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albuterol – b2 agonist, bronchospasm/asthma, dec bp increased Hr

ambenomium – anticholinesterase, helps in treatment of myesthinea gravis, intermediate lived

amphetamine – RELEASER with pseudophedrine (puts a lot of NE into cytoplasm reversing the uptake)
atenolol – beta 1 antagonist, MI, arrythmia, Hypertension
atracurium – Nm inhibitor non depolarizing, slight histamine release, cat b preg, intermediated livied, Hoffman elimination
atropine – muscarinic antagonist, used for anesthesia, bradycardia, reversal of nm block, organophosphate insecticide toxicity
benztropine – muscarinic antagonist, parkinsons disease
bethanechol – Muscarinic Agonist, used for Urinary Retention, CANNOT enter CNS.
botulinum toxin – inhibits vesicle fusion and inhibits Acetylcholine release,
brimonidine – a2 Agonist, Glaucoma
carvedilol – beta blocker , Beta1 = beta2 > alpha 1, used for hypertension angina MI heart failure
cevimeline – muscarinic agonist, used for dry tounge xerstomia, ENTERS THE CNS
cisatracurium – Nm antagonist, Preg B, Intermediate, Hoffman elimination, Slight histamine
clonidine – a2 agonist, for opiate withdrawal and hypertension and pain
cocaine – Norep reuptake inhibitor
cyclopentolate – Muscarinic antagonist - Mydriosis, cyclopegia, just eye
dicyclomine – Muscarinic ANTACGONIST for Irritable bowel syndrome (high gi motility)
dobutamine – b1 agoist with weak a1 b2, fast 2 min half life, COMT, continuous IV, INC BP, HR, CO
donezepil – alzheimers disease, anticholinesterase, intermediate duration 15 min, reversable
dopamine – a1,b1, High doses = a1, low does = dopamine (vasodilation), middle = b1. Use it for SHOCK and LOW BLOOD PRESSURE, Everything INC
doxacurium – Nm blocker, long lasting, kidney, cat. B, no histamine
doxazosin – a1 antagonist, LONG acting hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia, BEBU
echothiophate – Antiacetylcholinesterase, long acting, Glaucoma, IRREVERSABLE
edrophonium – short acting anticholinesterase, diagnosing myesthinia gravis
epinephrine – a1,a2,b1,b1, high doses is a1, low does is b1,b2, MAP up, HR up, CO up
galantamine – Anticholinesterase, Alzheimers, intermediate acting
hemicholinium- inhibits reuptake of choline (synthesis inhibitor)
ipratropium – Muscarinic Antagonist, COPD, no CNS
isoproterenol – Beta agonist (1 and 2), HR up, MAP down, CO up, for AV block, bronchospasm, Cardiopulmonary recessitation
labetalol – beta blocker > a1, used for hypertenstion Dec. HR and MAP and CO
mecamylamine – Nn antagonist, tourettes syndrome, severe hypertension if nothing else works!
methacholine – muscarinic agonist, diagnosis of bronchospasm
methyldopa – hypertension, a2 agonist, If given to high can promote a1 “EYE pitty the fool who uses opium”
methylphenidate – inhibits Reuptake of NOREPINEPHRINE, similar to Cocaine
metoprolol – Beta 1 antagonist, used for Heart Failure and cardiomyopathy in addition to MI, Angina, Hypertension
metyrosine – inhibits tyrosine hydroxylase and Catecholamine synthesis
mivacurium – Nm antagonist, short acting, acetachlineesterase, preg C, slight histamine
neostigmine – anticholinesterase, myesthinia gravis treatment, excreted by kidney, non-depolarizing blocker, orally and parenterally, causes
nausea, poor GI absorption.  URinatry and GI obstruction contraindicated (miosis, hypersalivation, bronchospasm, bradycardia)
nicotine – Nn agonist, used to taper off tobacco addiction, REMEMBER CYP1A2 and increases insulin absorption
norepinephrine – a1, a2, b1. Increased MAP, decrease HR, no change in Co bc of Inc SV
pancuronium – antagonist of Nm and muscarinic antagonist. No histamine, kidney, long, preg C
phenoxybenzamine – non selective alpha inhibitor, for pheocrhomocytoma
phentolamine – alpha blocker, reversible, TOLL on FUN. low BP but increased HR (reflex and a2 block); Use for pheochromocytoma/dermal necrosis
phenylephrine – a1 adrenegeric agonist, use for hypotension, nasal congestion, conjunctiva hyperemia
physostigmine – anticholinesterase, glaucoma, physio stuff (anticholinergic syndrom)- myosis, gland secretion, urinary motility, bronchospasm
pilocarpine – muscarinic agonist, used for xerostomia, myosis induction, glaucoma
pralidoxime – antedote for anticholinesterases like sarin or echophonium
prazosin – a1 inhibitor, used for hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia, can cause rebound hypertension, ITRAOPERATIVE floppy iris
propranolol – beta blocker non selective
pyridostigmine – Anticholinesterase, treatment of myesthinia gravis
reserpine – inhibits vesicular storage of dopamine, initially agonist but then inhibits
rivastigmine – anticholinesterase, alzheimers disease, intermediate duration
rocuronium – Nm antagonist non depolarizing, slight increased Histamine, Cat. B, liver, intermediate duration
salmeterol – longer acting B2 agonist, treats COPD too
scopolamine – muscarinic antagonist for motion sickness, enters CNS
solifenacin – muscarinic antagonist, urinary urgency, no CNS
succinylcholine – Nm agonist depolarizing, promotes Nn, and muscarinic too. Slight Histamine. Preg C, Eliminated by Cholinesterase, short lived
tacrine – Anticholinesterase, Intermediate duration (reversible), Alzheimer’s disease
tamsulosin – a1 antagonist, benign prostatic hyperplasia
terazosin – a1 antagonist, same as doxa
timolol – b1,b2 antagonist beta blocker, adds on glaucoma and migrane
tiotropium – Muscarinic ANTAGONIST, COPD, CANNOT enter CNS
tolterodine - muscarinic antagonist, no enter cns, urinary urgency
tropicamide – muscarininc antagonist, clinically mydriasis and cyclopegia induction
tubocurarine – non-depolarizing Nm antagonist (paralysis) and of Nn(hypotension) and HIGH histamine (bronchospasm, hypotension) Long
duration, elimated by kidney, category C
vecuronium – Nm inhibitor, non-depolarizing, no histamine, Lung and Kidney (intermediate duration), Preg C, just Hypotension
vesamicol – inhibits transport of Acetylcholine into storage vesicles (decreases acetylcholine)
yohimbine – a2 antagonist, erectile dysfunction, side effects are hypertension, tachycardia, axiety

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