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Time and Place: St. Paul in Hamburg, in the year 2000.


(In the house of Mister Reynard. Reynard, a man of fifty years, with his young servant Harlequin.)

My servant Harlequin, I am a rich man,
I too like to look at the gold of the treasure,
I take a bath in my money, and I bathe
In gemstones such as sapphire, jade and jasper.
The golden aeon was paradise,
The golden honey is more sweet than sugar,
The golden Venus is the queen of love,
Also Hermes estimates gold and money as the god of thieves,
The gold of Solomon decorated the house of God,
The Saints will be cleaned to gold in the fire of distress,
In a golden house once lived Emperor Nero,
Leander gave gold to his beloved Hero,
The children of Israel also danced
Before a golden bull, I mean 'the golden calf,
It is said about a friend who practices the friendship's loyalty,
He is as true as gold, when you look at him,
It is said that speeches are like silver, but
Silence of a woman is precious as gold.
King Solomon also speaks in his wisdom
And to the great God in his wisdom prays:
Wisdom is good with an inheritance,
And blessed is he, who with his wisdom have
Big money and property, money procured everything.
Even in the paradise before the fall
Ample gold was perfectly pure,
Paradise's onyx and Eden's gold.
In all times I have been on this earth.
In the beginning God the Lord said: Let there be
The universe and Harlequin! My soul in this world
Once lived in the forest, then in nomad tent,
In Eden I played with the boy Abel of Eve,
I built the big tower of the daughter Babylon,
I looked at the wall which was built in ancient China,
In the Peking Opera I was the fool, the stupid Chou,
I was in the war also for Helen of Sparta,
Thersites I was there, I was the chef of Martha,
As I like fried the roast with bread and cheese
For her sister and her brother and the Lord.
In the Middle Ages, I hunger and thirst,
I have lived as a fool, you called me fool,
At dinner I sat also, the big god Janus,
Poorly with table neighbors I was Saint Grobianus,
I was a fine fool to Paris in Rokkoko times,
When Sun King lived with the poor clown Pierrot,
Colombine was there with her sweet visage,
Then I was in Bordeaux, where I was called Jean Pottage,
And When Queen Elizabeth in Brittania Empire reigned
I was Pickelhering, then I saw the Shakespeare,
I was with the Pope in Rome, they called me Brighella,
And in Naples I was formerly Pulcinella,
Now in Saint Paul I serve Mister Reynard,
My name is Harlequin, I often dream of Colombine.
I invited them, who want to inherit my treasure, they all want
My much-loved money! The human veing is a whore!
But they want my money and want to be my heir
And pray, O Satan, let him die!

(Admission of the Advocat Bartholomew.)

Mister Reynard, healthy? Health is everything!
We sicken all, oh, by the bite of the Fall!
Hard of hearing is the man, deaf in both ears!
You brought what? Gifts, as I think?
Yes, a bottle of wine, vinified from Silenus,
For this purpose, and the statue of Venus naked!

(Entry of Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke.)

Mister Reynard, healthy? A doctor at the deathbed
Of a big capital, that would not be nice.
You want opium for the people, the pain of death
To consolat with the Beyond of Religion?
Do you bring me a gift, my friend?
Yes, the icon of Ché Guevarra here says
To Mant, the good Ché dispels all evil,
And thos holy book, the red Mao Bible!

(Entry George Nobody.)

O Reynard, my friend, I come from the office
And just thought of nothing and was thinking like this:
Reynard I want to visit with friendship today.
My wife sends you here the sweet fig cake!
The fig, in latin fica called, in french la fique.
Your wife has so much charm in her warm look!
Tell Coeli thy wife: Mister Reynard, the sick,
I the beautiful woman with all my heart thank.
An heir is sought for all your belongings?
Do you not have a son of your own blood?
I just have bastard brood of the gypsies,
Of prostitutes and of fat black women,
The hermaphrodite, who always talks like a book,
Then there is the clown, and the eunuch,
Which lustful I testified in my youth.
For this people only the good Lord can care!


(The Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke and Mistress Dutschke his wife on the street arguing.)

I think again about my first wife,
I saw her in Paris, how beautiful her body was,
How big was the bosom of this beautiful lean,
How long was the iambic-pair of trembling flanks,
How blessed I was in the paradise of earth,
When she gave birth to a child in beautiful Paris!
You faithless dog, you left your wife,
Your child in Paris you left alone!
You have broken the first woman's heart,
She still grieves bitterish in pain!
Because the family's luck we revolutionaries
Deeply despised! I was the man of honor,
Being a fighter for a new state.
As the others were only petty bourgeois, private
Living the citizen-marital bliss, I could do without it.
The free love I practised, this were now stories
I told them to you, free love's hero,
If I wrote of them, the book would be wider than the world.
No monologues, you socialist Casanoca,
The anticlerical experience of the Vita Nova
Of free love! I'm so fed up
From your poetry, you foolish Apollo!
So now you are my wife. However, the first wife
Always hovers before my eyes as a young goddess!
What needles of pain have bestowed her yet!
She has her whole life not forgiven me.
Forgiveness, what is it? You shall refrain!
The anger is productive and hate makes you strong!
Was not hate the program for our rebellion?
Mao's wife, was she not a deadly scorpion?
Forgiveness, marriage and family teach the priests,
We sharpen full of anger the tongue and the weapons
And free mankind and rid the culture
And sexuality. Then back to nature!
Freed from the joke of the Church the suppressed impulses,
The sexuality is free through free love!
In my old age but I'm a believer
As a Hindu and an scholar of sexual magic.
The lotus flower cup the jewel connected - my mantra,
Enlightenment comes through sex, through religious Tantra.
This is in your book, this you only know from the book,
You poor old man, already living like a eunuch.
What you took advantage of it because of the young slim bodice
Of your second wife? What you are doing to your bitch?
The sages taught me how to beware the seed.
Your Shiva Lingam is simply not hard!
But I must leave now, you worn spouse,
Sexuality I have to teach in the school.

(Mistress Dutschke exit. The young Paul Bartholomew is coming. He introduces himself to the old
man Dutschke as his fatherly friend.)

Hello my, friend? Do you speak german?
Ein wenig. Ich kann nicht deutsch sprechen, aber ich lese deutsche Bücher.
Liest du Schiller auf deutsch?
Nein, aber ich lese Klopstock, Wieland, Goethe ud Hölderlin auf deutsch.
Ich war ein Deutschlehrer in der Schule. Aber ich spreche hannoveranisches Deutsch, nicht
schwäbisches Deutsch.
Wo wir gerade bei der Literatur sind, kennst du Ernesto Cardenal?
Ernesto Cardenal? Er hat die Revolutionsarmee der Sandinisten in Nicaragua gesegnet. Aber der
Papst sagte: Stop! Keine kommunistische Revolution!
Der christliche Glaube erlaubt es nicht, zu den Waffen zu greifen und die Reichen zu ermorden.
Du bist ein Narr! Du weißt nichts von der Armut in Südamerika. Sie müssen eine Revolution
machen und die Diktatoren ermorden. Ernesto Cardenal sah Kba und sagte, das war daS Paradies
auf Erden.
Ernesto Cardenal ist ein Narr. Er mischt die katholische Theologie mit der marxistischen Ideologie.
Aber es gibt keine Brücke zwischen Himmel und Hölle.
Der Kapitalismus lässt Afrika verhungern. Die Kinder sterben, weil die westliche Zivilisation den
Afrikanern alle Bodenschätze stiehlt. Und so mussten sie eine Revolution machen. Es gab
kommunistisch Regierungen in Angola und Äthiopien.
Äthiopien! Ich liebe Äthiopien! Der Kaiser von Äthiopien war ein Sohn von König Salomon und
ein Jünger Jesu.
Der Kaiser? Ich mag keine Kaiser. Im Mittelalter Päpste und Kaiser waren Diktatoren. Alle Armen
mussten Hunger leiden.
Die Bauern hatten ein besseres Leben unter dem Zaren als unter Stalin.
Ich war in Moskau als ein sozialistischer Delegierter und ich sah, da war Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit
in der sozialistischen Welt.
Da war keine Freiheit! Das russische Volk liebte Gott und Gottes Mutter, aber im Kommunismus
war es unter Todesstrafe verboten, an Gott zu glauben. Schau dir Nord-Korea an. Die Todesstrafe
erwartet dich, wenn du eine Bibel besitzt.
Meinst du etwa dieselbe Bibel, in der ich gelesen, dass zuerst ward Adam geschaffen und dann aus
Adam ward seine Frau Eva geschnitzt?
Diese Geschichte ist von einer tiefen Weisheit..
Ich habe die ersten Seiten der Bibel gelesen, aber als ich diese kleine Eva sah, hab ich nicht weiter
Du hast aber wenig Interesse an der Heiligen Schrift.
Was man so heilig nennt. Es gibt keinen Gott!
Ich glaube an die Liebe Gottes!
Buddha sagt: Alles ist Nichts und Leere.
Solomon says: Vanitas vanitatem! Lady Vanity, Lady Vanity, all that she have is a vanity-bag!
Ha, ha!

(A street scene is constructed by Harlequin. Mister Reynard disguised as a Taoist Pope with the
Yellow Turban occurs and proclaimed as Grand Master of Chi the wisdom of Chinese medicine.
Paul stands along the way. The street scene is before the House of George Nobody and his angelic
wife Coeli.)

Wan fu! This is my greeting: Ten thousand times luck!
Tsing on! And that is: Pax! The peace be with you!
You mob in the world, you jaded fools,
You worship doctors to erharren healing,
You see the doctor as God, as the god of healing arts,
As god Asklepios. All this is only mist!
The science of stupid Occident
Compared to the salvation of the wise middle kingdom
Is vanity, is nothing! The evil Christianity
Produces science, violated the sanctuary
Of holy nature and promotes the machines,
The dead machine, chemistry of medicines.
Medicine, away! You want to steal life,
The wisdom of nature you call superstition.
Shamans already knew how sacred is nature,
How spirits appear, and they were on the trail
Of the Great Spirit and the myriad spirits.
In trance understand the initiated masters.
You must be a seer, that one is a healer
By laying hands on to heal, this is a healer, that ye know.
Shamans, seers, and druids, wise masters,
Dominate this realm of the immanent spirits.
Away with science, the western Christianity,
Shaman wisdom come on and Chinese paganism!
To learn wisdom, the Chinese language learn,
The phoenix is the Empress, the Emperor is the dragon.
Feng Shui teaches you to build your house.
Rest ye namely at night in your beds,
Be on your head the Emperor, the golden dragon!
Remember that your bed is not a dead thing,
Follow the watercourse, the energies urge,
That then combines the Yin with its Yang,
Thus you shall save yourself from dead works in bed,
You shall the strong Yang to the Yin gentle embed
And in the mysticism of vigorously marriage
The World Soul's energy you will have for inspiration.
And now to the medicine! I teach you the Chi,
This is not the Holy Spirit, as Christians say,
As Einstein has said, a syncretist. The Chi is energetically
The force of Yin and Yang. I'm talking prophetic,
The Chi is breath, spirit. So I knew a woman,
She blocked the energy and was sick in her body,
So the beautiful body of love was a sick,
In her large breasts raged Cancer,
Of death the evil cancer. As a master I was talking about
The breath in the body, which is the O and A,
In the breath energy must flow, quiet rush,
Then the breath Chi flows that will heal the body,
Then dissolves the cancer with his crooked gait.
If the phoenix-Yin combines the dragon-Yang,
Then woman and man live in harmony in one body.
However, the doctor, your God, who just grinned ironically,
Only occultism was him this good Chi.
He gave the poor cancer chemo-therapy
And killed the woman, who poisoned the female.
Thus Christianity is fien to the camisole!
I quarrel with God, what is so praised as God,
The murderer of this woman, he deserves my whole ridicule!
My dear Abba God, forgive the poor fool
And let him not be lost in the pit of hell!
Health Goddess, o Hygiene Goddess you!
Health-giving the body, the soul peace!
Health Goddess, healing the soul in the blood,
We worship you: Hail to our highest good!
We greet you, O woman and goddess, with the mouth,
Join our death body healthy with your grace
And our psyche already here bestowing the Garden of Eden,
From Beyond we want consolating not talk,
No, this beautiful world is our paradise!
As a healing sacrament liquor give to us of anise,
Pour brandy us from anise in our sick veins
And let the veins expand with love's lust
In water and anise and let us already
Be blessed in love-drunken noise,
Until we in your favor with our souls' sparks
Completely absorbed in the ecstasy of bliss of lust
Drunk asleep on our death bed!
The Yang to Yin laughs: Hey, darling, be so cute!
The Yin may not be so moody and so lunatic,
The Yin let be for love always willing!
Let know the Yin: the Yang is good for life,
When she sucks the power of Yang out of the man's loin!
Prayer of heresy, so you pray heretical,
And he thinks that religion is wisdom dietary.
Then in the court of the dead spirit goes,
To the idols dedicate the sacred prayer.
God, my Abba, have with this poor man mercy
And compassion, o heart of Jesus, a heart of pity!

(Coeli emerges from the house)

A preacher of God? Stop! Hear I of the mystery
Of the wisdom of God, I, from the Gospel?
(to Harlequin)
This is the sweet wife, my eternal desire!
My whole paradise with all the curls' snakes!
Look behind her house, there hung the clothes,
Run, O my Harlequin, in her garden run,
Do not pay attention to the bush, do not pay attention to the rose,
Take off from the leash the beloved underpants!
The veil leaves the deity once in her Strip -
O deity, tear down your last slip!


(Reynard and Harlequin in Reynard's house. Reynard drinking best old wine from Spain and
Harlequin a cheap vinegar from a cardboard carton.)

The pope's church I totally contrary,
The old men are Christ's body members,
Yes, male, old and gray, so is the body of Christ.
But I long for a young woman!
Again women, sir! So all sorts of stories
With wives you had, I could seal it.
But this is quite normal. Each young man
Such as the poet Lord Byron is a Don Juan
And every old man like Dante's Vita Nova
Is still a womanizer as once Casanova.
Be always gallant and never husband,
Be family friend with the woman of your neighbor, namely
The husband shall do the hard work,
And you can distribute full of lust time with her.
In old times Harlequin was already blue
And Columbine was his sister or wife.
It's every woman, the lustful, the pure,
A wandering cup, the great whore.
What is the butterfly that flies drunk blessed
Nestled from one calyx to the next?
What is the flower because, in my old age,
The flower, which flies from butterfly to butterfly?
Boring the covenant of marriage is forever faithful,
I love girls only, ever young and fresh and new.
True love's lust enjoys only on walking,
Woman's love moves constantly from one to the other.
Also, I met no woman who faithfully loves one man only,
Which at another not deviated even became.
The spouse may be placken at work,
The family friend but may massaging her neck.
Unreliable is the woman as wife Fortuna
And capricious, grillig she is like the goddess Luna.
If all the women I've ever had in bed,
Now would be with me, I'd have an harem!
But all the women's flock, I no longer want to see,
What I'm interested in the older trophies?
A woman there alone, cruel tearing me apart,
Takes my mind and makes sense, discouraged my mind!
You know, it is Coeli! I want to worship alone
The adored, my burning desire!
In pious poverty she lives, not complaining of avarice,
But she is not economical with her rich appeal!
Have you seen the shirt, the transparent silk,
The magic belt also girded around the vagina,
The black petticoat, which fell on the leg?
So you have to dream yes of wild lovemaking!
It comes but from every man from Adam, the monkey,
Whatsoever preach the prudish religious priests.
The dear husband is the same gorilla,
Lives the family fortune and is rich in children,
But the gorilla cock, his penis is small!
Chimpanzees but equal of marital bliss deniers,
Always the chimp fucks a lot of female chimpanzees,
That's so his kind, in which he is sent,
Therefore huge is his penis! The house friend is such one.
The gorilla penis, they are getting smaller,
The lazy husband snores rather alone,
Whether the female sighs of hot love.
But the chimpanzee resembles the family friend and his penis,
He fuck first Artemis, then Athena, then Venus!
For thus it dictates the mother nature,
The free love of erotic culture.
Yes, Julia, Mary and Susie, at the splendor
I know not to vote! I want my dick
Bless every woman! Be happy every woman,
From behind and from the front each woman shall be fucked!
I am returning each night, the mortality in defiance,
First, to the bottle of wine and then to the vagina of whores!
Coeli but seems to be pious and chaste!
Yes, God is my Rival! But I itch my flesh,
I feel horny lust boiling in my blood,
The core sensuality in my phallus throb!
Death, hell and womankind! In my Satan Pact,
The devil knows well, the woman I'll get naked for you!
As wise as Solomon, Odysseus equal to lists,
I created you zoom with her sweet breasts!
The devil blows me certainly still a trick,
For Lilith, I'll get you the desired fuck!
If only my seed would flow in her vulva,
That would be truly for me worth the eternity of hell!


(George Nobody and his wife Coeli in their house.)

You are a bad woman, because you badly like
This mystic Taoist Pope!
Yes you listen to every word, you over-religious,
And lay your hand on your excited pussy!
And you think already not chaste, please be chaste!
You all foul woman, fully sin is your flesh,
You serve Asklepios as once the hierodules,
You break the marriage covenant to compete with a dick!
What have I done? Yes I have only listened,
Whether about wisdom rushes in the master's words.
The speech is certainly beautiful from your master Kallos,
But everything you want, is a stony phallus,
That would be the soul medicine for your heart,
Yes you put in your hole a hard phallus,
To rub your clit and tickle!
How rabble scum you speak sinfull to quip.
How your speech I stained in my shell ear!
I'm going to hear now of the pure angelic choir,
Because your words and your chatter makes dirty
My girls soul, oh, dirty and hurt!
I pray now at my home altar
To God, who is, will be and always has been.
(Exit Coeli)
The women are quite corrupt natures,
They do like saints and are nothing more than whores!
How chaste and cool her gaze directed toward the salvation,
But the women are at heart so very horny,
That they do not want anything as the basin in the dance
To pivot about the God of stone with his phallus!
No, nowhere in the world today is still chaste breeding!
Oh, hot as fire of hell is my jealousy!

(Harlequin enters.)

O George Nobody, friend, you will soon inherit,
Mister Reynard, your friend, will die without mercy.
Leaving Mister Reynard the beautiful earth world,
He then gives as a testament to me and his dear money?
Mister Bartholomew is even in conversations.
What can I possibly do, my dear Harlequin,
That I deserve the grace of the rich man?
Mister Reynard is old, and at night in his bed,
There is cold to him, he'd since a cute,
Him as a helper and like the Lord give him a maid,
A loving and gentle wife, the bed makes the oven.
It is the assistant of loving females
Which the old body of death warms with the camisole?
This is his great desire, which he thinks of,
That a hot woman in deathbed heated him!
He wants to die after the death arts rules,
Wants to fuck the paradise of heavenly Venus!
How can I help him? After the man who demanded
That blessed he die in the womb of a woman then?
Mister Bartholomew has a daughter already, a young one,
Promised with his mouth and skillful tongue,
He said: Mister Reynard, at your death is here
As Blessed Virgin named Julia.
The virgin Julia with her tight column,
According to her, the Lord, the Eternal and the elderly require?
I know a beautiful woman who is more beautiful still,
A celestial paradise is her beloved hole!
She knows with a powerful swing from the hips
The dead themselves to awaken from hell!
This one give to my Lord! He shall be raised
From death if her mouth licking with the tongue!
It is my wedded wife, my wife,
Erotic she is as Venus herself, O goddess!
(Exit Harlequin)
My beautiful wife, I call you, dear wife!
(Appearance of Coeli)
In my eyes the repentance dew of tears.
But now, no more crying, no more fasting and waking!
You, as an angel nice, shalt laugh like angels!
What is the basic joy? Fortunately, that does not leave me?
Today we go to a friend, a neighbor, to a celebration.
You need the nice body not too chaste veil,
We want to laugh, and wife, we want to celebrate funny!
The joy of the Lord is my great power!
The spirit may inflame you for passion!
How turtledoves gently look my eyes.
How turtledoves thou shalt jerk, beak, peck!
I'm going to the bathroom and make my way around.
(Exit Coeli)
The beautiful chaste wife understands me warmly bad!
But if she ever so pious as God's dove coo,
Many a saint was formerly a whore.
Saint Aphra stand by her, once whored so beautiful
And today in paradise full of burning love coos!


(In the house of Advocat Bartholomew, father Bartholomew and son Paul.)

Mister Reynard inherited a huge legacy,
But I bequeath anything to you, if I die.
Fortunately, yes for me my heir is
The dearest daughter of mine, the virgin Julia.
O virgin Julia, flesh of my flesh are you!
She is my image, the lovely and chaste,
The seeds I sow are good seed in the arable,
The she-advocat beautiful bare to the advocat,
The virgin Julia. she's all my same,
She is noble and beautiful, and posh she hatches.
She is so fashionable beautiful, loud charm of light,
The epitome of fashion, a lovely model,
Model of Venus it in the Madonna fashion!
What should be to me the stupid Paul, the absurd Ode,
The great folly of you? You are a pure fool,
The mind in delusion wasted, yes lost.
I just do not like you! The family and friends
Are rarely todeay. You count on my enemies!
Well, the legacy will and golden seed of money
Of Reynard's shall be the possession of the advocat.
I offered the Reynard already my pretty girl,
In her hair, brunette, not one grey hair,
Built the girl slim, the delicate hips tight!
Well that man, if he joins the girl!
But Reynard, the fool, o by Regina Coeli,
Will prefer that woman of George Nobody, Coeli.
So what should I do? O in the wisdom's wit,
I give Reynard all land
And all my dear money, o by the Immaculata,
What myself I inherited with my she-advocat,
When her father died. Yes, Reynard wins
All your inheritance, that he remembers soon
And sets me in love alone as his heir.
Then the good man dies in my favor!
But you go empty, son, the invalidity of nothingness,
You're no good, you're a good for nothing,
Fortuna may rightly rob you of all goods,
Evidence as to God the ridiculous belief,
Whether from you love of God a rich inheritance comes,
That your happiness avails for all time.
As surely as the letter L stands for sexual intercourse, my father,
As surely as the cat purrs, the tail stiffens the cat,
I am a poor and free good-for-nothing,
But I will of the whole good of God Mammon nothing!
Only my great treasure is heavenly and spiritual!
Listen to the story, the parable Evangelical:
There was once a man who had two sons,
A proud son, he loved this gentleman,
And a poor second son, who was benighted in spirit,
The proud sir him has ridiculed and despised.
Now the proud man, the heart of sins died fully,
Died without mercy, went down to hell.
For his body still, o by the wise Nathan,
Were fighting Lucifer and Belial and Satan.
The poor son went blank from the wills,
He went to love God to the beautiful house of worship
And said to the bishop there: O say to my brother,
That he shares the heritage! How stingy is the bitch,
How greedy for money is the guy! But I am poor,
In the name of Jesus Christ, that my Lord have mercy!
The wise bishop was a biblically wise man,
He said to the son: Although died this summer
Your father without mercy, your father far away from God,
On his deathbed still in a mockery,
So the sinner stayed away from the happiness of the theocracy
And burning in the fire now with in Hades,
But what do I care about your fighting for inheritance?
Who tells you that the Lord damps such a dispute?
I connected the input to the heavenly love tents!
What do I care about the war for heritage of money?
So the bishop spoke in Persona Jesus Christ,
A true bishop is but another Christ.
You see, son, you fool, God knows nothing of reality!
What knows Jesus already, your God, about paying taxes?
The good Lord is quite unrealistic in the world,
Is not your God at home? What does to the love of money
Your pious Jesus Christ, what does he knows of the shekel?
Before Mammon your God has just abysmal disgust!
One God of love is alone in the kingdom of heaven,
One god on earth, God Mammon, which makes rich,
And if you have made full the bag of silver,
God Mammon's golden path leads into hell!
Hell does not scare me like no rotten egg,
For in the pit of hell there is fornication!
But thou, pious fool, shalt pray, pray, pray,
Shit in your hands you have the droppings to knead!
(Exit Bartholomew.)
Disinherited am I? Well! Thousand sins!
And you'll blame to a great rich man,
Loading yet so hard the fluctuating camels
Not enter into the kingdom of salvation of the soul.
What do you heap but the gold in bags over and over?
Naked once you have to go down in Mother Earth's hole!
Gone is all haze, gold debit and credit,
The rich you will be buried naked in mere dust!
However, the pious, poor, pure faithful poor,
Renouncing to the Lord, that the Lord have mercy,
He collects the greatest treasures in God,
That he is in God's treasure and heve forever joy!
How poor you are before God, money greedy camel,
How rich is the pious, God lives in his soul,
Only a wealth estimates, the treasure of rich grace,
That in the treasure of grace he bade his soul!
You rich lawyer, I spit on your money!
Mistress Charity is waiting in love's heaven,
Women love naked and bare there, the poor one saving,
Thirst and thirst-quenching in abundance will bless him!

(The Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke and Mistress Dutschke on the street.)

They are all these preachers silenced,
Who proselytize always of God's sympathy,
They are silent and silenced on the spot!
Of purgatory and hell not a word!
Deadly sins? This word should always be concealed,
No word of Satan and his torments of hell!
If still a preacher of Satan, death and hell
Loses a word, I want to kill him on the spot!
What do you scream again so? I have, thank God,
The nose thoroughly full of your anger and strife!
What do you scold so with me? You are a bitch!
Yes; old man, you are looking for a young doe?
A girl gentle and loving, good with a pure heart,
A girl always excited young of the old blood.
You old men love the young feminine,
You seek the Lord's handmaid, smiling sweetly: I serve!
That Communist is only a Catholic machismo,
Not sure I fought the battle of feminism.
Whether the feminist, the other feminine,
The strong heroine fights, the female says, I serve.
Feminism does not love her, the feminine handmaid,
The female she do not loves very much. I want the masculine
In my business too, I am a strong warrior,
I'm an high ruler and a better man I am,
I'm not handmaid of the Lord, not feminine fool,
The Goddess' daughter I am, the male strong lady!
The man is weak today, the man is impotent,
The goddess' daughter is in her element,
She is the ruler, he is her servant and slave.
Mary serves as a handmaid to the Father God Yahweh,
This is patriarchy, the Lord's religion.
The goddess takes the lover and the son,
For God is a woman, and God is a mother,
God is a paradise of honey and butter,
And the Divine is a woman and female is my God.
The old priests the woman only scorn,
So the church of the old gentleman I do not like,
Much freer there were the old pious heathen.
Not Plato's Ideal, Ideas in heavenly halls,
To the feminists is useless Plato's ideal,
Not Aristotle and his manly logic,
The pederasts God and its pedagogy
Is patriarchal. However, the old mother-right
We renew in the fight, in the eternal battle,
The woman with the man in the sexual war,
The mother goddess reserves last victory!
I am a poor fool! You were in your youth
Combatant in the battle of the rebellion, the virtue
Of class hate. I, the eternal Jack
In all lanes, now hear from the battle of the sexes.
Battle of the sexes? It itches me in my solar plexus.
There is already talk of the patriarchal sex.
Oh, Confucius as Moses also goes by
And the father's son, the man of Nazareth,
The fonts are all Papyrus, which can burn.
The women are even more male than men.
What once was the Venus and Saint Urania,
Is now with whip and scourge Domina!
It is better but alone in the corner under the same roof
As with a squabbling wife united in one thing.
This has a reason, if your lady scolds,
Because they are tired of you and to suffer from your whims.
Yes, you will quarrelsome, all you women! Strengthens the will,
Live your whims and feminine crickets,
For the modern woman is superhuman free,
Freed from the tyranny of sex and man!
We were still together and stormed the Montmartre,
Simone de Bouvoir were you and I was Sartre!
You were the strong Yang and I the weak Yin?
Away with the nonsense of sex and gender, for I am
A woman although by nature and yet the more than tough,
Gynander I am and the great Androgyne.
The pink revolution was homosexual,
But I am a man with a woman but and alternate,
Errect myself as a man before waists slim as wasps,
I pity me myself, I adore the lesbians.
The lesbians are truly free women,
Freed from the male sex. I only repose
With other women, because freedom is indescribable,
The goddess of freedom is the great goddess of female!
So you love other women, loving lesbian women,
I want to look up at women addition to free love.
Away with the Christians and with all Platonists!
Healing lesbians, homos, their salvation, free bigamist!
If you just continue Priapus also to adore!
Otherwise, I know what you teach your students:
The sex magic freed education
Teaches free love and uninhibited sex logic.
You Communists have tried the revolution,
We feminists, we only overthrow the throne,
The World President, God the Father full of horror,
Is overthrown in sexual war of the women!
But further you ride the jaded horse?
You are a poor dog, you sub-human! Shut up!


(George Nobody and Coeli at the door of Reynard's house.)

What Aristotle taught, from the friendship
He wrote. I like it because friendship is not hostility.
The benefits of friendship is the deepest kind,
As a good friend feels he well be helpful and tender,
The girlfriend he but wants to help with the benefits,
He will brood the after, mouth and nose clean,
Watching the crowd of little children lovingly,
So the girlfriend can be free in her vacation.
The man's inner value and prayerful thoughts
Not prompt you for the girlfriend, he is only hers, the sick,
Who te concerns take off everyday, troubles continued,
Otherwise, he spoke not a spirit-filled word.
The friendship for pleasure you'd loved in youth.
The true love is still unknown, the virtue,
The man wants the woman for nothing but pleasure,
He wants to get drunk with her large breast,
She should make him happy with her body's stimuli,
The erogenous zones, she shall spread her legs!
When tired the man of the woman's desire,
Follows bad mood just disgusting and frustration,
The friendship is no longer of friendship, the summer sun
Sank in winter night, continuing the voluptuousness bliss.
Characterly friendship now is only true friendship,
Where you do not use and do not desire the desirest wife,
Where to the character of the noble lady you are paying attention,
Her soul and spirit as a pious enthusiast humiliating test,
Where your girlfriend you blow away all scorn and derision,
As gracious help on your way to God!
Who found such a friend is already on earth blessed
And like little children can rightly be happy.
A pious chatter of the wife of religion!
No, other things want you to do God's son Mammon,
Mister Reynard is already in the merciless death's region
And I want to inherit from the man the Good of his money.
That he was sympathetic to his best friend,
I mean me, although I am his enemy,
Be nice to his heart! O Coeli, not errs you,
When to rich Reynard for money you prostitute your sex!
Prophetess, the wife, God sits upon her forehead,
The mob is only a general whore!
Virtue's crown, I do not want to lose,
Never will I prostituting my body for money!
My body belongs solely to the conjugal duty,
My body certainly does not belong to a whore-son's fornication!
O Coeli, be charming, be as cute and nice,
Be affectionate, affectionately, caress him in bed!
Now come, my wedded wife, help me to inherit, come,
Do not be so virtuous, be not so chaste and pious!

(They occur in Reynard's house. Mister Reynard in his bed. Harlequin brings just a big pot of

O Coeli, my dream woman! How God I will worship
Your great soul covet in the beautiful body
As God's beautiful body, as the soul of the world's body,
My universe you, my great super-woman!
Oh no, I'm not, I am not a sky goddess,
I am an human being of flesh and blood and George Nobodie's wife.
You'd have you just only to see with my eyes,
The glory of the Lord is hardly like you so beautiful!
The absolute woman you are, you're the absolute
Mistress of my blood, you are in my blood!
The beautiful Venus emerging from the sea foamed,
But you come to me from the third heaven!
Yes, God will clear myself in your body,
God became human again in thee, thou Goddess-woman!
This flatters a woman, so swarming revere,
But I do not want one, thou shalt not covet me,
Because I never will make love to your flesh with my body,
Because I am faithful to my man before the face of God.
The chaste pious woman, you can not describe,
Before her husband will not give her to you!
So then I'll go now and let my wife
To the much-loved friend with soul and in body.
(Exit George)
If I were the Lord God, I would give for bids:
Hospitality calls this: If wandering now a messenger
In a house of a man and a loaded one,
Host, give to the guest your wife!
Hospitality means alone, let us eat together,
Also to thank God we at the meal never forget.
I invite you to dinner, today there are pigs tails,
Fried in the fat of all special gloss,
For pig tails plus there's a bull testicles.
In France you can eat, those are French fashions.
But I do not eat meat, I only supplying green herbs,
Also I do not eat egg and no duck skin.
Well, we read a book. The Diamond Sutra
Of Gautama Buddha here and here the Kamasutra.
How, there a naked god with a naked goddess,
He deity full power, she deity full nude?
I know it comes up with the heavenly the heathen,
God is mystically united with his penis the sheath of the goddess!
A superstition that, a blasphemous mockery,
God is love, yes, but pure Spirit is God!
But look, here you will learn more, watch this silhouette,
So bites in lovemaking the woman with a sharp bite,
Look pornographic here ecstatic pleasures,
On lip, forehead and neck and on the legs kisses,
Look here in the act of love in marriage hall
The woman bites here, she scratches with her fingernails,
Here copulating is the marital spouse,
The girlfriend soars on strong man's phallus,
Here she is below him, conception and quite naked,
He with divine power makes the act of love,
Last - I love that, may you mothering me -
Your broad hips vibrating, the position is called butter!
That is pure lust and naked desire,
No, such a love game does not live inside me,
I want my mind, the heart and soul
And also the body that is not devoid of body,
I will give me only to the faithful husband,
As my husband is loving then surrenders
And we are ecstatic one - as beautiful as the Indians -
Co-creators with the God of love there will be kids!
No, God forbid that! Many children? Do not so!
Not truely for a lifetime! Only no marriage required!
No! Sexuality bacchanalian, orgiastic,
As a quickie fuck - I say it just drastically.
Blushing, you make me blush in shame!
I want immediately, immediately to my groom!


(Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke and Paul on the road.)

Be constantly gallantly to all pretty women,
Before their grilling you should not inwardly gray,
And as with porcelain to go with the girl,
Who has protected the hymen sanctuary!
They grow so on until they are so fragile!
The menopause period then it makes the women weak,
Then you shall have patience, and if they quarrel with you
And your nerves rub on, always say: I love you!
The menopause period, mid-life limit,
The men often leads to their second spring.
Of men we will be silent, the are only fools,
And you, my dear Paul, are still a true child!
I thank you, father, in reverence and worship,
In the spirit of the student for all the instruction.
Only saubre clothing contract and good shoes also,
Not smelly tobacco smoke your lungs,
Do not drink so much of the wine, which damages the brain,
The drunken desire then a horny whore.
The wisdom in person here speaks as a lecturer,
Experiences are treasures of the old element.
When a wise man speaks, you shall listen obediently,
I let my word rushing to your ears,
As everything sucks the wisdom of my possession,
Not joking about it and speak no cheeky wit,
Above all, thou shalt not be as the foul cheeky
Rascals in the world who the old contradict!
Pope Gregory once said, the pride science
Full of arrogance familiar in its own strength,
Arrogant lecturing down from the rostrum,
It crouches everyone like a dog in front of the teacher,
If no one wants to have the treasure of the teacher,
Be everything reverently in front of senior teacher still!
The science of humility is like a friend and brother
And helps with delicate council nor the beloved bitch
The way to go to God, the science of humility
Will not conquer, no, she serves with all her strength,
She asks the people first, what is their need,
Then, in order to give for the needs from the treasure of wisdom,
Then, the students like to learn, if not the arrogance
Makes him low and small, and is without gloss,
No, if science gives him after the requirements,
Then the wisdom is sweet as David with his harp.
Pope Gregory said that? Get away with the Pope from me!
That you talk tot the fools world of your Pope!
Exploiter is the Pope, exploiter as the Emperor,
Exploiter is the Pope, only a farmer is wise!
The hit list already prepared to the Pope is
And the Empire and His Majesty!
The signs of the times proclaim communists
And socialists and anarchists finally!
Away with the capital! The economic crisis is
A sign of how the money eats the whole earth,
The crisis is global, but the banks govern,
The poor are in the world sick.
We need a world and civilization,
Where love is united with wisdom in the throne!
You're talking ideal, as I hear Hegel,
After every fashion wind you probably teach your sails?
Hegel I put his head stand now
On his feet. And Lenin asks: What to do?
The seizure comes first and then comes the ethics!
What benefits the poor Platonic poetics?
The poor darn stomach and lad him to supper
And is the stomach full, then comes morality.

(Mistress Dutschke added.)

You're preaching again as the new Dalai Lama,
Under the fig tree like Hare Rama?
You proud guy, intoxicated by the ego,
In self drunkenness no man listens,
In arrogant pride and arrogance inflated!
Woman, you have again today the month rule phases?
The anger over you the tongue sharpened me,
Because your arrogance annoys me for years!
To the water buffalo pray and still teach the Tao,
Then I'm going to be the Scorpio wife of Mao!


(Court. Mister Reynard as prosecutor. Mister Bartholomew as a second accuser. Paul and Coeli as
defendants. She-advocat Ursula as a judge.)
Paulie is a fool who talks to the animals,
Him lacks the intellect, logic, spirit light,
Coeli he loves as a gazelle and as a hind,
He sees himself as her husband and she as his bitch.
Because a bitch is the beautiful Helen
And a whore is Lady Justice!
She takes off the blindfold and looked with both eyes,
Whom she could gold suck from his bag,
And keeps open behind her back her hands,
Whether you are a rich man with much unjust money.
Yes, Justice, the divine, the pure,
In light proved she is a vile whore!
As a prostitute loves money Lady Justice.
Seen In light, the beautiful Helen
Is yes a bitch and also a general whore!
By the Great Buddha and the god of happiness with the paunch,
I often listened to Paul and his piece
Teaching was only this, that the holy Coeli
Be his Anima and the soul of the universe.
Is George Nobody not always yellow with eagerness,
If so you praise Coeli? She's his wife!
He said, but God I look at her face!
The pious talk, the proud and the arrogant,
It is Love's religion, to break marriage!
Look at the disposition! Hypocritical he does well
When he honours the covenant of marriage, in Hades,
But he, lover of Love's Order is guilty,
An adulterer he is in his mind.
And Coeli is pure? She does so fully virtuous
And always listen only to her god Apollo
And George Nobody is for her the soul-weakness,
Only the pious Paul receives her speeches
And she babbles always after what taught her Paul.
He open teaches her and secretly desires her!
I do not care! What do I care about the hearts
Of the girlfriend and friend? The poor Paul's pain
Are like the stupid world millions of years old
And let me just like all the suffering be cold.
Do you ant to be in this world refined in the love of life,
So may you harden your heart and petrify!
What heartache, glow of tears? I only say: What the heck?
The losers and the winner is proud!
I always say: Let happen only my will!
Therefore I wear the black sunglasses,
That not a soul looks me in my eyes,
That no soul dreads of my dead soul!
But I as a lawyer and mediator defender
Book per hour like as a lawyer and advocate with Hitler
And save the man from the condemnation power,
If there is a gap well for him in the law.
As an advocat of the devil I will hurry, hurry,
I'm all in, the evil as the good guys.
I'm not the judge of good and evil, no,
I joke with the law and let the truth be
One thing for morale. What do I care about morality?
Justice alone, the whore, is there in the hall!
From whores are you talking about? For me this is food,
For apart only my own mother
Are all the women whorish on earth!
Also Coeli lives flirtatious and like a dove coos.
Whether her ears also to Paul do not respond,
Let her but capricious love to flirt with him,
Romantic love and pious adoration lard
And the erotic chat full of pepper and full of salt,
Then the butterfly dances in her solar plexus,
If Paul jokes flirtatious and tickles her sex!
That does not interest me what Paul says!
The evil is my friend and Paul is my enemy!
The poor Coeli is just a poor fool,
I am alone in this world Lady Justice!
Never mind the girlfriend and her friend dense,
As enemies I will judge and destroy them now!
Together, we seek nothing but the love of God.
Your dear, dear God, that's a fool's scorn!
So now I want Paul with his Beautiful Lady
Convicted see: The world should mock this pair!


(Reynard and Harlequin in the house of Reynard.)

Tell everyone that I'm dead and buried, servant,
Immediately then hurries zoom the canine race,
Jackals they are all, they are cunning as the foxes,
Like wolves are greedy and hungry as bears.
Better yet, my heart, in this world a dog
Then a lion majesty in the deepest hell.
(Reynard hiding in a chamber. George Nobody occurs.)

How, is Reynard in mortal danger?
The charlatan of love to heaven is gone!
Where has the beloved Lord his last testament,
Wherein he confesses me and as a favorite son his heir?
He spoke on his death bed, I can vouch it to you:
A buffoon, yes nothing, this George Nobody!
I never want to look more the grimace of his face,
Mister George Nobody is as ugly as nothingness!
How? I was still his friend, his comrade and brother,
We loved combined the same bad bitch!
Now his dead spirit torments me with insult
And still his shade makes me spoiled with torment!
(Exit George)
Yes; so what I enjoy, I want to do and make,
The whole world of fools now vigorously I will laugh about!
The world is a madhouse, a man is a stupid child,
But fools' guards still the biggest fools are!

(Advocat Bartholomew enters.)

Mister Reynard, healthy? Had God not let him die?
I am his true son, I will inherit from him.
Oh Reynard is dead, oh Reynard is dead!
He spoke on his deathbed: The biggest idiot
Is Bartholomew yet, an asshole, a radical,
A son of Satan according to the covenant of Baal!
United we studied but the law book
And now nothing more than one last curse?
But I just often curse the nasty fiends.
I do not want the blessing, I want his gold!
He said, The advocate, corrupt, very corrupt,
From the father-in-spirit of the son is disinherited!
The father of lies I see in my father,
I spit on Reynard and curse his dead body!

(Exit Bartholomew.)

We see how Satan proofs the man,
They do not get his money, they vigorously curse the same.
I'm just waiting on the third party, that the third party
Also would be laughed at, also gets his kicks.

(Would-be-politician Mister Dutschke enters.)

Reynard, my friend, healthy in mind and body?
The body is pretty sick, the body is death-wound,
From his mind I know nothing, you foolish fellow,
Whether purgatory took him or hell?
The dead Lenin's spirit is entombed in the heart
Of the proletariat, as gold ores in the mountain.
But still spoke Reynard shortly before his evil death:
The stupid Dutschke is like hell fire red!
He has insulted me in front of his evil death?
I quarrel with God! But I want to inherit from him!
You will inherit nothing, friend! Who will inherit from him?
His legacy is his fool, his devil Harlequin!


(Reynard, disguised as a Buddhist monk, Harlequin, Dutschke and Bartholomew, George Nobody,
Coeli and Paul in the marketplace. From Heaven comes Lady Justitia Divina, in her left the scales
of the Last Judgment and in her right hand the sword of the divine verdict. It a heavenly virgin in
god-like beauty.)

Mister Reynard, you monk in the religious habit of Buddha,
As I am the Virgin Mother of the true God,
Now you will all your good, that stole your greed,
Give to the Pius-Hospital!
The twelfth Pope Pius? Ah woe! I am destroyed!
The English pastor? The Lord has directed me!
You yourself, Reynard, you come into the dungeon,
Where rats gnaw at you ears over and over!
If I already have to go down into the dungeon of hell,
May be with me Harlequin, my devilish fellow!
You, Harlequin, you fool, you old goat,
Beaten you will be now, because you deserve the stick!
You've stirred up Reynard for greed,
Therefore you'll be beaten, you dead dog of Satan!
Fate of the fool that which is his skill,
It breaks my fate not the defiant neck!
Thee, O Justice, and all heavenly Sisters
Will I blaspheme with last curse your chaste womb!
And you, Mister Would-be, Dutschke! You fortunately
And your way and according to your policy
I give the good fortune to live in hell
On this earth before I ask you to page
The angry wife, the vicious scorpion!
So Justitia punishes you full of scorn and ridicule!
O mountains of Tibet, but fall over your student!
The hot pit of hell is cooler than marriage!
You advocat of the devil, tainted and corrupt,
Who mocked his own son and disinherited,
You'll earn punishment now for all the proud conceit
Given to man by the she-lawyer Ursula!
The advocat and the she-lawyer hard,
That is the hard heart mates the hard heart,
May read in the marriage bed marriage paragraphs,
And whether you like as often sleep together,
The foul Ursula will give birth to no own child,
Because I castrated you with the sword of God's wrath!
Castrated at man's member! O frosty cold winter!
How I wish I'd yet from my loins children!
The childlessness of the soul is my sorrow!
Oh this loneliness, oh this loneliness!
You, good pious Paul, I'll give you the inheritance
Of the angry father thine, but not destroy the money!
I give all the money in the starvelings out!
A starving myself am from longing!
Look on heaven's sky treasure brighter than the sun,
Your life dedicate all to the heavenly Madonna!
Mary, Mystical Rose, your scent is familiar to me,
Your scent is divinely sweet, you my beloved bride!
O Coeli, loving and beautiful, loved by Jesus Christ,
How beautiful your heart is in the shelter of your breasts!
You will be God's bride and give God your vow,
In the monastery you are consecrated to Santa Spirita!...
But what is with me in the fire of judgment?
Am I Mister Nobody, then, am I brother Nothing?
You sit backwards on an old donkey
And in Sanit Paul's streets riding
To the remote town of Blankenese
And always scream loud as drunkards full of thirst:
I am a fool, am a foolish buffoon!
Not worthy of such a woman and such a pure wife!
Lady Justice, justice you are alone, O Goddess!




(A physics student named Mark, and a soldier on the street.)

Come with me, my soldier, in aunt Ellis house!
There, the foolish people are open and wide.
A universe it is, widely flee the stars,
A space and a time, there convert galaxies,
A macrocosm it is, much microcosms there,
It is drowned by music, in full sound is heard the word,
There you can find the Pope and the Dalai Lama,
It is a kaleidoscope and a world view.
In my country, they swea on
The German Basic Law, I will defend
The beautiful German forests, I love the German homeland.
Whether aunt Elli for a fighter has a rhyme?
Has Aunt Elli sense for heroic war,
For a peace without victory?
Because I defend the homeland of my ancestors,
I was in the Hindu Kush and fought with the Afghans.
Aunt Elli is indeed a pacifist, but
Soldiers, who in the bosom no hole have yet,
They are still alive, despite all struggle burdens
Honours aunt Elli also, like all human dignity.
And thee are for the blood and dust and struggle sweat
Even the dark red wines and wines white as gold?
Yes, not only wines red and white, and golden beers,
Also Japan's plum wine and fruit liqueurs.
And is there for the man something to bite? Meat?
Although aunt Elli eats only vegetarian meals chaste,
But there's chocolate and honey for the children,
For men but meat, yes, ducks, pigs, cattle,
Chicken breast, from the tap to the leg around,
Only rats does not exist and there isn't any dog,
As in China you can eat. So I perceive God's grandson,
The Mother of God's son, not even the frog's legs!
But fish! Trout and crab salad,
Lobsters, crabs, and the rosy garnet
And white squid and finally oyster mussels.
From this kitchen you can only whisper the best.
For death for the homeland I'm always ready.
To aunt Elli's house the way is not so far.


(Aunt Elli's niece Luna, fourteen years young, and the silver-haired thick bishop retires.)

You sweet girl Luna, sweet bitch,
Full bitch you like Helen of Sparta,
Who well yes just fourteen years counted,
When Venus took her from Menelaus
And gave her to the handsome prince Paris.
At the age of marriage consent you
Shall elect a man you so today.
The patriarch, uncle Edward,
Were you employed as his heir.
You know, uncle Edward is rich.
So, who takes you to his wedded wife,
Also gets money, which love all people.
Oh, marrying is not the goal of mine.
Who wants to bind himself for a lifetime already?
Can I now know who I later already
Will still love, whom I still now meet?
You yourself live but even without woman,
My dear godfather, as a saintly bishop.
Although without a wife, but not without love!
You mean love for the Virgin Mary?
Yes, yes, certainly, the Virgin Mary,
But these children also of the parish,
Especially this altar-boys
Are beautiful, each one is a Cupid,
Which me with their arrows pierced the heart.
And why do you ever get really retired?
Oh, my love for the altar
Was for my superiors too great...
Now what do you do in your freedom, uncle?
I dense in Platonic poetics
Of philosophers and of pederasty.
I always think of the altar,
The cute boy with the rosy ass.
The girls do not interest you very much?
The girls? I still praise chastity!
But ah, but alas, the sweet boy Jesus...


(Aunt Elli, Doctor Church, Luna, Mister Goldman, who is a rich man, later Anna is added, which is
aunt Elli's best friend.)

My dear Doctor Church, what ill have Edward?
What suffers his body? This was revealed to me.
Blood cells in blood, the red and the white,
In the blood play war and bite like enemies,
And in the veins run in most fast-paced run,
The whites still eat the reds hungry.
Whether he will still experience it, when Luna mated to one,
That he has his testament and legacy to refund?
Now it is easy! Not forever is animated
The body of Edward. When Luna marries,
Then they do heck today. Even the poetics father
Saint Aristotle yes demands from the theater,
That everything that happens, happens in one day,
Whereas many sins but William Shakespeare did.
Yes, if it has to go quick, so I'm already on the spot.
Paved with gold is the broad road to hell,
But love is the golden Venus sweet,
The golden Venus' kingdom is still paradise!
What do I care? You're a rich old man,
But I'm still young and hover like a butterfly.
You indeed deserve a lot of money, but canst no girl
Capricious whim and with lunatic feelings
How giggle ducks in the pond and cackling so
And like a butterfly fluttering so fleeting-funny!
A young butterfly also needs golden nectar,
Needs not only what the spring breathes with its airing.
Man lives not by air alone and love!
Love you but often also compare to a thief.
Love is it not what this earthly world
So beautifully holds together in the innermost.
What is it in the world flows through any artery,
What flows through the ore because the earthly matter?
It is pure gold, it is the love of money!
Mister Goldman, you're a true hero of love!
Goddess of fortune, bless me, you fickle Fortuna!
I want to be free, I, the pretty girl Luna.

(Girlfriend Anna occurs.)

Oh my best friend, oh my dearest Anna,
Two halves we want to be of one apple!


(Aunt Elli, Anna, Doctor Church.)

I had a poor patient,
The son wass in his bosom
Once infected, and had a terrible
Whooping cough every morning, but
He thought this would only be cough
From smoking, for he smoked cigarettes
In the highest excess, probably fifty pieces
On one day, and ruined so
The two lungs of his chest.
So he said, What shall I
At the doctor when Doctor Church only says,
That cigarette smoking is unhealthy?
That knows every boy in the school.
But I can not refrain from smoking,
So I do not go to Doctor Church.
The beloved Luna but is so pale!
Yes, often she have one major nausea,
Headaches afflicts her and a bad mood.
She also has a strange taste
And eats chocolate to pickles.
Bach Flower therapy can help her there.
For this example the medical of Bach
Realized that the disease has a meaning.
There is all suffering self-inflicted
By own misconduct. When the doctor
With the chemistry of the medics
Suppressed the disease, the patient learns
Not his illness to recognize to transfer.
For each disease will tell us something.
Purely spiritual powers now the flowers
Enlighten in a pure spiritual way the spirit
And clean the aura of a soul
And bring healing forces of nature
And her elemental spirits
In the sublime substance of the etheric body
And so activate the healing powers,
That lie in the interior of the soul.
Self-healing it is called and self-redemption.
Of which I understand nothing. I'm worried
About Luna, why she is so ill.
Did she have problems with menstruation?
We sublunary feminine essences
But are ruled by the moon and his rule.
Well, Luna will get well soon again,
After each rain comes sunshine.


(Aunt Elli, the Bishop, Doctor Church, Mark and the soldier.)

There's the Bishop, o Lord, doctor for the soul!
And there's the doctor, so the doctor knows what was wrong with me?
How sick is my skin but by the birthmark,
So I cut it away with a sharp steel!
You are a Protestant? Tell me, what is your confession?
Confess what you feel, speak your sinful confession!
Against the false God the Muslims worship,
It is but in the mosque entirely the devil's spell!
In the hangover, oh, the Persians bidamag buden -
The chosen people, that is the people of the Jews.
When the Messiah has converted the people of El,
Then the Lord comes back to the state of Israel.
The Doctor Luther was an holy apostle.
The Lutherans today in the German cities
Are the Whore of Babylon, as her sister also.
However, it blows the Spirit in hot touch
Since Zinzendorf in the circle of the family of the Pietists spoke,
They are the newborn, the new-born Christians.
John Wesley was a man, a God-beloved Christ,
I'm almost even a devout Methodist.
I found the faith and the Bible-believing Christians
In the Anglicans, but even more in the Baptists.
Moravians drink tea instead of wine for communion,
They eat gray bread only for the memorial.
However even drink the Jesus freaks Coca Cola
And with potato chips instead of the Host waving.
But our Lord has built on Peter's rock.
O Lord God of hosts, O Lord God of Israel,
Now the church is even a girl, a mother?
The Fifth Evangelist is Doctor Martin Luther!
For thirty years they beat one another in their heads,
Who was in truth now the holy club.
What Protestantism, what the old Catholicism?
Nevertheless exert tolerance and honor the relativism!
As Prussia's Frederic said that should be saved
Every one, as he wants? I'm sick
From this heresy, it had every creature,
The dog has a she-dog, his own pleasure!


(Soldier, lawyer, Mark, Aunt Elli.)

The oldest poem of love was
A Babylonian poem of war,
The love of the war goddess of love
Inanna, who flared around the head of lettuce
Inanna: The lettuce is the vulva,
About this vulva was a war broken out,
The man's weapon his virility,
The women's fire are the arrows of their eyes,
The long silk lashes their daggers,
The breasts exploding grenades!
Sex-bomb namely, the goddess of love!
Women's love itself is a Love Bomb,
And as the napalm bomb pours fire,
Which is not to delete by oceans,
So love is a flame of God,
Can not be deleted by water flooding.
You are a chatterbox! I see the students,
The eternal student who is so dirty
Like rats in gypsy camps,
I see the eternal student who is
Like a mendicant friar, who escaped
The mendicant orders to drink wine,
Outrage hot the honest conscience
Of man who still diligently earned money.
Yes, as far as the money, the love of money,
As Lady Wisdom says that the love
For money is the root of a thousand evils.
Generous but the Lady Wisdom
Gives everyone her gifts.
Uncle Edward, the patriarch,
Has his own philosophy of life.
Like the atomists of Greece, he says,
The world was only by accident of atoms.
As Epicurus in his friendship garden
He says there are no heavenly gods
And not immortal soul of man.
Like Aristippus also teaches Eduard,
Pleasure and joy is the meaning of life.
This is the patriarch's philosophy of life,
Is materialism, hedonism.
Saint Augustine appreciated this wisdom
And said: Were it not for the love of God,
So it would be the highest wisdom,
To enjoy life on earth
With beautiful lust in the Friendship's Garden.


(Aunt Elli, patriarch Edward, politician, Mark.)

Oh, the politician, the endless talker,
A true Antichrist, infidel and heretic!
Whom do you mean, dear Son of God?
The revolutionary of the sex revolution!
Oh, are you going back to prudish middle ages?
Do not you love Cupid, the sexual freedom?
Marxists once wanted the proles revolution,
An heavenly paradise in the valley of tears.
The beautiful dream lost in reality,
Communism was dictated by the dictators.
However, the New-Marxist, neo-socialist
The Frankfurt School saw: The greatest evil is
The Christian culture of the West,
Worst of all are marriage and family.
For virtue and morality spoke the Roman Pontifex,
However, the socialist, he wanted wild sex,
Free love and lust, unrestrained hedonism!
For the highest goods pleasure was in materialism,
It came fornication, it came pornography,
Abortion, adultery, fornication and anarchy!
You, my young friend, are young and believe in the revelation,
But I a politician, I have lots of experience.
The freedom revolution of Marxist culture
Redeemed from slavery, liberated the nature,
From the Church Patriarchate long suppressed instincts
Freed the revolution of unbridled love,
Gone are prudishness, repression, frustration,
Free love reigns, the rule of pleasure!
I look at the statesman who donates international peace,
It does religion have often poisoned the people.
It is not hell below and not heaven above,
Earthly enjoyment is the highest duty of man.
Then comes the peoples welfare, then
Enjoys the world, and man is happy,
Then there is the ruler that I see on earth
As blessed maker, the goddess Hedone!
Oh, aunt Elli, alas, I came for lunch,
I wanted to eat a duck with peanut butter.
Come now to the meal, the table is already set,
The silver spoons are so bright as licked,
It will now fill the whole human force,
There is pumpkin bread and spiced pumpkin soup.


(The Muse of comedy, Thalia, and the Muse of love poetry, Erato, and the seven years old little God

Now, are all the people
Presented in the first act?
A beauty but is lacking,
An eternal pattern representative,
Like the other noble women
From the Parnassus of the poets heaven.
Is the young bitch Luna
Not enough lascivious and lovely?
Something dissolute and lustful!
No, the ladies of our poets
Were saints of virtue!
How do you aunt Elli like?
Is she not mistress of the house?
But that I could love her,
Should she love Truth.
And the bosom friend Anna?
Oh, also she is not perfect.
You are always unsatisfied!
Oh I know, you poor poet,
Probably can weave wreaths,
But difficult it is to find
But one head, worthy of the crown.
What makes our high poet?
Today he met his mistress,
She who with strictly hard face
His love rejects!
But while he was still speaking
Of the divinity of love,
Smiled the beautiful lady,
Compassionate glances,
And he kissed her hands!
Now he sits in his cell,
Full of sorrow, full of melancholy!
Little dear God Amor,
Oh I beg your intercession,
Bring my love poet
Tonight two bottles of red wine!


(Aunt Elli's niece Luna, her old nurse, her girlfriend Lena, who is the fourteen-year-old daughter of

Now, dear Luna, my dear heart,
You shalt soon celebrate the day of the wedding.
Perhaps there is indeed a prince on his white horse
And makes you the princess of his castle?
I'm too old for such fairy tales.
Now always collect even the smallest coins
In a large glass for beautiful shoes,
Bridal shoes, ah, the dreams of the princess,
Simply because these shoes are worth the wedding.
But when the doves coo?
There is the rich man who applies,
Then there is not on the bread vegetable fat
And on sundays only good Irish butter,
No, then you always feeds the crawfish
And prawns with garlic and oil.
On vacation you go not only to the Baltic Sea,
You fly to the Canary Islands and Cuba.
How would I say? Luna and Goldman?
Your name would be Luna Lady Silver.
Yes, yes, Mister Goldman and Lady Silver,
That would be a mystical union.
Ha, mystical union? You mean sex!
And if you now the lawyer Bartory
Would take to your husband, you will be advocat.
O Advocata nostra, ora pro nobis!
You could in the quick trolley ride,
Because rich men have beautiful women
And rich men have expensive cars,
A rich man with an expensive car
Has beside him certainly a beautiful woman.
What am I supposed to do with these old fools?
I'd rather be a super-model!
Now you're still young and beautiful, my heart,
But when you become old and ugly,
Then you will no longer have a man who loves you.


(Nurse, Luna, Lena, Anna, a hairdresser.)

Now, dear Luna, you should comb the hair stylist.
You young lady shalt not so modest smile,
How beautiful you created the sacred nature,
Even better you'll be, I'll make you the hairstyle.
Listen carefully to me, my child, what I reveal to you,
The magic of a woman lying in the power of hair.
Even my hair is so fair and is not silver gray.
But you are such a woman of such kind of woman
You have the Cupid-rascal in all your hair sitting,
Whether fair or red or black, he is sitting in your tips,
Once will seat the Cupid-rascal in your tresses gray,
Almighty is your sex-appeal, you beautiful woman!
But if the disease is eating away at you and your members
And cancer eating away at your breasts, the breast in the bodice,
The doctor then takes awqy from the body a breast,
Then you are no more Venus, the queen of lust.
The doctor told me that virgin Luna is ailing,
It plage nausea the virgin with long legs?
Yes, something is driving in her blue blood,
It skips the egg in the womb with a nameless rage.
I can not resist the terrible thoughts:
Would it not be pregnancy the young woman sickening!
For God's sake, no! Only no pregnancy!
Where would be my charm and all the love power?
I had the same nurses with holy Christ-child
Lying in bed and diapers to rosy asses
And hear children scream, the breasts no longer are finde,
Sucked by children, the empty bags limp!
When I think of Lena, my bosom was her food,
How happy makes a child a loving mother!
A child's smile makes so happy and his crying,
I want to be forever nothing but a loving mother.
When Luna but suffers, so you shall call the doctor,
The great Doctor Church, the worship of the fools,
In a white coat he arrives in earnest walking,
The Lord God is your doctor, the doctor is your God!
The Doctor is a god in the circle of rich men,
The adorable one God and allmighty man!


(Aunt Elli, Anna, Luna, Lena, Doctor Church, lawyer Bartory.)

You my dear sweet niece Luna,
I wish you had been called Tiffany.
For me dearly will you be Tiffany!
But now I must leave you to bleed.
Oh Luna, you o beautiful white woman,
I'll stab the needle into the spinal cord
And suck blood from your hips
And then examine your blood.
Leech, your hot two daughters:
Give it to me! Give it to me! So Solomon said.
I'm not a vampire, I'm not Lilith,
And even vampires have no power
The blood of the marble Venus to suck.
O holy blood! Martyrdom of the Lord!
In particular, the blood, the blood of the Saviour I see!
Now you should also get a husband.
Look how comes gallopping from heaven
The lawyer Bartory, he, your savior!
A God-sent groom for you!
Yes, our dear lawyer Bartory
Has often fought with me in the tennis game,
We both love very much the tennis game.
Yes, yes, because there the female tennis players
Have such a short skirts above the sweet assses.
The lawyer Bartory is a winner
In any tennis match! And a tournament
Is named after him, and for the cup
The Lord Bartory in the tennis game tournament
Is highly sought after, he fought with passion.
But Mister Goldman has not yet greater riches?
Well, enough money must have my husband,
I do not want ro live in a small two room apartment
And only eat pea soup or noodles,
I want to eat in Morocco cous cous
And then in Cuba drink rum
And then back to my café au lait
In the afternoon and evening in Paris
And in Tuscany drinking white wine.
Mister Goldmann you can offer all this.

(Mister Goldmann and the bishop retired.)

In Spain, I once saw a church all of gold,
So I pray even in this Dome for gold.
The Alhambra I saw with secret fears,
How beautiful is the gold of the Arabs and Moors.
I also love money for my priesthood,
And that the soul is not damned in eternity,
Love gives me money that I sing the Mass,
I sing so beautiful, if only the silver sword
In the collection plate so I am now dedicated to
And employed by the Pope, so I have my period
Serve in the service. But one should not bother me
In my good night's sleep, then I do not want to hear
The stupid phone and people in need:
Mister Bishop, come on, it draws the brother's death,
To give the woman the last rites!
I was still fat and lazy from the fat duck
And slumbered so sweet in my soft bed
And so I said I have no time for such things.
How much you earn because in your theocracies?
Oh, not so bad! So much perhaps as lawyers.
Only young zealots can not stand good,
The Charismatics with their fervor.
Because rather I like, and would it be Protestants,
The cake-eating and coffee drinking aunts.
I will donate some money for your church, look,
Dilapidated is already the unused construction,
With this money donations build a golden temple
And pins him to the art, as are for example
Concerts and organ sound beautiful,
Then the church and visitors will meet again.
Here hundred thousand pound,
The hundred thousand pound for the god of gold.
What can I do to you for your salvation?
Do not ask for a prayer that bores me..
Advocat you can be for me by the young girl Luna,
Tell her I was blessed by Lady Fortuna,
That over my head spins the wheel of fortune.
Advocat I want to be, then the love comes soon.

(Hairdresser, lawyer, Doctor Church, Mister Goldmann, Mark, Luna, Lena, Aunt Elli.)

Oh, this bitch Luna I want to get,
She has the most beautiful hair in the world!
Yes, the woman for my sake you can take away,
But let to me her long silk hair!
I raise no milk tooth on her,
The milk tooth I give to her tooth fairy,
But one tip I want to have of the curls
And includ in the medallion
I will always have it for me,
The one with the tip of her hair
The man's chest to death wounded!
I want to have the young dog Luna,
That in the soul-less form
The fair soul moves in with laughter
Of the carelessness and merriment!
I want the body of the young bitch Luna,
I would like to dissect the woman's body
And operate it with a sharp knife
And I will follow the body down to the ground,
Whether I find the substances of matter
Of the soul. For where is the soul located?
Does she sit in the girl's brain,
Sits her soul in the girls' heart,
Sits her soul in the menstrual blood?
I want to have the pretty bitch Luna,
Because I want to show myself with a beauty.
What's this world's society
For a rich man without charming woman in his arm?
The pretty Luna is the rich's jewel.
And no one talks about the girl Lena?
But I've dreamed of the girl Lena.
What did you dream of me, my Mark?
I was with my friend and brother in faith
In a church service and there he read in
The word of the Lord. My friend and brother in faith
And I fell asleep at his side,
We know everything is in God's word.
But you heard God's words
And smotest on the Genesis of Moses
And were reading exactly in God's Word
As a student of the Word of God.


(Patriarch Edward, hairdresser, doctor, lawyer, politician, Bishop, Mister Goldmann, Aunt Ellie,
Anna, Mark, Luna, Lena.)

