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A Tribute to Racovitza

Article  in  Graellsia · December 2007

DOI: 10.3989/graellsia.2007.v63.i2.104

0 38

3 authors:

Marta Martinez-gil A. I. Camacho

University of Malaga Spanish National Research Council


Antonio G Valdecasas
The National Museum of Natural Sciences


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Graellsia, 63(2): 363-366 (2007) NOTAS / NOTES

A Tribute to Racovitza

M. Martínez-Gil, A. I. Camacho & A. G. Valdecasas

“La chasse aux Cavernicoles présents des dificultes que general term that included a comprehensive (not
nos confrères qui chassent le Lucicole ignorent. Et holistic!) grouping of all of those specialties. A
certes, une observation faite dans les grottes devrait, good historical exercise on this concept is
comme les années de champagne, compter double”. Hutchinson’s (1977) essay on the influence of the
Émile G. Racovitza, 1907, Biospeologica I, New World on Natural History, in which he selec-
Banyuls-sur-Mer (France) ted three earlier researchers that dealt with the
development of animals, the study of organic varia-
tion and the numerical progression of populations.
A much deeper discussion still current is to be
Only the passage of time will tell if the contri- found in the first chapter of Crowson’s (1969)
bution made by a researcher will be considered a seminal work Classification and Biology.
‘landmark’ in the development of his or her disci- By the end of the eighteenth century, the speci-
pline. This should not be forgotten in an age in fic programs of the different disciplines in the
which specialists involved in a particular area of natural sciences had been established and were
research often claim for themselves the recognition ‘pursued at major scientific institutions and prose-
of originality, a ‘paradigm shift’, or a landmark cuted with narrowing focus on detailed areas’
contribution among other devaluated sociological (Sloan, 2006). This trend deepened in the follo-
terms. While the perception of contribution to wing century.
science is a complex subject, andrelated to financial This is the frame of reference that should be
support, only an appropriate perspective can deter- used to understand and evaluate the role played by
mine who deserves the merit for that contribution. Emil Racovitza, whose 100th anniversary we cele-
It is easy for us, for instance, to point out to the brated this year, in the foundation of modern
Linnaeus Systema Naturae as a milestone in the Biospeleology.
development of the natural sciences, and as we
argue below, a similar case can be made for
Father of the Modern Biospeleology
Racovitza’s contribution to Biospeleology.
The development of scientific knowledge
during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Emil Gustave Racovitza (1868-1947) was a
separated what was ‘natural philosophy’ from all naturalist in the broad sense of the word. Born in
other thought disciplines and transformed it into Romania, he studied law in Paris but devoted his
what was called Natural History. As such, it inclu- effort and attention to the study of natural sciences,
ded the sciences of the earth and life, while other especially zoology, producing a doctoral thesis on
phenomena were included in what was called the Annelid nervous system in 1896. He participated
‘recreational physics’ encompassing physics and in the Belgian International Expedition to the South
chemistry, among other disciplines. Finally, as Pole at the end of the century. He worked at the
knowledge became more analytic and specialized, research station ‘Laboratoire Arago’ at Banyuls-sur-
labels appeared for the basic disciplines as we Mer (France) and co-directed the publication
know them today –geology, anthropology, biology– Archives de Zoologie Expérimentale and Générale.
and the concept of Natural History remained a In 1904, Racovitza visited the cave of Drac on
the Isle of Majorca (Spain) and described the sub-

