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Chapter I:


Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. U.S.A.


Stmkton Betonbouw The Netherlands

Tunnelling and UndergroundSpace Technology, Vo|. 8, No. 2, pp. 119-121, 1 9 9 3 . 0886-7798/93

$6.00 + .00
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 1 19
Chapter 1: Introduction




120 TuN~.v.~a ~m UI~'D~GZOUNVSPACETZC~OLOaY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

1. Immersed Tube Tunnel Since thon, the WorkingGroup mem- herein can offer solutions for cro~ings
Technology = n International bers have met ahout a d ~ tJm~witifin invery deep waters. Terhni~lly speak-
Perspective the past four years. In addition to ing, the floatgug t,,-n,d options wrAm.
sped_',bpurpose meetings, the Gnmp ined in tK~ section offer weU-known
It is with great satisfaction that we met during ITA Congress m e a n n and techniqu~ from off-shore constmctmn,
present herewith our report on various during various speciality conferem~. as well as from immm~od tube t]lnnel
aspects of ;~,-m~ed tube tunnel tech- Duringthe 1989meet~Bgin]Mr-n~-k,~- construction. We believe that the ~me
niques, based on worldwide input of ter, England, slx toplcs wore adopted for to put such construction into practice
bmnel experts from the U.S.A.; from future publioatloxL Five of these topics has arrive~
various European countries, including were selected for publication for the
Swedon, Norway, D~nm-~k, the United 1993 ITA meeeng in Am.terd.m It is
Kingdom, The Neth__~lands, Germany, 4. Acknowledgments
hoped that the ~ma;ning topic, the
Bel~m~ and Italy;, and from Japa~ mAintonance ofimm+~13edtl~lnneJ~, Wi]] The work presented in this publica-
We trust that this report will con- be e~amined and a report publishod in tion represents the reeults ofthe Work-
tribute to a better understanding of the the near future. ing Group's tireless efforts, conducted
conditions under which +~m,~ed tun- From the beglnning~ the Working on a truly global scale. Credit is due to
nels are designed and constructed, as Oronp members displayed great inter- the principal authors and collabora~-g
well as the condithmsunder which float- est in reviewing the state-of-the-art authors (listed separately for each sec-
ing b,nne]s willbe builtin the future. characteristics of immersed tube and tion), who perfmwned the work with
flOStJng t.nn~l~. For immersed tube dedication and care.
2. History of the Working Group ~tlnne]B, the ~mmlnation of the two Teclmical editing was performed by
major constructionmethods--one prac- Mr. ~ h ~ t Gureoy, and overall editing
The report h aa been prepared by the of the material on submerged floa~_ng
WorkingGroup on T'mmm'8~ and Float- ticed in Europe, the other in the United
States--was the focal point in setting t,mnels was performed by Mr. D. R.
ing T l l n n ~ of the International Tun- Culvorwell. International coordination
n,~ll;ng Association. The Group was the Group's agenda.
of the preparatory work was provided
establ~hed in 1988, at the ITA'si con- by Paul Van Milllgen. Publication coor-
ference in Madrid. Mr. V. L. Molenaar 3. Contents of the Report dination, layout, copyrediting, and final
served as the Group's ,~-im~teur for This report includes discussions on productionwork were performedby Ms.
one year, aRer which Mr. P. C. Van the state of the art of floating and im- DonnaAhreas, )4---~-gEditor of Tun-
Milli~en assumed th~ posistion. The mersed tube I~,n-els, with sped_'A]em- nellin8 and Under, round Space Tech-
Group's Tutor from 1988 to 1991 was phasis on basic features of steel and nology. Official 1TA representatives to
Mr. B. Pigorini, who was succeeded by concrete tube t~mnel global construc- the Working Group, from 14 countries,
Prof. A. Glenm~ tion practices. are listed in Appendix ~.
Work for the report has been carried Chapter 2 e~nm;nes structural de- The Animateure of the Working
out by various Sub-Working Groups, sign features of steel and concrete im- Group wish to extend their deep appr~
managed by Sub-Worki~_~Group lead- ~ tube t:l1n ne]B, inc~l ai n£ co][li~;z11c- elation to the Working Group members
ers under the coordination of the tion stages, accidental loads, load fac- and to the members of the ITA Execu-
~tnlmatettr~. tars for combinations of losdln~s, and tive Cotmcil for t h e ~ contilo-;ng sup-
The first meeting of the Working material spedfi~tions. port during the last four yeare. The
Group was held in Manchester (United Chapter 3 provides general discus- growing enthusiasmwithin the ITA and
Kingdom) in 1989. At that meeting, sions of construction techniques for im- within the Working Group toward the
the Group decided on the Sub-Working mersed tube t.nn*lq, induding l~pocial ~globalsharing oflmowledge" is a Hying
Groups for each topic. Each of the five attention to data~ollection methedol- testJnmuy to the dedicated proLe~___'on-
groups establishod at the Manchester ogy, dredging te~h-;ques, enviromnen- alism ofits members, and a credit to the
meeting have produced a section ofthis tal impacts, and floating transport. civil engineering profession.
report. Chapter 4 deals with specific details
for steel and concrete blnne]B to obtain
watortightuess, concentrating mainly
on the various joints for steel t~,--els
and on membranes, coating techniques
andjoints for concrete t~mnels. Thelast
pert ofthis chapter brieflydiscusses the
subject of maintenance in relation to
eventual leakages; it is hoped that this
topic will be addressed in detail in fu-
ture publications.
Chapter 5 comprises a catalogue of
immersed tube t~InneIB,both Istee[and
concrete, starting with the first Detroit
b,nnelin 1910, and continuing through
to very recent tllnne]B that are
under constructio~
Chapter 6 covers a very special
ject--floatlng t-nnels. Although thla
type of t~mnel has never been con-
structed, it has been su~ciently re-
searched to provide details on po~i_"hie
PAUL C. VAN ]M'nss~ floatingb,--e1~tion~ Thetech- ~GmsoY
Animateur (Chairman) nically feasible techniques presented Viee-Animateur (Vice-Chairman)

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T~.TJlqG ~ U ~ D ~ m ~ D SP*CZTECm<OLOG~121

Chapter 2:


Van Hottum en Blankevoort The Netherlands

Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc. U.S.A.

Contributions and comments by:

D. R. CuIverwell U,K.

C. Th. van Doom The Netherlands

A. Glerum The Netherlands
A. Gursoy U.S.A.
Chr. J. A. Hakkaart The Netherlands
K. Hestner Sweden
P. C. van Milligen The Netherlands
S. de Ronde The Netherlands
E. A. Szmnsen Denmark
T. Tamotso Japan

Tunnelling and UndergroundSpace Technology, VoI. 8, No. 2, pp. 123--139, 1 9 9 3 . 0886-7798/93

$6.00 + .00
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 123
Chapter 2: Structural Design of Immersed

2.1 Tmmersion Inst~llAtion
2.2 Fabrication
2.3 Joints
2.4 Watertightness
2.5 Cress-section Types
2.5.1 Steel shell tunnels
2.5.2 Concrete t~mnels
2.5.3 Miscellaneous

3.1 General
3.2 Steel Shell Tunnels
3.3 Concrete Tunnels
3.4 The Expansion Joint Concept for Concrete Tunnels
3.5 The Waterproofing Membrane Concept
3.6 Protection of Concrete Against Chemical Attack
3.7 Longitudinal Prestressing

4.1 Interior Geometry
4.2 Typical Composite Steel Shell Cress-Section
4.3 Typical Concrete Box Structure
4.4 Weight and Balance
. L O N G I T U D I N A L A R T I C U I ~ T I O N AND J O I N T S
5.1 Steel Shell Tnnnels
5.2 Concrete Tunnels
5.3 Shear Transfer in Intermediate Joints
5.4 Intermediate Flexible Rubber Joint Design
5.5 Expansion Joint Design
5.6 FinAl Joint of Concrete Tunnels

6.1 Transverse Analysis
6.2 Longitudinal Analysis
6.2.1 Longitudinal hydrostatic compression
6.2.2 Concrete stresses by temperature deformations
6.2.3 LongitudinAl bending
6.2.4 Temporary construction loads
6.2.5 Longitudinal reinforcement
6.2.6 Permanent longitudinal prestress
7, S T R U C T U R A L ANALYSIS F O R C O M P O S I T E S T E E L S~lfl~.t.T, T U N N E L S
7.1 Stage 1: Fabrication and Laun~hlng
7.2 Stage 2: Internal Outfitting with Concrete
7.3 Stage 3: FinAl Condition after Baclrfilllng in Place
8.1 Loading Combinations and Allowable Stress Increments
8.2 Accidental Loads


124 Tu~.t.r~G ANDUNVP.m~OtU~VSPACETEC~UqOLO~Y Volume 8, N-tuber 2, 1993

The purpose of this report is to de- these codes relate to structures which are floated to the site; installed
velop an u n ~ d i . ~ ofthe state-of- designed for different structural one by one; and connect~ to one an-
the-art structural design for ~ n ~ r e e d performance and generally more other under water. An ;mmmcsedtun-
road and railway t~m-els. The report sevea~ envirolunental exposure than nel is generally instmltmd in a trench
covers commnu and specific aspects of ilmn~'sed t.nn~lm= The layout and that has been dredged previously in
steel shell b,n-els and concrete ttm- design of an ;,-.-..~ed t - - - e l is very the bottom of a waterway between
nela. It is the first time that engineers much related to coz.~t+~don oppor- structures constructed in the dry.
fTom Europe, the U.S.A., and Japan tunities and site conditions. The The space between the trench bet-
have collaborated on a report of th;~ state of the art described in this tom and the s o ~ t of the t,,-nel can be
kind for imm~rsod blnne~l. report covers different practices a prev/oualy prepared gravelbed, or
This report is very timely in that, in that serve the same goal: namely, sandbeda;- S pumped or jetted under-
recent years,a longstanding tradition to produce watertight and durable neath the t-,,-el.
has begun to fade. No longer are steel immersed tunnels. Piled foundations are sometimes
~ll-]~e~ the on/y types oft~mnels An important issue for concrete tun- used, where soil conditions require
construct~ in the United States, and nels is the difference in practices for them. As CO~LCtiOa proceeds, the
concrete box t,mn~ls the only type of providing watertightnees and durabil- bmnel is backfilled. The completed
tim nels uusedin Europe. T h e steel shell ity agA/-~ aggressive groundwater. tl m n el is u s u a l l y covered w / t h a protec-
was a serious contender in the coml~- These practices cannot be evaluated t/ve layer over the roof.
tition for the Great Belt ~,,,nel in properly without an understandln~ of
Den,---k, while the concrete box will t h e influence of t h e longitudln~! per- 2.2 Fab~cation
be used for the Fort Point ChA-nel formAn~e of the b,nnel structure. This
b,nnAi e]mlle~ts are
Tunnel in Boston (Massachusetts, topicsis disc.ssedin so~e depthhe~in,
U.SJ~), currently under design. using numerical examples. fabricated inside drydecks or specially
The history o f :immel"Bed t-nnel For the structural design of steel constmcted castingbasins. Sometimes
practice began in 1910, with the con- ~eH t111MIlr~,the thr(~ basic construe- the cofferdam for the approach ramp
struction of a two-track railroad tun- tion ~ g e s require separate and diffor- structure is first used as abasin for the
nel across the Detroit River between ent design analyses. These are de- fabrication of the tamnel elements.
the United States and Canada. For scribed and the assumptions are de- ~ sh~l]t~mnAl elemea~ are usu-
the next thi~-ty years or so, virtually tailed for each case. ally fabricated in a shipyard. Aitor the
~11imm~rl~gd t.~]n n e|B w e r e conl~ruct~d element is launched, most of the inte-
inthe United States. Duringthis time rior coucrete is installed while the ele~
2. T u n n e l Practices merit is floating. The element is then
a rather specific steel shell technology
emerged--a technology that has con- 2.1 Immersed Tunnel--Definition placed in the trench. Steel shell tun-
tinued largely tmchanged up to the An ;mmarsed b,nnel consists ofsev- nels have also been fabricated and
present. In 1941, construction of the oral prefabricated tunnel elements, partly concreted in dry'dock&
Maas Tumnel in Rotterdam (The Neth-
erlande) began, marking the begin-
ning of the use of+mmorsed ~ln ne]B in
Shallow river crossings with mul- Definitions
tiple-lane requirements led naturally Tunnel Element:
to the concrete box scheme, a very A section of the tunnel that is fabricated and immersed as one whole unit.
different method of desiga and con-
struction from the steel shell A con- Intermediate Joint or Immersion Joint:
s i d e r a b l e n u m b e r oft~mne]s w e r e con- The joint between two tunnel elements.
structed in Europe with this method; Terminal Joint:
and, as a result, engineers in The Neth- The joint between the terminal structure (e.g. ventilation building) and the
erlande, Germany, Sweden, France, immersed tunnel.
Belgium and Denmark adopted the
concrete box method exclusively. This Final Joint or Closure Joint:
tradition persists today. The last tunnel element to be immersed must fit in between two ends of the
Meanwhile, Japan was buildingtun- previously immersed elements, or between a previously immer~d element
nels of both types. The authors believe and the terminal structure. At one end them can be a regular Immersion Joint.
that Europe and the United States, as At the other end there must be a marginal gap to allow tt~ element to move
well as other countries, would do well in its slot.
to follow Japan's example.
It is hoped that th;~ ITA Report will Expansion Joints:
encourage mlgmeor8 in m~irlng e q u a l Special watertight vertical joints between segments of a tunnel element,
use of beth of these b~m:¢technologies. allowing limited movements between the segments. (used in concrete
Both have unique advantages and tunnels)
llmltationB, depending on the site. The
selection of method should be made by Tube:
engineers on the basis of job site In croas-section a tunnel can be structurally compartmented in vadous tubes
conditions--not because of any lack (sometimes called "bores').
of understanding of either method. Gallery or Service Gallery:
A compartment of the cross-section used for services and/or pedestrian
1. I n t r o d u c t i o n passage.
Even though immersed t-nnels are
des~ned and constructed worldwide, Ventilation Duct:
special codes for ;~morsed t . . . A l ~ do A compartment of the cross-section used for ventilation air supply or
not exist. ~ a n d a r d codeo for highway discharge.
structures are ofl~n used, although

Volume 8, N.mhor 2, 1993 Tt~n~z.mO~_~D~SPACZ ~ 125

2.3 Joints There is a wide range of cross-sec- shape is often used because ofthe obvious
All joints are gasketed and tightly tion configurations, depending on the advantage for transverse load transfer.
closed. The immersion joints between intended use of the tunnels. In deter- However, the shape most oRen used
the tllnnel ele11~ents Can be pE~/A,ta~- mining the ult.lm~te shape and size of for double- and multiple-tube concrete
ently flexible r u b b e r compression the tunnel cross-section, the designers traffic t,m-els is the rectangular box,
gaskets, as is oi~m the case for concrete must consider, for example, whether which may have to be widened with
~nnels. These gaskets are pre-installed the tunnel is to be used for railway or extra cells for ventilation air supply
at one end of each tunnel element. motor traffic; whether it will be a single and services. The box shape best ap-
Intermediate joints can also be made tube, double tube, or multiple tube; proaches the rectangular internal clear-
rigid. This is done at the inside of the what the ventilation requirements will ance required for motor traffic, with
temporary immersion seal by welding be; and what construction practices good conformity between resistanceand
lapplates to the shells of steel tunnels will be applied. weight. The box shape also permits
or by placing concrete for concrete practical concrete construction prac-
tslnnels. 2.5.1 Steel shell tunnels tice. W h e n longitudinal ventilation
The final joint must always be would be sufficient,all of the services
For steel shell tlm-els, a circulur- can be kept within the traffic tubes--
made in-situ. shaped section for a single tube or a
that is, along the roof and inside the
binoo_~l~rshape for a double-tube cross-
section are most economical for exter- ballast concrete underneath the road-
2.4 Watertightness way or walkway. Often, however, a
nal pressure loading, as most sections
Immersed t~mnele have a small special services gallery is preferred or,
of the structural ring or rings are in sometimes, required by the fire depart-
n-tuber of in-situ joints. With regard to
compression at all times. An addi- ment for emergency escape.
w a t e r t i g h t n e s s , t h i s is q u i t e an tional benefit lies in the fact that the
advantage over most bored tunnels. ET-mpIes of cross-sections of con-
space between the roadway slab and crete immersed tunnels are shown in
Tmme~l~N:~ tllnne]lS are des~ted to be
watertight. Standards for acceptable the invert and the space above the Figure 2-2.
suspended ceiling, if applied, can be
leakage rates that are state-of-the-art
for bored tunnele have no meanlng for used for air supply and ~.xhaust for
transverse ventilation. These spaces 2.5.3 Miscellaneous
i m m e r s e d tllnnelS. Low-point drainage sumps have to
can also be used for services.
Steel shell tunnels are watertight For larger vehicular tunnels, the be provided within the confines of the
by virtue of the quality of the many usual configuration involves one or structure.
welds of the shell made in the fabrica- In binocular double-steel-shell tun-
two tubes, each having two roadway
tion yard and by virtue of the quality of nels, the sump can be placed between
lanes. The structure consists of a
the in-situ joints. the tubes. In single-steel-shell and
The watertightness of concrete tun- circular steel shell stiffened with steel
diaphragms. A reinforced concrete concrete t3;nnelS, the sumps have to be
nels depends on the quality ofthe joints placed underneath the roadway. The
ring installed inside the shell is tied to
and on the absence of full-depth cracks presence of service galleries is helpful
the shell and acts composite with the
in the concrete. in positioning the pumps.
shell and the diaphragms. This is the
M a n y c o n c r e t e t . - n e l s are provided Generally, for given crose-sectional
main structure, designed to resist ap-
with w a t e r t i g h t enveloping mem- requirements for vehicular space and
branes. In addition to providing wa- plied hydrostatic and soil loadings.
Welded to the exterior flange plates of ventilation, the concrete box section
tertightness, this membrane is some- can be made shallower than the steel
the diaphragms is a second "shell",
times needed to shield the structural section. However, for the same condi-
the form plate, which contsln~ the
concrete against agreseive chemical tions, the steel section is generally a
ballast concrete p a r t l y placed as
agents. There are distinctly different narrower section.
tremie. This ballast weight provides
views among design engineers about
the necessity of such membranes. the required negative buoyancy. This
type o f t - n n e l is called a =double-steel- 3. Watertightness
shell tunnel". 3.1 General
2.5 Tunnel Cross-section The single-steel-shell concept is used
for tunnels with one or two relatively Although watortightneas is one of
The selection of the typical cross-
narrow tubes, such as Umnels for metro the p r * - , ~ objectives o t a n y ; m - - , - ~ l
sectiongenerallyis determlned by pref-
railtransportation. The stoelshellison t~,--el design, the design would be ds~-
erences based on successful previous
the outside and acts composite with the d e n t if the consequences of incidental
experieQacein the specific region or coun-
internal ring concrete. The ballastcon- ~ m . . leakages were ~ On the
try, as well as local site constraints (as
crete,which isproportionatelylessth-n large perimeter surface of a bin-el ele-
witnessed by the practice in the U.S.A ment, the possibility of an
of selecting steel shelltunnele;in north- for the larger double-steel-shell tun-
nets, is placed on top of the element to pinhole in a steel weld or an undetected
west Europe, of selecting concrete tun-
keep the shell as small in section as co--on imperfection of the con-
nels; and in Japan, where beth con- creto or w a ~ ~ can-
cepts are applied). Recent interna- possible. For single tubes, a circular
shape is preferable; sharp corners are not be ruled out completely.
tional immersed tenders in Europe
avoided. Single-steel-shelltunnAls have Suitable repair methods exist and
have included alternative options for
steel tun-els. little allowance for internal ducting. must be specified in the d m ~ . The
The structure of steel shell tunnels Examples of steel shell tunnel crOSS- build-up of water pressure within the
sections are shown in Figure 2-I. b , - , e l wall system must be av~dsd by
consists of relatively thin-walled com-
posite steel and concrete rings. The provision of proper drainage into the
steel shell provides the water barrier. t~m-el drainage mymte~ Seepages of
2.5.2 Concrete Tunnels this kind ar e very small and do not
The ballast concrete is placed outside For concrete t~,nnels, circular shapes require extra drainage and sump
of the shell in pockets formed between have also been used for single tubes (in
the structural diaphragms. capacity.
combination with transverse ventila-
Concrete tunnels are monolithic tion) and for relativelynarrow service
structures in which most of the fine] 3.2 Steel Shell Tunnels
tunnels. For railway ~uneis with two
weight is incorporated in the struc- slngle-track tubes, the near binc¢~)l-= For steel shell b,nn~l elements, wa-
tural components. tertightness is provided purely by the

126 TUNN~.T.mOANDU~-vE~Otn~ SPACETZCH~OLOGY Vol,,me 8, Number 2, 1993



I °

t 12400 _1
2 2oo I o _1
-{- I



1. ,,,o ..1

Figure 2-1. Examples of cross.sections of steel-shell tunnels.

steel shell itself. The watertightness member will cool off to the ambient There are basically two different
relies on the quality of the large n . m l ~ r temperature. The resulting contrac- concepts regarding control of leak-
ofwelds. The concrete i n , d e the shellis tion of the now-hardened concrete is ages for concrete box tunnels:
trAnwTersely under compression. subjected to restraint. This occurs when 1. The expansion joint concept in-
casting the walls above the horizontal volves avoiding longitudinal stresses
3.3 ConcreteTunnels joint with a base slab that was cast at that can cause cracks, thereby relying
an earlier stage. The result of the on the watertightness of the uncracked
For concrete t~m~els, leakage is cooling contraction of the wall con-
related to the development of cracks. concrete.
nected to the rigid base slab is com- 2. The waterproofing membrane
Therefore, an understanding of the pression in the base slab and longitudi-
different s t r u c t u r a l behaviours in concept involves enveloping the con-
nal tensile strain in the bottom part of crete t , nnel element in a waterproof-
the tranaverso and longitudinal di- the walls.
rections is important. ing membrane.
Unless proper measures are t~ken,
In the transverse direction, box- vertical full-depth cracks can occur at Each of these concepts is discussed
shaped reinforced concrete t.~mnels al- about 5-m intervals. Satisfactory in more detail below.
ways have zones in the roof and base processes have been developed to avoid
slabs that experience bending teusion, these construction cracks, namely by 3.4 The Expansion Joint Concept for
notwithstanding the transverse com- using concrete with relatively low Concrete Tunnel Waterproofing
pression. The tamnel section is de- cement content and forced cool~n~in the
signed so that the resulting cracks can The expansion joint concept in-
lower part of the walls (see Fig. 2-3). volves achieving watertightness by
only parti_'_ally penetrate, leaving the S o ~ thla iS done in combination
concrete in the compression zone suffi- avoiding tranaverse craeklng of the
with insulatien and heating of the base concrete.
ciently thick to avoid leakage. slaba If cracks nevorthe!_~s~_are found,
In the longitudinal direction, the A bmnel element 100 m long or
r e m e d i a l g r o u t i n g a p p e a r s to be morels doaignedwith expansionjoints.
stresses are of a much lower magni- effective.
tude than in the transverse direction. The length between the expansion
Effective control of differential heat joints is determ;nad by the practical
The basic stress is ma-ginal compres- development largely depends on the
sion. Secondary effects that can cause length of a complete concrete pour,
heat of hydration of the concrete. This which is in the range of 20 m. The
partial tension should not lead to full process, in tttrn, is a direct function of
depth cracks. Thermal shrinkage vertical joint between two segments is
the amount of cement in the mix. basically an unreinforced cold joint
cracks are a typical secondary effect. Therefore, the use of typical concrete
In thick concrete nmmbers, the heat p r o v i d e d w i t h a c a s t - i n flexible
mitres with high cement factors (taken waterstop. In this way, the tamnel
of hydration causes substantial heat- from highway structures codes) can be
ingofthe member. Aiter some thne the element can be subjected to flmmral
counterproductive in this respect. deformations without developing

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Ttne~z.~OAsDU~aOVI~SPACZTecHSOLooY 127

24770 29800
I-- --I

j t, ,~

26180 ,11


CTC 20 m

2 t, 2

I_ 12680 _ I




I_ 103O0 _1



I_ 24100
I- "1



F~gure 2-2. Examples of cross.sections of immersed concrete tunnels.

12R Tum~.v.mG ANDUNDEP~a~OUNDSeA~ TECHNOLOGY Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993

longitudinal tensile strain between Figure 2-3.
the eal~ansion joints, which can cause Thermal
cracking of the concrete. shrinkage
Great care must be taken to assure problem and
that s h r i n k a g e o f t i ~ m a l c r g ~ k i ~ does solution.
not occur in the asgments and t h a t any
cracks which do occur are sealed prior
to floating the element out of the cast-
ing basin.
During transportation and i n . h A .
tiou, the segme~llts of such a t~mnel
element must be structurally coupled in
the longi~z~J~A! directio~ This can be
done by tempormT coupling rods, with 114[UE0f O~Ut~~O
or without prestress; or by temporary
longitudinal prestressing tendons over
the full length of the b, nnel element.
The temporary prestressingtendons
are usefully cut after installation. How-
ever, they are sometimes maintained An alternative method is to apply 3.6 Protection of the Structural
permanently--gor example, when flex. the steel roof plates after concret- Concrete against Chemical Attack
ural bending of the bmnel is not ex- ing the roof. Steel rail, are partly
pected, as may be the case with a piled The direct exposure of the struc-
e m b e ~ e d in the top of the concrete.
foundation. tural concrete oflmmersed t~mnels to
Steel plates will be welded to these their external Ambient envir~nmAut is
rails and any voids will be grouted
much less severe t h ~ the exposure of
3.5 Waterproofing Membrane Concept afterwards.
highway structures to the atmosphere.
When a waterproofing membrane is Steel plate membranes (typically Observations in the course of dura-
used, the tl,nnel elements are made 6 mrn thick) are a n c h ~ into the con-
bifity investigations have attested to
monolithic, using regular vertical crete by welded studs, usually four the long-term reliabilityof reinforced
construction joints with continuous studs per square meter. Because the concrete structures pe~mansntly im-
longitudinal r e i n f o r c e m e n t . The thin plates are rather sensitive to tem- mersed in seawater.
waterproofing m e m b r a n e is made perature deformations, much care is
In seawater, chloride ions will
continuous over the full length of the required to keep the plates flat. The
diffuse into the concrete, thereby
t~mnel element. Full-depth transverse bond between the steel plate skin and
depassivating the concrete. Corrosion
concrete cracks can develop, especially the concrete should not be relied upon,
of the steel reinforcement can begin
in the vertical construction joints. In notwithstanding the use of the studs,
when the depassivation front has
this concept, full reliance is given to because the stoel plate membrane does
reached the reinforcement. However,
the m e m b r a n e waterproofing t h a t not provide a structural contribution
the corrosion of the reinforcement at
envelopes the element. to the concrete structure. the outside face of the concrete will not
The following options are used for To protect the steel plate mem-
be effective, because of the very scarce
waterproofing membranes: branes agAJnAt corrosion, impressed supply of oxygen. The type of cement
current cathodic protection can be
• Steel plate below the base, with used and the density of the concrete
installs& Sometimes coating of the are important factors for the penetra-
bib~mlnous or plastic membranes steel plate is also specified, but it is
on the walls and roof. tion rate of chloride ions and oxygen.
practically impossible to provide it The chloride diffusion front may never
• Steel plate below the base and on without some local deficiencies (e.g.,
the sides, with bit~,mJnous or penetrate to the inside face of the
at splices). Nevertheless, the coat- concrete.
plastic m e m b r ~ e on the roof ing, although imperfect, will reduce
only. Sulphate attack in seawater is not
the direct current deman& accompanied by expansion of the con-
• Steel plate all around. Obviously, a w a t o r ~ R n ~ mem- crete because of the presence of cldo-
• Plastic membranes all arouncL brane must be fullycontinuous around rides. Gypsum and sulpho-a]-mln Atos,
the whole of a ~ulnnel element. The which are soluble in chloride-rich envi-
Bit~mlnous or plastic membranes emphas~ forsteelplatesison the qual-
must be protected against mechanical ronments, are leached out. Therefore,
ity of the Welds. For bib~mln~as and special s u l p h a t e - ~ c e m e n t i s not
d a m a g e . This protection is usually plastic membranes, the emphasis must
provided by a concrete layer, which needed; and, moreover, would in-
be on providJn 5 the proper application; crease the sensitivity of the con-
must be permanently held to the struc- observing the proper l~mltetious for
ture. Unfor~,n~ely, th~Aarrangement crete to chloride penetration.
weather conditions; andprevim-~good The inside face of the concrete,
requires ~nehorsto penetrate the mem- overlaps over the upstand of the steel
brane. Other necessary penetrations especially in road t~mnele, is gener-
membrane. ally exposed to chloride attack in an
are for bellard- and fender connections, Sometimes the trA-Aition area is
access AhAt~S, and certain Jmm,~rsion oxygen-rich environment where the
also clamped. A small leak in the air m a y be aggressive. F u r t h e r -
equipment. membrane can cause water to flow
Steel plate ~irln~ applied on the sides more, in m a n y t u n n e l s , p a s s i n g
underneath the membrane to weak vehibles bring in d ~ l , ~ salts, which
for waterproofing are also used as stay- spots in the concrete at other loca-
in-place formwork for the walls of the add to the depassivatiou of the con-
tions, thereby m A ~ , ~ the source of crete by carbonation. The steel
element. For steel membranes across leakage dlt~eult to trace.
the roof area, holes can. be left in the reinforconamt also could be subject to
A combination of the two meth- corromon. Again, the best practical
plates for placing and vibrating the ods--i.e., using both waterproofing protection is good concrete density and
concrete. The holes are dosed up later. membranes and the expAnRion joint sufficient concrete cover.
This method is more complicated for a methodDis not considered cost-ef-
fiat roof than for an arched roof. fective or advisable.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tvm~z.wo+~DUsDmemou~SPAC8 T~msoLo~ 129

Because the steel reinforcement in t h e dry and are part of the com- 4.3 ~ of TypicalC,orcre~ Box
is more sensitive to corrosion at the posite structure, along with the con- The "concrete box" t u n n e l can
inside face of the concrete than at crete ring inside the inner shell. The be considered as a monolithic frame
the o u t s i d e face, t h e p r o t e c t i v e exterior concrete on the sides, which comprising base, walls and roof.
membrane waterproofing method is is poured u n d e r water, serves to There is a horizontal construction
not used. restrain buckling of the diaphragm joint between the base and the walls.
flanges and acts as ballast. Waterstops are sometimes provided
3. 7 Longitudinal Prestressing The interior steel shell is provided in these construction joints (they
on the inside with J-shaped steel hooks are not used in The Netherlands). It
To avoid uncontrollable full-depth that are stud-welded to the shell plate.
cracks, the longitudinal working ten- should be noted that the application of
These hooks tie the ring concrete and a waterstop may obstruct the easy
sile stress should not exceed the tensile its reinforcing steel to the shell to pro-
strength ofthe concrete. Normnllythi~ placing and compaction of the con-
vide the composite action. crete, which is not the case on a clean
requirement can be satisfied in the The steel assembly is built on land
design of concrete t~mnels. If needed, fiat surface. Generally the weight
and launched sideways or longitu- and downward forces in the whole of
a fairly small rate of longitudinal pre- dinally, with the bottom part of the
stress can substantially increase the the wall provide enough pressure to
exterior concrete in place. This make the joint watertight without
allowable range of loading that causes esssmbly is considered a =keel" for
tensile stresses. For example, for con- special provisions.
stability during towing. The ring The walls and slabs for a traffic
crete with a tensile strength of 2 Mpa concrete inside and remaining outside
and 1 Mpa longitudinal prestress, the tllnnel are u s , Any at least I m thick.
concrete ballast are placed when the To increase the resistance for shear
range of loading causing longitudinal assembly is afloat.
tensile stress could be 50% higher. and hogging moments, hatmches are
The structural loading during the provided underneath the roof slab.
subsequent construction stages is quite When designed without haunches, the
4. Design of Typical Tunnel complex~ The stresses in the shell are base slabis up to 1,5 times thicker than
Section more severe during launching, towing the roof, with the top following the
4.1 Interior Geometry and outfitting with interior concrete cross-fall of the roadway. This ar-
than when the element is finally im- rangement not only is attractive for
The interior geometry o f i m m ' ~ e d mersed. The interior shell is about 8
tunnels depends largely on local, state construction, but also provides mass
mm thick and is stiffened with exter- stability to the Umnel element.
or national highway design standards nol longitudinal stiffeners. The form
applicable to the type and volume of Sometimes the floating condition
plate usually is 6 mm thick. may require a t h i n n e r base with
traffic for which the blnnel is designed. For double-shell design, a compos-
Interior clearance envelopes for c~llng h a u n c h e s in t h e corners. B a s e
ite steel concrete t~mnel is achieved by haunches require special attention for
height and width of lanes are set by covering the steel shell all around with
these agencies. Other requirements concreting. The ballast concrete is
a thick concrete cover, which provides placed on top of the base.
may involve ventilation equipment; mechanical and corrosion protection
overhead sign clearances; safety and Allowance for services in concrete
for t h e steel shell. The double- tunnels. The m a i n electrical feeders
access walkways; placing of services; steel-shell element end detail shown
and use of suspended ceilings, curb are usually placed in conduits in the
in Figure 2-5 illustrates the typical hal l~Atlayer and/or are suspended from
details, etc. structural steel arrangement.
Roadway drainage, superelevation, the roof. The services inside the tubes
The single-steel-shell type ofi~mnel can be reduced to local distribution if a
sight distance for horizontal, and is ~mpler in concept, although also sub-
vertical curvature may also play a part special services gallery is used. The
ject to more critical steel shell stresses exterior walls in the latter case would
in the interior geometrical design. The in the launching stage, when the inte-
vertical clearance should be extended not require large panel recesses, which
rior concrete is not yet inst~lled. To can act as crack initiators. The same
to compensate for expected (unequal) stiffen and stabilise the element in the
settlements and d~m~n~ioneli~g:cura- could apply if the size of the low point
launching stage, the base ofthe interior drainage sump would require deep re-
cies. The horizontal clearance may coucrete ringis instMled prior to launch-
have to be extended for horizontal cessing into the base slab.
ing. The steel shell is stiffened with
inaccuracies. stiffening plates and temporary trans-
verse spiderweb frames. For double- 4.4 Weight Balance
4.2 Description of Typical Composite tube single-shell elements, a verti- The design of the croes-sectionel
Steel Shell Cross.section cal longitudinal steel truss is con- geometry is very sensitive to varia-
Figure 2-4 shows a typical cross- structed in the center. This truss tions in the density of the water and
section of a double-steel-shell t-nnel, will later be absorbed in the interior the construction materials; dimen-
which consists of an interior steel shell concrete and partly removed where sional inaccuracies; and the weights of
made composite with the interior rein- cross-passages are required. Fig- t e m p o r a r y e q u i p m e n t n e e d e d for
forced concrete ring inside. The ure 2-1 shows an example of a single t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , t e m p o r a r y instal-
e x t e r i o r s t e e l , called t h e " f o r m steel-shell element. lation and the permanent condltio~
plate, ~ envelopes the interior shell Cathodic protection is sometimes A concrete bmnel element must be
in an octogonal shape up to the el- required for singls-steel-shell t~lnneis able to float with all temporary i m m ~ .
evation of the crown of the interior if the tunnel passes through a zone of sion equipment on board. The free-
shells. The shell and the form plate stray currents, such as a subway sys- board should be ~ to r e d u ~ t ~
are interconnected by steel plate tom or an industrial facility. In such Amc~mt of permanent and
diaphragms at 4- to 5-m centree. cases, provisions are made to measure ballasting. The ~ m ' 7 o n ~
Exterior concrete fills the space be- the currents at test locations. These we~ht, with the water ballast tA,,~
tween the shell and the formplate and tests will determine the required level filled, must be su~ident~ For the W -
covers the shell. of impressed current needed to pre- reagent con~tion, it must be ~ a n -
The bottom part and the roof part vent loss of steel section. teed safe against uplitt with the fixed
of the exterior concrete are poured bAl!~t in place.

130 Tumc~J.mG ANDUNWm~gOU~ SPACET~mNOLOGY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

I_ 12260

~ 6 0 0 1 8 7 0 2 6 6 0 2 6 6 0 1870160"~
I_ _ i ;_ _t -I_ _ I ~ ~/- K Ir¢1 CONCRL~I[
• #iaphroqm

~ 6,30 6,3o ~ FORMPLATE
va/ves form

Figure 2-4. Typical cross-section of a

tunnel. l aliqnment

The roof is usually covered with a

protective concrete layer that is also Figure 2-5. DoubIe-steel-sheU element and detail, and
used for trlmm';ng purposes. When typical structural steel arrangement. Formplate is only
]:fi.t~mJnouswaterproofing membranes partially indicated.
are applied to the walls, protectivewood
covor or concrete cover is also applied
to the wails, as cast~in-plaes or precast These factors are nsed to determine For concrete tlmn~la, the thiclmess
panels. The roof edges are usually the required geometry. The actual of the structural concrete is genorally
bevelled, to reduce the risk of hooklng safety factor may be slightly higher or sufficient for the strength. The deter-
ship's anchors. lower, depending on the actual as-built mlnAt;ion of the ~ geometry is more
The mJnJmu2n factor of safety for dlmAu~OIX$. complicated because the ballast con-
the permanent condition of immersed For example, a part of the stable crete is on the JnRide. Variation of the
tlmnelsis~ specifiedas 1.10,based type of roof protection, such as rip internal ballast volume affects the in-
on the following conditions: rap, may be allowed to be included in ternal geometry.
1. Uplip fore~: the safety factor of 1.10. Some-
• Buoyancy by the water at the times a m u m safety factor of 5. Longitudinal Articulation
mATimnnl expected density 1.06 is appl/ed for concrete t~m~e]s and Joints
and according to the theoreti- with only the structural concrete
and ballast concrete as stabilising Tmmer88d O, nnsjI8 a r e rigid struc-
cal displacement. tures in the longitudinal direction. The
factors. For steel shell t~,~nAl% 1.07
• Hydraulic lag, if applicable in is applied, exnluding the contibution stresses with which the structure
tidal waterways. of the side walk concrete. would respond to axial tensile strain
2. Stabilizing loads: The minJmmn temporary safety (temperature) and longitudinal bend-
• The theoretical weight of the factor during installation is usually ing strain (unequal settlement or
structttral steel, concrete and 1.03 after release of the j,-me~_ien large surcharge discon'tmuities) de-
reinforcementsteel, a~l,ming equipment. pend on the material properties and
a remKt~dcdensity for the con- Sometimes allowanco has to be the longitudinal articulation.
crete that will not exceed the made for uplift caused by hydraulic
actual density. gradient. A hydraulic gradient can 5.1 SteelShell Tunnels
• The fixed per..,--ent ballast be caused by tidal lag of pie~ometric Steel shell l~mnAlS have approxi-
concrete, inside or outside. height underneath the t~mnel, which mately the same longitea;,,*] flerdral
• The weight ofprotoctivemem-
can occur with silty or clayey ba~'.kR1] in rigidity as concrete t-,,,,els. However,
tidal waterways. Anothor cause of by virtue of the inherent ductility of the
branes and cover concrete.
hydraulic gradient is the suction caused steel shell, they have a larger lougitudi-
* The roadway pavement, sus- by the squatting of ships passing
pendedroadway slain, or fx~d- nsl strain capacity, and are therefore
over; however, this factor is only less sensitive to foundation discon-
track support eooere~ considered in the installation stage. tinuities and temperature ~ t i o n s
3. Factors not considered as stu- For steel shell O,-~els, the total than concrete bmne]& The concrete
bilizing are:: amount of concrete needed for the part of the ¢ompomte structure inmde
* Backfill s u r c h a r g e and weight balance Amply exceeds that re- the steel shell is not co~trolled in the
downward friction. quired for strength. Tbe ~ a l bel- design for transverse crs~t~-g under
• The weight of mechanical last concrete is the variable factor for hmgitudinal tensile strn~n= It will not
equipment and suspended the weight balance. affectthe hoop resistance ofthe compos-
ceilings. ite ring.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1998 ~LnCO,~DUZmmmm~SPaC~'I'SCmNOLCX~ 131

steel bulkhead
~ ~]oint filledwith ~ - - ~ / DRAINTUBF" \\

exhaust: ~ "~",%.-"~.bulkhead~ t. I ,',tat,*

airducl ~ X ~ Ir "

f' ~ "~-d~d p~, ~ top l~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

":,:'.'~'-';;;,';"~L-:-'-"•. . . . . "'"::'i:!::"':!""

£XTERt0R/ /


Figure 2-6. Typical tremie conerete joint for a double-sheU Figure 2-7. Intermediatsjoint with sliding arrangement
steel tunnel. for a double-steel-shell tunnel.

Generally the steel shell is made the permanent watertight gasket. They gasket, is considered to be the main
fully continuous between the t~mnel can also be ~ e d prior to placement seal. The space between the Gina gas-
and with special joints at the terminal with provisions for in-situ adjustment. ket and the Omega seal is usually
structures (e.g., as for the BART rail- Shear transfor for A r e A l | shear forces drained offto the inside of the ~m-el
way b m n e l in San F r a n d s ~ ) ; or with can be accomplished using shear keys An~mple ofanintermediateflex-
sleeved joints, as recently developed or longitudinally movable dowels in ible joint dmign for concrete ~mnels is
for Boston's Third Harbour ~ m n e l . the base slab area of the joint. shown in Figure 2-8.
The continuity joint is often made Settlement discontinuities often oc- This type of joint can also be used
by a bayonet-type fitting of the shut- cur at the termlnaljoint. Shear fixity for steel bm~els, when flexible joints
ring ends of the interior shells, which is desirable, but the shear force and are required.
are lapped by plates welded to them on resulting bending moment can become The Gina-type gasket acts am a
the inside. Temporary watertightaese very large. To reduce the shear, the flexible joint under c ~ p r e ~ , and
is achieved by tremle concrete between following solutions, or a combination can practically be considered as a hln~e
the shell and a cofferdam formed by the thereof, can be applied: in longitu~nAlmomanttr~-~. Shear
~damplates ~ and side closure plates. * Ground imnrovement, in the case reslsfam~ can be ignored, becanse it
This type of joint is called the ~tremie of soft upper layers. has a tendency to slip a]m~ its base
concrete joint ~ (see Fig. 2-6). under shear deformation. For this
* Delaying the shear connection
until a part ofthe settlement has reasen, sheer ~ ac~se ajoint
5.2 Concrete Tunnels taken place. is not ~,~tsd by propertiee of the Gina
Concrete t-nnels are u s , Ally pro- guket~ but rather bythe allowshle shear
* Readjustment of the tl,nnel el- strain Of the Omega gasket, espedally
vided with permauant flexible joints to evation with rei~eetion of bed-
reduce restraint to temperature con- with regard to its corner section.
clingsand. The extra,or rubber gAAkAt should be
traction and to reduce flexural bend- • Preloeding by internal floodln~.
ing. However, there is an example of placed as much as possible to the out-
a concrete tunnel made monolithic over
side ofthe structure, inorder tokeep the
400 re, but with flexible term~nMjoints. 5.4 Intermediate Flexible Rubber Joint recess between the side and the outside
The type of solid rubber gaskets Design of the g R ~ AIkAIlOW. ~ arrange-
generally used between concrete im- The type ofsolidrubber gasket seine-
meat prevents back~ matedal from
mersion unite normally can provide times referred to as the =Cdna"gasket accumulating gradually and obstruct-
enough flexibility for this purpose with- ing the proper movement of the joint.
is used for pragtically all concrete tun-
out losingtheir sealing capacity. These nels. It is used as a temporary seal at
rubber gaskets only transfer compres- the instal|ation stage and remAinA as a 5.5 Expansion Joints
sion effectively. To prevent shear de- flexible compression joint for the per- These joints are applied in concrete
formation in an intermediate joint, torment stage. The facing t~,nnel ele- t~mnel elements at the location of the
which is desirable for the alignment ment ends are lined with steel plates vertical construction joints. They are
and for seAllngpeformanco, shear keys that are matched as parallel planes basically cold joints without steel rein-
are require& An example of an inter- within ~5 mm tolerance. The gasket is foreement, provided with steel-rub-
m e d i a t e j o i n t for a double-steel- clamped at its backside. The speci- ber flexible waterstope. Special
shell tJmnel is shown in Figure 2-7. fications for material characteris- provisionB are made to enable pressure
tics and geometry are u m ~ n y based grouting acce~ around the waterstop
5.3 Shear Trartster in Intermediate on the l ~ m a n e n t m-~%grequirement the mA~ structural co~crete is
Joints under ~ leng-tmm decompres- hardened. A typical Dutch expansion
sion and ~iAyAtlon of the gasket. Nev- joint is shown in Figure 2-9.
Transfer of large shear forces in ertboLe~__,a second ~ b l e rubber wa- When the t~mnel in its permanent
intermediatejointscanbestbeachieved ter barrier is installed at the inside of comiit~m is subjected to l c ~ ' u d i n a l
by shear keys in the walls that are a curved-slab-type rubber gasket. This curvature, these joints will open at the
made in situ in front of the inner face of gasket, often referred to as the "Omega" ~ausion ~ side. However, tension can-


not be tranafered through these joints. gradually in that direction, the frames pressure distribution. In the case of
This relieves the concrete between the can be analysed with balanced loads. hard subsoil, it is advisable to investi-
exp~nmion joints of longitudinal ten- However, in areas of heavy sur- gate the sensitivity to the spring con-
sion transfer. charge, such as embankments, and, stant, becauso the spring constant can-
especially, near discontinuities of sur- not precisely be d e t e r ~ e d and may
5.6 Final Joint of Concrete Tunnels charge, as well as in aroas of expected vary in time.
redistribution of soil reactions, the ex-
The final joint cannot be made with ternal vertical loads acting on the plane
the intermediate rubber compression 6.1.1 Structural Resistance
frame are not balanced. The shear
joint t h a t is used in the regular Under some national codes, only
forces between the adjacent frames
intermediate joints. Wedges are used the Ultimate T . ~ t State (U.L.S.) is
need to be analysed for these condi-
inside t h e t e m p o r a r y w a t e r t i g h t checked, using the appropriate load
tions. An elastic beam analysis can be
enclosure to maintain the longitudinal and material factors. In U.L.S., the
conducted to determine the longitudi-
compression. reinforcement is yielding.
nal distribution of the vertical subsoil
The joint can be made monolithic, Other codes also require the control
reaction, and the longitudinal shear
with shear trAnAfer provision to the of crack width at the Service Limit
distribution. Theshear forces can then
concrete on one side of the joint and be entered as vertical loads acting along State(S.L.S.). At this state, most of the
with a flexible waterstop on the other the vertical members of the frame. loads are factored by unity, and the
side. In this way, the joint will re- reinforcement is not yielding. The
The application of hydrostatic pres-
eemblethe action of the expsn~ionjoint sure and surcharge loads is straight- m ~ d m u m allowed crack width varies
described in Section 5.5, above. in the different specifications; 0.2 mm
forward. The magnitude of the lat-
An example of a final joint for is usually speeiRed. Protective mem-
eral soil pressure and possible wall
concrete t~m-els is shown in Figure friction caused by the backfill can- branes are not used, in order to allow
2-I0. for greater crack width.
not easily be determlnecL It is best
to assume lower and upper bond val- A d i s t i n c t i o n should be m a d e
6. Structural Analysis for betweenlongib~dinnl cracks caused by
ues to find extreme bending in differ-
Concrete Tunnels ent members of the frame. trAnAverse bending, and transverse
cracks caused by longitudinal action.
6.1 Transverse Analysis In numerical analysis, it is practical
The t r a n s v e r s e cracks will cause
to model an elastic foundation for the leakage.
For the transverse analysis, a con. base with a given spring constant. For
crete t~,nnel can be considered as a An important contribution to the
the soR soil case, the effect on trans- transverse bending moments in S.L.S.
series of plane frames. When the loads verse moment distribution is practi-
and soil reactions are constant in the are the restraint moments caused by a
cally the same as a ,lnlforln. ground
longitudinal direction, or vary only temperature gradient across the thick-
hess of the slabs and walls. The tem-
perature gradient effect is not factored
for the U.L.S. conditio~ Its contribu-
tion to the reinforcement steel stresses
~4m Q~t/r ~ f ~ mtJ~ 00tP~$~ OA~LW should be taken into account.
Special cases of c o n c e n t r a t e d
loads have to be examined. Ex-
amples include t e m p o r a r y jacking
pin supports, the effects of shear
dowels, and discontinuities of cross-
section that occur at the joints.

6.2 Longitudinal Analysis for Concrete


m$~ R ~ II4RF.A~D ~
/ The understanding of the longitu-
dinal performance of concrete tun-
nels is important in view of the rela-
I i
IIMI~q~E~AT[ ~NT tively low tensile strength capacity of
~WAV ~ J ~ V m ~ J m ~ o ~ Jawr
the concrete and the desire to avoid

I ..... J~'\\\\\'~

i I"- . . . . kx.\\\\\\\~

o __
m mmN~

Figure 2-8. Intermediate flexible joint for concrete Figure 2-9. Typical Dutch expansion joint.
tunnels (Dutch solution).

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 TtmN~.WO~'~DUI~Sm~OUSDSP~ ~ 133

Figure 2-10. Example of about 10 m m of joints positioned at
of the final joint for 100-m intervals.
/ concrete tunnels. A n-merical example of concrete com-
pression, based on the use of a rubber
compression joint, is shown below:
f o r D (avg.) = 20 m:
~ f c (avg.)= 20 x 0,024 = 0.48 Mpa
long4~anfc(avg.) = 0,5 x0,48=0~4Mpa*
f o r D (avg.) = 6 m ( n e a r s h a l l o w e n d
of a t u n n e l ) :
long-term fc (avg.) = 0,5 x 6 x 0,024
= 0,072 Mpa*
*the factor 0,5 is estimated
It is notedthat the compressive stress
in the concrete by the hydrostatic com-
pression, although very Sma11~is suffi-
I d e n t to keep the joints sealed.
Because the rubber joints are flex-
ible, the restraint to longitudinal strain
of the tunnel elements is practically

6.2.2 Concrete stresses by

yempereture deformations

l 1 The relevant temperature changes

of the concrete are of a seasonal nature.
At the time ofinstadlation, the whole of
the structure canbe assumed to be the
same temperature as the surrounding
The temperature changes of the con-
transverse cracks. It has been shown Losses of the fixed hydrostatic com- crete a r e u ~ , a " y specified in two parts:
that these cracks can indeed be avoided. pression. Losses ofthe fixed hydrostatic 1. An o v e r a l l i n c r e a s e or de-
The effects of hydrostatic compres- compression are caused by tinm4iepen- c r e a s e , r e l a t i v e to t h e a m b i e n t
sion, t e m p e r a t u r e stresses and longi- dent relaxation of rubber compression ground water, with a range ~ o m
tudinal bending on the longitudinal joints and short~nlng of concrete, caus- 15°C to + 10°C.
concrete stresses are explained below tug decompression of the joint. 2. A so-callad ~gradient" over the
with numerical examples. The degree of re]sTation of the rub- thickness of a wall or slab, which is a
bet compression joints varies with the linear temperature variation from 0°C
6.2.1 LongRudinal hydrostatic characteristics of the selected type and on the outside to ± 1O°C on the inside.
compression the range of compression. Generally This gradient can be split in an overall
the loss will be about 50% of the initial increase or decrease of S°C, to be added
The longitudinal hydrostatic com-
pression force in any vertical section of comprl~Bslon. to (1), above, and a linear variation
Typical performnn~e rates for flex- over the thickness from -5°C to +5°C,
the t u n n e l is equal to t h e w a t e r
ible rubber compression ga~kete used or vic~versa.
pressure t h a t would act at the aver-
age depth, D (avg.), of t h a t section as intermediate joints are shown in The overall increase or decrease of
Figure 2-11. the t e m p e r a t u r e of t h e s t r u c t u r e
times the gross area of t h a t section.
With the simplified assumption that Shortening of the concrete can be will lead to longitudinal deforma-
caused by shrinkage and tempera- tion. For tunnels with monolithic
the ratio between the gross area and
the concrete a r e a is equal to the ture deformation. Creep of the con- intermediate joints between the ter-
r a t i o of t h e densities of concrete crete can be practically ignored. minals, this could lead to concrete
and water, a simple expression for The concrete codes do not provide stresses in the range of the tensile
proper parameters to determine the strength or yielding of the vertical
the average concrete stress is:
shrinkage strain for thick-waned con- joints.
fc (avg.) ffiD (avg.) * 0,024 Mpa, (D in m) crete members of immersed concrete "l~mnels with intermediate flexible
The longitudinal hydrostatic com- tamnelS. If calculated according the compression joints are not restrained
pression force will follow the changes FIP-CEB model code, a very small to longitudina! deformation of the con-
in water depth (e.g., by the tide), as strain is found. The shrinkage strain crete, but the flexible joints will react
long as the immersed part of the ta~n . el is not restrained when flexible inter- with a minor increase or decrease of
has a free end and friction between the mediate joints are u~lim~l, but the common.
free end and the section under consid- resulting decompression of these joints The linear temperature variation
eration can be ignored. will cause a m ; - o r loss of the locked-in over the tl~ekn~_ of a wall or slab of
The hydrostatic compression will be compression force. +5°C to-5°C willcauasbending stresses
fixed as soon as the t~mnel is closed In The Netherlands, the ghrinka~ varyingfrom-l.O Mpato+l.0 Mpaover
between the terminal structures. strain is ignored for t~m-els in which the thickness of a concrete wall or slab.
The compression is assumed to act the concrete is directly exposed at the Although ~mAll, these S ~ are a
at the center of the structure when outside. magnitude larger t h a n the hydrostatic
flexible i n t e r m e d i a t e compression Temperature deformation caused by precompression. On the outside, there
joints are used. a temperature decrease of the t~mnel will be tension in the summer and
by 10°C. would cause a demmpression compression in the winter.