Who wants to have Luna, let him hear my commandment:
God Mammon alone is the ruler and God,
God Mammon, who redeemed us from the bondage of poverty,
The love of life provides, creates the happiness to a human right,
On each coin is imprinted an emperor's image,
God Mammon to be alone God and Emperor.
God Mammon is used alone, or God and all the gods
Met with derision, with mirth of mockers,
God Mammon alone brings the work's sweat fruit,
God Mammon is a God of hot jealousy.
Who namely that God despises and even despised,
He lives in solitude, in madness and deranged.
Who spurns this God, yet child and children's children
God will punish them, they reap nothing but wind.
But who loves Mammon, is blessed by the God
And star-shilling's gold abundant rains from the sky.
You never revile money! He that honoureth not the penny,
Is not worth the pound, so much he desires it.
Honor the day when you bring your piggy to the bank,
This day is right celebration, since iron is to be spared.
Be diligent all the time and say to the visitors
Of the stock market, you should grow with the talents.
On sundays you are hard-working and go into business,
From the commercial world, you write in your notebook. Lives
Your father, you shall honor him, because the father must die,
From his will, you will inherit the wealth.
Do you ask a woman for secret sympathy,
With money, gift of gold and jewelery you buy her,
Do you ask a woman, so runzle not the forehead,
When the lady will not, so buy yourself a prostitute.
Do you desire even a house, the old grandma
From next door belie and lad her to tea,
So thar she writes to you what she did not understand,
And now yours is her house. Is everything then available,
So thank the golden god, if you know to pray:
O father Mammon you who are my heaven!
If Luna gets a man, what does the husband think?
The religions and the rest do not rob me.
Whether Jesus, Buddha, Allah and Mohammed,
Whether Zarathustra, whether as Hare Rama stands
In his certificate of baptism, this is the same. The Protestants,
The Orthodox and the Catholic aunts
Are blind and chickens but not peck so deep.
Only one thing is certain, that truth is relative.
This shall believe that man. This truth is only good,
That truth is relativ, this is absolute truth!


(Mark and Lena.)

O Lena, you're a grace of God,
God smiles charmingly on your face!
You're as white as a white lily,
You are as red as a red rose
And black as ebony your hair's veil!
How lovely smile your sweet lips
And how charming the wise eyes sparkle!
What can I say about your nose?
I think the Lord God as love poet
In the Song of Songs of Solomon
Elected a parable for the nose,
This is something strange. But your nose
Is quite perfect, beautiful Lena.
I thank you for your compliments.
Say, do you like the lawyer?
I find that his heart is hard as iron!
Look here, this list is a saying,
I've copied from the Bible.
That taught me the Jew Solomon,
That these words are a love spell.
Magic? Love you can never force!
O girlfriend, you've got your own fountain,
The own source of fresh water of life!
So drink it out of your own source!
Do you want that your source water
Flows on all roads in all lanes?
The water source do not share
With other men. You shall drink it alone,
For you alone your source gushes!
Rejoice in your dear wife,
Which you has a beautiful girl has taken!
She will give you many a dear boy!
As the gazelle is your beautiful female
And full of grace as the antelope!
She shall always intoxicate you with her breasts!
At her breasts you forget yourself!
Now you've charmed me with God's Word!


(Thalia, Erato and the little god Amor.)

The poem has progressed,
The people are known,
Even love is out!
Yes, the grace of God, Lena,
I really liked
This spell, this grace,
This charm and this spell,
Full of beguiling, chaste and lovely!
But today I have seen
Saint Mary Magdalene,
Most beautiful of all sinners!
Really, the most beautiful of all sinners?
How much sinners do you know?
Ah, I saw the girl Aphra,
To love the repented,
I saw the courtesan Thais,
Her converted a hermit,
I saw Pelagia the Harlot
Which sang and danced
And then eremitical lived,
The Egyptian Mary
I saw naked on the ships
Copulate with sailors
And then suffer in the desert.
O Saints of Heaven!
What a paradise of heaven,
Where a Christian who believed in Christ,
Meets Aegyptiaca, Aphra,
Saint Pelagia and Thais!
But Mary Magdalene
Had the most beautiful body,
Slender as a date palm,
Grapes her soft breasts,
Legs tightly as golden clasps,
Lips red as rose petals,
Eyes gentle as doves' eyes!
O love full of lusts
Reveales God's flame,
Life is full of the Flame of Love!
Her beauty seduced
Well for fornication and free love?
The jester, the joker of God,
Redeemed and transfigured
You to a human goddess!



(Pharmacist, hairdresser, nurse, Lena.)

They all want to eat now only the Gagant,
The white wheat is misunderstood by the whole world,
One loves the medicine of Sanit Hildegard's full conceit
And eating only bread baked from spelled corn.
One eats no peanuts and not the hazelnut
And no more the walnut, now only almonds.
And when you eat brown meat, so no more of the duck,
Because the duck feeds from the dirt of the elements,
And when you eat also fish, so not the fat eel,
Which on the seabed from feces itself makes his meal.
Instead, protect yourself against unhealthy rays
With precious stones which are hardly to pay.
I love the dumpling, hot vanilla sauce,
With blueberries blue, white and sweet pears.
A white bun sweet, with honey milk, not bitter,
Roasted on the stove, this is called poor knight.
So the table is set to the praise of the god of happiness,
Not this picture of misery on his crucifix,
The god of happiness in China is with his big belly
The blessing of our meal, and I need more,
Of the Fates. The Fates praise!
How do you find the way? One asks the horoscope.
The Jupiter Planet, this is the God of Happiness,
And comes to you happiness, so lift your hand and pluck it!
Planet Venus is the goddess of fate,
The goddess Manath it is, called in the Word of God,
I mean the Koran, the goddess Venus Manath,
The goddess Meni calls Jesus the Nazarene
In his Bible. And Manath-Meni is
The goddess of fate, the fate reigning,
For Meni comes from Mens, from the moon and from the meter
And of menstruation (What do church fathers know!)
The goddess Meni attaches us to our feed.
The hour of death comes, as leads to our rest
To Venus, the goddess' Venus' paradise! Veni
Creator spiritus! I love the goddess Meni!
But I love the God of Amen and Yes,
The flame of love is the glow of the divinity Jah!


(Mark and the soldier.)

From old women I heard that once
Were Catholics and Mary honored
And then apostatized
And worshiped the moon goddess,
The heavenly Dian, who is the moon.
Nothing is the moon than just a dead stone.
But I pray to the Intelligence,
Which hundred billion galaxies
Has created and is currently
Yet creatively in the field of quantum.
This great universe scares me!
How should I fight against black holes?
The monstrous oversized
Up to the horizon of the universe,
The monstrous extrem small
The ghosts of quantum or ounce,
Are the extremes, but it is at the center
The man with his thinking brain,
He is more complex than the universe.
I do not think! Thoughts are
Only interfere in the love-war with women!
I prefer a cup of oblivion!
Yes, my beloved girlfriend is
A vineyard! But this vineyard is
The vineyard of the galactic Carina
And is obscured by the mists of stars.
There I find no blue thunder-thistles,
Not deadnettles not, nettles, not thorns,
No, plump grapes only as full breasts,
So plump, it squirts almost the wine already out!
If I in any love war
Have conquered a woman, overcome,
I forget her face in the morning
After the long night, we feasted
With Gin to oblivion,
But her breasts I'll never forget!
So I love the Lady Bible,
The right breast of the Old Testament
Is the breast full of milk sweet as honey,
The left breast of the New Testament
Is wine at Cana, the wine of wedding bliss,
Ecstasy, ecstasy, union and love!

(Aunt Elli, Doctor Church, pharmacist, the nurse carries over the sick Luna.)

What has the poor child? Oh nurse what do she suffer?
For her disease's healing and grace, nurse, she thanks?
For who of the disease seen through reason and then pierces
For true salvation, he has redeemed himself.
Of disease is redeemed, freed themselves from karma.
Doloris veneris, O crux amoris arma!
Since when do you speak Latin, a kitchen maid-Latin?
They called Kitchen-gift Saint Hildegard.
But what has the child, what suffers Luna?
Ungraciously to her is probably the divine Fortuna?
Yes, this fat belly is probably swollen
From a dropsy? Who eats too much in themselves
From sweet treats, of sweet chocolate,
Gets a big belly. The revenge comes without mercy.
Since I have heard from the little nun even a word:
If you pressed the flesh, then blowing kindly sports!
What plagues our Luna, whims are only and crickets,
I'll give her valerian, it is to fill in liqueur.
It only comes out nonsense when someone wakes
Even after midnight and not sleeping at night.
Maybe Luna has already shingles?
Oh, she is schizophrenic, I see the psychosis.
No, to the melancholy sick is to pale her skin.
If she desperately suffers? Saint John's wort helps!
St. John's wort does not help, not even the milk of poppies,
Not even the morphine, because it needs endorphins!
Hormones, yes, that's it! It's puberty,
Now comes the happy hormone of sexuality.
Ah woe is me, ah woe! Not introduce me to the pillory!
I am sick to death! Only hopefully not pregnant!


(Lawyer Bartory and the rich Mister Goldmann with the student Mark.)

I searched long for the meaning of life.
You are a fool! Ask all your friends,
Whether one is looking for the meaning of life.
Yes, if there were a God and Creator,
Perhaps, then had this life a meaning.
But science knows that this world
By chance has arisen, without meaning,
That I am the product of chance, a dust
In the universe, me expecting nothing.
Once I'm dead body, yellowish-pale as wax,
Rotting under a marble plate
And nothing remains but the maggots feces.
You only have one life, so
Enjoy it to the fullest, eat well,
Drinking good cognac, love beautiful women,
And when the one is dead, love the others,
Rejoice in music, in the card game,
At the tennis or golf with lawyers.
Yes, on the golf course is my paradise.
I have now studied jurisprudence and oh,
Even theology and philosophy, unfortunately.
Scattered as a professor you seem.
But what counts in life, is hard money!
Is not justice your highest good?
Lady Justice is a venal whore!
To defend the accused
With all the arts of a lawyer,
Is my profession. What do I care about morality?
Whatdo I care about justice in the land?
I'm doing my job, that's true for the money.
You can allow yourself, my scattered
Professor, to look into the galaxies,
But star-shillings remain just a fairy tale.
Do you know nothing of hard reality?

Thales of Miletus saw in the sky
And predicted eclipses
And tripped and fell on earth but
In a puddle, then laughed
The cleaning lady who is familiar with the puddles.
But what is harsh reality?
Matter is just a thought of God,
Is a veiled thought of God!


(Doctor, bishop, politician, the patriarch Edward is dying, Anna added.)

I can not breathe anymore, ah, me ripping the lungs!
Where is Luna, the Lovely and Young?
You have to conserve, friend, flooder silent, silent,
Whether I arise you, I will look carefully.
The lung did you with tobacco clog.
Here, take something for your heart to heal these drops.
Manifesteth my Luna: Is she in school
Docile diligently and never lacking in school,
Bring home good grades from school well-visited,
So I pay her a lot of money. Also she may have one lover
Who do delight in the world, as a fool,
Who not with people, but who would rather talk to dogs.
Well, far be death, because I do not joke,
But you suffer too much, pray for the lethal injection!
Say not only of death, it hurts in my heart,
I stand naked in front of death,
I stand in front of bare nothingness!
In candle flames at night dying moths.
Oh, old Grim Reaper, I would like to mock!
Have you forgiven the people in the world
And forgive yourself, die like a hero,
For in the kingdom of heaven everyone comes but in the end,
Since you do not need the oil, the last rites.
You've donated it to the poor in the world,
God will pay you back with interest all your money.
Oh speak not of death, I hear no trumpet
With resurrection sound. I was still in Cuba
Lie on the beach and in the earth paradise
The young girls see sweet in short skirts!
It is the medicine already so advanced,
Soon no more at death he suffers to death,
It is a machine, so soon the time comes,
Since the machine to you brought immortality.
Why was to Christ on the cross offered the vinegar? - Morphine!

(Anna enters.)

O gratia plena! Ave verum corpum!


(Mark, politician, Mister Goldmann, Bishop.)

There are too many people in the world,
All Africa multiplies like rabbits.
O wrath of the Lamb! I am filled with the wrath,
The rage gives me nothing but grief and anger!
America has a president
Welcomed as an earthly Messiah
And this president has commanded,
Hunger in Africa only to feed
If Africa is ready, the black women
Are willing to murder their children,
In the womb the embryo to kill!
The Holocaust on unborn life
Cries like the blood of Eve's son Abel
And calling down the judgments of God!
The rich Germans always donate money
To the poor blacks, but they waste
The money in corruption of dictators.
Black Africa needs our democracy,
Self-regulatory power of the free market.
In Africa not prevail the President,
The military does not, not the dictators,
A world empire by major banks
Enslaved the continent and exploits,
The International Monetary Fund
Together with the World Bank exploits
Black Africa, can starve Africa!
I thought you are a Christian, you sound
As such a socialist and communist.
Fresh water is wasted in Europe
And North America, the industry
Wasted water you could drink.
How expensive is in Mexico the water,
That a poor Mexican mother
For the small son can not buy water,
But Coca Cola, which is cheaper.
America's Group of Coca Cola
Buys international water sources,
That they can produce all times
Their chemical drink full of white sugar,
Although in Africa, women must
Walk three hours to find water.
What do you always chatter of Africa?
A child in Africa today is Jesus!


(Mark, politician, Mister Goldmann, nurse, Doctor Church, patriarch Edward.)

I wondered, what does the name Luna well?
Now it was me in the brain so terribly empty and hollow,
I looked in the dictionary and learned academically,
What I say of Luna. That's not blasphemous,
For Luna means moon, poetically month also,
A honey moon is at the young lovers hot times,
As silly as Luna is the game of young children
And to a full moon is equal Lunas fat ass.
And she is also moody and often changes her light,
Chubby but Luna's moon face is.
I vote for, certainly, the full moon is like her butt,
But I disagree with that stupid game of kids.
Where is Luna now? Is she in custody?
So just listen to me: Luna's pregnancy
Is revealed to all, and I see clearly,
She is with child pregnant, but does not live in marriage.
That today does not care! What cares the cervix
The church commandment from the marital covenant?
Oh, this young thing, pregnant by someone,
So young, almost a child! Who shaming?
The neighbors certainly, because as an old horse
The neighbors blasphemous mouthing!
You do not need to discharge the child in the womb.
If she aborts it, she will sue anyone yet.
So you are! Only enjoy the pleasure without breeding,
Then murderous kill the poor fetus!
You fundamentalist, now be quiet, but once silent!
But why took the child, the girl, not the pill?
She knew, she is attractive to men!
A girl have to use always a condom!
Who did unsaved play in young lust's love,
Then blame yourself. But will she an abortion
Of that one thing in her lap, then the thing is going,
It is easily scratched her from her womb!
Oh poor little children! Vacuums want to suck
The fruits from the womb! Oh get out of my eyes!


(Thalia, Erato and the little god Amor.)

Is the child murder funny?
The croak of a nursing,
Is that a substance to laugh?
A law in the comedy
Is it: Never a dead man!
Let but in tragedies corpses
Fail of the rock of doom!
But it should in comedies
Dear people celebrate wedding!
Mark will get his Venus!
This cynical satire
I find but too bitter.
The playwright sure
Had suffered in this world!
Me worships the love poet
In the dark cult of Mors Amor!
All time he prays: Mors Amor,
Saviour Death, have mercy, O Saviour!
O Mors Amor, let extinguish
Me in the ocean of eternity!
Should I tell a joke?
Did an altar-boy
Once practice good deeds,
Helps an old lady
On the other side of the street,
Resulted helping her over,
Then said the old lady:
Oh, I do not want to go over!
Vanitates vanitatem!
But it is no laughing matter
All these vanities,
All these brazen fools?
But it describes the fools
The loving, wise poet!
Are you yourself a judge?
Oh, my poor love poet
Is afraid of the day of judgement,
Because the poet rummaged secretly
In the wardrobe God
And has made of fine linen
For Veronica a napkin!
This is funny! I like that!



(The black widow, Anna, a hairdresser.)

I do the hair myself, my heavenly hairdresser!
You have no lice on your head.
I also have no fleas in the pubic hair.
The hair is not black and not brunette.
It was once blonde, now it is silver gray.
The white hair is still the dignity of age.
But unfortunately silver hair does not protect against stupidity.
The sages as the fools must die.
Do not talk about death! I'm afraid of death!
Today women become ninety-three years.
I do the hair myself, that I bewitch the men!
A bitch who is alive,
Is better than a dead lion mother.
But I can not love a dead soul!
A widow still needs a man.
Who else should praise your hairstyle?
Can the silver not be dyed with henna?
Yes, red hair as the Medici Venus!
I'd be twenty again.
You are just as young as you feel.
I am just as young as I feel!
This went fix with your new friend.
You only live once and then comes death.
The church could not comfort you, widow?
Dear God, the organ sounds beautiful,
However, my friend makes sweet compliments.
He will say that the god Cupid
Still triumphs in your gray hair.


(Anna, Mark, lawyer Bartory.)

Je vous salue, Marie, and Ave gratia plena -
Where is the girl now, the beautiful Lena?
In her little room, in the upper chamber.
Ah, a goddess is the girl Lena, alas!
I will also, not to worship her,
Serve not the Venus cult as foolish poets,
I want to take her everyday and healthy for me
In all sobriety to dry marriage.
I had a vision! I saw the whole universe,
It sounded the firmament, it was in the firmament a sound,
God wrote the symphony, I heard its sound,
The galaxies and the quantum eccho rang,
But in the midst of all I saw a young woman,
Lady Wisdom, so I thought blissful scary,
But Lady Wisdom was like the girl Lena,
Of God's Intelligence was on her mind a gloss,
Incarnation she was of the universal tones,
The World's Soul in person of a flawless beauty!
You love only a dream built from starlight,
Love your Venus just as the face of God.
I love her charm, she is a nice one,
But she should also wash my underwear
And at noon cook me a good lunch
And at night in the marriage bed bless the husband
And children bring to me as a married whore
And teacheth my children after school
The writing an teach them to paint a number.
I really am the faithful husband.
You see in her one thing only in everyday wilderness,
I see in her God, in His own image!
But God does not make her sick, not scared away the hunger,
She's alive but not a woman alone by starlight,
Dispel her fear and her worldly cares,
Because every woman wants but be safe in man.
Oh, and the passion? Do you dream of her chest?
Is she your queen and goddess of all pleasures?
Oh you young enthusiasts and young philosopher, ah,
I would rather suggest all alone on my sofa,
I'm not interested in the shoots of horny lust
And not in the love game by all the rules of art.
I know you dream of Lena, the four elements,
And the quintessence is love alone for the student.


(Politician, patriarch Edward, Mister Goldman.)

Now the poor fool Luna is pregnant,
But not yet she has a spouse,
But I will still find for her a husband.
She's a lovely game!
Certainly, we all politicians
With fifty years separate us from our wives,
We take then rather young girls.
Our soul is just getting younger and younger.
If only the mothers of the girls were not!
They rule them like apples of their eyes,
As kite against the Hesperides-apples.
Often the girls are so proud
And want to know anything about mature women.
However, if at the gray hair of the temporal
A thick wallet at the bottom comes,
Then the girls are always willing.
But if the young girls love us then,
Ourselves that we are yet so loveable
And are so charming, or just the money?
Oh love and romantic infatuation!
What are poets who are manic.
For marriage also includes the reality
Of money. Many only go to church,
Because that brings them a tax advantage.
Yes, tough is expected in marriage
And a State contract is the contract
Between the husband and wife at marriage,
Who in the event of a divorce
Gets what. The rich protect,
That not the poor woman totally sucks him!
Yes, marriages they close with rich men,
Then in the divorce they try to get rich.
But young girls appreciate the experience
Of the mature men in the art of love.
Yes, magic is the number of sixty-nine years...
We estimated the pleasure of love yet!
Today it includes marriages only for tax advantage.
Well, after all, Luna is my heir,
And she brings richness with in her marriage,
So someone accepts probably a bastard.

(Lena, Mark, Bishop.)

Oh Lena, girl, you know how your lip roses
I like to look at and want them to caress,
Oh Lena, my girl, likewise your silk skin
So soft and white and smooth I want to caress,
Oh Lena, my girl, as your long eyelashes
Charm me, I'd like to strum these strings,
Oh Lena, my girl, your cheeks red and white
Shower through me as sweet as hot summer nights,
Oh Lena, my girl, how enchanting is your smile,
I want you always fan with Chinese subjects,
Oh Lena, my girl, the black curls flood
Puts me in fury and in rage of dance,
Oh Lena, my girl, your lilies equal camisole
Is all my heavenly dream, you young gods bitch!
With my morsel I font to write on your chest
And in your bosom I pour you a snake venom
And I die, and will be it in the sight of the angels,
And I die, iin the middle of your thighs!
Will your love be immortal, godly man?
Do you see me in death as your heaven?
Only death is real. In thee I will feed me
And not even death will separate us.
If I'm an angel in the third heaven beautiful,
Sighs you give me pining after my death with love's groaning?
Then there is no consolation as red wine in the cup,
I think loyal then as the blessed drunkards.
And you will be on earth already a good friend to me?
I am your friend alone, I'm your man alone!
The others of all the earthly community,
Jokers all of them, are nothing but the best enemies!
So you have only my love your law.
I am your Lord before God, but in the world thy servant.
In love drunk you young talkers,
In love's heresy you are incredible heretics.
Love is work and not pure romance,
That love is work, not soul unit only,
I say as a realist. So you may take one another sacramentally,
For God's likeness is the infernal lust...

(Lawyer, Mark, Lena, Bishop.)

O Lena, I'll prepare a life
On this earth in dressed wealth for you,
You shall not afflict with everyday worries,
Because I'll prepare for you a beautiful life.
And if you want children, so must necessarily
From your lap children sprung forth,
Thou shalt have children, if it need to be.
O Lena, I will prepare thee to heaven
Only by my eternal prayer for you.
I will be your faithful husband,
Till the bitter death shall separate us.
O Lena, here on earth in heaven
We will be in the midst of our pains
And after death we love us
In Jesus as fraternal angels.
I ask nothing for wealth or money,
The glory of this world is but vain to me.
But love, the immortal, without end,
Yet already on earth begins, is what I love.
You, lawyer, you have an expensive car,
You have a nice house with a large garden.
You, Mark, have nothing but your own telescope
In your dirty dorm room,
But I love the poverty and the insanity!
Yes, you love madness? Let examine you
From psychotherapists on their sofa!
So you love the madness? Hallelujah,
Art and science is nothing but madness,
The metaphysical idea is lunacy,
The religion of God is truly amazing!
Do you love madness? So you love me!
All insane, insane!
I love you even in paradise!
I am a poor sinner, child molesters,
I am a sinner, am a poor drunkard,
I'm a broken, a ruined man.
However, by the consecration of my priesthood
I have get the authority of the Pope
And wed you to the marriage covenant,
You, Christ Mark, and you, Mary Lena.


(The black widow and the nurse.)

You old witch, you the Devil's grandmother,
I know the Abyss of the same rat doubt,
You are only a ghost, only revenant,
But I truly human, body and soul am
And standing in the world with my two legs
On solid ground, but you want to appear as a ghost.
This is obsession and that is demonic,
You're like a vampire and a she-devil,
She-devil, ghost, you make madness
And poor children murder with breast milk!
I poor mother, I do not know who I am,
My shepherd is the Lord, Yehowah is my shepherd!
If a tree falls, not only the hulls nose,
In every tree but survived a forest nymph,
Then this tree spirit wanders wailing through the world
And moves into those who liked that tree,
And this nymph then whining and complaints
Makes this man sick and terrible plagues him.
What is amazing because when only comes obsession?
You'll be even after the death of gloomy eternity
And these ghosts drive in people then
Possessed by the ghost in the madness' spell!
At the Throne of God, but I will pray for them,
So they find the gate to Heaven to the Garden of Eden.
Only you do not slaving away! The exorcist call I,
The shamans and healers of profession,
That they drive you out! I will fast hungry
And vegetarian feed me as the box
Of the priest of Hindustan, I'll will be vegetarian,
A skeleton only of ether until I'm like,
And clean my blood with tea of nettles fire
And even cook the poison in large cauldrons
And eat grains centennial till I
A sixteen year old maiden comparable am beautiful!
I drive you out with magic, I know the spells,
A blue eye I'll hang me in my kitchen,
That scares the evil eye. You have the evil eye!
But I do not play out of my mind the happiness
And fill me with misfortune. I say nothing as - shit!
May have you Hades! I have the luck of the earth!
If in the churchyard I once rest as God's servant,
My dear little one then complains to God the Creator
And pray to the Lord, the shepherd of the redeemed,
Then will I comfort as an angel my favorite!


(Patriarch Edward with a nine-year-old boy from the neighborhood, Aunt Elli, Anna, Bishop, Mark,

You're really cute, my dear,
You're a dear boy and a pure gold piece!
Breaks this universe once together,
I prepare to step into the parallel universe.
Does child's mouth again speaks truth?
Only when the sun becomes a red giant,
Then, when the sun becomes a white dwarf,
Then I prepare to step through a warm wet hole
Into the parallel universe, see,
The Mother Earth with wide breasts
Is in the parallel universe
Then young again as in the Neolithic
And then I'm in the green garden of Eden
And Eve is naked walking in the garden.
Yes, yes, Eve! Everyone wants to see her naked!
We bear witness to a wedding!
Yes, the bitch Luna has a dog?
The Evangelical Mark, Student
Of the theoretical physics, and Lena,
The grace and mercy of our God,
Wed in Saint Mary's Church.
Come to the wedding in the church!
We have so much pita bread and cheese
And peppers and hot peppers and
Olive, garlic, chilli, wine and water,
They should all come, all beggars,
The poor drunkard from the city center,
The drug addicts and homeless,
They are all satisfied by our bread!
Although the lawyer, and Mister Goldman
Can not come for the shops,
Therefore all the drunks get drunk,
We open barrels of finest wine forever!
Also my holiness loves good wine.


(Thalia, Erato, the little god Amor.)

I am a child and I'm deity,
I am a God and I am a boy.
What have I seen on earth?
I look to Palestine,
I see the Islamists,
I see the terrorists,
Business for boys of nine years,
Bind to the body bombs,
Then send them to the Jews,
That the boys with the bombs
Even chasing each other in the air,
Jews to tear into death!
Islamists then promise
There will be seventy-two houris
They delight them in paradise.
Oh, that's not funny, Amor.
What have I seen on earth?
In the Church of the Apostles
Sitting many enemies of God,
Enter as men of God,
Desecrate lustful little boys!
Woe to these child molesters!
Append the evil child molesters
Around the neck a millstone
And they shall be drowned in the sea!
Oh, that's not funny, Amor.
Is there nothing for laughing?
I like the bosom friend
Of our dear Aunt Elli
Is well fine, Anna.
Anna, Anna, Anna, yes!
And the dear old nurse!
How do you like Lena?
Oh, there is not one the same on earth!
She is only a dream in the heart of the poet!
But still a lovely-lovely
Portrait of a true dream girl?
Just as my young mother
Venus was with sixteen years!



(Hairdresser, Pharmacist.)

What makes the little baby of the magnificent Luna?
To the little baby was not favorable Fortuna,
For Luna makes an abortion in terrible miscarriage!
Many call her even but a child murder!
It's the culture of the enormous death.
Should we still pray for the soul of Herod?
The Mother of God does not want that, said a poet,
I do not know where the word, in which beech it stands.
Now it is just out, died, died,
Luckily Luna is not spoiled at this fact.
She is still lovely, still full of grace,
The way I saw her so cute in a light dress.
Can you think this young child as a mother,
With a spoonful of porridge to feed
A little baby and to wipe the feces
And anoint the bottom, red of wounds,
The child to disguise with hair flood, the confused,
And can suck the beloved child at the breast?
O girls breasts, small and young and firm and tight!
Only no ape-tits maternal wilted and limp!
And if she has become a mother then of children,
Twain or three even, she is no longer the nice butt.
And if she then lived as in mothers custom,
Then is not as firm and shapely her belly.
And when she perfumes the children with saliva fragrances,
The waist is no longer slim, fat comes to her hip.
Yes, kids really are the girls beauty's murder,
Beauty will save only the victims of abortion!
In ancient times even the gods sacrifices
And human sacrifices by all the people was,
The little children have been dedicated to Moloch,
The goddess of youth and sex-appeal will have no children today!
Yes, all the embryos on their crosses,
They are sacrificed to the goddess full of charms!
Oh, that the goddess in ever young stimulus
With her pair of legs slender spread her legs!
Such is not the same as the Lady Mary
With her God and Son, no, this is goddess luxury!


(Aunt Ellie, Anna, nurse, black widow, Luna, Lena, Mark.)

Here is the spotless white linen,
The sheets on our wedding bed.
Here you can see red spots of red blood
When I pierced thy tender hymen.
The Greeks called the god of marriage
God hymen. Sappho and Catullus sang
About the groom and his bride, the virgin,
The virgin, who leave her girls,
Blessed of the immaculate goddess
Dian, this pure virgin goddess,
So went the virgin to the groom
And Hymen, Hymen, Hymenaeus!
The chaste wedding rite was completed,
The chaste virgin's hymen pierced chaste.
So I'll have publicly here the proof
That Lena has been chaste for the wedding.
We evangelicals believe,
That true love waits until marriage
With the popular act of unification.
O Lena, Lena, proud I am of you,
For purity in sexuality
Alone makes you a cup of God's love.
The body is indeed a temple of God,
But who practices fornication with the body,
He defiles God's sanctuary, the body.
I took the chaste Virgin Mary to me as a model
And always wanted more in my soul
As others to be like the Virgin Mary.
Even the Lord God has Virgin Israel
Chosen for his beloved bride and comrade.
Oholah but also as Oholibah.
The men were grieved by the fornication,
They spread her legs for all suitors
And it were grope her tits,
Until the Lord God as God and groom
The chaste Daughter Zion found, Mary,
She said yes to God the bridegroom,
But no man recognized her in bed,
Because God's Spirit alone is her groom.
With this red drops of red blood
Have you laid a foundation of marriage,
Thereon you can now build the house of love,
The House of Pleasure of conjugal love!


(Mark and the lawyer.)

Lady Justitce, your marriage is also
Legally, as among all peoples custom?
In sweet Hindostan exists the Gandharvas marriage,
Where I as a suitor can already see the girlfriend naked
And then the foam of the sea and in the wet sand
Me under the moonlight full of joy with her joined
And we young copulated as gods in love,
The gods love game full resulted in our act,
Gandharvas watched, Asparas watched
And blessed the act, then comes sweet repose.
The friend and the girlfriend of the world, despite the scoffers
Is a true couple in the kingdom of heaven of the gods.
Mahatma Gandhi so took his wife,
But Europe bans us the shame,
Here at the registry office in the face of the state
Close you the marriage covenant by a Council of Advokates.
Yes, at the registry office decide publicly
We our marriage covenant, the covenant of You and I,
Then in the church in front of the holy altar
Before God I couple the wife.
Marries the bishop you, who is still a sinner?
He acts only in Persona of Jesus Christ,
Whether a sinner is the bishop, but I need
The Beloved blessing with his consecration.
Will ye children also? Otherwise the marriage is not
Legally valid under the law of the Church, namely compulsory
The spouses it is to give fruit to the church,
Not only pleasure to immerse loving.
Yes, my love will love the two children,
Will not one child only, I want two, would rather have three,
If only the fertility of my bride
Blessed is fertile, so she will probably bear four.
Think what fun bring the little children,
So I want every day probably seven or eight!
But the marriage is only valid with the act,
If groom and bride together as naked one
Be united in wedlock in beautiful copulation,
Otherwise dissolves the marriage the Lord.
But of this I am silent in chastity and modesty,
For you, my lawyer, you would envy me!


(Patriarch Edward, Aunt Elli, Doctor Church.)

Oh, I see my niece Luna,
I recognize my niece no more again.
She does not seem to be from my tribe.
For all my mothers, mothers of mothers,
Grandmothers, great-grandmothers, to Eve,
They searched all God and God's truth.
But this Luna is like a bitch,
Quite a product of the spirit of the time of this world,
How loose sands, drifting in the wind.
Not only that she is not in possession of virtue,
Virtue seems to be worthless to her.
Driven only by the animal
Desire of the impulses of instinct,
Bitch in the spirit of hedonism,
Seems she my niece not to be.
How can that be? What separates this node?
We are in the fifth act of this drama,
Now must somehow be solved the knot!
How does the poet of our life drama
This resolve, this poet of our destiny,
Who like a god to us our roles prescribed?
I must play the role of a doctor,
Like a puppet on the string
Of the Creator of this great world theater
Do I have to play the role of my life
In this tragicomic theater,
This is called life on earth.
The loose Luna I do not even
In the will entrust my wealth.
She would spend it only with a drunkard,
With a vagabond or player.
Oh, if the graceful Lena
The heiress and niece would be truely!
She has the student of physics
To legally wedded spouse.
The white bear responsibility in
Protrude marriage and the home
As patriarch in the spirit of the Patriarchs
And like the old father Abraham
The women and the children, and the flocks
And to keep all earthly goods
And multiply them by the diligence of the work
And so to create a family home.
Good life prevails there and sweet prosperity
And liberal spirit of modernity
And wisdom-filled meekness with money.


