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ilnited States Patent [19] [11] 4,348,794

Kim et a]. [45] Sep. 14, 1982

[54] DOUBLE-WALLED FINNED HEAT 2,981,072 4/1961 Brewington .................... .. 285/13 X

TRANSFER TUBE 3,696,863 10/1972 Kim ................. . . . .. 165/181

3,750,444 3/1973 Bittner 29/l57.3 AH

[75] Inventors: Sung C- Kim, Des Plaines; Marvin R 3,777,343 12/1973 Onofrio 29/1573 AH
Schwartz, Arlington Heights, both of 4,232,735 11/1980 Kim ................................... .. 165/ 184
[73] Assignee: International Telephone and
Telegraph Corporation’ New York’ 2803365 7/ 1978 Fed. Rep. of Germany 29/
NY 960628 6/1964 United Kingdom ................ .. 165/70
[21] APPL NO‘: 168,033 1155899 6/1969 United Kingdom ................ .. 165/70
[22] Filed. JUL 11’ 1980 Primary Examiner—Francis S. Husar
Assistant Examiner—-V. K. Rising
Related Us. Application Data Attorney, Agent, or Firm—James B. Raden; Donald J.
[62] Division of Ser. No. 903,049, May 5, 1979, Pat. No.
4,232,735. [57] ABSTRACT
[51] Int. 01.3 ............................................ .. B23P 15/26 A double-Walled ?nned heat transfer tube is Providecl
[52] us. (:1. ........................... .. 29/1573 AH; 165/70; for use in heat exchangers- The heat transfer tube in
165/183; 165/184; 138/104; 285/13; 29/157_4 cludes an inner tube inserted within an externally ?nned
[58] Field Of Search .................. .. 29/1574, 157.3 AH, Outer tube The assembly is Subjected to a Crimping
29/; 228/183, 184; 285/13; 165/70, 183, 184; operation WhiCh produces radial convexities along the
62/52; 138/143, 104’ 173 length of the outer tube which serve to lock the inner
tube and outer tube together in intimate heat conduct
[56] References Cited ing relationship and which produces radial concavities
U_S_ PATENT DOCUMENTS between the inner and outer tubes which serve as leak
' age channels. The crimping operation also produces
115:3; """"""""""""" " 29/ 152257?) grooves in the external ?nned surface which improves
2:529:545 11/1950 Edwagdgm A84 heat. transfer between the assembly and an external
2,586,653 2/1952 Hill ........ .. 29/157.3 AH medmm
2,724,979 11/1955 Cross ..... .. 29/l57.3 AH
2,913,009 11/1959 Kuthe ....................... .. 29/ 157.3 AH 7 Claims, 9 Drawing Figures
US‘. Patent Sep. 14, 1982 Sheet 1 of2 4,348,794

