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Herman-Kluk propagator is free from zero-point energy leakage

Max Buchholz,1 Erika Fallacara,1 Fabian Gottwald,2 Michele Ceotto,1 Frank Grossmann,3, a) and Sergei D.
Ivanov2, b)
Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Milano, via Golgi 19, 20133 Milano,
Institute of Physics, Rostock University, Albert-Einstein-Str. 23-24, 18059 Rostock,
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Technische Universität Dresden, 01062 Dresden,
(Dated: 7 May 2018)
Semiclassical techniques constitute a promising route to approximate quantum dynamics based on classical
trajectories starting from a quantum-mechanically correct distribution. One of their main drawbacks is the
so-called zero-point energy (ZPE) leakage, that is artificial redistribution of energy from the modes with high
frequency and thus high ZPE to that with low frequency and ZPE due to classical equipartition. Here, we show
arXiv:1805.01686v1 [physics.chem-ph] 4 May 2018

that an elaborate semiclassical formalism based on the Herman-Kluk propagator is free from the ZPE leakage
despite utilizing purely classical propagation. This finding opens the road to correct dynamical simulations
of systems with a multitude of degrees of freedom that cannot be treated fully quantum-mechanically due to
the exponential increase of the numerical effort.

I. INTRODUCTION an N -mode representation of the coupling part in the

potential with smooth elimination of the terms as the
Understanding dynamical processes happening in com- energy of any mode falls below a specified value corre-
plex many-body molecular systems is one of the main sponding to ZPE17 to mention but few. Some of these
tasks of modern theoretical chemistry. To-date simula- developments were debated, questioning the whole con-
tion approaches allow one to bridge the gap between the- cept of excluding the regions of phase space where ZPE
oretical models and experiments, shedding light onto the constraint does not hold,18,19 and systematically investi-
processes in question on the microscopic level. In this gated20,21 “. . . with the conclusion that nearly all of the
context, classical (ab initio) molecular dynamics (MD) approaches that have been proposed are unfounded and
methods enjoyed success during the last few decades, ow- aphysically affect the dynamics”.21 In the last decade
ing to their utmost robustness and simplicity.1,2 Nonethe- these ideas were revived in the context of efficient ther-
less, the presence of quantum coherence, light atoms, mostatting, and the colored-noise thermostat that yields
shallow potential energy surfaces (PESs), low tempera- quantum-mechanically correct momentum and position
tures and/or isotope substitutions may lead to a qualita- distributions was established.22 Few months later, a sim-
tively wrong behavior if the nuclei are treated classically, ilar idea was independently developed and termed “quan-
as was shown on numerous examples starting from small tum thermal bath” (QTB).23 These methods were suc-
molecules in gas phase to biomolecules.3–7 In particular, cessful for systems where the degree of anharmonicity was
the importance of the ZPE in the context of elementary not very high and, although they are prone to the ZPE
atom-transfer reactions was realized from the early days leakage, it was shown that choosing the coupling strength
of the simulation era and quasiclassical trajectory (QCT) of a thermostat strong enough remedies the problem at
methods, utilizing purely classical simulations started least for static properties.24 Nonetheless, having such a
from the correct quantum distribution, have emerged, strong coupling leads to, e.g., artificially broadened spec-
see e.g. Refs. 8 and 9 and references therein. These QCT tral lineshapes as was shown therein as well. Thus, a ne-
methods are suffering from the so-called ZPE leakage, cessity for a more systematic and fundamental approach
that is the energy flow from high-frequency modes to to the problem became apparent.
low-frequency ones due to equipartition, as was also real- From a historic perspective, there exist two classes of
ized from early on.10,11 Various attempts to circumvent methods achieving this goal. The first one unites the
this problem included using reduced models12 and con- imaginary-time path integral (PI) approaches, based on
straints that prevent the vibrational energy in a mode
the Feynman PIs25 and the associated “classical isomor-
from falling below its zero-point value.10,11,13,14 Further,
phism”.2,26 The latter connects the partition function of
methods sacrificing those trajectories that do not satisfy
a quantum particle to a configurational integral of some
the ZPE criterion15,16 emerged as well as that based on
more complicated but purely classical object. It has the
form of a beaded necklace, with adjacent beads connected
with harmonic springs, and is often referred to as the
ring polymer. Simulating it via MD or Monte Carlo
Electronic mail: methods allows for genuine quantum effects such as the
Electronic mail: ZPE, yielding numerically exact results for static (ther-