(Lawyer Bartory, soldier, pharmacist, hairdresser, politician, Mister Goldman, student Mark, nurse,
Aunt Elli, Luna and Lena. Everyone is gathered. Unintelligible murmur in the room. Finally, Elli
takes her best friend Anna.)

Do you know the fable of the wise Solomon,
A wise judge on Juda's kingly throne,
There came to him once two beautiful temple whores,
To the court came the sinful natures
With a dead child and a living child.
The one whore spoke with a trembling
And mournful tone: She took my child!
Your own child is killed at night in bed!
The other whore said, anger in her voice:
No, this child who lives, this is from my womb.
The wise Solomon took the sword of judgment,
Talked about that child that lives: I now
Will tear in parts the child! So each whore gets
Half a dead child! So Goddess Wisdom wins!
The true mother cries: No, give the child to the others,
My much loved child should not walk in Hades,
No, constantly alone on earth I, alone,
When my dear child suffers pain of death!
What does this mean, now, you miserable fool?
Lady Wisdom is certainly not your highest Mistress!
Hear my confession: When I became a mother once,
I spoke to the fetus: My poor child, you cry?
Thou shalt be once great and rich and gorgeous, inherit
Thou shalt the goods and chattels of the patriarch,
You shall not in poverty live. Look, Aunt Elli also
Has a niece now by her sister belly.
O Aunt Elli is so good, so gentle, so mild,
By Aunt Elli shalt thou live, dear child.
When Aunt Elli educates you,
She will lead you to holiness of virtue mystagogically,
You will be a good human being and a true woman,
That one in your image sees God's beauty!
So my niece is not the bitch, Luna?
No, your niece is the Holy One, Lena!


(The last is added Doctor Church.)

The patriarch is dead, he is dead!
The patriarch, who was our father,
He is no more, he's gone away.
All of a sudden he was unspeakably tired
And slept during the day, at night,
And then began to cough and wheeze to.
He almost seemed to choke. difficulty in breathing
Together pressed his lungs.
He spat mucus from the rotten lungs,
He spat blood from the torn lungs
And cried as his doctor me to his death bed
And he said: The monkey's dead - the flap closeth!
But I bequeath to my dear Lena my money.
O Lena, my beloved niece!
Only one groom and then the legacy!
Then the Patriarch fell into a deep sleep.
Only his eyelids twitched yet,
As if he was dreaming or see ghosts,
Maybe the ghosts of the past.
He woke up only when he had to cough
And when he coughed out his blood mucus,
Then he fell asleep as suicidal again.
Although I wanted to prolong his life,
But the lung was already ruined,
The heart destroyed, the liver also poisoned,
Nothing was more sound in his gut.
Just a moment before his death
He looked me in the eyes, as if
He wanted to ask if I forgive him.
Then he laughed: Brother Death comes!
Then he laughed: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
And so died the Patriarch.
Shaded whether the patriarch's death
The output of cheerful comedy piece,
But everything has now fulfilled exactly.
The real niece went to the Heritage
And is married to a noble Christian.
So the marriage lives as a sacrament
In the faithfulness of God and the love of God.
You can kiss, kiss, Mark and Lena,
Because the tragedy ends with death,
But the comedy ends with the wedding!
You're crazy! I love you all!
Blessed be the sacred name of God!


O Imperial Majesty Thou may forgive

The poor poet, an lunatic idiot,
That he commanded to Thee this greeting of peace,
He, only dedicated to the drunken Muse.

Love alone is blessed,

Our Love and Our Lady of the Cypriots!
God is just to the living and the dead:
Love remains for all eternity!

This is a mirror of this world full of folly,

For falsehood prevails, but Christ is Truth,
The wise but reap nothing but ridicule laughter.
Who is wise as the German Pope of Rome?
Hail to Thee, in Christ my Secret Emperor!
Humbly the poet leans on God the LORD.




(In Sherwood Forest. Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Friar Tuck and shepherds and shepherdesses.)

I invite all my shepherds
And with the shepherds all shepherdesses.
Spring is coming, the new love's spring!
With a feast we welcome the spring.
O my most beautiful shepherdesses,
As beautiful as nymphs of Arcadia,
Naiads, bathing in the clear rivers,
As ewes, emerging from the washing;
Here is every nymph like a ewe,
She has born twins of pure lambs.
You always convert over green hill
With your rams, ewes, lambs,
In peace walk on the waters,
Always wear your lambs small bells,
So you can hear if one has been lost
And desperately bleats in a thorn bush.
Come, whether the tyrant is in the land,
And Lionheart fought at the Holy Sepulchre,
We want to celebrate, want to be happy.

(He turns to his lady, Maid Marian.)

Maid Marian, o my beloved mistress,

What we need today to a banquet?
Go, Virgin Bride, and chase a deer!
Go hunt in the forest, in Sherwood Forest,
Whether you re-find the green hills,
Where did you see the young deer,
Where you heard of black spruce forest
The roar of a deer in the rut!
O, if the deer is in its mating season,
Then no one would venture near him,
Even buffalos have fear before the deer then,
He commutes back and forth the powerful member
And aggressive he is in front of virility
And any rival gets impaled.
Once I saw a deer in the spruce forest,
In his fourteen-ended antlers
I saw radiate a golden crucifix.
Yes, Robin, I'll get you the deer,
I'll hunt the deer to our feast.

(Robin turns to the fat Friar Tuck.)

My dear Friar Tuck, my fat priest,
My holy chaplain and my cupbearer,
You thick wine barrel with the red nose,
You shall look after the red wine for the feast!
O Angel of France, Angel, have mercy on us!
O Soul of France, have mercy on us!
Once missionaries have founded a sect
In the south of France to preach asceticism,
Yes, they talked about smart ways:
Will you ever be like angels on earth,
Abstain the wine, dear brothers!
The Blessed French Catholics
Of flesh and blood drive out these heretics!
What do you preach to me about the Soul of France?
I asked you just for good red wine.
I'm in love, oh, in the Angel of France,
France's tongue is but the tongue of angels!
The angel of my country but is jealous,
The angel of my country is still in the land of angels.
Jeanne d'Arc and Saint Georg agree
And argue not in paradise.
Back now to the more mundane things:
There's good red wine on our fest?
The wine of Chios already drank Homer
And Solomon the wine of Lebanon,
Hafiz drank his wine of Shiraz
And I in my youth the wine of Bordeaux.
But now has a thicker Friar
I am also brought to the taste that I
Can enjoy the red Saint Pétrus.
Otherwise, there is Chateau-Neuf-du-Pape,
Which drank the Pope in Avignon.
I'm happy, my dear Friar Tuck.
This is the kingdom of heaven on earth already,
When to speak by the good wine with friends.
Yes, heavenly is the kissing,
Even more heavenly to me is the wine!

(Invited guests appear at the edge of the forest. Robin Hood goes to meet them, he welcomes them
and leads them in his camp.)

O dear brethren, beloved sisters!
In this dark time, because the tyrant
Usurped the throne of the grace of the King
And oppression prevails in the homeland
And the poor complain about high taxes,
We do not want to be discouraged, friends.
O Robin Hood, Hero, you think well!
You must not be discouraged, Robin Hood!
We are only a small force, but
Very much can a small people do with God!
Scare away the sadness, the black melancholy,
Scare away the bat of melancholy!
Let the sun go on into your hearts
And sing a love song to the Lord and Shepherd.

(A shepherdess takes the flute and blows the flute and a shepherd sings the Psalm.)


Yehowah is the Good Shepherd,

He leads me in the green meadow.
Fresh water he spends me,
Revive me with morning dew!

The Good Shepherd's rod and staff

Performs the paths of justice,
To re-awaken my soul
From the gloomy night of sorrow.

And I must go through the valley of tears

And I must go through the vale of grief,
Yehowah hears my sighs and groans,
Counting my tears without number.

Yehowah fills me the cup full of wine

And covers me the table with meat,
Then I am drinking the full cups,
The meat makes me fresh again.
The sweet goodness is with me,
With me is mercy and pity,
Until God's grace led me home
To the beautiful garden of eternity!


(People of Robin Hood and the shepherds frolicking happily in the forest and in the camp. But sadly
away sits the shepherd Amour. Robinhood noticed the lonely and joins him.)

You look so sad, my poor shepherd,
I see it but you say you've been crying.
Say what saddens you so, dear soul?
Oh, my beloved has died,
Carina died, my love!
I'm sorry, Amour, my dear Shepherd,
Do you want to me of Carina tell?
How I miss her! How lonely I am now!
Now I know just how much I loved her!
Although I have always done everything for her,
But I did not say it often enough,
That I love her. Oh, now she's dead!
Certainly, but her soul floats around you.
I always feel that an angel is
Near me, a female angel
From tender gentle kind and dear being
And I always tell my angel, O angel,
I love you! Oh, comfort my soul!
Do you want to look for a new girlfriend?
Never again will there be such a being,
For unique was the Beloved.
God himself could not create again
Such a dear girl, beautiful and faithful.
How was Carina? Tell me, my dear!
Oh, she was beautiful as a goddess of beauty,
Like a Venus from the third heaven,
And she was faithful as God's covenant faithfulness,
And full of love, she was like the spirit
Of wisdom, and loves all people.
She loved nature and all loveliness,
She loved the family, all children,
To her life was sacred, all life,
She played the beautiful cymbals, danced beautifully,
The flute she blew well and kissed sweet,
She was a great kisser before God!

(Friar Tuck added.)

Where all Christians are so cheerful,
What look you so as the unredeemed world?
Amour is sad, dear Friar Tuck.
Mortal sin is melancholy and sadness.
Oh Brother Tuck, Amour is full of sorrow,
Carina, his love, has died.
Amour, you believe in immortality?
I believe in the eternity of life.
So comfort yourself with the thought that
Carina now lives in heaven with God.
So you pray daily for her soul
And she will be your angel.
So it is, dear Friar Tuck,
But I must cry always, always cry,
I do not want to be comforted in my soul.
Well, Friar Tuck, when prayer does not help,
What advice does the blessed chaplain gives then?
The wise man speaks, more precisely, his mother
Instructs the son: A king should not drink,
Shall not drink wine and beer and liquor sharp
And his strength not to give to the women,
However, but the misery and full of wretchedness
Should drink yellow beer and red wine
And when the beer and if the wine does not help,
Then sharp plum brandy and fig brandy!
Such a broad cup there is not,
To infuse my tears flowing.
Amour, only hang not to yourself!
Spring is coming soon, full of hope
In the spring your life laughs again!
Yes, all the Druids prophesy,
A new humanity will begin in spring
And the fire of love pours down on the ground!
What should I feel in all spring,
If I no longer jumps Carina's bosom?

(Amour gets up and walks away from Robin Hood and Friar Tuck, looking for a secluded spot
under a chestnut tree. He embraces the chestnut and cries. After a while of crying, he speaks softly.)

You elf who lives in the chestnut,

You elf, hear my poor soul!
Oh elf, all elves, everyone wants to comfort me,
Every man with his human wisdom
Reasonably attempts to comfort my soul,
But the soul does not want to be comforted.
Yes, the mind can reach their speeches,
To the heart but they seem a mockery.
The strong man whom robbed not
The death of his dearest, he does not understand me.
Oh fairy, Robin Hood has still
Maid Marian as an aid to the side
And Friar Tuck's married to God
And drinking the love of God in the wine.
I'm just alone, I'm so miserable all,
An orphan in the whole universe!
Uncanny falls on me the madness
And closer than the men of this world
I feel the moon to me and the fairies and elves.
All the earth shall rejoice in the day,
I want to cry alone at night, all alone.
Yes, elf, no woman will understand me,
But you are not a woman of the world,
An invisible being you of spirit,
Very pure soul, nothing but feeling,
Sensitive, tender, motherly, full of compassion.
To you only I trust my sorrow,
To you only I confess: I want to be sad,
For in the mourning tears my grief
Appears in remembrance of my love
Carina me again in front of the heart's eye.
Just that I can bear this grief
And not am broken by the weight of misery
And finally, I do not even take my life!
By Gloriana, Queen of the Fairies,
O elf, I pray thee, be thou my comfort,
You who dwell in the chestnut, o elf,
You shall be the consoler of the desolate!

(Maid Marian comes from hunting, twelve hunters around her that bring a hunted deer. Robin
welcomes his mistress.)

Maid Marian, fine, you're finally back!
Yes, just come to me, you my well-beloved!
How beautiful you are in your white dress,
That falls from the apex to the feet!
Almighty Princess of my soul!
Me once asked a wise old man,
Whether you're the divine Dian?
Dian! Do you know of the virgin goddess
The myth and also of the miserable Actaeon?
Actaeon was in the spring in the forest
And he walked in oaks and chestnuts
And came to a quiet forest pool
And saw the divine Dian there
In bathing naked, barely veiled by fog
In the morning, bathing her naked body.
But the divine Dian saw him
And immediately she bewitched into a stag
The happy-miserable Actaeon, who
The goddess has seen naked in the bath
And he fled as a stag now through the green forest.
The divine Dian but rushed
The dogs of Dian afterwards.
The dog Luna chased
And tore the deer to pieces and mangled
Actaeon, who saw the goddess naked.
I have just come from the deer hunting also,
But I have hunted the real deer,
Not a man with a deer mask.
There's an old tune,
Called: The melody of the deer,
Which was chased in the dawn.
No, Robin, so does not hight the melody,
It's called the melody: the melody
Of a doe, in the dawn
Hunted by the hunters and the dogs.
Yes, God's wisdom is probably a doe,
Which the very evening of my life is
Refreshing to be like the young love.

(Maid Marian and Robin Hood stand aside. The twelve hunters take the deer in the kitchen.)
My dear, I am born for love!
Maid Marian, with Brother Tuck
When I've confessed and received absolution,
Then I must always confess before thee still,
And when you smile over my sins,
Then it only seems to me that the Lord blesseth me.
What did you have again to confess, my dear?
I had to confess my God and Lord,
That I often in the darkness of my spleen
No longer can pray to Jesus Christ,
That I will pray to you, Maid Marian!
And when you pray to Maid Marian,
Did you already receice help by Maid Marian?
The Friar Tuck once advised me,
To talk quite often with my soul
And persuade my own soul:
What are you so sad, my soul?
Be patient, God will still help!
After winter comes spring and after frost sunshine.
I wanted to talk to my soul,
Then I said, O Maid Marian,
Maid Marian, so I called my soul.
O faithful friend, I say to all people,
How good you are to me, how smart you are,
That you were my savior in every adversity,
The whole world knows of our friendship,
And if we are no longer on earth,
Then they will sing only of Robin Hood,
Your name, my good one, will not perish.
And if they also one day in England
About Robin Hood ballads sing,
Then will be celebrated with Robin Hood
Maid Marian, thy name is immortal.
Immortal lives my name continued through you!
Oh, this is quite a peculiar love!
And in the apple orchard of Avalon
Are we then united in eternity, my beloved!

(The twelve huntsmen come back and join Robin Hood and Maid Marian.)
The deer is delivered in the kitchen.
Tell me about the hunt, you, my hunter,
And about Maid Marian, how she was on the hunt?
Maid Marian, O how she rode on the horse!
I felt as I looked hunting a goddess!
With her tighs she turned the horse,
Which she powerful ruled by her thighs!
I shall never whip a mare!
Pardon the expression, my high mistress!
I just mean, Maid Marian has ridden
Like a poet on the winged horse,
As the Prophet rode in the Garden of Eden!
It was as if she held in her right hand
The torch of Cupid, around the world
In fires to burn! and
Put on her loins as in the sheath
The sharp sword with its sharp edge!
But her breasts swelled out of her dress!
The breasts swell! Hunter, how you're talking about me!
So she hunted the poor deer to death!
No, Robin Hood, it was quite different. so,
I sneaked quietly through the lonely forest
And came on an empty hill clear
And saw on this hill in clarity grazing
A young deer, so slim, so brown the fur!
But at the edge of this hill
I saw the stag with mighty antlers,
They dangled between his legs
The deer's genitals in potent virility
So back and forth in the wild twitching!
I put the arrow on my bow
And stretched my bow string
And shot the arrow straight to the heart of the deer!
Whether you're the divine Dian,
Maid Marian, the goddess-huntress
Dian and I am your stag Actaeon?
My friend, I'm just a shy doe,
I'm a gentle mild doe.
Look, my breasts bounce as gazelles,
My eyes gaze as antelopes eyes.
Gazelle twin fawns are your breasts!


(Mabel, a witch of forty years, with long fiery red curly hair, very slim, comes in Robin Hood's

I met in the forest one of your hunter,
He invited me to this treat.
You're the witch but from elm-forest?
You live but near the large megalithic stones?
Yes, what you Christians call a witch!
But Witch means Hag that comes from a closed garden,
Mary lives also in a closed rose garden,
Because Hag that means enclosure, pleasant,
Cozy enclosure is an Hag,
Yes, Hag, which comes from the word Hagios,
And Hagios, that is holiness.
Holiness means to be set apart
From this earthly world, to be all alone
Familiar with his Divinity, only to live with God.
Who is your deity? But not Jesus Christ!
Surely you do pray to the old pagan goddess!
The White Christ your missionaries
Has given us the church hierarchy
As an hot pyre for the witches!
However, our Trinitarian Goddess
Is pure as a young girl goddess,
Is loving as a goddess of love,
Is venerable as the goddess of fate.
I am the priestess of the Great Goddess.
You celebrate but in the night of the first of May
The witches' sabbath and the Black Mass,
Where you are married with the goat!
Yes, all hail, goat who you are slaughtered!
Who is your bridegroom, the goat?
The goat and bridegroom of the witches church,
This is the old god, the son of the goddess,
Whom God-Father and his Son Jesus
Has bannished, who now lives in secret,
God Lucifer, and I am his bride!
(Robin Hood makes the sign of the cross Mabel shakes her long fiery red curls and starts as in a
dance to move.)

That hurts me though that you know the Son of God
And do not love the only Saviour Jesus Christ,
But Jesus Christ loves you!
I'm not inclined hostile to you.
So you too are invited to my party.
Can you even do anything good?
I could do good in the kitchen.
I know well the green herbs,
Secret effects of green plants,
Medicinal herbs from the goddess' pharmacy
Are familiar to me, and not only the materials,
But also how beneficial the scents are of the materials,
The power of gemstones I know also,
As the amethyst frees you from drunkenness,
I also know what is healthy food,
Of vegetables can I cook soup,
I know the power of peas and carrots,
Just do not eat beans.
Why no beans, beautiful Mabel?
We witches do not eat beans,
Because our ancestors dwell in the beans.
O Mabel, you're also a philosopher!
The Great Goddess Brigid is the Muse,
The Muse with the large cauldron,
That inspired the pagan poets,
That are initiated into the mystery
Of the alphabet of the trees of our goddess.
The goddess Brigid? What a confusion!
Saint Birgit is still no heathen goddess!
Saint Birgit, inzercede for uns, you Immaculate,
Saint Birgit, intercede for us, you Loving One,
Saint Birgit, intercede for us, you Eternal Wisdom!
Go, Mabel, you're crazy, beautiful woman,
Go into the kitchen, make something delicious!

(The beautiful witch Mabel now goes alone in the kitchen and talks while with herself.)

Yes, I'll cook a dainty tea,
O Goddess! Even in the Mysteries
Of Saint Dionysus were intoxicated
The Bacchantes and chewed ivy.
I heard about the Scythians in the east,
When they rise from their black mares
And slip into the tents, it steams there
From the smoke of the hashish
Out of the water-pipes.
In China they smoke opium
And so flee in absolute emptiness.
Also in Atlantis, that great island
In the far west, eat the natives
Under the direction of their sacred shaman
The fungi that open the gates of the senses
And invite souls to take a walk
In the happy hunting ground with the dead ancestors.
O goddess, every people owns his drug!
For the health the rule us recommends
To take some drugs of the native soil.
Tea of datura I want to cook for the people,
And if they drink the tea of datura,
It tastes a little sour in the mouth,
Then come the most beautiful hallucinations
As in the crazy state of psychosis
And a balance attacks the people, a balance,
And then they want to talk, keep on talking,
Maybe it befalls them the paranoia!
It may also be that they suffocate, yes,
Tea of datura can be fatal! O Goddess!
Belladonna I will also mix in the tea,
So the people fall delusion and mania.
But one thing surprised me, great mother goddess,
I know a witch who sang beautifully
Of the Triune Goddess Mary,
Which once drank belladonna tea and died
And her soul was floating in the hereafter
And in the hereafter they saw Jesus Christ
And Jesus Christ woke the witch
Out of her death and gave her new life
And sent her back to the black earth
And this wild singer and witch
In fact has become a Christian
And now always sings: Ave gratia plena!


(Maid Marian with some shepherdesses. Robin Hood and Friar Tuck are a bit off and watch the

You shepherdesses, my dear sisters,
I have killed a deer, I tell you,
This is a deer, a real true deer!
Yes, we may consider the one?
Now the deer can be seen in the kitchen,
Yet it is whole, the copy is gorgeous,
Soon it is broken, be cut,
Then I will the inner parts all
In our camp bake in the pan
Even until crispy. Tasty is the flesh.
Roast venison, which is a delicacy,
It tastes very good to the red cabbage,
If laurel leaves round out everything.
Yes, and to the brown festive sauce
Solanum tubers also.
The good one surrenders his own life,
That we take his flesh as food to us.
I can not forget it, how I
Have seen him in his rutting season in the forest,
How there the deer's member full of manhood
In convulsions dangled back and forth!
And his herd of does? Oh the poor,
What they do without their husband now?
Was there a rival, another deer?
I have not seen, no
Rival dared to come in his vicinity,
the potency twitched in his stag member,
So hot excited, he was so aggressive,
He had every other rival
Of his herd of does killed!
Oh, if only our men so would be!
But they always let the rivals
In our area, that they rasp licorice,
This our husbands does not matter.
Come, shepherdesses, with me in the kitchen,
Amazed be again my hart to us!

(Maid Marian and the shepherdesses disappear in the kitchen. It is an oppressive silence on the
scene. The silence is interrupted only briefly by a short exchange conversation between Robin Hood
and Friar Tuck.)

I'm so tired, dear Friar Tuck,
Whether this will be the spring?
To his beloved Yehowah sends good sleep!

(It is again an oppressive silence on the scene. Finally Maid Marian appears again, but she seems
quite changed, her character has lost its sweetness.)

No, this beautiful deer, the strong hart,
Is not for Robin Hood and his men.
May Robin Hood but continue to fry chicken,
He steals from many a farm,
But such a deer is just for nobles!
Maid Marian, what are you so different now?
The time now is not for you! I have other things
To do! Busyness in the world
Is probably unknown to you? I do work!
What will you do with the good meat?
Meat you want to eat, always nothing but meat!
Do you not think of the poor sick people?
Saint Birgit, you shall pray for all the poor,
Saint Birgit, you shall pray for all the sick,
They who are hungry for justice and revenge!
Your prayer seems to be a christian prayer,
Maid Marian, you are baptized,
But your prayer in truth it is pagan.
Yes, what her people so called Christian church!
Your always preache from the chaste fish
And devour baken meat in abundance!
Yes, shall I not eat the dainty deer?
Who should eat at my place the deer?
I'll send the deer to the beautiful beloved Mabel,
The Sorceress of elm-forest, the one
Living at the megalithic stones in the cave.
Maid Marian, I do not know you again!
How heartless are you suddenly against me!

(The hunters appear with the deer. Shepherds and shepherdesses emerging.)

You hunter, bring the deer to the beautiful Mabel!
Maid Marian, that's our deer!
What our? What do you mean by our then?
I suppose you want to make everyone believe
We both are a pure pair of lovers
And our love is sacred and platonic?
I still love you in every dream at night.
We are not the bride and bridegroom before God!
What, you no longer believe in the soul wedding,
The spiritual union of us?
(silently picks the first daffodils.)
You are silent? But what do you think I can hear!
Thoughts so you want to read?
What am I thinking just now, you mind reader?
You think: I do not love you, I do not love you!
The Christians are still people of love,
Very impersonal love to all people.
Only me you do not love, Maid Marian!
I do not love you, I do not love you, and you
Are not a handsome man in my eyes.
So hard a heart, mistress? Why that?
So we do not know you, beautiful lady,
Otherwise, full of goodness towards all men.
I do not love you, I do not love you! I am in love
Of humanity impersonal, but not of you!

(Maid Marian disappears in the forest.)

Almighty God, she breaks my heart!



(The witch Mabel and her thirteen year old daughter Sweety, who also has long fiery red curls and
looks very attractive.)

Oh Sweety, yes, you're a real sweet piece!
As you still were counting sixteen years, Mama,
Have you determined maddened men.
Oh, men! What then are good men?
I also want no man who does not want a wedding.
If you take a man to your husband,
Then he stares at night only in the fireplace,
And knows not to change words anymore.
I know growing my breasts already, oh Mama!
When I saw you the other day in the tub,
Then I thought: This girl has breasts, yes!
Oh, if we could but alone have children
And no man have to take as husband for them!
Maid Marian and Robin Hood are also
Confused, and misfortune presides over both.
Tell me everything, dear mother Mabel!
I habe through magic and witchcraft
Taken on Maid Marian's design
And from the mouth of Robin's saint
I have cursed the lovers with curses unlovingly!
Robin Hood says only always
Maid Marian, the rose among the thorns!
Let him once noted that the rose
Thorns also has which hurtful sting sharp!
He thought otherwise, she would be female eagle,
That hardly come from the kingdom of heaven to earth,
The Earth barely touched with her wings
And then returns to the kingdom of heaven.
Maid Marian! He has learned today
Through my magical enchantment
And black witchcraft, that she be spiked is
In the flesh to be scorpion sting!
I also want a thorn in my flesh!
Yes, yes, the thorn in the flesh
Blessed thee as the blessed in heaven.
How is the love between man and woman?
Oh Sweety, you are now thirteen years
And your breasts begin to bloom,
If you count only sixteen years, my girl,
Will the first man became a fool of you.
Yes, boast only with your firm breasts!
Blow out of your cash profit!
If you are then twenty-four years,
Then men want to enjoy your body,
To have you then as a paradise of pleasure!
Hide your beautiful small body
And let the men often throw glances
On your beautiful breasts, barely disguised,
Then they worship you as a goddess!
Three years later, it will be over,
Expect no more love of men.
Tell me about Robin Hood but more and
Maid Marian and her anger of love.
The poor Robin Hood! He does not so,
As it happens, what has happened to him.
But such a contention of his Well-Beloved!
What feelings of romantic
Infatuation and rage of platonic love
According to this pair reconciled again?
Is not he one of those men
That one really deeply must despise,
So they worship you as a goddess?
Yes, always a shock only to the guys,
They lick you in their dogs humility
The feet when you're young and lovely!
However, if you're a female demon
And not more erotic with your body charm,
Then you will be called cursed witch,
Hypnotist of darkest magic
And superstitious playmate of the devil!
Yes, do I want to be like Saint Mary's humility?
I would rather mate with the devil
And then appear as a ghost in the night dream,
To suck their seed!
That can not forgive her Robin Hood,
That she all mankind on earth
In God's charity loves, but alone
The only one who loves her bleeding,
That she spurned this lover, despised!
He should see my boobs again!
Maid Marian now has a bad fate,
Her fate has been filled with misfortune.
Maid Marian is a devout Christian
And says she'll live inside God's presence,
How can she then say that she suffers?
Of Christianity perverted faith is
The faith in the Cross. So they cry:
Oh let me die with thee at the cross!
Eager as a man after his beloved
Are they to die for their Lord and God!
Most of all they want to die today,
Prefer to die today, but not
The peacfull straw-death in the bed,
No, they want to be tortured and murdered!
But if they can not even die today
In the bloody martyrdom for Christ,
Then they want to live and that is suffering,
An enduring martyrdom of the heart
Should then be their life and a thousand deaths
They do desire until they finally die!
Yes, one of these very perverse Christians
Once prayed to his white Christ:
Godman, too easy if it were but to die for thee
And then in paradise to be blessed!
The angels are blessed indeed in heaven,
But envy feel with the envy of the angels,
Because we are on earth and can suffer!
Lord, because I love thee so excessive, I will
On earth living die a thousand deaths,
The poor souls from purgatory
Crucified to redeem and to save
And poor sinners lead to repent!
As paradoxical as this is Christianity!
It is called a message of joy, but
they always talk of suffering and sorrow!
In contrast, our love goddess is
Surely the blessed giver of bliss
And joys and the most delicious treats!
I'm made out of love, I'm made out of lust,
To beautify love with the beautiful body,
When Christians go after death only
Into Paradise, I will on earth already
In Paradise live, in lustful love!
The Christian God is a God of the Cross,
The heathen goddess of love is pure lust!

(The witch Mabel, her young daughter Sweety and Mabel's eighteen-year-old son Daddy, a dirty
swineherd standing under a broad chestnut tree, in which is above a tree house, in which Carina is

Carina is sitting up in the tree!
I've included her with a spellbound
In my ill-will magic circle!
Oh, this short red dress I want!
Carina, down with your red dress!
You sweet Sweety, thirteen years young,
To discard the long black coat,
Now take off the long black trousers,
Now take off the blue shirt,
Now you stand there in your chemise,
The fine satin white chemise,
The fine satin white panties,
The white breasts spilling out from the chemise,
How white and firm your thighs are,
So you shall see a poet and
Sing of you as a young goddess Venus!
Well, Mama, give Carina command
The red dress to me to throw down!
Carina, your divine astral body
And etheric body with the sixth sense
Can you the men show naked!
Keep your bra on,
The black of the finest silk top,
Also keep on your panties,
The black of the finest silk top!
Look, Mabel, to me is this red dress?
Yes, the shoulders and arms bare naked,
The skirt extends just to the thigh,
The neckline is low cut, so
The lover can see your breasts,
You're the priestess of the goddess Venus!
So I want to go to the party of Robin Hood,
If the young shepherds will see me,
They forget at once the black bitches!
My dear son Daddy, swineherd,
How do you find the naked Carina?
I'm just a poor swineherd
And every day rolling around in mud and dirt
And eat with the pigs pig feed
And if it's me itch, I rub myself against the oak.
Tell me about the nymph, thou seekest!
O nymph, my total sex idol,
I am quite wild with desire for you!
When I see you, your naked charms,
The madness takes me quite out of my mind!
Erotic art thou, full of sex appeal,
Yes, your aura is from hot Cupid!
Surely you're a female fox-ghost,
That magically lives only by man's semen!
Surely you're a Lamia,
Sexy horny reptile of fornication!
I dream every night of your body
And even during the day I dream of you,
As we make love on the green grass,
From above and from below, as I will,
With upper lips and with under lips,
Always you're willing, wild woman of lust!
But now I want you in reality!
I see it but you say, you horny whore,
You wait for the rape!
You provoke me, evil serpent of fire,
Until I have taken you by force!
You want to be raped? Well,
I do it to you with violence,
I tear you in half, you hot mistress,
I love you to death, if you will,
If it makes you horny, I choke up on the neck,
That makes you horny, I gag getting longer,
And if I strangled you by making love,
I trim the lips of your shame
And wear it as a sacred relic
With your red blood, angel, through our country!
Oh, such a passion, my big brother,
I want also loved so much a man,
That he would be ready to kill me!
Yes, if I have to die one day,
So a man shall love me to death!
My son, my dear Daddy swineherd,
I'll give you some advice as a mother:
Never let yourself be ruled by a woman,
Always keep your free will.
If a woman have tied you
With her long snake curls shackles
And with the black nets of her stockings,
Then she makes you her least slave!
She will abuse you as you are a slave to labor for her,
Then she will say to you, cut the beard
And cut short the long mane
And please do not wear eye glasses
And put on the clothes that I give you,
Then she will say: Gobble not so much meat,
Eat henceforth nothing but grains and vegetables,
Also smoking is not good for small children,
Then please also drink no wine,
Because red wine is not good for health.
And if you're doing all this obedient,
Then she says, dream no more of me
And stir me not physically,
I'm not only physically untouchable,
Even in fantasy do not touch me,
For your orgasm in the imagination
Stained my immaculate astral body,
I can feel it from a distance already,
If you love me with horny monkey love,
I do not like the rape of the mystical
Astral abdomen in my soul.
My son, if the woman brought you so far,
Then take a sword and stab yourself dead!
But do not want to die by yourself,
Then you booze on the same evening full
And then please bang your naughty sluts,
She shall remember where the rubber meets the road!
If I desire a wife, my beautiful mother,
I'll get my mate's every day,
She should move the way I want,
And when I want her to ride on top of me,
Then my wife will ride on top of me,
And when she wants to lie down as Eve,
Then my Eve shall lie willingly under me!
That is right, my beloved son!