134 Tumv~a.mG ANDUNDmamOUNDSP~Z T~amOLOOY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

The stress diagrams of Figure 2-12 MA~dmum bending manco. However, special attention
deady showthatthe tomperetore varh- stress: fc (~a=) = should be paid to the watertightness
tions will not cause transverse cracks. 2.04 Mpa of the construction joints of mono-
lithic t~,nnel elements, as is also the
This simple calculation shows that a case for expansion joints. In addition,
6.2.3 Longitudinal bending range of 50 mY- of such ~ t i s l w a t e r t i g h t enveloping m e m b r a n e s
Discontinuity of surcharge and dis- settlement can cause nmnolithic t-nnel may require special attention at the
continuity of settlement have the s~me elements to crack transversely. These construction joints, to keep them wa-
effect. They cause longitudinal bend- cracks wenld be full-depthover thethick- tertight in case of yielding of the con-
ingofthetunnel, which canbe analysed heSS of the base slab and the wails. ~h-ction joint.
as a beam on elastic f o ~ d a t i o ~ While it is preferable to prevent
The large beam stiffness of the tun- forced deformations of such m%~nituds,
nel leads to high shear force and bend- sometimes it c~-not be avoided. Con- 6.2.4 Temporary construction loads
ing moment response to longitudinal troll;ng the width of such cracks by The effects of temporary construc-
bending. This is illustrated by the longitudinal reinforcement will not tion loads are of a temporary nature
following theoretical example for a provide ductility of the t~nnel element only. The tnnnel elements are not
monolithic t1~nnel element (not seg- as a whole; furthermore, it is not eco- ,mJformly loaded during the transpor-
mented) that wants to settle 50 mm~ nomical. However, tranverse cracksin tation and Jmmorsion stages.
but has shear restraint at one end the concrete can be avoided by provid- The tsmporary bey dJn~ mommlts for
(which could be the terminal joint). ing ductility at the construction joints. a t - n n d element 120 m long for the
The joint is flexible for rotation. The Because the vertical construction given ezample are in the range of 50 to
main variable is the spring constant of joint c~nnot transfer concrete t~n~le 100 MN/m, c a t u d ~ cc~crets stresses in
the subgrade reaction. stresses, it will crack at an early stage. the range of 0,15 Mpa to 0,30 M I ~ The
For this example, Ko ffi 2 MN/m a is The l o n g i t u d i n a l r e i n f o r c e m e n t longito,];-~| bena;n~ would increase
used, corresponding to a deflection of through the joint should not yield with ;ne~esed t.~,nn,d element length
0,05 m under a pressure of 0.1 Mpa (or within the expected b e n d ~ g range, and by long waves, in the case of sea
10 t/m ~, as could be caused by heavy which should be safely below the bend- transportation.
surcharge). ing capacity of the tmcracked concrete. For monolithic ~ m . e l elements,
i~gure2-13shows ane~,~le di~gi. Beyond that range, the joint should the steel reinforcement stresses
m~.AI a-~tysis for the response of c ~ - yield, and thereby provide sufllcient must be safely in the e|A~dc range.
crete b,nnets to unequal settlement. rotation capacity to avoid an increase For bmnel elements with expansion
in tensile stresses in the uncracked joints, temporary longitudinal pre-
Example calculation: concrete. The resistance ofthelongitu- stressing is usually applied at the
External d i n a l r e i n f o r c e m e n t will not be condition that the concrete will not
cross-section: hf8m, mob'dised, except in the joints. The receive tensile stresses.
b=30m concrete will not craclL
Modulus of Inertia: I = 1.200 m ' If the spring constant in the above 6.2.5 Longitudinal reinforcement
Section modulus: S = 300 m s ~ A ~ l e were four times higher, or if it The longitudinal concrete stresses
Elastic modulus: E = 2.10~Mpa were the same but the undisturbed are very ~ a l l ~ The necossm7 ductility
Spring constant: K=koxb M t t l e ~ x e ~ t w a s l J m J f ~ t o 25 ram; the
should be provided by the intermedi-
=2x30 mA~mum bending mmnent would enly ate joints and expR-~onl or construe-
= 60 MN/m = be 300 MN/m and the ~ - ~ d ~ u n con- tionjoints. If, instead, the longitudinal
Characteristic length: 1o = 35.5 m crete tensile stress would be 1.0 Mpa. r e i n f o r c e m e n t of the homogenous
Thereinforcomentthrenghtheconstruc- sections would have to be activated
Undisturbed tion joint could then be 0.2~ % of the
settlement: Yo ffi 0,05 m for t h e longitudinal ductility, the
concrete area, without yield;n~ of the concrete of these sections could be
M ~ d m u m shear joint.
force (at fixed end): subjected to full-depth cracks.
Vm~t ~ Monolithic concrete tunnel ele- The longitudinal reinforcement is
2 E1 x Yo/lo s ments can be designed with a rela-
=53MN designed to act as secondary relnferc~
tively low amount of longitudinal re- ment to the main transverse rein-
M~=imum bending moment inforcement (~Jmi|ar to concrete tun-
(at 3/4 le from fixed end): forcement or as m;nJrnu.ul 1-e~.~orce-
nel elements with expansion joints), m e n t for two-way slabs and wA]]a,
M ffi 0,322 l o x V ffi without the risk of concrete cracks in compliance with the applicable
ffi 612 MN/m resulting from the in- situ perfor- concrete codes. This usually re-
sults in a longitudinal reinforcement
of about 0 ~ percent of the total con-
crete area, for a reinforcement yield
Figure 2-11. Typical stress of 500 N/ram=. This same per-
performance of flexible contage, applied to the construction
rubber compression joint, would limit the v~nYJmtuntAn~|e
gaskets used for stress in the concrete lz~wesn these

I lJ L--
I // ,
intermediate joints. joints to about bMfthe ultimato tensile

6.2.6 Permanent longitudinal

- 111 11~l~. I~IIENT Longitudin~ prestressing is not an
effective way to economJRe in the de-
sign of the cross-section of concrete
jn~n'tm'sed t~lnnA1R) aS it is for m a n y
2 3 4 II II 7 • • other structures. It must be applied
-~;formly over the depth of a bmneL

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T~msoLoo~ 135

C~NCL~11[ $'i"tq~ ll~ 11~mN~L ZTIT~IEZ3~'T1E
11E~PERA~JI~ 11DA~B~KIN[ AN0 ~ N .

i I

. . . . . . . . . . . . . I

~ -~.o ~ ,, ~ ¥ m~ * L~

Figure 2.12. Diagrams of concrete temperature and Figure 2-13. Examples of longitudinal analysis of the
stresses for summer and winter, valid for tunnels with response of concrete tunnels to unequal settlement.
flexible intermediate joints.

As can be seen from the previous filled without m y t h difference in the However, in this t~l--A1 the design was
e x a m p l e of l o n g i t u d i n a l b e n d i n g basic structural sectio~ In contrast, based on a launched A ! ~ t because
a n a l y s i s , t h e p r e s t r e s s levels re- the fabrication of steel shell elements the expectation had been that the ele-
quired would be very moderato. The involves a structure that undergoss a ments would be c o ~ t r o z t s d in the con-
longitudinal prestress can be used series of stages, each involving a basi- ventional way with o u t f i t t i ~ b e i ~ done
to allow higher loagituai-~! bena~ng cally different structure. in flotation. Boston's Third Harbor
loads, causing tensile stresses. I f The description below applies to ~ m n e l is currently being considered
concrete t e n s i l e s t r e s s e s a r e not double-steel-shell type structures. The inthe same di-ydock, slthou~very]itt]e
allowed to occur, as is often speci- structural concept is simpler for the of the interior concrete will be placed
fied in the case of prestressing ap- single.hell type t-nnAl because there prior to floatl-g out.
plication, more prestress would be is no exterior concrete, other t h a n bal- During fabrication, each steel bin-
needed to c o m p e n s a t e the tensile last concrete on the roof. However, the ool]A,.ormonoc-lR,.module (about eight
strength of the concrete in the operat- s i n g l ~ - s h e l l t - ~ - e l u n d e r g o e s the modules per element) mtmt be sup-
ing condition. same stages ofbasically different struc- ported adequately to avoid distortion
Longitudinal prestress should be tures. Bocause this type of shell has no or local buckling. In some cases,
applied to increase the tension and e x t e r ~ diaphag~, temp~ary inter- interior aspiders ~ m a y be required
bending capacity of the vertical con- hal spiderframes are u ~ l ; ~ L In the to maintain the roundness of the shell
structlonjoints, in particular, to a level case of double-tube shells, tempo- plate. Accurate roundness must be
where these joints will not open under r a r y longitudinal t r u s s e s also are maintained to assure a --~form thick-
certain extreme conditions such as utilised in the middle. hess of the interior ring concrete. This
earthquakes. The homogeneous con- The structural stages are: is critical to the eventual structural
crete sections are always stronger t h a n Stage 1: Fabrication and launch- integrity of the elements when it is
the construction joints because of their ing. bacir611ed.
inherent tensile strength. Stage 2: Internal ontfiWmg with A portion of the exterior concrete
A typical , ~ , m g l e of longitudinal concrete. about 1.5 m thick, ~ l l e d the ~zeel," is
prestressing is Tokyo's TAmA River Stage3: F i n a l c o n d i t i o n a f t e r placed in the bottom of the formplate
rr~'nnel, which i8 located in an active back~llJng in place. prior to launch. This provides protec-
earthquake zono. The t, mnelelements tion for the bottom of the element dur-
were longitudinally prestressed in ad- Each of these stages is described in
ing launch, as well as stability during
dition to the longitudinal reinforc~ detail below.
towing. After this concrete is placed,
ment. Special prestressing tendons the loads of the element are trans-
were installed and stressed in-situ 7.1 Stage 1: FabficaUon and ferred tolaunchJn~ sleds or, in the case
to act as a flexible tie across the Launching of end-launching, fore and aft poppets
intermediate joints with rubber During Stage 1, the loads on the prior to launching. The shell and dia-
c o m p r e s s i o n g a s k e t s . The T a m a structure are largely a function of the phragms m a y require reinforcements
River ~ m - e l is also provided with a method of support and launrhin~, i f in either case.
watertight enveloping membrane. the element is to be c o n s t r u e t ~ on The keel conorete is considered to be
shipways. It m a y be launched side- a longitudinal b e a m acfin~ with the
7. Structural Analysis for ways, or end-launched in either a con- stiffened shell plate and diaphragms.
C o m p o s i t e Steel Shell T u n n e l s trolled or uncontrolled launching. The water pressures, both static and
As a recent e~Ampla, the elements of dynamic, which will occur during
The design of steel shell i m - ~ s e d launch m u s t also be determined and
b In Ir-~la(11"~]B¢fronl concrete b ( ~ b In n A]B the 1-664 r1~Innelin Hampton Road,
Virginia (U.S-~) were c o ~ in a accounted for.
because ofthe -~--~r oftheizconstruc- While the basic design of the ele-
t i o - Conorete box b,-,mls ere cast in a drydock and flontedont. In thJa case, all
of the interior concrete was ments takesinto account sc~ne expocted
basin, floatod, a n d t h ~ ~ emdback- Is.n~hJng loads, the contractor must
prior to in~.altln~ the end ]~allbheads.

136 ANDUNVZSa~OVNDSPAC~ TZCSNOLOGY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

be made responsible for checking the ment sequence; it generally becomes facilitate otherwise very difficult, or
element det~ih for the preposed methed most critical during the placement of perhaps even impossible, calculations.
ofsupportln~ and launching, and must the heavy haunch sections. Thank~ to the availability ofrelativaly
provide w h a t e v e r additional rein- Longitudinal loads are resisted by inexpensive, accurate, and easy-to-use
forcement t h a t may be required. the shell plate and the radial stiffen- computer s o , w a r e such as ~ A A D M ,
Towing may impose longitudinsl ers. Stress enalysis for critical com- STRUDL and others, the structure may
stresses on the steel element. Ofl~n pressive stress for buclrlJn~ of curved be modelled to the exact shape of the
the practice has been to tow the ele- panels under nnlform compression are proposed t, mnal. Because the location
ment under its own flotation, because used to determine moment capacity ofthe frame line, the cross-section area,
the drait of an element not outfitted al~er applying a suitable safety factor. and the moment of inertia are allinter-
with interior concrete end the remain- The local buckling of the shell is related and affect the results (moments,
der of the exterior concrete is only investigated for leading in torsion end shears, axial loads end deformations),
about 2-3 m If the d e m e n t s are to transverse shear. Bucklln~ofthe arch an iterative design approach is neces-
be towed in ocean waters, the height between stiffeners is investigated. sary. Using such an approach, a series
of long periodic swells becomes im- The shell plate end longitudinal stiff- ofcomputor ~InA are made, each using
portant, because the swells impose eners are considered as a cylindri- information from the previous run, to
signlficent longitudinal bending m ~ cal shell s p a n n i n g b e t w e e n dia- modify frame line location and mem-
ments. Unless accounted for, these phragms. The shell plate alone can ber properties, thereby converging on
bending moments could cause buck- r e s i s t w a t e r p r e s s u r e as a r i n g an accurate and economical solution.
ling of the top shell. structure and a cylindrical beam. For the prellmlnary design, the to-
Recently the practice has been to Assumptions are made r e g a r d i n g tal thickness of tlmnel walls may be
tow elements on large offshore con- how these loads are distributed be- based on previous experience or very
struction barges in order to reduce thiA tween the shell and the stiffeners. rough hand-calculations. The t~mnel
effect, when ocean towing is required. The diaphragmis designed as a ring is drawn accurately and the frame line
structure, with its ends RYed in the is laid out by "eye" or judgment, more
7.2 Stage 2: Intemal Outfitting with keel concrete. The effective width of or less along the mid-thickness of tun-
Concrete the shell plate, which acts with each nel walls, discounting exterior tremie
diaphragm, is dete~rnlned as a func- concrete.
During outfitting, the losaln~ condi- tion of the centerline radius of the shell Coordinates ofselected ~joints" along
tions on the shell change with each end its thickness. the frame line can be very conveniently
concrete placement. At first, the ele- obtained if the work is done by CADD
ment is supported nnlform]y as it floats drafting. Using the resnlts ofthis first
with a constant drait. The end bulk- 7.3 Stage 3: Final Condition after
Backfilling in Place run, the design engineer can propor-
heads are quite heavy end impose a tion steel end concrete depths end thick-
hogging moment on the element. As Th~ final transverse analysis stage nesses based on stress analysis, end
sections of the interior cencrete are considers that the ~ I n n ~ is completed obtain new section properties. These
placed, additionalmoments areimposed and fully back~lled end is subjected to data are used in turn as input for a
on the shell. The sequence is designed a series of loading combinations, second, more refined computer analy-
to counteract the hogging effect and listed below. sis, wherein the frame line is located at
reduce its deflection so that at the B e n d i n g m o m e n t s and d i r e c t the center of gravity of the gross
end, the element is as straight as stresses are computed on the basis of composite section and member proper-
possible. six superimposed loading conditions: ties are based on the same.
As the concrete weight is added, the 1. Uniformly distributed loading-- This process is repeated until the
element sinks lower in the water, top. designer is s a ~ R e d that changes re-
t h e r e b y imposing t r a n s v e r s e mo- 2. Uniformly distributed loading-- suiting from further refinement are
ments on the shell plate and diaphragn~ side. negiigible. Theoret~tlly, the final com-
The formplate does not take any of this 3. Triangl,IAr side leading. puter run should be based on a frame
load, as the water is allowed into the 4. Loading from exterior u p p e r line correepond;n~to the center of grav-
pockets between the shell end the form quadrents. ity of the cracked section, end member
plates. The only exception occurs at 5. Buoyancy forces. properties, area, end moment of iner-
the end pockets between the dam plate 6. Water surcharge. tia are based on the same.
(extension of the b,dkhead) end the It should be kept in mind that the
first diaphragms. These pockets are Generally, the effect of these load- composite three-dlm~nsional ~lnnel
filled with structural concrete, placed ing combinations results in a moment structure with variations in leadings is
in the dry, to help resist the large forces diagram with negative values (tension extremely complex. The goal of the
that act on the joint during dewater- on the outside) near the center wall on enalysis should be to determine an
ing. Typically the shell plate is de- the top end bottom end in the central envelope o f m i ~ m m n m o m e n t s , shears
signed to take the water pressure as portion of the exterior walls; and posi- end RffiJRIloads so that all possibilities
the outfitting progresses. tive values (tension on the inside) in of overstress are @lJmln~ted. For ex-
The placing sequence is deterTnlned the regions in between. This is some- ample, gross section properties may
by the engineer as a reasonable volnme what Rimilar to the moment diagram result from maTimuln effect at one
that can be placed while limiting the for a two-cell rectangular box loaded location end mlnimqm effect at en-
moments and shears in the exposed top and bottom, as might be expected. other, whereas thecracked sectionmay
shell plate. The concrete placement Axial thrusts act in addition to the show the reverse. This approach, in-
should be symmetrical about the moments end are caused by overbur- conceivable in the past, is not at all
transverse end longitudinal center- den and side pressures. These have difficult today with the help of clever
lines of the element. As the head of the effectofredu~n~the tensile stresses computer programming,
water increases on the shell plate, the caused by bending, while increasing Future enalysis methods may make
ciro,meerential moments must be re- the compressive stresses. use o f t h r e ~ ; n ~ n m n u a l finite element
sisted by the diaphragms and shells Before computers became readily modeling. This will be partio,lnrly in-
embedded end, therefore, fixed in the available, the t~lnnel configuration terea~n~ in the nn~lysi8 of ]oadJn~8
keel concrete. This condition must be assumed for analysis was simplified to such as ship collision, enchor dragging,
ckecked for each stage of the place- circular or elliptical shapes in order to

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 ~ 137

and internal explosion. The longitudi- For reference II, only the ultimate- crete to avoid mechanicaldsmage to the
nal distributionof these loads is other- limit state factors are given. However, structural concrete. Dragging anchor
wise very difficultto determine. service-llmltstate verificationis also loads of this m_agnitude normally can be
donein view ofwatertightness require- resisted by the available friction of the
7.4 Field Measurements ments; for example, temperature re- foundation.
straint has to be considered.
The final assessment of any design
as complex as t h a t for immersed ele- 8.2.3 Flooding of tunnels
ments can only be made on the basis of 8.2 Accidental Loads The probability of internal flood-
field measurements. To our knowl- Accidental loads to be considered ing is very small during the opera-
edge, this has never been done for steel m a y include: tional life of the blnnel. However, it
shell tunnels in any sophisticated way. I. S~lnken ship loads. makes sense to investigate this type of
It has been proposed that strain 2. D r o p p i n g or d r a g g i n g s h i p s incident in the light of possible unde-
gauges be attached to the diaphragms anchors. sirable settlements.
and interior reinforcing steel of the 3. Flooding of the tnnnel.
Third Harbor Tnnnel in Boston, Mas- 4. Internal explosion loads. 8.2.4 Internal explosion loads
sachusetts (U.S.A.) at various loca- The probability and extent of inter-
tions, r e p r e s e n t a t i v e of t h e wide These loads are subject to dif-
nal explosion loads depends very much
range of imposed loading conditions ferent probability for each project.
on how the tunnelis to be used. Arecent
that exist for this tunnel. If this They are usually specified as deter-
example is a t.llnnelin Belgium, located
program goes forward, the results mlnlstic loads, corresponding to an
near an industrial area, which has
obtained will increase our under- excedance probability of 10 4 per
been designed for an internal expl~
standing of the structural action of year. Increases in working stresses
slon pressure of 4 bar. This require-
steel shell ~innels and could lead to are usually allowed.
m e n t s u b s t a n t i a l l y i n c r e a s e d the
better, more economical designs in The discussion ofearthq-Mce load-
amount of transverse reinforcement
the future. ingis considered to be beyond the scope
of this report. Tmrnersed tllnne18 have needed.
In the future, where unique condi-
tions exist or, in general, where value withstood major earthquakes success-
can be gained from similar measure- fully. Ample experience with earth- 9. Typical Material Specifications
ments of the action oflmmersed tlmnel quake design for steel shell and con- 9.1 Structural Concrete for Concrete
elements, there m a y be merit in in- crete tunnels exists in the U . S . ~ and Tunnels
clnding test programs of this type in Japan.
the construction bid packages. Although specifications vary con-
siderably worldwide, a distinction
8.2.1 Sunken ship loads can be m a d e b e t w e e n two m a i n
8. Loadings For imrnm~Jed toxmels in sof~ grotmd, groups of specifications. One group
8.1 Loading Combinations and the tunnel may respond more rigidly of contractors tends to use highway
Allowable Stress Increments than the adjacent bae.kRlL This can be structure codes, which usually specify
accounted for in the load to be speci- high-grade concretes, with character-
An indication of the types of loads fied, usually as a uniform load over a
and their comb/nations used for the istic strength in the range of 40 Mpa,
mlnlmuln area. For the design of an and with d u r a b i l i t y r e q u i r e m e n t s
design oflmmersed elements is given in immersed tnnnel across the Great Belt
Table I. The table,based on data pro- associated with sulphate attack. The
in Denmark, which is an international latter requirements generally lead to
vided from the U.S.A., Japan, and The waterway used by very large vessels,
Netherlands, isnot exhaustive. Itshould the use of sulphate-resisting cement or
the specification was 100 kN/m ~ over Portland cement to which pulverised
be noted that the factors given in the 250 m 2.
table are based entirely on the specific fly ash (p.f.a.) has been added.
project conditions and requirements. The use of silicafumes with p.f.a.
The reference projects in the table 8.2.2 Dropping and dragging a n d P o r t l a n d c e m e n t concrete is
relate to t~lnnels of widely differing anchors being considered in some countries.
structural nature. They are intended Tmmersedtnnnels aregenerallycov- The other group, of which The
to provide an understanding of the ered with a protective concrete layer on Netherlands are typically representa-
range of values for loading conditions the roof. For navigation conditions, tive, use lower-grade concrete, with
t h a t are encountered in immersed tun- protective stone cover is also applied. the emphasis on construction crack
he1 design(s). The energy of an object free fall- avoidance, low permeability, and chlo-
The three reference projects used in ing in water has to be absorbed by ride penetration resistance. Water-
the table are: the stone cover and partlyby the crush- tight membranes are not used.
ing of the concrete cover layer. The A typical concrete specification
I: A steel shell traffic tunnel for Dutch irnme~ted tunnels is:
(Third Harbor ~ m n e l , Boston, structural roof load is related to the
impact pattern. This factor can usu- Characteristic
Massachusetts, U.S.A.) strength: 22.5 Mpa
ally be accommodated without addi-
Ha: A longitudinally prestressed Cement types:Dutch blast furnace
tional reinforcement.
reinforced concrete traffic tun-
The lateral load of a dragging an- cement (more
nel with waterproofing mem- chor hoolr/n~ bahlnd the edge of the than 65% slag)
b r a n e ( T a m a River Tunnel, tunnel roof can be derived from the
Japan). Max. cement
effective anchor-rope-breaking content: 2 75 k g / m 8
Hb: A reinforced concrete railway loads. For large vessels, the load can
tunnel with waterproofing Max. water/
be in the r~nge of 3000 kN, actln~ as cement ratio: 0.5
m e m b r a n e (Keyo-Line Daiba low as 4 m below the rooftop, de-
~ m n e l , Japan). penRin S on the type of bottom mate- Permeability: Less than 20 ~ m in
HI: A typical Dutch reinforced con- rial. The upper p a r t of the walls penetration test,
crete traffic t~mnel ('I%nnel De should be provided with cover con- according to DIN
Noord). 1048

138 TUNNY.T.TJN(~ANDUNDF.][~,OU~'DSPAC~ TF.C~;]NOLOGY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Table 2-1. Indication of allowable stress increments or load factors for loading combinations~

Type of Structure

Ill (F):
I (S): Steel II (S): Reinforced Reinforced
shell traffic concrete tunnel concrete
tunnel with waterproofing traffic tunnel
Stress Increments (S) or Load Factor (F) (U.S.A.) membrane (Japan) (Netherlands)

A. BASE LOADING 1.00 1.00 1.5*

Unfavorable combination of:
• Dead load
• Backfill
• Surcharge and live load
• lateral earth pressure
• Water pressure at mean high or low water


B1. Extreme high water 1.25 1.5 m
B2. Anchor dragging or dropping 1.25
B3. Sunken ship load 1.25
B4 Temperature restraints
B5. Unequal settlements 1.00
B6. Temperature restraints and unequal settlements 1.15
B7. Intemal explosion 1.0
B8. Earthquake, unequal settlement 1.50
B9. Earthquake, temperature restraints, unequal settlements 1.65
BIO. Erection condition 1.30

NOTE: A dash Indicates that this aspect is known not to be reviewed, or Is not critical.
* Refers to Dutch practice: the load factor used for the ultimate limit state is 1.7, reduced for the material factor incorporated.
** The factor 1.30 also Includes extremely high water.
**• 1.4 * A + 1.15 * B1.

9.2 Matedals for Steel Shell Tunnels Cement Fly ash: will be substi-
Typical material specifications for content: 565-610 lbs/yd, a tuted for 5% of
structural concrete and structural Water~cement the cement for
steel, as presently used in the U.S.A., rat/o: 0.48-0.50, de- all concrete.
are: pemd~ngon size Structural steel: ASTM Grade
of aggregate A36 (mild steel
S t r u c t u r a l concrete: Slump: 2 in.-5 i~ with 36,000 psi
Strength: 4,000 psi (also for Permeability: 2,000 coulombs YP)
tremie concrete) per 6 hours, Reinforcing
Cement: Portland Cement: where tested per steel: AASHTO M31
AASHTO M85, Type AASHTO T-277 Grade 60 (60,000
I orH p=yp)

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tu~w3.~o~mU~SPA~ T~mNo~Gv 139

Chapter 3:



Ingenieursburo Ir. V. L. Molenaar The Netherlands

Contributions and comments by:

W. C. Grantz U.S.A.
A. Gursoy U.S.A.
Chr. J. A. Hakkaart The Netherlands
P. C. van Milligen The Netherlands
G. H. van Raalte The Netherlands

Tunnelfing and UndergroundSpace Technolog%Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 141-159, 1993. 0886-7798/93 $6.00 + .00
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 141
Chapter 3: Construction Techniques



2.1 Concrete Tunnels
2.2 Steel Tunnels
2.3 Comparison
2.4 Floating Tunnels


3.1 Introduction and Set-Up
3.2 Hydraulic Aspects
3.2.1 Data collection and methodology
3.2.2 Current velocity and directions
3.2.3 Specific gravity
3.2.4 Tidal effects
3.2.5 Waves, swell and surf
3.2.6. Sedimentation
3.2.7. Other river and/or sea characteristics and obstacles
3.2.8. Hydraulic models
3.3 Meteorological Aspects
3.3.1 Data collection and methodology
3.3.2 Wind
3.3.3 Temperature
3.3.4 Visibility
3.3.5 Other meteorological matters
3.4 Shipping/Navigation
3.4.1 Ship movements during marine activities
3.4.2 Suction caused by ships
3.4.3 Navigational depth and clearance requirements
3.5 Soil Investigation
3.5.1 Data collection and methodology
3.5.2 Trench dredging
3.5.3 Settlement
3.6 Seismic Aspects
3.7 Fabrication Sites


4.1 General
4.2 Geotechnical, Hydraulic and Environmental Conditions
4.3 Criteria Related to the Trench
4.4 Evaluation of the Dredging Process; Technical Options
4.5 Selection of the Optimal Solution


5.1 Construction of the Tunnel Elements
5.1.1 General considerations
5.1.2 Steel option
5.1.3 Concrete option

142 UNvm~zou~v S~xcz T~m~o~Y Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

5.2 Fini~h;-g Jetty
5.3 Transport of the ~1-nel Elements
5.4 Immersing
5.4.1 General matters
5.4.2 Vertical control Steel tunnel elements Concrete tunnel elements
5.4.3 Horizontal control
5.4.4 Other equipment-related options
5.5 Positioning
5.6 Tunnel Foundation
5.6.1 General information
5.6.2 Screeded gravel bed
5.6.3 Sand-jetting foundation
5.6.4 Sand-flow system
5.6.5 Cle~nlng of the trench

6.1 Quality Control
6.2 Risks
6.2.1 General considerations
6.2.2 Time schedule
6.2.3 Costs
6.3 Project Management
6.4 Project Financing

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Ttml~x.wa~UNDm~mOtmDSP,~.CE ~ 143

O. Executive Summary mentation ofthese data. A s n m m a r y of less the same way. This chapter does
A number of techniques are avail- required data and relevant techniques not provide extensive details on the
able for the construction of t~mnels. In is given in Section 5, which discusses execution offloatingt~mnels, but rather
comparison to bored tllnnels, immersed construction techniques. deals with construction applications
tube tunnels have a number of advan- The availabilityof sufficientdata, on existing projects.
tages. The construction time can be techniques and skilledpersonnel, sup- A special section on dredging and
shorter, and the risk in terms of time ported by a strong organisation and its environmental impacts (see Section
and cost overruns may be lower. Delays good commujnication, is an additional 4) is included because of the increasing
can be neutralised, for example, by ac- factor in determining the success of a awareness of the interaction between
celeratlngcertain activitiesor by using project. Whatever the legal and con- the ecological process and dredging ac-
additional equipment--measures that tractualrelationshipsbetween the par- tivities. Examples for predicting and
are dlitlcult, if not impossible, to use in ties involved, the organisation on the controlling these environmental im-
construction of bored tllnnels. sitemust be directand open. All main pacts are given.
As the constructionoflrnrnersed tube parties involved should have access to This chapter does not deal with all
tunnels has increased considerably relevant information and should have r e l e v a n t c o n s t r u c t i o n techniques.
worldwide, the Dumber of parties in- input in the decision-making process. Watertightness and structural aspects,
volved in such construction has in- W h e n the guidelines described in for eTample, are covered in other chap-
creased proportionally. For those in- this chapter are properly followed,the ters of the report (see Chapters 2 and 4,
volved for the first time on such projects, resultshould be a successfuloperation respectively).
the specific implications of this technol- for all parties involved, resulting in No judgment of the various tech-
ogy may pose difficulties. This situation few, ff any, cost and time overruns. uiques has been made, because such
can lead to an increased risk of acci- judgments are beyond the scope of this
dents, delays and cost over~m~ 1. Introduction report. Construction techniques can
This chapter snmmarises m a n y key be judged only when all conditions,
The construction of immersed tube criteria, and requirements for the spe-
aspects of immersed tube tnnnel tech- tunnels is arguably one of the most
nology. A n integrated design and con- ciilc project are known. A stated pref-
fascinating civil engineering achieve- erence for a specific technique m a y
struction process is essential to the ments, because of the wide variety of
success ofthe project,as isthe involve- lead to the wrong conclusion for a par-
construction techniques t h a t are used ticular project.
ment of experienced and capable staff. and the many challenges posed by ex-
The construction techniques are ternal conditions.
very m u c h influenced by the specific The construction of concrete or steel 2. Characteristics and Types of
environmental conditions and require- tunnel elements of high quality and Immersed Tube Tunnels
ments of the project. This means that accuracy, the necessity for" precise 2.1 Concrete Tunnels
great care must be given to the investi- dredging, the preparation of the foun-
gations and survey of environm~.ntal The two basic types of immArsed
dation, and a number of sophisticated
conditions, e.g., hydraulic conditions, tube tunnels are concrete tunnels and
marine operations for placing the tun-
weather conditions and geetechnlcal steel tunnels.
he1 elements require professional en-
conditions. Often the effects of these Concrete immersed tube ~ u n e l s
gineering skills and experience, as well
conditions are interrelated and, thus, have their roots in Europe. More t h a n
as sophisticated equipment. The con-
decisive for beth the construction meth- half a century ago, the first European
struction techniques selected often
ods and the design. immersed tube tunnel was built in
have an important effect on the design
The dredging and backtilllng of a of the tunnel. Rotterdam (The Netherlands). Since
trench constitute an essential part of then, the construction methods have
Within the scope of the report by the
the construction oflmmersed tube tun- c o n s i d e r a b l y been simplified and
International ~1~mnelling Association' s
nels. The effects of this work on the optlmi~d. Today, about three dozen
Working Group on Immersed and Float-
environment m a y temporarily change concrete tunnels have been built all
ing Tunnels, this chapter covers the
the ecological and biological conditions over the world. The majority of con-
various construction techniques related
on the site, or even elsewhere. These crete immersed tube tnnnels have been
to the different types oflmmersod tube
effects can be positive or negative. In built in Europe, and half of those in
tunnels. The various conditions t h a t
any case, the impact ofthis activity can The Netherlands.
m a y be encountered, and the various
be controlled by proper preparations The muin principle of a concrete
options available to deal with these
and an intelligent selection of dredging Jmmerse~ tunnel is t h a t the tunnel
conditions, are discussed. No specific
techniques, adapted to the circum- recommendations are made with re- e l e m e n t s a r e m a d e of reinforced
stances and criteria for the particular concrete, which serves for structural
gard to the working methods to be
project. On a nnmher of recent projects, selected under various circumstances, p u r p o s e s as well as for b a l l a s t .
the presumed contnmlnating effects of Although most immersed t - n n e l s built
because every project is unique and no
dredging have resulted in the choice of recently do not have a watertight
general rules can be devised.
bored tnn nels---a decision t h a t accepts membrane, older tunnels (as well as
For the engineering principal, this
higher risks in time and cost overruns. some more recent ones) typically used
chapter offers an overview of the prob-
So-called u n f o r e s e e n conditions a watertight m e m b r a n e of steel or
lems t h a t may have to be faced and,
have caused delays and cost overruns asphalt bitumen.
therefore, must be considered on such
in a number of recent immersed tube Most completed concrete tunnel el-
a project. For those who have some
tunnel projects. Could these have been ements consist of a number of seg-
experience and know-how, the chapter
foreseen and properly implemented ments, limited in length to approxi-
m a y serve as a checkllat for imma,~ed
during the design and construction of mately 20-25 m, llnkad together by
bmnel construction.
the projects (a process which, as noted flexible joints. Because each segment
The material herein covers the main
above, relies on the skills, experience is a structural entity, it is easier to
techniques t h a t have been used to date
and know-how of professionals in the control the concrete placement and to
on immersed tube tunnel construction.
field)? The answer would depend on limit the structural forces in the ele-
Construction of tunnels that depend
the collection of required data and, ments. A few concrete t~mnels have
upon the principle of ~floating~ (see
above all, proper judgement andimple- stiff tunnel elements.
Chapter 6) can be dealt with in mere or

144 ~ r . L m o ASD UND~.P~aOU~ SPACE T~mNOLOOY Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993

2.2 Steel Tunnels tedmiqnss willlead to overall improv~ ]ic conditlcms alreadyis av-ilgb~e. Long-
The first steel bmnels were built in monte in optimi-~ag t h e ~ term information (i.e., data collected
North America at the beginnln~ of the The remainder of this chapter com- over a period of five to ten years) is
twentieth century. Steel bmnels are pares some specific differences in the desirable because the more that is
designed as a composite structure with various aspects of steel and concrete known, the less likely that unforeseen
steel and concrete. The steel serves as solutions. events will occur.
a watertight membrane and makes a In additien, considerable experience
significant structural contribution. 2.4 Floating Tunnels and skfllis required to lmow what infor-
The concrete is used primarily to take mation is critical or vital, what informa-
Thus far, no floating (a,nnels have tion is important, what informatic~
compreSsion forces and as ballast, and been constructed, although a number
also contributes to the structural could be of ur~ and how to deal with
of StUdieS for such ~lnneba have been the information. 'I'he answer to the
requiremente. reported. As noted above, this chapter
Thecomplstedbmnelelamentsform latter question will depend upon the
does not deal with the construction specific requirements ofthe project. For
a monolithic structure that has some details of projects not yet executed.
flexibility, thankato the elastic charac- mmmnle,transportin~a(amnelehment
However, based on the floating ~mnel over sea requires a different approach
teristics of steel. Thirty-three steel projects being stUdied, it can be re-
tm~e]s have been built all over the from tranaporting an element over in-
ported that the main marine construc- land waterways. Th__e; m m A ~ g of ele-
world, but m a i , l y in North America. tion techniques are much the same as mentsin a river can be entirely different
those for existing imm,msed t , - - d s . from immm~ag them in a canal. Tidal
2.3 Comparison of Concrete and Steel For floatlng tamnels, the dredging influe~es may create not only opportu-
Tunnel Techniques process is replaced by the anchoring of nities, but hazards as well
the floating t~mnel, which involves en- The engineer also has to have a
Until recently, the concrete and the tirely different assumptions regarding
steel options were considered to be fe~lln5 for the behaviour of the river,
buoyancy. Data collection and judg- canal, or sea strait during the execu-
different worlds, divided by the Atlan-
tic Ocean. Only receatly have the two ment of environmental impacts, execu- tion oftheworlr What will b e t h e effect
tion techniques, etc., are comparable to of the trench? Willit cause sedimenta-
techniques competed on the same those for normal imrn~sed talnnall~.
projects and compared properly. Such a tion; will it collect bottom transport?
Readsrs arereferredto Chapter 6, which What will be the effect of the shape of
comparison must take into account all
incorporates various data and tech- the trench? Willit cause a decrease in
oftheir aspects. Without being exhaus- nique8 regardln~ floating tamne la.
tive, a few comparative notes are given current velocity?
below. The level of detail of the informa-
In addition to the different tech- 3. External Aspects and tion can also reflect the View~ of the
niques used to construct the elements, Conditions Affecting the contractor about the methodology and
the marine techniques for concrete and Construction Methods equipment to be used. In general, it is
steel tunnels require different ap- wise to design the work;-~ method and
3.1. Introduction and Set-up the equipment use to allow for some
proaches. These differences are re-
lated to the principleS of the different External aspects and environmen- extra capacity, should unforeseen cir-
materials, as well as to the contractors' tal conditions are factors of major im- cumstances demand it.
techniques, which have developed in- pertance for the design end construc- Problems with tnnnel projects
dependently of one other in the differ- tion of an immersed ~lnneL AB such, in t h e p a s t h a v e o f t e n r e s u l t e d f ~ o m
ent environments. they must be known in detail in order ins-m cient inform ~tion,judged by
Each application has a different to understand what conditions can oc- ,naktlled personnel
impact on the time schedule, the con- cur. Moreover, these conditions must Too often we have been faced with
struction of the approach ramps, the be monitored and predicted through- the remark that unforeseen conditions
casting yard and/or fabrication yard, out the various phases of the execution occurred that cost the client and/or the
etc. Time, for example, is of critical of the project, in order to avoid unfor~ contractor large ~,mq of money. In
importance for privately financed seen and nasty situations. many cases, these ~nforeesen condi-
projects. It may even result in the It is therefore essential to collect tions ~ could have been avoided by in-
acceptance of higher direct costs. and properly~udge the data available, volving skilled spe~M;_~ in evaluat-
With regard to cost, it cannot simply and to be sure that these data will be ing the conditions at an early stage of
be said that concrete is more costly registered and reported as the project the project. .~
than steel. For a~r~mple, because proceeds. Dependlngupon the specific The following section t-,mma~ess
environmental requirements may conditions, these data can have an im- marine conditions that influence the
i n c r e a s e t h e cost of a s p e c i a l l y pact on the methodology; and, in many construction to~hnlques and~ subse-
constructed cas~n~ yard for concrete cases, may be decisive for the method, quently, the design of the project. Al-
b mnelelenlents, a steel tam nel solution equipment, and timing of the various though this summary may be used as a
m a y b e choson ~ d . The immereed activities. basic che~kllat, specific site conditions
part of a steel t~lnnel may be longer An ~ m p l e ofa schemeincorporat- must always be kept in mind.
than that of a concrete t~m-al, thus ing proper data collection and report-
s h o r t e n i n g t h e /n-s/tu a p p r o a c h ing is shown in Figure 3-1. 3.2.2 Current--velocity end
r a m p s - - a factor that may influence directions
the overall comparison. 3.2 Hydraulic Aspects Currents significantlyinfluence the
The roasons for the differences in the 3.2.1 Data collection end selection of the towing and construc-
American and European approaches methodology tion technique for ;mm~,sing the ele-
have their roots in scientific and politi- ments. The tamnel element to be towed
cal development~ However, in general, The collection of data depends upon
the local c(mditions, the specificrequh~- and ;m,,~-~.~l is exposed to the cur-
history h ~ preven that the end results- rent. To maintain control ofthe b m nel
in terms of quality, watert~htnese, life- meats of the project, and the informa-
tion available. Manylmm,n~edt~mn~lq elennmt, the tow capacity and immp~s-
time, reliability, m~inten~nce, etc.-- ing equipment and provisions in the
does not d2_~f~er.Only the f u t u ~ will tell are built in areas where considerable
infmm~ation about the specific hydrau- element must take into account the
whethe~ a combination of the ~iat;n~

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Ttn~r~Lwo~vU~WDSPA~T~m~ 146

data collection check process report

_ waves
> site 1 dock
_ current check
> site 2 trench
_ densify
I [ > other sites

computer > dredging
meteorological system
_ pressure ~> immersing
> towing

_ rain check
_ temperature > etc.
_ visibility
_ etc. > shipping

> storage

station 1
station 2
station 3

Figure 3-1. ~cheme for data co/~ect/on prior to and during a marine operation.

forcos resulting from the correct. These me~t more than 120 m long will re- ciple of buoyancy, it is important to
forces are: quire ~ l ~ a l procedures. know the specific gravity precisely.
• The outcome of t h e c u r r e n t The directions of the current are However, the specific gravity can
velocity. also important considezation& A tun- r han~e over time with regard to placo,
• The ~hape and size of the t~mnel nel befit in a tidal area offers opportu- depth, s c a l e - - r a t i o n , and tempera-
element. nities to make use of tldal effects dur- lure. Because it is not always possible
ing ~ - - - p o r t . However, during the to be entirely sure about these varia-
• The width, depth and shape of ~ f ~ n the t n m a p ~ ~ h - ~ to tions, a marsin of error for must be
the rive: or current-atfectsd area. the ~mm~zi'w~alld o t h ~ man~l.Ve~,a aszeed upon in advance.
In the past, these forces w e r e - - very precise and good prediction ofthe P,e g a ~ n a time aspects, it should
and, in many easco, still ar~--predicted current behaviour i s ~ In many be noted t h a t s e a s o u l variatio~ in the
by t e s t s p e r f o r m e d in h y d r a u l i c csmm, it is advisable to set up a system specific gravity may occur. This varia-
laboratories. that meammm the current velocity A~a tion may resu~ h ~ n ~ in tsm-
If the conditions at hand are not too registers the current directions during perature, as well as from s e ~ , ~ n t a -
dflferent f~om throe encountered in the the mJ_,~ne operations. lion, which may vary by seaso~
pas~ the forces can be e ~ / m - t e d based in ~ w e ~ t for
upon previous eaper~mco, and test r ~ 3.2.3 Specific gravity freah water versus salt water may be
suits can be compared with real infor- The h,mAl~n~ of huge t,mnA! ele- critical with re~Be~ to placement of
mation available from past project& ments is very often controlled by the the elementa This aspoct, of ~au-se,
Current veloclty and available space availability and use of local equipment depends on whether the t~m-el is
for maneuvering are often llmi*in~ fac- and know-how. ~ m n e l elements located at or cime to the m a cr inland.
tors for the length ofb,,~-~ elements. ~ w e q ~ . tnwre than 48,000 tons have However, the w a t e r inland is not
~ , . . . ; . l . . - , . . t s 280 mleng have been and t r ~ for ~ r - n e e m u r ~ frm& The heavier ealt
~m-,-~ed in c=-I~- where there is al- laon at a dimmt lo~tion---a procedure water m a y go i n k n d , _ a , ~ - ~ upon
n~tnocur,~ ~hastau~ht that cma be accomplished only by m*~- the local ~ , the ~ - ~ of
that tam n~I e~l~lnlmts are llmltegl to 140 water o~m~n~ ~ ~ i . n ~ , the water
i ~ use of tl~ buoyu=y caused by the
m when current velocities are as high water. level at u a , etc. All of t h m e m a t t e ~
as 1,6 m/sec. Hisher current velocities, Because the dwign of an immm-md
e.g., greater than 2 m/sec., have been bm~el is directly related to the prin- ~ie~leond/t/onL I t m a y b e a d v i s a b l e - -
dealt with successfully. A t~mnel ele- and, in mine cams, ~ s ~ t / s l - - t o ]mow

146 ANDU~I~aOUNV SP,,.c~ ~ O L O ~ Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

t h e r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t he waves and/or suction from passing 3.2.70Uler fiver and/or sea
meteorological and hydraulic ships can have an enormous effect on oharaclBrlMi~ and ob~aoles
conditions. the forces on the ~,nnel elements. In the desilpl and pinnning of an
The specific gravity will vary over immersed tube bmn~i, the ran-round-
the wator depth se well. This var/ation 3.2.6 Sedimentation h ~ r a . ~ ¢ o . ~ t ~ m ~ t be in-
can be caused by a n-tuber of factors. Most rivers pese specific problems vestigstsd ¢arofu]ly. Not all condi-
For ~nmple, the water temperature tions have been mentioned horein, and
with regard to sedimentation, silt,
can vary over the depth of the water each sits may present anoth~ sur-
body--e.g., the heavier salt water will mudflows, and/or transport of mate-
rial over the bottom. These conditions prise. This report touches on only
be near the bottom, while the fresh e~eptional situstians, such as those
can affect the maintenance of the
water will be at the surface. A compll- involving ice(bergs), seaweed, and
trench, the quality of the foundation,
cated system of current~velocity and nh~all~.,h (or other fish). ~ condi-
and the quality and ce,A-tity of the
direction also may be caused by these l~nA~t system to be inst~ed. tions m a y i,¢1,,~,~ the location meth-
in s p e e ~ we~h~ Experience has shown that sedi- ods during the im,,~,,'sins operations.
Thus far, specific gravities r~noing Other unforeseen conditions also
mentation is different for every fiver,
from 0,9850 to 1.003 have been experi- may occur. For example, obstacles---
and depends entirely upon the local
enced on various projects in different such as wrecks--at the location where
locations; or on the same project, with situation. These aspects have to be
considered in advance. When this is the trench is to be dredged present an
variations occurring over time. additional
done and possible outcomes are known,
sedlm~tation need not be a problem,
3.2.4 Tidal effects if proper precautions have been taken 3.2.8 Hydraulic models
The influence that tidal effects can withregsrdts, e.g., d ~ - ; - ~ t h e trench In order to invest~ats and deter-
have on the current velocity has been and the system for plating the final mln~ the effects ofthe hydraulic condi-
noted above. Tidal effects also cause foundation. tions on the censtruetion methedology,
differences in water height. These Five main causes of sedlrrmntation hydraulic tests performed in a labora-
effects can influence the choice and/or are given below. In many cases, a tory will provide comfiderableinforma-
the design of the casting yards. In n.mhor of individual aspects alone or tien (see Fie. 3-2). In the meantime,
addition, both the transport of ele- together influence the sedlm,~utation. m*ny tests have been performed by a
ments over waterways and the im- 1. A s u d d e n d e c r e a s e in t h e llm~ted n-tuber d q-mHRew:l,laborato-
mersing process are influenced by the current-velocity in the trench may zies. The results of these tsst~ can be
height of the water. The length of the cause sedimentation of the materials used to estimate the forces acting on
immersed section is influenced by the beingtransported by the fastor-flowing the t~mn~l element and to forecast the
tide and by the water levels. water. behaviour of the t ~ - ~ l element in the
Thore may be an optimum period of 2. Sediment suspended in fresh specific conditions of the given sits,
tidal ~ , ranging from spring water, when , ~ d with salt water, emm without perfocs~-m teats.
to neap tide. At spring tide, the water will flo~alats aud mgtle on the bettom, ~ the ¢vastmetm of t o m ~
can reach its maxinmm height (and formln~ a thin mud layer. As subse- in the lamt, the data remdt;ug fi~m the
m;n;,m,m height as well), whereas at quent tides deposit more layers on top hydra.l~ med~ t s m and the t h m ~ -
neap tide the current velocity will be of it, consolidation may occur as a re- cal ~ have hem ¢mnpszvd with
lower. T h e s e p h ~ mayresultin sult ofdevelopingwsight-premm~. The the real dat~ ~ e s e m m p a r i ~ have
categorizing a number of days as s y ~ z for amt f r e q ~ c y of trench the q~,~ty of the ~ -
presenting the best, or required, cleanin~ may need to be adapted, de- not only regar&~nz the ; m ~
circ,,m~t-~n~es for the marine opera- pending on the rats of the se*llm~nnta- of the elammt~ but also ¢ o - ~ - ; - ~ t h e
tions. These periods are called the tion and consefidatio~ as well as the oondltio~that will be enmtmtsred dur-
"tidal windows'. of tides to which the dredged ~ the t o w ~ of the faunal e ~ e n t L
tre-ch is effipo~l. The forces of the water on a ~ n - e l
Waves, r o l l and surf 3. In a waterway characterised by are given by the formula:
I n many cases, h, nnels are built in high flows and high currents, ezisting F - 1/2 " A ' r "V2" Cd
relat/vely protected areas, where the materials may be carried by bottom
waves have very little effect on the transport This material will settle where
tunnel elements. In such cases, only readily in dredged t~ache~ AIS the exposed surface of the
the effect of waves going over the tun- element pea-pendlcul~ to the
4. Under certain cenditians, the ac-
nsl ~ - ~ t daring the towing and current.
tivL~_'_~_for the project or in the envi-
im~'~ operations may need be rons of the project can increase the
ris the specific gravity of the
taken into _~:~unt. However, under sedlm,mt.~tlon. For ~ m p l e , placing water.
relatively effipo~d ¢onditio~ o ~ e , Vie the rdative vdocity, i.e., the
the foundation underneath the b , - ~ e l
the effect of waves and swell san be of may affect the concantratian of d~eran~ ~ the speed
comdderable i m ~ to the trane- psnded sedlnmntinthermn-inln~part of the ~ andtha water.
port and ~ operation: =ud, CA is the frk~_'_~_~ t (drag-
oftha t r e n ~
consequently, ts tbe desiga itself. For sing ~ r ~ i e n t ) .
5. In gsnernl, the occurrence of
izu~m~wwioutfatk, the su_-fwillhaveto mudflows and s e ~ t a t i e n in rivers This frictian ~ factor dif-
be taken into considerati~ as well can be foreseen, although the q~,atlty fers with tim c i r e , ~ - t ~ of the sps-
Anothor aspectthat m ~ t becoz,,dd- and the quantity of this material is (~f~i~r~ect~ I t is affetCedby the tbape
ored ~ the ~ of the tmmel ~ to predict. In this regard, the ofthe t - - - e l element, the d~apeofthe
elomm~ itself in relation to the pos.. advice of specialists is important be- river and the layout of the trench, the
f m q u e n d ~ of warm or swdl re- cauas these matters can be of major size of the ~ in tlm water-filled
sult/ng f l ~ n wind, offshore cenditions, impm4m~e to the su___~essof the execu- space, and the ~ factor of the
and/at ~ . Espscla~ when tion of the project, as well as the qual- ~ in tho r l ~ r .
the t-,,n~l dmmmt is moored at an ity of the foundation. This ~ i s tho entvome oftbe
outfitting quay in a vulnerable place, laboratory tests and will vary accord-

Vohtme 8, N , mhor 2, 1993 ~ w w x m o ~ ~ S P ~ ~ 147

ing to the location of the t-nnel ele- • Ice m a y m~ke it impossible to to be built in a busy harbour, because
ment in the river. In past projects, work with the equipment, ropes, e v e r y (unforeseen) h o u r t h a t t h e
these values have been compared with etc. harbour is blocked has its price.
reality, and the comparison has shown In connection with the hydraulic con-
t h a t the tests have yielded relatively In most cases, meteorologic data ditions,the possibilityofhydraulic"win-
realistic outcomes. To demonstrate collection is no problem. Long-term dows ~ should be noted. Hydraulic win-
how important this factor can be, it data on weather conditions have been dows represent the period of time dur-
should be noted t h a t Cd values ranging collected and are available in most parts ing which conditions are acceptable for
from 0,75 to 5,2 have been recorded on of the world where the construction of the towing and immersing operations.
one project. The latter value resulted ; m m ~ d t--nels is being considered. The same principle applies to weather
in a decision to completely alter the In m a n y (although not all) of these "windows ~, i.e., the period during which
operation in order to avoid these high locations, the influence of the weather weather conditions are acceptable for
forces. This aspect concerns the trans- conditions on the hydraulic behaviour pefform;n~ the towing and Jmmersi'nz,
port oftimnel elements, as well as the is known or can be known, when skilled In practice, consideration of both types
immersing procedure. specialists investigate and compare the of windows is required.
data on weather conditions with the
hydraulic conditions. When these data
3.3. Meteorological Aspects are not known, additional survey work 3.3.2 Wlnd
3.3.1 Data collection and will be required. As mentioned above, wind can have
methodology During the operations, it is neces- a strong influence on the hydraulic
sary to be well-informed as far in ad- behaviour as well as on the operations,
Because they normally affect ma- dependin Z upon the equipment used.
vance as possible about the conditions
rine conditions, weather conditions Wind also h a s a positive effect on
t h a t are occurring as the operations
m u s t be t a k e n into account. Weather
proceed. The sensitivity of the mA~ine v~b~ty.
conditions also can have an important
operation methods and the eventual
direct effect on the mArj~ae operations.
risks related to a delay and/or sudden 3.3.3 Temperature
For eYAmple:
postponement of the immersingm a y The temperature can be a problem
* Too much wind m a y be risky dur- even justify setting up a weather fore-
ing the immersing. when it falls below a critical point in
casting station at the site. Such a relation to h-m;dity, thereby causing
• A l a c k of visibility m a y frustrate solution might be worth the invest~
the location methodology of the poor visibility. When frost occurs in
ment, for example, when a t, mnel has conjunction with the low temperature

Figure 3-2. Testing a model of a tunnel element in a hydraulic laboratory.

