystery to me as to
which title might contain the "bragging".
Just requested librarian research assistance as follows:
I'm seeking a specific quote that is reportedly in the January 20,
1940 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
I wish to cite the exact quote regarding the United Press issuing a
directive requiring all articles on cures and human health to ‘be
cleared’ through its New York bureau and ‘science editors.’
So far I found
offering a number of PDFs however I don't see article titles that
indicate my subject matter. I wonder if this journal issue had an
editor's comment (or other non-article entry) containing the
statement I'm seeking.
Would it be possible for your to research this?


January 19th, 2017 -
Success! The good research librarian people at UCSD came
through with exactly what I had hoped for! The following is a direct
quote from the above mentioned journal:

Only those closely associated with modern trends in publication

are familiar with the vast improvement that has been taking place
relative to the publication of news of scientific advances. A bulletin
recently issued by the United Press to its bureau managers and
division managers is worthy of quotation. It reads:
It seems advisable to restate our traditional policy concerning
handling stories of "cures" or other medical developments. This
policy, which dates back more than twenty years, is never to call
anything a cure, or in fact give any publicity to any remedy of any
description, without a thorough investigation.
This rule is now being strengthened by the following:
Under no circumstances put any story on the leased wire about a
remedy. If the bureau manager is convinced that the story has
merit, he should overhead it to New York for investigation and
consideration there.[5]
For the "Journal" to write "cures" is to add a negative "spin" to the
more neutral term: remedy. For millennia we have had golf
medicine offering folk remedies. That is a common law right of the
people. But when it comes to publishing these remedies in the
modern day press (of the last century) which is not a "free
press" (by any definition of the term) "common law rights of the
people" are disregarded with impunity! That is what it is however
to discount the validity of the people's remedies may be a
potential cause for "indigestion" (at the very minimal end of the
spectrum) or sudden death syndrome (at the maximum end).


June 4, 2017 - "...pharmaceutically based medicine, so much of
which is tainted with improper and fraudulent research"

Treatment Essentials Second Edition[6]

"This is the second edition of Treatment Essentials, I have added
another fifteen chapters so now the book is over five hundred
pages. This book will give you a practical understanding of
Natural Allopathic Medicine, and how to use it for a number of
common conditions. The reader is introduced to a protocol that is
universal, meaning it can be applied in all health and medical
In my Transdermal Magnesium Therapy book I start out with the
words, 'The book that you hold in your hands could save your life.
It certainly contains information that can extend your physical
existence and save you and your loved ones from a considerable
amount of pain.' The same is true for this book.
Treatment Essentials is for doctors and patients, especially
patients who do not want to see a doctor and want to treat
themselves or patients who have seen a doctor but do not care to
follow their treatment plans.
One of the key ways the protocol in this book is different from
other approaches in the world of medicine and natural healthcare
is our use of emergency and intensive-care-ward medicines (non-
pharmaceutical types) that hold the potential to save lives in a
heartbeat. One can apply these lifesaving medicinals around the
clock at home orally, transdermally (topically), and via
nebulization, enemas, feeding tubes, baths and even intravenous
methods if a nurse is available.
These substances address and resolve the most basic issues in
our physiology for they are not pharmaceutical substances but
rather concentrated nutritional medicinals like magnesium salts,
sodium bicarbonate, and iodine. These substances all heal
through fulfillment of nutritional law, which is much more intelligent
and rational than pharmaceutically based medicine, so much of
which is tainted with improper and fraudulent research."[7]


December 22, 2017 - Additional medical world revelations can be
seen through the activities of "the medical CIA".[8]
Having read this article I now call this "revelation" medical
Some questions to possibly contemplate - What is the remedy for
medical psychopathy?
If the medical paradigm is sick then where can it go for its cure?
What can society do about medical psychopathy when the
medical world does not believe in cures?
What I see is all of this comes back to the need for dialogue
because the absence of dialogue is how the door to psychopathy
is left open. And "the door to psychopathy" in the medical world
has been left open for at least one hundred years now. I could
start a new writing project to compile what I have gathered so far
in this regards (maybe after we have passed through the
remaining shadow of this current Mercury retrograde).


[1] illusion-

[2] [3] http://

[5] January 20, 1940 under "Current Comment" - JAMA.
1940;114(3):252. doi:10.1001/jama.1940.02810030052016: http:// abstract/1159450
[6] launch/
[7] Dr Sircus - in an Email (by subscription) on June 4, 2017.
[8] medical-
cia-how-environmental-destruction-magically- becomes-a-

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