(The red-haired witch Mabel and her young beautiful daughter Sweety.)

Where will you go now, you sweet Sweety?
I want to go to the party of Robin Hood!
Look, that's why I Carina's dress
Even wear, short and fiery red,
That I at the festival of shepherds
The shepherds all can enchant flirty!
Yes, live for flirtation only, you sweet woman!
The shepherds, otherwise only with sheep,
They love still flirting,
Yes, one says flirtation,
And yes poets write novels also
Flirtation they call them. Oh flirting
Is everything I want, I just want to play,
I want no evil and want nothing serious,
Will not marriage's everyday boredom
And also not a sacrament of man and woman,
I just want to play teen and joking,
Seduce them with the charms of my body,
To tempt them in the desert, tender kissing,
Make confession of love, harmless,
All this has nothing to signify,
Iit is just a dream, only imagination.
Yes, powerful incentive you hall be for the shepherds,
Which otherwise with ewes are all alone,
When they see your young charms,
The narrow waist and flat belly,
The well-formed solid tight breasts
And your ass perfect,
The shepherds then dreaming in solitude
Erotic-delirious dreams at night
And without that they do something evil,
The seed goes in the night sleeping oout of them.
O what power has a beautiful girl!
If mature women also probably want to dance,
They would be ashamed in the land,
If so, a fresh young girl also
Erotic would dance next to them.
Yes, men love no old women,
But if they see a young pretty girl,
So philosophers are themselves fools
And the Good Shepherd himself a scapegoat!
O Mama Mabel, you're coming to the party too?
I'm also at the festival of Robin Hood,
But since the witch is not tolerated
At the feast of these Christians, I'm
Dressed as Maid Marian, the virgin.
In magical secret science
Can you look to other people's yes
As you want? What is Marian like?
Above all, she wears a white dress
Of fine cloth, but not transparent,
The arms are covered up to the hands,
The white silk dress hems down
Not only to the bare thigh,
No, but falling down to the feet.
The feet in the golden sandals
Are naked, but she likes to paint with henna
Red roses on her bare feet.
On her hair is a white veil,
However, not like moslem women
The face veiling, but open
The eyes look like the moon in the world
And her lips smiling lovingly.
The veil only covers the dark hair,
Black brown hair has Maid Marian.
Now imagine once before, a young shepherd,
Who Pan worshiped, who the nymph Eccho loves,
He looks Maid Marian, the white lady,
And he also sees half-naked Venus,
Whom will probably love this young shepherd?
Well, Sweety, he will take you at once,
Disappear with you to pleasure in a bush
And you'll make love with sensual pleasure.
However but his heart belongs to the white lady,
At the end he meets her divinity.
If he swallowed up like a plum,
He throws you away, feels disgust only
Before his own horny lust of the flesh
And blames only you as a whore,
The white lady will appear to him then
As Saint Mary or even
As divine Dian, the virgin goddess!
However, I know if this young shepherd
Enough sighed for his chaste goddess,
Who is untainted, but frosty,
Then he again will long for my thighs!
Dian not for ever triumphs over Venus!
Dressed when I go to the festival of the shepherds,
I tell you, how do you recognize me.
Yes, how do I know that you're Mabel,
The sorceress, and not Maid Marian?
I heard about the Muslims of the Sufis,
They wear under their blue robes
Of the order of Dervishes under the robe
Mysteriously hidden yet the belt,
The belt of their master Zarathustra,
Although he applies to the Muslims as a heretic
And idolater, but the Sufis
But secretly, the old gods yet adore.
So also has some lover of Saint Mary
In his cult of the Great Mother of God
The old Magna Mater still revered,
The Artemis with her nineteen breasts.
Artemis has really nineteen breasts,
Not nineteen scrotums of a bull?
That you would like, nineteen testicles!
Now when I walk in the pure white dress
Of Maid Marian and as a beautiful lady,
As a white lady, as Mayden Queene of Maye,
So I wear under the white silk dress
But still Venus' magic belt!
Tell me about Venus' magic belt!
When Venus came out of the bath,
Where under the waterfall she showered naked,
She pulled her leg dress of blue linen on
And tied to the blissful hips
Of the goddess Aphrodite her magic belt.
A leather belt it is of snakeskin,
The buckles are very large, of pure silver,
Huge closure at the magic belt,
But it can be casual and lasciviously also hang down
The end of the leather belt, which hangs down
Like a snake dangling around her loins.
Who can solve Venus' magic belt,
The husband, the stinking volcano,
Speak, or even Aphrodite's family friend,
The god Mars, the love-drunken adulterer?
The goddess Venus stood in front of god Mars,
Mars, the god stood behind her, he saw the ass
Of the divine Callipigos, the basin
Of the beloved, pelvis cup,
As he summarized the goddess at her hips,
Moving Aphrodite's wide hips!

(The young shepherd Karol goes with his shepherd dog Elishama walking. Resistant he sighs, looks
quite ill from heartache.)

Oh, oh, and again nothing but Oh!
My dear Elishama, I confess to you,
That I long with consuming
And hot desire for the Well-Beloved!
Here we went but otherwise in united walk,
I admired the plums on the tree,
From the way I picked up an acorn
And gave it to the great Amica
And Amica smiling softly asked: Karol,
What does that have to mean that you give me
The acorn as a gift, my friend?
Oh, so sublime flirting alone knows
The one whose Cupid is very sublime,
Subtle, sublime! The finest woman!
Oh Elishama, you my faithful friend,
Do you get me? I look in your eyes,
Look into the eyes of a living soul,
They shimmers full of feelings. But you do not think
When I speak of the first cause to you
From the all-moving spirit and the first principle,
That would be a silly soliloquy.
But joy you feel well, and if I come,
Then you jump up on me full of joy.
And love? Elishama, do you know love?
The world speaks of love,
They mean only the shoots!
Also your instincts urge you to love,
Desire you know even after a dog,
You propagate through association,
Yes, even for the puppies to be there.
But Elishama, when a shepherd loves,
He is so pretty to a romance addicted
And raves about his beloved
And can not distinguish between God
And Our Lady and the beloved,
If anything it is just a beautiful love,
If love is all-in-all to him,
World-soul seems to him the Beloved
And he the Beloved's face sees
In the fragrance that rises from the cherry blossom,
Say faithful Elishama, what is this?
But you do not speak, oh dog, you can't speak,
You can not think, dog, and can not speak
And you do not rise above your engine,
Out of love to the dearest to dispense!
Oh, oh, and again nothing but Oh!

(Maid Marian met the lovelorn shepherd Karol.)

I just heard you sighing, Karol.
Maid Marian, alas, I am sick of love!
Tell me, what is this: Love? O Karol!
Maid Marian, I will sing of love!
In my pocket I put the bone flute,
I will even blow the bone flute
And you, my Karol, shall sing the song of love!

(Maid Marian blowing the flute and Karol singing like a dying swan.)


Mothers always say:

Tell our children
From nothing but a cheerful glow,
Of strong overcomers,
The angels' laughing joke
Of love in the heart.

Then I say, O mothers,

Is this expected of me,
That I love bitter,
Me cruel can bleed to death?
In love wounded heart
Mired the sword of pain!

The beautiful mothers talk:

Speak of love smile,
Of Eve speak in Eden,
From long lashes fanning,
Merging lit candles,
If one love the hearts!

Then I sigh: O women,

What shall I tell your heirs?
Beauty is a horror!
Love is a dying!
In a thousand deaths' pains
Love glows in the heart!

(Maid Marian infected the bone flute back into her bag and now speaks lovingly tender, almost in a
whisper, to comfort the lovelorn shepherd Karol.)

There is probably a woman in your heart?
I love Our Lady Mary,
But I love also my girlfriend Amica.
I know she is soul, she is very
Good-natured, and I love her kindness.
But my love, oh, is unfulfilled!
The hot ardor is unsatisfied
By Amica and she do not want to breastfeed my ardor!
You know what the saints did?
Of one saint, I've heard,
The virgin vowed to live for the Lord.
The maiden was very beautiful and full of charm,
A young man coveted this maiden.
The chaste sister slept in the garden,
It was a hot summer day, as she was
In the grass stretched out and spread
The arms, she lay there in her innocence.
Then the young man came in her garden
And saw the hot soul lie dormant
And lifted the skirt of the chaste and slept with her!
She suffered it full of feminine humility,
But even then she felt no evil desire,
So she remained pure for her heavenly bridegroom.
And Francis, when overwhelmed him desire,
He retired naked in the cold winter
And rolled his naked body in the snow.
But I heard from his girlfriend Clare,
That she visited the friend and brother Francis,
When he was in seraphic rapture
And she was in seraphic rapture,
And she rested at his full bosom
And milked milk of consolation from his bosom!
I want you to squirt the milk of consolation
In your mouth, you lovesick Karol!
I have Amica heard yesterday,
I heard her sighing and whispering:
I love you, my dear friend and brother,
I love you too, my dear friend and brother!
Oh she loves me, Amica, she loves me too!


(Robin Hood and his guests, Maid Marian, William Scathlock.)

Maid Marian, I complain publicly,
You'll be deeply disappointing to me, very deeply
Disappointing, I had believed in you,
You would be my true faithful friend
And would be as a mother for all care,
for the shepherds and shepherdesses beautiful,
The hunters and for all the comrades,
That we with delicious meat have a feast.
Yes; did I not in the Dawn
Hunt the deer, as the Psalmist sung?
Fooled you have all of us! Not as a friend
Traded us, but as the worst enemy!
We have worshiped you, Maid Marian,
As a heavenly Jerusalem,
You were against us but turned
Like a Whore of Babylon, that drunken
From the blood of the martyrs rides the lion!
How much do you misjudge me and become heretic?
Has your love turned into hate?
What have I done to you, my dear friend?
I have only given you but my heart!
That you make me a reproach, Robin Hood,
That I want my heart to give to you fiery?
Even Lucifer disguises himself as an angel
And some beautiful woman appears to the man
As a goddess full of goodness,
Till she reveals to him the true face
And he realizes that she is obsessed
From the demons and ruled by Satan.
Specifically! We women love the concrete!
What is it exactly are you accusing me of, my friend?
You have the deer, intended as our feast,
Leave by William Scathlock presented
To the Witch Mabel who is in league
With Satan and the dark demons!
I did not do! God knows I'm
In truth! Jesus is my witness, that
Satan has no part in me!
Say, William Scathlock, tell the truth!
Has she sent you with the deer to Mabel?
WILLIAM Scathlock
Maid Marian! With my own eyes
I've seen how you stood before me
In your gleaming white silk dress,
Almost transparent, the sky-blue veil,
Almost transparent, your face radiant,
A lovely smile,
The eyes shone with pleasure and joy,
I've also heard your voice,
Your loving whisper's sweet puffs.
What have you heard from me, my Willy?
You sent me with our deer to Mabel!
I did not say that you're lying, Willy,
I never had our deer sent to Mabel,
That you've only thought of yourself!
The whole world stands against me,
It stands to hell, harass me!

(Maid Marian breaks in heart-rending weeping. Their tears fall like sparkling diamonds on the

Maid Marian, Maid Marian, do not cry!
Do not cry, my beloved mistress!
I believe in you, Maid Marian, I think,
You speak truth, always nothing but truth!
And if the whole world of visibility
And all the evidence in the world also denies
That you speak the truth and nothing but the truth,
And though all men testify
And if a bishop summons it
And scientists could prove it,
The fact that you're wrong and not telling the truth,
I believe in you, Maid Marian, I think,
That you speak the truth and nothing but the truth!
And although my own experience,
The own sensory experience itself,
If my mind, thinking my brain,
If my feeling would deny yourself,
So with the last drop of my blood
On the scaffold, I would still testify:
Maid Marian speaks truth, nothing but truth!
Thank you, my faithful William Scathlock,
That comforts me, that dries my tears,
That I at all the hostility in the world
Still an hero have, one who believes in me.
What is more, lawyer I want to be you,
Maid Marian, your lawyer! however
No develish lawyer, who in front of the court
Would still haggle for the orphans inheritance,
No, but a righteous lawyer.
Yes, you should be hungry for justice!
My good Robin Hood, by our friendship
I beseech you, the matter
More yet to be investigate and
Not to trust the certificate of evidence!
No, I own the absolute truth,
If you want to be my friend, stand by my side,
Bet my enemies' enemy and strengthen me!
Now, if a hermit and alchemist
In his chemical laboratory discovered,
That we no longer need God the Creator,
Because he himself was in possession of wisdom
And knows how from substances of nature
And from the elements to mix and
From the union in the vial
Of Sol and Luna, this alchemist
A Homunculus can create, and if
His selfmade Golem he
Led stand before his eyes, and made the Golem
Alive as a true monkey jumps and
In particular, as a monkey would be different
And fumbled at his shame
Like monkeys, and understand also, the tool
How to use clever carpenters,
If this alchemist so would prove thee,
God was deposed as Creator, and Man
Knows now by means of the nature to create
And now Man is thus himself Creator
And God does not become a man truly,
Rather, man is God and can create
A new human race from monkeys,
This is now one absolute truth,
What, dear, would you say to that man?
I would say that Satan him
The evil madness rushed to the neck!
So all examin in more detail
And never doubt Maid Marian!


(To the previous occurs the witch Mabel.)

Maid Marian, I thank you from my heart,
That you sent the noble deer to me!
O such a noble stag, so pure and holy,
Sent in my old kitchen of witches,
This is too much of honor, noble lady!

Maid Marian, how can I ever thank you?

I am profoundly indebted to you!
What are you lying again, false snake Mabel?
It was not me who sent this deer
In your old kitchen of witchcraft,
In truth, he was probably in hot water!
It's not my fault, I was it not,
Who this noble stag sent to you!
I myself have even hunted the deer,
I shoot him as he was going to feed,
My Love's Arrow has mortally wounded him!
Maid Marian, certainly, it was you, woman,
Lady, or should I call you Our Lady?
Do you not know whom we dub as a woman
And whom as a lady and as a noble lady whom?
We women better shall hold together but,
We are all daughters of a goddess
Of the moon, we, Dian's priestesses.
May your divine Dian but
Can chase the deer with her dogs,
I am the daughter of God, my Lord.
I believe a God and Creator also,
Satan created solely rats.
However, in my hut at night scurrying
The rats in the witchcraft's kitchen.
Grandmother of Satan, have mercy,
The rats eat the cheese away from me!
That you may eat all the bread and cheese,
Vegetables and salad and dry grains
And fruit and nuts, but no deer!
The meat of the noblest deer
I've hunted for Robin Hood alone
And Robin Hood's companions in the forest,
Which all faithful are to King Lionheart,
He stands as a knight at the Holy Sepulchre!
All of this is confusing, very confusing,
I do not know if I can trust my eyes
And my mind, the mind of reason.
Maid Marian is adamant,
You have'nt to Mabel sent the deer.
One thing I know but sure, I saw
Chasing our mistress in the forest
And there the deer she killed with her arrows
And then the yummy meat of the noble stag
Sent in the kitchen of our camp.
The chef of the kitchen accepted the deer meat.
The cook! So summons the soup kitchen,
The roast came something delicious to prepare.
Come on, no snack we want from you,
The plain truth you shall only testify!
What are you crying so? I'm already on the spot.
Has our mistress brought to you the deer?
Maid Marian has brought me the deer,
I want it crispy, she said,
Then I will make yummy gravy
And fatty food cook delicious,
Cook Solanum tubers, red cabbage
And plenty of sugar do in the red cabbage
And bay leaves also - though the laurel
But it is better for the playwright,
Who later glorified Robin Hood
In a play on the Globe Theatre.
And that lady has taken the deer,
After they brought him into your kitchen,
Him taken away and sent back
To Mabel, this sorceress of the gods?
Maid Marian I have not seen
In my kitchen, since she brought me
The deer that I roast him hard crispy.
The witch Mabel came into my kitchen,
In order to talk in the soup kitchen,
Because witches cook always soups.
Grandmother of Satan! Ah, I hate you!
You are so arrogant, ye virtuous proud!
Your pious Christians are so inflated!
Does your White Christ did not conquer
The Great Goddess of the shell throne?
No, I do not want your white Christ
And hate everything that is called church!
From England to me eradicates the church,
The Pope is a criminal and the priests
Are worse than the worst murderer,
Christianity is a lie, nothing but a lie,
No, away with your gentle Christian humility
And your religious cult of platonic love!
The strong Goddess with the horny goat
Shall return to celebrate the holy wedding!
What do you curse, witch, wife of Lucifer?
Abraxas! Come, Abraxas, come, Abraxas!
Come on, Demon Ashtaroth! I'll bewitch this
Common cook into a wild boar!

(The cook turns into a wild boar and runs into the thicket of the forest.)

Now I see, Mabel, that you're evil!
The women are always lovely,
They know charmingly to smile always,
An epitome of meekness and humility.
By God Abraxas and Ashtaroth,
By Lucifer and Lilith, bythe dogs
Of hell and the goddess of cats
And the serpent of the Garden of Eden,
I hate your kindness, your love!
No, I want to be evil! I want to be wild and free
And will no law of the Creator recognize!
I myself define, what is good,
I tell you that evil is good,
That good is evil, because I want it so!
Yes, William: fair is foul and foul is fair!
You're beautiful, but you're evil, Mabel,
Nice from the outside, but inwardly bad,
Yes, your soul is a lake that stinks
Of decay and your god of the flies!
Yes, my love is the evil power,
I want eventually go to hell for ever!



(Sweety in Carina's Habit, followed by the shepherd Karol.)

Stop, girl, stop, I know you, oh girl!
Come to me sensationalist, I am the pure spring pleasure!
So do not rush and do not flee from me,
Because you're my sister life!
Yes, let us hasten, my beloved, come,
Come with me to the cottage of my mother!
Where escaped you, sister-bride?
You forests, where is my soul sister?
Ye deer and ye roes in the forest,
Do you know where my soul sister is?
Ye pigeons in the tops of the chestnuts,
Where is my soul sister now?
Ye squirrels, following your female squirrels,
Where did she go, that dear soul sister?
Ye nightingales in the wild roses,
Oh, how I miss my sister live!
Ye stones, my brothers, cry aloud,
Where has my soul sister live gone?
You nymph Echo at the edge of the forest,
Give answer me: Where is my sister-bride?
Your wild boar, wild pigs' father,
Have you seen the sister-bride life?
You bear, one has robbed you of the boys?
But mutter, bear: Where is my sister?
Oh, she's gone, oh, she's gone, the dearest,
Oh, could I find my sister-bride,
I would bring her in my mother's hut!
She would be with me at my mother's breasts,
We would drank but the same milk of consolation!
If I find my sister,
I would kiss her in Sherwood Forest
And no one can gossip about us
When brother and sister kiss!
(volatile emerging)
Hu, Karol, Karol, dear shepherd, Hu!
Come on, I sensationalist, I am the joy of life,
Come, cash me, I'm the pure spring pleasure!
You are there yes, Carina, I recognize you,
Even if you're dead, I know you still,
Because you're a piece of my heart!
(is now calm before Karol, who thinks she is Carina)
Say yes to life, Karol, yes to love!
I thought you were dead, my sister of heart!
And if I die, how do you feel then?
I don't know that until you died!
For if you live, Carina,my my sister of heart,
Then it is quite unimaginably for me,
That you could suddenly no longer be with me.
Tell me how you would mourn me.
I begged Friar Tuck, he would sing
A requiem for you and a Te Deum!
No monk Latin, because I do not understand that.
I said, naked came Carina, ah,
Yes, naked she came out of the womb
And naked separates from this earth.
God has given us the naked Carina,
God has made us the naked Carina.
We sing praise to the sweet name of God!
So comforts your Christian faith quickly?
My Christian faith would be consolation in mourning,
But my grief would be immeasurable!
To thee not, I cried, my sister,
But to myself I'd stick bitter cries!
The bags under my eyes
Witnessed all over the world, as I am full of sorrow
And in spite of faith am without consolation,
Because I miss you! You are irreplaceable!
My life itself would lose its meaning
And I lost all desire to live
And had no future on earth
And no other hope than death,
Soon to be with you in the womb of God!
Oh, sad, sad, alas, sad, sad!
Tell me again funny stories,
Let every day your heart be only cheerful!
I'm still alive! I'm appetizing?
Come, come, every inch of my candy is for you
And taste just how deliciously I am!
Yes, you are my delicious delight!
Life will through you a delicacy!
Oh, your kisses are so deliciously!

(The lovesick shepherd Amour comes melancholic slowly walking closer.)

Amour, the lovesick shepherd, is coming!
Away, away, so I say to my soul,
I do not want to see the love-sick fool
With his fully look of a dog's humility!
He will not lick my high boots
And slavishly submit before me on the floor
And worship me as the supreme goddess
And with the god of love confound me
And drowned in the deepest distress
Pray to my soul: High protection's woman,
Almighty goddess, deliver my soul!
(from afar, singing)

Love brings the pain of death,

Wax consuming glow the candles,
The tears bloody red
I drop out of my wounded heart,
I can never be happy and joking,
Carina, alas, is dead!

Love brings me nothing but suffering,

He wants to gloat over my sorrow
And plunges me in agony,
I must avoid the dearest love
And see me only deposit,
Carina, alas, is dead!

Love brings me martyrdom,

I have to pay for all my sins,
Which offered me life,
I must in the deep valley of tears
To my cross with the pain of all men,
Carina, alas, is dead!

Love of a woman it is that torments me,

I am united with my pain,
I have eaten ashes bread
And drink tears, cleanse me,
O agony, since I certify her death,
Carina, alas, is dead!

In this valley of tears and vale of grief
With him but I do not want to walk,
I love more fun's realm
And what I want, I'm in love in my heart,
I am happy to be frolic in the pleasure of love!

(Amour and Karol.)

I do believe I saw Carina's spirit!
O God! The dead have been resurrected?
How do you saw Carina's spirit? As a shadow?
Just as real she was to me,
I saw her lovely form.
From behind, I saw it: O such ass
Has only Carina, Carina has only
So well-formed pelvis and hips.
When I saw them, the heavens were opened!
The heavens? How? Did Jesus drank wine
With the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles?
No, no, certainly not! In heaven Jesus
Drinks no wine, he himself is the wine
And we put a tiny drop of water only in it,
The dissolves in the wide cup an is mixed with the wine.
How is Carina in heaven? Naked?
Wears she in the heavens white linen dresses?
I saw the deity, an ocean
Of Beautiful Love in eternity,
The ocean of eternal enjoyment,
The eternity of happiness and joy and gladness;
And lust over lust swept rustling
As waves of eternity
And in the ocean of God's bliss
The ideals of beauty all swam
And all the ideals of my life,
The drunken visions of pure beauty,
They all swam in the ocean
Of Beautiful Love in eternity
And then I saw Carina also not dead,
She was alive, yes, she was deified,
Deified by God, Goddess even she became,
A beautyful young love goddess,
Who emerged from the foam of the breakwater
Of the ocean of everlasting beauty of love
As a naked goddess of eternal enjoyment!
Who sees such, must be blissful.
I wretch! I, poor Atlas!
The whole world of pain I have to carry!
I am in absolute solitude,
When I'm alone, I'm lonely, and
Even when I'm with people, so I
Am lonely! Nobody wants to be loved by me!
So I give my love to the dead!

(Clarion, the shepherd, and the shepherdess Mona Leone come and contact Karol.)

O Karol, Amica longed for your coming!

(Amour melancholic slow walking away.)

I long for her, too much I like Amica!
What's wrong with Amour just going, my friend?
He is so full of melancholy, full of sorrow,
So melancholy and so lonely, oh,
His heart is too tender for the world
And everywhere missed his heart love.
Yes, it's chilly to be human.
Amour just want to be alone,
Because he is among the living
Not quite at home more, he just wants
To think of his dead beloved.
Often it seems to him that hovers around him her spirit,
Then he will not be disturbed by children
Of the world, he then wants to indulge his dream.
What are the living and the dead what?
Amour seems to feel more but that
The living are in truth the dead,
The spirits of the dead but very much alive.
Confidantly he goes with the dead
As with the survivors of this world,
That do have the name that they live,
In truth, however, with cold hearts are dead.
I feel pity for the poor shepherd.
Oh, may God comfort him from heaven!
Oh, he may yet in the dawn
Hear the bell of the forest chapel
Of the hermit Columban and hear
The bleating of young lambs early in the morning,
That God the peace in his spirit will lower.
Amour would be half comforted, dear Mona
Leone, when he felt that a good
And gentle girl with him have compassion.
I love him, strange as it sounds,
On my way I also love Amour.
His heart wants but do not be comforted.
But what concerns Amica, my friend,
What is there with your longing?
Oh, now I've dreamed about her at night,
She had a shepherd as a husband,
But I was in their sheepfold
Ransacked with Amica alone and we
Together with love look to the bed
And then sat, tired of love,
On nice chairs in front of the fireplace,
Then in came a friend of her husband
And looked at us and then said to me:
O Karol, Amica is yet assigned,
You'll never be happy with the Beloved!
Then he said, still: Now comes the husband
From his pasture, from the pastoral office,
He stands just outside the door and enters the same,
For you, O Karol, remains a way out only,
You'd have to just escape through the window.
Oh, that was not a nightmare, that the girlfriend
And beloved Amica awarded
Vain to another man, and you still
Love with all the depth of your heart?
No, because as nice as the tasted sweet pleasure
Of love was in the bed of Amica,
And because I knew but by myself in my dream,
That Amica loves me, yes, loves me!
But I realize you want to go now. Where?
I want to see Amour, the poor shepherd,
That he in the melancholy
Derangement of his love-sick soul
Not yet hang himself on an oak tree.
Go, seek him, Karol, you faithful friend
And travel, shepherd with the shepherd,
And if his life is in ruin
After the death of his beloved Carina,
You remember him of the foundation,
That he in the womb of God still lives and moves!
What would my life be without him?
Amour holds together but my soul!
I will pray to his patron, the patron of his love.
His patron saint? Who is that saint?
Saint Cupid, who rules the world!


(Sweety alone in the forest.)

They all want me to wife,
Only because I have so red hair!
Dryads, never I'll take a man!
I am married to the great goat!

(Mabel appears.)

I meet my beautiful daughter
In Sherwood Forest, and she is speaking
With the Dryads in the chestnut tree.
O Sweety, where chestnut trees stand,
There's sociability and cheerfulness.
The veiled buds are like young girls,
The oaks are such men as heroes,
The houses are full of motherly wisdom.
Do you know the alphabet of the trees
And the secret of vowels also?
A is the birth of the goddess-son,
For Christmas is at the winter solstice,
E is the initiation of the hero,
When day and night are of equal length,
U is the Hieros Gamos of our goddess
With our heathen god at Saint John's night,
At the summer solstice, when the goddess
Made her wedding bed in the heather
And right mated the queen bees
With the hero who dies in the wedding,
O is the harvest season, the grape harvest,
When the blood of grapes molded on bare legs
Of the women who stamps the clusters,
And Bacchus, the ancient god
Gets drunk beyond measure with the red wine,
I is the dark midnight of the soul,
The sun god disappears in the womb
Of the Great Mother Night, newborn
As the Son of God, the Great Mother's son.
I was born while in the skies
The Pleiades rain in the moons of
The scorpio, which is under Pluto's reign,
What, mother Mabel is my destiny tree?
You shall always hold you fast at Kalmus,
Yarrow is assigned to the kidneys,
The kidneys are under Venus' rule,
There are the scales of justice
Of the goddess Maat. But where Pluto rules
And where the moon is in the house of the scorpion,
Then stir in men and women in the bodies
The sexual organs, phallus and vagina,
The phallic god mates of goddes of the vagina!
This marriage is blessed by the Kalmus.

(Robin Hood appears in the distance.)

O Mabel, Mabel, here comes Robin Hood!
I turn into Maid Marian!
O goddess Ashtaroth! O god Abraxas!
Hoc Corpus - hocus-pocus, mumbo-jumbo!

(Mabel appears in the habit of Maid Marian. Beneath her white robe is still to see the mighty wide
magic belt. Added Robin Hood occurs and thinks the witch Mabel is his mistress Maid Marian.)

Maid Marian, how beautiful you are dressed,
Your white dress is whiter than the snow,
Your garment of light is brighter than lightning,
So white your dress, so white it can no fuller
With bleach stain, my white lady!
What do you want from me, o Robin Hood?
I want to look you in your eyes again.
I dreamed this morning awakening,
We were already for millions of years,
For a hundred million years ago, one
As lovers from the first day of creation!
So white your dress, it lights still as white,
Like air full of light, the ether aura,
I see shining through your breathed robe ...
What do you see shimmering? Robin Hood, my friend,
As to penetrate a man looks sharp
The lightweight dress of his Well-Beloved
And naked see in imagination the body
Of the Well-Beloved! Think not
In the abundances of your imagination,
That you touch my body, erotic,
The naked and coveted body, and dishonor
Yourself, defile yourself in the fantasy
And overwhelm my naked body
In your imagination with pleasure's violence
And do not dishonor my soul in the body
And do not rape your beloved!
Maid Marian, you will not be raped
By me, you are loved by Robin Hood!
Not naked I'll see you under the guise of breath,
I see Venus' wide magic belt
From snakeskin to your pelvis hang!
I open your charms belt, O Venus!

(Robin Hood tears Mabel with force the magic belt from her broad basin.)

Be thou cursed for all eternity!

(Mabel, without magic belt, lose the habit Maid Marian and is back as the witch Mabel.)

O Great Goddess Mabel, my mother,
I am the servant of the Mother Goddess!
Hecate, the goddess of all witches,
The goddess of magic and sorcery,
The goddess who reigns at the crossroads, Goddess,
More strongly than even the evil Hades,
Help me to curse all the shepherds!
Yes? Will I now privy to
The magic of the black goddess Hecate?
I call: energeia, energeia,
Force-effects of the spirits in the universe,
Curse the shepherd and the flock of Christians!
The great goddess curses all Christians!
I call Isis, Queen of the Moon,
I call Hecate, the sorceress,
I call Cybele, the Magna Mater,
I call Persephone, the goddess of death,
I call Venus, goddess of free love,
I call Pluto, which gives richness,
I call Heracles, which tightens muscles,
I call Pan, the great goat!
Ye gods and goddesses of their peoples,
Unite and curse all Christians!
We write Robin's name on paper
And stab with the needle in the finger
Of Maid Marian, with her drops of blood
We dedicate Robin Hood to the Great Goat,
In red blood drops of Maid Marian
Appears the face of Robin Hood,
We write him on his Christian forehead
The number of Aphrodite: Sex, sex, sex!
Hail Natas, hail the great goat! Sex, sex, sex!


(Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Karol, Amica, shepherds and shepherdesses.)

The evil has been shown in figure,
We know that witchcraft and
Blackmagic of occult demons
Is caused, where Satan is the ruler.
What do we want? With little lambs play,
Rest on a golden fleece of ewes,
The surge black goats from the hills
To see flow like the hair of the beloved,
But the evil disturbs us, the enemy of God!
We just want peaceful blown the flute!
You shall leave us the silence in the meadows
And do not disturb our quiet peace!
The evil people believe themselves to be gods
And have nothing in mind but to plague us,
To rob us of the silent peace of mind.
God Almighty distributes the wicked!
We are left at bay with their elixirs
And their spells, their doctors
In the mystery of iniquity,
We just want to listen to the spring air!
We just want peaceful blow the flute!
The evil power is as the great gods,
As white gods even in linnen dresses,
We do not fall down for their deception!
Oh, when the bells are ringing on the lambs
And when the chapel bell is ringing,
Silent in religious delusion, the hermit
His Hail Mary mumbles each evening hour,
Then we find peace in nature.
We want only to dream of beautiful love!
We just want eaceful blow the flute!
Whether or not the evil enemy disturbs the peace
And in the dull walls of his prison
In vials with toxic elixirs
Together the bride and the death poisons mixed,
The shepherdesses gives peace again
To the shepherd when he listens to her voice.
We want to celebrate only cheery love!
We just want peaceful blow the flute!
Yes, shepherdesses, blast the shepherd's flute!
Maid Marian is different but as Mabel!
You shepherd, sing a song of Maid Marian,
Praise the woman in exchanging song of the Muses!
When I Maid Marian for the first time
Sitting near the fire saw the first of May,
I chose her for the Queen of May,
Which slender as a veil is.
I looked at her, the androgynous Grace
Of feminine beauty, and I thought:,
This is surely the angel Gabriel!
As I walked up to the lady, I asked:
Are you a girl or even an angel?
I think you're the angel Gabriel!
Maid Marian quietly smiling looked at me
And said: I've never heard that!
O Syrinx, bubble us the flute of Pan!
When I was walking in the green forest,
Maid Marian I saw standing at the tree,
She looked at me with warm eyes,
Veiled was her head of long hair,
Her eyes flashed sparks full of life,
Her face was full of earnestness and yet full of smiles,
The eyes looked as a wise woman full of wisdom,
I thought, I saw the sacred Madonna!
O Syrinx, blow the flute of Pan!
From my beloved shepherdess
I heard that Maid Marian was almost dead
And was already with one foot in the afterlife
Where she met Jesus the Messiah
And the Lord has sent her back to earth,
So she is no woman, she is an angel!
O Syrinx, blow the flute of Pan!
I saw Maid Marian in a circle of women,
But all the other women seemed
Nettles and thistles only and thorns,
But Maid Marian was a rose,
No, a white lotus flower!
Maid Marian is much like the Madonna!
Madonna is in heaven a goddess,
Maid Marian on earth a goddess!
O Syrinx, blow the flute of Pan!
The first shepherd I donate a goat,
Specifically, a fat black goat,
The second shepherd I donate a cup,
Specifically, a broad full cup!
O Syrinx, blow the flute of Pan!