148 T u m ~ . , . ~ o ANDUNDnme~UND SPACBT~a~OLO~'Y Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

of the water, ice may form on the equip The wori~-g methods f i r dredging can be ~ with regard to the poe~-
merit, anchor and mooring lines, creat- works on the trench can be adapted b/Utyofns~aea~-gya~L
ing difli~tdties. through the use of, e.g., floating pipe- this ssldam win be a prob!m for steol
linm, split or other bargse, and e~avat- bmnAia, l l ~ ' n i precautions may have
3.3.4 Visibility ing eq~pmsn~ m ~ , ~ z o d d r e d g ~ to be taken for eon=ote t--neem.
companies are quite capable of a--u.g
Poor visibility, one of the most difl~-
cult and unpredictable situations, can
with the sps~ec project ~ t s . 3.5 Soil Investiga#on
frustrate the positio-ing systems. Al- During the +mm-rsing operation, 3.5.1 Data collection and
though it is possible to use the systems shipping often must be halted for a methodology
under poor visibility conditions, the certain period. During transport, de-
pendinguponthe space available, ship- A proper soil survey must provide
cost of doing so may be very high com- information about the soil conditions
pared to the benefits. These costs de- ping traffic may or may not have to be
stopped temporarily. Itis wiseto avoid that will be encountsred. These soil
pond upon a nl~mher of factors, such as: conditions may influence the bearing
• The frequency of poor vim'bility.
all sudden movements in the water
near the t-nnee elements while vital capacity of the soil. Because the tnnned
• The number of t,'"nel elements activities are t~irlng place, such as: itself weighs less t h , n the soil that is
to be installecL being replaced by the t3m-el, the crite-
• The risks and the results related • The eventual takeover of the tun- ria for the required soft conditions are
to a delay or postponement of nel elements from the tugs to the not too strict~
m~,~ne operations for the project anchor lines; or The methodology to be used can
itself. • More importantly, the moment best be defined by the institution ex-
of placing the bmnel element ecuting the survey. Questions to be
• The economic effects of a sudden agai-~t the previous element and
delay or postponement on the answered will include the following:
closing the joint.
surrounding ares. * What is the geological history of
Ifcomplets blockage ofshippingtraf- the area?
3.3.5 Other meteomloglcsl matters fic should be required, it can be lim;ted " What works that have been per-
Although most of the vital meteoro- to a period of 12 hours or even less, formed in the area could affect
depending upon the methodology used the soil conditions?
logical consequences have been dealt
with, other phenomena specific to the and the experience of the ; , - m ~ s i n g * Are there rock formations?
site will have to be considered. It is contractor.
A number of techniques are avail- In principle, the soil problems are
always wise to talk to local sal]ors or not much different for imm~+~d tun-
pilots about these matters. able for the foundation work. Some
techniques may influence shipping, nees than for other civil engineering
Local conditions also may influence construction activities.
while others will not influence it at all.
the accuracy of the positio-;-g system
u ~ i , or Inay fl-uJstrats commtlnications, 3.5.2 Trench dredging
This can be the case with high and 3.4.2 Suction caused by ships
heavy steel structures or with high- Shipping movements can influence To determl-e the shape ofthe trench
voltage electricity cables in the sur- the %.nnel elements as well. On a and the dredging methodology, tests
rounding area. w,mher of occasions,ships passing over for slope stability should be performed.
a t~mnee element have created a suc- Aiber deciding on the trench slopes, the
tion effect with the ¢,,mee elements. additional effects of the current veloc-
3.4 Shipping~Navigation ity in general and the specific condi-
This phenomenon depends upon the
3.4.1 Ship movements dudng size of the ships; the size of the t~-mee tions t h a t will be encountered during
medne sctivltles eel.meats; the navigation speed of the the immersing must be considered,
Most immersed tube b~nnees are ship; and, most importantly, the space because a sudden slopefall during the
built in waterways where there is heavy between the ship and the t u n n e l i m m e ~ - g operations c ~ - - o t be fished.
shipping. Hi-drances that the marine element. In addition, the stability of the founda-
operations present to shipping move- The,~n~mum forcestJ~at have been tion and its material a p i - A t currents
ments, especially in busy shipping wa- measured are lifting forces up to 100 or tidal effects should be vedfied.
terways, must be avoided or kept to a tons. If it is found that such high forces A proper survey of the mineral, or.
mln;mllm Options for deal;- Z with could occur, they must be taken into gsnic and biological composition of the
this situation depend upon the local account during the various phases of soil is required in order to select the
conditions and requirements. the immersing. The possibility of such optimal dredging technology and to
The marine operations that affect forces occurring will also affect the identify the effects that the dredging
ship movements are the dredging ac- design criteria. process will have on the environment.
tivities; the transport of the b,nnel Another phenomenon is the These effects can be negative as well as
elements; the immersing; and, possi- that suctions and waves caused by ships positive. See Section 4 for a discussion
bly, the foundation work and the back- can have on the t.~Innel element moored of dredging and its ecological effects on
~;lll.g. In the first design phase of the at a jetty. Under certain conditions the environment.
t~,-nel, prior to the preparation of the related to the local situation, this a~._on
tender deeuments, the shipping au- might increase the movements of the 3.5.3 Settlement
thorities and the pilots must be con- t]mnee element in such a way that the It must be kept in m;nd that when
sulted. This consultation should be anchor lines or mooring lines would the b , - - e l is placed in the existing
done with the help of an ;reminding break, if such a situation has not been bottom, it r e p l a e ~ a volume ofseil that
spe~aliRt who is able to judge the influ- foreseen. However, such effects can be is much heavier than the t , , - - e l ele-
ence of the requirements on the project est;m-ted. ments, with an overweight of approxi-
poseibilities and the cos~ In reality, mateey 10~ of the weight of the soil
and in most (if not all) eases, it is 3.4.3. Navigational depth and vohune. Depe~dlng upon the design
possible to find an acceptable solution clearance requirements methodology regardi-~ the use of flex-
for all parties involved at no or mini- ible joints or rigid constructions, some
mA| COSt. The avnil-ble depth in the river used
for the towing of the t~,nnel elements settlement is allowable. However, un-

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tt~r~x.moJa~vUm~mov~SPacI~ 149

der very poor soil conditions,unaccept- The above are only a few alterna- the bottoms of canals and rivers. New
able risk may occur. To resolve this fives. Here again, experience will fa- technical solutions are and will be avail-
potential problem, a n , mher of tun- cilitate selection of the best option. In able for the future. A properjudgment
nels have been placed on long piles. general, it can be said that steel tun- of the environmental results of these
Except for the abovementioned ex- nels offer more options for overcoming techniques for the specific site condi-
tremely poor conditions, geotechnical environmental limitations. This ~]ex- tions is important. Part of the effort
conditions rarely, if ever, cause settle- ibility may compensate for accepting focused on the results of dredging con-
ments. However, settlements do occur the higher costs of steelt~,n-elsversus cerns not only creation of the trench
during the ballasting and bacl~lllng of concrete t, mnels. On the other hand, and bacl~lllng, but also control of the
the t.~mnel elements. This settlement the longer transport routes are no prob- environmental effects.
is caused by compaction of the founda- lem for either of the options, provided Experience has shown t h a t the
tion layer (discussed in more detail in that the water depth is sufficient. More dredging process for a t - n n e l has only
Section 5.6). The setUement might aspects related to the fabrication site a temporary impact on the environ-
also be caused by the effects of the are discussed in Section 5, deMing with ment. The environmental conditions
dredging and cleanln~ of the trench the construction of t~nnel elements. are greatly influenced by seasonal ef-
(see Section 4 and Section 5.6.5 for fects, which oiten are greater than the
further discussion). 4. Dredging and Related effects of dredging.
Ecological and Environmental To overcome the resistance of inter-
3.6 Seismic Aspects ested parties (e.g., fishermen and envi-
Impacts ronmentalists), it may be possible to
The structure of both steel and 4.1 General Matters combine the construction of a t~mnel
concrete tnnnels allows for seismic with measures to improve the ecologi-
Dredging will affect the environ-
movements. cal cirolmRtances, e.g., by:
ment at the site. There has been some
With regard to the execution meth- • CleAnlng the bottom of the canal
misunderstanding about the degree of
odology, if fluidisation of the founda- or river.
tion underneath the t~nnel element disturbance of local conditions, due to
a misunderstanding of the options for • Placing layers of stones on top of
occurs, it will cause upli~. However, ff the tl~nnel. When this action is
a sand foundation is used and if the the dredging process. The degree to
which this process will affect the site taken, measures for protecting
work is well executed, the characteris- the t~nnel can be combined with
tics of the sand will prevent liquefac- depends upon the local environmaut,
soft characteristics, dredging tech- measures to improve the environ-
tion from occurring. In some cases, ment, allowing for the develop-
niqnes and equipment used, and bud-
cllnk~r is added to the sand under- msnt of new biological activities.
get available to mlnlm/Ae environmen-
neath the t~ln nel in order to strengthen
tal impacts. • Inst~ 11~ng air i~oction equipment
the structure of the foundation.
In the past, there has been a lack of in the t~mnel to improve the qual-
awareness, know-how and vision con- ity of the water flowing over the
3. 7. Fabrication Sites cerning ways of dealing with dredging. t~mnel, aRer the l~mnel has been
The construction sitesfor the vari- In some cases, severe restrictions have Rni~hed.
ous techniques are ~ , m m A , ~ d i n Sec- been imposed without knowledge of
tion 5, which deals with the construc- their effects on the specific site condi- 4.2 Geotechnical, Hydraulic and
tion of the b , - - e l elements. However, tions. The result has been high costs to Environmental Conditions
the choice of fabrication site not only the principal, often without achieving
depends upon the construction meth- a proper solution to the problem. Occa- The following data are required for
odology, but is also very much influ- sionally, concerns about dredging have a proper judgment of enviranmental
enced by environmental restrictions. resulted in a bored t~mnel rather than effects related to the advised or pro-
The restrictions noted below should be an immersed t-nnel---a choice that in- posed dredging methodology.
kept in mind in selecting a site in volves higher risks for the principal. Regarding the soil i n t h e t r e n c h :
relation to the systen~ The approach required for suocess- * Mineralogical composition. T h e
There may be restrictions in obtain- ful dredging comprises the following nature and extent of turbidity
ing p o r t - - i o n to install a casting yard steps: differs for different ml-erals and
with a dewatering system. Because i. Investigatethe geotechnical and the absorption of the contami-
such an arrangement may affect the enviro-mAutal quality of the soil. nants of the mineral.
environment, it can be rejected. Should 2. Investigate the hydraulic condi- • Granular composition. Coarse
thin be the case, it may be possible to tions of the river, CanAl or sea. particles are less susceptible to
make a casting yard for all t.~mn,~l ele- resnspension than fine particles.
3. Investigate the various options
ments without the need for dewater- The occurrence of CODt~m;nJntS
for dredging technology and the affects
ing. Although such a solution neces- is greater in fine fractions be-
of thi~ technology under these specific
sarilyincreases the cost considerably, cause of the greater specific area
ciro, m~nces.
it can be competitive, especially if the and loading differences for clay
site can he used more than once. 4. Specify criteria for the dredging mineral particles at the molecu-
Another solution might be the con- process, based upon the requirements lar level.
struction ofa 8mAllm"yard fur jnst one for the environmAntal and ecological
effects and the requirements for the • Density a n d the existence o f stiff
or two elements. While this solution material, which interacts w i t h
might decrease the cost of the casting construction of the ~ m - e L
the dredging metho~
yard, itwillincrease the thne required 5. Check the propoasls ofthe dredg-
ing firms on the criteriaspecified. • Consistency of t h e soil related to
for the construction of the t~,nnel ele- strength, cohesion, viscosity, and
ments and, therefore, the ovorall cost Major dredging firms have invested degree of commlidation.
as well. Additionally, the fabrication considerable amounts of money in de- • The nature and degree of con-
process will have to be interrupted. veloping solutions to deal with the eco- tamination.
Another option is to construct the logical and enviren~ntal effects of
tunnel element(s) in the entrance • The suspension o f organic mat-
the dredgingprocess. Many t~'hnt"_'Ues ter, which depends upon the con-
ramps. However, this may only be have been developed to avoid polluting
possible for very short t.~mnels. tent of the organic matter.

150 T t ~ . 7 . m o ANDU ~ D ~ S P ~ TeCHSOLOOY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

* The chemical nature end gas cen- In addition, the trench bottom must be impact, the soil conditions, the ship
tent of o ~ r s e rubbish. d e a n before the bmnel element can be p i ~ in tha area, etc.
. Other data, as needed. p h u ~ . Th~ r ~ p ~ e m ~ t ne~__'_tates For the e~avatiou, known toch-
additional care in the dredging of the niqu~-e.g., those involving a b u t u t
With regard to the h y d r o d y n a m i c deepest ~ t oftha t ~ h , a ~ l i n ~ - dredger, a mttor or suct/m dn~l~er, or
conditions: ing the trench to avoid ~ n t a t l o n a sreb ~ S ~ i l ~ = . a ~ t i ~ In
. Thenatureandextentoftheflow, and consolidation of Sedlm~"t in the addition to the critoria listed in Sectim~
dispersion and suspension be- trench. 4.3, snd ecououfic f a c t o ~ t ~ mlection
haviour. The norm~l tolerances for the bot- of ezcav~tion techniques depends upon
• Wave effects. tom ofthe trench are +15 cm. Because the envirmunentel requirements.
* Flows resulting from wind. there is a mln~m~]~ requirement re- A c u t t e r d r e d g e r stirs the mate.
* Water depth. lated to the space underneath the tun- r/al te be d i ~ d (see 1 ~ . 3a). ~ ,
• Silt and bottom transport. hal e l ~ e n t , a tolerance l ~ w e e n +0 process can have a negative effect on
• Other data, as needed. and -30 a n is required. tbe envlroument` Howevor, it invelves
closed vor~cal and, e v ~ t u a l ~ , hori-
Regarding w a t e r quality: zontal tr~n,,nport, when a floating pipe
4.4 Evaluation of ~e Dredging
• Density variations, which in- Process.-- Technical Options is u s ~ . Althou~ stirring will not
fluence the sedimentation of cause problmmmwith dean, coarse ma-
material. To properly evaluate the dredging terial, it may be a disadvantage when
process, the various activities that slightly cohesive materials are present.
. Aerobic or anaerobic state of the
layers. This condition has an
must take place prior to and after the Incentrast, a b u c k e t d r e d g e r does
p l a c i n g of t u n n e l e l e m e n t s a r e not stir the mfl very much. However,
important impact.
identified below. theve~_caltransportofthe d~dgvr, in
• Temperature, as it relates to vis- The m~lHng of the trench involves
cosity and density. addition to the o v ~ w resulting from
the following phases: d,,mping the sellin barges forthe hori-
In order to be able to predict the I. The cutting and excavating of zontal transport, may catlse cont.,,ml-
effects of the project on the ecology at the soil. nation- This _~-h~que dees not present
the site, the details of the ecological 2. The vertical transport of the a problem for cohesive and ~L-Se ma-
and biological processes t~Irl- S place material. terials; howev~, it could be a disad-
must be know~ This information is 3. The horizontal transport of the vantage when seit and cohesive mate-
not limited to the site, but also includes material. h a l is present.
other areas affocted by the activities at 4. The depositl-~ of the material. A ~ d ~ ¢m'mne immmmte muah the
the site. Thus, an inventory of the same envln~,M-*~.! ~ v ~ t e ~ m as
ecological process has to be made in In principle, the mainte~_~-es and a b-_ck~ dredger, although the problem
close cooperation with biologists aware baclrRllJ~ of the trench follow the same ten be pertly selved by udag a dosed
of these local conditions. sequence, although the material and grab. The,,,-~- disadventa~ of a grab
Below is a ~ m m ~ y ' of the ecologi- the related dredging techniques may is the uneven bottom that results. Be-
cal conditions that should be know~ be different. cause this situatleninflmmces the foun-
Physical conditions: The t~h~ical options for these ac- dation, the use of a grab crane may
tivities are numea-mas. The t~.hnlque require additional precautions.
• Tempera~re.
selected has to take into consideration The effects of each of thcee tech-
• Light int~Judty and penetration. the requirements specified above or niques are very dependent upon the
• Sediment characteristics. elsewhere in this chapter. These re- condition and characteris~__'~ ofthe soil
• Sheltering areas and/or hiding quirements are related to the struc- andthe 1o~i hyd~ulic cendltimxs Sl~/-
place~. ture of the t-~nel, the envlre~v,~utal fied above. In lese- or non-cohesive fine
• Currents and wave energy.
Chemical conditions:

• Oxygen concentration.
• Nutrients.
• Toxic substances.
• Flocculation.
Biological conditions:
• Food relationships.
• Accompanying species.

4.3 Criteria Related to the Trench

The trench serves a special purpose
with regard to the placing of/~'""al
elements and the foundation under-
neath. Some requirements are related
to the shape of the t r e n c h ~ f o r ex-
ample, the trench being dredged must
be ~ t l y wide and deep, with
stable elopes.
The bottom of the trench should be
~:i:i:~:~i:~!~i~;i:~.i:i:!:~:i:~:i:!:~!i!~i! ii!;:'i:!;~: ':::'-' ?i'"!':~ /i! ;ii!.:i~:::::;ii:.!!V;~:~':!i'iii!i!ii:i~!~iiiiiii!~::ili:!:':!i':!~::!':'ii"i:!:'::i: '::': :7 :: :~: :: : IL:. i!
relatively fiat, Too much difference in
depth underneath the t~mnel element
F ~ g r e 3-3. Scheme showing the principle of turbidigy generation around a
will increase the cost of the foundation
and may cause differential settlement. cutter suction dredger with 50, 100, and 250 m g / l concentration of suspended

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tv~mrz.woAm>~SPAcZT~mN~o~ 151

materials,contamln~tionwillbe great, • The accuracy and selectivity of which deals with stxcctural design of
The use of a dustpan dredger, with an dredging for the various layers. these bmnels. Therefore, this section
entirely closed transport system for • Use of modifications to limit the briefly 811mmav~Jesthe n~in aBpectBof
the removal ofthislayer,m a y prove to turbidity. the construction methodology of these
be the best wayto avoid negative envi- • The awareness and quality of techniques.
ronmental impacts. the staffinvolved in the prepa-
In reality, a numher of different tech- rations and the operation of the 5.1.2 Steel option
uiques will have to be used in ecologi. dredging process.
Steel shell tnnnels are composed of
cally sensitive areas, because of the
chin ~ a g c h a r a c t e d s t ~ ofthe soil. New a structural steel shell lining, which
4.5 Selecting the optimsl solutions forms a composite structure with the
techniques, such as the use of an envi-
A number of environmental, eco- concrete and also serves as ballast to
ronmental disc bottom cutterhead,
nomic and technical aspects influenc- the structure. A n-tuber of different
w~mwheel or auger suction dredger,
ing the choice of techniques have been construction methods and sequences
have been developed to avoid the disad-
discussed above. However, optlmlaing can be used with the steel option.
vantages ofthe options described above.
the choice in terms of effects and cost To begin with, all or part ofthe steel
For horizontal t r a n s p o r t of the involves careRdly weighing the vari- shell is c o n s ~ . Some keel con-
material, the main options are the use
ous options. This process is influenced crete may be added to the structure to
of a closed circuit with pipelines, or the
by proper judgment of the ecological increase its stability and rigidity. Sub-
use of barges. Shipping near the site,
effects of the dredging operation on the sequently the steel structure can be
in relation to the available space at the general characteristics of the specific put afloat and the remaining part of
site, has an important influence on the
body of water. the structure can be installed afloat.
choice oftransport technique. Although In a canal or river where there is This construction technique allows
pipelines will avoid con-tsmlnation
little, if any, real biological or ecologi- for the use of a shipyard, shipways,
around the line, the overflow from the
cal activity, the conditions will not shiplii~s, dry docks and/or a temporary
depot could cause a problem that would worsen as a result of dredging. In fact, construction basin. The tubes can be
require additional precautions. If
barges are used, the contamination local conditions can be improved launched sideways or end-launched.
through the removal of polluted soil. This guided launching must be con-
caused by the overflow and at the
Many rivers have a regime that is trolled by using properly levelled guided
dumpsite has to be taken into
affected by the seasonal cycles. In these structures (winches and jacks, chains,
cycles, heavy rainfall or the influx of etc.).
A number of systems have been de-
melting water may cause mere siltation AROr the tunnel element has been
veloped for cleaning the trench. Nor-
mally a dustpan dredger is used. This andcont~m/n~tionthandoesthe dredg- put afloat, it is towed to an outfitt/n~
ing Ofa trench. The self-hemlin~ effects jetty for the finlahln~ of the steel struc-
is a suction dredger with a special type
in mest rivors are enormotm, oftea -limi - ture,if required; and the placing of all,
of opening at the end of the pipe that
ree~mhles the head of a Hoover vacunm= aating the effects of the dredging work or the remaining part, of the concrete.
within one or a few seasons. The execu- In addition, specificrequirements for
The dredger is moved over the bottem
tion of dredging activities can be planned the o p e r a t i o n - r.uch as tem-
of the trench at intervals defined by the
to work in harmony with beth these poraryl~Ikheads,joint structures, and
quantity of sedimentation and the risk
seasonal effects and the cycles of bio- access sha.fl,s---~e installed.
of consolidation. It is not possible to
logical activities. Additional ballast--concrete and/or
clean the trench underneath an al-
In cases involving a sensitive area gravel--is placed on the tubes prior to
ready immersed tunnel element be-
nearby (e.g., oyster beds, lobster nurs- immersing.
cause of the characteristics of the silt.
eries, etc.), it is oRen possible to benefit The design of the tubes willhave to
If there is any concern that this space
from the current, which can be nsed te be adapted to the fabrication method-
may fill up with silt, special precau-
direct the siltation caused by dredging ology and sequence. However, the de-
tions willbe required, depending upon
away from the sensitive area. sign must allow for some flexibility in
the foundation methods used.
An accurate description oft_hhedrodg- order to optlmlae the construction in
For baekRlling of the trench, sev-
ing works to be executed and a proper relation to the fabrication capabilities.
eral options are available as well. The
type of material used is of crucial im- definition of the dredging limitatiOns
in place and time, coupled with ad- 5.1.3 Concrete option
portance. Clean, coarse material will
not cause any contamination, regard- equate controlduring eacecution, should
Smaller concrete croes-ssetioas can
suffice to limit the environmantsl ef-
less of the technique used. A spreader be launched or built on a shiplif¢,
fects of the dredging operations, beth
or a diffuser will limit the exchange of
in the immediate project area and in
shipways, or other structure. This pro-
material with the water in the river. the surrounding areas.
cess is more d;m~ult for bigger cross-
Other possibilities for ilmJtln~ con- sections, for which existing docks and
The poesibility that the construe- e~cavatod casting yards normally are
tamination include the use of silt
screens, or sedim~nt~ation basins to hold tion of the t~mnA1 will permanently
change the hydraulic circumstances,
the overflows of the deposits.
in terms of the cross-section of the
The following additional dredging- 5.2 Finishing Jstty
related aspects may influence the im- river, must be taken into consideration.
These effects could result in compensa- Tho criteria for these doeks are dic-
pact of the dredging process on the tion elsewhere.
environment: tared by the draught of the b i n , , ! el~
ment~ For eonc~m tunnA] elo~e~ts,
• The production level and/or the the depth of the ce~ging doeJgehould be
5. Available Techniques for
capacity of the dredger. equal to the height of tnnn,d elements
Construction, Immersion and
• The technical conditions of the below low water. If this is a problem
dredger. Foundation of Tunnel Elements
because of the pemibfliti~ related to
• The reliability of the methodol- 5.1 Construction of Tunnel Elements the yard or the depth Ofthe river where
ogy and equipment under vary- 5.1.1 General the t u , - , - 1 , d , ~ - ~ w i l l havetobetrans-
ing conditions. The various aspects of the con- ported, the depth o f t h e ~ Zyard can
• The turbidity and spillage from struction of steel and concre~ tunnel be~iftbetummldmmm~are
the dredger. elements are discussed in Chapter 2, not entirely ~ n ~ S q ~ o m of the

152 T u m ~ J . m o Am) Ummmmot~v Sp, az TBc~ou~Y Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

concrete in the roof and, eventually, in av*~lAbleto give instructions to the tug As an affiaraple: for a tow operation
the bottomcan be cast at a lator stage at capt~JnR and to correct the position of under average conditions in a river,
the ~ n ~ h i ~ j e t t y , near the imm'm~'~ 5 the bin-el element~ This is important with bm~el elements w ~ i ~ h ~ 30.000
In othor case~ it has bee~ pm- because the huge ,nA~ of the tunnel to 40.000 tons, a total tow capacity of
sible to increase the water level in the elements causes a considerable delay 10 to 20.000 HPwith four t u p , eventu-
canal temporarily. in any corrective reaction that may be any with p u ~ pmsibt~tim, win be
Because of the growing number of required for the t~,nn,d elements. r e q u i r ~ This ~ amumm that
restrictions regardln~ the dewatering In this regard, the type, the num- 1000 HP resulte in a tow capacity of I0
of the castln~ yard, additional provi- ber, the capacity and the layout of the tons. DepenA~n~ upon the m*neuver-
sions may be necessary to avoid the tugs must be considered. In principle, ability, two or three t ~ the theoreti-
disadvantages of dewatering. These it is preferable to limit the n, lmher of ca/capacity may be required to control
provisions may, in turn, ~ the tugs in order to l~mlt the problems the the position oft,he bm~el element.
costs of the casting yard. Tlds problem operation will present to the mAneu- The tow operation ,,z,~ be sched-
h~Abeen solved by using mri~t;,~ cast- vorability ot the total syeten~ U l ~ to WnA]rAmATimslrn Ulmo f l o ~ l tidal
ing yards, where problems with dewa- When the system passes a lock or a conditions, changes in water height,
tering either have not occurred or have bridge with limited space, it may be and current velocity and directic~
been solved, at locations far from the advisable to use winches. If the trans-
imm,q~ing site. In such cases, the port from the fin~ahJ~ jetty to the 5.4 Immersing
transport of the huge t-,reel elements ~ m m ~ u g place is short, only winches
iS limited onlyby the required m ~ n e u - can be used. Transferring the bm~el 5.4.1 C ~ n e m l nmtters
~ng space. element fromthe tugs to the winches is The J m m m - ~ g ofta~rtrlA1 e]elnenta
A/ter the t~mnel edement8 have been an operation that must be properly is a risky part of the job. Perhaps
fabricated and ballasted, including planned in accordance with the site because those involved in these opera-
many of the provisions for i,-marsing, conditions. tions are aware of the rl,kA, few acci-
the dock is flooded and the bmnel ele- Transport over sea is entirely dif- dents or failures have occurred, al-
ments can be put aflcat. Thisis donsby ferent from transport in a river or ca- though some 500 or more bmnel ele-
removing the ballast water. The tun- nal. As noted above, sea transport meats have been Jmm,qluxl thus far.
nel elements are connected with an- requires that the struchxre of the tun- The technology involves working with
chor points and put afloat in a well nel be capable of handlJn~ the forces huge elements under relatively d~/~.
controlled way, in order to avoid driit- resulting from the swell cult conditions, where much ofthe work
ing of the b,-~el elements. The bm~el The transport of a t~mnel element is done without a direct view of the
elements are then towed to the RnJ-h- afloat has been dealt with above. Dur- activities. Therefore, it is crit/cal that
ing jetty. tug part of the transport, depandinS the wor~"
upon the size of the elements, whether • Be as simple as possible; and
5.3 Transport of the Tunnel Elements they are steel or concrete, and/or the • B e n s f i t as much as possible from
the type of equipment used, the t~mnel the natural capabilities of water.
In transport:mgthe t,.~ ,~elelements, element may be connectod to a piece of
the following matters are important: equipment that also serves for immors- Succeesfully~ l ] a h i n ~ imm~s-
• The conditions to be met (see ing. In this case, the bin-el element ing work requires having information
Section 3). most oiten is already ballasted for the about the various anvironnmntal con-
• The behaviour of the b,nnel ele- jmmm3~g operation. ditions (as specified earlier), as well as
ments under the specific condi- Because transport of huge and com- the s killa, ~ ' e n c e and lenow-how to
tions at the site. plicated structtL,~ or structures com- be able to interpret and apply these
• The space avAJ!~ble in the navi- posed of more segments (such as a data to the operations as p l ~ . It is
gation channel t~mne] element connected to the im- advisable to wock with an ovea~apacity
• The type and capacity ofthe tugs. mersing equipment) has become more in the equipment, and with sufficient
commouplace, a computer model has safety ,-A-sins.
• The location system and the way An integral part of the preparations
that these results are presented been developed to forecast forces on
andinthe structure (see Fig. 3-4). This for ~mm~dng is a proper risk analysis
to the operation leader. of the operations, with ~ t back-
so-called Ships Response System can
• The org~nlaation of personnel up facih'ties for the equipment. It is
be used for complicated situations.
and equipment involved in the
transport operation~
A s ~ , m J ~ that the conditions that
may be encountered and the effects
these conditions will have on the tun-
nel element during t r A n ~ x t are well
understood, the methodology to be used
during transport can be defined. The
capacity of and the ~,mher of tugs
depend upon the resistance of the tun-
nsl element in the river, canal, or at
sea, as well as the space awJl~ble for
m~n,mvoring. Anothor decisive
may be the fleet available for the spe-
cific locatio~
When the available space is narrow,
an accurate and fast-working navi-
gation system is required to provide
information about the position of the
t~mnel element in the available space.
The fastor the system, the mm~ time is Figure 3-4. Computerized projection of the positions of a tunnel element in a
river during transport.

Volume 8, N11mher 2, 1993 ~.mmmzmo,*,svU~SP,*,cz~ 153

advisable to make the operations re- Concrete tunnel elements element, and on temporary struts at
versible and to foresee the possibilities Vertical control of concrete t~mnel the free (or secondary) end of the tun-
of performing the various operations elements may be different from control nel elements. The final positioning is
step by step. of steel elements. After these tunnel done withjacksin these struts, thereby
Figures 3-5, 3-6, and 3-7 illustrate elements have been built in the casting allowing for correction of settlement,
immersing operations for steel tun- yard, they are ballasted with water in misplacement, etc.
nels, concrete tuuneis, and pipeline order to remain at the bottom of the
tunnels and outfalla, respectively. dock, while it is filled with water. 5.4.3 Horizontal control
Tmmersing under normal, protected The ballast water is pumped out of The horizontal control of the tunnel
conditions is a rather straightforward the tunnel elements to make them float. element normally is created by winches,
process for the experienced tunnel The equipment most often used con- anchor lines and anchors in the water
builder, and need not be too difficult to sists of pontoons adapted for the job.
prepare, f f t h e criteria specified below or ashore. These winches cau be placed
These pontoons are placed on top of the on the pontoons. However, when the
are followed. t-nnel elements, either before the ele- current is fairly strong, it is import.ant
ment is put afloat, or at a later stage by to have direct control over the move-
5.4.2 Vertical control floating cranes. The pontoons are ments of the element. This can be Steel tunnel elements equipped with winches to anchor both achieved by placing the winches in
the tunnel elements and the pontoons, towers on top of the t~mnel elements.
Prior to immorsing, the tunnel ele-
ments are attached to the immaTsing or the pontoons only. Alternatively, the winches can be
pontoons. These pontoons normally After the tunnel element has been placed ashore.
moored to the anchors, the ballast tan 1¢g Att.qiuiug horizontal control involves
consist of a set of two or four pontoons
are partly refilled with water until the the following steps:
with bridges in between them. The
t - n n e l element has sufficient negative
tunnel element is suspended from these 1. The t , nnel elements are towed
bridges. buoyancy. If additional ballast is re-
or winched to the i m ~ site.
In order to increase the weight of quired during the immersing because
2. While the elements are still
the steel tamnel elements, they can be of a change in density, water can be
added. afloat, the tugs are replaced by winches
ballasted by additional concrete and/or connected to anchors in the river or
Another option is to use additional
by gravel. This ballast is placed on top ashore.
floating bodies or stabilitytowers with
of the tnnnel element when it is sus- 3. During the lowering of the t~m nel
pendsd f ~ m t h e immersing equipment. the tunnel elements. The stability tow-
element, the horizontal position of the
The immersing takes place when ers, which are placed on top of the
t~mnel element is checked continuously.
tlmnel elements, need to have both
the tnnnel elements are lowered with 4. Subsequently, the tunnel ele-
sufficientfloatingcapacity and a suffi-
winches on the pontoons. When the ment is placed with the prlm_A,Tend on
ciently large cress-sectionat the water
tamnel element is dose to the bottom, it a guiding structure on the secondary
level.The combination ofstabilitytow-
is lowered against the previOUS ele- end of the previous tunnel element.
ment before being placed on the gravel ers and the ballast water provides ex-
5. The tremendous water pressure
bed foundation. Temporaryjointing is cellent control of the t~,nnel elements.
pushes the tunnel element firmly
When the tlmnel elements are near
accomplished with rubber gaskets; per- against the previous elAment, at the
the final position, they are placed on a
manent joints are made afu~ the tem- same time dictating the direction of
temporary structure on the previous
porary bulkheads are removed. the axis. The final axla of the t, mnelis
very much dictated by the precise mea-
surement of the end rings of the t~mnel
elements containing the Gins profile.

5.4,4 Other equipment-related

The working methods described
above have become commonplace in
imersed tube bmnAlllng, thanlr 9largely
to the availability of equipment and
the experience with this method gained
over time.
Another option, which involves the
use of %pud', or self-elevating, pon-
toons, offers several advantages. With
this type of equipment, the i m ~
operations on-site can be limited in
time, and the intervals between the
immersing of each t~Innel element can
be limited as well. To date, sequences
of one t--nnel element every 24 hours
have been achieved.
The choice among ~ and other
options depends upon a combination of
considerations, such as the n-mimr of
t~,~el elements, site cenditi~s, time
schedule available, specific require-
merits from the diant, and equipment
~wure 3-5. Model of a lay barge used to place the steel tunnel elements for the available. Selectiug the best optioa is a
Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system's Transbay Tunnel in San matter of economy, te~hniqne and,
Francisco, California (U.S.~). (Photo source: 'l~mnel Engineering of all, experiealco, tairillaand kllow-how.

154 TUNN~s.r~o Arm UNDRROm3UNVSPACETECt~OLOGY Vohxme 8, Number 2, 1993



~.~J l? ' . .... :


//~_,>~. - .... . _..

/ . ~ ..~. |

// --

~_~. ~ .-,~._
........... ::~ . . . . . . . . . . , . ~ _ : , l

Figure 3-6. Standard immersing system for concrete tunnel elements.

5.5 Positioning be lowered on the ~nR1 foundation. crete or steel slabs, placed in the trench
The system that precisely defines The temporary foundation at the pri- prior to the ; ~ m a , ~ g of the ~ , - - e l
the location of the t - - n e l element in n~qTy end---i.e., the end connected to element. Attached to the bmnel el~
the river and/or the trench has under- the previous b, nnel element--is the ment and located above these slabs
gone important changes in the past guided suppor~ of the b , - - e l element is a steel structure consisting of
20 years. These changes are the on a structure connected to the previ- bars and jacks connected to the tun-
result of new technology in the pos- ous element~ nel element. This system allows for
sibilities for survey above, as well The temporary foundation at the correcting the position of the ele-
as under, water. Thanks to these secondary (or free) end consists of con- ment during the fonowing phases.
developments, the period required
for the ; m m ~ of a tnnnel ele-
ment is considerably shorter, and
the risk of surpassing the t/me avail-
able has decreased.
The importance of a fast eau-veysys-
tem during transport has been noted.
During the imma~fing process, the ac-
curacy of the system is paramount.
We must attend to the accuracy and
vuinerability of the tunney system for
external, as well as internal, eondl-
ti(lll& Activities prior to the immer8..
ins mnst be controlled in detail.

5.6 Tunnel Foundation

5.6.1 General Information
Three different foundation sys-
tenm are available. In Europe, the
sand-jetted and sand-flow systems
are e o ~ m , ly umd. In the U.8A., the
semeded 8ravel bedis e c - , , , ~ praY_'_,-_~
For a sand fotmdation, the p ~ . ~ l
element is temporarily founded di-
rectly aP,er the ;=,,~ersing, until i t can Figure 3-7. Immersing system used for pipeline tunnels and outfalls.

Volume 8, N.mher 2, 1998 ~ z . w o . , . m ) ~ S r x c a e ~ 155

5.6.2 Scmeded grovel bed
This foundation type is generally
used in North ~merica, with steel shell
tnnne]s. Following the dredging of the
trench, a layer of coarse sand or gravel
is placed on the bottom of the trench.
The gradation of the material must be
related to the hydraulic conditions:the
stronger the current, the higher the
gradation. The layer will be approxi-
mately 0,70 m thick.
Careful attention must be paid to
accurate levelling of the gravel bed.
The required accuracy is +.q cm, de-
pending upon the local conditions, the
gradation of the materials, and the
equipment used. Levelling is done
with a screed, suspended from winches
on a carriage rolling on tracks sup-
ported on two pontoons.
The rig is anchored above the sur-
face to be levelled. The scresd suspen-
sion can be adjusted to compensate for
Chsang~ill tide level. In order to ex-
clude influences from the surface to the
greatest extent possible, special equip-
ment, based upon the principle of semi-
submersibles, can be used. This method
permits the screed to be directly con-
nected to anchor blocks.
Figure 3-8 shows the screed~n~rig
used fur San Francisco's TransbayTube. Figure 3-9. Principle of the C&N sand.jet syster~ a: gantry, mombte
along the tunnel axis. b: pipe system for sand supply, c: temporary
5.6.3 Sand-jatting foundation foundation, d: jetted sand.
The first system used to create a
sand foundation was the C&N method,
which uses a gantry of steel ~ , . . i . ~ around a vertical axis allow the the se-callad ~ l - f l o w method has
over the t~m-el element. Connected to entire space underneath the tunnel been developed (see Fig. $-10).
this gantry are three adjacent pipes. element to be coverod. A space of With t ~ system, as for the ~ d -
This system of pipes leads to the space about 1 m for moving t h e pipes j ~ t ~ ~ a ~ ~ i s
underneath the tzmnel between the underneath the t-~nel elements is p,,,,,.,.,,.ml th.,,o,~..,h ~ to tim mpam,
bottom of the t~,-nel and the bottom of required. tm&rmmth tim t-nnel +'~"m~+* (see
the trench. The sand must be clean. The aver- Fig. 8-9). I n + ~ - m u m , ~ d d ' t w i ~
The biggest pipe is in the middle. age grain size of the ~md is a p p r ~ - a movaifle s y m m , a n.mhet, of otmm-
Through this pipe, a sand/water m;T. m a t ~ 0,6 ram. The co~tratian ~ m czzmd m me ~ dt~
ture (the composition of which is well- and the exit velocity of the sand/ t - - n e l element. Them o p , ~ , , , p are
controlled) is pumped underneath the water m~ffi,ture, which are directly ~-..-,.'tml to p i ~ ~ ~ hwMe
tunnel element. The two pipes on ei- related to the dianmter of the pan- or out,~le the ~,,,,.+,,,d du:mmts (the
ther side of the large pipe suck the cake, must be well-controlled.
w a t e r back. This creates a flow ping ~ , ~ ~ ,
action that settles the sand under- 5.6.4 Sand-flow system and preferenou of the contractor).
neath the b~nnel element in a well- In order to avoid the use of a When the pipes run from ashore
defined and well-controllod pattern. gantry, which might obstruct ship-
~-:m~tZe ~ m e £ t o t ~ 0 i m ~ t o be
The gantry on the b , - - e l element filled, thereis~oh~n~,'An~ at alltothe
traffic, and in order to place
and the possibility ofturning the pipes foundations under deeper t~,n-els,
mmdlwat~ - . ~ . , , ' + is, p--+.,ed
through the ~ in tim .~,,,,,,.el
element+ The sand nil-. the space
~ ~ tzmz~ e k m m t until
the "crater" touches the bottom of
the ~ t . ~ , ~ ~l~d-

~ n in the l m m ~ m q m m m a pre-
~ ~ ~ Y ,
the n ~ t " " and the

The _-,;_maml the i m t ~ ' a oftlm open-

i ~ , t ~ ¢bz,r l , ~ of the land,
tho ~ t h o f t h . t . m ~ t h , ~ t
Figure 3-8. Model of a screeding rig used for the Transbay Tube. (Photo ofthe ~ aml ~ b ~ ~ e c t ~ ere
source: T . . n e l Engineering Handbook). ~uterr-~te~ T k k methodis very fast

156 TUNN~.,.ma ANDUNVr~a~OUNVSPACE" I ~ c ~ o u ~ Volume 8, N-tuber 2, 1993

and can fill the entire space undor- undor ~!...1 elements having a bet- The joints between the various
neath a tunnel element w i t h i . 24 tom surface of 3500 mS can be filled segme~s of t h e / ~ m ~ i elemeQts re-
hours, thu~ avoiding the risk of silt- within a 34-hour peri~L quire special care. A variety of
ation a/for the ele~nents have been With the C&~ eaud-jettln~ sy~ methods havo bern d . n ~ k ~ d to check
placed. tern, the capacity of the system to and control the q,,.~ty of the joint&
remove the silt is limited, as is the Quality control of the marine-
5.6.5 Cleaning of the trench capacity to fill the entire space un- related activities requires conaid-
derneath a t~,--~! element. There- orable attention. Proper testing of
The c l ~ - ; n ~ of an open trench was
fore, the matter of sedimentation the system and equipment used for
mentioned in Section 4.4. Siltation of
must be givml special care if a sand- monitoring cenditions and for IX~i-
the trench has been a problem on a tioning is esse~_ti'_,tL For wrJmple, it
jetting system is used.
nzlm]~a- of projects. B4~atlse the de-
is very important to measure prop-
of these problems are outside the erly the depth of a trench, the silt-
scopeof this report, the remake herein 6. General Matters
ation, etc. The ability to perform
are ~;m;ted to the conclmdona that can 6.1 Quslity Control these m e a s u r e m e n t s successfully
be drawn from these ezperiences. It has been emphasised that the is very dependent upon the condi-
I/there is a riskofee~-~-tation by quality control for an ; - - . ~ ! tube tioM of the project and the capabil-
bottom trensport and/or eiltstionin the t~mnAl must pay specific attention to ity of the equipment to deal with
rlve~ in the space underneath the tun- a n.mhor of ma~__A~e. In addition to
nelelements, eet~eus~ t i ~ n.l~t specific circumstances.
be given to the solutic~ In general, it the standard procedures for con-
crete and other related activities, 6.2 Risks
can be stated that removing siltation
from undenxeath a bmnel element is special attention must be given to
w a t o r t ~ t n m = of the concrete, for 6.2.1 General considerations
extremelycostly. Tberefore, it is essen- The risks on a multi-disciplinary
concrete t-nnels, and of the steel
t/sl to avoid t~]~ type of sedlm~ntatio~ project such as an ; , ~ ! tube tun-
shell, for steel tunnels. Steel will
When a gravel bed goundati~ is nel can be d i s t i n ~ h e d as thcee re-
have to be X-rayed, while concrete
used, the risk of such s e ~ t a t i o n will have to be checked for crack& httsd to tochniea] matters, to time
is nil because there is no open space schedule, and to eeet. The risks for
underneath the tunnel element~ With I t is possible to check the wator-
tightness after the graving dock has these types ofprojects are not basically
a sand-flow system, which involves been flooded. Although repair of even- different from the risks for other civil
~ansport through p i ~ and open- tual leaks at that timeis ezpeusive and engineering projects. Th~ statement
inge in the b . - ~ bottom, these prob- best avoided, it is techn;cally feasible. assumes, however, that the most im-
lems can easily be avoided as well portant requirement= ".e., regarding
The weight of the bmnel elements
The system allows for very rapid in relation to the slze and lmoyancy of input based on experience and know-
fi11;.~ of the space underneath the how--are ~,!Rl1~ on the project.
the t, mnel elements must be closely
t~nnel elements. The entire space

/ / j ~

= - .-'-r~. "r~

P~ure 3.10. Principle of the sand-flow system, which uses a pattern of openings underneath the tunnel.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T m u ~ z ~ O Z ~ D ~ S P x c z ~ 157

The history of immarsed tube tun- overruns for immersed tunnel s t r u c t i o n p r o c e s s m u s t not be
nels does not reveal any major accidents projects is considerably lower. The worked out in too much detail prior
or events that have had an impact on time required for the construction to the tender of the project.
the projects themselves or on third par- of a bored b~nnel depends very much 4. This type of project is perfect for
ties. The reason for this might be that upon the production outcome of the design-and-construct schemes. How-
much efforthas been invested in proper tlmnel bering machine. It is difficult, ever, in order to limit the cost for the
preparation of the project activities--- if not impossible, to improve this design as much as possible and to allow
for ex-mple, in terms of risk ~nalyses rate during the course of the project. maximum competition, the client must
(longcommon to these type ofprojects), An immersed t u n n e l offers much put the ma~dmum information avail-
extensivesurvey work performed in ad- more flexibility with regard to time able at the contractors' disposal. This
vance, and back-up facilitiesincluded scheduling. information must be collected by spe-
in the systems. c/-!iats familiar with the local ~ c u m -
Compared to other big schemes, an 6.2.3 Cost stances and by specialists in immersed
immersed t~ n n el project may be viewed As noted above, some immersed tube tnnnelllng.
as a relatively safe and sound system. tunnel projects have had consider- 5. The team must operate inde-
Highly dramatic events have not been able cost overr~na. These overruns p e n d e n t l y of t h e c o n t r a c t u a l ar-
associated with these types of projects. may have resulted from an exten- rangements between parties.
However, a number of projects have sion of the work needed because of 6. Communication with third par-
experienced considerable cost and time additional requirements or result- ties must be well organised. Especially
overruns. Although these were often ing from unfor~seen environmental during the marine operations, good
justified as the result of "unforeseen circumstances. communications are required in order
events ~, this does not necessarily mean In all levels of the organlaation-- to avoid problems that could have cata-
that these events could not have been design as well as construction--where strophic results.
foreseen. A project under water in skilled personnel are involved, the cost
difficult conditions is indeed not easy 7. Each party must be informed of
overruns should not exceed 5% of the all available information and must have
to perform; but here again, it is a mat- value of the project. Moreover, experi-
ter of properly investigating the exter- access to this information.
enced people can properly es~/m-te the
nal conditions, taking these into ac- amount required to cover eventual cost
count in designing and building the OVa. 6.4 Project Finance
t~mnel, and properly controlling all rel- Recently, a n - m h e r o f l m ~ t u n -
evant aspects of the project. 6.3 Project Management nel projects have been built with pri-
With regard to quality control, rlsk~, vate financing. Altho-~h details ofpri-
and the structure of the organiRation of The above discussion underscores
the multi-disciplinary nature of im- vats ¢;nA.~ng are outside the scope of
the project, clients must be aware of this report, this type O f ~ - - - ~ - Z should
the importance of both the decisions mersed tube tunnels. In addition, the
construction normally takes place at be mentioned because it will have im-
they make about technical aspects, and portant implications for future im-
the parties they select to be involved in locations where other activities may
interferewith it.For immersed tlmnel mersed t~l--el tschniques and projects.
the design and construction process. The time schedule is a major influ-
construction,various sitesare created,
each shore has an approach ramp, and ence on privately fmanced projects: the
6.2.2 Time schedule bmnel must be built in the shortest
the m a d n o operationstake placein the
The construction of an i m m e r s e d area between these ramps. The ele- period possible. The optimal period
t~mnel can be divided into a n-tuber of ments are constructed at another loca- should be determined on the ba_m_'sof
separateprojects. Theapproachrampe, tion. All of these activities must be the results of a cost-benefit analysis
the construction ofthe t~ nnel elements, pl-nned to mesh perfectly. comparing the investment in rapid con-
the marine activities, and the finishing These aspects emphasise the need struction techniques, equipment, etc.,
of the works--civil as well as electro- for excellent cooperation between the with the savings in interest.
mechanical--are essentially different personnel and parties involved in the A tight time schedule should not be
projects, often performed at different project. When cooperation fails, a prob- established at the cost of the q,,a~ty of
locations. This divisionof the project lem at one location may result in a the work. Experience and know-how
will result in a number of activities disaster at another. are needed to define the op~m-! sched-
being performed in parallel. They will Therefore, it is vitally important to ule for a partic~dar project. Further-
have to mesh technically, as well as in establish perfect cooperation between more, a tight time schedule will mean
the planning stage. all parties involved, guided by a skilled that the design must be optlmlged to
Some parts of these tasks involve and experienced group of people. Some take advantage of possibilities for sav-
repetitive activities--for example, guidelines are given below: ing time °n vari°us aspects °fthe Project"
construction of the t~m-el elements The almculty with private fiuancing
and parts of the approach ramps, and 1. All relevant parties must be de- oiten is that the politician- acting on
the immershxg process. Therefore, fined at an early stage of the project. behalf of society are neither ~llln~ to
the negative effect of a sudden set- Their specific requirements, Airillqand nor capable o f d ~ R n l n . ~ t h e r e q ~ t s
back oRen can be neutralised by in- contributions must be known to all regardl,~ the. total package of design-
creasing the number of forms; by parties involved and all aspects of their construct~finance-and-operate projects.
adding equipment; or by perf~ing work must be covered. This mean R that the authorities
extra works at night, during the 2. A team of responsible key people advising the politicians in the interest
weekends and on holidays. must be establL-h,~l at an early stage of of society must be capable of properly
Purthermore, if there is a known the project. This team should include deR-in~ the te~h-lcal and additional
risk associated with the functioni-~ skilled specialists for each discipline requirements of t h a t society.
of a particular piece of equipment, and must be guided by an experienced It is vital that all related parties be
back-up equipment--or at least fast t~m-el specialist. identified prior to the real start ofthe
and proper replacement of key equip- 3. Because d_~i_'_gnand construction work, for the entire scope of the project.
ment---can be planned for. are closely related, early input from These parties must be capable of iden-
In comparison with bored tunnels, the construction company regarding tifying and judging all risks--whether
for e x a m p l e , t h e r i s k of t i m e the design is advisable. The con- technical or financial---and of covering


these risks.