modynamic) properties. Unfortunately, any real-time linearized semiclassical initial-value representation (LSC-
information may be obtained in an approximate fash- IVR).82–84 Unfortunately, the latter one was shown to
ion only. Here, the ring polymer molecular dynamics27 suffer from the ZPE leakage problem even in condensed
(RPMD) method became increasingly popular, see e.g. phase5 as it is exclusively based on the classical propa-
Refs. 28 and 29 for review. It delivers classical dynam- gation, and the question arises if also truly semiclassical
ics that naturally preserves the quantum Boltzmann den- methods suffer from this problem.
sity, though no information about the phases is available, As a central result, we will show that the fully semiclas-
leaving quantum coherence effects outside reach. Fur- sical HK propagator, although being exclusively based
thermore, when it comes to vibrational (infrared) spec- on classical trajectories, is free from the ZPE leakage.
troscopy, RPMD suffers from artificial resonances of the To this end, we first recapitulate semiclassical and clas-
aforementioned springs with the system modes.30,31 Al- sical approaches for the simulation of expectation values
though the problem was mitigated by attaching a tailored in Sec. II. Then the 2D and 3D model oscillator systems
Langevin thermostat that removes the resonances due to tailored to exhibit strong ZPE leakage are introduced in
its stochastic nature,32 it is still not the ultimate solu- Sec. III. Semiclasscial and classical results for the ZPE
tion, as it may affect the dynamics of the system in an conservation, respectively leakage, are presented and dis-
undesired way. cussed in Sec. IV.
The second class comprises the so-called semiclassical
methods, that emerged from the propagator suggested by
van Vleck back in 1928, which was exclusively based on
classical trajectories.33,34 A necessary ingredient to uti- II. THEORY
lize MD simulation techniques is the initial-value repre-
sentation (IVR) that recasts the problem into a propaga- We first give a brief overview on the semiclassical and
tion of an initial (quantum) distribution in phase space, linearized semiclassical simulation techniques and present
see Refs. 35–38 for reviews. Expanding the Heisenberg working expressions particularly for energy expectation
evolution operator in the coherent states’ basis led to values that are needed to elaborate on the ZPE conser-
the Herman-Kluk (HK) propagator,39–42 which can be vation in any of the two approaches.
viewed as a frozen-Gaussian IVR approximation.43,44 Al- For an F -dimensional system and for an initial state
ternatively, semiclassical propagators can be formulated of Gaussian form centered around (pα , qα ), the reduced
based on the Wigner formulation of quantum mechan-
density matrix based on the HK propagator39 reads
ics,45 see Refs 46–48 for selected representatives. Very
recently Koda suggested a universal recipe to formulate Z
semiclassical Wigner propagators based on the existing  dF p0 dF p00 dF q0 dF q00
ρα,i xi , x0i , t =
Hilbert-space ones,49 via the analogy of the Moyal equa- (2π~)2F
tion for the Wigner function and the Schrödinger equa- 0

tion.50 Thereby, the Wigner version of the HK propaga- × Ct (Ct0 )∗ ei(St −St )/~

tor was suggested for the first time and the Wigner coun- × g p0e,t , q0e,t g pe,t , qe,t
terpart of the van Vleck propagator46,47 was re-derived
0  0

× g p0i,t , qi,t xi xi g pi,t , qi,t
and re-formulated in terms of an IVR. On this basis,

some of us have presented a unified viewpoint on the × g (p0 , q0 ) ρ̂α (0) g p00 , q00 , (1)
van Vleck and HK propagators in Hilbert space and in
Wigner representation.51 According to it, the Wigner HK whose main ingredients are Gaussian wavepackets
propagator is conceptually the most general one although
it has no performance benefits over its well-established  1/4

det γ 1
Hilbert-space counterpart. Most of other semiclassi- hx|g(p, q)i = exp − (x − q) · γ(x − q)
cal propagators are its limiting (and non-optimal) cases πF 2

and, thus, practical applications are mostly based on the i
+ p · (x − q) (2)
HK propagator in Hilbert space. Since it usually suf- ~
fers from the infamous sign problem which is caused by
rapid oscillations in phase factors, several approxima- with a fixed width-parameter diagonal matrix γ and
tions have been developed based on (modified) Filinov St being the classical action along the trajectory. The
filtering,52–54 time-averaging methods55–61 or forward- expression in Eq. (1) is obtained by choosing a single
backward schemes62,63 allowing one to deal with systems Cartesian DOF xi and tracing the full density matrix
of up to hundreds of degrees of freedom (DOFs) in var- ρα x, x0 , t over the remaining (F − 1)-environmental
ious contexts.64–74 Other approaches employ improved DOFs, collectively denoted by the subscript “e”. This
sampling techniques72,75 or hybrid schemes treating cer- reduced density matrix is based on the classical trajec-
tain unimportant DOFs less accurately76–79 or even im- tories, which start at (p0 , q0 ) at time t = 0 and reach
plicitly as a heat bath.80,81 Even further simplification the phase-space point (pt , qt ) = [(pi,t , pe,t ), (qi,t , qe,t )] at
led to the so-called Wigner model, also referred to as the time t. The preexponential weight factor of such a tra-