(Karol and Amica came out and stand under a large chestnut tree.)

Amica, Oh how beautiful to see you!
Oh Karol, rather I could not come
For my lambs, which had been lost.
When you were not there, I was forsaken by God!
The God-forsaken Jesus is with you!
But in the morning I found new hope,
I heard you talking in my head,
You whispered sweet delights of love.
You're a man! Do not forget, I am chaste!
Then I saw in the eas, the sun rising,
Then I thought: Amica rises in the east!
Yes, if I so live in your soul,
Am I really one human being that you love?
Do you love not only a pure ideal
And you give the ideal the name Amica?
I saw your face in my mind,
You were a smiling goddess.
I just thought of you.
What did you think of me, o girlfriend?
Oh, say it better not, it could be
The fact that you think, he should not covet me!
Lust is not love, but love
Is selfless, leads the other to heaven.
You are even my sweet paradise!
And idolatry is not love.
And ardently I should not be?
No, love purely and without passions,
Apathetic stay in the peace of mind
And love chaste and undefiled as God.
God is himself is passionately loving!
God loves and wants to counter our love!
Only be strong. I love you too fond.


(The son of the witch and swineherd Daddy stands in front of the tree, where is imprisoned Carina.)

I want you, O lovely Carina!
You shalt only be mine own!
Three powers are in the heart of man indeed,
Three passions that move people:
Purchase does a man possess,
If wants the man to dominate the whole world,
To mate wants the man his wife and testify!
Carina, you are my passion
Of passions: I want you to acquire,
But I do not want to advertise as a minstrel
With a Mandolin in front of the balcony,
To earn nothing but geraniums,
To purchase I want you, more precisely,
I said, I do not even want you to acquire
With money as a vulgar whore
No, you shall pay me money, but I
Will catch you like a booty me
And rob you and steal yourself from the world!
So I want you! I myself am
Obsessed with the idea of having you,
You very own self and
With you to turn and to manage
With something that I very own,
What no one may take me away and no one
May have you as I own you and what
Yourself can not steal from my hand,
So I want to possess you, you to me
The security in this life shall give,
Then I'll build the temple of my life.
I will dominate you and your body!
Yes, power, that is magic! And I am mighty,
For I beseech your soul with
Secret spells and control
Your thinking through the wisdom that Abraxas
And Ashtaroth highly awarded to me by you,
Above all, I want to rule over
Your body popular that your body
No longer thine own lust serve,
No, that your body is my love slave
And belongs to me, my lust serve,
You do all that I ask of you
And you in every way shall mydesire
Satisfy, as I myself would like it!
You are my passion of passions,
You divine Dryad, come forth!

(Carina comes from the tree hole, in which she was captured and stood before Daddy. Carina is very
appetizing to look at and daddy waving excited for lust.)

Ah, so if I see you, most coveted,

So I'm going to a garden, God!
Worship, glory and honor, thanks and praise
Be to god Priapus, the eternal Priapus!
O, when I think of you, sweet wife,
So I see the almighty Priapus
His phallus standing, a proud God, God's omnipotence!
The phallus is the Sirius in the sky
And the testes are the Dioscuri-gods,
But you are the Venus of the Stone Age,
Omnipotent godlike your breasts,
Which udder equal to the golden celestials,
But your hips are the cup of God,
In which I want the sparkling wine splash!
You love so much the transparent silk,
You sacred courtesan, harlot of God,
I want the silk tear thee from the womb!
Do you love so much the transparent material,
I want to put on my steep phallus
The transparent bag which is made
From bull intestine, put me on the bag!
I will leap on you, just like the bull
Jumps on the cow from behind, or as
The moose with his erected penis
His wife from behind powerful will copulate!
But you're not willing, I must use force!
Then I'll rip your clothes from the body
And throw you naked on the floor,
With one hand I shut you to
And with the other hand and with the arm
I pull your legs apart
And throw my body on your
And bump my God in your vagina
And stumble to and fuck you to death!
Yes, my lust I want to have on you,
Your flesh I will use you for my pleasure!
Only away with all the slavery of the Church,
Only away with the bigoted prudery!
I have shoots that are all-powerful,
And you're my gratification!
I have a god-like phallus,
You have the scabbard for my sharp sword!
So spread your legs, let fuck you,
Otherwise I spread your legs myself, wife,
And lead my sharp sword in your scabbard,
Whether you also bleeding from my sword!
God Priapus commands, I obey him!

(The shepherd Clarion comes from a distance closer and sings.)


O pure Venus without passion,

You flawless, pure,
Woman, I love you, who creates the world,
Not a vulgar whore.

O eternity of sweet vitality,

You creatrix of love,
How everything develops through the juice
Full of thy gods' shoots!

Venus, you O great God-nature,

Create all your powers,
The whole universe is your creature,
The spirits and monkeys.

Venus, give me your sweet favor,

Spray the foam on the rock,
You weave my fate, teach me the art
In love to merge!

Mistress Charity, my highest queen,

I bet in your honor,
From you all love is coming and what I am,
I swim in your sea!

Mistress Charity, supreme beauty queen,

I am by your grace,
All your waves I surrender,
I bathe in love!

Mistress Charity, my ecstasy trunk,

Mixing the wine cup broad,
In drunken sobriety my head I drown,
Of fate's breakwater!

Venus of the pure angel spirit,

In your lust I bathe,
Throwr my fate to the beach,
Lust waits on the strand!

Who comes there with a priest's litany?
O sex goddess Venus! You, Carina, hide yourself
In the tree far away from the profane gaze of the man,
Who love celebrates like a sanctuary
And knows nothing of the wildest smut!

(Daddy hides Carina back in the tree column.)


(Clarion is under the tree, where is banned Carina. He hears a melody that is hummed silently.)

I hear a lovely song,
I hear a comforting music,
That speaks to my soul, makes me feel good.
The organ music of the earth is certainly beautiful,
But more beautiful is the organ of the heavens.
The wind blows on the flute of the strong oaks
And nightingales sing for the roses.
The whole earthly nature appears
Me as music. I really believe that the Creator
In the beginning took his psalterion
And emphasized the harp strings of his psalterion
And from the high notes became angels
And from the deep tones became monkeys
And men are like angels and like monkeys.
Music is the vibration of the psalterion of God.
I think of Carina, singing notes,
How she sang French romances
And also how fine she sang Christmas carols
With her angelic voice of a pure child.
Music is made for lovers,
Music is made for those who mourn,
And this melody that I hear now,
Is like egyptian hieroglyphics magical,
Is a magical evocation of the beloved.
Yes, indeed, here comes Amour walking!
(While Clarion under the tree)
I want to hug this treel,
For a harmony emanates from the tree,
That comforts my sorrowful soul.
But I can not love instead of Carina
Dryads, nymphs in trees.
The wise men of this world try me
To console about my darling's death
And say: Just go always in the forest,
The creator of nature is there to comfort you,
The creator of nature will speak to you
And give you love when you his trees
Embrace and take in your soul the power of trees.
So mock me the wise men of this world,
For what a lover becomes the beloved
Confused with the nymphs in the trees?
But now I seem to be crazy,
Because I hear the soul of nature
And hear the music of the creator
Of nature me buzzing with Carina's voice!
This is a mystical song, isn't it?
This is Carina's voice, but not
Carina in the dress of mortality,
Carina has already stored the dress
Of mortality and is immortal now
The angels sister, my female angel!
So is this heavenly music
Music of the angels. When the angels sing
In the ninth choir of the hierarchy of angels,
Then they sing French romances.
The tongue of French is the tongue of love,
This is Carina's tongue, the tongue
Of the angels who warbles of love.
Often also rise the angels and Muses
From the mountain Parnassus
And ascend to the choir of Gabriel
And Michael and Raphael and get
Higher in the Elysian Fields
To the principalities of the virtues,
Where virtues sojourn in laurel wreaths,
And powers, glories and dominions
Love hymns are singing to the deity,
And rise to the young Cherubini
And the seraphim, the seraphic
Fire-serpents of sublime incandescence
Combines the sound with the gods' thrones
To the passionate Love of the Lord
And then thunder in the heaven of heavens,
As the organ of the heavens, Te Deum!
If there are angels and angel together
On their islands of bliss,
They worship freely
Then whistle as amorous nightingales
The French romances again
And rave about the joy of puppy love
And, abiut the sugar of this time, lust,
Because they enjoy the bliss
With intoxicating ecstasy of love!
I do not follow you, dear friend,
I'm not at home in the heavens.
Never has so taken me by force
The mystical ecstasy, as you
Like the rage catch yourself up.
Do not forget I'm only a poor shepherd,
I do dispute the mother's love and the ewes
And I know lambs grazing in lilies,
I know the creator of nature, but
The angelic tongue I do not know.

(Above Clarion and Amour appears the little hand of Carina.)

O heaven, heaven, I see the hand of God!
Yes, God stretches out his hand from heaven!
Quickly, my soul, I want to go to confession!

(Amour away hurriedly.)

O white hand, O sweet woman's hand,
To you I will worship, o dear hand!
From your hand so sweet graces come,
I do believe that your hand ful of grace
Even on Good Friday is full of love!
When I look at the cunning fingers,
How they know sweet to caress,
Then pours a stream of sweet happiness through me!
With this hand ful of the most beautiful woman's graces
Touch you the loins of my mind
And lead me to your way of love!
O woman's hand, O woman's hand full of grace,
In the Old Testament the servant
Puts his hand in an oath to Abraham
On his loins, so he swore to him a covenant of love!
O hand, grant me the grace but once again,
To swear by the subject of circumcision.
Whether I still have my foreskin,
You take me into the alliance of
The circumcised and graft the wild branch
In your noble fig tree, and so
You okuliere and you copulate
And graft the wild branch to the fig tree,
On that I bring fruit of penance!
Then put your woman's hand full of grace
On my head full of blood and wounds, caress, caress,
Caress the head of blood and wounds!
From your woman's hand full of sweet grace
So sweet love graces flow out,
That electric enthusiasms showers through me
From the bright flashes of God!
And all life force and life instinct
I layt trustfull in your hand
And pour all the pearls of my soul
In your loving woman's hand.
You receive in the palm of your hand
All my love glowing effusions!

(Suddenly emerging gray mist veiled the whole scene.)


(Suddenly the dense fog dissolves. Mabel with Sweety and Daddy.)

O morning mist, you o white veil,
O evening mist, you o white veil,
The people all see cataracts
And do not see the goddess of nature,
Who is shrouded in dense fogs.
Where the fog is so sudden, Mabel?
You call me Mabel? Say Mom!
Oh, dear, I want to say to you Mabel,
Your name alone, O Mabel, is
Magic, is pure magic of the Goddess.
I have a children's song in my soul.
My boy, sing the children's song!

O Mom, let your face shine on me,

You must not weep for your boy,
O Mom, sweet Mom!

O Mom, let you tear me shudder,

You must not grieve for your boy,
O Mom, sweet Mom!

O Mom, look to me like barn owls,

You must not cry at your boy,
O Mom, sweet Mom!

Look, Sweety, Daddy calls me Mom yet.
No, Mabel, when I sing about Mom,
I mean the great goddess Mom!
I am the great goddess' priestess,
And that the world does not see the goddess
So naked, as I see her spiritual,
So I gave the white veil of the nebula.
For if the people our love goddess
Would see in her bare nakedness,
As I see her forever in the mind,
The goddess' white breasts, white as milk,
Like lightning she would human beings make blind!
People always talk about Carina,
As if they know her like me.
I want her all to myself!
Yes, that's why I gave the thick fog,
So that Amour and Clarion and Karol
And all the other fools of the pastoral
Don not discover your well-beloved Carina
In her column, banned in the tree.
Do please spell circles around Carina,
That not the shepherds come too close.
Yes, I want to draw circles around Carina.
O Nostradamus, help me in magic,
That even the black and white shepherds' dogs
Not exceed this pentagram.
If I with witchcraft's occult spirits
Can capture and summon Carina,
So she is like an incubus all mine!
I'm going as a Satanic Warlock
In the haunted lap of Carina to testify
Demons' sons who curse the world!
Yes, you testify in the spirit demonic sons,
That they are faithful obedient to their father Satan!
I'll bewitch for me the Incubus Carina,
That she the old goat Satan
Adoring kisses his ass!
O Daddy, you swear to Satan's number,
Swear to Satan loyalty, swear: Sex, sex, sex!
I bring to the shepherds songs
'That they sing the great hero Natas!
O Natas, help us, O Lord and Master!
They do not know what they are singing, fools,
But they worship the old Satan!
The shepherds I igive nstructive songs, dances
The shepherdesses, that they sing to the dances:
O sex, sex, sex! They look forward to it
Or do not, they praise Satan's number!
Curse this childishly pure Lamb's Festival,
The Christians curse, adhering to Christ!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse each hermit, alone,
Only considering living the wisdom of God!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse to all the priests, that gaze eastward
And see the host of God's sun!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse each fat monk who enjoys meat
And every night drinks a bottle empty!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse all the bigots who
To Rome look to the Pope!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse all pious mothers who refuse to
Abort their own bodies fruits!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse to all the monks who respect the children,
As if they were all Jesus children!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse to all Christians, the missionaries
Who in the world evangelize the gentiles!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse to all the knights who go on cruise,
Christians to protect at the tomb of God!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse to all the pastors that feed the flock,
And do not flee when the wolves come!
On behalf of all the old gods, curse!
Curse to all the women who love Saint Mary!
On behalf of our ancient goddess, curse!


(All shepherds and shepherdesses, guests at Robin Hood's feast, stalking through the woods.)

We read marks on the black earth,
We read tracks in the wet grass.
Where is the witch that we banish her!
Let our dogs smell her trace!
To determine the direction, read
We from the moss in the west of the bark.
The time and hour says to us the sun.
Our compass always points north.
In the north, the mighty mountain is magnetic.
Even if we were in the deep south,
The needle always pointed north.
In the north, at midnight, there lives
The evil, sitting on the mountain of the gods!
Once we overcome the evil enemy,
We gather us in Arcadia's meadows.
We too were once in Arcadia's meadows!
The evil forces leave us no peace,
Until we overcome Satanism,
We otherwise find no peace of mind.
But we want to have apathety
And as the Cynics modest live
With only water and hot pea soup.
But we do not want to be apathetic,
We want passion and fire of love!
This we will find, everything, when the witch
Is expelled from Sherwood Forest.
Robin Hood's boys are still singing!
To Maid Marian then sing the poets!
Here ends her trail, the witch lives
Here behind the wild roses' hedge
In her hut with the devil's kitchen.

(The shepherds and shepherdesses penetrate the roses' hedge and see the hut of the witch Mabel.
The door is open. Mabel is sitting in the devil's kitchen and modeled a wax figure of Robin Hood
and stabs needles into the wax doll and muttering spells.)

Now, Robin Hood, I penetrate your hands,
The nail I'll smash through your hands,
Now, Robin Hood, I penetrate your feet,
The nail I'll smash through your feet,
Now, Robin Hood, I penetrate your brows,
The thorns I bore into your forehead,
Now, Robin Hood, I penetrate your heart,
I drill the spear in your heart!
Abraxas, Ashtaroth! Come, demons!

(The witch takes new wax, modeling a wax doll of Maid Marian and pierced needles into the wax
doll and mutters spells.)

Maid Marian, now I'll stab you in the heart,

Wounded shall be your heart of thorns,
Yes, seven swords pierce you through the heart!
Abraxas, Ashtaroth! Come, demons!
O Saint Mary of the bush of roses,
Come to our aid, great Mother of God!
With those your merciful
And tearful eyes lead us
Away from this dark devil's kitchen!
Thou, Virgin, step the snake on the head!
Thou Second Eve, our Garden of Eden,
Fight against the dark angel Lucifer
And all occult demons!
Mary, great woman of revelation,
Throw the astrologers and witches down
And magicians and all evil spirits and
Also every goblin, every night-ghost
And all the spirits of the elements
And Lilith and the rats' god throw down!

(From the sun comes to the earth the great fiery Archangel Ariel, accompanied by a mighty god-
lion. The god-lion roars, the witch Mabel scares, the Archangel Ariel throws a flame in the devil's
kitchen, which is consumed in the fire to ashes. then the seraphic Archangel Ariel applies the
shepherds and shepherdesses.)

In the name of Divine Trinity
In Union - now live in the spirit of freedom!
Who slave is of the Mother of God,
Even deeper than a slave, who greets her Hail,
Who the mistress greets in her throne chair,
Them solves the Mother of God every bond!
Only those who are bound to the true God,
As God's servant, has found freedom!
Who wants to be free in arrogance and pride,
Not enslaved to the Saviour of the world,
Who will redeem himself full of pride,
He remains lowest servant of the power of evil!
With the great murder of children, with Herod,
The sinner is enslaved servant of death!
But all who themselves to God's Mother consecrate,
Them only free the Mother of God!
By Solomon and Nathan, the seer,
The Virgin only frees you from Satan!
Because you greet the Virgin Immaculate
Full of grace, she will send you her angels!
My name Ariel means fire of God,
From this labyrinthine adventure
I am leading you to the fire of love, God's flock!
Who comes to the fire, freed from the scorn of scorns,
Who comes to the fire of God without shoes,
Who discalced run to rest,
Pacified be all his life instincts
By the hot flame of Beautiful Love!

(The Archangel Ariel is progressing, the shepherds and shepherdesses follow the Archangel into a
clarity, illuminated by the brightest spring sun, to them are joined Robin Hood and Maid Marian.)

Here I stand, I can not help me, O lady,
God wants it, O woman: I love you!
I also, I also, I love you in the spirit!


(in front of the curtain)

The devil was so completely out of fashion,

Only psychological demons's were existing,
The dark shadow in the own soul.
The little devils of his own heart
One has to integrate into the self.
Grandmothers say laughing to their grandchildren:
My favorite, play with the devil doll!
Grandfathers say to the Godfather uncles:
Tell your little children of the world,
But never of the devil and the hell!
But I saw the devil himself at work,
When God created little children,
The hell them wanted to scrape out of the womb
And wanted the children of men to throw in the trash,
I saw the terrorists flying in the air
And the young people taking drugs.
So shall ye not you wonder, dear people,
That here the devil appears in person.
But fear not the Satan,
If you see Satan, then whisper:
Hail Mary, O Second Eve!



(Satan, Harlequin, Dame Sin.)

I want to destroy the whole world! Woe to you all!
(a voluptiöses woman lasciviously entwined by a serpent)
I'll give my best, Lord and Master,
The people to corrupt, give them
Lots of money, lots of money, especially great wealth,
Then I let them enjoy this world
And let them eat out of all proportion
And let them drink out of all proportion
And give them the poison of Niktin
And sleeping pills, hashish, cocaine
And the substances of colorful pill drugs,
Then I connected them to the brothels
And incentives with pornographic images,
I entice people into adultery
And spouses in divorce
And give a man seven women
And make of pious people bigamists
And monks I make to child abusers
And I let women be raped
And murder children in the womb.
Very angry, my faithful servant!
But I still want more, I want the souls
Not only spoil on mother earth,
Mother Earth with the broad breasts,
I want to rip the souls in hell!
I'm thirsty for eternal damnation!
Oh, might I remain eternally in hell!
But thou shalt serve me in the world.
There is a man who calls me at all times,
From Satan hopes all happiness,
Looking forward to the infernal music,
To Satan's whorehouse and lottery.
My Harlequin, thou shalt destroy him for me,
Casting him in his soul madness!
Oh, I really need to go to the blue earth?
How I wish I was still in the womb of hell!
Cheer up, my Harlequin, do your duty,
I will reward you in hell.


O devil, do not stop the infernal music,
I race on the highway to hell
And already hear ringing the bells of hell!
If I burn myself at the hot pot,
Then I call: O devil! For you are like fire.
I'd not love to meet the little God,
No, I want to you, great devil.
I do not want to go to heaven
And on the cloud Hallelujah sing,
No, I'd rather go to hell,
Since there's rock music and lottery.
I'm also looking for the Bible:
What is written about the the Antichrist?
Because I belong to the Antichrist!
Above all, I hate motherhood,
The women and the women's matriarchy
And deeply hate the women's fertility
And deeply hate the women's creativity
And deeply hate the women's wombs!
The women are all whores only,
Only my mother not. O how I hate
The womb and its fetus!
What disgusts me the new life,
Life, a living thing, a child,
Because I feel the love of God therin,
Just get rid of it, just get away with this child,
O hell, scratch it out of the womb!
Satan, vacuum cleaner, suck the fetus
Out of this maternal uterus
And smash the fruit of the womb to the garbage
And smash the life in the trash!
How I hate the women with hot hate,
So I hate with hot hate the children,
So I hate life and love,
I love only revolutionary hate,
I love class struggle and terrorism,
I love revolutionary murders!
O devil, you prepare a great desire for me,
Only your hell is my paradise,
So I conclude a pact with thee, O Satan,
With you and with the great Antichrist,
The motto of my life is consecration:
Sex sex sex! But that's a mystery.


(Wagner and Harlequin.)

Who are you, brother, and what is your name?
My name is Harlequin Diabolo.
Diabolo, Diabolo! I am in love
With that name, for I am the devil's slave.
But what does mean the name Harlequin?
When Doctor Faust the pact concluded with the devil,
The evil came to him as a black dog.
Then growled John Faustus: Arr, le chien!
Arr, le chien - means Harlequin.
Agrippa of Nettesheim also in
The occult philosophy absorbed
And in magic, always spoke with his dog,
Monsieur, so he called his black dog,
He took daily walking his dog
To Mademoiselle, the beautiful black bitch,
The beautiful bitch in the neighborhood.
In a word, I want to be your lap's dog!
Yes, men I hate with all my heart,
But I want to love a faithful dog.
You shall howl never before democrats,
You shall howl before all aristocrats!
I am your servant and help thee to hell,
Where you shall be a long time after your desire.
Clap your hands and already I'm there,
Whistle on the whistle and already I'm there.
Now I have a friend in this world,
We include a brotherly bond of friendship,
The rebellion against all that is divine
And holy is the law of our covenant,
I hate not alone with all my heart
The supreme Father in heaven,
I also hate with all my heart the little Cupid!
How is your dear wife?
Because she wanted no other,
I took unfortunately her to my wife.
But the bitch always quarrel quarrelsome
And says I have anaphrodisie!
I prefer an anaphrodisie
Before Montezuma's Revenge Siphylis!


(Wagner, his wife Eve Pussy and her family friend Peter Lady-Servant.)

You poor fool Peter Lady-Servant,
You can now talk to my wife.
I love you, you picture of the beauty of God!
How? You love my own wife?
Platonic I love her as my Muse.
Ah, I understand you, Platonic and musically...
I love you, you goblet of pious wisdom!
Of which I understand nothing. But one thing is clear:
Look at her when she appears to you beautiful,
And red with her when she appears to you wise,
But taboo are kisses on the mouth,
Taboo sexual agreement,
Tabu the sacrament of the marriage covenant.
I worship you at your feet,
You are the feminine face of God,
I consecrate to you my heart as your slave!
Say, Eve Pussy, what do you say?
If speech is silver, silence is gold.
Oh intimate soul twin sister,
So I'll give my answer in your name:
Peter Lady-Servant, my cavalier,
How should I joke with you and flirt with you,
If this rough guy of man is near?
But when my husband goes to his work,
Then I'll show myself from my best side,
The brassiere wearer slips carelessly
On my bare arm at your side.
I will consider your faithfulness, woman!
Tonight I'm staying in a disco
And give one of the whores beer,
Then call Peter Lady-Servant to you
And drink with him the sweet plum liqueur.
The acorns of the oak tree fall down
In adoration before the plum tree's plum!
Oh, men! - Peter, go with God, but go!


Me recently asked my stupid son: What is
The meaning of life? So I said:
Ask all your friends if they think
What is the meaning of life? this question
Is too stupid, you must not ask that.
The devil got the soul I sold him.
What does your soul cost in dollars?
Look at the dollar bill, it is written
In the triangle on the pyramid:
I, the almighty dollar, am your god!
The devil must give me money, money!
The devil and I are happy to assist you.
Give me a little money, I buy shares
And speculate with your capital.
The capital is for capitalists,
But communism is when the proles
Have the capital of the capitalists.
It can even speculate every farmer.
Money has started working on the market,
You do not even do your work anymore
In the sweat of your face, as God says.
You flush the money doing your job now,
And if you invest your capital,
I juggle with your shares
To the stock market, and if Mammon is gracious,
So Mammon rains his golden rain
In your lap, the wealth will come to you,
Then you can buy the whole world.
The Mexicans believe in the Virgin
And in the lottery of the state. I
Dream often of winning the lottery.
You know what makes you happy. A happy-maker
If such a bill. What would you do
As a lotto millionaire firstly?
Traveling on a luxury ship through the world!
I'd like the eternally idle tourism
From Cuba to travel across the sea to Bali.
In Bangkok there are beautiful girls!


(Wagner, Eve Pussy and Peter Lady-Servant.)

Lover, you may chat with my lady.
How much do you cling to your life, sweetheart?
So before you alternate, you stand on a skyscraper
And crashes down, you come on down,
So you're sure dead, but the house
Still projects a nail before you
And could stuck to your eye, blind
While you were, but you will livet.
I did not think, my cavalier,
That your imagination is so brutal.
I read recently in the newspaper,
In our civilized democracy
A man sought, cannibalistic one man
To eat, and another man coveted,
That a cannibal might eat him.
The two found themselves and understood them,
The one ate, eaten the other was.
How can you tell that disgusting?
Yes, what is the problem? One wanted
To eat the other and the other
Wanted to be eaten. To none was added
An harm. Each had what he wanted.
Now tell me that there is no devil.
My angel Ezekiel protects me!
Saint Michael, Satan hurl to hell!
Tell me again of Jesus,
As he preached on the Tabor Mountain.
You shall not murder, it is said in the law,
And Jesus said: Thou shalt not even hate!
Thou shalt not murder a man says
The example of Moses from the Sinai,
Thou shalt not even kill an animal
To make your stomach a graveyard
For animal carcasses, says Gautama Buddha.
Beautiful, Eve Pussy, how you love life!
The flowers and animals are dearer to me
Then human beings, which are murderers.


(Wagner and his friend Mister Juice.)

Wine, women and songs, so we spoke earlier,
Today it is called: Sex and drugs and rock'n'roll.
The diabolical desire makes you happy.
First, the happiness, all the joy of the world,
And then down to eternal damnation!
Money must bring everything and accomplishes all
As already said the wise Solomon.
The saying goes that without money nothing goes on.
If I were the good Lord, I would create
A beer barrel big as the whole world
And then would create a beer glass, the cup
Then would extend to the foot of the moon.
If I were the good Lord and
Gave laws at Sinai,
Hospitality would be the divine law,
For the primitive peoples of
Nature, there was a sacred law:
Host, a guest comes to your apartment,
In friendship give him your wife for sex!
I have sex with one, whom I love,
I love myself, as God commanded.
I take drugs, I take Valium,
And listen to rock music of hell's bells.
So I am blessed in this world
And let the heavenly paradise to the angels
And sparrows, this heavenly paradise,
Where houris sweet cream pie eat.
What lack I yet to my salvation?
I have a friend who peerages sold.
Wilt thou then not be a prince?
I only desire a title of a prince,
I want to read: Prince of Darkness!
I want to be chief in the South Seas
And all South Sea Islanders girls
From sixteen to twenty-two years
Served me as their chief of harem.
A prince, a nobility title, yes, that's it!
Appeared at the Lake of Constance
Princess Diana as an angel spirit, saying:
So beg that you do not go to hell!



(Title of nobility seller and banker.)

A title of nobility can be had for money.
If men want in shops more to earn,
So they buy themselves
A diploma and a name of nobility.
You do not need a nobility of soul, and
Not a family tree, but money, only money.
The crooks buy blue blood
And want as did the Prince of Monaco
Be a rich prince of the casinos.
But money is a spacial nobility.
What did the nobility because of the blue blood,
If they are impoverished? Wealth is a nobility
From Mammon's grace. Today there is no emperor
Of God's and Mother Church's grace.
Today there is the capital,
The international banking group,
The Invisible Lodge on the stock market!
Even the kids are raving for the King
And the princesses, which is quite natural.
Toss once in a group of children
In games a handful of money, immediately
Is any harmony destroyed and greed
Empowered after this happy-maker of gold.
Yes, nobility is the bill, money, that's it.
O dollar, I mean the highest god,
Which perched on top of the pyramid
As a triangle with the eye of God, dollar,
Worshiping are the Freemasons of America
You as the world-spirit in world community,
I love you all! Even more than the rich,
Yes, even more than a millionaire
Sought a communist proletarian for dollars.
O dollars, you secret god of the children,
O dollars, the sale of indulgences,
The poor soul from purgatory
Redeemed by dollars into paradise,
You are the golden calf of Sinai,
This has led us into the land of freedom.
So also says Jesus: Overgrown with the money,
Who has not proliferated, goes to hell!
So, so you decide, O dollar god,
Who goes to hell in naked poverty,
Who will be redeemed from purgatory
And who by the grace of god will be blessed.
Money, money, money, money, money!

(Harlequin and Eve Pussy.)

You sweet Eve Pussy, look, the Christians
Not believe in the sanctity of marriage.
The Fifth Evangelist, Doctor Luther,
Said, marriage is a worldly thing.
The woman in the bishop's throne leaves
Her husband and divorces him.
I know of a Christian who is full of hate
Anf gought against the Madonna and Child,
He took to wife the divorced woman,
The Christian who had divorced,
But in marriage, he also broke the marriage
And went to whores in the whorehouse
And so she divorced and has
Re-married divorced from the second husband.
God has placed in the Garden of Eden
The marriage of Eve with the son of the earth.
How can promise a woman that
She always remains with a man
And till death do not part? Shall the woman
Not be true to her own unique constellation?
Now does this man you probably good and she
Bears from the guilt of former life,
But if the genius of woman calls her
To higher development, she must decide,
Otherwise she is to her true self unfaithful.
I love not alone my true self,
I do love one man only forever.
Even Jesus does not break the covenant with humanity.
If your soul was pre-existent
And saw before conception in the heavens
In a mirror of God her partner,
The united You as parallel soul,
Two sperm-drop they in the hand of God,
If this soul partner was not Wagner,
Perhaps it was Peter Lady-Servant, then
You sin against God, if you to your spouse
Give yourself sexually in bed.
The deity wants from you the total gift
In sexual agreement with that man
Who says to you in love: I am you
And you are me and we are one in God!
So if you Peter Lady-Servant pleasure
Grant that he desires of thy lap,
So you are faithful to the constellation of your destiny.
O fool, you talk as wise as a serpent!


(Harlequin, Eve Pussy, Wagner.)

My spouse, you know your friend,
Like a dog loyal to you in humility of dogs,
And you know what he advises your wife?
He said, God would complacent sin
Of adultery if the act of love,
I fully hesitate with Peter Lady-Servant.
I know of no trace of jealousy.
To me it does not matter with whom you sleep,
For I do not desire your body.
Yes, with the sinful Peter Lady-Servant,
That would be all right with me if this chaste virgin
From Plato's school lives in fornication.
My Lord and Master and my friend and brother,
I just wanted to be the voice of temptation
And proof your sweet Eve Pussy,
For if a man does not check his wife,
So he does not know what is worth her loyalty.
I know you're true to me, you poor thing,
You love me because I treat you so bad.
Ye wives must contact the feet,
Then she licks yet sales of our boot.
Poor Peter Lady-Servant, the fool,
He makes the mistake of worshiping women.
Because he prays to you as his goddess,
Why do you despise him so deeply?
Even King David spoke like every woman:
I love those who hate me cordially,
I hate those who sincerely love me!
Yet I am poor. The work in the office
Brings a little money in my wallet.
But the devil will make me rich
And then I travel on a luxury ship
Through the whole world, then I'll buy me a wife,
Which better fits to a rich man.
Lady Poverty, you'd rather go with Saint Francis
And talk with the sparrows and pigeons.
If I am only ennobled by riches,
I will the film actresses usurp
To me, I buy me one of the most beautiful
Of the general whores of Hollywood!