Bicke], John O. and m~eael, T. R., e~.
1982. Tunnel ~n~,,~cing Handbook.
New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold.

The author, a consulting engi-
neer, has made an inventory of the
various construction techniques used
thus far in immersed tube t-nnel-
ling. The result of his survey has
been amended by a number of spe-
cialists. In particular, the author
thAnkA Mr. Ahmet Gursoy, Ix. P. van
Milllgen and Ix. Gerard H. van Raalto
for their advice.

Volume 8, N ~ 2, 1993 Ttneam~.nqOaSV~SpACZ~ 159

Chapter 4:




Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc.

G. LIONG TAN The Netherlands

Bouwdlenst Rykswater-staat


COWl Consult

HANS BURGER The Netherlands


Contributions and comments by:

A. Glerum The Netherlands
Chr. J. A. Hakkaart The Netherlands

Tunnelling and UndergroundSpaceTechnology,VoL 8, No. 2, pp. 161-174, 1993. 0886-7798/93 $6.00 + .00
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 161
Chapter 4: Waterproofing and Maintenance

2.1 Recent Joint Evolution
2.2 Waterproof Joint for Immersed Tunnel Elements
2.2.1 Typical joints
2.2.2 Contingency method for sealing typical joints
2.3 Closure Joints
2.4 Termln~l Joints
2.5 Underwater Connections to TerminAl Elements Constructed in Rock
2.6 Seismic Joints
2.7 Concrete Requirements
2.8 Cathodic Protection of Steel Elements

3.1 The Concrete Structure
3.1.1 Membranes Steel membranes Bit~lmlnc~s membranes Polymeric sheet membranes Liquid-applied membranes
3.1.2 Chilling the concrete
3.2 Joints
3.2.1 Ass-mptions for joint design
3.2.2 Immersion joints
3.2.3 Termin~! joints
3.2.4 Closure joints
3.2.5 Dilatation joints
3.2.6 Construction joints

4.1 Experience with leakage in Steel Shell 'l~mnels
4.2 Experience with leakage in Concrete r~mnels
4.2.1 Leakage ~ tunnel structure
4.2.2 LeakAge through joints

162 ~ . ~ . r ~ o AND UNDmm~OUND SPACE "l~mNar, ooY V o l u m e 8, N , , m ~ r 2, 1993

1. Introduction and Background the two tubes. The joint was made in Vancouver, Bri t i sh Columbia
This chapter deals with eusurL~ watert~ht by belting it tight and then (Canada), which used an inflatable
watertightness of immersed tun- grouting the space between the two rubber gasket for the initial seal and
nels; and, specifically, with t he gaskets, in a manner not too-nlJkA the water pressure to effect the final soal.
methods used to ensure watertight Boeton sewer built some 16 years pre- ~ , the Gina and Omega
integrity of i , - , - ~ d tunnels. Ma- viously. The shellwas 9.5-ram riveted profiles came into prevalent use in
terial in the chapter covers both steel, lapped and ship-caulked. European countries, as well as in
steel shell b~nnels and concrete box The next immn~rB~ tllnnel Was oniy Japan; and were recent l y intro-
b~els. one element long. This was the La duced in China for t hat country's
For concrete ~:~,nnela,the twO basic Salle St. railroad b,n-el in Chicago, first imm,~md b,n-el, which is un-
watortightueso design philosophies are constructed in 1912. The ands of the dar construction in Guanszhou.
described. The first uses applied exto- element tied directly into cofi~rdAm~
rior 6reel and/or bitnmlnou8 membrsme. Again, the shell consisted of riveted, 2. Steel Tunnels
The second uses no exterior water- ship-caulked and lapped construction.
With the third immecsed tnnnel, 2.1 Recent Joint Evolution
~glayer, butrathor accomplishes
waterproo/~ng by dividingthe element the Harlem River Tunnel in New Apart from certain special consider-
into separate segments where concreto York, constructed in 1914, the de- ations concerning corroeion,which are
shrinkage-cracklng can be prevented. sign of the joints between tubes took covered later in this chapter, the
Because steel tube b,--~ls are com- a significant turn. The design no steel shell constitutes the basic wa-
pletsly enclmed by the steel shell, the longer used a rubber gasket (per- terproof enclosure of all single- and
issue o f w a ~ - z largely c o n c ~ haps because of the difficulty an- double- shell steel elements. It is
the dseign ofthejointbetween elements. ticipatod in mating the four tubes therefore mostly in the joint area
The develolnnent of the methods for incorporated in these elements). In- that refinements in design details
prodding watorUghtne~ in joints in stead, it used a riveted steel finer can be made.
steel shellb,n-els over the past decades plate closure across a square-butted From 1930 through 1960, the de-
has been largely empiri_c~!and mainly joint after the exterior had been sign ofthe joints in steel shell elements
the result of i n ~ p o r a t ~ the exp~- concreted with a tremie enclosure in the United States did not change
enco gained on one t~,--~l in the design between elements. The space be- very muc~ The method of operation
of the next. This proeees is ongoing in hind the liner plato was grouted. during placement r ~ i n e d bA~cally
the United States. In the European This method was quito successful the same as it had been for the previous
countries, however, dsvelo~aent has and set the pattern for all of the im- filty years.
centered on concrete ~ n n e ] s , con- mersed tnnnels constructed subse- The joint was mated and aligned
structed with or without membranea quently in the U.S., until the Bay Area and then pinned with two heavy steel
This chapter provides information Rapid Tr~n~dt (BART) Tran~bay Tun- pins. A form was installed on beth
on current design practice for types of nel in San Francisco was constructed sides of the joint and a mas~ve tremie
joints, membranes and watertight con- in 1970. The BART Transbay t~n-el concrete pour was made, which com-
was the first to use the double rubber- p l e t o l y enclosed the joint and hopefully
crete. It seems appropriate to begin
this section on watertightneso with a gasketted joint now comn~uly used in sealed it suff~ently to allow the inter-
brief history of its evolution in im- the U.S. The grouted steel liner plate nal liner plates to be welded in place
mersed b,nnelling. detail (welded) was used on the BART without great difficulty. This was not
The hlstoryofsubaqusousi mm~med rl~'nn'~|and continues to be used on always the case, however, because
tunnels is about to attain its first steel shell b,nnel8 to ~ day. tremie concreto is oi~on imporfect. The
centonniaL In 1894, the flrstimmm'sed The Posoy Wl'nnel, coDsta'tlL÷t~dill joints would leak or, worse yet, the
tl~nnel large enough for a person to 1928 in Oakland, California, and the concrete would penetrate into the inte-
walk through was constructed. The Webster St, ~mnel--its near twin, con- rior of the joint and harden, requiring
Boston Metropolitan sewer, beneath structod in 1962--are the oaly con- a time-cons-ruing ~m;.;.~" operation
Shirley Gut in Boston Harbour, used crete bmnels without a steel shell ever to remove it. On the other h_-nd, the
15-m-long, 2.7-m-diametor elements constructed in the United 8tatoa Both tremie joint had one major benefit: it
consisting of brick and concrete, with t~mnpJSwere waterproofed with an ex- formed a rather strong structural con-
lO-cm-thick exterior wood shesthln~. temalbib~,-;n~m mmnbrane protoct~ nection between the elements.
Temporary wooden b . i k h e a d s were with wood lagging, and beth used Although the gaskettedjoint is very
instelled at both ends of each element, tremie concrete joints. effective in provJrl;-~ a more reliable
The ~ imm,~l, tnnnel to use working environment than the tremle
and external flanges with rubber
gaskets were provided to permit the weldinu for its steel lining was the joint for the installation of the steel
elements to be belted together. Thus, trtn n el,con-
])etroit..WindBorvehi£.'la[llelr liner plato, a disadvantage is that the
the ~ i m m ~ l . t ~ l n n e l tlBed rubber- s t r u c t ~ in 1980. Only the longitudi- structure of the joint bec~m~ inher-
nal seams were welded; the cite-refer- ently The former thick tremie
~ e t t e d joints. concrete encasement, which helped to
In 1910, the Detroit River Railway ential sector were riveted, as in previ-
T-n-,d--consldored to be the first ~ull- ons ~mnels. The first all-welded steel tie the elements together, was no lenger
scale i m n s ~ d t],n n e l ~ t h i s 8alne shell was used for the elements of the used. In addition, in recent years the
B-n~hAad rJ?llnnel,c o ~ in Mo- thlckness ofthe struchxralinterlor con-
metho& This t-n-el was unusual by
present-day standards in that i t was of bile,Alsh,m,, in 1940. cretoring has been reducod, as higher-
By the time the ~ransbay T-nnel strength concreto and more sophisti-
double-shell construction, placed on the
for San Francisco's Bay Area Rapid cated methods of analysis have come to
bettom, with no concreto inside or out.
T r a n s i t (BART) system was de- be used.
The exterior concrete was then placed
by tremie metheds. ~ all the ele- signed, concrete immersed t~lnne]S These changes have resulted in an
ments were in place, the tubes were had long been ~ in Europe increasin8 problem with the effects of
and Canada t ~ n g sinsle main gas- thermal expansion and contraction,
accessed and the interior concrete lin- causln8 longitudinal movements in the
ing was installed continuously, as a kets and mobili~-inu the water pres-
sures to compress the gasket~ The first joints between elemeats and cra~l~ng
m;nAd t~m--I would be lined. The and spall;.~ of the interior Rnlahes of
Detroit River ~,n n el u~ii-~d rubber such t,,-,,,el in North America was the
DeasIslandt~-~nel, consh'uctedin 1959 the bmnel.
doublo-gaskettedjoints around each of

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T t m N m ~ m O A m ) U ~ S P A C B T~mNOLOOY163

No leakages have yet been traced to
these movements in any of the ttznnels ~ RubberGaskets
where they have been observed (two
bmnelsin I'l~mpton Roads, Va., U.S_A~,
and the Fort McHenry ~ l n n e l in Balti-
more, Md., U.S.~). However, there /----ll~out P/pe
is concern that the liner plat~ ~he
major llne of defense against even-
tual deterioration of the main gas-
kets--mlght begin to leak as a result
of the seasonal joint centraction and
compression; and, certainly, the ef- ShellP/ate "
fects on the wall tile are a serious ~ ~ ShellP/ate
maintenance consideration.
In the case of the ~ m , e l for the
Central Artery/Third Harbour Tunnel
Project in Boston, the design of the Figure 4-1a. Joint detail for the Detroit River Tunnel (1910).
joint detail has been revised to ac-
complish two objectives:
1. To make the joint flexible, in
order to prevent damage to the seal
resulting from the motions that have
been observed.
2. To provide a controlled location
for the movement in the joint to appear
in the surface of the wall.
This new joint detail may be said to
constitute the state of the art, insofar
as it has been recommended for the ilot Pin
aforementioned project by the two
American consulting firms that have
designed the large majority of the steel
shell blnne]B ~0.the U.S.A~
Therefore, this discussion of water-
proofing as it relates to steel shell ele-
ments will use this most recent devel-
opment as its m~in example for joint
design. European designers will real-
ize t h a t this j o i n t detail is very
close to what is commonlyused on the
Continent for concrete box elements.
In fact, the Gma type of profile was Figure 4-1b. Joint detail for the Harlem River Tunnel (1914).
specified as an acceptable alternative
type of main gasket for the Boston
Harbou.r ~mnel. displacements without struc- and down to a drA+--~e valve in the
tural f a i l u r e or f a i l u r e in invert of the element. The valve re-
2.2 WaterproofJointsfor Immersed watertightnoss. lieves the pressure and drains the
TunnelElements Figures 4-1a and 4-1b show early
Omega gasket into the lowe~ air supply
d u ~ Although the Omega is rated for
2.2.1 Typical joints ~Amples of the ~ypieal joinff for the the ambient exterior water pressure,
For the purposes of this discussion, Detroit River and the Harlem River the main gaskets do mo6t of the work;
a %-ypical" joint is considered to be the ~+~nAls. F/gures 4-2a and 4-2b show only a slight seepage or trick~ might
joint used between almost all of the an isometric and a plan section of a have to be intercepted by the Omega
elements in an immersed tl m nel. Typi- typical tremie joint (a closure joint is gasket.
cal joints are distinguished from cer- very - * - t ] - - to this type of joint). Fig- The interlor s/ructural ring in the
tain other special joints designed for ure 4-3 shows the current design ofthe joint area is m a i , ly the tynlrcal struc-
specific purposes, i.e.: typical joint for steel shell b",-nels that ture, ,:ompos.~ of the steel chell tied
is prolmeed for use on the most recent com~to the mnorete. However,
* Closure joints, which are used Boston Harbonr ~ , - - e l d s ~ a .
when the last element is placed 60 mm of the joint ring osncrete over-
This new typical j ~ u t detail is d ~ laps from one tube to the othee, to
somewhere in the middle of the s~,ned to permit longit,,,,l+,',*l move,-
immersed portion of the tunnel. merit generated by the temperature
* Terminal joints, which are used element to ~ m t ~ This ov~iap per-
variation during seasonal cycles. It mite relative ~ mot/on b ~
between the shore ends of the is also designed to transfer shear
i m m ~ t ~ t,,,mel and the land tweon elonmnts, by , ~ t ~ e of the faet
forces caused by ~ n ~ e events, as that the concrete is ~ ~latsd
portions. well as differential settlements,
* Underwater joints into rock, be- from the eteel sheU in thls zaue by a
which might cause Rms.ll rotational section ofjoint Kller that prevents bond-
tween steel shell elements and movements in the joint.
rock t~mnels. ing er j ~ of the ~ ring as it
The Omega gasket seals ag~i--t gradually moves in reqmnse to expan-
• Seismic joints, which are de- water that m ~ h t eec__Jpep u t the main sion and contraction.
signed to absorb triaxial seismic exterior gaskets, and conduetsit around

164 TUNN~J.mO ANDUNVgSm~OUNDSPAC~TBCHNOLOaY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

2.2.2 Contingency method for The closure joint provides roughly joint will usually be constructed in the
sealing typical Joints h-1 fa metsr ofjoint a ~ t for the dry. The detail is relatively simple in
All typicaljoints are equipped with accumulated variation in the length of t,hi~ case. I f the t e r m l n . ! s t r u c t u l ~
vertical slots provided in the edges of the t~,nneis as they approach each are eoustructed first, then these struc-
the b,d~h,quis to permit the installa- other. It is initially sealed by tremie tures must be provided with a built-in
tion of curved form plates so that concrete contained within sheetpi]e elementjoint adaptor to which the first
the joint can be sealed using concrete anelesures and kept out of the interior and/or last element can be attached,
in the event that a seal c~--nt be ob- of the joint using enclosures with using norm.l placement procedures.
tained in the usual manner with the overlapping top and bottom hoods, de~ * Se/sm~ mot/ons may control the
gaskets. This curved form plate is signed to provide the range of joint design of the joint and its waterproof-
identical to the one shown in Figure separation noted above. In contrast, ing detniling. The termln-! struc-
2a for the typical tremie joint. Al- the typical tremie joint does not pro- ture to which the end element must
though thi~ provision is always made, vide for a range of joint separation. connect (e.g., a ventilation building)
this second q_ineof defense"hse rarely, will usually have a very different
if ever, been used. 2.4 Terminal Joints natural period of vibration, which
will cause large relative movaments
TerminM joints are the interfaces of the terminal structure with re-
2.3 Closure Joints between the portion of the bmnel cen- spect to the jmm,q~d b,--eL This
These joints ere used at one end structsd b y m ~ n , other th-n Jmmm~ed condition may require a fu~ seismic
of the element that will close the gap in elements and the imma,~ed element joint with triaxial motion capabil-
anlm-~'sedt~mnelbeing constructed portion of the t~mneL Ter~i--! joints ity. Such a joint was used for the
fromboth shores. The other end ofthl, vary widely in design, dspen~-~ on Transbay ~l~,--el in San Francisco
element is provided with a typical rub- certain b~_m_'cfactors, such as: (see Section 2.6, below).
ber-gaskettedjoint. • The sequence of tube placement. • Anticipated expansion and con-
If the elements are placed first, the tract/on between termJn,l elements
and the terminal structaxrm.
• Differential settlement between
the Jmmp~sed tl,nnel and the te~,~;i--I
~ may be an important espeet
in the jointdesign ifground conditions
are rather poor. Some designs (e.g.,
Fort McHenry ~ , - - e l in Baltimore,
Maryland, U.S-A.) have attempted to
avoid high stresses in the i m ~
elements by permitting d/fferential
settlements at the joints. Other ds-
signs (e.g., Second Hampton Roads
~mnel, Hampton Roads, Virginia,
U . S ~ ) have been dssigned to allow for
expansion and contraction but no ver-
tical movement.

2.5 Underwater Connections to

Terminal Elements Consbucted
in Rock
For the 68rd Street ~,-nel (New
York City, U.S.~), two two-Almn_____ent
~mnels were placed: one befween the
New York shore and Roosevelt Island,
in the East R/vet, and the other be-
tween the island and the Brooklyn
shore. T h e s e tWO immersed tlmnel~
Figure 4.2a. ~ypical tremie concrete joint for a typical steel double-
were joined at the island by a rock
shell structure.
At each end of the two immersed
/t ~ ._
tunnels, an und=water portal face
and pocket was blasted in the rock
I [ , " ." " iremie concrete F i l I ~ • "| Alter placing the element in this
pocket in the rock face, the joint area
wee tremied to form a tight seal. Subse-
~Ba~rete .)~ .~. i ? Top/Bottom Hood P l a t e s - 7 .. " " , ". I ~.~" Ballast Concrete.~ " quently, the element was reached by
rn~-~-~ through the rock and tmmie
seal and removing the end b, ikhead.
This joint was made watertight by a
steel shell e~_~-mJ,m into the m~-ed
[ [ (Grouted/ P [Removed/
Construct/on Jo/nt ' I 2.6 Seismic Joints
in Interior Concrete
The only seismic joint design used
to date in the United 8tares w u devel-
Figure 4-2b. Section through a typical tremie joint. oped for the BART Transbay ~ m n e l in

Volume 8, N-tuber 2, 1993 T u m ~ ; m o ~ v U ~ ) u ~ v S p A c z TRamou)~ 185

Bulkhead P/ate , Omega Gasket Assembly 7
(Removed) ~I Drain for Omega Gasket-7 / ~-- Expanssbn Material

t ~. I .~ ~ ~ . ~ . . !.- ~ . - ~ ~ ,=. -/~ .. ~, ~'. ~ . , , , ~, ,.,


7 ff.xferlOf ~.oncrele . c . - ) ~ . , ~..=.~ r . . "

(Slrucrurnll -. ° . "~ . ~ , ". ~ ' , •. . . . " '

" " tern "

Bulkhead Plate ~ Bulkhead Plate -~

(InboardJ (Outboard)

F i g u r e 4-3. Typical joint detail for Boston's Third Harbor Tunnel.

San Frandsco. The sel/am'~cjoint was flexibility in concrete tunnels are not for c o a i ~ g t h e s t e e l s h e l l w i t h m a t e r i .
designed to p ~ m i t triaxial displace- required. It should be noted that this s i s s u c h a s coal t a r e p o x y a n d / o r t h e
ments of :~8 cm in the longitud~nnl situation can lead to designer compla- provision of impressed current cathodic
direction and +15 cm in any direction cency with regard to temperature and prot 'on
in a vertical plane, while ma~nt~nln~ shrlnl~%~e controlin tha steel elements; Alternatively, stray current test
watertight integrity. and thla can have the undesirable ef- stations may be speeiRed to permit
The ~ and transvorse hodzon- fect of introducing excessive reflected periodic m e a s u r e m e n t s at several
tal motions are permitted by pre- cracking in 6nlnhed tile sm.facos. locations along the steel shell of the
compressed rubber gaskets ~ - ~ on imm~zed tunnel. This arrangement
radial Teflon bearing mxrfao~. The 2.8 Cathodic Pro~'tion of Steel permits flexibility in adjusting the
longitud;-=l motion is taken by ~rn~lm- Elements extent of the cathodic protection to
gaskets slidln~ on a clrolmfqurential the actual conditions encountered in
Telton ~ mxrfaco. Both sets of I t has not been the practice in the t h e c o m p l e t e d project. In t h i s
byammed United States to provide special pro- regard, the intemal re~nforc~ug steel
cables that allow the ~ by total. tection to t h e steel shell of im- and the steel shell must be carefully
ing on T~lon~oatsd spherical bearings. mersed t~mnAl% unieas stray direct bonded electrically throughout the
The assembly is protected from currents are detsrmlvmd to be present. t - n n e l to prevent deterioration, or
mud and the marine environment by Where stray currents do exist or are even a c c e l e r a t e d localized corro-
e x t e r i o r r u b b e r boot enclosures. expected, such asin an electrified rapid sion, in t h e p r e s e n c e of s t r a y
T h e s e a s s e m b l i e s were prefabri- transitbmnel, provim'ons maybe made currents.
cated, assembled and tested as units
before being a t t a c h e d to the e l e - ~.Radia/ Teflon Faced
ments. Four of these seismic joints Searing Surface
were required for the Transbay Tun-
nel. The joints performed well dur-
ing the 1989 earthquake in San Frau- ..,.,,o, F . e ,,.ooe
cisco. Figure 4.-4 shows the arr~-~e~
ment of this seismic joint.

2.7 Concrete Requirements j

One of the basic advmztsges of stsel
shell t=mn~Is lies in the fact that the
watertightae~ doesnot rely heavily en
the ab~h'ty ofthe concrete to withst,.,,d
cracking, as it does for concrete box
t~m-ela The concrete strength is im- ©
portant from the structural standpoint,
and randmn temperature and shrink-
age c r g ~ t ~ is a concern in this regard,
however, from a l ~ = ~ e stsndpo~nt, Cable
steel elements cau ~ a t e a great deal
¢rsankqn~in ~ concrete Hnln~
than can concrete box elements.
In addition, the concrete box is not
as accommodating to variable ground Inside Face o f Tunnel _ . . t

settlAments asis the steel shell bm~el.

As a result, intermediate joints ~m~lA~ F i g u r e 4-4. Patented seismic joint used for the Tranebay Tunnel, San
to those commonly used to introduce Francisco.

166 T u ~ J . m o ANDUI~m~tOUND SPAcz T ~ m o L o a y Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

3. Concrete Tunnels Severaltypes ofwate:proof~ mem- not overloade~ - situation that could
Because steel is ez]>~-~ive on the branes h a v e b e e n used for t h e construc- c ~ a t e cracks through the membrane.
Euro~__- mAinly,d, alternatives to the tion o f ; m ~ concrete bmne]s: Although the concrete is placed
s t ~ l sbell have been develol~cL I n t b e • Steel membranes. a g - ; - ~ it, the steel membrane will not
past, problemm have occurred because • Bit~Im;nntl8 Inembranes. adhere to the concrete. The mparatlon
the concrete was not watertight, due to may take place in the casting basin
• Polymeric sheet membranos. beeatme the temperatures ofthe mem-
the lack of density of the concrete and • Liqu/d-applied membranes.
cracks. brane and concrete are ~ t . The
Lenir-ge water can enter the t.,,nnel Each of these types of membrane is separation of steel and concrete will
discuased below. allow water from a leak in the mem-
in two ways:
brane to find any leak in the concrete.
1. Through the concrete structure. In order to 1;mlt potable |Mkaees, con-
2. Through the joints. Steel membranes
sideration may be given to dividing the
These types ofle~ knee are discussed This is the oldest method used for membrane into r ~ n o r areas of per-
below. preventing water from penetrating haps 10 x 10 m, ,Ring ribs welded
into the t-nneL The steel lining onto the inner side of the membrane.
encases the tunnel completely and Steel m e m b r a n e s h a v e m a i n l y
3.1 WaterLeakge through the
has no s t m e ~ a l functions. Gener- been used at the bottom or the bot~
Concrete Structure ally, the steel and concrete are not tom and sides of immersed t , nnels.
It is v e r y / m p o r t a n t that the con- p e r m i t t e d to be c o n s i d e r e d as a The rem~ining p a r t of the tunnel
c r e t e be i m p e r m e a b l e . Possible composite structure. surface has then been covered with
c a u s e s of c r a c k s are climatic N o r m a l l y s t e e l m e m b r a n e s con- another type of membrane, umudly
temperature fluctuations and hydra- s i s t of 6- to 8-ram-thick steel pla- a bi~IrnJnouB membrg~Le. The trail-
tion heat during the pour. If the tes welded together. The connec- eition between steel and b i t ~ m ; = ~
concrete s t r u c t u r e cracks, w a t e r tion between the membrane and the membrane requires eomplez clamp-
]~Lk into the ~Inne]. Penetration concrete s t r u c t u r e is provided by ing in order to ensure permanent
of water into the concrete can cause s h e a r studs welded to the mem- watertightness.
corrosion of the reinforcement. brane. In addition to normal control A few concrete t~,n-els, including
To prevent water from leai~,~ into of t h e welds, all welds b e t w e e n the 'l~ngstad '~,Tmml in ~gweden and
the bmnA1 tJxrough the concrete, two plates are f u r t h e r t e s t e d for wa- the Dens Island 'l~,nnel in Canada,
different measures are applied: t ~ i g h t n e s s . This testin~ may be have been provided with steel mem-
1. Membranes. done r a t h e r simply by a portable brane all around.
2. Cooling the concrete to avoid vacuum box. Steel membranes have the follow-
cracking. Because steel membranes are sub- ing advantages:
ject to corrosion, protective measures
It should be notod that no cmacrete is • Geod ex~erJenes hae been gained
may be needed. If the bmnAl is we]/
100% watertight; some water seepage with p,¢h , , ~ - h r a n e s i n t h e past.
below the water surface and is sur-
will occur eve~ thorugh a dense con- rounded by backfill, corrosion will oc- • It is a well-known tee~ology.
crete. The water will not be visible, cur very slowly. • It yields savings in formwork
because it evaporates at the inner face The following mi,imal measures * The membranos are robust~
ofthet--n,~l stzuctures, f f t h e w a t o r i s
must be taken in order to avoid local The disadvantages of steel mem-
~mHne, the salt will remain in the con-
galvanic corrosion: branes are:
crete and, a.eter some years, may have
cont~mJnnted it to such a level that it • Light sandblasting should be • There is a risk of corresion and
may cause corrosion of the reinforco- used to remove mill e~de from
the s ~ d plates.
tbey requ~ p r o ~
ment at the ;nnar side of the s t m c h ~ . • A leakage in tbe membrane may
TbJs heusbeem the cemein the T.'iml~ord • Weld material should be ca-
thodic, compared with the steel cause water penetration into the
bmn~l, whore a combination of an im- b,nnel far from the leak in the
perfect membrane, e~i;ne water, and a membrane.
concrete with m~ny fine c~tda~ hA9 al- For the Guldborgstmd ~ m n e l in * The membranes are quite co6tly.
ready caused eldoride co~t~mlnation Denmark, the aforementioned mea- • A ]MkJee in the membrane can-
above the critical level in some part of sures have been considered su_ffi-
the b,-neL not be repaired.
cient to ensure a llfetime of 100 years of
the steel membrane, which is placed at Bituminous membranes
3.1.1 Membranes the bottom and the sides t i t h e t~nnel.
Membranes are provided on im- If the planned inspections show that Bib,m;naus membranes 8anerally
furthor measures are r e q . m ~ , catho- are prefabricated mat~ reinforced by
mersed tunnels to prevent outside
water from entering the bmnal space. dic proted~on Aimilm" to that ~ on p o l y e s t e r or g l a s s - f i b r e fabric.
To achieve thi~ goal, the membrane steel b,nn~Is may be installed. They may be glued on with hot bitu-
On the Conwy T,mnel in Wales and men or by warmin~ a bitumen layer
must have a life expectancy .im~l.~
the Tingetad ~ 1 - - - ! in Sweden, the applied to the mat during fabrica-
to that of concrete, and it must be tio~ The bitumen may be either hot-
chemically and biologically resistant steel membrane has been protected
with b o t h p a i n t i n g and cathodic blown or polymer-modified bitumen.
to the environment. It also must be
protection. Tbe latter h-A better e h u ~ proportise
able to resist forces from outside dur- than the former, a factor t h a t is impor-
ing construction and in the p e r m ~ e n t The shear studs mnnoctingthe mem-
brane with the concrete structure shenld tant, e.g., in damping etrilm at the
condition, and it must be ~ t l y edges.
elastic to accomm~u:]ate any crack8 that be designed so that they can tra,mnlt
the shear ~ from the soft. It should For t-nnel waterproofing, the poly-
may be expected in tbe stnLeture. mer-modified bituminous membrane
It is advisable t h a t the membrane further be ensured that the nl,mher of
studs is ~ e n t to limit difi~orential is preferable to the normal bib,mlnons
adhere to the e n t r e surface, thereby membrane because it reduces plastic
eliminating the possibility of water movements between membrane and
structure, so that individual studs are deformations and loss of pressure un-
flow between the membrane and the der the clamping plates. The mere-

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T u ~ m z m o ~ ~ S P ~ ~ 167









Figure 4-5. Connection between steel and bituminous membrane.

branes must fully adhere to the pz~-~d • They are cbeaper than steel. properly cured and is dry, t~i~
concrete surfaces in order to prevent • Their performan~ h a beon dom- ~ is on the =iaeal ~ h .
water ingression through IMi~ in the onstratod to be successful. Therefore, the H,,~,,~ between
membrane to flow in the space be- • The membranes are relatively
twasn the membrane and the concrete robust, if placed in two layers. in+ b a r n r e q u t ~ c k ~ +oerd,ina-
structure. • The membranes can bridge nor- tion with a s p e c i ~ t subcon-
Abit~,'m~-,~Ls n ~ i s ne~-11y malfissures. tractor.
composed of two layers of bitumen- • B~,m~.,~s ~ do not
* The m e m ~ a n e s can be applied
~ m ~ p a a t e d m a t ~ Thematsareplaced t r a a ~ r shear i n t h e
on roofs, where steel membranes
with at least 100 ~ overlap and the plane.
are difficult to place.
joints in the two layers are staggered. • Special:arr~ at ~ -
In order to avoid water seeping The ~ v i n g disadvanta~ ere ~ sion joints (steel ~ or ~m+.
from behind the membrane, all free cisted with l ~ m ~ s ~ : lar) may be required.
edges of t h e m e m b r a n e m u s t be • The success oftbe membrane de- • A durable and complete adhe-
clamped, e.g., by clamping strips of ponds on an ~ labour __m_n_to tbe concrete surfaco is
steel (see Fig. 4-5). for~ to ensure watertightness at ~ m , m ~ to obtain.
A concrete slab 100 m m to 150 the edges and at anchor bolts for • A ~ in membrane may
~ ini~Al~y protoe~ the bitu- protection of the concrete. cause water to penetrate into
m~mms nmmlnmm when it is placed the tunnel far from the place
on the t - - - * l roof. Because the Mtu- • Because the application of the
membrane can only be started where the leak in the membrane
mi-OUS membrane e~nnot transmit occurred.
aider the structural concrete is
shear forces of long duration, it is
~ to anchor the p r o t e ~ o n slab
(see Fig. 4-6).
If the membrane is used on the
t~lnnel sides, a allding layer of SOft
bltumenis applied to reduco shear tran-
sfer from the bs~kS11 (as was done JD
at the Rupel T~m'nm] in Belgium), or CONCRETE
protected by lO0-mm-thick con-
crete plates bolted to the walls (as LATE
at the Drecht ~,--el in The Nether- ROOFINGFELT
lands). At the b,--~l bottom, where
it is difficult and complicated to
secure the m e m b r a n e to the con-
crete, steel plate is still used. MEMBRANE
Bi~,~ membranes at the tun-
nel roof have often been combined with ~TE
s t y ! . ~ h r a n e s at the sides (and bot-
tom) of the t~,'n,,,,l,+. T'Kis method has JO
been applied to the Elbe T,,,,,,,~'i in Ger-
m--y,f~he C~0nwy"Prm.a,1in Wales, and
the ~ T,,',,',,,,,,,,1in D~,,~m"k..
Bit-mi',',ous membranes have the
following advantages: Figure 4-6. Connection between structural and protective concrete.

168 'Ptmta~:u'm'oANDU~mB~ovNv SPAcz TeC~OLOOY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Polymeric sheet membranes based, can be applied by spraying or by each pour may be Hm';ted to approxi-
Polymeric sheet membranes may The concrete surface must be mately 25 nL
be thermoplastic ,,,At~rl,dA such as dean and dry in order to achieve geod This method of preventing cracks
polyvinylchloride (PVC), polyethylene adhesion. If the membrane does not in the walls has been successfully
(PE), chlorinated polyethylene (PEC), separate from the concrete around fis- applied in The Nethorlande since the
and polyisolmthylene (PIB), or elasto- sures, the elongation of the membrane late 1970's. Belglum and GermAny
merle materials as chloresulphanated own" a fissure formed after spraying have also adopted this method (e.g.,
polyethylene (CSM), polychloroprone will be ;-f;-ite. on the Liefkenshoek and Eros ~ m - e l s ,
(Neoprene) (CR) and isoprone-iso- Sprayed membranes have not often respectively).
buthylene (butyl rubber) (Ira). been used in the past, although re- Compared with membranes, the
Thermoplastic materials may be cently a sprayed membrane was used cost of cooling is low and it reduces
joined by hot air or plate we]dln~, which in the construction ofa t~nnelin Hong construction time. Even though
are rather Aimple operations. Elesto- Kong. The membrane consisted of a cracks cannot be avoided totally,
mer/c materials are joined by adhesion, 0.08-in.- (2.0-ram-) thick layer ofepexy those cracks that still appear can be
while the rubber types (neoprene, bu- tar. Uai'ortunately, the first ~ m . e l injected prior to floodJ.~ the casting
tyl, etc.) may be vu]cA-;,e~ Although elAments leaked because the coating basin. Injection must be done in the
fairlyexpensive, vulcan; -~tion provides was not able to absorb the strain when absence of water flow; otherwise,
a strong connection. cracking of the concrete occurred the crack will stay open and water
These types of membranes are very after the waterproofing had been will continue to flow into the t~nnel.
thin and, therefore, are very vulner- applied (Engineering News Record,
able to mechanical damage during J u l y 13, 1989). L a t e r on t he 3.2 ,Joints
construction. project, elemants sprayed with an
improved membrane showed a bet- The following subsections discuss
The butyl rubber membrane used requirements for joint design and pro-
on DenmArk's T,Jmfjord ~l~mnel was ter performance.
Advantages of liquid-applied vide ~Amples of joint layout. The
glued on by a polymer-modified ce- following types ofjcints are normnlly
ment slurry. membranes are:
1Ltsedin 'imm~'wrsedconcrete t~lnnelR:
The advantages of polymeric sheet • They are low in cost.
membranes are: • Intermediatejoint:usedbetween
• They are continuous, i.e., with- ~ , . . e l elements.
• They aro low-cost, in cemparison out joints.
to membranes. • Terminal joint: the joint be-
• They may trRnRfer shear. tween the shore end of the
• Fewer discontinuities in de- Jmrnm'sed t-nnel and the leJld
tails, t h e r e b y reducing t he The following disadvantages are
associated with these membranes: structures.
chance of errors.
• D/fllculties in bridging fissures • Closure joint: the joint made in-
• They are less subject to dAmAge s/tu after the last element has
during and aitor construction. may occur ~ the membranes
have been applied. been placed.
• Better concrete quality can be • ~njo/nt: used within each
maintained. • There has been little proof of
their performance. individual t~m-el element, with-
• They permit reduction in con- out continuous reinforcement.
struction time. • A ltmkR~e in the membrane can-
not be repaired. • Construct/on jo/nt: used with;-
• They facilitate a clean and the individual h,nnel elmYlent,
straightforward design. with continuous reinforcement.
3.1.2 Cooling the concrete to
The disadvantages of butyl rubber prevent crocking • Joints~premstuni~forpre-
membranes are: stremed bmnAI ~JmnAnt&
Dunng the pouring of the walls on
* Workmanship problems with the floor, the temperature in the Many t~mnAln have been designed
the joinJ-~ of the sheets. walls increases because of hydra- without expansion joints. In such
• If applied in only one layer, they tion heat. When the walls are cool- cases, the intermediate joints, ter-
are very vulnerable, especially ing down, the s h r l - k ~ is obstructed minal joints and/or closure joints
Jmmadiately after application. by the cool floor, creating tensile are normally ~ e d as perma-
• Degradation ofseAm~ occurs ovcr stresses in the cencrete. When the nent exp*nAion joints. Permanent
time. tensile stresses exceed the ulti- expansion joints are arranged ap-
• Embrittlement and degradation m a t e s t r e n g t h of t he concrete, pro~mAtely every 25 m. Because
of the sheets occurs over time. cracks will occur. these joints are generally difficult
To prevent the extreme rise in to execute, there may be a risk of leak-
• Tensile and puncture strength
temperature that can lead to the age occurring at the joints.
may be inadequate. A few t - n - s i s have been designed
• A durable and complete adhe- above scenario, low cement con-
tents are applied (275 kg/cm*), and the as monolithic tllnna|S. The following
sion to the concrete surface is descriptions deal mainly with im-
d;mcult to obtain. cement that is used develops relatively
little hydration heat (blast furnace ce- mersed concrete D1nnAl Rprovided with
• A leakage in membrane may mentwithmorethA- 65% s!eg). More- waterproofing membranes.
cause water to penetrate into over, the lower parts of the outer walls
the t~mnel far from the place are cooled during the first days after 3.2.1 Assumptions for Joint design
where the leak in the mem- pouring. This is done by pumping
brane occurred. The purpose of a joint is:
water through cast, in steel tubes. The
• A leakage in the membrane can- controlled process results in a censid- * To connect individual castings
not be repaired. e2-ab]yreduoed mA~irmlm oongrete tein- or prefabricated units.
peraturejust above the floorslab, while • To allow for ~ caused by Uquid-applied membranes a gradual temperature increase is ob- differential settlements, tem-
tained from this spot to the uncooled perat.ze, eL~epand shr;-~%~
Liquid-applied m~mhranes, which
may be epoxy-besed or polyurethane- con~ete in the upper part of the walls • To facilitate construction.
and the roof. In addition, the length of

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 TUm~;.~O~NDUSD~e~aOUNDSPXczT~smV~ 169

! I -- S T E E L M E M B R A N E

IVE CONCRETE ....................... iI
................ iiiiiii!iiiii!iiiiiiiii:i!iii

• i!!i!i!i':ii!21/~:~


Figure 4-7. Intermediate joint. Figure 4-8. Shear key of steel at intermediate joint.

Ajoint is a discontinuity in the nor- cast. The space behind the plates was will be sealed temporarily between the
real homogeneous concrete structure. injected with grout. This method per- t.nnel element and the entrance struc-
Therefore, one of the m~Jn tasks in mits very re,hAll tolerances to be met. ture. The permanent water-tightening
joint design is to ensm'e watertight- inst~llJn~ the Omega seal, the Omega seal could be constructed as
ness within the expansion limits for two t~mnel elements are connected by shown in Figure 4-10.
which the joint should act. casting reinforced concrete in the r ~ The possibility of d i f f e r e n t i a l
In a brahe1 with a membrane, two mAJn;n~ space between them. This settlem~ts between the /n-s/tu con-
w a t e r p r o o f b a r r i e r s exist: (1) the procedure was used on ~ T,imi~ord structed part and the ] ~ s m e d tun-
r e i n f o r c e d concrete, and (2) t h e and the Guldborge~d ~m-eis. nel part must always be considered.
membrane. Alternatively, a perm~-~nt expan- With a sand-jetted or sand-flow foun-
For the design of watertightness sionjointwith shear keys m a y be car- dation, a certain settlement must be
in the joints, it is important that ded out. The shear keys m a y be con- foreseen when the load on the tem-
joint movements, alignment and tol- structod of reinforced concrete or of porary foundations is transferred to
e r a n c e limits h a v e been investi- steel. This method was used on the the sand foundation.
gated and specified. The max-imum Conwy ~ m n e l , the Singapore Cable In Dutch t,,--eis, the shear keys
water pressure for which the joint ~mnel, and the new Bilbao (Spain) in the floor are placed as late as
should be watertight should also be Metro ~ m n e l (see Fig. 4-8). possible in t h e construction pro-
specified. If the shear keys are of reinforced cess, in order to let the sand settle.
It is essential to know the prop- concrete, which has been c o m m a n The s h e a r keys p r e v e n t u n e q u a l
erties of t h e j o i n t materials, not practice u n t i l recently, access to settlement between the immersed
only when new but also when aged, the Omega seal is hindered, whereas element and portal, while allowing
as well as their lifetimes. Joints can access is retained if shear keys of for rotation when the opposite end
only be replaced if this possibility is steel are used. The shear keys of of the immersed segment settles.
foreseen in the design stage. Dutch t-nn~ls are installed only in
the floor and are made of steel tubes 3.2.4 Closure Joints
3.2.2 Intermediate Joints filled with concrete (see Fig. 4-9).
the last t,m-el (dement has
Even when the joint is used as a
Normally the intermediate joints been placed, a remalnJng gap, ap-
are provided with a Gina gasket and permanent expansion joint, the
proximately 1 m wide, n o r m a l l y
m o v e m e n t s are u s u a l l y not large
an Omega seal (see Fig. 4-7). has to be dosed. The closure joint is
and the Gina gasket stays water-
The Gina gasket is mounted on a tight. This ~_~-~ that the Gina and located l~twsen the last b , - - e l ele-
steel frame at the pr*-n~y end of the ment and either a previously placed
t - n n e l element. After the t - n n e l the Omega constitute a watertight bar-
rierinthejoint. No serious leM~Agesof t~mnel element (as an in-situ.oast tun-
elAment is placed, this end is drawn thJR type of joint have been repoi~ted. nel) or a portal structure. ARer clceure
agAJnat the secondary end ofthe previ- panels have been installed all around
ous t . n n e l element, which has been the t - - n e l , the gap can be closed from
provided with a match i-~ steel frRme. 3.2.3 Terminal Joints the inside of the ~mnel by casting
In some early immersed t~lnne~ This type of joint is often identi- reinforced concrete.
(e.g., the T,imfjord~ m r , R1),the frames cal to the e l e m e n t joints, if t h e In order to facilitate placing and
were made of U-profiles. Although portal has been built before the el~ watertightening of the panels, the end
cast-in separately, the frames could merit is placed. In this case, the sea or ofthe last t~mnel element and the struc-
not be adjusted, alter the concrete had river end of the portal l~Jldin~ is pro- ture to whish it shall be connected are
been cast, to ensure suffidently accu- vided with a ~dirhead and a cast-in normally given a rectangular outer
rate a l i g n m e n t . steel frame, like the secondary ends of shape. The two parts can be monolithi-
The I~atch t,,--.4s and other recent the t~mn,d elements. cally connected, or a permanent ex-
t~m -~!~ (e.g., the EJbe, Conwy and Guld- I f the elements are built in the pansion joint can be ~ e d . Figure
borgsund T---els), have used an H- entrance, as for the Ouldborgsund 4-11 shows an example of a closure
profile, and the end plates ofthe frames ~ m ~ ! and the Ptinses Margriet Tun- joint fer a ~mnel provided with a water-
were welded atter the concrete had been nel (in The Netherlands), the joints proofin~ membrane.

170 ANDU~va~aaOWrD SPA~ TEc~moLo~ Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

,~.,'2J, !



Figure 4-9. Shear key in floor.

In the older Dutch bmnels, the clo.

sure joints were provided with a so-
csZ~a aoubleX)mega ~ (Ses~g. 4-
~ _

12). T I ~ type of joint can be very
wlnerable. In congm~don
today, a segment of a normal cross- Pigure 4-10. Terminal joint at the Ouldborgsund Tunnel.
sect/on of the blnnA| is built into the
closure joint (see Fig. 4-13), while nor-
mA! rubber-metal waterstops provide
the watortightnsss. Temperature fluctuations cause the struction joints are made with con-
joint to open and dose. When the joint tinuous reinforcement.
3.2.5 Expansion Joints opens because of shr~-k~ge, sand or Even though good adhesion be-
soil can enter the joint. Then, when the tween the concrete at each side of the
Depending on the local conditions, tlmnel section expands, the joint can- joint is achieved by sandblasting or
the individual blnnA! elements may be
not dose up again because of the sand watorjetting of the pr~mA~y concrete
provided w i t h ' a number of expan-
or soil in the joint. To keep the joint face, there is always a risk that a crack
sion joints.
clean, i t is provided with a rubber gas- will arise at the joint~ Therefore, the
I n order to facilitate handl;n~
v of ket, as shown in Figuro 4-17. Because joints normally are provided with
the tunnel elements, these joints it is di~ienlt to place the gA.Ik,~in the waterstops that act es a secondary bar-
are fixed in the construction stage,
bottom slab, theg~mkat is repleesd by a rier for ~,-n~ls provided with a mem-
normally by prestressing cables or
steel strip, as shown in Figure 4-18. brane, which is carried continuously
rods (ses l'~g. 4-14). A/ter the element across the joint (see Fig. 4-19).
is placed, these connections are re-
3.2.6 Construction Joints Another type o f c o ~ o ~ j o i n t is
leased or cut in order to allow free
the joint between procast segm ts of
expnnAion. Construction joints m a y be de-
prestressed t~--els. An example f~om
The watsrtightness of the expan- signed as e x p n - ~ o n joints; generally, a cable bmnel in Singapore is shown in
sion joints is e n s u r e d by cast-in however, at least some of the con-
waterstops. The t . n n e l membrane
can be continued a c e . s the joint in
the form of a steel Omega profile, as
was done at the Elbe and the Conwy
~ , - - e t s (see Fig. 4-15).
The design of the steel Omega pro- ~ - - TEMPORARY SUSPENSION
file, where the corners are especially
critical, has been verified by full-scale
Since the mid-1970's, all of the im-
mersed t-nne]s in The Netherlands
have been constructed in segments,
with the lower portions of the walls
cooled and the membranes omitted.
The only waterstop in the expan~on
joint is a rubber-metal waterstop. Be-
cause the rubber is subject to defmwaa-
/:ion by the water pressure, the m e t ~
strip in the concrete is used to guaran-
tee w a t e r t i g h t n e s s . This single
waterstop must be of high q11nlity. To E SOIL
ensure t h a t the waterstop works prop- REACTION ON PANEL)
erly,/x~ection tubes at the end of the ......... ~
metal strap are provided, as shown in
Figure 4-16.
~re 4-11. Cl~ure joint at bot~m slab.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 'llea~.n~oasvU~mmw~'vSP,,.c1~ 171

FILED WITH CONCRETE---~ I~EAR KEY ~-~3UL~( HEAD Temporary piping used in placing op-
erations must be cut off and sealed,
with a cover plate seal-welded over the
opening. Special details such as cross-
passages between tubes must permit
good welding accessibility to assure
quality welding.
Althoughthe experienco with water-
tightness of steel shell t-nnels has been
very good, given proper design and fab-
rication procedures, if a leakage prob-
lem arises, it tup~lly OCCURSat the ter-
m~n~]joints with the land sections. The
problem usually stems from the transi-
DOUBLEOMEBA~RCIFILE- / tion from a tetally enclosing steel shell
to a conventional exterior structure
w a t e r p r o o ~ s y s * ~ Inaddi~n, there
Figure 4-12. Closure joint formerly used in Dutch tunnels. maybe problems in keeping the excava-
tion area dry where the waterproofing
is being installed. Therefore, proper
i i'
det~lin~ at this interface is critical.

4.2 Leakage in Concrete Tunnels

4.2.1 leakage through the tunnel
\ /
Reports of leakages in concrete
t~mnels in some Dutch t~,--els, beth
with and without membranes, have
mainly concerned minor leakages
through the floor, walls and roof.
In t.~mne]s with men~ranes, leak-
RU~eER-~IETAL ~ATERSTOP TYPE19Ul"--/ ] I age through cracks in w~11~ or floor
CL(~VRE PANELS- - - - ' ' ' ~ i
is difficult to repair because it is
~Im~t imposmble to find the leak in
Figure 4-13. Closure joint used on modern Dutch tunnels. the membrane. In such cases, the
leakage is stopped by injecting all
cracks. When leakage through one
crack is stepped, water seeks,and will
4. Maintenance weld inspection and teats for water-
appear through, another crack
4.1 Experience with Leakage in Steel tightness during fabrieafion.
It is easier to stop leakage in tun-
Shell Tunnels P e r m ~ m t penetratimm ofthe shell nels without membranes, because the
are to be avoided whenever possible in
Le~kAoein the i m ~ portion of leakage point can be d e t e c t ~
the design. Where openings are pro-
steel shell tunnels generally is mini- In beth caass, the inject/on has te be
vided for access or concrete placement,
m~l Watertightnees depends to the done without a water stream.
great Darenmst be takan toinspeet and There have been some leakage prob-
greatest extent on the care with which test welds of the closure plates for
the integrity ofthe shell is maintained lems at the T.imf~rd ~mnel in Den-
watertightness. m ~ k . Thele~k~ mainlyhave occurred
through design and execution. The soap bubble and vacuum box
Therefore, tunnel specifications test is a good watertightness test
through t r ~ n ~ s e constructionjoints,
must require suitable welder qualifica- which have not been provided with
for smaller openings in the shell, waterstops.
tion, as well as radiographic, nltra- atter the concrete has been placed.
sonic and dye-penetration methods of



i iiiiiiii!iiiii

Figure 4-14. Temporary reinforcement at expansion joint. ~sure 4-15. F_apansionjoint with steel Omega

172 TLWS~.T.mOANDUm~m~OU~D SPACE~]U~INOLOGY Vo1uule 8. l ~ m l w r 2. 1993

+,. o~ J ~ I--ToP OF" BO"f'IO~ 51_^B
//ZI~/' ,I t l
~I[~VE @1~/¢1


I 5rl I 25_1

t I E ,,' il
I- I

Figure 4-16. Injectable rubber-metal waterstop. Figure 4-17. Expansion joint in


,I ,00 I, ,+,0 .]
Figure 4-18. Expansion joint in floor. Figure 4-19. Construction joint.

