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Missouri Pre-Service Teacher Assessment (MoPTA)

Lesson Plan Format

EDUC 260 Educational Psychology

1. Standards/Quality Indicators/Skills
Missouri and national standards, quality indicators, and skills addressed by this lesson

Develop and demonstrate reading skills in response to text by:

A. Using text features to make and confirm predictions, explain why not confirmed
B. Asking and responding to relevant questions
C. Seeking clarification and using information/ facts and details about texts and supporting answers with evidence
from text
D. Retelling a story’s beginning, middle, and end and determining its central message, lesson, or moral
E. Monitoring comprehension and making corrections and adjustments when understanding breaks down.
2. Learning Objectives (Goals) and Outcomes
The lesson’s objectives (goals) and learning outcomes appropriate for meeting curricular and student needs

Goals and outcomes of this unit will be for students to practice drawing conclusions, inferring, and analyzing by
citing relevant and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as
inferences drawn from the text, including where the text leaves matters uncertain

3. Assessment (type[s] of assessment used throughout the lesson)

Assessment(s) before, during, and after the lesson

Before the Lesson: I will have DOL for students to get focused on the topics at hand.
During the Lesson: I will ask students questions about the material being covered, and encourage discussion about the
material among students
After the Lesson: I will usually have tests, essays, or reading assignments

4. Lesson Structure and Procedures Sequence of events of the lesson elements.

(The before, during, and after the lesson, e.g., Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice, Conclusion)
Day 1
1. Greet students (1-2 minutes)
2. Introducing Myself (5 minutes)
3. Student Introductions (Stand Up, Say Your Name, Something Interesting About Yourself) (5
4. Syllabus Handout and Discussion on Classroom Guidelines and Rules (20 Minutes)
5. First DOL assigned (10-20 minutes)
6. Discuss Next Class (1-5 minutes)
Day 2
1. Greet student (1-2 minutes)
2. DOL (10-15 minutes)
3. Begin First Story/Play/Lesson on a Play (Hamlet) (30 minutes)
4. Reading Assignment Given
Day 3
1. Greet Students (1-2 minutes)
2. DOL (10-15 minutes)
3. Discussion based on reading assignment, everyone must contribute to discussion to receive full
credit towards assignment (5 minutes)
4. Continue Story/Play/Lesson (15 minutes)
5. First Section Quiz (10 minutes)
6. Reading Assignment Given

5. Instructional Strategies
Teacher approach to helping students achieve the learning objectives (goals) and meet their needs
 Make myself available before/during/after school for students who need extra help and have questions

6. Learning Activities
Opportunities provided for students to develop knowledge and skills of the learning objectives (goals)

 Group work- discussion on different topics, each group must tell their formed opinion.

7. Resources and Materials

List of materials used in the planning of and during the instruction of the lesson

 Our textbook
 Microsoft applications
 The internet
8. Technology
Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning

Our Technology usage will be mainly focused on helping the student efficiently research and write essays and work on
projects (Computer Lab, Chromebooks, etc.)
9. Differentiation/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor
To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and language differences, etc.

 For the ethnic diverse learners: Similar assignments will be assigned to these students. In this case, it is a Spanish
Speaking student. The only difference is that this student’s assignments will be in their native language, and will
have to be translated.
 For exceptional learners: The coursework will be the same, because it would be unfair to heighten their course work.
And since most of the activities in the classroom are lecture and discussion based, the need for things such as busy
work will not be needed.
10. Classroom Management
Strategies consistent with the learning needs of the lesson that also meet student behavior needs to help keep students on
task and actively engaged

1. Talking should be done only when discussion has been encouraged for the topic by myself.
2. Talking while I am talking is not acceptable. I do not intend to make my class feel like a prison by any means and will
provide plenty of reasons for discussion, so interrupting lecture too many times will result in a detention (We are teaching
adults at this point in their lives. I do not expect to have to enforce this strictly or very often.)
3. Discussion must be within good tastes and with everyone's sensibilities in mind.
4. Late Work will only be accepted under specific circumstances, otherwise I accept no late-work if the student was present
to receive the assignment. Absent work will be accepted one day after the student returns to class.

11. Extensions
Activities for early finishers that extend students’ understanding of and thinking about the learning objectives (goals) by
applying their new knowledge in a different way
Help explain concepts to other students who are struggling in the class, as well assigning research for the early
finishing students to give a brief explanation to the class the following day about a topic pertaining to the course.

12. Follow-up to this Unit’s Lessons

Quick activity for review or building on today’s learning that will deepen student understanding and interconnect concepts
(may be incorporated tomorrow or throughout the unit)

 A field trip to see a Play (Hamlet) at SEMO/Three Rivers or otherwise in MO will follow these lessons later in
 Make references to concepts covered these references in future classwork.
 Ask students an opinion based question, and ask them to explain their answers using referenced material from
the lessons
Additional Information
Any area or lesson component that may not have been covered by this format that you think is vital to include in this lesson


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Edited on June 21, 2014 at 3:29 AM.

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