(Title seller and Wagner.)

Perhaps you want to be a prince: Henry
Of Thurn and Taxis, Prince of God's grace?
I know a lovely princess,
Eliza of Thurn und Taxis, she
Is a beautiful lovely princess.
I have heard of the beautiful woman
And've also seen a picture of her.
But unfortunately she also has written a book
And praises in it the happiness of piety.
Although she is beautiful as Botticelli's Venus,
This top model of the Renaissance, who suffered
Of consumption or anorexia,
Maybe the Venus suffered from bulimia,
But this Venus Eliza
Not bathing in the foam of the Mediterranean,
She prefers to bathe in holy water,
She will also not go on the shell,
She is one of the beads on the string of beads
And wearing the scallop on the hat,
Also, she does not smell of perfume erotic,
She smells like incense! This may not like Satan!
The Lady of the Forest is dead, unfortunately,
Diana hunts no longer in England's forests!
I heard of the hour of her death
And heard in the same moment
From going home this super-pious mother
Teresa of Calcutta and I thought,
That this Mother the Princess safely
Took by her hand and led her to Jesus.
Then I heard that Princess Diana
Had appeared on Lake Constance as Virgin
Mary - But when I think of Saint Mary,
Then it horrifies the legions of demons!
What do you want for a title of nobility?
I like sitting in the throne of China,
As Son of Heaven in the dragon throne of China,
And rule by the legalism manner
Like Chin Shi Huang Di and would laughingly
Burn all the books of the scholars,
Above all, I would burn
The Gospel of the foreign devils!


Oh Satan, you're a strict master!
What do you sent me to earth,
I with this post and this duty,
The chaste Eve Pussy to seduce?
Oh, she is chaste as the northern ice
And the tempter her hardens the heart
Like rocks that can not cleave Moses.
Whether other wear Venus' charm belt,
Wearing Eve Pussy the Madonna's belt,
The chastity belt of the undefiled Virgin.
As I always am trying to master!
How do I quote ancient philosophers,
The speeches of Aspasia and Phryne,
Whether I quote Catullus, Ovid,
And she Corinna or Lesbia,
She just do not want to break marriage!
(He cries.)
Oh Satan, mercy, oh mercy,
Mercy to the servant in the deep!
Too hard is my job these days!
I yearn back to my hell,
I long back to the old Lethe
And to the sighing forest of suicide
And to the fire river of the Phlegethon
And the purple grenades of Cyrus
And the swan lake of Acherus
And to Hades' Pandemonium,
To Beelzebub and Belial and Satan
And Lucifer and the mother Lilith!
(He cries harder.)
How long shall I on this earth
As a vicious serve my Lord
And Master? By the eternal Abraxas
And the great goddess Ashtaroth,
If I do not soon come home in my hell
Then I must give myself to murder me!
Should I duel me with guns,
Should I cut my veins at the pulse,
Should I drive the car in front of the tree,
Should I throw myself from the high-rise in the depth,
Should I swallow a tube of sleeping pills,
Should I I inject an heroin overdose?
You Bride of Lucifer, O Mother Lilith,
You please Satan as his handmaid,
Please beg for me, O she-devil Lilith,
That Satan in a hurry brings me home to hell!


(Peter Lady-Servant and Eve Pussy.)

Men love but only big breasts.
O, your breasts are perfect, my girlfriend!
(She smiles.)
If they swell out of your dress in spring,
Your white breasts, burns my soul!
God the Father's motherly bosom I will praise,
Because your wonderful breasts reflect
The breasts of my Father in Heaven!
Shall God the Father have motherly breasts?
I read it in the Odes of Solomon:
The Father has his motherly breasts,
Messiah is the motherly milk of the breasts,
And the Spirit milks the motherly breasts of God.
You really sound like a small child.
God gave me a child's pure heart.
What writes my poet in this moment?
The ode to the goddess Aphrodite:

O love's Queen, Anadyomene,

How I dream of love and the joy of love,
How do I, O Queen, long for your love,
For your full chest!

When I look in your face, O Queen of love,

When I look at the face of the heavenly girl,
I believe deeply from the bottom of my life's instincts,
That God is a woman!

O Queen of pleasure and lust and highest bliss,

You goddess, wearing nothing but mother Eve's dress,
On your white body nothing but the light of the sun,
You are my eternity,
Godly girl, so beautiful, Queen of earthly delights,
Eternity will appear in a moment!
O make my bed in the valley of paradise
And give me love's happiness!


(Wagner and Lady-Servant.)

You poor fool, you Christ with sheep's face,
What do you want from my housewife?
Look, everything that she wants to build,
This is the matriarchy of the old stone age.
She wants to rule as the Great Mother,
The Great Mother with the broad breasts,
The Great Mother with the broad pelvis.
The Aryans, however, the master race,
The Aryans, the blond superman,
They raped the Great Mother
And crucified the Son of the Great Mother.
The Aryans are deeply hated by me!
I also know nothing of Nietzsche's superman.
You can also learn, you fool, from Nietzsche
Because when I see Eve Pussy, the woman,
So it seems to me she is a super-woman!
If your mistress, your dominatrix
Makes you angry and punishes your passion,
Be of good courage and let her without grief,
These are nothing but whims of a woman,
The sublunary whims of a woman,
Controlled only by the control of their blood,
Ruled by the moon and all its vagaries,
A capricious nature of the weather,
To rain, but the sunshine follows.
Let you be dominated not by a woman,
For in the Bible Solomon said:
If you go to a woman, do not forget the whip!
This is probably a word from the Antichrist.
But my Domina is a judge,
When she smiles at me full of charm,
So I live in paradise's garden,
If she is angry with me in inexorable rigor,
She damns me to hell's dungeon,
And when I looked at her charm
And devour me from languishing desire
And she still wants to look again,
This is a purgatory here on earth.
You think still like little children,
The beautiful lady was the Charity of God?
Just because the female has no one,
So I've brought her to me in my house,
That she cleans my house as a housewife.
The devil in need just eats flies.
But when I become a lottery millionaire,
Then I'll buy for me Miss America.


(Title seller, banker, Wagner, Harlequin.)

Wagner, if you'll be Prince of Darkness,
Then must be your princess a demon.
Lucifer, the god of the morning star,
Has his Lilith, his she-demon.
If you show the full pocket
From a man's power, the pocket,
And you show the sex part of your money
And show the subjects of your bills
And brag to the power of the golden calf,
Then you need also the queen of gold,
The rich wife, the goddess of luxury!
O Luxury, Luxury, you deadly sin,
You lust in the physical fabric,
Enjoyment of bodies, wealth and power,
I pray to you, golden decorated goddess,
O luxury's Empress, you whore of Babylon!
In the Commedia dell'Arte
Is Eve Pussy equal to Colombine,
Colombine or Cindarella,
Cindarella or Povarella,
Intimate comrade of all lovers.
Can you make something out of Eve Pussy?
I know a lady who is rich,
Who is viewed in the world,
Loved by all and praised by all,
Which adorns herself like a golden jewelry,
She has traveled around the globe
And knows how women must behave,
The ladies at the side of rich men.
Can not come this rich lady
And teach my poor Eve Pussy
How to behave like a lady?
No, she will not come, the fine lady,
Entering in such a house!
But Eve Pussy may send to the lady.
If she submits in humility of dogs,
Then the lady will instruct her
In the happiness of the vanity of vanities.
What is the name of that fine lady?
Pandora is her name, gift of all gods.


(An advocat and his adopted son Plato.)

You must have a hard heart, boy,
The whole world is full of bastards!
You just have to think you are the winner,
The happy one, the hero, the victor!
Show everyone your middle finger
And say, I alone and no one else!
Oh how so sweet it is in my heart,
I'd like the whole earthly world to embrace,
To touch the tender mother nature,
Which is beautiful as the Queen of May,
From whom to me sang my nurse.
Fairy tales, fables of old women!
Forget the old nurse's piety!
Only old women pray the rosary.
But I love the heavenly mother!
The sky is a cloud's cuckoo land!
On earth you have to stand your man!
Here the war is raging, here fight your fight,
You must stand with both feet on the ground!
Heaven is still full of candy.
I'll buy you everything you want to have,
I'll buy it for you with hard money.
I have the satanaists, the communists,
The fascists, the national socialists,
The Maoists, the terrorists
And rapists and child molesters
Redeemed from the just penalty,
I spoke before the court for Hitler
And gave him a place of honor with mother
Teresa of Calcutta in the heavens.
And so I have become a rich man
And shit on the poor vagabonds!
The brighter to me is the sweet heaven,
The darker to me the bitter earth.
You are a child, you're still a right child,
Believe in the fairy tale of the love of God.
Learn only the wisdom of this world,
Then you'll with cynical love only yourself.
I believe in myself,
Because I'm smarter than God!


(The nun Toto, Plato.)

My little beautiful sweet boy Plato,
I know in your childhood sweet years
Did you like the loving child's mother
And pour the faith in love
By tenderness of the sweet motherly love
And has raised yourself to the breasts
Of the Mother of God and she has nourished you with milk,
The Mother of God has kissed you with her lips,
The Mother of God has cherished you in her arms,
You were the Mother of God's beloved child.
Because you loved the sweet Infant Jesus
And with the Infant Jesus and the angels
You played football with the sun.
Love, the little God, was so dear to me!
Now you already have in your early childhood
Learned a pain in your heart
And your child's mother died,
You have been a motherless orphan.
Although the advocat has adopted you,
But now you are educated in the spirit
Of the world of wealth, fame and power
And this underground culture of death
Occurs with temptations to your soul,
They teach you the art of witchcraft,
The fallacy of Islam, gluttony
And the idolatry of transience.
And one day will awaken in you
The sexuality of all instincts
And you will then live in a world
Of hedonism and sexual immorality.
Oh, I'll be happy, Sister Toto?
In the midst of your childish pure heart,
In the seventh chamber of the soul's castle
Still lives the sweet love of God,
The sweet love, sweet as milk.
And all the saints and all the angels
And the beloved nurse in heaven,
Their intercession bless your good soul
And implore God's Spirit down on you.
I think I already forget how Jesus
And God have been in my childhood.
God always precedes you as a light,
A glimmer of God shines above you
And leads you through the pilgrimage of the earth
Up to the bay of bliss!


(Title seller, banker, Wagner, Harlequin, Eve Pussy.)

How is the price of cow's milk on the world market?
The farmers on the German country in the north
For starvation wages produce milk.
What they get for one liter mil,
That is not enough to feed the cows.
The farmers them only hang up!
The idiots who kill themselves!
You can only laugh and sneer!
But if a man stands on the precipice and wants
To fall down, one should push him!
The German cow's milk but is so cheap
And comes out after Hindostan,
The poor peasants in the Hindu country
Do not sell their milk anymore because they
Assets not so cheap for sale
The milk of the Hindu cows as the milk
Of the German cow in the land of the Holy Cow.
What are to me India's poor farmers?
What are to me the children of Africa?
Whether a flood washed over the earth,
What the hell, I got my sheep only in drying.
Ye men are talking about politics,
Ye are talking about football, then determined
About the computers. Oh I want to be like
My bosom friend Anne Fuck-the-bottle!
Ah, Anne Fuck-the-bottle!
My beloved bosom friend
Understands me better than a man ever could.
Ye men think we women have only
The femininity of the body, but we women
Understand the femininity of the soul.
If your husbands souls praise
Dead things such as computers or
The policy of the state, then women are talking
About life, the garden, the dogs,
About men also, especially the children,
For feminine souls love only
Life, as it did my name says,
For Eve, that is, mother of life.


Now looks at me the whole earth,
Because this body is desirable!
My feminine body is built slim
And my sweet breasts well formed,
My face is clean and harmonious.
As my physical beauty is great!
This is a secret of my fashion,
That my clothes conceal not alone,
In truth they reveal the body.
For this is the eroticism in fashion,
That the veil still increases the nudity,
That all stimuli are reinforced,
That all needs to be more inflamed.
For my red dress is good,
That everyone wants to take away from me.
But so cheap I'm not to get,
For I must live by the body stimuli.
Now I am beautiful and shapely my body,
Now I have to find myself the right man,
Which can supply me for life.
If I but too willingly give myself
For a moment to the man,
I appear for the rich man cheap
And not as expensive, but worthless.
But I save my highest stimuli
And stay but promising erotic
And a promise of the highest bliss of love,
So he will want to conquer me
With the weapon of a man, his money.
He will buy me nice clothes
For his object of desire to beautify me,
And I will buy jewelry and diamonds
And make me golden like a golden calf,
The idol of male desire.
When I exhausted the masculinity
Of money and male potency
Of gold, I give myself to pay me
In the right moment, the right Cairos,
As on the highest peak of his claim
And in the most flourishing of my beauty.
Then I take for my husband the rich.
Because of the hour at the height of
Beauty and feminine stimulus
Starts my charm to fade, oh,
A female without erotic stimulus is completely worthless!
And nobody pays for old withered women.


(Eve Pussy, Anne Fuck-the-bottle, Harlequin.)

My Peter Lady-Servant harassed me very
With his love, his Platonism.
He wants me to think only his
Thoughts, to accept his faith
And that I alienate myself mentally so
From my husband, whom loyalty I promised.
Although my Peter Lady-Servant claims
He would only consider spiritual beauty
And my beauty is a reflection for him
Of the beauty of God, but I know
And feel that he is keen on my body!
I know, I know, you are his sex idol!
These are nothing more than physical insincts,
But spiritual souls love more than sensual.
Do not be too strict with your Lady-Servant,
Who is always ready to serve you,
Who so much have helped you and so often
Has sacrificed himself for you by deeds.
The faithful servant, think of him warm!
You'd be pretty and stupid, beloved friend,
If you send away the servant by severity.
How happy I'd be, if I'd own such an
Admirer who makes himself a slave!
Maitresse, mon amour! Votre serviteur!
I must teach you the French yet.
Jeune fille, mon amour et ma désire!
Ah, que tu veut, mon Prince Carneval?
Ah, voulez-vous couchez avec moi?
Vénus, ta grace est extraordinaire,
O très bizarre ta grace, déesse Vénus!


(Harlequin alone at night.)

O Satan, you're the father of lies,
O Satan, you're the murderer,
I'm all yours, I'm a child of the devil!
But it is too much for me,
What you want from me, you murderer.
It's all still just that I think
Brother Wagner to lead into hell,
This is made easy for me by himself,
Because he abandoned the free will
And Satan can ride on his back,
As Doctor Martin Luther once taught.
However, murderer, father of lies, Satan,
This one is too hard for your son,
The chaste Eve Pussy to seduce!
Today I'm back as failed,
She has complained of Master Eckhart
And Peter Lady-Servant has comforted her.
She slept in the bed, he sat next door,
She bathed in her tub,
He waited quite chaste in front of the outdoor,
Then he invited the beloved mistress
With him to eat in a restaurant
The fast food vegetarian of Buddha,
Then the chaste Eve Pussy but said:
I can not go out to eat with you, friend,
That would not be right to my husband.
O Satan, damn me to hell,
Snatch me from the vanity of the world
And tear me down to those places
Of the hellish inferno, where gathered
Are the philosophers of hedonism
And all this Epicurean pigs,
Then I will enjoy the Hedone,
As to the phallus of Lucifer
I homosexual desire prepare!
Damned piety on this earth!
How do I get a stomachache when
I hear Peter Lady-Servant preaching:
On earth, pain, pain, nothing but pain,
In Paradise then nothing but bliss!



(Anne Fuck-the-bottle and her cousin.)

What means my name Anne, dear cousin?
Your name Anne is called in the north Nanna
And Nanna, this name is called: The Mother.
In Susa or Ecbatana
Your name Anne is also called Anahita,
And Anahita is the morning star
And is also the celestial ocean
And is the Great Mother of all life.
The Bible calls her: Goddess Nanaea!
But the mother is called in Persian Mitra,
But the mother is called in Persian Mayr.
And so we see mother Anna,
Saint Anne, who has born Saint Mary,
Mary, Star of the Sea and morning star,
And Anne, or grace of God or Charis.
So my name is grace or mother?
Yes, grace also means beauty, charm and sweetness,
Delight, pleasure, kindness and gratitude,
Thus the deity is the Great Mother.
The deity you call a Great Mother?
Because Mary is God? Is not God the Father?
The troubadour of Our Lady, Saint Bernard,
Spoke: The Lord God is truly Magna Mater!
But when I hear blaspheming brother Wagner,
He always complains of the matriarchy.
He hates women and he hates the mother,
He hates the womb, the fetus,
He hates life and he hates love
And so he hates logically God!
It is a battle in our time on earth,
Love is struggling with anti-love.
Where do you see this fight on earth?
The woman's motherhood is attacked,
The woman's womb is attacked,
The love of fertility is attacked,
Holiness of life is attacked.
What makes very happy the mothers but children!
I thank thee, O woman, that you're a woman!


(Anne Fuck-the-bottle and her cousin.)

I the whole night could not sleep,
I lay in a half awake state
And saw you naked as goddess Venus
Emerging from the sea with full breasts.
I dreamed of my bosom friend,
From my beloved Eve Pussy.
We wanted to dance like the Indians.
What is a dance that you like to dance?
Le danse de ventre, mon ami cousin.
I'd like to see you as odalisque.
Enough of dreams! Here is life!
The reality is mean and stupid,
Hurtful, ugly reality,
But only reality is true.
So now with the feet on the ground?
I want to open a business.
What do you want to sell?
I heard on a quiet winter evening,
How Eve Pussy quietly complained that
Her husband at night no more visits her in bed,
And Peter Lady-Servant to her comfort
Promised her a comforting dildo.
One thing for masturbation for women?
I now read but in the Kamasutra
The scientific description of such
Artificial man's phallus, which, of wood,
Of stone and hard rubber, thick and thin
And long and short and broad and narrow, whatever
To a vulva of a woman fits, because
One has a hare-vulva,
One a mare vulva,
The elephant vulva is the third.
For each vulva there is a phallus,
And when a woman is not loved by a man,
So I offer her a phallus of rubber,
From wood and stone the little God and Lord.


(Lady Pandora and Anne Fuck-the-bottle.)

In the shelf here are my books,
First, here the art of tantric sex,
In addition, there is the art of Tao Sex
And then the memoirs of Casanova.
In my days, love was still morally,
But today we practice free love.
In ancient India there was the goddess of love,
The religious man went to a brothel
And adorned the coveted and beloved
With all the emblems of his goddess
And then slept with a prostitute, but
In truth he was sleeping with the goddess of love.
Oh, unfortunately perished religion,
I would like to be a temple prostitute.
The goddess of love still lives!
I saw the Venus of America,
She is called Miss America, she is
The ideal of a film actresses,
The singers and the dancers.
The artists are prostitutes
Of the goddess Venus of America.
They play their roles highly erotic
And moan their fervent chants
To the copulating drums, moaning
And dancing on stage copulating
And only wear a dress or even a near nothing
Skin-colored bikini on stage
And then dance lasciviously with giant snakes.
But who wants more from the prostitutes,
Looking at the computer into the
Worldwide network, because that is a brothel,
A show of the the temple prostitutes
Of the Goddess Venus of America,
Even the lips of her vagina naked!
There were but also in ancient Greece
Courtesans, world famous prostitutes,
Glykere, Thais, Lais, Phryne and
Aspasia and how they were all called.
Today are called this temple prostitutes
Of the goddess Venus of America
Rhianna, Britney, Jennifer, Christina,
Yes, Angelina is priced even as Venus.
They prostitute themselves in Venus' name
And make this earth to brothel,
The world a whorehouse of Venus.


(Pandora, Eve Pussy, Anne Fuck-the-bottle, Harlequin.)

You beloved women, my two daughters,
It is wise that you sleep enough!
Relaxe yourself often in a bathtub
And select the bath oil of harmony
And select the bath oil of vitality
And select the spruce oil for your bath.
Take only cosmetics that are not made
According to animal experiments, because that is cruel.
Diets are to your body shape
Desirable obtained, especially
In the summer you need the bikini shape.
In the diet avoid meat and fish
And pay attention to the bases and acids.
Drink bo alcohol, drinke but green tea
And your spirit through meditation cultivate
Through yoga, autogenic training and
Qi Gong, the breathing techniques of the East.
All we keep very punctual,
What do we lack even for a good life?
Full irreplaceable is a good family friend.
Hey, Harlequin, you can certainly explain
How is to hold a family friend as a woman.
I'm also interested. Explain to me love!
The women now want to study?
Am I at a university
Of Melian nymphs and naiads
And I am a doctor of theology there
And have round about me a harem of girls,
Of girls who are eternally young and lovely?
At sixteen, she comes to the harem,
With twenty-two years she will be separated,
Then come new sixteen year old girls!
So here I am to keep catechesis
And teach from the Catechism of Cupid?
Yes, at number seven thousand thirteen
Cupid's catechism, I quote,
Speaks of the imperative nature of the friend.
And in point seven one thousand seventieths
Cupid's Catechism goes on to say:
The bashful star of love of a house-friend is nothing
Compared with the sunlight of marriage.
What am I saying? O Satan! Catechism!
Release me from the University of
Woman and the female scholars, Satan,
A bluestocking is worse than hell!


(Advocat, boy Plato, Wagner.)

The people are all but bastards,
Only you I do like, good brother Wagner!
What will you do with the little Plato?
You should have seen my wife,
Sterile and without an uterus in her lap,
I gave her the foaming champagne
And the champagne went to cocaine
And in cocaine intoxication she cried:
I want a child, I want to have a baby!
So I adopted for her the little Plato.
Now make him also to an image in your likeness.
He shall see, how the rich men live,
One thing is clear: There is no God in heaven!
Look at the eyes of a dead man,
Staring at you the bare cold nothingness.
So there is just nothing after death,
There is nothing smart but to enjoy on earth.
Because if there is no God in heaven,
The highest wisdom is hedonism.
Why does the dog licks his testicles?
He does it because only he can it!
How was fun up there but in the solar plane,
I was scared while at the rise, but
Since I've been keeping my eyes.
But as I floated in the glider
And below could see the cows in the meadows,
As with the black and white spots
The cows looked like penguins.
To me everything you have called I like,
I'll buy you everything you want to have,
The warriors from outer space I buy for you,
Get the empire of the Death Star!
There is a word that says love is God,
The word is sharper than a laser sword!


(Peter Lady-Servant and Eve Pussy.)

The seventy-three books in the book
Praise all thy beauty, girlfriend,
But more than your beauty still glorify
I thy goodness, girlfriend, your kindness.
I'm at that age of a woman
When the woman no longer wins by her charms,
Since she wins by qualities of mind.
How fleeting youth charm is,
Nothing is equal to the physical beauty.
However, the mistress's feminine soul,
Which God preserves in her interior,
Is praiseworthy as the angels of God.
In my soul is a spark of God,
More I do not know of the wise Master Eckard.
In the innermost chamber of the soul's castle
In your soul God is like a crystal.
This I know of Teresa of Jesus.
The spiritual friendship is dearer to me
Then the eagerness of hot passion.
Passion creates suffering,
Friendship but in the mystery of God
Mysterious brings alive friendship with God.
The vulgar mob in the streets
Says: Between husband and wife is friendship
Impossible, just so long is the man
A friend of the woman, until he finally
Lures her into his bed and sleeps with her.
But Saint Francis was a friend of Saint Clare,
Saint John of the cross was a friend of Teresa,
Saint John Paul the Great was a friend
Of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
What it's not called all friendship today!
Often the girlfriends are only concubines.
In your friendship in the chaste limits
I met wisdom, my girlfriend,
Lady wisdom namely is my true girlfriend.


(Wagner, Advocat, Peter Lady-Servant.)

You, brother Wagner, have the right to
Call Eve Pussy your wife,
Until she is separated from you by death.
But then from eternity to eternity
I live reunited with my ideal.
So you want her as a chaste virgin, Peter,
On earth, respect the law,
In the heavens make me a cuckold?
What has Christ with Belial together,
With Satan my Hagia Sophia?
Predestination is a marvelous thing,
As Goethe says. When I see you, Wagner,
Then I believe in the wisdom of Jesus Sirach,
The evil wicked are created by God
To eternal damnation in hell.
That does not scare me, because then I'll be glad.
But Eve Pussy is a heavenly kingdom
On earth, Eve Pussy is Malkuth,
She is the Shekinah, God's dwelling.
When I sit with her at the table in
The kingdom of heaven of friendship among spirits,
Then that's a foretaste of heaven,
Since I'm with Jesus and Mary
At the table in the paradise of God.
But I have the money to buy the bread,
I buy the food, and you eat it,
I work in the sweat of the brow
And you worship the goddess of sweet idleness.
God gave it to his favorites in their sleep.
Yes, worship only the god of laziness,
The star-shillings can rain down.
I go to work in the office, a real man
Lives not alone by word of the mouth of God,
A man lives by bread. The poet says,
Food comes first, then comes ethics,
Divine chatter does not satisfy us!
The food you do not know which feds me,
Because I feed myself from love.
(makes the hand gesture of "fig")
You live from love, you're fucking the women
And they invite you to lunch?



(Title seller and his friend Keno of Finkenburg.)

I know of no one as chaste as you.
Who does not kiss the woman, kisses the red wine.
But how do you live the violence of the shoots?
I have a collection of Venus images,
The statues of the ancients antiquity,
The Knidia and Our Lady of Milo,
Apelles' Venus Anadyomene,
I have the Venus Felix and Venus
From Belvedere, those of Colonna,
I have the Venus of Urbino and
The Sleeping Venus by Giorgione and
Velasquez's Venus with the beautiful back,
Watteau's Cythera with the beautiful ass,
The Medici Venus, by Raphael
Galathea and the Graces.
Oh lust of the flesh, oh lust of the eyes, oh lust!
And then I am drunken at midnight,
Then I read the anthology of the Greeks
And Sappho's odes to lesbian women,
Catullus' odes to Lesbia,
Ovidus elegies for Corinna,
Propertius, Tibullus, Horace, but Virgil not,
But Martial and Juvenal very much.
So you mage pure your erotic instints?
If not dominates me Lord Thanatos,
Masters me always Lady Libido.
And also you dream of Lady Libido?
In vases, goblets, fountains, pools, yes,
I dream every night of the hips.
Is there no woman in your life?
But, sometimes I come for lunch
To my neighbor, to Eve Pussy.


(Harlequin and Keno of Finkenburg.)

My dear Keno Count of Finkenburg,
Look what i found here for you.
What do you have in the bag for me?
From Eve Pussy a black slip,
From Eve Pussy a red slip,
From Eve Pussy a white slip
And one of her white bra
And one of her red bra
And one of her black bra.
The black bra I know,
I've given it her at Christmas.
Where did you get all this stuff from?
I stole it from her bedchamber,
For you, I know you're a fetishist.
Forgive me, immaculate Eve Pussy!
We know why she's called pussy!
Not what you're thinking, kinky bitch!
No, Pussy is a name from the Bible!
Do not read the book! Oremus, Finkenburg.
Oremus? But how, how to pray?
Saint Pussy, virgin, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, girl, pray for us!
Saint pussy, Lady, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, chaste one, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, beautiful one, pray for us!
Saint Pussy, beloved, pray for us!
Saint Pussy with the uninjured Hymen,
Saint Pussy with the fig of your womb,
Hear us, hear us, O Saint Pussy!
For this blasphemy gets you the devil!
What? What is blasphemy?
Obscene speeches about my mistress!


(Title seller and Wagner.)

How has the world changed for the worse yet!
There have fought our fathers nor
As heroes with the atomic bombs,
Since it were renamed atomic bombs
In God's name Holy Trinity.
Where are the good old days gone?
Today children already struggling with death stars!
A death star destroys the galaxy
Of the sun and Andomeda!
No, that is not fought gallantly!
If only the universe no longer existed!
Why is there a something
And not rather just nothing? Were everything nothing!
This woman has bewitched you, my brother Wagner!
Eve Pussy is a witch!
Always she murmurs: Om mani padme hum!
The Antichrist's magic formula is that!
Then she painted pentagrams on the floor,
As if she wants to summon black dogs.
Then she makes dolls that look like you,
And pierces in these dolls sharp needles.
She is also wearing amulets, talismans,
Summons the goddess Hecate and calls
The witches of Thessaly, that they might thee
To turn into the body of a donkey,
The occult philosophy of Aggrippas
From Nettesheim she studied and three times
And thrice-three times she wraps bands
Around her neck with magical medals
Of the Black Madonna of Czestochowa!
The witch! O would prefer a whore!
Oh, that all the women would be those hookers
As recently in the magazine for men!
Fine materially she wants just to be, the witch!
The word video means knowledge,
Video and Veda means also the same.
So you buy a video and watch
The girl of your dreams, how the gun
She will smiling lustfully take in her mouth!
You know, the woman is now called Angelina.
I bought a video of a phantastic story,
Daemona is the woman in that video.


(Wagner and a chief inspector.)

So, brother Wagner, I've caught you!
I am the pure innocence in person!
Well, there are pious Christians
In the banking industry. But, unfortunately,
The money, the love of money is the evil's source
Of some diabolical temptation, root
Of evil is the love of money.
No, Christians stand before the Lord
And judge their soul and so
They remain honest in the banking industry.
There are also people who are honest,
Although they do not believe in Jesus Christ,
But they are afraid of the bad reputation
And always keep neat their vest
Of the fraud with money.
But then there are people also, the smart
As foxes are still smarter than the peasants,
Famous is the shrewdness, but
Famous nor the cunning of a fox.
So smart people in the banking industry
Are smart enough to speculate with money
That did others gather at the bank,
And these smart people can then
Let the money of others diligently work
And let the profit of speculation
Dexterity flow in their own pocket.
So the little man comes in banking
Through his cunning but to great wealth.
What have I to do with you, cop?
Lies are said to have short legs
And honestly, it is said, lasts. But still l fear.
But your tricks and all lies
Are revealed and come to the light.
Yes, wealth is founded on fraud
Like cuckoo eggs in the nest of the dove!
What do I care about that? I do what I want!


(Keno of Finkenburg, Harlequin, Inspector.)

My godfather – even the devil have godparents -
My godfather gave me this wisdom:
A man should take a good woman,
A woman who knows how to behave
And chaste is still in the marital bed
And that is faithful to the marital duties.
A man should not such a woman,
Who happy is to fuck, that brings nothing but trouble.
But if the woman can fuck very good, so should
The man they her just take for his concubine.
You have the chaste lady Eve Pussy
Stolen her silken underwear!
I only did it for you, you fat barrel of wine!
Isn't in love everything allowed,
Isn't everything allowed in the war of love?
I find the most sins and crimes
Done in passion and desire.
This gives the thief no right, that he desires.
I have a witness here for your
Crimes. Repentance is placed before you:
Give Eve Pussy her panties back
And her bra! But you
Shall go to jail, there on bread and water
As monks you shalt fast and repent.
I am not afraid in front of the prison, cop,
There are in prison so many asses,
I want all of them to serve
With my dick, to the delight of masochists
Which needs always an evil sadist.
You devil, is not a good man to purify out of you?
On the first day of creation, God the Lord
Damned me to eternal damnation,
So I do nothing but God's will,
If I am nothing but a devil.
It takes the negative of the devil also
The Lord, therefore the positive shines.
Why there is no Saint Judas Iscariot
Because he brought Jesus Christ to the cross?


(Satan, Harlequin, Dame Sin.)

You poor stupid fool Harlequin,
I am not satisfied with you!
Has Eve Pussy broken her marriage?
No! But she reads Master Eckard!
I rushed all the passions to
And all murky sludge of animal's
Lust, lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes,
But she has a hard heart of stone!
But I am the ruler of the world,
I am the naked goddess of temptation
Who mates in fornication with Satan, the serpent.
How great is my triumph but on earth!
There exist in the world the concubines,
Because this time is a time of concubines,
For this hour is the hour of bastards!
But a woman is on the earth still,
Who not with her friend commits adultery.
So I sneak at night as a night ghost
In Peter Lady-Servant's brain and haunt
As once in front of Saint Anthony
And suck him as a naked woman in a dream
The moist seeds from his hard phallus.
The mother of all life, mother Eve,
I once seduced as lascivious snake
And attracted her to the tree with his apples
And attracted her to the bush with the sweet fig.
And to look upon it what a pleasure it was,
The pair of apples and the divided plum.
And I was lusting as a lascivious snake
And slipped in the divided plum.
And Eve itched in her vulva
And she has renounced God's instruction
And broke the marriage with Adam
And played the harlot with the serpent Lucifer.
And now to this chaste Eve Pussy,
Is she faithful to God as the mother of all Christians?
I failed at this super woman!
O Satan, free me from prison!
Although I am not worthy to be called thy son,
Only take me as your laziest servant
And take me back into the jaws of hell!