The total amount of water l~k%oe

i~ the t~mne/isa'ather re'troll---on t h e
order of 50-100 l/hour (based upon -WATERPROOFING MEMBRANE
- ts ofa m;-,~t area). How- PROTECTED BY PLYWOOD
e v e r , e v e n ~m~il a m o u n t 8 o f leakage
through the concrete structure are
unacceptable, as the water in the ~ord
is s~li~e and therefore has caused cor-
rosion of the reinforcement in the tun- :~!~i~i~iC:!i:Ci~i~:Ci~iCi~i~:~!~:~i~i~i~i~i~i::!i::,i:i:! ~ :i,!:~iii!!~iii~!~::'------ GROUTED JOINT
n e l l . i~i i~~~~~i~~~i~1!~i~111~i~ii~i~ :::'i :':.............i~ii~i~1i~!i~i:!:~:~:!~:~ TUBE
T h e .~1nine,| ill p r o v i d e d w i t h a mem-
brane of butyl rubber. Obviously, t~;-
membrane is not watertight; and, be- ~ , ......... .,.. ......... : . . - -
i:~:~:1.:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :i:i:i:i:: ':'~.~.:.:~.." " ~::::::::::::::::i::i:i::::::.:.!=========================
cause the adhesio~ to the concrete is
probably in~flqeient, the water may +++ +
spread between the membrane and the
The l,~kn~ee began during the con- ............................... ::::::::::..... GROOVE FOR
struct/on stage. 81~ce then, more at- INJECTION PIPE
t e m p ~ have been made to stop the
water seepage. Trial injections have
been msde wim e p o ~ , ~
and acrylic gel The lsU, er b a r e pro- Pigure 4-20. Joint between precast segments.
duced #.he best; rem~ts, but in all cases

Volume 8, Number 2, 1998 Ttnm~,mozzmUm~mma~m~Sl,aczT~my 173

the leaks have started again some time 4.2.2 Leakage through joints This type of le~irRge occurs because
after the injection has been performed. LeAlcAgesthrough expansionjoints of the high positioning of the terminal
It is assumed that the reason for this is are usually caused by gravel pockets joint, which lies just below the surface
that because of the seasonal tempera- that formed under the rubber-metal ofthe water. During winter, when the
ture variations, the long monolithic waterstop during the pour. LeRl~age river freezes, the Gina loses its elastic-
t~Innel is alternately exposed to ten- problems are usually handled by injec- ity and the t~m nel shrlnkR, causing the
sion and compression, causing move- tion; however, if injection is not suc- joints to open. The stiff c~nnot
ments of the cracks. cessfnl, the water must be directed to swell to keep the gap dosed.
Other measures, such as internal the drain.. A survey of leAkAge of mdsthlg tun-
membranes (polyurethane and fibor- In Dutch t~,n-els, a control systemis nels was performed within the Work-
texture-reinforced cement-paste mem- available to detect leakage through the ing Group. The responses indicated no
brane) have been tested. The adhesion Gina gasket. During construction, a 1/2- serious leakages, and only some small
of the polyurethane membrane to the inch pipe is embedded in the concrete, drippings, for both steel and concrete
concrete was not sufficient, and the connecting the space between the Gina ;mmersed t-nnels.
cement paste membrane was very ex- and Omega to the central gallery.
pensive. Therefore, attempts to find a A leak through the Gina was de- References
suitable repair method are continuing. tected at the Zeeburgor ~ m - e l . How- Reina, Peter and Nsoaki, Usui. 1989.
ever, the water did not enter the tun- "Sunken tube tunnels proliferate.
nel, which means that the Omega seal HowEng/z~eeri~ News Record, July 13,
is watertight. 1989, 30-37."

174 Tum~.Tma ANDU~m~OROT~V SPAc~ TE(~MOLOGY VO]Ulne 8, N . m l ~ r 2, 1993

Chapter 5:


Parsons Brinckerhoff Inc.

Contributions and comments by:

D. R. CuIverwell U.K.

H. Duddeck Germany
Chr. J. A. Hakkaart The Netherlands
K. Hestner Sweden
N. Rasmussen Denmark
E. ~ m n s e n Denmark
T. Tamotso Japan
H. Wind Germany

Tunndling and UndergroundSpaceTe~hnolo~, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 175-263, 1 9 9 3 . 0886-7798/93

$6.00 + .00
Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd 1~



176 U~mm~ov~w SP,,,cs Tsc~Nolo~ Volume 8 , 1 ~ m ~ 2, 1993

1. Introduction This catalog attempts to highlight t,,-~-la listed in the catalogue,
During the early meetings of the the principal aspects ofeaeh project (a This report has been developed
Tmm,w~ed and Floating ~,--ml- Work. total of 91 projects are presented), as over the past four y e a ~ by sol~%
ing Group ofthe International ~ , . . . 1 . well as documenting both the earliest ing information from various mem-
lingAssociafion(ITA), it was clear that methods used (seine of which are very bers of the 8ubwort~-u Group. This
a catalog of immmv'sed tlm-Ole WOUld movative, even by today's standards) was done followin8 the h a ~ f ~ a t
provide an important contribution to a and the most current techniquu. In prmented lmreia as a quasti_--~i~e.
better worldwide understanding ofthe deing se, it is hoped that the engineers The research work involved in col-
history and technology in this field of who are in the process of conceptualiz- lecting ~hl. information was a thne-
tl,--el e~n__eering. At its 1989 meet- ing a new t~mnel crossing van use this conp,mln~ altVleult undert~l~in~. We
ing in Toronto, Canada, the Group de- catalog as a source ofideas for develop- therefore are very grateful to our
cided to develop such a catalog for tug their demgns. colleagues who have contributed to
future publicatio~ The catalog also represents the the catalogue.
This catalog, which focuses specifi- range of d~mA-elonal features of im- As the catalog has been reviewed by
callyonthe ~ m ~ t~,-n~l s designsd mersed elements. the Subworlri~ Group members in
Other aspects covered, where data draft form, interest has increased and
for rail and highway t~,--els, is not
intended to be complete, as a much were available at this writing, include more information has been forthcom-
more comprehensive catalog of all ttm- methods of fabrication, material speci- ing. While the inventory is not as
nele worldwide is already published by fications, methods of foundation place- complete as might be desired, we feel it
the ITA. Rather, the intent is to pro- me~t, e~vironmentalc~ditiem, safety is important that the inventory now be
vide a 8~,mmm'yof as much engineer- factors, and types o f f , n - e l joints used. printed so that it can reach a wider
ing information as can be found in Finally, where data were available, audilNtll~.
various papers and articles in a con- the owner, designer and construction It is hoped that readers will e=cuse
cise, useful m..n.q- for the designers of contractors have been listod as a refer- any m ~ c n s . In this regard, the
ence, as well as an acknowledgment of Subworlrln~ Group will welcome any
this type of t~,--eL
Over the past century, fewer the work undertaken by then~ ~orcontributionsof~
than 100 railroad or highway tun- Also included in a nnmher of the informatio~ It is expected that the
nals have been designed worldwide. catalogue~ are one or more eros- catalog will be amplified and reprinted
Two basic techniques have evolved: sectional drawings of the t~,-neL We from tl.m to t~.m to ~ new
are most grateful to Mr. D. R. infonnstie~ Additional informe~o-
1. The steel shell method, com- Culverwell, who has granted permi~ maybese~tto the author ofthls chapter
monly used in the United States; and sion to reprint drawings used to illus- at the follewln8 addrms: Bechtel/Pa~
2. Theconcreteboxmethod,usedin trate his ~World List of Tmma~sed sons Brindmrhoff, One South Station,
Europe. Tubes', published in Tunne/s & Tun- Boston, MA, 02110, U.SA.
nelUng in March and April 1988. New t~mn~la are started every year,
More recently, these techniques Th,nim are also due to Mr. Nestor and new to~h-~quas will be developed.
have merged in the Far East, Hong Rasmussen, of ChristiA,i & Nielsen A/ We hope that the reader will find
Kong and Japan. S, for providing illustrations for other catalogue both interesting and useful

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tum~=mo ANDUm~mmOU~D8~acz TmCENC~0~r177

Table 1. Reference list of tunnels included in the catalogue of immersed tunnels on pages 174-258.

Reference Tunnel Country Year Completed

No. (* indicates --l~nown
construction start date

1 Detroit River U.S.A. 1910

2 La Salle St. U.S.A. 1912
3 Harlem River U.S.A. 1914
4 Freidrichshafen Germany 1927
5 Oakland-Alameda (Posey) U.S.A. 1928
6 Detroit Windsor U.S3t 1930
7 BAnkhAad U.S.A. 1940
8 Maas Netherlands 1941
9 State Street U.S~ 1942
10 Aji River Japan 1944
11 Washburn U.S.%. 1950
12 Elizabeth River U.S.A. 1952
13 Baytown U.S.A. 1953
14 Baltimore Harbor U.S~_ 1957
15 YIAmpton Roads Bridge T - - - ~ ! U.S.A. 1957
16 HavA-- Cuba 1958
17 Dens Island Canada 1959
18 Rendsburg GermAny 1961
19 Webster Street U.S.A. 1962
20 Elizabeth River Tunnel No. 2 U.S.A. 1962
21 Chesapeake Bay Bridge ~,--sls U.SJt 1964
22 Li]jeholm~viken Sweden 1964
23 Haneda (vehicularb~nnel) Japan 1964
24 I ~ neda (monorail tl, nnel) Japan 1964
25 Coen Netherlands 1966
26 Woliburg Pedestrian ~,--AtS C-erm-ny 1966
27 Benelux Netherlands 1967
28 Lafontaine Canada 1967
29 Vieux-Port France 1967
30 Tingstad Sweden 1968
31 Rotterdam Metro T...AI. Netherlands 1968
32 Ij Netherlands 1969
33 Schaldt E3 (JFK ~,--el) Belgium 1969
34 Heinenoord Netherlands 1969
35 T.Jm~ord Denm-~k 1969
36 Parana (HernandJas) Argentina 1969
37 Dojlm- River Japan 1969
38 Dohtonbori River Japan 1969
39 Haneda (T-m- River) Japan 1970
40 Haneda (g~hJ. Ch-nnel) Japan 1970
41 Bay Area Rapid Transit ~,..AI U.S.A. 1970
42 Charles River U.S~ 1971
43 Cross Harbour Hong Kong 1972
44 63rd Street U.S.~ 1973
45 Mobile (I-10) U.S.A. 1973

continued on following page

1 ' / 8 ~ o Am>Um~mmot~v ~,~ffi T s c ~ m ~ Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Reference ~m-e] Country Year Completed
No. (* indicateo p]-,,-ed or
under construction)

46 Kinuura Harbour Japan 1973

47 OhgishJm~ Japan 1974
48 Elbe Germ.ny 1975
49 Vlake Netherlands 1975
5O S-mlda Japan 1975
51 Hampton Roads Bridge ~ m . ~ l No. 2 U.S-~ 1976
52 Paris Metro France 1976
53 Tokyo Port Japan 1976
54 Drecht Netherlands 1977
55 Prinses Margriet Netherlands 1978
56 Kil Netherlands 1978
57 WMATA WA~hJnoton(D.C.) ChRnuel U.SJL 1979
58 Kawasaki Japan 1981
59 Hong Kong Mass TrAnRit Hong Kong 1979
6O Hemspoor Netherlands 1980
61 Botlek Netherlands 1980
62 Daiba Japan 1980
63 Tokyo Port DnJnJkcro Japan 1980
64 Pmpol Belgium 1982
65 Metropolitan Rail r~,nn~t (Main) GermAny 1983
66 Bastia Old Harbour France 1983
67 Spijkenisse Metro Netherlands 1984
68 Coo]haven Netherlands 1984
69 Kaohsiung Harbour Republic of China 1984
7O Fort McHenry U.S.A. 1987
71 Second Downtown U.S~_ 1988
72 Guldborgsund DenmA~-k 1988
73 Ems Germany 1989
74 Marne River France 1989
75 Zeeburger Netherlands 1989
76 Hong Kong Eastern Harbour Crossing Hong Kong 1990
77 Conwy U.I~ 1991
78 Liefkenshoek Belgium 1991
79 Interstate 664 U.S~. 1992
8O Third Harbor U.SJ~ 1994"
81 Willemspoor Netherlands *
82 Niigata Port Read T,mnel Japan *
83 T.mA River Japan *
84 Kawasaki Fairway Japan *
85 Sydney Harbour Australia *
86 Osaka South Port Japan *
87 Bilbao Metro Spain *
88 Noord Netherlands *
89 Grouw Netherlands 1993"
9O Medway U.K. 1995"
91 Schipol Railway rI~lnne] Netherlands 1994"

Vob1~ 8, Number 2, 1993 Am) UNmnmaoL~rDSPACETeC~mOLO~179

Detroit River Tunnel; International tunnel between Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. end
Windsor, Canada; 1910
, ~ J //
\ /


Railroad tunnel; steel shell lined with concrete. Two tubes, one track each way.
Exterior concrete ballast.


11 80 m 9.4 m 17m


800 m 24.4 m

UNUSUAL Method of construction involved sinking elements by flooding them with water and
FEATURES: controlling escaping air. Elements were lowered to steel gdllagas on the bottom, where all
exterior concrete was then placed. Later, the intedor of the element was dewetered and
the concrete lining was then installed under water.

ENVIRONMENTAL River currents.



Shipyard Underwater after Unique rubber

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell plate.


PLACEMENT Pontoons were used to control sinking.


FOUNDATION Steel gdllagas were I:daced to exact grade and tubes were lowered to them. Tremie
METHOD: concrete, used to make the interface contact with the dredged trench, became the
foundation for the tunnel elements.

DREDGING Dipper dredge for first 14 m; remainder was done by clamshell dredge.

COVER AND TYPE: Riprap covedng over side backfills to protect them from scouring. Tunnel roof at grade of
dver bottom.

ADDITIONAL If this tunnel were to be constructed today, it would be regarded as incorporating many
INFORMATION: innovative ideas because it is so different from the way we currently do immersed tube
tunnels. Some of the ideas could be very useful someday in e particular situation because
they apparently were successful.

OWNER: Michigan Central Railroad.

DESIGNER: Detroit River Tunnel Company.

180Tum~.r~o,e~'v UNIzsmwr~v 8 P ~ T ~ s x e ~ Vol-mA 8, Number 2, 1998

La Salle St.; Chloago, lllinois, U.S.A.; 1912


Railway; single steel shell (riveted). Two tubes, each with one track.


1 84.8 m 7.3 m 12.5 m


84.8 m 15.5 m

UNUSUAL FEATURES: Was replacement for masonry tunnel on the same alignment. The masonry tunnel was
demolished and removed by dredging. Crossing was made with a single element.
Intedor lining increased in thickness from top to bottom. Underside of tube had "V" shape
to make backfilling easier. Structure had longitudinal central truss encased in concrete.


Constructed in a dry dock in Chicago using a riveted Interior concrete for the Special diaphragms were
steel shell (to boiler specifications) lined with concrete. center wall and lower keel provided at the two ends
"l'imberend bulkheads were providad. Internal ballast area were placed first in of the single element, to
tanks were installed in each tube at each end, dry dock. The element which cofferdams could
operated by remotely controlled valves and pumps. was then floated to the be engaged to permit
outfitting dock (3,000 land-side construction to
tons), where the rest of the proceed. Two manhole
interior concrete was shafts were provided at
placed, bdnging the total each end of the element
to 8,000 tons. Steel shell for access dudng and after
roundness was maintained placement. Cofferdam
with struts and tierods. detail provided for later
bridge pier to straddle the
tunnel, if required.

WATERPROOFING Double butt strap caulked longitudinal joints and alternate inside and outside lap
METHOD: drcumferential caulked joints. Steel shell provided wstertightness. Coated with red-lead

PLACEMENT Internal water ballast was used for placement. Piledriver barges end/or hoisting engines
METHOD: on adjacent piers were used for control of alignment and grecle during placement.

FOUNDATION Two-pUe supported piers were provided for temporary support. Piles were installed by
METHOD: statically loading them to a known load, rather than driving, in the expectation that
adjustments to grade could be made by overloading by a known amount. As tube was
placed on supports and adjusted to grade, sand fill was placed around it.

DREDGING METHOD: A dipper dredge and a clamshell dredge were used. A great deal of difficulty was
involved in removing the old tunnel, the roof of which had been demolished by blasting.

VENTILATION TYPE: Piston action of trains.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Chicago Railways Company.

INFORMATION: DESIGNERS: E.C. & R.M. Shenldend and J. W. Pearl.
CONTRACTOR: M.H. McGovern/J.A. Green/ChadasGreen and R.H. Green.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 ~ o ANDU N ~ m o t m v SPACET~aSOLOOY 181

Harlem River Tunnel; New York City, NY, U.S.A.; 1914


Railroad tunnel; steel shell. Four tubes; one track each.


5 67 m 7.5 m 23,2 m


329 m 15.2

UNUSUAL Four tubes in a s i d l e element section. Element ~ e n t closaly followed Detroit River
FEATURES: Tunnel ~ where element was lowered to grade filled with wider and exterior concrete
jacket was placed by b'emle. Later intedor was pumped out and lined with concrete.


At yard I mile from tunnel site. Launched by floating Interior concrete linrogs were Rivetted liner ~ over
off shipways on nine canal boats, then sinking the installed after the five steel butt joint; grouted.
canal boats out from under the element. elements were placed and
tremied and the tunnel had
been pumped out between
bulkheads placed at the
ends. Connections to the
land sections were made
later through cofferdams.
Leakage was minimal.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT 12 in. valves were opened in the bottom 0f the ~ in the two o u t s i d e ~ , ~
METHOD: them to fill gradually. The two inner tubes were open. The rate of sinking afar thetubcm
were half full was controlled by air valves. Trim was a e c o ~ by half bulld~mde at two
central locations to allow adjustment of filled portions. As the tubN became completely
filled, the flotation was carried by four pontoons, which were I ~ filled and went down
with ~ element. The rest of the walght w m ¢aded by ~ boats moored on either
side. Masts were used to measure line and grade. Once In place, the space balow the
bottom of the element cau~Jd by overdredging was filled with lean tremie (xxcrete. Then
each pocket formed by the diaphragms and wood side legging was filled with sVuctural
concrete by the same method.

FOUNDATION Tremie concrete placed after element was in position.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: New York City Rapid Transit System.

IN FORMATION: CONTRACTOR: Arthur McMuilen and Hoff Company.

182 Ttrmamz.n~o A]~JDU m ) ~ J~PAC~'/~Cl~O¢OGY Volume 8, N-mhm" 2, 1993

Freidrichehafen; Berlin, Germany; 1927


Pedestrian; reinforced concrete. Footway.


2 52.9 m 6.67 m 7.65 m


105.8 m 10.8 m

UNUSUAL Constructed as two pneumatic caissons. Element structure was constructed on fill placed
FEATURES: halfway to center of river. Excavation under this structure, which was provided with cutting
edges, allowed it to be lowered to grade below the river bottom. One side was done at a
time. The two elements were sealed at the middle joint after the second element was at


In place. Concrete joint formed in cofferdam.

WATERPROOFING Concrete-protected membrane all around.


PLACEMENT Caisson method.


FOUNDATION Concrete filled caisson under tunnel tube.


VENTILATION Natural ventilation.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m backfill.

Volume 8, N - t u b e r 2, 1998 Tum~.v.~To ~ UZ~m~a~0UNDSPA(= ~ 188

Oakland-Alemeda (Posey) Tunnel; between Oakland and Alameda, CA, U.S.A.;


Vehicular; reinforced concrete cylindrical section. One tube; two lanes; one each way.


12 61.9 m 11.7 m 11.6 m


742 m 25.5 m

UNUSUAL Circular concrete section (without steel shell) was cast in a dr/dock. Waterproofed with
FEATURES: extemel membrane protected with timber legging. Invert waterproofing was laid on timber
lagging and ended by metal flashing at end ~ . ~ slab and ceiling tierods
were used for structural members. Placement and foundation methods were very unusual.


In drydock with five elements per cycle, chuted At time of fabrication. Tremie concrete joints.
concrete, steel forms.

WATERPROOFING As described above.


PLACEMENT Ballasting involved piadng dry sand on the floor slab before and after the element was
METHOD: positioned over the trench. The lower duct was filled with sea water and an eddi~orm! load
of sand was placed. The final load edjustement was made by wetting the sand on the
roadway slab. For the first five joints, sand jacks mounted on pile supported piers were
used to land the elements. This method was simplified by using Umber g f i l ~ lowered to
bear on Ri.las driven 15 crn high, to allow for settlement. This grillage was intended to crush
under settlement. If the element was not to suitable grade, some of the sand bed had to be
removod--8 very difficult and time-consuming operation. The elements were supported by
a derrick barge at one end and leads from a pile driver at the other. L a t e ~ movements
were controlled by lines from winches mounted on ~ . Immediate~ after ~ ~ t in
position, more water ballast was added. The exterior sand bed was ~ by pumping a
sand slurry under the element as directed by divers. On compietion of the sand bed, the
element was filled with water. The tramle joint was made and completed from inside later.
Before dewatering or removing ballast, at least 3.4 m of backfill had to be pieced to
overcome buoyancy (the stability of the tunnel depends on this cover being rnaintmined
throughout its lifel).

VENTILATION Fully transverse, using lower duct for supply and upper for exhaust.

COVER AND TYPE: See above.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Alameda County bond holders.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: George A. Poeey Chief Engineer; W.H. Burr, Ole Singstad, and Charles
Dedeth, Jr.
CONTRACTOR: Califomia Bddge and Tunnel Co.

184 Tu~s~-v.r~o a~ro U~mmmo~vo 8~acz T~cssov0oy Vob,mA 8, Numi~,- 2, 1998

Detroit Windsor Tunnel; International tunnel between Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A.
and Windsor, Canada; 1930 ©
Vehicular; double steel shell elements. Two lanes, one each way.


9 76m 10.6 m 10.6 m


670 m 18.5 m

UNUSUAL The tunnel project was a combination of open approach structures, cut-and-cover
FEATURES: structures, shield-driven tunnelling, and immersed tunnel construction.


Welded steel construction. Steel fabricator; At dock near tunnel site. Tremie concrete.
controlled side launching into dver 6 miles from site. Exterior formwork was
erected at oui;;i~;ng pier.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Ballasting was done to bring the element to near neutral buoyancy. Concrete blocks were
METHOD: placed at one end to sink it some five feet. A barge was placed transversely to the end and
lowering cables were attached. After this was also done at the opposite end, the element
could be raised or lowered using these barges.

FOUNDATION Screeded bedding.


VENTILATION Fully transverse ventilation system.



ADDITIONAL OWNER: Detroit & Canada Trunnel Corporation.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Klapp Bdnckerhoff & Douglas.
CONTRACTOR: Porter Brothers and Robed Porter of Spokane.

Vol.m,~ 8, Number 2, 1998 Tum~.r.n;o ANDUmmmmoum) SPJ~cBT ~ s ~ c ~ , r 185

Benkhead Tunnel; Mobile, Alabama, U.S.A.; 1940


Vehicular; double steel shell tunnel. Two lanes; one each way.


7 90.8 m 10.4 m 10.4 m


610 m 25 m

UNUSUAL Placed from pile-supported frames. Foundation matedal was piacod with element held in
FEATURES: position from frames. Elements were piaeed a few inches high to accommodate

ENVIRONM ENTAL Close to mouth of river at Mobile Bay, with fresh water wedge sometimes extending beyond
CONDITIONS the site. The variation from upper salt water into fresh water had to be taken into account
in sinking the elements. Hurricane tide gates were provided at the portals.


In shipyard I km away from site. The elements were Concrete was placed from Tremie concrete.
side-launched into dver, then placed in shipyard's dry floaSng batch plant.
dock for placement of keel concrete (for stability).
The element was then towed to the outfitting yard
near the site.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Gallows frames supported from H-pile clusters.


FOUNDATION Element was held at grade while sand was pieced along the aides with ~emie pipes.

VENTILATION Longitudinal; fresh air enters at portals, exhausted by air duct (roadway flues near tunnel
TYPE: midpoint).

COVER AND TYPE: A minimum of 3 m of backfill.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: City of Mobile revenue bond issue.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Messrs. Wilbarding and Palmer, Inc.
CONTRACTOR: Arundel Corporation and the Alabama Drydock and Shipbuilding
Company. ANDU~CDmmmOUNDSEA(= TzcmzoY.~,z Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Maas Tunnel; Rotterdam, The Netherlands, under Nieuwm Maas-Rlver; 1941


Vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians; concrete-box Four lanes in two tubes for vehicles. One tube for cydists
elements. and one tube for pedestrians.


9 61.35 m 8.39 m 24.77 m


584 m

UNUSUAL Immersed tunnel terminated in ventilation buildings constructed as pneumatic caissons.

FEATURES: Construction spanned the occupation of Holland during the Second World War.

FABRICATION Casting basin in Heyse Harbor. Roof slab was left off un'dl the element was in position in
METHOD: Waal Harbor. Three cycles of three elements were used.

WATERPROOFING 6-mm steel membrane covered with coating of concrete to inhibit rusting.

PLACEMENT Lowedng by means of floating cranes. Pontoons along the sides of the elements were
METHOD: used to provide posBve buoyancy.

FOUNDATION Sand-jetted foundation. Very first application of Chris'dani & Nielsen method.

VENTILATION Semi-transverse ventJlaUon system.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Municipality of Rotterdam.


Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993 Ttml~.T.r~o ANDUl~m~moulqV S P ~ ~ 187

State Street Tunnel; Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A.; 1942


Railway; double shell steel elements. Two tubes; one track each.


1 61 m 7m 12.0 m


61 m 15.8 m

ENVIRONMENTAL Mild currents.



In a drydock. Welded construction. Pressurized to At a dock with 6 m of draft Tremie cono-ite.
0.5 psi for soap bubble test. 1,000 cu. m placed in available.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Element hung from under scows by cables fed through wells. Element had to be sunk
METHOD: below scows to attach them.

FOUNDATION Element was landed on Vemie concrete pads formed to exact grade; screw jacks on the
METHOD: comers were used to level the element. A screeded bed was placed as well.

DREDGING 2.5-cu.-m damshail ring.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


188 TmOUna~G,aND U ~ a ~ O ~ S~ Tsc~o~ Vohune 8, N,,mlw¢ 2, 1993

AJl River; Osaka, Japan; 1944


Vehicular and pedestrian; steel-plate-covered Two lanes with sidewalk.
reinforced concrete elements


1 49.2 m 7.2 m 14.0 m


49.2 14.9 m

UNUSUAL Structure acts like a Ixidge in soft muddy soil. Supported at beth ends by abutments
FEATURES: constructed by pneumatic caisson method. Single concrete element reinforced with
reinforcing steel and rolled steel sections.

ENVIRONMENTAL The depth of water was only 5.5-6.3 m. All navigation had to be stopped for nearly 15


The outside 9-mm shell was fabricated at a shipyard. In flotation at dockside 14 Rigid concrete filled joint to
The element was then outfitted with reinforcing steel km from tunnel site in abutment structures.
and concrete at a dock. Osaka Bay.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT The element was towed supported by two barges and placed using floating manes. Exact
METHOD: position between elements was controlled by divers.

FOUNDATION Two L-shaped abutment caissons were sunk in place at the dver shorelines. The river bed
METHOD: between the abutments was excavated and the element was supported on the abutments,
rather than on a prepared foundation, as might normally be the case.

VENTILATION A semi-transverse ven'dlation system was first adopted; however, the tunnel ventilation was
TYPE: later converted to a longitudinal system.

Volume 8, N - t u b e r 2, 1998 'l'tno~.v.wo ANDUNZI~m)UND SPaCZ 'IkcSsc~)oY 189

Washburn; between Houston and Galveston, Texas, U.S.A.; 1950
Vehicular tunnel; double shell steel elements. One tube; two lanes, one each way.


4 114.3 m


457 m


At shipyard in Pucagoula, Miss. end launched and Tremie concrete.
towed 640 km to Pasaden¢ Texas. Special
launching reinforcing was removed and ballast
concrete was placed at an outfitlJng dock before the
tow to Texas.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


190 TUm, ~ U ~ ~ r o 8PAc~ T s c ~ v o ~ Vob~m,~ 8, N,,mher 2, 1993

Elizabeth River Tunnel; between Norfolk and Portsmouth, Virginia, U.S.A.; 1952
Vehicular; double shell steel elements. Singular tube; two lanes, one each way.


7 91.5 m 11.0 m 10.8 m


638m 29m

UNUSUAL Sequence of construction started with Element A being placed prior to construction of west
FEATURES: cut-and-cover section. Elements B, C, etc,. followed, until the final element was placed and
connected under water to east cut-and-cover section already in place.
Water depth required that the last element be temporarily "parked" some 0.5 m beyond the
next to-the-lsst section until that section was connected to the preceding one. The final
section was then moved back and connected to both the preceiding element and the cut-
and-cover section. This was done within a sheeted trench, using land cranes.

Ventilation building was independently supported on piles off to to one side of the tunnel.
Ventilation ducts had flexible connections to the tunnel structure, to allow for differential


Fabricated on shipways, provided with 1,000 tons of At dock near tunnel site. Tremie concrete joint.
concrete for keel, fitted with a launching bow and

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Two floating derricks; 100-ton negative buoyancy.


FOUNDATION Screeded bedding.


VENTILATION Semi-transverse system, whereby vitiated air is withdrawn at top and bottom air ducts and
TYPE: fresh air enters through portals.

COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m minimum backfill.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Elizabeth River Tunnel Commission.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1998 Tumm,.,.wo *~o U ~ m o i o m m SPacl TeCBNOLOO~191

Baytown Tunnel; Baytown, Texas, U.S.A.; 1953


Vehicular; single tuba single steel shell elements. Two lanes; one each way.


9 90.3 m


780 m 33.5 m

UNUSUAL Circular element with 12-ram exterior steel shell. ~ concrete dng 91 cm thick.
FEATURES: Ternporadly supported on fabricated steel chair until ~ . Two alternates were bid;
the other was a double shell steel design.


At work pier constructed near site. Tremie concrete joint.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell plate.


PLACEMENT Supported by two straddling barges attached with the element sitting on bottom.

FOUNDATION Screeded bedding.


VENTILATION Semi-transverse with fresh air supplied through lower, under-roadway air duct and
TYPE: exhausted st portals.

COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m minimum backfill.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: State of Texas Highway Department.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Bdnckerhoff Hall and McDonald.
CONTRACTOR: Brown & Root, Inc.

192 ANDU ~ SI"ACS~ o ~ V o b , ~ 8, Nm~Der 2, 1998

Baltimore Harbor Tunnel; Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.; 1957


Vehicular tunnel; two-tube double-steel shell Four lanes; two each way


21 91.4 m 10.7 m 21.3 m


1920 m 30m

UNUSUAL Shell plate protected with 6.4-cm gunnite coating over extedor 120-degree section of both
FEATURES: tubes.

ENVIRONMENTAL Mild currents and tides.



Shipyard in Baltimore and end-launched from At dock near site. Tremie concrete joints.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Two to four floating derricks were used.


FOUNDATION Screeded bedding.


DREDGING Cutterheed suction dredge spoil used for development of port site.

VENTILATION Fully transvenm ventilation system.


ADDITIONAL Owner: Maryland State Roads Commission.

INFORMATION: Designer: Singsted & BaJllie.
Contractor: Merritt-Chapman & Scott, Inc.

Vob~ 8, N-tuber 2, 1998 Tom~.T.nqo XNDU ~ SP,~.~ T ~ m ~ 193

Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel; Hampton Roads, Virginia, U.S.A.; 1957


Vehicular tunnel; single tube, double steel shell Two lanes; one each way (later became northbound lanes
elements when Second HRT was completed in 1976).


23 91.5 m 11.3 m 11.3 m


2091 m 37 m

UNUSUAL Rrst immersed tunnel to be constructed from two manrnade islands. From the islands, this
FEATURES: mossing reached the shores by way of two causeways. Later, four other tunnels using this
same arrangement were constructed in the Hampton Roads and Chesapeake Bay aree.

ENVIRONMENTAL Strong currents and wave action made island building difficult until rock dikes were
CONDITIONS constructed. Seaward face of islands had to be protected by cydopean-sized
dprap to prevent erosion.


Shipyard in Baltimore. At dock near site of tunnel. Tremie concrete joints.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell plate.


PLACEMENT Catamaran barges.


FOUNDATION Screeded bedding.


DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredge for shallower portions of trench. Send was used to build the
METHOD: islands. Deeper portions were done with a clamshell bucket dredge.

VENTILATION Full transverse system.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m of sand, in some cases p r o t l c t e d ~ ~ ~ ~ , Backfill came from
channel dredging being done concurrently by U.S. ~ of E~nsers.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Virginia Highway Department.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Bdnckerhoff Hall.and McDormld.
CONTRATOR: Merrltt-Chapment & Scott, Inc.

194 ~ . T . m G ANDU l ~ m m R o ~ 8PaCZ T ~ s s o u m ~ Volume 8, N,,mher 2, 1993

Havana Tunnel; Havana, Cuba; 1958


Vehicular tunnel; prestressed concrete box elements. Two tubas; two lanes each.


5 4 @ 107.5 m and I @ 90 m 7.10m 21.85 m


520 m 23m

UNUSUAL First fully prestressed immersed tunnel. Both longitudinal and transverse prestressing was
FEATURES: utilized.


All by non-reusable timber formwork in a casting Tremie concrete joints.
basin in groups of two.

PLACEMENT Placed from catamaran placing barges. Pontoons were used to assist flotation of element
METHOD: prior to sinking.

ADDITIONAL DESIGNER/CONTRACTOR: Soci6t0 des Grands Travaux de Marseille.


Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1998 Tulon~.~mo ANDUNv]mmw~ro S~Acs Tsc~sNouxn' 195

Deas Island Tunnel; Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; 1959


Vehicular tunnel; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes; four lanes (two in each tube).


6 104.9 m 7.16m 23.8 m


629m ~m

UNUSUAL Designed for earthquake Ioadings (Zone 3).


ENVIRONMENTAL Extensive river, tunnel placement, and cover stability laboratory modelling was conducted.


METHOD: At outfitting jetty next to Inflatable rubber-gasketted joint used for initial seal. Final
Casting basin next to tunnel site. seal made in conventional way, by dewatering joint and
tunnel site for all six mobilizing hydrostatic pressure. Monolithic permanent
elements. joint.

WATERPROOFING 5-mm steel plate on bottom lapping with membrane up the sides and over the roof slab.
METHOD: The waterproofing was protected with a 10-cm layer of reinforced concrete under the
bottom and on the top and by 10 cm of wood planking on the walls.

PLACEMENT Four barges, two on each side of the element, were arrayed in a catamaran arrangement.
METHOD: Manuevering lines included ve~cal lifting lines, transverse and longitudinal tag lines and
dgging from faideads on the element, acting horizontally to main anchors. Control and
survey towers were used to access the inside of the elements and control the positioning of
the element.

FOUNDATION Send-jetted foundation.


DREDGING Cutterheed suction dredging; also used for casting basin.


VENTILATION Semi-transverse from two ventilation buildings. Fresh air is drawn into the tunnet through
TYPE: the portal. In the second half, air is introduced into the tube and leaves the tunnel at the exit

COVER AND TYPE: Double layers of 1,500-1b. stone on top of the structure with additional protection of the
sides consisting of 500-1b. stone extending out 50 ft. on either side of the tunnel box.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Department of Highways of British Columbia.

INFORMATION: DESIGNERS: Foundation of Canada Engineering Corporation, Ltd. and Chdstiani &
CONTRACTOR: Peter Kiewit & Sons Co. of Canada Ltd. and B.C. Bridge and Dredging
Co., Ltd. Joint Venture; Narod Construction Ltd. and Dawson and Hall.

198 Ttno~a~wo Am) U s m m a ~ t m D Sl,aCz Tmm~OLOm Volume 8, N,~m1~r 2, 1993

Rendsburg Tunnel; Keil Cans, Rendsburg, West Germany; 1961


Vehicular tunnel; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tube; two lanes each.


1 140m 7.3 m 20.2 rn


140m 22m


Cast in approach section. Composed of seven 20-m Gasketted joint.
sections tied together with reinforcing steel. Steel
shell exterior.

WATERPROOFING Steel shell on sides and bottom; membrane over top.


PLACEMENT Hung from pile-supported jacking devices.


FOUNDATION Bottom screeded from special screed system attached to rails on side of element, which
METHOD: planed the bottom before lowering the element to final position.

Volume 8, N - t u b e r 2, 1998 ~-,-wo ANDU ~ m m o a o v ~ SPAcl ~ 197

Webster Street Tunnel; Between Oakland andAlameda, California, U.S.A.; 1962
Vehicular tunnel; cylindrical reinforced concrete Single tube, two lanes.


12 61 m


732 m

UNUSUAL See below.



Constru(:~d in a gravlng dock excavted 2 miles from the During fabrication in Trernie concrete joints.
p r o ~ s ~ . Two elemonts were constructed per cyoie. graving dock.
A 70-ton stop-log gate, which could be removed by a
floating crane, was used to permit the elements to exit
the graving dock.

WATERPROOFING Membrane with timber protection.


PLACEMENT Bement first brought to !00-ton positive buoyancy with combindon of dry ~ spread
METHOD: on roadway and wster bellast in tanks under ~ y . The 100 tons were ~ and a50-
ton n e ~ e buoyancy was developed using weder spdnlded on the dry bellast. Derricks
on each end supported this modest load and lowered the unit in place. Wood chips were
used to extend the dry ballast volume.

FOUNDATION Placed on temporary supports with capacity to take section ballasted to 300 tons. Sand
METHOD: placed with tremle pipe bent to direct ballast under element. Additional turbulence at the
end of the pipe was produced using a water jet.

Each element was bedded into the original deposit of sand by ballasting to more than 600
tons. Thiswelght was sufficient to guarantee failure of the temporary support after a
minimum s ~ e r n a n t of 10 cm. Actual settlements were only 2.5 cm, aasudng that the load
was pldwd up by the bedding. In the channel,13,000 tons of iron ore were used to provide
additional ballast because sand ballast alone could not provide the required weight in the
available vertical distance.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: California Dlvision of Highways.

INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR: Pomeroy-Bates and Rogers-Gerwick.

198 ~ o A~wUh~m~mo;mv SPAc~~ o u x ~ Volume 8, N-taker 2, 1993

Elizabeth Rlver Tunnel No. 2; i n
Norfolk and Portsmouth, Vl~Inle, U.S.A.;
Vehicular tunnel; double shell steel tunnel. Single tube; two lanes, one each way.



1056 m 30m

UNUSUAL Due to very poor soil conditions, Element No. 1 was supported on timber compaction piles.

ENVIRONMENTAL Mild currents and tides.



Side-laurmhed (uncontrolled~ from shipyard in Port At dock near tunnel site. Tremie concrete.
Deposit, Maryland, about 30(I km away. Keel
concrete placed for towing stability.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell plate.


PLACEMENT Placement with floating cranes.


FOUNDATION Screeded bedding.


DREDGING Clamshell dredging.


VENTILATION Semi-transverse ventilation system.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Elizabeth River Tunnel Commission.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Bdnckerhoff Hall and McDonald.
CONTRACTOR: Merritt-Chapman & Scott Corporation.

Voluz~ 8, N,,mher 2, 1993 ~ . ~ o ANDUNm~m~imv SPzcz T~ztNc~zGY 199

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel; between Norfolk and Cape Charles, Virginia,
U.S.A.; 1964 ©
Vehicular; double-shell steel elements. Single tube; two lanes, one each way.


Thimble Shoal: 19 91.4 m 11.3 m 11.3 m
Baltimore Chan.: 18


1750 m

UNUSUAL Part of the 29-kin crossing of Chesapeake Bay. The immersed tunnel consisted of two
FEATURES: separate tunnels under the two shipping channels: (1) the Thimble Shoal Channel and (2)
the Baltimore Channel. Construction was accomplished in virtually open ocean conditions.
Tunnels terminated in manrnade islands, similar to those constnJcted for the first Hampton
Roads Tunnel.

ENVIRONMENTAL Severe storm exposure. Hurricane destroyed the "Big D" jaddeg platform.


Shipyard in Orange, Texas; end-launched. Trimmed At dock near tunnel site. Tremie concrete joints.
with "stem" 4 ft. low for better ocean towing.

VENTILATION Fully transverse ventilation system.


COVER AND TYPE: 3 m of selected backfill.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: The Chesapeake Bay Bridge and Tunnel Commission.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Sverdrup & Parcel and Aseodates.
CONTRACTOR: Joint venture of Tidewater Construction Corp., IVlerdtt-Chapman & Scott,
Raymond International Inc., and Peter IOewtt Sons Co.
LIIJeholmsviken; Stockholm, Sweden; 1964


Railroad tunnel; prestressed concrete box element Two tracks.


1 124m 6.03 m 8.82 rn


123m 13m

UNUSUAL This tunnel was consVucted in two separate sec'dons, which were post-tensioned together
FEATURES: in flotation and placed as a single unit. This unit was designed to act as a continuous
structure to span 53 rn between two supports in rock. In effect, this was an underwater
bridge between two rock slopes.

A year after completion, a compressive force of 5000 tons was introduced into a temporary
joint between a non-prastressed section constructed in a cofferdam and the abutting
immersed tunnel. Jacks were used. This arrangement put the whole tunnel into a
longitudinal prestressed condition. No leakage has been reported.

ENVIRONMENTAL Crossing between two rock faces underwater.



In a drydock. Constructed in dry cofferdams.

WATERPROOFING Temperature matching between the top and bottom sections of the walls was used to
METHOD: prevent cracking. The lower part of the structure was warmed before casting the upper part
to avoid tensile cracking in the walls. Waterproof concrete and the full prestressing in all
three axes made the section virtually watertight. No membrane was employed.

PLACEMENT Lowered by heavy lift cranes. Ballasting by partial water fill.


FOUNDATION Lowered onto fixed supports.


DREDGING None required for approaches.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


COVER AND TYPE: Tunnel was not covered.

ADDITIONAL The tunnel has been designed to wittwtand the load of a 1,500 ton ship resting on or
INFORMATION: completely filling with water.

Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993 Tum~.v.r~o Am) U x z ~ i o u n v SPACZ~ 201

Haneda Tunnel (Ebitori River Tunnel); Tokyo, Japan; 1964


Vehicular; steel shell rectangular section. Two tubes; two lanes in each tube.


1 56.0 m 7.4 m 20.0 m


56.0 m 12m

UNUSUAL Element is supported on caisson founda'dons at both ends (i.e., creating a sort of bridge
FEATURES: under water). The design provided for composite action between steel shell and concrete
structure. See also "Fabrication Method," described below.

ENVIRONMENTAL Hanede International Airport is located near the site.



Steel shell was constructed in shipyard. Concrete for U-shaped steel plate over rubber joint.
bottom slab was placed in flotation. The sidewalls
and roof slab were pumped with concrete after the
element was placed.

WATERPROOFING Steel skin on sides and bottom. Concrete protectKI membrane on top of element.

PLACEMENT Three heavy lift cranes were used to control placement,


FOUNDATION Caisson foundations.


VENTILATION Longitudinal ventilation.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation.


202 Ttnm~.r.-+o ANDUmnmo~tn<o ~ TmcsmowoY Volume 8, Number 2. 1998

Heneda Tunnel (Ebitorl River Tunnel); Tokyo, Japan; 1964


Monorail system; single-shell steel box section. ~ngletube;twotmcks.


1 56 m 7.4 m 10.95m


56 m 11.7m

UNUSUAL Monorail tunnel. The tunnel is supported at both ends on caisson abutments in common
FEATURES: with the Haneda vehicular tunnel adjacent to it to it (see Rle No. 23).

ENVIRONM ENTAL Height of crane booms was limited because the tunnel's proximity to Haneda International


Rectangular steel box section fabricated at the IHI After launching, the Rubber gaskettad joint.
dockyard. element was towed to a
pier near the tunnel site.
The floor slab concrete and
protac'dve roof concrete
were placed in flotation.
The side-wail concrete and
ceiling concrete were
placed by pumping after
the element was immersed.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Heavy lift cranes.


FOUNDATION Element spans between abutments. No special foundation preperation.


DREDGING Excavation by grab bucket to depth of 11.9 m.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


COVER AND TYPE: Backfill with sand and counterweight of slag on top of tunnel.

ADDITIONAL Cathodic proteotlon was applied to steel shell plate.

OWNER: Hitachi Transport, Tokyo Monorail Corporation.

Volume 8, N-tuber 2, 1998 T ~ e ~ . T m o ANDUmzlmRowro SPacn T ~ o L o o Y

Coen Tunnel; Amsterdam, Netherlands; 1966


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box section. Two tubes; two lanes in each tube.


6 90m 7.74m 23.33 m




In a casting basin dredged for the purpose. All six outfit~ was done part~/ Gina-type gasket system.
sections were cast in one cycle. at the time of fabrication in
the basin and partly at the
outfitting jetty in the flooded

WATERPROOFING Asphalt bitumen covered with fiberglass was used to provide a waterproof covedng about 1
METHOD: cm thick. This rnllmdaJ was in tum covered with concrete, which was attached to the main
concrete box using ramset studs, each with special waterproof steel collars.

PLACEMENT Four pontoons were used to lower the sections. Towers for survey control and for
METHOD: operations control and access were provided (one tower at each end of the elements).

FOUNDATION Raced on four screaded piles of gravel and adjusted to grade, using,jacks. Sand was later
METHOD: jetted under the dements.

DREDGING Hydraulic dredge.


VENTILATION Semi-transveme system.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Rijkswatemtut, Directle Sluizen & Stuwen.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: By the owner, with Christiani & Nielsen as consultants.

204 ~ o a s v Ummmlom¢o 8 P ~ Tsc~oo~ Volume 8, Nm=km- 2, 1998

Wolfburg Pedestrian Tunnels; Wolfburg, Germany--two tunnels under
Mlttelland Canal, opposite the VW plant; 1966


Pedestrian; reinforced concrete box elements. Footways.


1 for each tunnel 58.0 m 5.10 m 11.0 m (12.52 m atthe
ventilation shafts)


10 m below mean water level.

UNUSUAL Because of the narrow shipping canal and the high groundwater level in the adjacent
FEATURES: excavations, the ends of the floating elements had to be provided with an upwards bend to
allow for connections to the landside tunnels.

ENVIRONMENTAL Virtually no current.



Cast in approach excavation. In casting basin during Construction in the dry.
fabrication. Joint made watertight with
bitumen seal coat.

WATERPROOFING All around, multiple-layer bitumen seal protected by pearl gravel. Roof slab membrane
METHOD: protected with reinforced concrete slab.

PLACEMENT Floating and lowering using block and tackle from transverse steel girders supported on the
METHOD: outboard ends of the support of excavation for the approach tunnels.

FOUNDATION Bottom scrseded by a plow (girder) attached to steel girders, which ran on slide rails set to
METHOD: grade.

DREDGING Clamshell and hydraulic dredges.


VENTILATION Natural ventilation. Fresh air supply at entmncas and exhaust at ventilation shafts also was
TYPE: provided for.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Volkswagen AG, Wolfaburg.

INFORMATION: OPERATOR: V o l ~ g e r l AG, Wolfaburg.
DESIGNER: Philipp Holzmann AG, Frankfurt.
CONTRACTOR: Philipp Holzmann AG, Frankfurt.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1998 TUm~.T.-VOANDU x ~ m m ~ - x ~ SPAcz T~mNc,.o~ 205

Benelux; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1967


Vehicular tunnel; reinforced concrete box sections. Two tubes; two lanes of traffic in each tube..


8 93 rn 7.84 m 23.9 m


745 m 24 m

UNUSUAL Tunnel is completely curved, with all tubes cast as identical curved sections.

ENVIRONMENTAL Swift river currents created problems in dredging the soft sediments.


At casting basin conatmcted for the tunnel. All eight Part of fabrication opera, on Pulled together using a
sections were cast at the same time. in casting basin. hook, the Gina-type gasket
was engaged; conventional
dewatedng followed to
make up the joint.

WATERPROOFING Bituminous membrane, protected by reinforced concrete.


PLACEMENT Used four pontoons for lowering. A tower for survey was provided at the outboard end of
METHOD: the tube; a tower for aocass and control was provided on the inboard end.

FOUNDATION Used foundation plates supported on layer of gravel for t e m ~ grade adjustment. Sand
METHOD: was then jetted using tunnel elements, after acceptable conditions were obtained. Silt
skirts were used to protect the area under the elements from being filled with soft silt scour
off the bottom of the dver.

VENTILATION Longitudinal, using jet fans.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Amsterdam Public Works Department.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Locks and Weirs Department of the APWD.
CONTRACTOR: N.V. Amsterckamsche Ballast Mij; Chds'dani & Nielsen N.V.; Internationale
Gewapendbeton-Bouw N.S.; Nederlendsche Aanneming Mij, v/h flrma H.F. Boarsma and
N.V. Nederlendsche Baton Maalm:happij.

208 ~ . : ~ r o Am) U~mmmtousm SP,~_czT s c s s ~ o o ~ Volume 8, Nnmhe~- 2, 1993

Lafontaine Tunnel; Montreal, Canada; 1967


Vehicular tunnel; prestressed concrete box section. Two tubes; three lanes in each tube.


7 109.7 m 7.84 m 36.75 m


768 m 27.5 m

UNUSUAL Because of difficulty in applying high prestressing forces after the element was placed~
FEATURES: combined with the fact that the same forces could not be applied before placing, temporary
vertical midspan prestressing was applied to prevent upward budding of the roof =dab. This
permitted the transverse prestressing to be fully applied prior to placement.


In casting basin constructed in conjunction with As pert of fabrication in Gina-type rubber ~ k a t t e d
approach area. Capacity for four elements at a time. casting basin. joint.

WATERPROOFING Bituminous membrane on walls and roof. Steel membrane on bottom.


PLACEMENT Catamaran barges. Lowering using linear winches. Temporarily supported on four piles.

FOUNDATION Sand-jetted foundation.


COVER AND TYPE: Backfill with minimum thickness of approximately 2 m.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Department of Highways, Province of Quebec, Canada.

INFORMATION: DESIGNERS: Brett & Ouellette, Lalonde & Valois and Per Hall & Associates. Ohristiani &
Nielsen designed the sand-jetting operation.


Vieux-Port Tunnel; Marmilles, France; 1967


Vehicular tunnel; two side-by-side concrete box sections. Two single tube =~-'tior~, each with two lanes.


Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993 Tm.,,--,.,,m aND USDm~ROUSD 8PaCl ~

Tingstad Tunnel; Gothenburg, Sweden; 1968


Vehicular tunnel; concrete box tunnel. Two tubes; three lanes each way.


5 4 elements--93.5 m; 7.3 m 30m
1 element--80 m


455m 16m

ENVIRONMENTAL Siltation of bottom dudng pkmement of elements.



In a drydock, one at a time. Partial roof was Completion of roof of jo~s. vera~jou~tsaro
constructed to be finished later in flotation. elements was done in ~ o ~ at interv~ of
floating condition at approximately 15 m.

WATERPROOFING 6-mm steel membrane all around. Roof and slanting parts coated with 10 cm of concrete;
METHOD: remainder protected by anti-corrosive paint. Cathodic protection is also provided.

FOUNDATION Elements were placed on large nylon sacks that could be pumped full of grout. These
METHOD: sacks formed the adjustment between the element and piled foundations along the
element. After the bottom of the trench was levelled with gravel, timber piles q:lCCoxlmately
22-m long were driven into the clay, which is 80-100 m deep. The space under the
elements at the pile groups had to be protected against the incursion of mud. After the
sacks had been grouted first, to assure good contact, the other areas were also grouted.

VENTILATION Semi-transverse vonffiation, with ventilation building at each end of the tunnel.


COVER AND TYPE: Protection stone layer 0.5 m thick was placed over the tunnel.

No damage to the concrete has been observed. The lower parts of the walls are covered by tiles because the tunnel
was opened. No unexpeoted settlements have occurred. Maximum settlements,most of it occurring eedy, ranged
between 40 mm and 50 mm. Minor cracks oocurred in the wall and roof. ~ i c protection has been renewed
onos. SeUlements directly aftra" immersion were approximately 10 mm. Alter b ~ , the ~ inoremKI to
20 mm. Backfill surcharge was approximataly 50 kN/sq, m. The differences in ml41lement8 UlWOcalmKi by vadllton
in ground conditions and depth of surcharge. Areas of the facilities that were not pile-supported have settled more
than 0.5 m.

OWNER: Swedish National Road Administration.

DESIGNER: Skaneka.

~ o Am) U m w ~ o ~ - . SP~ T~u~ou~y Volume 8, N . m b e r 2, 1993

Rotterdam Metro Tunnels; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1968


Metro rail system; reinforcad concrete sactJons. Two tubes; one track in each tube.


36 90m 6.0m 10.0 m


1040 m under the Nieuwe Mass and 1,815 m between Central Station and Leuvehaven.

UNUSUAL Because of high ground water and favorable alignment conditions, 24 elements were
FEATURES: floated in along the land po~on of the Metro system. This included partial station sectfons
as well. Inflatable adjustable pile caps were used to support the tunnel elements.

ENVIRONMENTAL Construction in high ground water table. Construc'don through densely populated urban


Made of 15-m sactJons temporarily post-tensioned Part of fabrication Gins rubber joints.
together into 90-m elements, in a casting basin operation.
excavated near the site.

WATERPROOFING Bituminized feit-coverad glass covered with fiberglass fabric. Top and bottom portions
METHOD: were protected with concrete attached with dowels.

PLACEMENT Catamaran barges were used for the water crossing. Monorails and hoists were
METHOD: suspended from the upper bracing for the elements placed inside the trenches on land.
Water ballast tanks were used for both areas to lower the elements.

FOUNDATION Pile foundations were used. Adjustable pile caps inflated with grout were used to support
METHOD: the elements.

VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Municipality of Rotterdam.

IN FORMATION: DESIGNER: The client, ChristJani & Nilsen and Hollandsche Baton.
CONTRACTORS: ChdstJani & Nielsen N.V. and Hollandsche Baton Maatechappl; sinking
was done by the client's organiza'don.

