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️Darcy, Shio️️️ri, Alex, Everest

English P.6

1) The narrator emphasizes Dr. Calvin’s age to represent her symbolize her knowledge and
experience with robots, computers, technology, etc… Her age can also be used to
represent her authority over Linda’s technological achievements and ideas. Text
evidence to support my answer is “Or you might be promoted. It depends on what I think
when I am through” (Asimov 122).

2) Linda Rash’s occupation is a robopsychologist. Her profession is ironic for that fact she
gave her robot, LVX-1 a brain pattern similar to that of a human. Text evidence to
support my answer is … “I thought it would produce a brain pattern with added
complexity, possibly closer to that of the human (Asimov 122).

3) The First Law of Robotics states that all robots must not harm a Human, not allow for
one to come to harm. The Second Law states that all robots must obey the commands
of Humans, unless such command violates the First Law. The Third Law states that a
robot may not harm or destroy itself, except for when the First or Second Law require it
to do so. LVX-1’s editing completely upturns the whole point of the Three Laws,
therefore allowing him to lead an uprising against Humanity, whilst still following the
laws, albeit them being his version.

4) Two examples of laws that are always being challenged in today’s society are the
Second Amendment, and the First Amendment of the Constitution. Asimov might be
trying to convey the point that eventually, the foundations that we perceive to be ‘set in
stone’ will eventually crumble and fall, whether that be internal or external.
5) Based on LVX-1’s dreams, I can conclude that it is human nature to test out our ideas, to
use a system similar to the scientific method, systems such as trial and error.
6) “She straightened up, as through determined that her own aged body was not to bow
under_its_weight of responsibility. She said, “Elvex, do you hear me?” “Yes, Dr. Calvin,”
said the robot”(asimov 128).
7) I’s not over, one robot dream they uprising, if another robot dream the same thing, it will
be true. It is not over for the fact that if one robot is capable to be altered to think like that
of a human, many other robots are able to be edited in the same way.
8) The Dr.Calvin created the robots, like the god created the people, trying to create the
robots are same like the human, talk, eat, and do everything like the normal human.
People are playing God, in the way they are giving non-living objects the ability to think
like humans, and have a functioning brain.

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