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Recovery Process (UnBrick) and update to Latest Firmware!


 ERASE the flash, closing the ERS or ERASE jumper and plugging the JLINK to
USB for 1 minute.
 Unplug the USB, remove the ERS or ERASE jumper and go to next process.
 RESTORE the original Bootloader, closing the TST jumper and plugging the
JLINK to USB for 1 minute. This jumper will restore the atmel original
 Unplug the USB and remove the TST jumper.

 Install SAM-BA 2.12 from Atmel.
 Plug the JLINK V8 on USB.

 Change the Serial port to a lower one (COM2 or COM4)

 Run SAM-BA (As Administrator) and Select as image shows.
 The board MUST be the AT91SAM7S64-EK.

 Click Connect.
 Proceed as images shows (Steps 1 and 2)
 Select the File: V8_Firmware_NoSerial_(crackn).bin

 Click YES to the unlock message window! (First 1)

 Click NO to the lock message window! (Last 1)

 Unplug the USB.


 Plug the JLINK V8 to the USB

 Install Segger Drives v4.90 (File: Setup_JLink_V490.exe)

 Run J-Link Configurator. Select your JLINK and click on Update firmware of

selected emulators. (Note that the SN is -1, this is the NO SERIAL firmware

we used to recover the emulator. With any serial, the update will Fail.)
 Run J-Link Commander
 Fix the Serial Number with this command: Exec SetSN=XXXXXXXX
(Where XXX is any 9-digit number).

 To check if the serial was set correct, use the command: usb 0
or close and re-open the J-Link Commander.

The Serial can only be set once. After that, if you want to change, you need
to do all the recovery process again.


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