1 2
a failure in the wall of either tube will provide a leakage
DOUBLE-WALLED FINNED HEAT TRANSFER which may be detected. Third, the crimping action on
TUBE the previously externally ?nned outer surface causes
distortion and bending of the external ?ns. These dis
This is a division of application Ser. No. 903,049 ?led 5 torted and twisted ?ns increase the turbulence and fluid
May 5, 1979 and now US. Pat. No. 4,232,735. flow between the ?ns, thus improving the heat transfer.
1. Field of the Invention The above-mentioned and other feature and objects
This invention relates to heat exchangers and to heat of the invention and the manner of obtaining them will
transfer tubes employed therein, in general, and to dou become more apparent, and the invention will be best
ble-walled heat transfer tubes in particular. understood by reference to the following description
2. Description of the Prior Art taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings
In some solar heating arrangements, heat exchangers in which:
may be required between the transfer medium circu FIG. 1 is a cross-section view which shows the end of
lated through a solar collector and the distribution me a tube as it appears at the start of a manufacturing pro
dium. Furthermore, the‘ US. Department of Housing cess; .
and Urban Development in HUD Intermediate Mini FIG. 2 shows a perspective view of the tube of FIG.
mum Property Standards Supplement, Solar Heating 1 after an initial external ?n forming step;
and Domestic Hot Water Systems, Document No. FIG. 3 shows a perspective view of the tube of FIG.
4930.2, 1977 Edition at Section 8-515-9 has set forth 2 after insertion of a second tube therein;
speci?c requirements for heat exchangers when a non FIG. 4 is a cross-section of the assembly of FIG. 3;
potable liquid is used as the transfer medium between a FIG. 5 shows the ?nished heat transfer tube;
solar collector and a potable water supply. FIG. v6 is a fragmentary expanded view of the encir
More speci?cally, one requirement is that the heat 25 cled area 6 of FIG. 5;
exchanger be designed such that a minimum of two FIG. 7 is a cross-section view taken along line 7—-7 of
walls or interfaces are provided between the nonpotable FIG. 6;
liquid and the potable water supply. FIG. 8 is an exploded perspective view of a heat
In one prior art heat exchanger, the toxic heat trans exchanger employing the double-walled heat transfer
fer medium circulates within an outer shell. An interme 30 tubing of FIG. 5; and
diary non-toxic heat transfer liquid is employed be FIG. 9 is a cross-section of the assembled heat ex
tween the outer shell and a tube circuit carrying potable changer of FIG. 7.
water. As the toxic heat transfer medium circulates As shown in FIG. 1, an elongated tubular member 20
through the shell, the intermediary liquid is heated is provided having a plain, cylindrical surface. The
which in turn heats the potable water supply circulating 35 tubular member 20 is initially subjected to processing to
through the tube. produce a plurality of integral upstanding ?ns 21 which
Another arrangement for providing a double separa project outwardly about the outer circumference of the
tion between the transfer medium and the potable water tubular member20 and lie in a substantially radial cir
supply consists of tubing wrapped around and bonded cumferential plane perpendicular to the principal axis of
to a tank. The potable water is heated as it circulates 40 the tube 20.
through the coil or tank. One problem with this ar As shown in FIG. 2, the upstanding ?ns 21 are annu
rangement is that'the tubing coil must be adequately lar in shape and extend perpendicularly outward from
insulated to reduce heat losses. the outer surface of the tube 20 in a thread-like arrange
One problem with both arrangements is that they ment around the circumference of the tube 20. How
have relatively low heat transfer coefficients. 45 ever, it will beyunderstood that the upstanding ?ns 21
may be produced in a variety of shapes and con?gura
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION tions such as, for example, disconnected disc-like or
An object of the present invention is to provide new circular shaped ?ns. ’
and improved heat exchangers of the tube type. The manner of forming the upstanding fins 21 is not
Another object is to provide new and improved dou critical. For example, they could be formed on a screw
ble-walled ?nned heat transfer tubes for use in heat forming machine somewhat similar to the manner of
exchangers which are more efficient in operation and threading a bolt. The ?ns may be formed such that they
which can be economically produced. have annular shapes with a slight helical twist circum
A further object is to provide new and improved ferentially disposed along the longitudinal axis of the
methods for producing double-walled ?nned heat trans 55 tube 20.
fer tubes. It should be noted that end portions of the tube 20 are
In keeping with an aspect of the invention, these and not ?nned to facilitate mounting and connection of the
other objects are accomplishedby providing a double ?nished heat exchange tube as will be come apparent
walled heat transfer tube constructed of inner and outer below. '