Volume 8, N - t u b e r 2, 1998 T~'NN~.,Jwa Am) U ~ ~ SP,~,cz T~sm'ou:.~

Ij Tunnel; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 1969


Vehicular tunnel; reinforced concrete box section. Two tubes; two lanes in each tube.


9 90m 8.55 m 23.9 m


UNUSUAL Two sections on Ixecast pilas were made In o p e n ~ ~ sheet pile walls; one
FEATURES: section was made by rmm~ of four pneumatlc ¢=Jaons. Each of the Immersed sectloP~
was 8ubdMdod by two~por',,d'y jointe and was ~ on four pile caps constructed in
the dry at the bottom of the river under a pressurized air chamber.


In groups of two in a casting basin. Part of fabrication operation Gina-type gasket.
in the casting basin.

PLACEMENT Tunnel elements were pulled downward onto the two central pile caps, using muitipart
METHOD: lines. Water ballast was added to provide a negative buoyancy of 200 tons. The cables
were disconnected and jacking devices were installed by divers topull the element in and
make initial gasket contact. The water pressure in the joint spaoe was then released to
comprass the gasket. The end sections were dosed using exterior piatas with rubber
gaskets, which permitted the joint concrete to be formed in a dry environment.

FOUNDATION Elements were placed on cast..Jn-pla(:o pile cops dascribed above.


VENTILATION Fully transverse, with air supply and exhaust ducts under roadway. Fresh air enters on the
TYPE: right side and crosses to the left side, exiting through large Iouvres.

210 ~ - , . r ~ o S t , ~ TscssowoY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Scheldt E3 (J.F.K. Tunnel); Antwerp, Belgium; 1969


Vehicular and railroad; prestressed concrete box Two roadway tubes with three lanes in each tube; one
elements. railroad tube with two tracks.


5 Four elements @ 99 m 10.1 m 47.85 M
One element @ 115 m


UNUSUAL Extremely wide tunnel with combined rail and road usage. The project used the largest
FEATURES: tunnel elements ever constructed (47,000 tons) at the time. A quay wall, which was
replaced over and supported on the tunnel, was constructed as hollow concrete caissons.

ENVIRONMENTAL River currents of up to 3.0 m/s. Tides with a mean range of 4.8 m and a maximum range of


All five elements were cast in one cycle in a casting Gina joint.
basin near the tunnel site.

WATERPROOFING 5-mm-thick steal sheet on bottom painted with tar epoxy. Joints between the single sheet
METHOD: were sealed with bituminous strips. Wails and roofs were provided with a three-ply
membrane. On the wails, membrane was protected by timber sheeting supported on steel
beams fixed to the concrete. The 3-cm space between the timber and the membrane was
tilled with mortar. Roof protection consisted of a 10-cm-thick reinforced concrete slab.
Bulkheads were constructed of 14-mm-thick steel plate supported on horizontal and vertical
beams (to save weight). The joints between the sheets were covered with bitumen mastic
and the whole bulkhead was covered with a 2-mm butyl membrane.

PLACEMENT Ten tugs (12,000 HP) were required to placa the first element. Barges transverse to the
METHOD: element were used with control and survey towers in customary fashion.

FOUNDATION Because of high water velocities, siltation was a serious problem. Skirts around the bottom
METHOD: of the elements were tried, but silt penetrated beneath them. A special patented sand
jetting system, devised by Christiani & Nielsen, removed the silt and replaced it with sand.

DREDGING River sediments, mainly loamy sand, were removed by cutterhead suction dredges. Stiff
METHOD: day was removed by a chain bucket dredge which could dredge to 30 m. Because of
current velocities at midstream, the dredge had to excavate the upstream slope and the
downstream slope aitemately. In addition, the trench was dredged wide enough to
accommodate the elements moored in the direction of the current (floating in the event of
an emergency).

VENTILATION: Semi-transverse system with fresh air supply.

COVER AND TYPE: No cover over elements, other than 10 cm concrete.

CONCRETE CUBE STRESS: 450 kg/sq, cm POST-TENSIONING: Partial: 235-ton tendons at 0.5 m.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Intercommunele E3.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER/CONTRACTORS: Enterpdsas Ackermans & van Hearen, Compagnie
d'Entreprises C.F.E., Compagnle International des Pleux Armes Frankignol and Soci6t6
Beige des Batons and Chdstiani & Nielsen.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 ~.T.wo ANDUNDmmm)V~DSPA(= ~ O L O O ' r 211

Heinenoord Tunnel; Barendrecht, The Netherlands; 1969


Vehicular tunnel; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes, three lanes each.


5 115m 8.8 m 30.7 m


574 m 28 m

UNUSUAL The third lane in each direction is provided for slow-moving traffic such as cyclists, tractors,
FEATURES: and mopeds. Elevators at both ends of the tunnel permit cyclists and pedealda~ to avoid
the long, steep gm_das. Placement of elements used a Uvee-point bearing rrmthed, two
outboard foundation blocks, and a single point at the tunnel in place.


All five elements were fabricated in one cycle in a Gina joint.
casting basin.

WATERPROOFING Bottom covered with S-ram steel plate. Walls and roof ~ with three layers of
METHOD: asphalt-impregnated membrane. Roof protected with 15 cm of ralnfomed conc~-~,te.

PLACEMENT Two pontoons were arranged t r a n ~ over the element at each end with ¢x:mtrol and
METHOD: survey towers in oonventional fashion. Elements were plaoad on plates; verticldjacl
used for verlk~ alignment adjustments.

FOUNDATION Three-point temporary foundation with pivot arrangement to allow good register between
METHOD: the tunnel and the element being placed. Jetted sand used for foundation.

VENTILATION Longitudinal, using jet fans,


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Rijkswat~-=ba¢l, Direktle Sluizen & Stuwen.

CONTRACTORS: Chdstiani & Nielsen N.V. in joint venture with six other Dutch
contractors known as the Nastum II Group.

212 ~ U v ~ m m a o ~ o 8~.~cz T ~ m N o ~ Volume 8 . 1 ~ , m ~ w 2. 1993

LlmfJord Tunnel; Arlborg, Denmark; 1969


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box section. Two tubes, each with three lanes.


102 m 8.54 m 27.4 rn


UNUSUALFEATURES: Surcharged sendfill was used to support immersed tunnel. Tension piles were used to
support and hold down open approach and cut-and-cover sections of tunnel.


Cast in a casting basin excavated for the Elements were outf'dted at a Gina type. Special gasketted end
purpose, about 10 km from the tunnel Site. pier after floating with ciceum plates allowed connection to
Elements were cast in 12.8-m- long temporary steeltoundation submerged fane of oast-in-place
sections--first the bottom; then the walls; blocks at the free end, tunnel sections. Sequence of
and, last, the roof. The sections were two alignment towers and element plac=ementwas from one
separated by a 1.8-m-gop into which rebar two sets of sinking rigs, shore to the other. Immersed tunnel
protruded. These gaps were filled after each consisting of two is monolithic, with a contraction joint
concrete shrinkage had taken place. 150-ton pontoons between It and the east4n-place
connected by steel girders. tunnel and a combined expanslon-
contraction Jolnt between It and the
north portal building. The joints are
made watertight with rubber gaskets.

WATERPROOFING The elements are waterproofed with a 2-mm butyl membrane, protected on the bottom
METHOD: by a gem-thick layer of reinforced concrete and on the top by a 20-el-thick layer of
reinforced concrete, and glued to the bottom protection and to the walls and roof of the
tunnel by a PVC cement slurry.

PLACEMENT METHOD: Four straddling placement barges were used. Horizontal alignment was accomplished
by lines connected at the top of the element.


DREDGING METHOD: Dredging was taken down to -31 m and beddilled to grade with dean sand because of
soft mud layers in the riverbed. The sand was surcharged with additional sand to a
load equal to the tunnel weight to cause early settlement to take place. The sand was
removed shortly before placing the elements.

VENTILATION TYPE: Longitudinally; jet fans.

COVER AND TYPE: No cover provided. 20 cm of reinforced concrete is the only protection to the
waterproofing layer.

ADDITIONAL The tunnel is designed to be unmanned, with automatic ventilation and lighting
INFORMATION: controls, and automatic and remote control used for traffic conb-ol. Aluminum
sunscreans are used at the approaches, An acoustic suepended ceiling is provided.

OWNER: Minis'm/of Public Works.

DESIGNER: Chdstiani & Nielsen NS.
CONTRACTOR: Various Danish contractors. The tunnel motions by NYBYG and
Christiani & Nielsen carded out the installation of the elements, including umd-joffing.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1998 Tum~.TJ~o ~¢v U ~ ~ Sx=+.csT m c ~ o w ~ 218

Perena (Hernendles) Tunnel; between Santa Fe end Perane, Argentine; 1969 ©
Vehicular; circular reinforced concrete tube. Single tube; two lanes.


36 65.5 m 10.8 m (one 10.75 m element was used on the Parana
side, to make 37).


UNUSUAL Ught elements, filled with water to induce final settlomenk were held down with six
FEATURES: outrigger pockets esoh. Baddill was vibrocompeoted around the element. A jack-up barge
was used for element and locking fill placement. Partial ballasting was accomplished by
filling between light end build, ads and intedor bulkheads (the latter capable of taking
submerged water pressure), spaced at 13-m intervals. The exterior bulkheads could be
det~hed and floated to the dock for reuse.

ENVIRONMENTAL Design current: 135 m/s (2.63 knots).



A casting basin, designed for nine cycles, was excavated. A ramie concrete joint using inflatable gaskets was
Four elements were produced on a three-month cycle. used for all elements. A bottom slab was used to form
The basin was 156 m long, 46 rn wide, and 13 m high. the tremie. Concrete hoods and cellars were used.
The dock was dosed by a 15-m-high, 23-m-die. floating
cylindrical caisson acting against two fixed cylindrical
tanks with 50 om wall thickness.

WATERPROOFING 4-mm preformed three-layer glmm-fiber-reinfomed polye~er resin waterproofing ell around
METHOD: the cylinder. No protection was used.

PLACEMENT Model tests were done. The element was first brought to the site parallel to the current to
METHOD: the centerline of the tunnel, using six 465-HP pusher rigs mounted on flexifloat=. Two other
similar units were used to guide the element parallel to the current. At the jack-up rig, the
element was turned transverse to the current using winches mounted on pontoons. A
Volley running under the platform of the jod~-up rig moved the element to its final position. It
was then handled by four vertical and horizontal winches of the jack-up rig. Two ballast
chambers under the roadway on both sides of the interior bulkheads were filled with water
to produce 150 tons of negative buoyancy.

FOUNDATION Sand fill was compacted around each element, using deep compactors.

DREDGING A cutterheed suction dredge wee used to dredge the trench and place backfill.

VENTILATION Fully transverse.


COVER AND TYPE: 4.0 rn of compacted sand fill.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Argentine govemment.

INFORMATION: DESIGN~R/CONTR&CTORS: Consortlum of ~ AG, Vianlni SpA and Sailav SA..

214 Tum~.v.No ~ U~0mmaou~m SeAcz T~m~o~0o,r Volume 8, N . m h ~ 2, 1993

DoJlme River Tunnel (Osaka Subway Tunnel); Osaka, Japan; 1969


Railway; reinforced concrete box section. Two tubes, one track each.


2 36/34.5 m 7.78 m 10.43 m-11.04 m


70.5 m 14.3 m

UNUSUAL Constructed in very tight quarters. Tunnel crossing is askew the Dojima River. Two
FEATURES: elements were immersed between caissons at both banks. Immersed elements were
fabricated inside the excavation for cut-and-cover approach tunnels.




Reinforced concrete elements were fabricated one by Single ¢atilever gasket in combinJon with heavy Omega
one in a coffered dock provided near two gasket. Space between gaskets was filled with tremie
Nakanoshima caissons, which later became part of concrete.
the tunnel. The elements were enclosed in 6-m-thick
steel plate. These were prefabricated in six sections
and welded together inside the cofferdam.

WATERPROOFING 6-mm steel shell ail-around element.


PLACEMENT Catamaran barges. Water ballast was used for each element.

FOUNDATION Scrsed rails were installed at grade, attached to steel piles. Spreader box was fed by four
METHOD: hopper pipes. Spreader system was supported on floats and guided by minasfrom
placement barges. Crushed stone 20 mm to 40 mm in size was placed to form a
foundation course, approximately 0.60 m thick, which was grouted after the elements were
in place.

DREDGING Grab bucket.


VENTILATION Piston effect of trains.


COVER AND TYPE: 3.47 m of backfill, including a layer of concrete protec'don 0.50 m thick on the top.

Volume 8, N - t u b e r 2, 1998 ~.,.wo ~ UNDn~O~ SPAcz TmC~mOLO~215

Dohtonbori River Tunnel; Osaka, Japan; 1969
i ,


Railway; single-shell steel box. Two tubes; one track each.


1 24.9 m 6.96 m 9.65 m


25m 10m


A temporary working platform was oonstructed at the One end is a ~ joint; the other is an expansion joint.
site and the steel shell element was fabricated on this

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell treated with a cathodic protection system.


PLACEMENT A portal crane was used for placement.


FOUNDATION The steel shell element was supported at both ends by caissons in the manner of a
METHOD: submerged bridge.

VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


216~.T.n~'o ~ Um~mmao~ro SPAcZ ~ Vo~-,,~ 8, N - ~ 2, 1998

Haneda Tunnel (Under Tams River); Tokyo, Japan; 1970
Railway; single-shell steel binocular section. Two tubes, one trach each.


6 80m 7.95 m 13.0 m


480m 17 m below datum.

UNUSUAL Heavy binocular steel-shell section for railway tunnels was largely determined by
FEATURES: earthquake forces. Immersed elements tie into pneumatic caissons at both ends. Three
pickup points were used for placing. Ventilation tower was constricted by pneumatic
caisson method. Last element was specially designed to transition to bored tunnels.

ENVIRONMENTAL Height of crane booms limited by adjacent Haneda International Airport.



METHOD: At dock in back of trench Rubber gaskets similar to system used in the U.S., ex¢Nq~t
Steel shell fabricated excavation. that joint connection sealing area provided outside of main
at shipyard. tunnel structural section to permit rigid joint.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell provided with cathodic protection.


PLACEMENT Placed from catamaran barges.


FOUNDATION 70 cm of 20- to 40-mm crushed stone was placed and soreeded. Bell hole was filled with
METHOD: tremie concrete. Screed used mechanical spreading device and soreed box. Fwe vertical
riser pipes equipped with hoppers fed matedai to soreed box. Spreader ran on rails
installed underwater, supported on plies.

DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredge.


VENTILATION Piston effect of trains.


COVER AND TYPE: 3 m of protection using riprapped slopes of crushed stone and sand backfill.

ADDITIONAL Special pressure tests were made on the cantilever gasket.


Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1998 Ttno~.T.~m zzm U ~ m m m ~ r o St,~__cz' / k c s ~ 217

Hsneda Tunnel (Under Keihin Channel); Tokyo, Japan; 1970


Railway; single-shell steel binocular section. Two tubes, one track each.


4 82.0 m 7.97 m 12.74 m


328 m 17.70 m

UNUSUAL Heavybinocular steel section for railway tunnels. Design of croas-saction largely
FEATURES: dstarminedby earthquake forces. Immersed tunrml elements tie into pneumatic caissons
at both ends of tunnel.

ENVIRONM ENTAL The height of crane booms was limited by the proximity to Haneda IhternatJonal Airport.


Steel shell fabricated at shipyard. At dock near site. Double rubber gaskets.
Joint connection sealing
area is provided c~JlskJe of
main tunnel structural
section, permiffing rigid

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell provided with cathodic protection system.


PLACEMENT Raced from catamaran barges.


FOUNDATION 70 cm of 20 mrn-40 mm crushed stone was placed and scresded using scresd box and
METHOD: mechanical scresding device. Five verlicel riser pipes equipped ~ hoppers fed matedai
to the scread box. This spreader ran on rails installed under water and supported on piles.

DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredge.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


COVER AND TYPE: 3 m of protection using dprepped slopes of crushed stone and sand backfill.

218"1kncvm.v.~ Am) Um~mmaOtmD SPaCZ TmmNot,o~ Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Bay Area Rapid Transit Tunnel; San Francisco, California, U.S.A.; 1970

TUNNEL TYPE AND USE: Railway; single shell LANES/TRACKS: Two tubes, one track each
steel binocular section

NO. OF ELEMENTS: LENGTH: 111 m HEIGHT: 6.5 m WIDTH: 14.6 m



5,825 m 40.5 m

UNUSUAL Longest immersed tube tunnel. Triaxial earthquake joints, Ventilation building constructed
FEATURES: as caisson. Connections to shield-driven soft ground tunnels.

ENVIRONMENTAL Constructed across.


FABRICATION METHOD: On shipways and end- OUTFITTING: At dockside JOINT TYPE:

launched. near project site. Double rubber-gasketted
joints with steel dosure
plates. Special triaxial
earthquake joints.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell; cathodic protection.


PLACEMENT Catamaran barges straddling elements.


FOUNDATION Screeded foundation. Sand fed into screed box.


DREDGING Cutterhead suction (shallow); 13 CY damshell (deep).


VENTILATION Piston action of traJns; exhaust system for smoke during fire emergency using central duct.

COVER AND TYPE: 0.6 m fill plus 1.6-m stone blanket.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Bay Area Rapid Transit System.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Joint venture: Parsons-Brirmkerhoff-Tudor-Bachtal.
CONTRACTOR: Trans-Bsy Constructors and joint venture of Peter Kiewit & Sons Co.,
Raymond Intemetional Tidewater Construction CO., and Healy Tibbets Construction CO.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1998 Tum~.T.wG ANDU ~ m m m U ~ D SP,~_c~T ~ m O L O ~ 219

Charles River Tunnel; Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A.; 1971
t '

TUNNEL TYPE AND USE: Railway; double-shell LANES/TRACKS: Two tubes; one track each.
steel binocular section


2 73m 6.86 m 11.4m


146m 12.3 m below MLW

UNUSUAL Selected as option to cofferdam method of cro~ng dver. Transition sections in 29-m-dis.
FEATURES: compression ring cofferdam shafts.

FABRICATION METHOD: Shipyard. Side launched. OUTFITTING: At dockside JOINT TYPE: Tremie joint.
near tunnel site.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Lowered from pile-supported structures.


FOUNDATION Screeded foundation course.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Massaehusstts Bay ~ Transit Authority.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Praeger ~ and Watod0unj.
CONTRACTOR: Steel shells by Wiley Manufaotudng.

220 ~ . m o . o m U ~ a o a ~ o ~ r o 8~ac~ Tcmmoumx Vnh,,,~, 8, Number 2, 1993

Cross Hart)our Tunnel; Hong Kong Harbour; 1972

TUNNEL TYPE AND USE: Vehicular; single-shell LANES/TRACKS: Two tubes two lanes each way
steel binocular sections

NO. OF ELEMENTS: LENGTH: 114 m HEIGHT: 11 m WIDTH: 22.16 m



UNUSUAL Ballast concrete in midsection between tubes. No side ballast pockets. Steel shell
FEATURES: protected with concrete covering. Fest-tmck design in New York; rolling plate in England
and fabrication of elements in Hong Kong. Ventilation building was held down using 100-
ton rock archons to develop a 1.25 safety factor against buoyancy.

ENVIRONMENTAL Potential for typhoon conditions dictated heavy cover protection. Possibility of
CONDITIONS: out-of-control ships dragging anchor over tunnel or even sinking. Provision made for 1000
PSF allowed for this loading of sunken ship.

FABRICATION METHOD: Shipyard in Hong Kong. OUTFITrlNG: At dock JOINT TYPE: Trernie
Rates curved by rolls were fabricated into cans near the tunnel site. concrete joints.
rneesudng 10.36-m dia. by 3.5 m long. Five cans
were placed on a manipulator to allow them to be
welded together automatically. The cans were, in
tum, welded together to form each element.
Controlled side-launch was used.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell protected with cono-ete coating.


PLACEMENT Catamaran straddling barges.


FOUNDATION Screeded bedding.


VENTILATION Semi-transverse exhaust at portals.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.0 m stone cover over 1.3 m crushed stone filter layer.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Hong Kong ~ H a r b o u r Tunnel Co.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quede & Douglas, Inc.
CONTRACTOR: Consortium headed by Constaln International Ltd.; other members were
Raymond International, Inc. and Paul Y. Construction Co. Ltd.

Volume 8, N-,-I~m- 2, 1998 T~ne.~.,.,,m Am) U m o z m m o ~ 8~acE Tmcmmomoo~2"~1

63rd Street Tunnel; New York City, New York, U.S.A.; 1973


Railway and subway; single-shell steel elements. Two NYC transit tracks over two Long Island Railraod
tracks. Four tubes; one track in each.


4 114.3 m 11.2 m 11.7 m


Two tunnels, each 229 m long. 30 m

UNUSUAL Only two-over-two tunnel ever constructed. Actually two separate tunnels: one section
FEATURES: between New York City and Welfare Island, and the other between Welfare Island and
Brooklyn. The ends of each tunnel section were tremied into slots blasted into the rock
shores. Once in place, the four ends of the two tunnels were accessed by mining to them.
Tunnel was constructed in very strong current conditions.

ENVIRONMENTAL Very swift current of 2.7 m/s (5.2 knots).


FABRICATION METHOD: Riverside shipyard OUTFITTING: At dockside JOINT TYPE: Tremle

at Port Deposit, Maryland; uncontrolled side-launch. in Norfolk, Virginia, and concrete joints.
towed to New York with full

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell; cathodic protection.


PLACEMENT Placed from straddling catamaran barges.


FOUN DATION Screeded foundation consisting of large (15 cm) stone was used due to high current
METHOD: velocities in the East River.

DREDGING Barge-mounted excavators.


VENTILATION Train piston action.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.3 m riprap over .9 m of crushed stone.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the New York City Transit Au~ortty.
INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Brtnckerhoff Quade & ~ i l B , Inc.
CONTRACTOR: Joint Venture: K l e w t t - S l a t t e r y - ~ o n Knudeen.

222 T u ~ . T . ~ o ~'V U ~ a o ~ ' v S~Acz T~c~ou~a~ Vohune 8, Number 2, 1993

Interstate Route 10 (Mobile) Tunnel; Mobile, Alabama, U.S.A.; 1973


Vehicular; double steel shell binocular elements. Two tubes; two lanes each.


7 106 m 12.2 m 24.5 m


747 m 30m

UNUSUAL Portal ventilation buildings equipped with steel joint transition structures to which elements
FEATURES: are attached. First project in U.S.A. to use modem sand-jstting method for foundation.

FABRICATION METHOD: Fabrication yard set up on OUTFn-I'ING: At pier near JOINT TYPE: Tremie
site. Uncontrolled side launch. site. concrete joints.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell plate.


PLACEMENT Four barges straddling the element. Element placed on temporary footings and adjusted to
METHOD: line and grade.

FOUNDATION Jetted sand foundation.


VENTILATION Semi-transverse ventilation. Air supplied through lower air duct travels longitudinally to
TYPE: portal ventilation buildings.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Massachusetts Bay Rapid Transit Authority.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Praeger Kavanagh and Waterbury.
CONTRACTOR: Steel shells by Wiley Manufacturing Co.

Volume 8, N-,'nher 2, 1998 ~.T.wo ~ UNDnOROUSD S~J~z T~C~OLO~ 228

Kinuura Herbour Tunnel; Kinuura City near Nagoya, Japan; 1973
!6 Q]
Vehicular; single-shell steel box elements. One tube with two lanes.


6 80 m 7.10 m 15.6 m


480 m 21.7 m

UNUSUAL Ventilation structures constructed by pneumatic caisson method. Unusually wide box
FEATURES: section for steel shell construction. Structural requirements were mainly determined by
earthquake design loads.

ENVIRONMENTAL Severe earthquake loading requirements.



Screeded gravel bed, which was later grouted with a Reinforcing steel and Rigid joint with single
sand-mortar mix. concrete was placed in the cantilever-type gasket.
steel shells. The two
alignment towers, and
various equipment needed
for placing the elernants,
were installed at the outfitting

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell around reinforced concrete box structure.


PLACEMENT Element was supported from ~ontoons and ballasted with water using tanks inside the
METHOD: element.

FOUNDATION Screeded gravel bed which was later grouted with a sand-mortar mix.

DREDGING Suction dredge was used to remove soft mud; bucket dredge was used for sand.

VENTILATION Semi-transverse ventilation system.


COVER AND TYPE: 2.0 m of crushed stone was used as protec'don against ships' anchors.

BUOYANCY SF: 1.10 for earthquake; 1.20 for CONCRETE WORKING STRESS: 80 kgf/sq, cm
normal conditions.

ADDITIONAL Primary extemal forces due to earthquake.


224 Tum~.T.r~o ~ UNDmm~ou~ro SPAc~ Tmm~OLOOY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Ohgishima Tunnel; Kawasaki, Japan; 1974


Vehicular and utility; single shell. Two tubes; two lanes each.


6 110m 6.9 m 21.6 m


664m 21 m

UNUSUAL Jetted sand foundation treated with cement clinker of various sizes and a special binder to
FEATURES: help achieve compaction and preclude liquefaction. Steel shall used to provide flexibility for
better earthquake resistance. Closures to cut-and-cover land structures made using
gasketted steel panels for joint seal.

ENVIRONMENTAL 0.4 m/s current, 3.2 m high, with waves 6.8-m long.


Steel shell assembled in shallow drydock 3.3 km from Outfitted at a wharf 1.6 km Gina-typa joints with steel
tunnel site. Fully dosed box section was constructed from the tunnel site; Omega; steel rods coupled
including bulkheads and intedor reinforcing steel. concrete placed from across joints; steel panel
barges. joints at cut-and-cover

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Transverse pontoons and two alignment/control towers with interior access. Joint closure
METHOD: and alignment jacks actuated from within the element.

FOUNDATION Jetted sand foundation treated to prevent liquefaction (see above).


DREDGING Grab bucket dredger.


VENTILATION Longitudinal ventilation.


COVER AND TYPE: Sand backfill and rubble stone protection.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Nippon Kokan Kabushild Kalsha.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Chdstiani & Nielsen.
CONTRACTOR: Talsei Corporation.

Volume 8, N . m h e r 2, 1993 ANDUNDmm~OUm)SPAcz ~ O L O O Y 225

Elbe Tunnel; Hamburg, Germany; 1975


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box section. Three tubes; two lanes each.


8 132 m 8.4 m 41.7 m


1,056 m 29m

UNUSUAL Very wide tunnel, with six lanes providing reverse traffic flow in middle two lanes.
FEATURES: Prestressed concrete design was inveslJgated for both transverse and longitudinal loads;
conclusion was that it was not economical. Joints were provided at 27-m intervals for both
temperature and settlement effects. Initially it was decided that these intermediate joints were
unnecessary; however, because of uncertainty in predlotJng settlements, they were
eventually included. Special exterior Omega steel plates were used at these joints. Joint
was held together by prestress bars until tunnel element was in place on jetted foundation;
bars were then cut to allow flexibility. The river channel was switched from one side of the
river to the other dudng construction.

ENVIRONMENTAL River currents of 1.3 m/s (flood).


FABRICATION METHOD: All eight elements were JOINT TYPE: Gina gasket joint with rubber Omega interior
constructed at the same time in a casting basin. gasket. Joint allows for longitudinal expansion and
190,000 cu. m were first removed by dredging. Then, contraction.
after closing the end with a 250 x 11 m cofferdam,
380,000 cu. m were excavated in the dry.

WATERPROOFING Steel membrane on bottom and side. Bituminous membrane on top protected with 15 cm of
METHOD: concrete. Waterstops and steel Omega (re-entrant) joints at intermediate joints (comers
formed, not mitered).

PLACEMENT Transverse pontoons with control and alignment towers. Each tunnel element had 12
METHOD: tanks with a total capacity of about 5,000 cu. m. Buoyancy depended almost entirely on the
weight of the concrete. The density, as well as the concrete dimensions, were continuously
controlled and the findings treated statistically, in order to maintain the total weight ~ i n
0.5% of theoretical. Because of the river currents, piled anchorages to pull against were
established in the river bottom. Between seven and nine 1,200-Hp tugs were used to tow
and position elements.

FOUNDATION Sand-jetting. Element No. 8 ran into a problem with excess mud deposits. The return system
METHOD: of the sand-jetting equipment was used to remove this material before placing the sand.

DREDGING The trench was 45 m wide, with side slopes of 1:3. A cutterhead suction dredge was used to
METHOD: -15 m; thereafter, a bucket dredge was used, down to -30 m.

VENTILATION Fully transverse.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg.


226 ' ~ U N o m m ~ u s v SPac~ ~ o u ~ Y V o l u m e 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993

Vlake Tunnel; Zeeland, The Netherlands; 1975


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box sections. Two tubes; three lanes each (two active, one breakdown).


2 125 m 8m 29.8 m


250 m 17 m

UNUSUAL Used cooling water in wall pours to reduce shrinkage cracking so that exterior waterproofing
FEATURES: membrane could be eliminated. Rrst use of the send-flow method, whereby sand/water
slurry is pumped under the element from internal ports.

FABRICATION METHOD: Casting basin next to WATERPROOFING METHOD: Shrinkage control and
tunnel site, later to become part of projected canal division of elements into shorter lengths of 21 m,
widening. post-tensioned together.

PLACEMENT Transverse pontoons with two control and alignment towers. Three-point beadng method
METHOD: used for alignment adjustement.

FOUNDATION Sand-flow method (used for the first time on this project).

DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredge.


VENTILATION Longitudinal.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Rijkswaterstaad.

CONTRACTOR: Kombinatie Vlake joint venture of Hoilandsche Beton Meatschappij B.V.,
de Amsterdamse Ballast-Beton en Waterbouw N.V.


Sumida River Tunnel; Tokyo, Japan, 1975 ~ - ~


Railway; single shell steel. Two tubes; one track each.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 3 LENGTH: 67 m HEIGHT: 7.8 m WIDTH: 10.30 m


VENTILATION TYPE: Piston action of trains.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tuz~'z~z.~o ANDUZ~Uzzo~wU~ Sz'*cz T~SHOLO~

2nd Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel; Hampton Roads, Virginia, U.S.A.; 1976
Vehicular; double steel shell elements. One tube ; two lanes.


21 105 m 12.3 m 12.0 m


2229 m 37 m

UNUSUAL This tunnel was constructed adjacent to the existing tunnel about 75 m away without
FEATURES: damaging it. Ground near the south half length of the tunnels was very poor. Sand drains
and surcharge were used to stabilize the expanded South Island before the elements could
be placed and before the ventilation building and open approach structures could be

ENVIRONMENTAL Faldy severe winds, waves and currents during storm conditions. Currents about 1 nYs (2


At a shipyard at Port Deposit, Maryland about 300 km At a pier about 5 km from Double rubber gasket
by water from the site. Elements were side-launched tunnel site. Up to six system with interior liner
(uncontrolled). Draft slightly more than 2 m. elements were outfitted plate to join steel shells.
with concrete at one time
along one side of a pier
(elements were moored in

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell joined at joints, with welded and liner plates tested for
METHOD: watertightnass.

PLACEMENT Straddling laybarge, consisting of two railroad car barges with support beams between
METHOD: them in catamaran form.

FOUNDATION Screeded foundation. Screed rig was designed to be unaffected by tidal variations by
METHOD: being taut moored with flotation tanks held underwater. Three dements had to be removed
from trench and reset after rescreeding due to siltation of screeded foundation.

DREDGING Cutterheed suction dredge used for depths up to 15 m; then a 12-ms clamshell bucket dredge
METHOD: was used for deeper work. Sumharge sand on South Island was pumped to construct North
Island using a booster pump to mix sand and water under a truck grizzly.

VENTILATION Fully transverse ventilation, divided between two ventilation buildings.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m sand cover, with some areas of riprap protection against scour.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Bdnckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.
CONTRACTOR: "Rdewater Construction Corp., Raymond Intemational and Peter Kiewit
and Sons, Inc.

228 ~ J . ~ z ~ Uszmmm)UZ~D Sr+.~ 'Ik(msoI~oY Volume 8, H ~ 2, 1993

Paris Metro Tunnel; Paris, France; 1976


Railway; reinforced concrete box. One tube, two tracks. LENGTH: 128 m


Tokyo Port Tunnel; Tokyo, Japan; 1976


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box section. Two tubes, three lanes each.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 9 LENGTH: 115 m HEIGHT: 8.80 m WIDTH: 37.4 m


UNUSUAL 1. Flexible seismic joints were provided.

FEATURES: 2. Steel pipe pile foundation was adopted for elements near ventilation shafts to limit force
due to consolidation.
3. New foundation method was developed whereby bentonite mortar was pumped from
inside the elements. Very wide, heavy elements.

ENVIRONMENTAL Site is located in fairway.



Casting basin close to site for all nine elements. In casting basin, using Flexible joint using Gina
travelling forms. type joint. A steel Omega-
type gasket was also used.

WATERPROOFING 6-mm steel skin on sides and bottom. Concrete protested rubber membrane on top of
METHOD: element.

PLACEMENT Placed from catamaran barges.


FOUNDATION A bentonite mortar layer 0.5 m thick was pumped under the elements over a 0.7-m-thick
METHOD: crushed sandstone layer. Edges of elements were sealed with sand/gravel filter to
prevent mortar from escaping. Steel pile foundation was used for terminal elements.

DREDGING METHOD: Cutterhead suction dredging.

VENTILATION TYPE: Semi-transverse, using side and center ducts.

COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m sandstone riprep for protective cover. Sandstone rock spoil used for locking fill.

BUOYANCY SF: 1.10 CONCRETE WORKING STRESS: Approx. 90 kgf/sq, cm

Volume 8, Numlz~ 2, 1998 TUNs~.,.,~o ~u) U x z ) m ~ o u s 9 SEA(= T~HNOLO~ 229

Drecht Tunnel; Dordrecht, The Netherlands; 1977


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box elements. Four tubes; two lanes in each tube.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 3 LENGTH: 115 m HEIGHT: 8.7 m WIDTH: 48.6 m


UNUSUAL FEATURES: Widest elements ever constructed. Displacement 45,000 MT. Approach structures are
of a very unusual construction, utilizing drained slabs and top-down construction, with
slurry walls carded to clay. Tunnel elements were attached to end structures already in
place on one end of tunnel, using a Gina joint; and on the other, using a gaskettsd plate
joint system. Two-lane spans were used to reduce depth of elements. Sand-flow
method was used for second time.

ENVIRONM ENTAL River currents.



At casting yard at Barendrecht (used previously for Gina-type joints.
the Heinenoord and some pipeline tunnels), 12 km
from site.

WATERPROOFING Membrane waterproofing was used because of the great width of the tunnel. The
METHOD: elements were divided into six subsections with temporary prestress, which was cut after

PLACEMENT Model tests were used to determine the number of tugs required to handle the segment.
METHOD: The tests indicated 5,000 to 6,000 HP; however, 11,000 HP eventually were provided for
safety. Clearances for towing were very restricted, and an elaborate electronic horizontal
control method was implemented to keep elements from running aground. Element
blocked 40% of river at times during towing.

Transverse pontoons with two control/alignment towers were used for placement.
Four-point support was used at plasement because of the width of the section. Vertical
and horizontal jacks were used for adjustment of alignment.

FOUNDATION The send-flow method used on the Vlake tunnel was repeated for this tunnel.

DREDGING METHOD: Because of the tunnel width, rough dredging was done and the variations were
compensated for with the placement of the sand foundation.

VENTILATION TYPE: Longitudinal; jet fans.

230 TL~lq~.T.r~GANDUNDERGROUNDSPACE TECHNOLOGY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Prinses Margriet Tunnel; Sneek, The Netherlands; 1978


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box element. Two tubes; three lanes each.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 1 LENGTH:77 m HEIGHT: 8,0 m WIDTH: 28.5 m


UNUSUAL FEATURES: Single element designed to engage the walls ot; both open-approach structures.
Element was constructed in one of the approaches with transverse wingwalls attached.
The element was floated into position and sealed using inflatable gaskets.


Faloricated in open approach section. Element was Inflatable gaskets at both ends of element in wingwalis and
cast in four articulated sections to limit shrinkage along bottom. This arrangement was used as a temporary
cracking. seal so that permanent closure could be cast.

WATERPROOFING 6-mm steel membrane on bottom. Two-ply bituminous membrane of sides and top. Top
METHOD: protected with layer of concrete.

PLACEMENT METHOD: Floated into position and lowered by winching. Clearance of wingwalis only 4.5 cm.
Ballast tanks were used.

VENTILATION TYPE: None required; natural ventilation.


Kil Tunnel; Dordrecht, The Netherlands; 1978


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes; three lanes each. Two lanes for fast-moving
traffic and one truck lane.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 3 LENGTH: 111.5 m HEIGHT: 8.75 m WIDTH: 31.0 m



At the Barendrecht basin alongside the elements for Gina gasketted joints on the elements. Gasketted plates at
plates at the end joint. the end joint.

PLACEMENT METHOD: Transverse pontoons with two control/survey towers.

FOUNDATION METHOD: Sand-flow method, similar to Vlake and Drecht Tunnels.


Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Ttms,~.v.wa aND Uk"Dmm~ommSPscz TIc~mot~oY 231

WMATA Washington Channel Tunnel; Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; 1979


Railway; double-shell steel elements. Two tubes; one track each.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 3 LENGTH: 103.6 HEIGHT: 6.7 m WIDTH: 11.3 m


311 m Use of double steel shell is somewhat unusual for a tTansit


At shipyard at Port Deposit, Maryland, about 120 km At dockside at f ~ o n yard in Port Deposit.
from the site. Uncontrolled side launching was used,

WATERPROOFING Continuous sheel shell.


PLACEMENT METHOD: Winches from pile-supported guide beams.

FOUNDATION METHOD: Screeded bedding.

VENTILATION TYPE: Piston action of trains.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA).

IN FORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.
CONTRACTOR: Joint venture of Perrini, Horn and Morrison-Knudsen.

232 TusNm.v.~o ANDUNomm~wu~ S F , ~ T~HSOLO~ Volume 8, N~mh~. 2, 1993

Kawaaakl Tunnel; Kawasaki City, near Tokyo, Japan; 1981


Vehicular; single-shell steel box elements. Two tubes; two lanes each.


8 100-110 m 8.8 m 31.0 m


UNUSUAL Wide box section for steel shell construction. Land tunnel support on steel pipe piles.
FEATURES: Sectional dimensions mainly based on earthquake Ioadings. Earthquake observations
have been carried out since 1980 on this tunnel.

ENVIRONMENTAL Severe earthquake loading requirements.



Steel shells were fabricated at shipyard next to Reinforcing steel and Rigid joint with rubber
outfitting pier. concrete were placed at gaskets. Rexible joint was
outfitting pier with element in used between terminal
flotation. Alignment towers element and ventilation
and placement equipment
also were installed at the tower.
outfitting pier.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT Element supported by pontoons. Ballasting with water into tanks in element.

FOUNDATION Mortar bed pumped in place from inside elements.


DREDGING A bucket dredge was used to dredge the main trench. A suction dredge was used to
METHOD: eliminate soft mud and sand that drifted into the trench.

VENTILATION Semi-transverse ventilation system.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m of gravel was used over the tubes as a protective layer.


1.1 for earthquake and 1.2 for normal conditions. 100 kgf/sq, cm

ADDITIONAL Deformed bars of 51-mm dia. were used for longitudinal reinforcement to resist axial
INFORMATION: earthquake forces.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 TUSNEa~O ~ UNDnUlWU~ S P , ~ TEC~SNOU~ 288

Hong Kong Mass Transit Tunnel; Hong Kong Harbour, between Kowloon and
Victoria Island; 1979


Railway; reinforced concrete double binocular Two tubes; one track each.
elements, longitudinally prestressed.


14 100m 6.6 m 13.1 m


UNUSUAL Screeding and placing of elements using same jack-up rig. Caisson ventilation buildings
FEATURES: set on end elements.

ENVIRONMENTAL Currents of 1.5 m/s (2.9 knots). Several typhoons had to be contended with during
CONDITIONS: construction. Tunnel was designed for 5-m tides.


Casting basin. Gina gasketted joints.

WATERPROOFING From the bottom to the first construction joint, 6-mm steel plate treated with corrosion
METHOD: protection. The remainder was waterproofed with two-ply bit and two-ply protective

PLACEMENT Used jack-leg special marine platform.


FOUNDATION Screeded bedding, using jack-up rig.


DREDGING To -19 m, with bucket dredge; finished with clamshell dredge using 2.5-cu.-m to 14-cu.-m
METHOD: buckets.


Piston action of trains. 1.20

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Mass Transit Railway Corporation.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Freeman Fox and Partners (Far East) Per Hall Consultants Ltd.
CONTRACTOR: Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd.

~.T.r~O ANDU~Dm~ROUNDSPAc~ TZC~SSOLO~ Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Hemspoor Tunnel; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 1980


Railway; reinforced concrete box elements. Three tubes; one track each.


7 See =Unusual Features" 8.7 m 21.5 m


1,475 m 26 m

UNUSUAL Three-track tunnel; middle track is used for wide goods trains. Four straight elements were
FEATURES: const~Jcted twice as long (268 m) as the remaining three curved elements (134 m). These
long elements displaced a record 50,000 tonnas. This was possible because there is no
current in the North Sea Canal and there was sufficient room to manuever. The sections of
each element were temporarily tied together with plain reinforcing steel instead of
prestressing rods. As in other tunnels, these ties were cut after the element was in its final

ENVIRONMENTAL Virtually no current in canal.



In the combined casting basin of the Coen and Ij Gina joints. ! A-~tjoint was made using gasketted plates to
Tunnels. permit joint dewatedng.

WATERPROOFING Intermediate joints at 22.35-m intervals were provided to reduce shrinkage cracking and
METHOD: accommodate settlements. The roof was protected with a concrete slab placed just prior to
sinking the tube. This reduced the freeboard to only 5 cm.

PLACEMENT Transverse placement barges on top of element. Survey towers were not used, but an
METHOD: access shaft was provided on each element. The center between immersion load lines
was used for positioning. Proper register between elements was obtained with a sensor
operated between the bulkheads. Levelling was done internally.

FOUNDATION The sand-flow method was different, in that sand slurry was pumped into the individual
METHOD: elements through hoses attached by divers.

DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredges, placing spoil in adjacent land areas.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Dutch MinisW of Public Works.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Locks and Weirs Division of the National Public Works.
CONTRACTOR: Hemspoor joint venture (Royal Bos Kalis Westminster Group N.V. Stevin
Groep N.V.)

Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993 TUNN~.TmO ANDU~mmo~trm~ SPA~ T~mSOLOOY 235

Botlek Tunnel; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1980


Vehicular; prestressed concrete box elements. Two tubes; three lanes each (two traffic lanes plus a
breakdown lane).


5 105 m 8.8 m 30.9 m


508 m (4 elements @ 105 m; 1 element @ 87.5 m) 23.3 m

UNUSUAL Heavy floating shear leg cranes were used for placement.


In a casting basin, for all five elements. The sections Gina joints were used, except at the end tube, where
were left submerged for about three months. They gaskatted plates were employed.
were refloated without problems by pumping out
ballast water.

WATERPROOFING The elements were constructed of six 17.5-m sections post-tensioned together. The
METHOD: post-tensioning was bonded. The wall pours were cooled using water pipes to eliminate
cracking due to heat of hydration.

PLACEMENT Elements were placed using shear leg manes. Survey and control towers were used for
METHOD: alignment control and access.

FOUNDATION Sand-flow method. As for the Hemspoor Tunnel, sand slurry was pumped into each
METHOD: individual element directly.

DREDGING Cuttersu~on dredger.


VENTILATION Longitudinal, using jet fans.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Municipality of Rotterdam.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Gemeentewerkan Rotterdam (GWR).
CONTRACTOR: Joint venture of Voormolan and Wayys & Fretag.

286 T~'N~.TmO ~ U~ro~scmou~ SPacB T m c ~ o u ~ y Volume 8, Number 2, 1998

Dalba Tunnel; around Tokyo Port (Japan); 1980


Railway; single-shell steel binocular. Two tubes; one track each.


7 96.6 m 8.05 12.68 m to 17.53 m


672 m 23.9 m

UNUSUAL Tunnel was designed to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate up to 1.2 m of settlement

FEATURES: and survive a severe earthquake. Joints are tied together with cables, but allow some
flexibility. These flexible joints are provided between all of the elements and at the terminal
joints. Immersed elements tie into pneumatic caissons at both ends of tunnel. Element
Nos. 5-7 transition 5 m in width to meet bored tubes.

ENVIRONMENTAL Site is situated in fairway of an active port area.



METHOD: Concrete reinforcement, Joints between elements have a rubber gasket on the
Steel shells were and concrete was placed in outside and a small gap on the inside for flexibility. Cables
fabricated at flotation at outfitting dock through the joints tie the elements together. H-shaped
shipyard. Bulkheads near tunnel site. Alignment steel members form a shear key embedded in the ends of
and rubber gaskets towers and placement the elements at each joint to prevent excessive vertical and
were installed and barges were installed. horizontai displacement under settlement and earthquake
the elements were Ioedings. Caissons were used for the end structures to
towed to pier at protect existing port structures.
outfitting yard.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell. Each element was protected with 200 aluminum anodes, giving an
METHOD: estimated life of 60 years.

PLACEMENT Racemant from semi-submemible jack-leg platform because of space restrictions in Port
METHOD: area precluded use of anchor lines. Crushed stone was used for placement ballast.

FOUNDATION A 70-cm-thick, 12.4-m-wide layer of 30-mm to 40-mm crushed stone foundation course,
METHOD: screeded from jack-leg platform.

DREDGING Bucket dredge was used for sand; a cutterheed suction dredge was used for the soft mud.


Piston action of trains. 1.1

COVER AND TYPE: 1.1 m of crushed stone.

ADDITIONAL OWNER AND DESIGNER: Japan Railway Construction Public Corp.

INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR: Joint venture of Kajima Corp., Sato Kokyo Co. and Tekken ConsVuction

Volume 8, Number 2, 1998 ~ z . n , T ( ~ Am) LT~meRm~OUNDSPACZTexnmOLOm,287

Tokyo Port Dainikoro Tunnel; Tokyo, Japan; 1980


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes; two lanes each.


6 124 m 8.8 m 28.4 m


UNUSUAL 1. Usa of bentonite mortar mixture, pumped in the manner of a sand-flow system for the
FEATURES: foundation of the tunnel elements.
2. Flexible joints for earthquake displacements.
3. Moderate longitudinal prestress used to control cracking and resist earthquake stress.


At a casting basin near the tunnel site. One cycle for Gina/Omega gasket batwean elements; gasketted plates to
all six elements. Approximately two years was cut-and-cover sections.
required to establish the basin and produce the

WATERPROOFING 8-mm steel plate on bottom and sides; 2.5-mm membrane on top of element, protected with
METHOD: 15 cm of reinforced concrete.

PLACEMENT Catamaran barges.


FOUNDATION Modification of sand flow method. Instead of plain sand slurry, bentonite mortar was
METHOD: injected into a cobble-stone bedding.

DREDGING Grab bucket dredger for rough dredging; a cutterheed suction dredge for fine dredging and
METHOD: clean-up.

VENTILATION Semi-tmnsvarse ventilation, using side ducts with a ventilation building at each end of the
TYPE: tunnel.

COVER AND TYPE: Fine crushed stone on both sides, with crusher run on top.

ADDITIONAL OWNER AND DESIGNER: Japan Railway Construction Public Corp.

INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR: Joint Venture of Kajima Corp., Seto Kokyo Co. and Tekken Construction

288 TUN~T~.~G ANDUND~m~OUND SPAC~ T~CaNOLOGY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Rupel Tunnel; Boom, Belgium; 1982


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes; three lanes each.


3 138 m 9.35 m 53.10 m

TOTAL IMMERSED LENGTH: 336 m FABRICATION METHOD: Elements were cast in the open
approaches to the tunnel.

WATERPROOFING Steel plate on bottom of elements and bituminous membrane on the sides and top.

PLACEMENT Conventional for concrete elements.


FOUNDATION Jetted-sand method.


VENTILATION Longitudinal, using booster fans.


Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tum~.,.r~o ANDUNDmm~OU~ SPAC~T~mSOL0OV239

Metropolitan Railway Tunnel under the Main; Frankfort/Main, Germany; 1983


Railway; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes; one track each tube.


2 1 element @ 61.5 m 8.55 m 12.10 m-13.10 m
1 element @ 62 m 8.55 m to 10.28 m 12.10 rn-12.70 m


123.5 m 17 m below water level.

UNUSUAL Varying cross-sections.


ENVIRONMENTAL Mild currents; flow of bottom sediments during periods of high water.


Casting basin in the approaches on each side. In casting basin as part of Gina/Omega joints.
Intermediate joints provided at 13.70-m spacing to fabrication operation.
reduce temperature and shrinkage cracking.

WATERPROOFING Impermeable reinforced concrete.


PLACEMENT Lowering from bridging frame over the excavation and from a pontoon bridge in the river.

FOUNDATION Sand-flow methodl using openings in bottom slab.


DREDGING Upper portion of sloped trench above 7 m was dredged using regular dredge; lower portion
METHOD: was cut between sheetpile walls using a large floating backhoe dredge capable of 19 m

VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


COVER AND TYPE: Fill plus stone blanket.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Deutsche Bundesbahn (German Railway).

INFORMATION: OPERATOR: Deutsche Bundasbahn, Frankfurter Verkenreverbund (FVV).
DESIGNER: Deutsche Bundesloahn.
CONTRACTOR: Joint Venture: Dyckarhoff + Widmann AG, Frankfurt; Bilfinger + Berger,
Frankfurt; Josef Riepl AG, Strabag AG.

240 ~ . z . n ~ a AND UNDm~W.OUNDS P a T~C~NOLOGY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Beetle Old Harbour Tunnel; under Old Harbour In Beetle, Corsica, France;


Vehicular; concrete box elements. One tube; two lanes, plus shoulders. 249.72 m


ELEMENTS: 4 62.33 m 7.58 + .5 m 14.10 m




Spijkenieee Metro Tunnel; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1984


Railway; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes; one track each.


6 82m 6.55 m 10.3 mm



Elements were cast in casting basin used previously Gina/Omega rubber joints between element. Final joint
for the elements for the Rotterdam Metro. Three between last two elements was made using gasketted steel
elements were cast at a time, in two cycles. plates installed by divers. Provision was made in joint to the
land section for settlement.

PLACEMENT METHOD: Lowered by cranes. Survey tower on outboard end.

FOUNDATION Jetted-sand method was used. Silt was first removed by air-jetting for agitation and the
METHOD: action of the river current. At one end, unsuitable material was removed by over-
excavation and replaced with sand, which was then vibro-compacted.

DREDGING METHOD: Cutterhead suction dredge.

VENTILATION TYPE: Piston action of trains.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Municipality of Rotterdam.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Gemeentewen Rotterdam (G.W.R.).
CONTRACTOR: Van Hattum & Blankevoort, Netherlands.

Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1998 ~ o ANDUm~m~ao~m~ 81,~c~ T m ~ , o o Y 241

Coolhaven Tunnel; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 1984


Metro railway; reinforced concrete box elements. Single tube; two tracks.


7 3 elements @ 45.59 m 6.35 m 9.64 m
3 elements @ 74.98 m
1element @ 49.00 m


411 m Shallow metro tunnels.

UNUSUAL Elements were floated into place between cross-braced sheetpile walls. They were then
FEATURES: hooked up at both ends to carriers, which ran on rails supported on the sheet piling. The
elements were then ballasted intemally and drawn together with jacks on the top slab. The
water pressure was then released in the joint area in the conventional way. The foundation
was also unique, as it utilized special piles provided with tops that could be adjusted to the
underside of the tunnel element by inflation with grout. This was a c c o ~ with a
precast upper section connected to the lower section with a guiding dowel. The
expandable section was enclosed within a folded nylon beg.


through residential urban area and existing canal.

PLACEMENT Lowered from carriers on roils (see above).


FOUNDATION Installed on adjustable piling (see above).


DREDGING Clamshell bucket excavation.


VENTILATION Piston action of trains.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Gerneentabestuur Rotterdam.

INFORMATION: CONTRACTOR: Hoofdeannerner BBM, Bredase Beton-en Aanneming M a a t ~ j B.V.