terranean crustacean, Thyphlocirolana moraguesi 1889); “By sharp changes” (Eigenmann, 1898);
(Racovitza, 1905), which impressed him with unu- “Organs development underneath a darkness envi-
sual characteristics such as blindness and depig- ronment undergo through a lot of changes occu-
mentation. The discovery of the subterranean rring in the earliest generation” (Viré, 1899).
isopod awakened his interest for the subterranean Racovitza was first to establish and define the
milieu and its associated fauna and he decided to true conditions of the subterranean environment
invest his time and efforts to the study of the subte- and their influences on cave dwellers, making an
rranean environment. Three years later he publis- important and original contribution within the
hed Essai sur les problèmes biospéologiques, a scientific context of the time. Assuming some
balance of previous research, methodological and observations that basically characterize the subte-
conceptual criticism and a detailed program for the rranean milieu such as permanent darkness, steady
future of this discipline, which is still current today. temperature, high humidity and low food supply in
Returning to Romania, he founded the Institute of some parts of the cave environment, he described
Speleologie in Cluj, the first of this specialty in the the influences of the subterranean milieu on the
world. He continued working on subterranean life forms of cave dwellers as follows:
until his death in 1947.
When Racovitza started to
study the contemporary biogeo- 1.- Lack of light conditions and
graphical work on the subterrane- influences the pigmentation, the
an environment he did not find optical system, the development
any information related to the sub- of non-visual sensory organs and
terranean fauna. Rather, the pri- the cave dwellers’ behaviour.
mary literature would mention the
insignificance of the subterranean 2.- Relative unchanging and low
habitat and the lack of importance temperatures might reduce the
of its fauna (Ratzel, 1902). adaptation capacity to overcome
The specialized works at the environmental changes, produce
end of the nineteenth century lack of reproductive and lethargy
(Packard, 1889; Hamann, 1896; periods and a decrease of functio-
Viré, 1899; Chilton, 1894; Joseph, nal activity.
1882; etc.) did not address any of
3.- Subterranean high humidity
Racovitza´s concerns. The studies
might provide an advantage over
he carried out revealed an unclear
the epigean milieu, because it
and incomprehensible network of
reduces corporal evaporation.
concepts and generalizations Emile G. Racovitza, Photo courtesy
unfounded and contradictory of S. Iepure. 4.- Absence of plants and exter-
scientific theories and observatio- nal food resources in caves com-
nal and interpretational errors. pel cave dwellers to follow a
He was confounded in the reading of texts such carnivorous and saprophagous feeding regime.
as: “Live in full darkness conditions necessarily The idea of a continuous scarcity of food in the
produces blindness” (Packard, 1889); “Blindness is subterranean environment cannot be accepted.
not necessarily produced by a full darkness live”
(Semper, 1880); “Lack of light is not the efficient 5.- Despite some authors’ opinions, the fight for
reason of blindness, which may be produced by survival is incessant in the subterranean envi-
unknown factors” (Hamann, 1896); “Caves are not ronment and therefore natural selection acts on
completely dark and it explains the existence of individuals and species.
eyed cave dwellers” (Hamann, 1896); “Deep caves
are characterised by full darkness” (Verhoeff, After he reviewed all subterranean fauna known
1898); “Blinded cave dwellers have lost theirs eyes at that time, Racovitza reasserted his first apprecia-
after the cave immigration” (Packard, 1889; Viré, tion about subterranean fauna: “the only thing these
1899); “Cave dwellers special features have been living beings have in common is the habitat; cave
acquired by slow evolution processes” (Darwin, dwellers are a heterogeneous mix of different
1859); “By rapid evolution processes” (Packard, forms, origins, inheritance aptitudes, organization