tubes. The inner tube is inserted into and crimp con 60. As illustrated in FIG. 3, a second elongated tubular
nected to the externally ?nned outer tube to produce a member 40 having a plain, cylindrical surface and out
rugged, unitary heat transfer tube structure having in side dimensions less than the inside dimensions of the
creased heat transfer efficiency. , . tubular member 20 is inserted into the tubular member
Crimping of the assembly serves three purposes. 20. The tubular member 40 extends from either end
First, the crimping operation locks the inner tube within 65 beyond the end portions of the tubular member 20.
the outer tube. Second, the crimping action reshapes the To attain effective and ef?cient heat transfer or flow
outer tube so that leakage channels are formed between between the tubular members 20 and 40, the contact
the inner and outer tubes. With such leakage channels, between portions of the interior surface of the tubular
3 4
member 20 and the external surface of the tubular mem A heat exchanger employing the invention double
ber 40 must be a nearly perfect metal to metal contact. walled heat transfer tubes is shown in exploded perspec
This contact must be such that there is no substantial tive view in FIG. 8 and in cross-section in FIG. 9. The
space between the contacting surface portions where heat exchanger includes an outer shell 42. A heat trans
there might be a layer of heat insulating gas or air. In fer tube 26 corresponding to the above-described tube
effect, virtually gas tight seals must be formed between 26 is coiled about an inner baf?e 48 and positioned
the contacting portions of the interior surface of the within the shell 42. End plates 50 and 52 are secured to
tubular member 20 and the external surface of the tubu the outer shell 42 by welding or brazing. Each end plate
lar member 40. 50, 52 includes an aperture 54 and 56 through which the
Furthermore, leakage paths must be provided be end portions of the tube 76 extend. Two ports are 58
tween the tubular members 20 and 40 to provide evi and 60 provided in the end plates. Ports 58 and 60 are,
dence of a failure in the wall of either tubular member. respectively, the inlet and outlet ports for the ?uid
As illustrated in FIGS. 5 and 7, the inner tubular ?owing within the shell 42 external to the tube 26. End
member 40 is assembled and locked within the tubular portions 62 and 64 of the inner tube extend through the
member 20 by inserting the tubular member 40 within end plates 50 and 52 to serve as inlet and outlet ports 72
the tubular member 20 and subjecting the assembly to and 74, respectively, for the ?uid ?owing within the
inward crimping forces at a plurality of positions along tube 26. End portions 66 and 68 of the outer tube 20
the circumference of the outer surface of the tube 20. extend beyond the end plates 50 and 52, respectively, to
This crimp locking operation brings the external tubular provide ports 80 and 82 for the leakage paths formed
member 20 into thermal contact with the inner tubular 20 between the inner and outer tubes 40 and 20, respec
member 40 to provide good conductive heat transfer tively.
while also providing grooves or channels between the In operation, fluids are individually introduced into
tubes which act as leak paths. the heat exchanger through inlet ports 60 and 72 by
More speci?cally, FIG. 7 shows an enlarged cross suitable means such as compressors, pumps, and the like
section of the ?nished tube 26 of FIG. 5. Initially, as not shown. One fluid, for example, potable water, enters
illustrated in FIG. 4, the cross-section of the tube 26 is port 72, then circulates through the inner tube 40 of the
of relatively smooth cylindrical shape. After crimping, heat transfer tube 26 and is evacuated therefrom
as for example, with rollers, the tube 26 is reshaped to a through outlet port 74. The other ?uid, for example,
generally corrugated cross-section as clearly seen in ethylene glycol, enters the port 58 and ?ows between
FIG. 7. The crimping force is such that the radially the inner baf?e 48 and the inner wall of the shell 42.
This other ?uid comes into contact with the externally
inward depressed portions 28 which may also be termed
?nned surface of tube 26 and the ?ns 21 creating turbu
ribs or radial convexities of the tube 20 lock the tube 40
lence in the ?uid flow which serves to more completely
in position and provide the required metal-to-metal bring ?uid into contact with the tube surface and thus to
contact between the inner and outer tubes for ef?cient 35
‘improve the heat transfer ef?ciency of the unit. The
heat transfer. The channels 29 which may also be ?uid continues to ?ow through the heat exchanger
termed radial concavities formed between the tubes 20 being exposed to heat transfer effects throughout the
and 40 as a result of the crimping provide leak detection ?ow path. Eventually, the ?uid reaches outlet port 60
passageways. where it is forced out of the unit.
As illustrated in FIG. 3, the tube 26 initially has a 40 If a fault such as a pin hole should occur in the wall