242 ~ . T . n ~ o ~ UNDE~mO~'~WSPACZT ~ C ~ T O ~ Vohune 8, Number 2, 1998

Kaohsiung Cross Herbour Tunnel; Keohslung, Tslwsn, Republic of China; 1984


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box section. Two tubes; two lanes each. Each tube is also provided with
2.6-m-wide motorcycle way.


6 120 m 9.35 m 24.4 m


720 m 23m

UNUSUAL Used to interconnect the harbour facilities. Longitudinal post-tensioning was used for the
FEATURES: immersed elements.

ENVIRONMENTAL Designed to take loads of a sunken ship or earthquake, including consideration of

CONDITIONS: liquefaction of the silty sands beneath the tunnel, differential settlements, and frictional
restraint of movement caused by temperature, shrinkage, and creep.


Casting basin constructed near the site. All elements Gins/Omega system was utilized. Tension ties were
cast in a single cycle. provided across the joints for earthquake loads.

WATERPROOFING Two-ply bituminous membrane system was specified for the sides at top. Steel plate was
METHOD: used for bottom and cellars. Waterproofing was protected with concrete. Tube was cast in
six sections of 20 m each.

PLACEMENT Transverse barges with survey and control towers were used.

FOUNDATION Sand-flow method, using pipes previously cast in the bottom of the tunnel elements;
METHOD: accessible from the outside.

VENTILATION Longitudinal system.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Kaohsiung Harbor Bureau.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER/CONTRACTOR (Tumkay): Retired Serviceman Engineering Agency (RSEA).

Volume 8, N,,mher 2, 1993 ~.,.n~o Am) U ~ r o ~ r o ~ACZ TZCS~OLO~Z 243

Fort McHenry Tunnel; Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.; 1987

TUNNEL TYPE AND USE: Vehicular; two LANES/TRACKS: Two parallel tunnels, each with two tubes and
double-shell steel binocular tunnels. two lanes in each tube, for a total of eight traffic lanes.


32 (16 elements for 104. 8 m 12.7 m
each tunnel)


UNUSUAL Two parallel immersed tunnels, only 3 m apart, mostly on a curve. Overall largest vehicular
FEATURES: immersed tunnel project in the world. Elements were placed altemately from the
northbound tunnel to the southbound tunnel. An 11-m-deep ship wharf was removed
during construction and later replaced as a float-in caisson on top of the twin tunnel.
Scheduling of element placement depended on the relocation of a 122-cm critical city
watermain, which crossed the alignment. This relocation involved a deep cofferdam in the
middle of the river, to make the changeover. Rrst use of remotely controlled wedges for
horizontal alignment adjustment.

ENVIRONMENTAL Very mild currents and tidal conditions, except for storm effects. Flow of bottom sediment
CONDITIONS: was a problem affecting several elements. Three elements required rascreeding.


Shipyard at Port Deposit, Maryland about 65 At dockside in Baltimore, a short Double rubber gasket.
km from tunnel site. Uncontrolled side launch. distance from the site. Up to six Welded, grouted liner plate.
elements were being outf'~ed at
one time.

WATERPROOFING METHOD: Continuous steel shell.

PLACEMENT METHOD: Catamaran barge system.

Option was provided for either jetted-sand or screeded bedding. The contractor opted for the screeded method. A
special taut moored rig was used, with the flotation tanks fully submerged to prevent tidal effects.

DREDGING METHOD: Virtually all dredging was done by a large cutterheed suction dredge (69-cm-dia. pipe)
pumping via a submerged pipeline to a disposal site 4 krn away. A booster pump was mounted on a barge.

VENTILATION TYPE: Fully transverse ventilation, shared by a ventilation building located at each end of the pair of
immersed tunnels.

COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m of ordinary backfill.

ADDITIONAL Disposal site for dredged matedal was segregated into two areas. One area contained the
INFORMATION: highly contaminated near-bottom materials behind a sealed cofferdam and clay-lined dikes.
The other area was used to contain the better, more granular materials; it has since been
developed into a major container port facility.

OWNER: Interstate Division Baltimore City (IDBC).

DESIGNER: Joint Venture: Sverdrup Corporation and Parsons Bdnckarhoff Quade and
Douglas, Inc.
CONTRACTOR: Joint Venture: Peter Kiewit & Sons, Inc., Raymond Intemational, Inco and
Tidewater Construction Corp.

244 Tum~.Tmo ANDUNVmm~ousv SPAc~ T~SNOLOOY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Second Downtown Tunnel; Norfolk to Portsmouth, Virginia, U.S.A.; 1988
Vehicular; double-steel-shell horseshoe element. Single tuba; two lanes.


8 101.5 m 10.5 m 12.2 m


UNUSUAL Horseshoe shape was used for economy because of the ventilation method adopted.
FEATURES: Elements were fabricated in Texas and shipped in pairs on a semi-submers~le ocean-
going barge.

ENVIRONMENTAL Current 1.0 m/s (2 knots) max. Tide 1.2 m.



In shipyard in Corpus Christi, Texas, 3,500 krn from At dockside near site. Double gasket system.
tunnel site.

WATERPROOFING Continuous steel shell.


PLACEMENT From catamaran barge system. Tube was brought out almost fully ballasted to reduce the
METHOD: time in the dver channel.
Remotely controlled wedges used for horizontonal alignment.

FOUNDATION Screeded gravel bedding.


VENTILATION Semi-transverse, using ceiling exhaust air duct. One ventilation building.

COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m of ordinary backfill.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc.
CONTRACTOR: J.A. Jones Construction Co. and Schiavone Construction Co.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 ~.T.~a ANDUm)EZ~nOUNDSPAC~TEC~OLOaY 245

Guldborgsund Tunnel; crossing the sound between the Islands of Lollsnd and
Falster, Denmark; 1988


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box sections. Two tubes, each with two lanes.


2 230 m 7.6 m 20.6 m


460 m 13.8 m

UNUSUAL 230-m-long-, vertically curved elements are some of the longest ever produced.
FEATURES: Computer-controlled dynamic ballasting was used. Elements were floated out under water.


The two tunnel elements were cast one at a time in a Between tunnel elements: Gins gasket supplemented with
dry dock located in the future tunnel ramp at Lolland. fiat rubber interior gasket. At shore ends of tunnel:
The elements were cast in 15-m to 15.3-m segments Temporary tightening by rubber lip gaskets, allowing ramps
to prevent cracks. When cracks occurred in the first to be emptied of water, whereupon the permanent rubber
segment, cooling was used in the second element, Omega gaskets were installed between the tunnel and the
and no cracks were found. portal structures. The tunnel was made monolithic by
casting reinforced concrete in the temporary gap between
the two tunnel elements.

WATERPROOFING The elements are waterproofed with a 6-mm steel membrane on the bottom and sides. On
METHOD: the top, a bituminous membrane was installed and protected with 15 cm of reinforced

PLACEMENT Each of the tunnel elements was provided with bulkheads at the ends and equipped with
METHOD: six ballast tanks with a total capacity of 4,000 cu. m of water. After flotation, the elements
were moved to their final position and sunk onto temporary supports approximately 1 m
above the bottom of the excavated trench.

FOUNDATION Sand-jetting.

DREDGING A cutterhead suction dredge was used.


VENTILATION Longitudinal ventilation by means of jet fans.


COVER AND TYPE: The eastern part, where the tunnel is located above the seabed, is protected with 1 m of
gravel. No cover is provided for the remaining part of the tunnel.

ADDITIONAL The tunnel ramps are located in low water areas in the sound, and surrounded by dikes.
INFORMATION: W'dhin the dikes, d s w i ~ t l o is mRrformed by ralisf~w~: ~ ~ water is D u ~ out
into the sound at the tum~l portats. The tunnel is ~ to be unmanned, wtth automatic
and remote co(,;~ois.

OWNER: Road Directorate.

DESIGNER: Christiani & Nielsen A/S.
CONTRACTOR: Guldborg Sound Consortium: Armton A/S/, and E. Phil & Son/VS.

246 Tu~u~.r~G ~'D U ~ E ~ a o u ~ m S P , ~ TEaSNOU~Y Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993

Emstunnel; Leer, Germany; 1989


Vehicular; concrete box elements. Two tubes; two lanes plus one emergency lane/tube.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 5 LENGTH: 127.5 m HEIGHT: 8.40 m WIDTH: 27.50 m


639.5 m 19 m below mean water level

UNUSUAL An unexpectedly high rate of sedimentation (approx. 15 cm per tide change) filled the
FEATURES: trench immediately after each element was placed. Special equipment was developed to
remove the siltation under the element a few meters in front of the sand jetting operation.

ENVIRONMENTAL Mean tide 2.61 m. Mean current 1 m/s. Siltation was a problem.


built together in a graving dock adjacent to the After all of the elements were Gine/Omega system.
tunnel trench. Each element was cast in five finished, the dock was flooded and Elements divided into
25.5-m-long segments. To prevent cracks, a the dike was removed using a 25 segments.
cooling system was installed. The segments dredge. Before floating each
were post-temsioned for placing, after which the element, two pontoons equipped with
post-tensioning bars were cut. lowering and mooring winches were
floated over the elements and
connected to them. After
deballasting, the element floated with
the pontoons on top.

WATERPROOFING Impermeable reinforced concrete with a bituminous layer over the roof, prtected with 0.2
METHOD: m of protection concrete.

PLACEMENT After winching the element to its location, it was placed by ballasting and lowering. It was
METHOD: temporarily supported by primary and secondary supports.

FOUNDATION Jetted-sand foundation. Special equipment was developed to clean the area under the
METHOD: tunnel just in front of the sand-jetting operation.

DREDGING METHOD: Cutterhead suction dredge and dustpan dredger.


COVER AND TYPE: Approximately 1 m of stone cover on reinforced concrete slab on toof the elements.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Autobahn-Beubaumt Oldenburg, Ministry of Transport, Federal Republic of

OPERATOR: Motorway-Authority Oldenburg.
DESIGNER: IMS Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg.
CONTRACTOR: HBW, the Netherlands: BREWABA; Bauunternehmen Hein; Beton und
Tiefoau Mast; Martin Oetk.en.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tum~.T.wo +.m) U m ) ~ t o t m v SPAcz Tzc]m~z)~r 247

Marne Tunnel; under the River Marne, Paris, France; 1989

TUNNELTYPE AND USE: LANES/TRACKS: Two separate tunnels, with three lanes
Vehicular prestressed concrete box sections. of traffic in each tunnel.


7 45-55 M 9m 17.5 m

TOTAL LENGTH: West Tunnel: 210 m. East Tunnel: 140 m.

ENVIRONMENTAL Restricted channel area.



In a casting basin at northem ramp site. Phoenix pdmary gasket and Omega secondary gasket.

PLACEMENT METHOD: Using moodng lines and balla~ng. Level control maintained by four comer tanks. Two
access shafts, one at each end of element.

FOUNDATION METHOD: Jacks and jetted or sand-flow foundation.

DREDGING METHOD: Backhoe-typedredge.

VENTILATION TYPE: Transverse, using side ventilation ducts.

248 TUNS~:T.mO+,NOUm~me~OUNVSPACZTS~SNOX~r Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Zeeburger Tunnel; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 1989


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box section Two tubes, three lanes each

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 3 LENGTH: 112 m HEIGHT: 8.125 m WIDTH: 29.8 m


336 m 14.60 m

UNUSUAL Used telescoping pile to element closures. Constructed inside cofferdam for
FEATURES: cut-and-cover tunnel. End of last element protrudes into dock, and has a collar around it
to permit dewatering and construction in the dry.


Each of the three elements was constructed in
sequence in the open construction dock at one end of
the tunnel, which was equipped with a specially
designed gate. Each element was cast in five
22.4-m-long sections, using a cooling system to
prevent cracking.

WATERPROOFING To prevent cracking, the elements were constructed of 22.4-m-long sections,

METHOD: post-tensioned together. No exterior waterproofing system was used.

PLACEMENT A conventional system was used. The element was temporarily supported at the
METHOD: outboard end on two piles while the permanent pile connections were made.

FOUNDATION Supported on piles driven to a depth of 46 m. Eight piles were used along the outer walls
METHOD: of the tunnel for each 22-m section. The piles are equipped with telescoping inflatable
forms, which can be post-grouted to complete the closure between the top of the pile and
the underside of the tunnel. 120 steel tubular injection piles 0.5 m in diameter were used
to support the elements.

DREDGING METHOD: Barge-mounted Crane and bucket.

COVER AND TYPE: Gravel was placed on top of the CONCRETE QUALITY: B25
tunnel. The trench was filled to -10 m, with the rest to
be filled by natural siltation.

ADDITIONAL Bad soil conditions to -28 m.


Volume 8, N - t u b e r 2, 1998 TUSl~.T.-qO ANDU ] ~ s u a O U l ~ SPAcz TBc~sI~C~ 249

Hong Kong Eastern Harbour Crossing; Hong Kong Harbour; 1990


Vehicular and railway; reinforced concrete box. Two rail tubes; two two-lane highway tubes; one tube for


15 10 @122 m; 4 @128 m; 9.5 m 35m
1 @126.5 m


1,859 m 27 m

UNUSUAL Very large elements with 40,000- to 42,000-ton displacement. Use of waterfilled inflatable
FEATURES: rubber bag "jacks" to hold element at grade until sand could be jetted in place under it. The
Cha Kwo Ung Ventilation Building was built as a floating structure with the last five

ENVIRONM ENTAL Very busy harbour. Typhoon weather.



Elements were constructed in a rock quarry on the Installation of control and Gina and Omega gaskets.
alignment. Gates were constructed in place before survey towers and
first flooding. Five elements were constructed at a pontoons equipped with
time. Cycle times were 27 weeks, 25 weeks and 22 winches. Special
weeks, respectively. telescoping towers were
used for the last three
shallower elements.

WATERPROOFING Concrete was poured in three stages--base, walls and roof---in successive bays up to 18
METHOD: m long. Reinforcement was designed to limit crack width to prevent seepage. Heat of
hydration was limited by replacement of 20% of cement with flyash. This also limited
sulphate attack. The sides and roof were externally coated with sprayed-on epoxy rubber
membrane. Visible cracks were grouted with epoxy resin prior to float-out.

PLACEMENT Pontoons, mounted transversely over the element and controlled from the tower, lowered
METHOD: the element in place. Wsterfilled inflatable I~gs were used as temporary (6 mos.) support
element. Sand was jetted under element using slurry nozzles on each side of the element,
fed from a barge.

FOUNDATION Jetted sand.


VENTILATION Fully transverse.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m of backfill. BUOYANCY SF: 1.02 with no backfill; 1.15 with backfill

ADDITIONAL OWNER: New Hong Kong Tunnel Company.

CONTRACTOR: Kumagai Gumi Co. Ltd.

9.50 ~ . r . m G ANDUmDn,Z~OtmD SPACe TJmCmNOLOOY Volume 8, N-taKer 2, 1993

Conwy Tunnel; North Wales, United Kingdom; 1991


Vehicular; concrete box elements. Two tubes; two lanes each tube.


6 118m 10.4 m 24.1 m

UNUSUAL The first immersed tunnel in the U.K. Due to the traffic requirements in the U.K., the tunnel
FEATURES: is approximately 2 m higher than usual. The tunnel is skewed to the river, with an angle of
less than 45 degrees.


710 m 30,000 MT STRUCTURE: +17m

ENVIRONMENTAL Sensitive scenic area. River crossing. Required relocation of small boat anchorages.


Elements were constructed together in a After all of the elements were joint with six separate
graving dock located next to the trench. completed, the dock was flooded and shear keys. Continuous
Before casting, exterior waterproofing the dike was removed by dredging. shear keys of concrete not
plates were placed on the bed. Each Before float-up, two pontoons with provided at joint. Joint
element was cast in segments, although lowering and mooring winches were covered with stainless steel
continuous reinforcing was used. No floated over each element to be joint covers on inside of
cooling system was installed for the wall placed and hooked up to it. After tunnel.
pours. deballlasting, the element floated with
the pontoons on top.

WATERPROOFING The underside and walls are waterproofed with steel plate with a passive cathodic
METHOD: protection system and a concrete protected bituminous waterproofing membrane is
provided on the roof.

PLACEMENT After winching the element to its location, it was placed by ballasting and lowering onto
METHOD: temporary footings.

FOUNDATION Jetted-sand foundation. Restrictions on ability to start sand-jetting caused sedimentation to

METHOD: occur under the tube. This was removed by airlifting.

DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredge. Spoil used for project embankment construction.

VENTILATION Longitudinal jet fans.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Government of North Wales.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Travers Morgan & Partners in association with Chdstiani & Nielsen/VS.
CONTRACTOR: Joint venture with Constain-Tarmac.

V o l u m e 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993 AND UND~tCatOVm) SPACZ T r ~ m N o ~ 251

Liefkenshoek Tunnel; under River Schelde, Antwerp, Belgium; 1991


Vehicular; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubas; two lanes, each with shoulders.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 8 LENGTH: 142 m HEIGHT: 9.6 m WIDTH: 31.25 m


UNUSUAL FEATURES: Specifically designed to carry vehicles with hazardous cargoes. Designed to be fire- and
explosion-resistant. Funded under a concession contract. Separate escape
passageways provided for each tube. A simulation was done of an anchor dropping on
the immersed elements, by impact tests on the in-situ tunnel. Dynamic responses were

ENVIRONMENTAL Strong currents.



All eights units were built at the same time in a After all elements were finished, the Gina and Omega
casting basin located in the harbour area. Each dock was flooded and the dike was gaskets.
element was cast in six 23.65-m-long segments. A removed by a dredge. Transverse
cooling system was used to prevent cracks. floats were used. A temporary
post-tensioning system was used.
The elements had to pass through
a lock before entering the river.

WATERPROOFING The elements were divided into six 23.7-m-long segments. Longitudinal prestressing was
METHOD: provided in the floor and roof. Carefully designed concrete was used: 1140 kg 4/28
gravel; 730 kg sand 0/5; 270 kg blast-fumaca cement HL30; 80 kg flyash; 130 1water;
and 3 kg superplasticiser.

PLACEMENT A complate fiver and placement modelling study was carried out. The study showed that
METHOD: placement should be restricted to periods of neap to ~ tides to limit holding forces.
A layer of trimming concrete was placed to reduce the freeboard without water ballast to
50 ram. Alignment towers 30 m high and other placement equipment was installed. The
units were towed using four 3,000-HP tugs. Other tugs ware on standby. The element
was supported on two support points on the tunnel in place, and on two jacks at the
outboard end. Support pads 6 x 6 x 1.2-m ware used.

FOUNDATION Sand-water mixture was pumped through sandfill valves. To avoid siltation, this
METHOD: operation was started within one hour after the sinking operation was completed.

DREDGING METHOD: A cutterhead suction dredger.

VENTILATION TYPE: Full transverse was used because of the hazardous cargo criteria.

COVER AND TYPE: Special asphalt mattresses were incorporated in the tunnel cover design to I>,-otectthe

ADDITIONAL The interior of the tunnel was protected by 50 mm of insulation as a result of testing for a
INFORMATION: four-hour fire exposure. The tunnel design required some 50-60 Kg of additional
reinforcing to cope with a 5-bar explosion overpressure.
OWNER: Ministry of Public Works and Transport.
CONTRACTOR: Joint venture of De Meyer-Van Laere-Batonac.

252 TUN~.TmO ~ U~-DZRm~Um)SPACB~ O L O G Y Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Interstate 664 Tunnel; Hampton Roads, between Newport News and
Chesapeake, Va., U.S.A.; 1992


Vehicular; double-steel-shell binocular section Two tubas; two lanes in each tuba.


15 95 m 12m 24 m


UNUSUAL Extends between man-made peninsula and a man-made island, where it joins a trestle. At 6
FEATURES: miles long, it is one of the longest subsea crossings. This is one of the few immersed tunnel
projects in the U.S. for which a drydock was used. The navigation channel was so narrow
• at it had to be closed dudng placement of the elements.

ENVIRONMENTAL Very strong tidal currents around the point where the James River meets the open water of
CONDITIONS: Hampton Roads required heavy anchor lines and special precuations during maneuvering
and placement of the elements. Very active ship channel, with much pleasure-boating.


Elements were fabricated in Baltimore at the Interior concrete was Standard double gasket
Sparrows Point Shipyard of Bethlehem Steel Co. placed at a shipyard. Final and closure plate detail
The elements were assembled in a drydock, and all concrete was placed at used in the U.S. for many
interior concrete (except walk'ways) was installed jetty in Newport News, Va. years.
before closing the ends with bulkheads. The
elements were then floated out with approximately
7.5 m draft. An additional 2,700 cu. m was added at
a pier pdor to towing the element to Newport News
(draft was about 10 m).

WATERPROOFING Steel shell and liner plate.


PLACEMENT Remotely controlled wages used for horizontal alignment. Conventional catamaran barge
METHOD: system was used, with a laybarge consisting of two railroad car barges with support beams
between them.

FOUNDATION Screeded foundation. Screed rig designed to be unaffected by tidal vadations.


DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredging and pumping behind dikes to form manmade island and
METHOD: peninsula. Cleanup dredging was done with a clamshell dredge.

VENTILATION Fully transverse ventilation system split between two ventilation buildings.

COVER AND TYPE: A 0.90-m wall was constructed BUOYANCY SF: 1.03 CONCRETE WORKING
on each element to contain rock ballast. In addition, After dewatedng, joints, STRESS:
rock and armor stone were placed on top of the 1.07 without backfill. 4,000 psi
element as protection.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Virginia Department of Transportation.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Sverdrup Corporation.
CONTRACTOR: Morrison Knudsen, Inc., and Interbeton Inc. joint venture.

Volume 8, N-m~m" 2, 1993 ~.T.U<G ANDUNDmm~Otm'~>SPACmTmcn~oLom, 255

Third Harbour Tunnel*; Boston Harbor, Boston, Massachusetts, U,S.A.; U/C


Vehicular; double steel shell binocular section. Two tubes; two lanes each tube.


12 98.30 m 12.29 m 24.43 m


1,172.9 m 30m

UNUSUAL Much of tunnel trench excavated through hard argellite rock. Immersed tunnel ends
FEATURES: incorporeted into very deep cofferdams. Depth at cofferdams at bottom of end elements
more than 20 m below sea level. First use of Omega gasket in a U.S. tunnel.

ENVIRONMENTAL Many environmental constraints regarding filling in harbor, Sl~wning of fish, blasting,
CONDITIONS: siltation, work around and airside at Logan International Airport, and impacts from harbor
celebrations and activities such as "Sail Boston '92."


At shipyard, elements assembled in drydock two at a At pier near tunnel site. Double gasket system
time and floated out. Each tube floated onto large commonly used in U.S., but
ocean-going submersible barge (106 x 30 m) for tow with Omega secondary
to Boston. Tow made using a single 9,000-HP ocean gasket. Joint detail
tug direct route between Norfolk, Va., and Cape Cod, provides for thermal
Mass. expansion at joint.

WATERPROOFING Steel shell and Omega gasket closures. Closure plate detail not used on this project.

PLACEMENT From catamaran barges. Remotely controlled wedges used for horizontal alignment.

FOUNDATION Screeded foundation.


DREDGING Drill and blast. Used the =Super Scoop', owned by Dutre Corp., with up to 17.5-ms buckets
METHOD: for removal of silts, sands, till and rock.

VENTILATION Fully transverse ventilation system. Centrifugal fans.


COVER AND TYPE: 0.6 m of protective rock over .9 m of gravel.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Massachusetts Highway Department.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Preliminary Design: Bechtel/Parsons Brinckerhoff. Final Design: Sverdrup
CONTRACTOR: Morrison Knuedsen/Interbeton/J. F. White joint venture.

254 T u m ~ . v . ~ a ANDUNDmm~OUNVSPACETZCSNOLOOY Volume 8, N ~ m ~ r 2, 1993

Willemspoortunnel*; Rotterdam, The Netherlands; U/C


Railway; concrete box elements. Two tubes; two tracks each tube.


8 115-138 m 8.62 m 28.82 m

TOTAL IMMERSED LENGTH: UNUSUAL FEATURES: Unusually difficult, restrictive

1,012 m urban and madne site. Elements placed between
cofferdam wails in some areas.

ENVIRONM ENTAL Very difficult urban and madne constraints on construction. Heavily trafficked waterway.
CONDITIONS: Close to many sensitive existing structures and rail facilities.


Elements were fabricated in five or six 23-m Outfitting for placement was done in Gins/Omega.
segments post-tensioned together. A cooling system the casting basin. Elements were
was used. Segments have large triangular shear ballasted to keep them on the
keys shaped in the vertical wails. Casting was done bottom prior to placement. Each
in an existing basin at Barendrecht, where several was then floated individually and
other immersed tunnels have been built. towed to the site with 20 cm of
freeboard. The tdp took one day. A
catamaran barge system was used
for placing.

WATERPROOFING No waterproofing layers were used. Concrete segments were sized and designed to
METHOD: prevent cracking, and careful concrete mix and temperature control were used for each

PLACEMENT On the left (northwest) side of the Maas, the elements were lowered from girders. On the
METHOD: right side, across the Nieuwe Maas, floating pontoons were used. The closure joint was
made between the last two elements.

FOUNDATION Sand-flow foundation.


DREDING METHOD: Backhoe dredging and a COVER AND TYPE: 1.0 m protec~on.
cutterhead su~on dredge.

VENTILATION TYPE: Piston action of trains. CONCRETE QUALITY: B30.


INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Rijkswaterstaat Bouwdienst.
CONTRACTOR: KWT Joint Venture: Dirk Verstoep Rotterdam; Ballest Nedam; Van
Hattum in Blankevoort; Strukton Baton bouw.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 TUNN~.T.r~OANDUNDm~OaOUNDSPAC~TS~OLOOY 255

Niigata Port Road Tunnel*; Niigata, Japan; U/C

USE: Vehicular two lanes each tube.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 8 L E N G T H : 107.5/110.5 m HEIGHT: 8.75 m WIDTH: 28.6 m


Tams River Tunnel*; Tokyo, Japan; U/C

TUNNEL TYPE AND USE: Vehicular; reinforced LANES/TRACKS: Two tubes; three lanes each. Escape
concrete box prestressed Iongitudially for passageways and utility space for gas, electric and drainage
watertightness. lines in the side ducts.

NO. OF ELEMENTS: 12 LENGTH: 128.6 m HEIGHT: 10.0 m WIDTH: 39.7 m


UNUSUAL FEATURES: All of the tunnel was constructed on a curve. Flexible earthquake joints ware provided
between all the tunnel elements. Piles were driven in casting basin bottom after it was
stabilized with soil cement. Liquid nitrogen was used to cool sand during summer
concreting. Blast fumace cement was used to reduce thermal cracking.

ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS: At the mouth of the Tama River.


Fabricated in a graving basin used jointly for the Gina/Omaga-type joint. Flexibility is provided by the rubber
Tama River and Kawasaki Fairway Tunnels. The joint, in combination with the use of post-tensioned rods
basin accommodated 11 elements at a time and tightened across the joint. Three verticet shear keys
had a floor area of 107,000 sq. m (592 m x 190 m). provided in the walls and one horizontal key in the floor
provide stability against displacements due to earthquakes
and/or settlements.

WATERPROOFING 8-mm steel plate on sides and bottom of elements; concrete protected by 2.5-mm-thick
METHOD: rubberized membrane on top slab. Steel plates are cathodically protected.

PLACEMENT METHOD: Catamaran barges. 10-cm freeboard. 500 MT during lowering (1%) and 1500 MT in
place (3%) prior to placing final ballast (1.1 SF against flotation, not counting backfill).

FOUNDATION METHOD: Mortar pumped over gravel foundation bed.

VENTILATION TYPE: Longitudinal ventilation. COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m of stone cover.

ADDITIONAL Mix proportions for tunnel element concrete: wlc .515; water 155 kg/cu, m; cement 301
INFORMATION: kg/cu, m; sand 834 kg/cu, m and gravel 1034 kg/cu, m.

OWNER: Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation.

CONTRACTORS: Tamagawa Tunnel Joint Venture: Kajima Corporation; Kumagai
Gumi Co. Ltd.; Ohbayashi Corporation; Shimizu Corporation; Nishimatsu Construction
Co., Ltd.; Okumura Corporation; Fujita Corporation; Toa Corporation.

256 T ~ a ~ . v . ~ a ~ UNDmmROUNDSPACE"I~mNOLO~Y Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Kawasaki Fairway Tunnel*; Tokyo, Japan; U/C


Vehicular; reinforced box concrete elements Two tubes; three lanes each. Escape passageways and utility
prestressed longitudinally for watertightness. space for gas, electric and drainage lines in the side ducts.


9 131.2 m 10.0 m 39.7 m


LENGTH: 1180.9 m STRUCTURE: 26 m

UNUSUAL Rexible earthquake joints were provided between the tunnel elements. Piles were driven in
FEATURES: casting basin bottom after it was stabilied with soil cement. Uquid nitrogen was used to
cool sand during summer concreting. Blast fumace cement was used to reduce thermal
cracking. Part of same roadway as Tama River Tunnel.

ENVIRONMENTAL At mouth of Dalshi Canal and entrance to Kawasaki Port.



Fabricated in a graving basin used jointly for the Gins/Omega-type joint. Flexibility was provided by the rubber
Tama River and Kawesaki Fairway Tunnels. joint, in combination with the use of post-tensioned rods
Basin accommodated 11 elements at a time and tightened across the joint. Three vertical shear keys in the
had a floor area of 107,000 sq. m (592 m x 190 walls and one horizontal key in the floor provide stability
m). Basin was used jointly for Tama River Tunnel. against displacement.

WATERPROOFING 8-mm steel plate on sides and bottom of elements; concrete-protacted rubberized
METHOD: membrane on top slab. Steel plates are cathodically protected.

PLACEMENT Catamaran barges. 500 MT during lowering (1%) and 1500 MT in place (3'/o) prior to
METHOD: placing final ballast (1.1 SF against flotation, not counting backfill).

FOUNDATION Mortar pumped over gravel foundation bed.


VENTILATION Longitudinal ventilation.


COVER AND TYPE: 1.5 m of stone cover.

ADDITIONAL Mix proportions for tunnel element concrete: w/c, .515; water, 155 kg/cu, m; cement, 301
INFORMATION: kg/cu, m; sand, 834 kg/cu, m and gravel, 1034 kg/cu, m.

OWNER: Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation.

DESIGNER:: Oriental Consultants Co., Ltd.; Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd.
CONTRACTORS: Meeda Construction Co., Ltd.; Hazarna Gumi, Ltd.; Tobishima
Corporation; Penta-Ocean Construction Co., Ltd.; Sato Koyo Co., Ltd.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T~m~.vmo ANDUND~m~OUNDSPA(= T~m~owoY 257

Sydney Harbour Tunnel*; Sydney Australia; U/C

TUNNEL TYPE AND USE: Vehicular; concrete box LANES/TRACKS: Two tubes; two lanes each tube.

NO, OF ELEMENTS: 8 I LENGTH: 120 m HEIGHT: 7.43 m I WIDTH: 26.1 m



UNUSUAL Element No. 1 was laid against the ventilation building at the north end of the tunnel. A
FEATURES: short stub section of tunnel built into the ventilation building was provided with a sill beam
to receive the first element. Element No. 2 was placed next. Element No. 8 was then
placed; the connection to the land tunnel was made in a unique cofferdam in order to
protect the Sydney Opera House forecourt. A cofferdam was built over and around the
end of the element; a tremle seal to the sandstone rock was made at the front. To allow
for differential settlement between elements No. 7 and No. 8, a special flexible joint was
attached to the end of element No. 7. Temporary bars were cut after the elements were in
place. Unique protective stone armour for dragging or falling anchors was used.

ENVIRONMENTAL Very environmentally sensitive area at scenic Sydney Harbour, with the Sydney Opera
CONDITIONS: House almost in the alignment. These conditions led to the unique use of a bridge pier for
vent stack.


METHOD: Elements were cast in Port Kembla, 100 km Gina/Omega type of joint. A special
The elements were away. Exter,~ive model studies were undertaken prefabricated settlement joint was
built in two groups of to assure feasibility of tow. A freeboard of 0.5 m provided on element No. 7, which
four in a graving dock. was used during tow. At the outfitting pier in was founded on sand. Element No.
The elements have Sydney, further ballast and placing equipment 8 was connected into a sandstone
continuous was installed, bringing elements to almost neutral wall and a tunnel was mined to it.
reinforcement, but buoyancy.
were cast in sections.

WATERPROOFING A PVC membrane was used on the bottom. The sides and top were covered with an
METHOD: epoxy resin coating. Low heat of hydration with good impermeability to chlodde ion
penetration was achieved using a high replacement blend of Type A cement and ground
granulated blast furnace slag. Sulphate resistance was also good. Blast furnace slag was
not chosen for coarse aggregate because of a 3% lower density than natural basalt
aggregate mix.

PLACEMENT Transverse pontoons.


FOUNDATION Sand-flow method utilizing pipes installed in the walls from the roof slab to the base slab.
METHOD: Element No. 8 was supported on a foundation of cement-based grout. The other elements
were founded on sand.

DREDGING METHOD: Alluvial deposits were dredged using a grab dredge. Sandstone deposits were dredged
using a cutterhead suction dredge. Provisions made for blasting were not required.

VENTILATION TYPE: Semi-transverse, using side ducts. Pier shafts of ceble-stay bddge were used as exhaust
stacks at one end of tunnel.

COVER AND TYPE: A 2-m cover of rock fill with rock armour flanks was provided. The rock fill was designed
to absorb the impact of a falling anchor; the rock armour was designed to deflect an
anchor dragged across the tunnel.

258 ~ U~-OF~mOt~'V SPACE TRaSNOU~Y Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993

Osaka South Port Tunnel*; Osaka, Japan; U/C


Vehicular and railway; rectangular Four-lane vehicular; two-track railway.


10 102.5 m 8.80 m 34.8 m


1025 m service.


Bilbao Metro*; rail tunnel under Bilbao Estuary for Deueto-Olavega section of
Bilbao Metro Line 1, Bilbao, Spain; U/C


Metro railway; reinforced concrete box elements. Two tubes; single rail each tube.


2 85.35 m 7.2 m 11.4


172.2 m 17m


In casting basin within excavation for cut-and-cover Gina/Omega.
tunnel on Deueto side of river.

WATERPROOFING Steel membrane on bottom and sides. Bituminous membrane on roof.


FOUNDATION Jetted sand found~don.


VENTILATION Piston action.


ADDITIONAL OWNER: Basque Govemment, Department of Trarmport and Public Works.

INFORMATION: DESIGNER: Chdsitiani & Nielsen.
CONTRACTOR: AGROMAN Empresa Constructuora, S.A.

Volume 8, Humber 2, 1993 T~o~.~o z~o U ~ a o R o u m ) S P ~ T s ~ , z 289

Noord Tunnel*; Alblasserdam, The Netherlands (crossing De Noord River); U/C


Vehicular tunnel; concrete box elements. Two tubes; three lanes each tube.


4 3 @130 m; 1 @ 100m 8.30 m 29.95 m


UNUSUAL To avoid dredging of the river to allow transport of the elements, the roofs of the elements
FEATURES: were only partially cast. This reduced the draft of the elements enough to tow them to the
site. The roofs were then completed.


Th elements were constructed together in a graving The elements were Gina/Ornsga.
dock, at the same time that the elements for the deballasted, floated, and
Willemspoor Tunnel were under construction. Three prepared for a two-day tow
elements were cast in five 26.15-m segements; one over tidal water and rivers.
element was cast in four 24.85-m segments. A After the elements ardved at
cooling system was installed. the site, the remaining portions
of the roof were cast, as well as
a portion of the ballast concrete
on the bottom slab. This was
used as added weight for

WATERPROOFING No exterior waterproofing was used. Concrete segments were sized and ~ to avoid
METHOD: cracking. Concrete was designed to reduce thermal cracking and produce high-dansity
impermeable segments.

PLACEMENT Four small pontoons with hoisting and mooring winches were hoisted on top of the tunnel.
METHOD: Conventional piecing methods were used. The closure joint was made in the river
the last two elements.

FOUNDATION Sand-flow method.


DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredge.


VENTILATION Longitudinal.

COVER AND TYPE: 1.0 m of gravel protection.

ADDITIONAL OWNER: Rijkawetemte~, The Department of Public Works.

INFORMATION: ENGINEER: Consortium - DHV, Haskoning and W'~lenveen & BOSforming Tunnel
Engineering Consultants (TEC) to work in kind of Joint Venture with Engineers from
CONTRACTORS: Komblnatie Tunnelbouw (KTB), a conlmtium of four firms: Baltut
Nedam, Van Hattum & Blankevoort, Hollen~mhe Beton & Watedoouw, and Dirk Verstoep.

260 ~ . , m o ANDU ~ u m ) SPAcz 'Ikcz~ou)eY Voblm~ 8, Number 2, 1993

Grouw Tunnel*; Grouw, The Netherlands; U/C (1993)


Vehicular; concrete box tunnel Two tubes, two lanes each (two highway, two local mac[s)


1 88m 7m 32m


88m 11.5 m

UNUSUAL Supported on the abutments.



The element was constructed in the approach. It was After the approach An inflatable rubber gasket
cast in four sec'dons wit ~out flexible joints, structure was flooded, the and an Omega gasket.
Reinforcement was continuous and the tunnel was element was pulled through
permanently prestTessed. it across the channel.
Water ballast tanks were in
river retaining structures on
top of the element.

WATERPROOFING There was no separate exterior waterproofing membrane.


PLACEMENT The dver retaining stnJcturas were designed to eliminate the need for additional equipment.
METHOD: Water ballasting was sufficient.

FOUNDATION The element was supported on both abutments like a bridge.


DREDGING Cutterhead suction dredger.


VENTILATION No ventilation system.



10 cm of concrete. B35

Volume 8, N,,m1~r 2, 1993 Ttm2~.,.~TO ~ UNVJmalW~TDSPACZTJZC~mOIZ)OY261

Medway Tunnel*; Rochester, U.K.; U/C (1995)


Vehicular; concrete box sections Two tubes; two lanes, with shoulder in each tube


3 126/118 9.15 m 25m


370 m 18.65 rn

UNUSUAL First dasign/construct tunnel in the U.K. The tunnel is designed to withstand po~ib~ uptift
FEATURES: from water pressures in a chalk layer.


A graving dock for the elements was provided at the The elements will be Gina/Ome gaskat
eastern portal. On completion of the e l a n , the debellasted, floated and system.
graving dock will be opened, and the elements will be towed out of the dock into
removed and placed. The approach structure will the trench and placed. A
then be constructed in the closed dock. The small catamaran barge
elements were cast in six 21-m segments. system was developed.

WATERPROOFING A separate waterproofing membrane was used.


PLACEMENT The elements ~11 be lowered by two small c a t e r n m while the elements are positioned
METHOD: with winches. "rhe closure joint wiU be made ~ t h e last alement and the ~

FOUNDATION Sand-flow method.


VENTILATION Longitudinal. Fans are located in receases in the cut.and-cover section. This arrangement
TYPE: reduced the height of the elements considerably.

COVER AND TYPE: 2 m of stone protection and a seal in the river on top of the dredged area, to prevent river
water from entering the chalk.

262 a s o U~mmmmo~rv S P a s T s c ~ o u ~ Volume 8, Number 2, 1998

Schlphol Re.way Tunnel*; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; U/C (1994)


Railway; concrete box tunnel Two tubes, one track each.


4 125 m 8.05 m 13.60 m


500 m 9m

UNUSUAL The railway backs under the airport are being doubled (from two to four). The new tunnel
FEATURES: will be constructed directly adjacent to the existing tunnel. Most of the 5.7 km of the
railroad tunnels are being constructed by cut-and-cover methods; however, 500 m under a
runway will be constructed by immersed tunnel methods to save time.


The construction dock was made in the adjacent The constructed dock Gina and Omega gaskets
cut-and-cover area. Each element consists of six consisted of a sheetpile were used.
segments with flexible joints. cofferdam with bracing
across the to The
elements were fully
outfitted in the dock.

WATERPROOFING No extedor waterproofing membrane was used.


PLACEMENT After the dock filled with groundwater, the elements were floated to a ~eeboard of 15 cm
METHOD: and pulled by winches under the bracing to their posis'don. The elements were lowered
from hoists on beams across the top of the cofferdam while they were ballasted with water.

FOUNDATION Sand-flow method.


DREDGING Land excavalJon.


VENTILATION No ventil~on system.



1 m of compacted layers under the runway B35

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 ~.T.~o ANDU~mmm~ousD Swat= Tm~moLo~ 263

Chapter 6:



CH. J. A. HAKKAART (chairman)

Hollandsche Beton en Waterbouw/DMC The Netherlands

Parsons Brinckerhoff U.S.A.

Statens Vegwesen, Vegdirektoratet Norway

Tecnomare Italy

Norwegian Contractors Norway

D. R. CULVERWELL (editor) U.K.

Consulting Engineer

Contributions and comments by:

W. Grantz U.S.A.
A. Gursoy U.S.A.
P. C. van Milligen The Netherlands

Tunnellmgand UndergroundSpaceTechnology,Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 265-285, 1993. 0886-7798/93 $6.00 + .00

Printed in Great Britain. Pergamon Press Ltd
Chapter 6: Submerged Floating Tunnels
I. I N T R O D U C T I O N
1.1 ITA and Submerged Floating Tunnels
1.2 Submerged Floating Tunnel
1.2.2N a m e

2. F E A S I B I L I T Y of S U B M E H ~ E D F L O A T I N G T U N N E L S
2.1 Opportunities for Submerged Flostln E Tunnels
2.2 Safety
2.3 Costs
2.4 Environment
2.5 Possible Locations
2.5.1 Coastal regions
2.5.2 Inland regions
2.6 Study and Research up to the Present
2.6.1 Hcgsi~ord in Norway
2.6.2 Strait of Mesaina in Italy

3.1 Comparison with Other Fixed Crossings
3.2 Design Methods
3.3 Dimensions
3.4 Buoyancy
3.5 Supports
3.6 Static and Dynamic Analysis
3.7 Risk ~n~lysis
3.8 Inst~lmentation
3.9 Durability and M A ; n ~ n ~ c e

4.1 Construction in Elements
4.2 Incremental Construction and Launching
4.3 Element Construction and Incremental Launching
4.4 Abutments
4.5 Anchor Points
4.6 Construction Time



266 Tum~.r.~o ANDUNDEm~OVNVSPACETE~OLOOY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

1. Introduction The differenes between tiffs type of • Combinations of t h e above
bmnel and a cenve~tionallmme~ed or methods.
1.1 The ITA and Submerged Floating
bored bmnel iS that the floating bmnal • Anchoring at the abutments only.
Tunnels structure is surrotmdsd by water. That The tlmnA1 iS positioned below the
In 1989, the International Tunnel- iS, the bmnel iS neither placed within water surface in such a way that ships
ling Asseeiation (1TA) established a ner bored threugh the groun& Instead, can pass above it without undue
Working Group on Immersed and the tannel ~ c t u r e is kept in pesiticn interference.
Floating~lnnels in order to give more by virtue of its own structural capshil- Different types of submerged
worldwide attention to this type of ity, though it may be augmented by a floating tunnels are presented in
tunnelling. support systen~ The support system Figures 6-1; 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, and 6-5.
The task of the Working Group is to may take several forms, such as: The submerged floating t~mnel ex-
present the state of the art for two • Pontoons on the surface. Amined herein uses existing technol-
types of tunnels: • Tension anchoring to the bed. ogy. The matorlela, the design meth-
1. Immersed or 8ubmet~d Tun- • Compression anchoring to the ods, and the construction methods are
ns/S, which Can be used in rivers or bed. known and conventional, but they are
waterways when it is possible to • Horizontal anchoring. combinedin anew and specific way. It
place the t~nnel in the riverbed or
seabed. These types of tnn-els have
been built for many years.
2. Submerged Floating Tunnels !
(SFTs), which represent a new concept
for crossing deep waterways. In thiR
case, the bln~el iS not an embedded
structttre, but instead iS suspended.
I~scatlse both types of bmnelg in-
volve many different aspects, a num-
ber of subworkin~ groups were estab-
lished. Each sub-group was composed
of specialists in the particnlm" field.
The development in recent years of
proposals for "floating~ sub-aque-
ous t~mnels resulted in the forma-
tion of the subworking group on Sub-
merged Floating ~mnels. Figure 6-1. Pontoons on the surface.
In a nnmher of countries, especially
Norway, Italy and The Netherlands,
extensive research has been done on
~ . /\\
specific tunnel schemes for crossing
deep and relativelynarrow waterways.
The solution--a suspended t . nnel
structure--has passed the prellmln aTy
and conceptual design stage, supported
by detailed research and hydraulic
model tests. It has now reached the
stage wh er e an act ual project
employingthis new type oft~m nel could
be re~li~.ed in the near future.
The state of the art for this type of
l~mneliSpresentedinthischapter. Part
Chapter 6 explRin~ the concept of the
Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT) and
the opportunities it represent& The
second half of the chapter presents
relevant ~ h n l c a l information about Pigure 6.2. Tension anchoring to the bed.
the SFT concept.

1.2 Submerged Floating Tunnel (SFT)

1.2.1 Description
The tunnel structure discussed in
this chapter would serve all types of
traffic between two shores separated
by deep water. The unique feature of
this type of t~mnel iS that it bridges
both shores and iS not buried in or
placed on top ofthe bed ofthe waterway.
From the ns¢~' point of view, the
s~ucture has all the urn.m1chm'acteris-
tics of a tunnel. Because it iS closed, it
iS considered a tttnnntll~rather than a
" b r i d g e ~.
Figure 6-3. Compression anchoring to the bed.
Volume 8, N, Im1~r 2, 1998 T v m ~ J . ~ o ANDU~WZm~OU~ S e ~ T~mOLOOY267
Figure 6-4. Horizontal anchoring. Figure 6-5. Abutment anchoring.

is important to stress that these struc- toon bridge, a floating bridge, a bored ally acceptable, the httman ~ t a -
tures do not include any totally new t~mnel or an J m m ~ e d tunnel. I.nvew tion of such movemant~can be ofmajor
features that have not been encoun- tigations have shown that the Sl~f importa~. Itistherd~~that
tered in tunnelling. may be highly competitive with these the movements of the ~ be kept
solutions in some situations. below the l;m;ts ofh;,r.A- observation.
1.2.2 Name of b-'tru~um Type Another advantage of the SFT is Research has -hewn that fh;- is the
that the crossing is invisible, mAk- case for the two SFT ~ currently
This type o f ~ hes been called ing it attractive from an environ- beh~ prepared (see S e e e ~ 2.6). T.
by various names, such as: mental standpoint. In addition, the ~meral, it oan be said thatthe p~ycho-
• Submerged Tube. gradients are very SmAll and sur- los~linterpreta~"~tofthemove-
• Submerged Tube Bridge. face waterway traffic is, in prin- ments is more critical than the tsohno-
• Submerged Floating Tube. ciple, not obstructed. logical I;m;ts.
• Floating ~ , - - e l . Until now, considerations for S~'Ps Because the S F r concept is new,
• Underwater Bridge. have most oi~en focused on their use extra attanti~ must giv~to tl~ safety
• Submerged Floating ~ m n e l for road traffic (e.g., as with the aspects. This meens that the first
The last of these terms seems to be H~gsfjord and Strait of Messina cress- Submerged Floati-~ ~ 1 . . . 1 will be
the most accurate for describing the ing, desoribed in sections 2.6.1 and based on rather conservative criteria
following m a i n f e a t u r e s of such 2.6.2.), However, the S I ~ concept can and dmign amumpt~,.. ~ o n
structures: be applied for other p ~ , such as: tha~and~Straitu'oes-
* Pedestrian tunnels: connecting ings has ahown that all safety regula-
Submerged: the b~nnel is located tions can be met.
under water. the mainland and a recreation
islendin a deepiske, fer e~unple. Measurements canbe takento , - i - i -
Tunnel: it is a closed structure. m;,e the risks of ship eollim'on and to
F/oaring: the structure has a large * Service tunne/s: to guide pipe-
lines and cables. bring these risks into a range that is
floating capacity and is surrounded lower fhA,, that for comparable risks
by water. (seealsothe discussionin seetion 8,2.4).
Therefore, this report will refer to 2.2 Safety
this type of structure as a "Submerged Research has shown SFTs to be 2.3 Costs
Floating Tunnel, ~ a b b r e v i a t e d as technically and economically feasible. ?-3.1 Construction Costs
~SFT~. But are they also safe? The answer is
yes, because the level of safety required At present, the cost of building an
for an S F T will be the same as that SFT can only be an order of mag-
2 Feasibility of Submerged nitude estimate. Obviously, the con-
required for comparable structures,
Floating T u n n e l s struction cests will vary from project to
e.g., bridges. Comparisons of the prob-
2.1 Opportunities for Submerged ability of failure of an STT with the project bemuse they are h i ~ y depen-
Floating Tunnels probability of failure of other forms of dent on the local site conditions.
crossings show that the chance of f a i l Based on cost experienes on projects
An SFT can span different types of sJmilA~ magnitude and on the pre-
of w a t e r w a y s ~ s t u a r i e s , r i v e r s , ure is of the same order. This is not
surprising, considering t h a t the tech- lJmJnweyCOld;~ ~projects
fjords, sounds, lakes, etc.--without in- studied in recent years, a
terfering with shipping. nologies used for the SFT, notably
those concerning materials and de- with the cost of relevant alternatives,
In some cases, an SFT may be the such as a suspension bridge, can be
ordy possible, affordable and accep- sign methode, are based on already
existing technologies. made (see Fig. 6-6). The construction
table form of fixed crossing because of costs of an SFT, per meter length, do
constraints such as deep water, dis- There a r e two particular a s p e ~
related to safety of SFTs: not increase sisnifieantly with the
tance between the shores, or envi- ~ d t ~ ~ ~ w i t h t t ~
ronmental considerations (see discus- 1. Techno/ogica/safety. This will of the waterway, ~ an S l ~ com-
sions below). be assured d u r ~ the design of the pet~ve with ~ bn~ hav-
The SPT tech-ique offers the oppor- total structure and its components, ing sl:-n- greater than 800 t~ 900 m.
tunitytoplan crossingswhoretheyhave by a d a p t ~ design ruJes and knowl- Evenincaem wherethe ~ ~
never before been thought possible. edge derived from experie~e (see sec- be considered the only feasible altor-
In other cases, an S F T may be an tion 3). n a t i v e , t h e costs are not un-
alternative to another type of fixed 2. Pr/cholos~al safety. Although reasonably high.
crossing, such as a bridge, a pon- the expected ~ t s are structur-

268 TUNNI~.t.mIGAND UNDERGROUNDSPAn TFA~NOIf~Y VohIIne 8, N-tuber 2, 1993

3. A Submerged Floating ~ i - - e l .
I f the lake is very deep, a t~,--el
underneath the bed might be very long
'EN$ I ON BE I DGE and, consequently, expensive to con-
fig struct, maintain and use.
W I f the w a t e r depth is moderate,
b- ~- -z~; a n i m m e r s e d t u n n e l m a y be con-
tiJ templated; however, if the depth is
considerable, this solution m u s t be
IX ruled out.
ttJ For such a situation, an SFT could
be the only answer. I t could be located
q') .~;~.~'
invisibly at a level fairly near the sur-
0 face ofthe water, because the sea state
of the lakes is much more thA~ moder-
0 1000 2000 3000 ate, and the t, mnel cotdd take the short-
est route across the lake (see Fig. 6-7).
LENGT H Purthermore, an SFT would require
only a l i m i t e d constrtxction a r e a a t the
Figure 6-6. Cost comparison for S F T solution vs. suspension bridge. side of the lake, thereby m;.;m;~i.g
interference with the existing traffic.
Additieva]ly,the $1~ solution would
For an SFT with more t h a n two continue throughout the life of the tun- have the meritoftlm;ted enviro~m~utal
lanes, the large upli~ forces m a y in- nel. This maintenance m a y require impact.
creaee the costs. replacing components, although the to- Case #2: A city or an area of envi-
tal cost of such inspection and mA~-te- ronmental interest alongside a fjord or
2.3.2 Operational Costs nance is not expected to be high. lake has busy traffic passing through
it, and no options to reroute the traffic
In general terms, the expected op- on land available because of geosra-
erational cost of an SZI' wR1 comprise: 2.4 Environment
phical a n d / o r environmental reasons.
* The usual operating and ~,~i-te- SFTs have a number of special fea- The solution could be to re-route the
-n-~ecostarelatedtot~,,m-lm in ttlres, m a n y of which offer good solu- fragile through an underwater t - n n e l
general, such as lighting, venti- tions to environmental constraints. As parallel with the shore (see Fig. 6-8).
latien, interior ele~-i-ff, drain- noted above, the use of an SFT m a y An SFT would be invisible and, in com-
age, tral~e control, etc.; and mnim a c r e s s ~ possible where p]an- parison with an i m m e r s e d tunnel,
• C o s t s p a r t i c u l a r to a n S F T nets in the past thought it was impes- would mnkA fewer demands on the
structure. The first S I ~ con- sible. Some examples of the SFT solu- underwater bathymetry.
structed witl carry additional tion are given below. Case #3: A strait of considerable
costs, at least during the early Case #1: A n inland lake having w/dth to be crossed. Using an SFT
y e a r s , for i n s t r u m e n t a t i o n , severe traffic problems around the pe- anchored to the sea bottom would avoid
monitoring, inspection, repor- rimeter, especially during tourist sea- creating a visible impact on the envi-
ting and, subsequently, verifi- sons. The ear and heavy truck t r a t ~ ronmeat. There are no construction
cation of the design. has becomo such a problem that the l*-~tatic~s to the length of such a struc-
areaisbecoml-gless attractive every ture. In contrast, a bridge has llmlt~t-
Maintenance costs for the external year.However,becauseofthenatural tions in its span length; and the piers
surface are expected to be very low. beautyofthelake,a susI~nRionbridge and anchorages t h a t might be required
Because marine growth is one of the or floating bridge is not desirable. for a multi-span lridge would pose
design criteria, no costs for removal of In such a case, only three "inw_eib~" obvimm di~culties in deep water (see
such growth will arise. alternatives are possible: Fig. 6-9).
For t~mneis t h a t involve separate
I . A b,nnel underneath the bed of Case #4: A deep fjord or wa-
meAnA of support or tie-down for the
the lake. terway with high mountains directly
structure, external inspection and
main tenanco will be necessary and will 2. A n i m m e r s e d t~lnnal. adjacent to it, and the need for a

_ _

: LA~

F~gure 6-7. S F T used for crossing a lake. Figure 6-8. S F T used for by-passing a city.