jectory in phase space is given by for the model system of coupled harmonic oscillators, see
s   Sec. III. Within the HK and LSC-IVR approaches, one
1 1 −1 can find analytical expressions for the expectation values,
Ct = det m pp + m qq − i~γm qp − m γ ,
2F i~ pq in order to circumvent calculating the reduced density
(3) matrix. In the HK case, the second moment of the ith
which is composed of the four block matrices of coordinate can be found with the help of Eq. (1) as
the monodromy matrix, that are defined as mab ≡ D E  
∂at /∂b0 , ∀a, b ∈ {q, p}. In a numerical implementation x̂2i (t) = Tr x̂2i ρ̂α,i (t)
the integration is replaced by a sum and the semiclassi- Z
cal contribution of a single trajectory is then weighted = dxi x2i ρα,i (xi , xi , t)
by Ct eiSt /~ . Convergence is achieved with a finite num-
ber of trajectories through the overlap between the initial dF p0 dF p00 dF q0 dF q00 ∗ 0

state and the Gaussian. For a review of this semiclassi- = 2F

Ct Ct0 ei(St −St )/~
cal IVR (SC-IVR) methodology and related approaches,

see Ref. 85. In order to obtain expectation values, one × g p0t , q0t g (pt , qt )

has to deal with double phase-space integrals, which are × g (p0 , q0 ) ρ̂α (0) g p00 , q00
treated using the combined sampling strategy as laid out 2
in Ref. 86. 1 Di,+
× 1+ , (7)
As it was discussed in the Introduction, the method 2γi 2γi
that was shown to suffer from the ZPE leakage is LSC-
IVR also referred to as the Wigner model. It is based where the abbreviation Di,+ stands for the coefficient
on generalized correlation functions comprising two time- of the first order term in the exponent of the Gaussian
evolution operators such that a double Herman-Kluk ex- integrand
pression emerges in a full semiclassical description. A
linear expansion of the action difference leads to a purely  
classical expression in terms of a single (2F -dimensional) Di ≡ γi qi,t +
p (8)
~ i,t
phase-space integral with no quantum interference ef- ∗
fects. Heller had written down the result for the correla- Di,± ≡ Di ± Di0 . (9)
tion function intuitively,82 whereas semiclassical deriva-
tions have been given by Miller and coworkers83 as well The calculation of the momentum expectation value
as by Herman and Coker.87 In this framework, the diag- works analogously
onal elements of the reduced density matrix in position
D E  
representation are given by
p̂2x,i (t) = Tr p̂2x,i ρ̂α,i (t)
d p0 dF q0 Z
ρα,i (xi , t) = δ[qi,t − xi ] ∂2 0 
(π~)F = dxi ρ α,i x i , xi , t
−1 2
xi =xi
× e−(p0 −pα )·γ (p0 −pα )/~ −(q0 −qα )·γ(q0 −qα )
, Z F
(4) d p0 dF p00 dF q0 dF q00 ∗ 0
= 2F
Ct Ct0 ei(St −St )/~
which contains the system part of the classical trajecto-

ries qi,t as the only dynamical input. The momentum × g pt , q0t g (pt , qt )

space analogue reads × g (p0 , q0 ) ρ̂α (0) g p00 , q00
Z !
dF p0 dF q0 ~2 γ i
ρα,i (px,i , t) = δ[pi,t − px,i ] × 1− . (10)
(π~)F 2 2γi
−1 2
× e−(p0 −pα )·γ (p0 −pα )/~ −(q0 −qα )·γ(q0 −qα )
(5) In the classical case, combining the two LSC-IVR ex-
pressions in Eq. (4) and Eq. (5) yields the simple formula
where px,i designates the momentum conjugate to coor-
dinate xi . The LSC-IVR method is taking into account Z !
the full quantum nature of the initial state but apart from dF p0 dF q0 1 2 ω2 2
Ei (t) = pi,t + i qi,t
that is purely classical and thereby cannot describe any (π~)F 2 2
interference effects. −1 2

The main quantities of interest are the individual en- × e−(p0 −pα )·γ (p0 −pα )/~ −(q0 −qα )·γ(q0 −qα )

ergies of each site, defined as (11)

1D 2 E ω2 D E for the energy of the ith site. Results obtained via both
Ei (t) = p̂x,i (t) + i x̂2i (t) (6)
2 2 approaches are presented in Sec. IV.