(Two prison guards.)

And suddenly I was paralyzed on his body
And I'm blind at my eyes' star
And fell into a deep sleep like a trance.
When I awoke, was the prison door
Opened, the prisoner fled, the fool.
It smells like rotten eggs.
I do not know, isn't it a smell of sulfur?
So I imagine myself the stench of the plague.
It skip fleas from the fur of the rats
And they itch me at my pubic hair.
All this points to the devil.
This is not too fishy.
My grandmother blessed, pious,
Always crossed her mother's breast.
In my childhood had the village priest
Blessed everything with holy water.
We have given up everything
And believe that the devil is stupid
As an Arlecchino from the puppet show.
But here we see the miracle worker.
It almost forces me to worship the devil,
Who such large work of wonders can do.
If it did not smells just so disgusting!
The rat scurries in the dungeon.
On, beat them to death, the disgusting rats!
What the Inspector said
And what the judge and the prosecutor?
He will send us into the deepest cellar,
And while these poor devil is free,
Are we caught in the cellar.
How tricky is the evil, my deadly enemy!


(Wagner, Eve Pussy, Peter Lady-Servant.)

O Natas, Natas, Natas! Sex, sex, sex!
Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof!
There are jumping out of your mouth frogs!
Yes, Jesus is the Holy One of the Lord,
I but the property of the Antichrist!
What is your name, you demon in Wagner?
My name is Legion! Yes, we are many!
Who am I? And if so, how many then?
In the name of Jesus, come out, you demon!
Ah, anger tearing me apart, hate and aggression!
I'll kill you all! Come, get beats!
I will murder all mankind!
There are all the women nothing but pussies!
You, Eve Pussy, come here at once!
You, Peter Lady-Servant, immediately come here!
I beat you both your skulls!
In Jesus and Mary's name, be silent!
Ah hell, hell, hell, hell, hell!

(He rushes away screaming.)

Are you frightened, my beloved?
I am amazed what the name of Jesus can do.
Human dignity that God has given us,
Prohibits man that he
Contractually moors to a slave,
A slave of another man,
Immoral would be the contract before God.
But I want to bow down before you,
With my tears to wash your feet,
With my hair to dry your feet,
And to say: I am your lowest slave!
Be the lowest slave of the Madonna!
It's me, the lowest slave of the Madonna!


I think now about a pretty woman,
Her name is: The chaste deep lily,
She always asks her husband:
My Lord and my husband! The poor poet,
This our friend and Christian brother,
Has a hunger for baked duck
With rice and peanut butter sauce.
The husband always speaks: Now is not the time.
The pretty woman, the chaste deep lily,
Full of promises smiles at the poet,
And see, to the Eucharist, there are
Rice, peanut butter sauce, and duck meat!

And so this comedy ends – clap your hands!



(German farmhouse. The master of the house has gone to France on vacation. His servant Jeremiah
invites for the holiday period the esoteric Astralis and his girlfriend Doothee to justify his center
zest for life in this house.)

Look how romantic is the farmhouse!
The garden, oh the garden is so beautiful,
Here I see bees in the flowers stand out,
Insects copulate in public,
The moths couples dancing wedding dances.
Come into the house, here it is very cozy.
Guardian spirit of this house, hear me,
I'll call you, O God of child Metatron!
Night goddess you, mysterious Lilith!
The house receives you as a woman susceptible.
I put my key in the keyhole,
I turn the key in the keyhole,
Now I prepare to step over the sacred threshold,
From mistletoe bush is blessed this threshold,
I penetrate through the long dark hallway
And stroke gently on its walls long,
Then I come into the living chamber, and breach
Even deeper into the interior of the apartment
And stand in the glorious bedchamber!
Here, the mouses' mother lives with the little mouses.
The rat comes always in the kitchen.
Ih! A spider! A giant spider!
The spider is an ancient symbol of the Mother
Of Fate who waves the fate
And spins the thread of life. Moira spins
The fate of all the gods and all men.
I am disgusted but as of spiders, my friend!
So beg Lilith to release you!
O Lilith, by your evil spirit, deliver me,
As your shadow comes into me and makes me strong!
Dedicated this apartment is to Metatron,
The angel that protects the crown chakra!


Astralis, initiated of the first degree,
I want to build a tobacco shop,
I want to build it geomantically.
Mother nature, in the golden past
The people lived well as your children,
They lived in the womb of the Great Mother
And lived in the power of energy,
Which woves wonderful from mountain to mountain,
So everything was animated, and spirit was all,
The nymphs live in the waters and
The dwarfs in the earth, the sylphs
In the air lived, there lived the salamander
In the fire, all the elements and
The bottom line were full of energy.
In the beginning of creation from God
Is flowed out the Soul of the World,
The energy of the spirit through the cosmos
Has flowed and from the stars
The earth woves her web of energy.
Primitive men put on their columns,
The energy of the universe to concentrate.
How now shall my tobacco shop be built?
The east, the field of divinity,
Of the spark of God and the sun shall
Be the site for the altar of the house.
The south as a place of fire and
Of love and imagination is open,
There is the door, receive lovingly everyone!
The west as the place of Mother Earth,
Dedicated to the Mater, the prima materia,
In the west, you shall preserve the tobacco,
In the west, also a portrait put on
Of Pachamama, Mother Earth Goddess.
The north is the area of spirituality,
There you can calculate your bills.
And magically write on your house as a formula
C.M.B., which gives you God's protection.
What is the meaning of this C.M.B?
C stands for Catharine and M
For Margaret, B for Barbara,
Three goddesses who are one goddess.


My savior is the beloved money,
What could avail the esoteric to me?
I'll create your horoscope,
A profitable business horoscope.
The gods on the stars know surely,
Where you can share profitably in the stock market.
The Lotto game on the market of the capital
Is also guided by the spirit-filled cosmos.
I'll tell you how your stars are,
Then you play with the highest risk
The poker with the shares on the stock exchange.
I have the philosopher's stone, to make gold!
I love nothing on earth like money!
I didn't believe in any invisible god,
I believe only in touchable money.
Money rules the world, makes everything possible,
I can buy everything I need,
I'm traveling around the world,
In Cuba I'll lived and in Bali,
I feed only the best food
And only drink the best wines.
But a man needs a woman's love!
I heard one poet once singing
From the sexuality of the beloved money.
Yes, wealth and success makes men sexy!
Nothing's so erotically like money!
A rich man is security for the women,
The beloved money creates the feeling of security.
I will prove my wife's love:
I give her my love with my money!
But what does it profit a man, if
He buys the treasures of the world,
He takes damage but to his own soul?
So you shall do something for your soul,
Relax, I teach you the Yoga,
You shall chant Om, regulate your breath,
With physical exercise the spirit
Unite with the harmony of the universe.
If you are in harmony of mind and body
Located, then you can wish, what you like,
Send your wishes to the universe,
Then let the gods rain golden rain over you!

My girl Dorothee, be my dearest darling,
You're beautiful as gold and pure as gold!
I'll buy you from your poor father
And then I write as the foundation of marriage
A Testament for you, inside, I leave you
All my money and all property.
The men who know nothing of love,
They give away nothing from their money.
But I swear to you, dear darling,
Request from me, what you want,
And it will also give you half of my wealth,
The half of my wealth is your own.
I want to travel all over the world.
I'll buy you the paradise of Cuba
And buy yourself the Canary Atlantis
And buy yourself the Alhambra from Hispania,
I'll buy you the Sahara, I'll buy you Lesbos,
I'll buy you Florence and Tuscany.
Florence, with its churches and museums?
No, Dorothee, I do not enter a church,
Unless, that she is quite of gold.
In Spain, I heard there's a church,
That is all built of gold, O the devil,
I swear to be faithful to you as gold!
And you take me to your other half,
Will you then get children from me?
No, I do not love children! I love only you,
But bring me no plagues in my house!
What are children? They are plagues,
Damned brat, these are children!
My idol, my beloved all-rounder,
Omniscient, omnipotent lover,
My better self, my wise Epicurus,
Then I tear me out the ovary
And tear me out from the womb the uterus!
Be you theideal woman of my dreams:
At day housewife who loves the purity,
At night a whore who loves fornication!


(Insane muttering)
Six times build a sanctuary for
Slayer this side of the Jordan stream,
Six times build a sanctuary for
Slayer in the land of Canaan.
Six is the number of Aphrodite Cypris
And Aphrodite Astarte in
Phoenicia and Ishtar in Babylon
And Queen Ishtar of Susa,
Hadeessa Esther, which means morning star,
Aster, and that is Jesus Christ,
So Jesus is the great Goddess of Love.
It says so in the alphabet of Ben Sira,
He received from Adam Kadmon himself.
And Adam Kadmon, he was man and woman,
Hermaphrodite of Hermes and Venus.
And Adam Kadmon lived with Sophia,
This is the Isis of Alexandria.
And Isis is Mary, Jesus is Horus.
Mary was with Jesus once united
As Adam Kadmon with Sophia united.
And Jesus was the A, Mary the B,
And A and B gives the name Abba,
A is called the father and the mother is called B,
So Abba Father-Mother-Mother-Father.
And God's true name, what is this?
Sublime pigeon - IAHU is Godhead!
And an hundred souls
Rescued live in Jerusalem.
But to the Virgin of Jerusalem
We also need the Whore of Babylon.
The Whore of Babylon with red lips
Riding on a lion is Madonna
Leone, goddess of all Indians,
Is Pachamama, our goddess Mama.
In Babel was her name goddess Mami,
In Greece, Demeter or Mamme,
In Persia, the mother goddess Mithra,
And Mithra, this name is called The Mother,
Demeter, Mater and materiality.
In India, the mother called Uma
And Uma is grandma, grandmother,
And Uma that is Om, the primordial sound of the gods,
And Om is Amen, Amen is Om,
And Imma is called mother. As the wise man says,
Was the Lord God once a young strong daddy,
Then he was a holy grandfather
And finally, God was a loving grandmother.
Grandmother of all mankind is the Heavenly God!


Are you from the Saints of the Last Days?
I'm from my mother's womb Lutheran,
And verily, verily, so I'll tell you:
You're a horse, ridden by the Satan!
You are stubborn as Pharaoh of Egypt!
Who has blinded you so? So did the Lord!
The Lord has chosen you to damnation!
Man can not help, because God determined,
Whether Satan is riding on your back,
Whether you will be saved by grace alone!
Goodness and grace come from God
And Satan and evil come from God too?
God is the One God alone,
God is good, but he creates evil,
His own evil then to overcome.
So God hardened Pharaoh himself,
To show Pharaoh the power
When Lord overcomes his own evil.
Lord Shiva therefore is the true God,
For he destroys as God the creation and
Creates from the destruction and death.
Go away with your idol, this Satan!
If you want to serve gods, then go
To the Papists in the Church of Rome!
There you'll find Dionysus, the heathen god,
They call him Saint Dionysios!
And if you are looking for the pagan mother goddess,
Then go to the Papists, because they pray
To Mary, the Mother Goddess,
The Great Artemis of Ephesus!
Paganism is just immortal.
O Pope, you rat tail of the Antichrist,
Go away with your Whore of Babylon,
The Church of Rome on her seven hills!
The Whore of Babylon, who is she?
It is the holiness of a bitch goddess!
I always hear only whore and bitch!
There is nothing as horny as a whore!
So I must now necessarily in the harlots' house!


Egozentrika - A self-lover
Anäis - A harlot-beauty
Dame Folly - An impudent talker
Hedoniste - A world lover
Phantastix - A madman
Diabolo - A develish brother
Agathon - A philosopher
Echo - An invisible nymph
Cupid - An heavenly boy
Sirrah - His twin brother

Location: The Provence, in a vineyard valley, at the fountain of self-love.



It's a terrible heresy,
Heretics are the poets, who
The name of Cupid glorify in hymns!
What fabled the ancient Greeks
Of Venus? Nothing but absurd nonsense!
The father in heaven with his phallus,
The son of the father with his sharp sickle,
The father's phallus became foam
And from the foam is born Venus.
This Venus had a spouse,
But she loved rather the other gods.
She broke the marriage with Dionysus
And the forbidden sexual intercourse's fetus
Priapus was the phallus as a god,
A phallic god, carved from fig wood!
Venus again broke her marriage, slept
With Hermes, from this forbidden intercourse
Came an hermaphrodite, neither man nor woman.
Also famous is the adultery of Venus
With Mars, there had to laugh all the gods.
How was insatiably horny Venus,
That it was not enough, with all the gods
To break her marriage with her husband,
She slept with Adonis, with the pretty boy,
And also slept with Anchises on Mount Ida
And so became mother of the founder of Rome.
Is such an adulteress a deity?
No, Venus does not exist in reality!
The marble Venus is beautifully formed,
But where the artist took his model?
He took the model from the brothel,
The prettiest whore he took to the model,
So he chiseled his marble beauty
And Greece worshiped the whore!
Venus was the goddess of all harlots,
Yes, the Platonic Idea of the Whore -
This is a worship that pleases you,
If your church is a whorehouse
And worship is sexual intercourse with the harlot!
The Love Goddess you call Venus?
She is the Great Whore of Babylon!
The pagans worship the Whore of Babylon!
Ah, Echo! I hear your voice again?
Speak again, invisible nymph!


Oh Echo, Echo when I think of you,
Then I want to see you with my eyes.
I'm invisible. You want to see me?
So far open the eyes of your heart!
I see you, you live in a hut
On the rocky hillside of the arm of the Rhone,
At the intoxicating Ardeche, O nymph,
I see you in long white dress
With a white veil on the main
And a golden belt around the chest.
But I'm sad, I always have to cry,
There's no more love on earth,
The hearts are closed and locked,
The hearts are as hard as rock fragments.
How to fill your eyes with tears!
You are crying for mankind on earth,
O nymph, or are you crying over
A lover, who his heart turns away from you?
I love the very beautiful man Narcissus,
He always preaches the narcissism
And all his philosophy is Self-Erotic,
When a man loves himself,
The spiritual masturbation
Is his philosophy of self-love.
And when I teach, to love God first
And the same neighbor as yourself?
So just smiles the handsome man Narcissus
And takes from your wisdom only the doctrine,
To love yourself, that alone is important.
If your narcissist happy with himself?
Narcissus always went to the water mirror
And looked in amazement at the water mirror
And plucked arranging his long curls
And examined his beauty in the mirror,
And when he looked at himself in the mirror,
So he said to his own image:
Son of God, you are all my pleasure!
And he does not love you, he, the Son of God?
I can only secretly kiss his shadow,
Touch only his reflection in the water.
Where is Narcissus that I teach him faith!
Narcissus became a daffodil!
Oh, I will melt like winter's snowflake,
I can not plug the wound myself,
The tears still dripping from my eyes,
Because now Narcissus with his beautiful curls
Has become a daffodil!


I'm a wanderer, I'm on vacation,
Whether the young girl scare
And call me monster dragon and sulfur,
Because I'm so ugly, because I stink so,
My breath is very contrary to women,
As the plague I stink and as sulfur from the throat,
Rhinoceros called me a woman,
Because I thought but in my mind, You sweet whore,
I have the horn and the rhino,
Thereafter, the Middle Kingdom requests!
In my mind it's like a murder!
What she beckons me a distinctive Adieu?
Mon Dieu!
In God (I myself my God, I will not serve),
The nymph was a beautiful woman,
Perfect the pristine white breasts
And her waist slender as the wasp's
And like a wider cup was her pelvis
And this ass as she fled from me,
Certainly Venus with the beautiful butt!
But distinguishing her with bare feet
Touched that fountain there. A miracle?
The sample is still over study.
Ah, what a mouthful! A pure clear water!
Otherwise, I rate myself as a big bottle.
If I had to walk through a desert
And forty days had nothing to drink
And finally came exhausted to
An oasis and there is a cup with water
And besides a barrel of red wine,
So I would drink the barrel with red wine!
Still a mouthful! Still a third sip!
I'm a big hero in the war mug!
So the god of wine can not even drink!
From this miracle water can not be
As more and more beautiful as the wine of women,
That you pray to the whore of a goddess,
Will of this wonderful foundain
I myself become more beautiful, more beautiful,
I'm gorgeous like the god of the morning star!
The most beautiful angel of all the choirs of angels,
Enlightened by lapis lazuli and jasper,
Emerald, jade, turquoise, topaz and jade,
The ruler I'm on the mountain of the gods
And boast the most beautiful wisdom,
I myself, Diabolo, I am a god!


Who are you? A traveling student?
Who wants to learn wisdom, start early,
He learns, but his life is not enough.
The truth lies in the wine, is my wisdom.
Come, drink with me fine wine!
Are you a poet, you want to write verses?
How did you figure that, a student on vacation?
The purple grape gives the Muse herself!
The Muses give water from the well.
But I'm not a poet, but I drink,
Here is this scarlet wine of Bordeaux,
I think Baudelaire has been drinking this,
When he wrote his hymn to Satan!
Diabolo, you're a hotshot,
Be you my friend, you brother brat!
You, good Agathon, make us friends,
You pin fraternal friendship's pact!
Who is the one you want for a friend?
Phantastix is his name, and his father
Was moneylender, but a man of honor.
The father of Phantastix has died,
But the party of the democrats boasted
The gentleman and his sports club.
The street in front of his house is clean,
You could eat on the road neat.
Yes, my father is dead,, but I'm alive,
I live and I honor you, my friend.
You honored me even more, my friend and brother,
If I were you a lovely French woman,
Who loves you, how to love in French.
So along go on holiday, poor sinners.
Phantastix, oh, how beautiful you are dressed,
How shiny polished your new black patent leather shoes,
On your black trousers not a patch
And the hat! Oh what a hat!
Yes, this sable cap I get
From Russia, something like this had the duelist,
Who Pushkin once placed the horns!
So a sable cap is in France
Very useful because it protects from sunstroke.
Why do you want to go with the student?
The world hate is in his face,
So melancholy and so philosophically.
Go away, you philosophical student!
I want Phantastix to lead, I much prefer
The aphrodisiac Anäis
And the disciple of pleasure, Hedoniste!
The fool joins but rather a fool.
Him the righteous is an eyesore.
You are all to me as false coins.
You, whom mocks God's wisdom!
So sour is Agathon's face,
Let me see the smile of Anäis.
World hate on the way afflicts his soul,
But we celebrate lust and sensuality!
My father was so happy on earth
And asked nothing after repentance and prayer.
Yes, we tear the cross of Christ down!
We worship the breasts and womb of Venus Porné
And worship god phallus in a fig tree!


O vanity of vanities! Absurdity!
Quite absurd is everything! Nothing but nothingness!
A striving after wind and air!
Folly reigns in the regiment of the world!
They all celebrate the great carnival,
The one wearing the long red nose,
Theother carries the wide red mouth!
Put lust in the throne of God,
You do not know the soul's love,
You know wnly the sexual appetite!
What they call love, if it itches!
Their mistress is now sensuality,
All ties with the flowers shackles,
Where everyone feels only the veins throb!
Calculate but the value of the body only,
Only fifty penny is worth the body,
Is nothing but water! But human dignity,
To his mind and soul an image of God,
They deny from an early age!
I saw in a sultry spring garden
Insects publicly shamelessly copulate,
Just as it do the new pagans!
But insects can not help themselves,
They follow so the commandments of God,
The new pagans but could otherwise,
They also have the spirit, the soul's spark,
But they are lower than the insects,
For they the freedom of the will but have,
But they are slaves of animal desires!
What is the body then? You see a dead person:
What remains as feces, which sister worm does devour?
But for this beautiful coloured corpse
They give away the image of the deity?
Flesh in all hot carnality
Once in the grave hole feeds the maggots!
The image of God but that they deny
And dishonors, which then stands before the judge!
You fool, great according to the woman's breasts
So thirsty, like the monk thirsting for Jesus,
Go to the grave hole of the naked woman
And dig her big breasts out of earth,
Out of the grave hole and stick your nose
Into the flesh of the teats! Smell the corruption!
Caress you may now the firm teats!
Decay you smell now instead of rose oil.
The teats that you have worshiped,
Now sink into the rotten carrion!



O Sirrah, speak, as a poet speaks,
And you shall imitate a wise poet,
So do it free and funny and with good mood
And be not a slave to the letters,
Instead, you shall dig for the spirit of wisdom.
The Philosopher's Stone is my property,
I know how to make from shit pure gold.
Wisdom is not to everyone's pleasure.
Providence opens your eyes, Cupid,
Providence enlightens your eyes,
You are not blind anymore, have no longer the star,
God took the veil from your eyes.
I'm still blinded by desire,
Blinded by lust, I'm blind.
And if you're blind, what is with the nymph,
Whom you follow after as her slave?
The proud mistress Egozentrica
Calls me still her little darling.
My treasure she says to me, my sweet baby,
My little love god, my dear angel,
She calls me her beautiful knight.
I too am a knight. Dolly I'm called.
Who is the master, whom you serve as disciple?
My master is the proud Hedoniste,
He knows the love of the arts as a monkey.
In his bathroom are many ointments
Him to perfume with coconut milk,
Always clean shaven is his soft cheek,
By God's beard, the man is always beardless,
The hair is combed to the side parting,
Rectangular accurately the side parting.
In the morning he hears always music.
Is he a priest of the Muse, a Poet?
Famous writers he greatly appreciates,
Of thieves and murderers, he likes to read,
But true poetry is distasteful to him.
Only two poets there are today on earth,
The writers' name is legion.
My Hedoniste, always well dressed,
He buys new shoes every week.
Always whiter than the snow are his clothes,
And whiter than snow are those clothes,
He wears at the much-loved tennis.
The much vaunted white tennis socks?
He has earned his money by work,
A young woman to wife taken
And has a son fathered, the rest of life
Has he played tennis, that in his grave
The friends put a tennis ball.


My doll, is here a beautiful woman?
Currently, only Anäis nearby.
So I teach you beautiful vows of love,
I invented this morning in my bed.
By the Philosopher's Stone! What vows of love?
O mistress, I swear by the valley
In the midst of your sweet double hill!
What does that mean? Do you mean her breasts?
I swear by the lobules of her ears,
The ears' lobules are as sweet as candy.
As long as you my ears bite alone!
Then I say: My heart's queen,
I kiss the white lily of your hand,
Let me kiss the mouth's red rose!
What then, when Dame Folly comes?
As a patriarch of the Old Testament
I'll take Anäis to my favorite wife,
Dame Folly I take for my concubine.
But how do you praise then Dame Folly?
I praise her as the perfect wisdom!
She is so much equal to the goddess of wisdom,
As if she were the wife of Socrates!
Like Hercules and his dear wife,
Who attracted him the nettle shirt!
Can Dame Folly cook a meal?
Yes, the potatoes she knows how to fry
And how to put fat pork to it.
You're again with Anäis alone,
How do you worship the proud mistress?
I say: O thou goddess of all flesh,
How I wish I were your high heels!
Then with the tip of your high-heeled shoe
You kick your slaves in the dust!
I kiss dying your bare foot!
Are you her high heeled shoes, she rises,
She is proud as a world-renowned Diva.
Yes, the woman's chest swells with pride!
The Bible says: Pride goeth before the fall.
I am happy to help her in her fall!
What do you say about the pious Agathon?
A dreamer who believes in a god of dreams,
From the madhouse a priest of God,
But good to ridicule the joke.
And do you not believe in the god of love?
I pray every day to my Creator
To create a new full bag of tobacco!
Truly, the man is a slave of my deity,
To love and to be loved is happiness!


I know I'm as ugly as the louse,
The woman is beautiful like a ladybug!
If you're ugly as Socrates, also
I love you teaching art as Diotima.
So teach me the art of adultery!
I describe three lessons in adultery,
Three steps on the ladder of love.
The first stage is the basic desire,
The second is the practice of love,
The third is the contemplation of love.
Yes, teach me the basic desire!
I'll teach you like a little child.
Just look at the crocos flower in the meadow,
As there the bee slips into the flower.
The crocos opens its flower calyx,
In the womb of the chalice is the sweet nectar,
The sticky is like honeycomb and sugar.
There is a temple of nectar in the cup,
Collected in the womb is the sweet seed.
The bumblebee now with her sharp sting
And slips into the bosom of the open flower,
To suck with the sting between the flower's lips
And suck the sweet seeds.
Vulgar is nature and ordinary!
Now I say of the practice in love.
As is the chaste courtship, if a pair
Loves like young love dallying gods
And on the couch pelt with pillows
And if they cheerful banter as little children,
Then secretly exchange the engagement rings
And secretly baptized the engagement rings
With red wine, which Don Quichott already drank.
Then they stay for a year chaste betrothed
And have no more of the other's body
As only allows chaste tenderness.
They wait for the wedding in the church,
The bride a chaste virgin in white veil
Is appetizing as the cream pie
And he is finally allowed in the wedding night
this cream pie to cut in two parts!
Then the first child is born and then the second
And then the everyday life comes with boredom,
With noise and strife and with the cold bed
And finally approaching the age and the man
Looking after young girls, the wife nags.
The best thing is the wedding night.
Now I tell you from the contemplation of love.
The lover is looking at his beautiful lady
As a deity of glory in the likeness.
He does not love this lady in the concrete.
He loves the lady's Ideal, only the Idea,
The lady, as she is in God's image.
O Splendor of God! God's Beauty
Shines on to the lady, the beauty of God
Seems to became flesh in the beautiful lady.
And in front of the temple of her beautiful body,
Before the icon of her brow
The lover prays to the beautyful deity!
Idea and idea, I hear only ideas!
What is the idea? A mere hint
Dressed in the void of pure nothingness!
What's does this ideal women cook?
There is the love gods favorite food,
Spaghetti, broccoli, tomato sauce.
Even God's love goes indeed through his stomach.


It's time, and no girlfriend in sight?
Who is this lady talking here?
Dame Folly is the women's queen!
Dame Folly is so wise and just,
She will represent herself in front of the court
On Judgement Day, where she cajoled the Lord
And will persuade the judge of the world,
Slavishly to do her will!
She is sent with her rapid tongue
And so eloquently in the chattering
As these award-winning writers,
As these masters of criticism, saying:
I've Goethe, what do I need God?
With one word, you cill the fool.
Dame Folly is of the opinion that Lady Wisdom
In her youth the goddess Venus was
And that Lady Wisdom was incarnated in
The beautiful Helen, I do not mean
The beautiful Helen of Sparta,
No, those beautiful Helen of Tyre,
Whom Simon Magus met there in a brothel!
Dame Folly also has a black dog,
His name is Monsieur, she leads him always
To a young bitch in the neighborhood,
To his young bitch Mademoiselle.
But who is the beauty that comes there?
This is mistress Egocentrica!
She is charming and she knows it too,
She is well-read and she says it,
Like a queen she gives commands,
She likes to tell the story of her life,
Tastefully she directed the painting,
She has a certain opinion on verses.
Am I not the champion of belly dance?
Who makes the hips circling like me?
Who can enchant with the seven veils
And drop veil over veil!
How do I dancing nice as Salome!
O girlfriend, how beautiful is your new head of hair.
I looked at the idol of Venus
And then asked the barber, the same hair art
To braid out of my long hair.
You are as beautiful as the goddess of heaven!
If you wear open your long black hair,
If you wear the black hair in a knot,
If you wear black hair silky smooth,
If you are wearing the henna red hair curly,
In your tips live the erotic Graces!
Phantastix, friend of yours I've heard,
Your doctor physician is from China?
Will you sell me the medical doctor?
Not even for millions of golden coins!
Because this physician is a savior!
He knows of Yin and Yang to mix the world,
To marry the dragon with the Phoenix!
He touched me with his hand of a Saviour,
Then the Chi flows of healthy energy!
He's been one hundred years old,
His hair and his beard is white as snow,
His face fresh as a peach blossom,
He is as fresh as young sixteen years!
Does he have the pill of immortality?
This is a mystery for the initiated.



What do you think about this son of a bitch,
What do you think about these books rat?
Do not be so impatient with the fool,
He considers himself well for a philosopher
And ran away from the lunatic asylum.
He considers himself to be something better, the proud.
But I laugh at such arrogance.
He is proud of his good works
And keeps us all for fools astray,
But in doing so he do not notice, how he himself
Becomes a ridiculous figure,
In which we all have our fun.
He is a dreamer who lives in a dream,
A dreamer who believes in a god of dreams,
He prays still in the dream to his dream god.
At night he is awake and dreaming at day daydream
And reading in dim lamplight about dreams,
Which the other dreamers of the dream god dreamed.
At day but in reality,
When we live the full life, he
Sleepwalks as a shadow creeps among us.
I am most upset how calm he
Listens when we curse and cheat,
When we blaspheme and slander blasphemous.
He then makes a face like a stone,
He lets us do not even provoke him,
We blasphemous blaspheme his dream god
And are committed to the Antichrist
And always swear, the devil knows!
Then he folds his hands in prayer only
And lays his hands on little children.
And when we celebrate joyful carnival,
Where everyone can sleep with anyone,
Then he remains serious, a gloomy jesuit.
The cross of ashes on his forehead he paints
And takes place in the desert of Lent
Away from us, to be alone with God.
I want to pour all snake venom
On this arrogant philosopher,
Who cold and frosty looks down on us
With looks of smug contempt.
I want him to plague as a nuisance,
He should not enter into his rest.
Dame Folly I call to me, she will
Rob him his stupid peace of mind.
Dame Folly's plan is
The wise man to irritate so long until
He bursts his vein of his temple
And he speaks in anger churned:
Get away from me, accursed Satan's bride!
O Lady Lilith, Lucifer's bride!
I'll be damned for all eternity!


I will quietly smile like a Chinese.
About the poor fools I'm really sorry.
What should I worry about when they blaspheme?
My slandering brings me a crown of honor.
So reviled their fathers the prophets.
They tell me: Women gossip about you!
The wives' tails blaspheme a lot more!
When these prodigal souls despise me,
So just because they so despise Jesus also.
They do not hear me because they nothing
Want to hear about Jesus, the impenitent.
If I were a Marcus Aurelius in the imperial throne,
I would admonish, scold my sin,
I would repent in sackcloth and ashes
And new fruits of good works bring.
But there are Hedoniste and Anäis,
They slander me with the snake tongues,
Disciple of the Antichrist is the one,
The other is Lucifer's bride!
Horny they are both as horny rats,
Mendacious-cunning as serpents wrong.
They talk bad because they know nothing good.
Now, if an alienist the poor fools
Terrible cursing in a mental home listens,
Preserves the alienist the peace of mind.
Thus, one must consider these sinners also,
Whom Satan infected with madness.
What they desire above all yet, is
Me the patience to rob and the rest of soul,
They irritate me in my blood with their wickedness!
But God preserved me my peace of mind.
The evil glances and evil tongues
Eventually destroy their own souls.


Phantastix; Think of your beloved's
Bedroom, the Palace of heavenly lust!
I want to visit the beloved.
Check her first in your mind,
Imagine the epitome
Of the most divine pleasures of lust!
Beguiling perfumes, sexy costumes,
An hot bed of heavenly lust and pleasure,
And do sleazy mind games!
All you evoke in my mind,
I think I can already see the beloved.
Endorser you alone in her room
And tremble in fear of the secret,
Being in the the forbidden paradise,
Now secretly sigh your soul out
And put your finger on the mouth!
But if there really is the beloved?
Then say: fairest of all beauty!
Miss Universe! Most beautiful mirror of God!
How you always did flatter her beauty.
I say: Divine Arsinoe!
Arsinoe? Who is this lady?
I am an humanist! Arsinoe
Was the wife of King Ptolemy
And was regarded as an incarnation of the goddess Isis,
At the same time as the incarnation of the goddess Venus!
Now then: Divine Arsinoe,
You seem to me today melancholic,
Are you alone? I will pay you company.
Phantastix, I am now Arsinoe,
Well you makee your queen the court.
Goddess-woman Arsinoe, sweetheart!
Phantastix, say not only Arsinoe,
Call her Helen of Sparta
And Lady Yang Gue-Fey from China!
You inexpressibly most beautiful of all the beautiful,
You are more beautiful than the highest Goddess!
I kneel before your highness!
My friend, but I have bad mood today.
O significant super-beauty!
Blush let me feel your flattery.
But you always say so nice things.
Oh, a kiss on this finger tip!
Well, dear friend, now go in the beloved's
Bedroom, the Palace of Heavenly Lust!


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