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Pre-K Movement Lesson

With substantial guidance, state personal interests and demonstrate why they
prefer some music selections over others. MU:Re7.1.PKa

1) Song:
"Good Morning boys and girls!" Start singing If You're Wearing Red Today to the tune of
Mary Had a Little Lamb. Invite the students to suggest what other colors we can sing.
Make eye contact with every student. Be sure to sing every color in the rainbow.

*Objective: Students will explore vocal dynamics with singing voice and yelling voice.

*Assessment: Students will explore vocal dynamics by singing along as able and
shouting "Hooray" to the color they are wearing.

*Standard: With substantial guidance, explore favorite musical ideas (such as

movements, vocalizations, or instrumental accompaniments). MU:Cr2.1.PKa

*Transition: Did we leave any color out? No? Well do you know what other animal has
every color of the rainbow on them? ~Ask them~ A fish can! This is a book about the
beautiful rainbow fish.

2) Book:
Rainbow Fish "How can Rainbow fish make friends?" So-La-Me melody. Every page

*Objective: Students will demonstrate their ability to match sol-la-me intervals/pattern

*Assessment: Students will repeat the phrase after I sing it for them and sing it at every
page turn.

*Standards: With guidance, explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts (such
as high/low, loud/soft, same/different) in a variety of music selected for performance.

*Transition: "Rainbow fish learned that it's fun to share and have fun with friends. What
do you all like to do with your friends?" -accept a couple answers- "You know what I like
to do with friends? I like to dance! So lets stand up with our feet planted in our spots and
our hands to ourselves!"

3) Movement:
Tutie Ta - off of Bluetooth and follow the words of the song. Dance and invite students to
dance along.

*Objective: Students will respond as able to directions within the song.

*Assessment: Students will respond as able to directions within the song with the teacher
and classmates.

*Standard: with substantial guidance, explore favorite musical ideas (such as movements,
vocalizations, or instrumental accompaniments).

*Transition: "Wasn't that a silly song? I think we need to shake our sillies out!"

4) Song/Dance
Shake my sillies out. Have students do the dance that is in the song, every verse and invite
them to sing along with me.

*Objective: Students will respond to the song via movement and singing led by the

*Assessment: Teacher will watch for every student's response of song lyric's directions
and mimicking of the teacher.

*Standard: Exhibit music literacy by speaking and writing about music; interacting with
subject-specific words, symbols, and notation; and presenting musical concepts through
movement, gestures, or other non-verbal means. MU:Cn10.1.PKa-WI

*All assessments, if student unable to do the assessment they are able to pay attention and
be active in the lesson*

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