In order to illustrate the difference between the LSC-
IVR and HK methods with respect to ZPE leakage, a 0.004

Ei [a.u.]
simple model was employed that meets two requirements:
i) there must be a ZPE leakage as a result of the classi- 0.003
cal propagation; ii) the model should be feasible for the
HK method to yield converged results. To this end, a
system consisting of two cubically coupled harmonic os-
cillators utilized in Ref. 24 was generalized to more than 0 10 20


40 0 10 20


40 50
two DOFs as t 103 a.u. t 103 a.u.

p2i ωi2 qi2 3 FIG. 1. Energies of individual sites. From left to right: 2D (i)
H= + + Cij qi − qj , (12) and 3D results (ii). Solid lines: energy of the low-frequency
2 i=1
2 i<j oscillator (violet: LSC-IVR, black: FFT), dashed lines: ener-
gies of the high-frequency oscillators (turqoise and light blue:
where all oscillators had unity mass and atomic units LSC-IVR, black: FFT).
were used, that is ~ = 1. The frequencies of all but one
oscillator were taken to be ωi = 0.01 a.u., i = 1, . . . , F −1,
while the frequency for the remaining oscillator was set IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
to ωF = 0.005 a.u. The coupling strength was chosen
as C12 = 10−8 a.u. for the case of two harmonic oscil-
lators. For the three-dimensional simulations, two differ- First, let us consider the site energies computed with
ent coupling strengths between low-frequency and high- the aforementioned methods. As can be seen in Fig. 1,
frequency oscillators were employed, C13 = 10−8 a.u. and site energies computed from the LSC-IVR method show
C23 = 2 × 10−8 a.u., while the coupling between the two a strong ZPE leakage for both 2D and 3D systems. While
high-frequency oscillators was C12 = 10−8 a.u. As dis- all oscillators start at the exact ZPE, as it is ensured by
cussed in Ref. 24, cubic coupling terms typically cause the choice of the initial state, the subsequent evolution
overtone frequencies and, due to the 2:1 frequency ratio, of these energies using LSC-IVR deviates considerably
all high-frequency oscillators are in resonance with the from the exact results, which preserve the ZPE for all
first overtone of the low-frequency oscillator. This res- times. In particular, energy is dissipated from the high-
onant energy flow in the classical propagation had been frequency mode(s) into the low-frequency mode, regard-
made responsible for the observed ZPE leakage in Ref. 24 less of the number of DOFs. We note in passing that a
and, thus, we view this setup as an optimal test case for related study has been performed for the breather initial
the present purpose as well. condition |1, 0i, i.e., with one oscillator in its first excited
The initial state was chosen as a product of Gaus- state and the second one in its ground state.90
sian wavepackets with widths γi = ωi , centered at Having affirmed that a simple averaging over classical
(pα , qα ) = (0, 0), which means that each site initially trajectories starting from a quantum initial state is not
had exactly the ZPE. Each initial state was propagated sufficient to prevent the ZPE leakage, we come to the
with a symplectic integrator for 5000 steps of length question at the heart of this investigation: is there still
10 a.u., resulting in a total propagation time that approx- a ZPE leakage in a truly semiclassical method that al-
imately corresponds to 40 periods of the low-frequency lows for the interference of different trajectories? The
oscillator. Exact quantum calculations performed via answer can be found in the results of the HK simula-
the split-operator FFT, implemented in the WavePacket tions, see Fig. 2. The energies of both high- and low-
software,88,89 were used a reference. While a single phase- frequency oscillators remain almost constant during the
space integration in the LSC-IVR simulation according entire propagation time. This is especially true for the
to Eq. (11) required only few dozen thousand trajecto- two-dimensional system, where the quantum result is re-
ries, the HK simulation was much more demanding. This produced almost exactly. The deviations seen in the
is, on one hand, due to the double rather than single three-dimensional case, in particular towards the end of
phase-space integration in Eq. (7) and Eq. (10), and, on the propagation, may be attributed to insufficient con-
the other hand, due to the more complicated form of the vergence of the HK results.
phase-space integrand itself. Thus, 10 million trajectories All in all, the simple model investigation presented
were needed to achieve convergence for the propagation above reveals that the HK propagator, despite relying
time of 50000 a.u. for the 2D system. For the 3D case, on classical trajectories, is free from the ZPE leakage.
40 million trajectories sufficed for good convergence until This is a consequence of its elaborate structure which in-
≈ 25000 a.u. Since going beyond three harmonic oscilla- terconnects the trajectories in a highly non-trivial way.
tors required even larger number of trajectories in order Although the considered systems are very simple, the
to obtain the long-time convergence, we didn’t not in- demonstrated absence of the ZPE leakage cannot be a
clude these results here. consequence of this simplicity. In contrast, this result

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