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SUNY Canton Early Childhood Program

Lesson Activity Plan Template

Name: Holly Williams Date: 10/31/17

Curriculum Theme: Thanksgiving
Age: ___I ___T _X_PS ___K
Focus: Creative Arts Expression

Title of Lesson: Bubble Wrap Turkeys

I. Concept Statement
The children will enhance creativity by painting a turkey with bubble wrap.


_XX_ Approaches to Learning
___ Social and Emotional Development
___ Language and Literacy ___Language and Communication ___Literacy
___ Cognition ___ Mathematics Development ___Scientific Reasoning
___ Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development

III. Sub-Domains
HSELOF Sub-Domain 1: Creativity
HSELOF Goal: Child expresses creativity in thinking and communication.

Objective 1: The children will enhance their artistic expression by using bubble wrap to create artwork.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 2: Creativity

HSELOF Goal: Child expresses creativity in thinking and communication.

Objective 2: The children will enhance their communication skills by talking to peers and teachers about their
artwork with bubble wrap.

HSELOF Sub-Domain 3: Creativity

HSELOF Goal: Child uses imagination in play and interactions with others.

Objective 3: The children will enhance their imagination by painting with bubble wrap.

IV. Materials Needed:

 6 rollers
 Bubble wrap
 Crayons [Orange, Yellow, and Red]
 15 blank white pieces of paper
 3 containers of paint [Orange, Yellow, and Red]
 Paper plates for the paint
 75 feathers cut out.
 15 cut out turkeys
V. Directions / Steps / Process [Parts A, B C]:

A. Motivation: I will show the children the turkey song. I will have the children sing the song with me. I will
ask the children if they have seen this before. (Hold up bubble wrap) I will ask the children if they know what
to do with the bubble wrap.

B. Steps
1. I will ask the children if they know what holiday is coming up.
2. I will ask children to tell me what they are thankful for.
3. I will ask the children if they have ever painted with bubble wrap.
4. I will tell the children that we are going to paint with bubble wrap.
5. I will give each child a white piece of paper.
6. I will tell the children to paint the white piece of paper however they want with the rolling pins with
bubble wrap on them.
7. I will put one color of paint on a paper plate for the children to use.
8. I will have the children share the rolling pins and the paint.
9. I will ask the children if they like painting with bubble wrap.
10. I will have the children put their art on the drying rack.
 I will have the children in another group with the assistant teacher color their turkeys and turkey

C. Conclusion and Transition

Conclusion: I will have the children sing the turkey song.

Transition: I will have the children gobble like a turkey to free play.
VI. Supplemental Materials

08-12-2016 MM/CM

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