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Brainstorming Questions & Discussion Topics: Braceros

Socratic Seminar
Directions: Create 6 questions for the Braceros Socratic Seminar
Question #1 Question #2

Do you think that the author agree with the bracero Why do you think that mexican workers were
project? (does the author think that it was a good “shunned “ from seasonal jobs and what do you think
thing or a bad? this means?

Question #3 Question #4

If we ever did a nother braceros program what would What do you think it means when it says “ the
we change or make better? immigration and nationality act was enchanted”?

Question #5 Question #6
Why do you think that the author wrote this article?
What does the author mean by wetbacks? What is its purpose?.

What is your opinion about the Braceros program?

I think that the braceros program was a great idea. Almost too good to be true. And I think that the whole idea
was great but the laws were not enforced and the braceros did not get all that they were promised. But for
some people it was the best thing that has ever happened to them and they were able to go to school and
make a living. But I think that the braceros program was not great and was a scam.
Directions: Find at least three quotes the SUPPORT your position
Quote #1 Quote #2 Quote #3

“Mexicans were homing pigeons “Remembering the discrimination The braceros program came
and would not stay in the USA and and debts to the US” under attack , accused of being a
create social problems. government policy that slowed the
upward mobility of mexican

Paragraph # or Artifact 6
Paragraph # or Artifact 2

Page #________1__________ Paragraph # or Artifact 16

Page #______1____________

Page #_______2___________

Find at least three quotes that you'd like to ARGUE AGAINST

Quote #1 Quote #2 Quote #3
“We gentlemen, are the just as
anxious as you are not too build The US guarantee the contracts
the civilization of california any that farmers provided to the “Fines on employers that hired
other group upon mexican mexican american workers. illegal workers.”
foundation. We take him because
their is nothing else available.”
Paragraph # or Artifact 6

Paragraph # or Artifact 10
Page #__________1________

Paragraph # or Artifact 3 Page #___________1_______

Page #_____________1_____

Directions: Find at least three quotes that you find INTERESTING OR CONFUSING
Quote #1 Quote #2 Quote #3

“Had been capitalized on the basis “Too the end of this program was This “downward spiral” in the farm
of five decades of cheap labor.” a labor saving mechanization.” labor market was expected to be

Paragraph # or Artifact 4 Paragraph # or Artifact 21

Paragraph # or Artifact 26

Page #__________1________ Page #______3____________

Page #___________3_______

Here are some simple generic questions, but it is better to find and/or create your own questions that directly
related to the article
● What part of this article do you find confusing?
● Can you clarify what the author meant by_________________________________________?
● Does the author ever contradict himself/herself within the text?
● What purpose did the author write this for?

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