Graellsia, 63(2), Diciembre 2007, pp. 363-366 — ISSN: 0367-5041


ranges and immigration periods to the caves” (Barr et al., 1960; Delamare-Deboutteville, 1960;
(Racovitza, 1907). Ginet, 1960; Vandel, 1964; Holsinger, 1967; Ginet
His first supposition to explain the disorganiza- & Decou, 1977; Culver, 1982; Rouch, 1986; Culver
tion of Biospeleology at that time was the situation et al., 1995; Holsinger, 2000). Some of these works
of the discipline as an incipient science. He pointed made possible the appearance of two key mono-
out the obstacles and difficulties to avoid and the graphs that integrated and summarized all the infor-
future direction that the discipline should follow. mation compiled at that time: Biospéologie (Vandel,
Racovitza believed it was the right moment for 1964), with an orthogenetic perspective, and Cave
building general theories, proceeding with analysis ecology and the evolution of troglobites (Barr,
and tackling the shortage of biological and taxono- 1968), within the frame of Neodarwinism.
mic works on subterranean fauna; he considered Modern Biospeleology reached the starting
that point as an adequate time to begin shedding point discussed by Racovitza, after half a century of
light on subterranean natural history. Erroneus expeditions and studies. From here, general theo-
interpretations and generalizations at the end of the ries, specific monographs and biology, coloniza-
nineteenth century may have given way to facts and tion, speciation and evolution studies should have
observations. He suggested an intensive global allowed the resolution of the subterranean faunal
research agenda, studying the largest number of history. From a morphological and physiological
caves possible in the greatest number of varied point of view, only a few studies were conducted,
regions to fill the absence of subterranean faunal concluding with many unanswered questions.
and floral knowledge, and encouraged rigorous As the responses of subterranean animals to
investigation and experimentation in the subterra- similar demands vary greatly, it is difficult to make
nean environment. generalizations in this regard. At most a general
After the publication of his work, Racovitza trend could be discerned for some characterisitics.
founded the energetic association “Biospeologica”, The characters called “predictive adaptations”
originally established at the Laboratoire Arago (Vandel, 1964; Culver, 1982) or just adaptations to
(France), and once in Romania, he created the the environment (Barr, 1968; Barr & Holsinger,
Institut de Spéologie, at Cluj. At that time a new and 1985) are often convergent characters but they must
promising period of biospeleological research be correctly evaluated in order to determine whet-
began. Many speleological expeditions were carried her or not they are adaptive. In the current scienti-
out, especially in Europe, Africa and North fic context, it is not clear what percentage of the
America. Large amounts of material were collected apparent convergence is due to inheritance from
and identified, concluding with the publication of ancestors (phylogeny) and what to true convergen-
eighty-one monographic papers covering all zoolo- ce (adaptation) (Camacho et al., 1992). We need an
gical groups (Camacho, 1992) in the series objective way of deciding whether a character pre-
Biospéologica which was placed into the Archives sent in an organism is primitive or is derived.
de Zoologie Expérimentale et Générale. A substantial number of studies on the beha-
Throughout the second half of the twentieth cen- vioural, morphological, physiological and metabo-
tury, taxonomic studies predominated, and paved lic effects of starvation in many taxa have been
the way for ecological and physiological research. made (Poulson, 1964; Mathieu & Gilbert, 1980;
Physiological research on biological cycles and Hervant et al., 1996, 1997, Langecker, 2000; Her-
reproduction of cave invertebrates began after vant & Renault, 2002). Nevertheless many ques-
nearly half a century of the origin of the modern tions remain unanswered, and there is still much to
Biospeleology (Deleurance-Glaçon, 1963). Studies learn from future research.
on morphological and physiological adaptations Returning to Racovitza’ essay, everything he
declined after the 60’s and 70’s (Bellés, 1992), per- then stated remains valid today, showing the short
haps, as pointed out by Culver (1982), because they advancement achieved in the knowledge of the sub-
no longer appeared modern. Some notable excep- terranean biology, and also demonstrates how
tions are studies by Holsinger & Culver (1970) and visionary and up to date he was. The Essai is still
Wilkens (1987) on morphological variation in the most relevant document to recognize
Gammarus minus, and studies on morphology and Biospeleology as a modern science. Racovitza is
genetics of regressive characters in cave fishes, res- one of few naturalists to make such an important
pectively. Indeed problems of biology, cave coloni- contribution and so ahead of his time, and that is
zation, speciation and evolution of aquatic the reason for him to be considered the father of
organisms prompted many and significant studies Modern Biospeleology.

Graellsia, 63(2), Diciembre 2007, pp. 363-366 — ISSN: 0367-5041


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Graellsia, 63(2), Diciembre 2007, pp. 363-366 — ISSN: 0367-5041

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