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1) Primary Resources :

your author’s works

Last name, First name. Title. City: Publisher, year, print/pdf/epub

2) Secondary Resources :

 Books :
Last name, First name. Title. City: Publisher, year, print/pdf/epub

First line of the reference starts here with no indentation,

second line of the same reference is indented, it starts here
— in case of two books by the same author, first citation mention the author, second citation
put this hyphen (—) instead of his name as I did here
in case of an article published in a book composed by a large number f people and has the
name of one editor:
Last name, First name of the writer of the article. “title of the article”. Last name, First name
of editor or person in charge of the book. Title of the book. City: Publisher, year, pp- page
where article begins- pages where article ends. print/pdf/epub
 Journals :

Last, First M. "Article Title." Journal Title. Series (publishing foundation or institute/
department). Volume. Issue (only if provided) (Year Published): Page(s). Website
Title. Web. Date Month Year Accessed. DOI/LINK leading to the journal

 Dissertations :
even handouts and unpublished papers can be cited here

Last, First M. Title of the Paper. Masters Thesis / Phd Thesis. foundation or institute/
department/ university, (Year Published): Page(s). Website Title. Web. Date Month
Year Accessed. DOI/LINK leading to the paper

 Conferences and Seminars : // Unpublished Papers

only if you have used any

Last, First M. « Title of Unpublished Conference Paper ». Title of Conference, Location, Date
of Conference. Unpublished Conference Paper. Institution Holding the Document,

Location of Institution, Website Title. Web. Date Month Year Accessed. DOI/LINK
leading to the paper

 Newspapers and magazines : (if paper form)

only if you have used any

same thing as journals but without link / DOI
 Websites:
Last, First M. “Article Title.”Website Title. Website Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date
Month Year Accessed. LINK

 Media:
only if you have used any

Title. Dir. First M. Last. Perf. First M. Last. Distributor, Year Published. Media Type.

How to cite a movie/film found online:

Title. Dir. First M. Last. Perf. First M. Last. Distributor, Year Published. Website Title. Web. Date

Month Year Accessed. LINK

How to cite a video clip found online:

Title. Dir. First M. Last. Prod. First M. Last. Distributor, Year Created. Website Title. Website

Publisher, Date Month Year Published. Web. Date Month Year Accessed. LINK

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