plurality of upstanding annular ?ns 21 which project of either the inner tube 40 or outer tube 20, ?uid will
outwardly about the outer circumference of the tube 20 enter the leakage channels 29 formed between the tubes
and extend outwardly along a radial plane thereof. 20 and 40. This leakage will eventually appear at either
After crimping, the annular ?ns 21 are reshaped to form or both of the leakage ports 80 and 82 where a means for
a plurality of circumferentially disposed depressed re 45 detecting leakage ?ow may be provided.
gions 24 with somewhat shelf-like surfaces 22 extending While the principles of the invention have been de
away from the radial plane. The depressed regions 24, scribed above in connection with speci?c apparatus and
which are generally semicircular in cross-section, lie in applications, it is to be understood that this description
planes which are approximately parallel to the outer is made only by way of example and not as a limitation
surface of the tube 26. The depressed regions 24 on each 50 on the scope of the invention.
?n are generally aligned with corresponding depressed We claim:
regions on the other ?ns, as best illustrated in FIG. 4, to 1. The method of forming a double-walled heat trans
form grooves or ?utes 25 which extend along the length fer tube comprising the steps of:
of the tube 20. Preferably, these grooves 25 follow a (a) forming an elongated inner tubular member;
slow helical or spiral pattern around the tube 20 which 55 (b) forming an elongated outer tubular member hav
provides improved heat transfer characteristics to the ing dimensions such that said ouer tubular member
tube 26. However, these grooves 25 may extend parallel ?ts over said inner tubular member;
to the longitudinal axis of the tube 20. The corrugations (c) subjecting at least a portion of the outside surface
formed in the tube 20 will of course have the same of said outer tubular member to an operation so as
pattern as the grooves 25. Advantageously, the de 60 to produce external ?ns on the outer tubular mem
pressed regions 24 on the ?ns cause increased turbu her;
lence of the ?uid external to the tube 26 thereby im ((1) assembling said inner tubular member inside outer
proving the heat transfer chwaracteristics of the tube tubular member;
26. (e) subjecting said assembly to inward crimping
The tube 20 including the external ?ns 21, and the 65 forces to lock said inner tubular member within
tube 40 are normally constructed from copper. How said outer tubular member
ever, other materials may be employed to meet speci?c and to reshape said outer tubular member to form a
conditions that are encountered in use. plurality of radial convexities and concavities, the inner
4,348,794 6
surface of said convexities being in intimate contact said ?rst tubular member in said zones is in tight
with the outer surface of said inner tubular member and locking engagement with said second tubular mem
said radial concavities forming channels between said ber and said ?rst tubular member is spaced apart
inner and outer tubular members. from said second tubular member intermediate said
2. The method of claim 1, wherein said crimping zones.
forces reshape said external ?nned surface to form a 5. The method in accordance with claim 4 wherein
plurality of grooves, said grooves extending along the said crimping forces reshape said external ?nned surface
length of said outer tube and each of said grooves being in the areas of said zones to form grooves.
aligned with a corresponding one of said plurality of 6. A method of forming a heat transfer tube compris
convexities. 10 ing the steps of:
3. The method of claim 2, wherein said grooves fol assembling a ?rst elongated tubular member inside a
low a slow helical con?guration around said outer tubu second elongated tubular member having a ?nned
lar member. outer surface; and
4. The method of forming a tubular heat transfer tube subjecting the assembly of said ?rst and second tubu
comprising the steps: lar members to a rolling operation to provide a
of subjecting a ?rst elongated tubular member to a plurality of circumferentially spaced radial defor
?nning operation to produce an external ?nned mations in the cross-section of said second tubular
surface; member which are in tight engagement with said
inserting a second elongated tubular member inside ?rst elongated member and to provide a plurality
said ?rst tubular member, said second tubular of leakage ?ow channels intermediate said plurality
member having an outside diameter less than the
inside diameter of said ?rst tubular member; of radial deformations.
subjecting the assembly of said ?rst and second tubu 7. The method in accordance with claim 6 wherein
lar members to inward crimping forces at circum said plurality of radial eformations follow a slow helical
ferentially spaced apart zones to deform said ?rst 25 con?guration around said second tubular member.
* i‘ * * *
tubular member in the area of said zones such that





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