Volume 8, N - t u b e r 2, 1993 Tvm~.~.~o Am) Um)zm~sou~m SPA(Z T]~motcoY 269

The technicalities related to each of
these locations are discussed below.

2.5.1 Coastal Regions

Coastal regions, which include
0ords, sounds, and connections between
islands, often pose the greatest diffi-
culties for fixed crossings.
Although there are possible loca-
tions for SFTs on all continents, some
areas present partic-la~ly worthwhile
opportunities. Some ofthese are listed
in Table 6-1.
Figure 6-9. An S FT used for a very long crossing.
2.5.2 Inland Regions
Large lakes exist in virtually every
country. In the past, m a n y of these
lakes have been considered impossible
to cross, for a number of reasons. In
m a n y cases, the lakes have been con-
sidered too wide for conventional
bridges, and environmental concerns
have prohibited a visible structure.
The obvious choice would be to con-
struct a t - n n e l underneath the bed of
the lake. However, these t~mnels often
become very long and expensive, o r t h e
depths are excessive.
The SFT offers the p o e s i ~ t y of
crossing at very gentle gradients and
without visible environmental impact.
In addition, some of the increasing
road traffic around a v - t u b e r of lakes
could be eliminated by reducing the
Figure 6-10. An 8FT used to cross deep water with mountains adjacent. travel distance, as well as removing
the traffic from visible view.
Table 6-2 shows a n - m ~ of lakes
fixed crossing as part of the national competitive alternative if it is to be throughout the world t h a t are of par-
transportation system. I n the past, adopted. ticular interest for application of the
pl a - - ~ would have censidered such a In contrast,at sonm locatiens an SFT SFT concept. T h i s list, although in-
crossing ; m ~ s i b l e . However, an SFT may be the only feasible alternative. complete, reflects current opportuni-
could be built to connect directly with Po~ible locations for SFTs can be ties perceived by the authors. There
lamnels at both sides through the moun- divided into two main groups: are undoubtedly further opportunities
talns, as shown in Figure 6-10. The in other parts of the world. I t will be for
1. Coastal regions. local authorities and developers to de-
SFT would m a k e it possible to create a 2. Inland regions.
crossing in which no part of the strnc-
ture is visible a c h a r ~ c that
could yield great environmental ad- Table 6-1. Possible locations for SFTs worldwide.
These four examples illustrate pos- Po~lble Locations for Submerged Floating
sible ways t h a t an SFT m a y offer a Country Tunnels
unique solution to important and diffi-
cult environmental problems.
In m a n y p a r t s of the world, it is Norway Many fjords
necessary t h a t certain crossings be
made invisible in order to avoid inter- Ita~ Strait of Messina
fering with the natural beauty of the Greece Mainland to islands
surroundings. Structures such as sus-
Turkey In-between continents; between mainlar¢l and Islands
pension bridges, cable-stayed bridges
or floating bridges, no matter how el- Spain/Morocco Strait of Gibraltar
egant and qligh-tech% c~nnot avoid France Gironde
interfering in some way with the sur-
face environment. U.S.A. F'jords on west coast
Alaska Bedng Strait
2.5 Possible Locations Canada Fjords on west coast
As discussed above, a Submerged South China Sea Between Islands
Floating Tunnel m a y be applicable in
a D--tuber of locations where alterna- Coast of Southeast Asia Mainland to islands
tive structures are also feasible. In Japan Mainland to islands; between islands
such cases, the S I ~ will need to be a

270 Am) U~mmmmotn~DSPACETZOHNOLOOY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Table 6-2. Possible sites for submerged floating tunnels. term~-e whether there are lakes in
their area that might be suitable for
Country Location of Lake this form of crowing.

EUROPE: 2.6 Study and Research to the

Italy Como/Lecco Present
Italy Maggiore The development of the principle of
Italy Lugano an SFT to a feasible concept has ex-
Italy [seo tended over appro~m-tely a decade.
Italy Garda In the context of the development of
comparable complex structures in his-
Sw~zedand Neuchatel tory, this is a short period. However,
Switzedand Vierwaldstettersee the brevity of the development period
Sw~zefland Zi~richsee is offset by the fact that those involved
France, Switzerland Geneve/Leman have gained experience in comparable
Germany,Austria, Switzerland Bodensee technologiss in the civil, ~-~ine and
Sweden V~ttem offshore industries.
Portugal Rio Tejo Conventional design methods and
existing technologies have been used
and found s-CRcientto enable feasible
$1~ schemes to be developed.
THE AMERICAS: Extensive studi~ have been car-
Canada, U.S.A. Superior tied out resard;-~ the feasibillty of an
Canada, U.S.A. Huron SFT under the Hcg~ord in Norway
and at the Strait of Messina in Italy.
Canada, U.S.A. Ede Conceptual work has been done for
Canada, U.S.A. Ontado other ]ocationsin1~orwayand for Lakes
U.S.A. Michigan Como and Lecco in Italy, and general
Nicaragua Managua desk studies have been done in other
Peru, Bolivia Titicaca parts of the world.
•tudi~ h.. provided i n = e m ~ confi-
ASIA: denosinthefeasibility
ofa Submerged
Floating ~,..~I,
Israel, Jordan Dead Sea
Japan BNvaKo
Ukraine Azov 2.6,1 Hmgsflor¢lin Norway
The Norwegian Road Directorate
has choeenthe ~ en the west
OCEANIA: coast ofNorway as a pilot peqject for an
New Zealand Taupo S1~. Tha propesed tumad win be in a
New Zealand Wakatipu remote 15ordarea, where a fixed cross-
ins between the ~ of Lauvvik
and Oanes is needed. The SFT will be
part of the Norwegian coastal road
system (see Fig. 6-11).
Some relevant site conditions are
listed belew:
Width of waterway: 1400 m
Water depth: 150 m
Average currents: 0.6 ntis
Water depth above
b~nnel: 20 m
SigniRcant wave height: 1.5 m
Amt. of shipping tral~c: low
The research and studies on the
~ , . ~ %~Oanesj~ relevant aspects o f t h ; , project began
in 1987 and were completed at the end
of 1991. This work involved both the
Norwegian Govor-mAnt and interna-
tional consultants and contractors.
B e r g e n ~ The work has followed conventional
of which were:
,tavanger 1. Feasibility study.
2. c o ~ e p t ~
3. Hydraulic models tests.
4. ~ t ofdedgn criteria.
Figure 6.11. Location of Norway's Hcgsl~ord, for which a submerged 5. Tender design.
floating tunnel solution has been proposed. 6. Final desig~

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tu~u~T.v.mGANDUmml~mouNvSP~cz 'I~:c~Noz.oa~271

The first four stages have been com- tions in the various design disciplines in the near future.
pleted. During the first two stages, are anticipated. Some of the most important areas of
four classified contractor groups devel- The necessary documents for the research for the Hcgsi~ord project have
oped the design and construction meth- tender for the Hcgsi]ord crossing are been:
ods for a Submerged Floating 'I~lnnel n~.qhed, and the owner's requirements * Site-specific measurement of en-
at the specific Hcgsi~ord location. and specifications have been worked vironmental loads.
As promoter of the project, the Nor- out. Pre]~mlnary approval has been * The d e v e l o p m e n t of pro-
wegian Government has initiated fur- given to four d i f f e r e n t concepts grammes for calculating dy-
ther hydraulic modelinvestigations and (shown in Figs. 6-12-, 6-13, 6-14, and IlRmlc forces and the behaviour
has prepared and adjusted the final 6.15), which will be entered in a final of the structure.
design criteria. The feasibility design design and construction competition. * Hydraulic model testing of the
has reached the status of technical The resttlts of the competition will be dynRmlc behaviour of several
approval, which means that no obstruc- decided by the Norwegian Parliament concepts.

Figure 6-12. Design of Norwegian contractors and partners for the Hcgsfjord subsea crossing.

272 T u ~ . ~ . ~ o ANDUNVEP.m~OUNVSPACET~C~mOLOGY Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

Figure 6.13. Design of HoUandsche Beton en Waterbouw, Veidekke and partners for the HCgs~ord subsea crossing.

Figure 6-14. Design of Kvaerner Rosenberg and partners for the Hcgsfjord subsea crossing.

Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993 'I'vm~.,.mo ANDUl~mmcmot~rv SPAC$ T z c ~ m o l z ~ 273

Figure 6-15. Design of Selmer Furuholmen and partners for the Hcgsfjord subsea crossing.

* Development of special instru- Width of waterway: 3000 m Th6 all-

mentation for monitoring dy- Water depth: 350 m
a d i c behaviour. ~n-rents: 1 to 2 m/s, de-
• Mater~ ~ z ~ a S c n s ~r tethers. pevdlngonload station is ~ ofa h o ~ u ~ con-
• Preparation of specifications. case. ~ with the tmm~, a ~ anther
The estimated cost of a two-lane Water depth above block and a cable i n ~ , v,n,~;-g
SFT, apprm~m~taly 1400 m long, in t~lnnel: 35 m 4~ d e ~ r ~ to the ~ U to pre-
the ~ win be about US$60 to vide horizontal and ~ ~ess.
Significant wave 9 to 16 m, de- The use o f ~ steel ~ k e v l a r as
$100 m;ll~n (1991 level). This cost is height: pendlngonload
compemble with that of alternatives, cable m a t t e d is being i n v e ~ p t e d .
such as a bridge or ferry, at the Th~ ~ will ~ m ~ b ~ l a n ~ the
Amount of
same location. This cost e~dmate, al~ppin~ traffic: high
together with previoualy mentioned S ~ m i c losdi-~ is expected. ~ n ~ ~ ~ t u n -
aspects of the project, makes an
Soveral alternativeshave been stud- nel ~ extreme environ-
SFT the preferred alternative.
ied, such as differenttypes and layouts or ~ events.
ofbridges. Because the preference is to Each o f t h e t h r e e proposed
2.6.2 Strait of Messina schemes (one bi~l_iroe~oaal rail-
use e~d;ing naval docks for the con-
In Italy, extensive studies to ex- struction, the SFT concept was devel- way
plore the possibility of an $ I ~ connect- opod around these facilities. ~ ) ~ i ~ to cost
ing the ~elAndof Sicily with the m~n- After numerous alternative studies about U ~ , 5 bilJion ( ~ 1 level).
land, passing under the Strait of had been completed, a conceptual de- The crossing would be a major
Messina, have been undertaken by the s~n based on concrete elements with a project.
~Stretto diMessina S.p.,~ ~,the conces- steel casing was selected over a double
sionaire company (see Fig. 6-16). An steel element structure (see Fig. 6-17). s
arrangement of three separate t~nn~]L Con~derat~ns in the dec~don in-
alignmente (ons for rail) 500mapartis 3.1 ~ ~ otto. ~
cluded the structural behaviour of c ~
contemplate~L The studies have shown the tube wA11a both during installa-
that an SFTwould he a viable solution, tion and during their dem__gnlife; the To ~ the s~uztural prin-
notwithstanding the harsh environ- amount of steel required; the avail- cipl~ ~ ~ , w , may ~ them
mental and seismic conditions existing able construction methods; and, fi- with other fixed ~ . Sl~s may
in the area. nally, the durability and reliability have a variety of h'ms, ~ 4 . ~ on
Some relevant site conditions for of the structure. parAm,~rs such am distance between
the project are given below: the shores, water depth and ~asa state"

274 T ~ - ~ Tmo ANDUZ~aOUSD SPACET~n~ov~Y Volume 8, Humber 2, 1998

Ventilation Station
in Cavern
Ventilation Station
Submerged Floating on the Coast

Road Crossing:
Calabria ~ Sicily 22.648 m
] Basin Sicily -~ Calabria 23.848 m
Rail Crossing: 16.968 m

F~gure 6-16. Location of the Strait of Messina.

Figure 6-1Z Design of Stretto di Messina S.p.4. for the Strait of Messina subsea crossing.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 TUNN~.V.maANDUNDERGROUNDSPACE~C~[NOLOGY27~

(i.e., waves affecting the structure). this design event. The accepted risk will be permanently present during
Table 6-3 shows whether or not the level differsamong countries. the lifetime of the structure. The struc-
different structures are affected by PLS (Progressive Collapse Limit ture will first be exposed to those loads
these parameters. State): The P L S conditionsare desig- during the construction period. The
The comparison shows t h a t one of ned to preserve humnn lives in the event most common permanent loads are:
the most critical advantages of the SFT ofcertainloads or load combinations at • Structural dead weight.
is that it opens up possibilities where a very low probabilityof occurrence. In • Hydrostatic pressure.
formerly no fixed connection was con- this case, even if the structure may be
sidered possible. severely damaged, loss of lives is still • Buoyancy.
not acceptable. These conditions are 2. FL (Functional Loads): Func-
3.2 Design Methods often defined at a probability level of tional loads are those loads t h a t will be
approximately 10"(-4)per an~l~m caused by the usage of the structure.
Like every other structure, an SFT FLS (-Fatigue T.imlt State): The FLS For an SFT, these loads are:
must be designed on the basis of ex- is required to account for the fact that
pected and possible combinations of • Loads due to traffic.
some materials lose strength due to • Loads due to changes in ballast
loading cases. repeated loading. By computing the
The allowable design methods and conditions.
accumulated damage in the material • Variable loads during construc-
general criteria are mainly deter- and consequently checking the com-
mined by the national codes. Other- tion.
puted life of the structure against the
wise, t h e c l i e n t / o w n e r , t o g e t h e r operational life, the sensitivity of cer- 3. DL (Deformation Loads): Defor-
with the designer/contractor, m u s t tain components of the structure can be mation loads are caused by geometric
establish them. established. A safety factor of 3 to 10 cb~ges in the structure itself. These
Today's design methods are often between computed life and required loads are oRen associatedwith the prop-
related to those used in the o~l~oce operational life is often adopted, de- ertiesof the materials involved. Typi-
industry, and are cemm-nly based on pending on the consequences of failure calloads within this category are caused
the semi-probabilistic l/m/t state ap- and the opportunitiesfor repair of the by:
proach, lmlng partial safety ~ t s components.
on both loads and strength ofmater/a/s. • Shrinkage.
Materials: The safety factors to be • Creep and relaxation.
used foreach type ofmaterial are often
3.2.1 Limit States determined in the national design • Post~ or pre-tensioning.
codes, or they m a y be specifiedexplic- • Differential settlements.
The semi-probabilistic approach di-
vides the design into the following de- itlyby the client. • Temperature variations.
sign limit states: • RemAinlng interualloads result-
S L 8 (ServiceabilityT,imltState):The 3.2.2 Loads ing from the constructionmethod.
SLS conditions are set to ensure that The individual loads are combined EL (Environmental Loads): Envi-
the structure meets practical criteria to give the design loads by using par- ronmental loads are caused by the (lo-
with regard to deflections, crack widths, tial load factors. These load factors are cal) site conditions. Special investiga-
factors of safety, accelerations, etc. generally established in the national tion and study are often required to
ULS CU-ltimate TAmlt State): The design codes, or they m a y be specified det~,,,ine the mA,~itude ofthese loads.
U L S conditions are set to confirm t h a t explicitly by the client. To assess the effects of such loads on
the structure has the necessary Five different types of loads usually the structure, mathematical and hy-
strength to survive loads and load com- must be considered: draulic models m a y be needed. For an
binations at an accepted risk offailure. SFT, the most important environmen-
The structure must be capable of con- 1. PL (Permn~ent Loads): Perma-
nent loads are classified as loads t h a t tal loads are:
t i n - i n g to operate satisfactorily a i ~ r
• Loads due to wave action.
• Static loads caused by current.
• Dynamic loads caused by vortex
Table 6-3. How different structures are affected by the parameters of distance, of current.
water depth, and sea state. • Loads resulting from tidal varia-
Type Distance Water Depth Sea State • Loads caused by floating ice on
the water surface.
• LOads resulting from changes in
Bridge Yes Yes No water density.
• Response due to earthquake.
Pontoon Bridge No No Yes A L (Accidental Loads):Accidental
loads are, by their nature, not sup-
posed to happen. However, the fact
Floating Bridge No NO Yes that they do happen from ~ m e to time
necessitates their specifmation and a
rationalway ofdeMingwith theee loads.
Bored Tunnel No Yes No Effects to be considered in this load
category are:
• Loads due to trafficaccidents.
Immersed Tunnel NO Yes No • Loads resulting from ship colli-
sions or an anchor dragging.
• FRlling ship anchors and other
Submerged No No Limited • SinHng ships.
Roating Tunnel


• Rffiploeions inside or outside the In cases where thereis heavy mrface fore, nmst be defined bythe user. Space
tube. traffic, the probabih'ty ofa ~inir;n~ ship also is required for supporting facih'-
• Fire from burning cars or fiuids. at that particular location, and the tisa such asvantilatlon, llghtlng, signs,
• Less of buoyancy. subsequent consequences, must be ballast, emergency equipment, etc.
• Failure within the support considered. The energy amociated with
the impact of a ~nk;n~ ship (or other 3.3.2 External dimensions
object) agRinAt the structure must be The external r]imenJdons are mainly
(partially) absorbed by local and/or determ;-ed by:
3.2.3 Other design methods global deformation. The mnmnitude of
The design method used may differ absorption will depend on the type of • Thereq~internaldlmensions.
between cotmtries. A more conserva- ship. • The overall structural concept.
tive method used in the past employs For ~r~mple, for the S ~ proposed • The local s t r u c t u r a l require-
the elastic and plastic theory. In this for the Strait of Messina, the impact of ments.
case, several levels of acceptable struc- a 5000-dwt ~in]rln~ ship must be Wjthln • Thelnfluence ofexternal leadings.
tural behaviour are defined for load level 1, while the impact of a 250,000- • The construction methods.
conditions based on certain return pe- dwt mn~ing ship must be within level
riods. As an example, for the Strait of 3. The type and size of ship and the It has been found that the m;nl-
Messina cro~'n~, which has a design appropriate levels will be different for mum internal dlm~msions, which are
life of 200 years, the following levels each SFT. r e q u i r e d to accommodate the re-
wore adopted: Another form of accidental loading, quired n-tuber of tral~c lanes and
1. Return period equal to 50 which is probably more frequent but the necessary equipment, result in
years: Elastic behaviour of both the less sensitive, is the impact of fish- almost the optimum design. The
main structure and the secondary ing equipment. This type of impact consequent external r]JmAn~c)ns have
components, without any d ~ m ~ e or can largely be avoided by adherence a s i g n i f i c a n t i n f l u e n c e on t h e
need for inspection atter the event. to marine regulations. behavienr of the t - n n e l because the
A traffic regulation system has most i m p o r t a n t design loads are
2. Returnper/od equa/to 400years: related to its volume. Effi~mples of
Elastic behaviour of the m ~ J n struc- to be provided for submarine traf-
fic. If necessary, measures must be such loads are the circ~,mCerential
tures and local plastic behaviour for compression load, the buoyancy and
the secondary components. Limited taken to ensure that beth the t~,nnel
and its supports system ~-pocially the added ,~Aas, and the forces of
d~m~ge, if any, must be repairable inertia associated with wave mo-
without any interruption in the use of cables--can be monitored by the sub-
turbine navigational equipment. A tion and seismic excitation.
the b~nnel.
w a r n i n g s y s t e m m a y be used to Recently developed concepts have
3. Returnperiodequalto2OOOyears: ensure the safety of the traffic in featured eircular~h ~ped or hexagonal-
Plastic behaviour with the complete the SFT itself. shaped~mnels. To reduce these loads,
exploitation of the ductility resources in the case of the SFT proposed for the
of all the s t r u c t u r a l components. S t r a i t of Messina Crossing, three
D~m~ge, but not collapse, of the main 3.3 Dimensions
parallel and independent t11nnelA are
structure is accepted. D~m~ge and Site conditions have an impact on planned.
collapse are accepted in the secondary the dim~esion ofthe structure, in terms
components. ofboth criteria for the design of a cross-
ing and criteria for the construction 3.4 Buoyancy
The load cases are slmJl~ to those The vertical stability of an $1~ is a
described above. However, there is one very important conAidoratio~ The con-
Conditions to be taken into account
special load case associated with the include: cept can best be explained by cemparing
Strait of Messina project that must be the SFT with other types of bmnels.
taken inte account. This lead occure by • Water depth.
In the case of a bored tunnel, the
means of: • Length. vertical stal~tyis sumdently ens._,~
1. A slow tectonic slip between Sic- • Marine environment: currents, by the weight of the soil above the
ily and Italy, occurring in the longitu- water densities. t~m-eL This weight is always greater
dinal direction of the t - - n e l , the value • Sea state: long and short waves. than the buoyancy (in ground water),
of which could reach apprnrlm~tely • Geology at the entrances. beth during construction and in the
0.20 m during the expected life span of • Geology a t t h e foundations of the final situation.
the structure. support system, if applicable. In the case of an immersed tunnel,
2. A slow relative movement of the • Environment. the vertical stability is ensured by ad-
several faults present in the area, which • Seismic activity in the area. ditiomd ballast concrete, whichis added
could cause a difi~ential settlement of • Access for b r i n g i n g m a r i n e alter the sleene~t is placedin thetrench.
the foundation blocks. equipment to the site. There will always be a remdtant down-
ward vertical force, equal to the differ-
• Surface and subsurface water
3.2.4 Ship collision ence between the final structural
weight and the buoyancy of the ele-
All of the feasibility studies for SFTs ment. The weight of the backfill in the
The dim~n~ines of the main body of
must focus attention on the accidental t r e n c h will i n c r e a s e t h e vertical
an SlUr are deter.:,ined by the internal,
loading caused by the collision of a ship stability. Only during the transport
or st~marine. extemal and structural requirements.
The d i ~ s l o n c of the secondary and, in some cases, during placing of
The safety of an SFT is based on the element, when no ballast con-
avoiding colli~ion with vessels large components of an SFT are rnalnly
determined by structural require- crete is present, will the buoyancy
enough to ~lamAo~ the structure seri- ex~esd the weight of the element.
ously, as has happened many times to merits and installation methods.
In the ease of a submerged floating
various bridges. Collision of surface tunnd, the relationship betweEm buoy-
vessels can be easily avoided, as the 3.3.1 Internal dimensions
ancy and self-weight is very important.
SFT can be positioned at virt-~lly any The internal dimensions depend on In general, the weight of the SFT and its
depth beneath the water surface. the purpose of the t~mnel and, there- buoyalLey are Alrnnst in eq1111ihriunl,

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tu~w~.T.-~a ~ U ~ v ~ o s o u ~ SPACET z c ~ ¢ o ~ 277

even with the large mA~aitude of each can easily be measured. Nevertheless, Some proposed schemes span the
of these loads. Because an SFT will the acceptable range has to be estab- total waterway, using the principle of
never be covered by soil, the vertical lished beforehand, during the design an arch to carry the horizontal loads
stability has to be ensured by the struc- stage. After construction, this para- (see Fig. 6-19).
tare and its support system, meter is known exactly; by using bal- At a certain span width, the arch
There are two possib'flities for ac- last concrete, the final weight of the shape will not be sufficient to cope with
complishing this: structure can be adjusted. the horizontal loading. A horizontal
1. A t e t h e r s y s t e m , in which the The "weight" of the structure may mooring system is then required.
structure delivers a resulting upward alter slightly over ~me, due to the
force (more b u o y ~ c y than weight), water absorption of the concrete. How- 3.5.2 Vertical Bottom Supports
which is taken by the downward force ever, this alteration is minimal in com-
parison to the capacity of the support The reqtd~ment of safe vertical sta-
in the support systen~ biSty under all loading casesresults in
2. A p o n t o o n s y s t e m , in which system,
an upward forcethat is generally larger
the structure delivers a resulting down- T h e specific g r a v i t y o f w a t e r .
in magnitude than the forces in the
ward force (more weight than buoy- The range in the specific gravity of the
water will be partic~dAr to the site, and horizontal direction. A support system
ancy), which is taken by the upward is therefore required at shorter inter-
force in the support system. should be obtained at an early stage in
vals. The structural principle in the
the design process. The variation in
Because the resulting load in the vertical direction involves a continu-
buoyancy resulting from the change in
tether or pontoon system is the ditfer- ous beam with intermediate supports.
the specific gravity of w a t e r is a The principle of the bottom mooring
ence between two large forces, accu- permanent variable, and may have
racy in determining these forces is of is that the SFT should have sufficient
special importance in coastal areas, positive (upward) buoyancy to keep
the utmost importance. The following where the amount of rivor run-off or
uncertainties in regard to these forces the tethers to the bottom under tension
melting ice or snow can change the
may arise: at all times, even during seismic events.
value rapidly. The design has to
Tolerances in geometry and A tethered solution is attractive
cope with these variations.
d i m e n s i o n s . The acceptable toler- because it can be used in very great
The amount and stability of
ances in the geometry and dlmen- water depths.
m a r i n e g r o w t h . Marine growth is
sions must be established during the The tethers or tether groups spac-
known to concentrate at the sea floor
design stage, depending on the choice of ing depends on the weight/buoyancy
and at the surface (see Fig. 6-18). If the
constructionmethod. construc- ratio and the cross-sectional strength
SFTis not located in the critical surface
of the tube (see Figs. 6-20 and 6-21).
tion,an experienced contractor with an layer, the effects of marine growth will
appropriate ql~Mity a s s u r ~ c e system The intervals between the tethers
be mlnor. However, where such growth
is the client's best insurance in keeping will vary. For example, the intervals in
does occur, it will increase the weight
the tolerances under control. Atter con- the studies for the Strait of Meesina
and the current resistance. Therefore,
struction, this parameter is no longer a crossing varied between 50 m and 70
accurate predictionsofthe amount and
variable but, rather, is exactly known. m, compared to 400-mintervals for the
weight of marine growth are required.
HcgetSord cros~-g.
Given su~cient fl~ihilityin the amount The amount of marine growth may
of ballast concrete, it is possible to ad- The tethers can be fabricated of steel
differ among projects, dependl-g on
just the weight afterwards. wire or steel tubes, s;mJlA~ to those
the seawater temperature and the used in the offshore industry for the
The specific weight of concrete. depth t h a t the tlmnel lies below the
Although the specific weight of con- mooring oft~n~on leg platforms (TLPs).
water surface. Because the tethers of an SFT are
crete will vary during construction, it The range in weight/buoyancy ratio subject to smA|ier motioDs and loads
of the t - n n e l and the support compo- than those of a TLP, the tethers and
nents has to be investigated carefully connections for S1~rs can be less com-
THICKNESS C M in order to avoid a net reverse in the plex than those used in the offshore
S 10 IS resultant forces. industry. Experience has been gained
During installation,other conditions
with this type of tether mooring in
may occur, depending on the design
water as deep as 560 m .
and the construction method.
The use of ArAm/d cables has also
been studied. These cables have ad-
3.5 Supports vantages related to corrosion resis-
The SFT is supported by the abut- tance, stit~ess/resistance ratio and low
merits at the shores and, if necessary, by weight in the water, which facilitates
further supports along the tlmn~l. installation and avoids catenary ef-
When the SFT reaches a certain focts. A disadvantage is the lack of
length, which will depend on factors catenary effect during large motions of
such as diameter, shape, material the t~m-el.
choice, etc., it will be necessary to sup- The tethers transfer the upward
port the b i n - e l in both the horizontal tension force to the bottom anchor
and vertical directions. points. The type of anchor point used
will depend on the soil conditions and
3.5.1 Horizontal Supports installation methods. Both piled an-
*20 chors and gravity anchor bloelm have
Usually the static horizontal loads been proposed for projects. When rock
are relatively small in relation to the existsin the bottom, dr;li~-g and grout-
allowable span length. Currents are ing of the anchors may be a solution.
t~SPONGES the main cause of these horizontal An alternative is the use of fixed
S 10 1S
loads. This means that large spans bottom supports. The height, which
CM may be used with a minimum of hori- depends on the water depth, can range
zontal support. from some tens of meters to about a
Figure 6-18. Marine growth profile.

278 Tum~.~.~o ANDUNDEm~OUSD SPACETECHNOLOOY Vob,mA 8, Number 2, 1993

Figure 6.19. Arch shape horizontal support. Figure 6-20. Anchor cables in groups.

Figure 6-21. Anchor cables along the tunnel. Figure 6.22. Fixed supports.

Figure 6-23. Pontoon support. Figure 6.24. Combined horizontal and vertical support.

Figures 6-19 through 6-24. Different types of support systems for Submerged Floating Tunnels.

hundred meters. The base of the sup- the surface. This is a more elastic the cables may be chosen so as to yield
port generally will be a gravity struc- system than the bottom support aye- an appropriate ratio between the hori-
ture, which will require goed soil concli- tom (see Fig. 6-23). zontal and vertical forces and stiffness
tions. The structural system (see Fig. Although this solution has the ad- for the particular solution.
6-22) formed by the bl..a! and its vantage of being independent of water
supports will correspond to a continu- depth, it has to cope with the interac- 3.5.5 Abutments
ous beam with fixed supports. Nor- tion with ships, waves and ice. At each shore a special form of shut-
really the analysis will be fairly ments is needed that will contain an
straightforward. 3.5.4 Combined Horizontal and axial e x p e n e i o n / ~ a l h ; ~ e de-
The response under lead of such an Vertical Supports vice. This device will limit the
arrangement may be quite different
I f the SFT is long and suttciant longitudinal and transversal forces
from the response when a cable ar- horizontal Support c~nnot be obtained induced, for example, by the seis-
rangement is used. from the shore, a combined horizontal mic effects.
and vertical bottom Support can be It is preferable t ~ t the abutments
3.5.3 Vertical Pontoon Supports achieved by using an anchor cable con- be below water level; otherwise, the
In thecaso of a pontoon support, the figuration, such as that shown in Fig- may be subject to wave losd;n~.
SFT will be carried by the pontoons at ure 6-24. The angle of inclination of Where such an arrangement is not

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 ANDUzmm~atovtm SpAcz Tr~mou3oY 279

possible, a protective barrier such as These areas m u s t be studied in detail. Fatigue in the different components
an earth-filledstructure is desirable. Some typical areas requiring study are: (e.g., the tunnel, cables and connec-
The approach structures on each • The joint between the SFT and tions), caused by sea states of different
shore m a y be composed oframps, bored the abutment. magnitudes, is expected to be very low.
or cut-and-cover t~nnels, or a combi- • The tether connections. Even though the SFT is a slender
nation of these. Depending on the • The pontoon connections. structure,the possibilityofvortex shed-
construction method, one of the ramp clingby current needs to be considered.
structures m a y be used as a construc- However, the studiesmentioned herein
3.6.3 Dynamic Analysis
tion site. have not indicated that thiswould pose
A characteristic feature of an SFTis difficulties.For example, at Hcgsfjord,
its dynamic behaviour. This behaviour where currents are below 1 m/s, no
3.6 Static and DynamicAnalysis
can be analyzed using the same or movements are expected.
As part of the design process, sev- more specialized finite element soft-
eral static and dynamic analyses must ware programs that are used for static
be performed, both forthe structure as Dynamic Response Due to
analysis, and by executing hydraulic Seismic Loading
a whole and for certain components. model tests in a laboratory.
The SFT m u s t be considered as a In the dynamic analysis, consider- Under seismic disturbance, the re-
long continuous beam t h a t is unsup- able care must be taken in selectingthe sponse can occur in three directions:
ported or is on fixed or flexible sup- data used and the interpretation of the transverse, vertical and longitudlnM
ports. At the ends, however, the read results. It takes experience to ensure A seismic disturbance results in
has to be continuous; and, therefore, no analyses of acceptable quality. Items of motions with frequencies in the higher
significant rotations can be accepted importance for these analyses are: and lower r~nges. The low frequencies
there. are typical of ground displacements.
• The mass and expected added The SFT has a large number of eigen-
mass of the structure and its in- frequencies in the high and low ranges.
3.6.1 Global Static Analysis dividual components in relation Analysis indicates t h a t the system
Global static analyses are neces- to each other. filters the high frequencies, but is sen-
sary to investigate the interactions • The stiffness ofthe structure and sitive to the low frequencies. This may
b e t w e e n t h e c o m p o n e n t s of t h e its individual components in re- differ from project to project and from
structure, and to reach a balanced lation to each other. design to design.
design following an optimi~.ation pro- • The damping ofthe structure and The vertical excitation will cause
cess. its individual components in re- the m a x i m u m accelerations of the
The global model can begin with a lation to each other. SFT. T h i s t y p e of e x c i t a t i o n is
straightforward beam-column model. mainly caused by the seismic pres-
However, a (three-dimensional) finite Because of the length of the SFT, the
highest resonance periods of the tube sure waves in the water, generated
element model, which takes the elastic by the earthquake.
foundations into account, will be needed will be well above the wave period range.
However, continuous beams such as an The transversal excitation will cause
soon after, in order to achieve a suffi- the ma~qmum displacement and, thus,
ciently accurate a~Mysis. SFT have a large D,lmher of eigen-
periods, some of which inevitably will the mA~dmum bending moment in the
Displacements of the structure de- tunnel section. The mAxdmum axial
pend on the structural system used. be in the wave range. The dynAmlc
amplification of a resonant system is forces will occurin the anchoring cables,
They must be correctlytaken into ac- if they are used. Here, again, the
count in order to investigatethe conse- very sensitive and requires careful
investigation. excitation is mainly caused by the seis-
quent geometric changes. mic pressure waves in the water, gen-
Special so[tware m a y be required to A i ~ r an SFT has passed the concep-
tual stage, further analysis can be done orated by the earthquake.
handle the large number of load cases The/ong/tudina/excitation requires
and the considerable quantity of data. with a hydraulic model, mmulating
certain loading cases. Furthermore, expansion devices at the connections to
The load cases and the limit states are the shore in order to llmlt the effects of
discussed above, in Section 3.2. The the hydraulic model can be used to
calibrate the results from the math- the earthquake. Otherwise, as~zmi,S
critical load cases will be combined perfect linear elastic behaviour, very
with the results from the dynamic re- ematical models. However, it m u s t be
kept in m l , d that both are only models. high axial forces will occur. This
sponse analyses before the dimensions behaviour could be critical for the con-
and stresses are checked. nection of the tunnel to the shore. The
At this point in the design, the pre- Dynamic Response due to
Marine Loading longitudinal excitation may be caused
ferred pre-tension in the support sys- by the seismic input at each end of the
t e m has to be establiAhed. This pre- The reeo-~-nce frequencies in the t~mnel.
tension will act together with the Ioad- system cause the structureto be sensi-
ings, in both the tether system and the tive both to wave freql,an~es and to
pontoon system. Dynamic Response Due to
structural damping. Therefore, an de- Passing Trains
Experience gained in conceptual sign wave analyses approach is not suf-
studies for proposed crossings h a s ficient; rather, the analyses should be The effects of a passing train on the
shown t h a t the weight/buoyancy ratio based on a s t o c h a s ~ appreach. Shert- global SFT are negligible, compared
is the determini-~ factor in the d~mAn. t e r m analyses may be acceptable if un- with the effects of environmental and
sioning of the structure. All other load certainty in the wave spectrum period seismic loads, in the case of the Strait
conditions are of minor importance. is properly accounted for. The prefer- of Measina.
able approach for the wave dynamle Analyses fromthe ssme project have
3.6.2 Local Static Analysis analyses involves king-term analyses. shown t h a t for the case in which a train
Analysis has shown t h a t for beth of separates in the t, mnel and the indi-
Local static .n.lysee are norm.lly vidual parts hit behind each other, the
performed as detailed Rnlte element the SFT projects t h a t have been stud-
ied (i.e., the HCgst~ord and Strait of dynamic lateral forces caused by thi~
models, both two-dimensional and event can be t a k e n by an 8FT, assure_
three-dlmensional, for areas where Messina crossings), the response on
sea states is well under the acceptabie ing the rail support system has been
high stress concentrations are expected. designed for it.
design values.

2 8 0 T u m ~ . T . ~ o AND UNDEm~tOtUVDSPACE TEC~NOLOGY Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993

3.7 Risk Anaiysis 3.8 Instrumentation It is hoped that the instrumanta-
During the design, a probabflistic To monitor the SFT for safety and to tion results in savings on the design of
risk analysis needs to be performed. validate the design, the first 81~ will future SFTs.
The possibility of failure of an SFT be outfitted with extensive instrumen-
will be d e t e r ~ - e d by studying the tation. The instrumentation will be 3.9 Durability and Maintenance
probability of failure of the individual specially designed to monitor both the I n a m-Hne environment, the dura-
structural components. environmental forces and the response bility of the mater~Ale used requires
The distribution of the possibility of of the overatl structure and the indi- special attention. The t,,'n'net itself
failure of the components can be indi- vidualelements. Materialbehavior, as should have a design life of perhaps
cated by fault trees (see Fig. 6-25). If well as displacements, will be moni- 100 years, although elements such as
necessary, action can be taken to re- tored. The instrumentation will be pontoons, cables, connections and elec-
duce the local risk. used during construction and will be trical and mechanical plant may have
operational after completion. a shorter design life.



I I I i I


I 1 ]

F i b r e 6-25. Fault tree showing the failure possibilities for SFT components.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T u m ~ . , m o ANDU ~ m o t ~ D SPACZTr~mOLO~ 281

avoid surprises lateron in the project. length of the elements for an SFTis not
Additional loading cases must be kept limited to the 100 to 150 m typical of
to a m'irr~mt.H~to reduce extra costs. immersed tllnnels. Particularly when
The successful construction of a permanent prestressing is used, the
project of this degree of complexity length ofthe elements can be increased.
L relies largely on the experience of and Aiter reaching the site, the installa-
equipment available to the contractor. tion barge supports the element dur-
It is therefore advisable to obtain ad- ing assembly and lowering to the in-
vice from experienced contractors dur- tended depth.
ing the feasibility study phase. At each joint location, a set of tethers
Two basic construction methods is pre-installed and coupled in a horse-
have been developed: shoe-shaped support. The element is
1. Construction in elements. The lowered under the support while tem-
tllnnel is fabricated in elements in a perarily plllllng the support aside.
Figure 6-26. Type of installation construction dock and coupled to the After the element has been fitted
previous installed elements. The into the predetermined tether support
at site.
supports can be cables, pontoons or system, it is de-bMlasted, cau~ng the
fixed piers. load to transfer from the installation
2. IncrernentaI launching. The tun. barge to the tether system. During this
A comprehensive maintenance process, the length of the tethers is
nel is fabricated in sections and pushed
progrsmme should be established to out in successive steps. Launching is adjusted at the support shoe to prevent
include periodic inspections and the repeated until the opposite side of the unacceptable deflections ofboth tethers,
scheduled r e p l a c e m e n t , as neces- i~ord is reached. During launching, a the position of new element and of pre-
sary, of individual components. cable-stay system supports the t~mnel. vious elements. The adjustments can
Special provisions and loading be made by remote control or by diver or
Each of these methods is described ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) as-
cases arising from replacement op-
in detail below. It should be noted that sistance. Both forces as displacements
erations can be taken into account
the suggested methods are generic and are monitored during this process.
during the design stage.
must be modified to suit the given site Hydraulic couplers located on the
It also may be useful to develop
requirements. previously installed element then pull
special equipment to inspect and main-
tain the structure and its parts. the new element into place.
Of particular importance is the 4. I Construction in Elements An i n i t i a l w a t e r t i g h t seal is
resistance of the concrete in a chlo- The SFT elements are constructed provided by a rubber gasket. After
ride enviro-ment and the anti-cor- in a dock. After all or a n,lmher of de-watering the area between the
rosion provisions required for a steel the elements have been completed, b u l k h e a d s , the p e r m a n e n t j o i n t
shell, if used. the dock is flooded and the elements between the two elements is made
In the case of a cable support are towed to the site. B-lkheads, and post-tensioned to obtain full
system, the durability of the cables used to seal the ends and to maintain s t r u c t u r a l strength. The r u b b e r
needs to be investigated with re- positive buoyancy during construc- gasket has only a temporary function
gard to both corrosion and fatigue. tion, are joined at the site. The during construction.
Sufficient experience with the length of each e l e m e n t is deter- This operation is mmilar in m , n y
maintenance of structures in sea wa- mined partly by the structural ca- respects to the placing of immersed
ter and in rough enviro-mental condi- pabilities of the SFT (the designed bmnel elements. A notable differ-
tions has been gained from offshore distance between the supports) and ence, however, is that the support from
projects.This experienco includes both p a r t l y by the available length of the cable system is m u c h weaker than
the structural repair and maintenance existing ship docks, slipways or that founded by the ground in the case
procedures and the worldng methods construction docks. The construction of an immersed blnnel. This must be
to fillfill the operations. Special pro- of the elements is slml]ar to construc- taken into account in piAnnlngthejoin-
cedures and working methods for both tion for immersed t~mnels. iug operations.
repair and m-l-tenance of the vari- Because SFTs and immersed tun- Several solutions may be used for
ous parts of the tunnel must be pre- nels are designed for differentperma- the final connection between the tun-
pared as contingency measures. nent and temporary loading cases,the nel and the tethers. These connections

4 Construction Methods
Experience with similar complex
projects, such as those offshore, has
proven that design and construction
cannot be isolated from one other.
Therefore, feasibility studies for SFT
projects must consider both design and
constructlon--includlnz, with regard
to the latter, the possible methods of
construction and the availability ofsuit-
able construction sites.
Site-specific conditions, such as
mA'rjne environment and soil condi-
tions, may affect both the design of the
preferred structure and the construc-
tion method. It is important that struc-
tural analyses of the construction
stages be performed early, in order to
Figure 6-2Z Incremental construction and launching of SFT elements.

282 TUNN~-T-'VGAND UND~.m~aOUND SPACE TECHNOLOGY Volume 8, N u m b e r 2, 1993

low the tube to move, a special guid-
ance and support system is needed at
the top end of the tethers. Such an
arrangement calls for ingenuity. It
may be possible to install rollers, guid-
('3] ° I~ ' " ance plates or hydro-jet bearings in a
saddle, which may be temporary or
which may become a part of the final
construction. As the tube is pushed
forward, it meets the guidance struc-
ture. The tether tension is then pro-
vided by the buoyancy of the tube.

4.3 Element Construction and

Incremental Launching
Another construction method in-
volves fabricating t,,nnel d e m e n t s in
a basin, and then towing t h e m to a
specially constructed push-out dock
at one of the abutments (see Fig. 6-
28). The element is floated into the
dock and lowered on a temporary foun-
dation. After the dock is de-watered,
the d e m e n t is pushed forward, coupled
to the previous d e m e n t , and pushed
through a launchln~ gate into the wa-
ter. Support of the t~mnelis Rimilar to
the arrangement described above.

4.4 Ab~men~
The constrttction of the abutments
depends on the chosen SFT concept,
i.e., prefabricated elements or in-
cremental launching.
In the case of r o c k abutments,
either of two classic methods--the
~collection chamber" method or the
~concrete plug ~ method--can be used
to connect the t~mnel with the abut.
ment. These methods are described
F i g u r e 6-28. I n c r e m e n t a l l a u n c h i n g . below.
Collection r h A m b e r m e t h o d . In
thismethod, tha~,m~! entmncoism~le
depend on the location of the connec- the abutment. For thin purpose, the in advance and the joint is prepared to
tion, i.e., whether they are external or segment is constructed on saddles end receive the tunneL In front of the abut-
within special cbamhers added to the pushed forward by hydraulic jacks, ment, a collection ¢h~ml~r is made in
tamneL It also depends on whether the almJlar to those used in *~o-Di~ tech- the rock. After the preparatkms have
preference is to connect the tethers nology. Before it is p , ahed through the been completed and the abutment has
first to the anchor points on the bed or gate, the tube is coupled to the previ- been temporarily sealed with a bulk-
to the elements before it is lowered. An ons segments with pretension cables. head, the rock between the abutment
eTRmple showing a possible method The part of the tube p,,shed out into and the sea is blasted a n d i s allowed to
iS given in Figure 6-26. the water must be kept under control. fall into the collection ehAmlw~r( ~ l~g.
Remotely operated vehicles A temporary cable system and/or a 6-29). The area in frcmt ofthe abutment
(ROV's) will be used for inspection pontoon support system is a likely is now clear and the bmnel can be
and for installation assistance. method for this purpose. placed andjoined to the abutment. This
I f pontoons are used for the vertical joint is Rnlah~] in a mann~, aimilA~ to
4.2 Incremental Construction and support during push-out, a shore- joints between elmnents. All special
Launching based cable system may be needed to facilities can be instene&
keep the SFT under control in the C o n c r e t e p l u g m e t h o d . This
In this method, the construction horizontal direction. The stiffness of method also calls for the bmnel en-
takes place at one of the abutments, the cable system in relation to the trance to be made in advance. At the
which are modified and increased in stiffness at the push-out gate will re- seaside, enough rock is removed ~uder
size to accommodate the construction quire careful consideration. water to allow the t~mnel to be placed
site and the associated plant, equip- New pontoons are connected to the in the invert. After a tremis concrete
ment and materials. tube as it moves forward. The pon- plug has been placed over the front end
The tube is constructed in consecu- toons, which may be temporary or per- of the t~,~n,1, the rAmR~n~,,~ rock be-
tive sections on an inclined skidway in manent, follow the structure across tween abutment and t, mn.I can be
the abutment. After each section is the waterway. removed from the i n , de.
completed, the tube is moved forward An alternative would be to use Rnal If special facilities are required,
into the water, over the length of one tethers, installed in advance and sup- another separate joint has to be made
section (see Fig. 6.27) through a gate in ported by temporary pontoons. To al- at some distance from the abutment.

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 T m ~ . T . ~ G ANDUND~OUND SPAc~ Ts~mou3oY 283


~--7-~./Z~L ~ o,~_ TOBE
"'~..~ ':~ = ~ _ BLASTED


Figure 6-29. Abutment in rock. Figure 6-30. Pile driving at great water depth.

For o t h e r soft c o n d i t i o n s , the tether may be anchored by a single pile * Suitable space at the abutments,
ramps may be constructed as a cencrete orby a group of piles; mm~lA=ly,a group with good access, to allow in- situ
struchn~ in a cefferdanL Alter the ofpilce may serve a n-tuber oftothers. fabrication.
ramp is finished, the cofferdam is The latter situation would require a • Anadequate supplyofraw mate-
broached and the first element is joined pre-fabricatod pile cap, which can also rials during production.
to the cenorote ramp. Finishingcan be serve as a template for the piles. • The avAilAbility ofsuitable plant,
done similarly to the Oini~hJn~ of the Given the technology and experi- equipment and manpower dur-
joints between the elements. ence available in the offshore industry, ing both construction and in-
For i n c r e m e n t a l l a u n c h l n ~ , one no specific problems are foreseen dur- stallation.
of the ramps is used as a temporary ing the installation of the templates * Adequate periods of workable
cen~mction site. After the full length and piles. weather, especially during the
of the t, mnel has been pushed out, the The template can be fabricated in inst~l]Ation stages.
ramp structure can be completed. steel or conorete, ami incerporatce pile " The client's requirements
sleeves and connection points for the regarding the final outfitting.
4.5 Anchor Points tendons. Additional c o n n e ~ points
should be provided to facilitate tendon Obviously the censtructiou time will
Several possibleanchorage systems replacement. The idles are driven from vary from project to project. The con-
may be used to secure an S F T t o the a surface vessel using an underwater structiou times for the H ~ o r d end
bed of the waterway. These include pileh~rnrnor (seeFig.6-,30).This tech- the Strait of Mcesina submerged float-
gravity anchors, driven piles and drWed nique has been uaod in beth the North ing t-,~,,els are given below.
piles. Selection of the appropriate sys- Sea and GulfofMexico, in water depths H~gsfjord crossing: I t is
tom will depend on the site geology. of up to several hundred meters. estimated t h a t the H ~ g s ~ r d SFT
In the case of a cable suppm-t system, Attention must be paid to the toler- could be constructed in about three
anther ixdnts are required at the bod, ances that may be adopted in installa- years. This period is comparable to
which may be at considerable depth. tion of the template. These tolerances that for suspension bridges of simi-
As noted above, two concepts are dopond on the adjustment ~ ~ r length.
avAilAble from the offshoreindustry: of the tethers and the allowable toler- Strait of Messina crossing:
1. Gravity foundations. ances in the t,m-,~i alignment. Two studies of mdsting resources,
2. Piled templates. in naval and in offabere yards, have
shown that it would be possible to
These two types of foundations 4.5.3 Fixedsupports find md~cient materials, equipment
are described in more detail below. When fixed supports are used for and manpower in Italy to carry out
t h e foundation, t h e c o n s t r u c t i o n the prefabrication of all of the re-
4.5.1 Gravity Anchors method for the piers may be ~ , ~ I - ~ to quired components.
Foundations based on gravity an- that used for ~ ldatf~s. If It is estimated that constnaction
chors may be used if the soil conditions the height of the supports is in the of the 120 elements would require
are favorable. This type of founda- range of 50 m to 250 m, the sup- a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1800 m a n - y e a r s
tion may take the form of caissons ports could be fabricated afloat in a over a period of about seven years.
(in c o n c r e t e or steel), p r e f a b r i - deep ~ord. The corresponding estimate for
cated in a dock on land or on a Alter completion, the piers must the construction of the templates,
floating barge, transported to the be o u t f i t t e d w i t h a t e m p o r a r y piles, collars and cables is 1,600 per-
site and lowered on the sea bed .mn~ e x t e n s i o n to r e a c h t h e w a t e r son-years, also over a period of seven
a floating crane. Ballastis then placed surface, in order to facih'tate placing years.
into the caisson to obtain the necessary them in position accurately.
weight. 6 Market E x p o e t a t i o n
4.6 C,o n ~ n Time
Although there is undoubtedly a
4.5.2 Piled Foundations The construction time will depend m--ket for ~ ~ Tun-
Different arrangements may be mainly on the following factors: nels, it willbe ! e r a 7 to deagm~rate
adopted for piled foundations and the • The avaflaldlityofsuitableeodst- tha str-_cture iupraetice. A f a r this has
associated tethers. For A~nmple, a ing facnitles for fabricating the been done, and when the public end
units. politicians have become ~,,~1;,~ with

284 ANDU~rDEaO~OUNDSPACE~I~nmoLo~ Volume 8, Number 2, 1993

this typo o f s ~ m r e , mauy sites around The results of the conceptual stud- 6 References
the world could benefit from it. ies for the H¢gst~ord s F r have been Strait Crossings: Proeeedinss of the First
At present, the market for SFTs is sufficiently promi~;n~ to give a green International Symposium, 1986,
llmlted to areas where roads have to light to the technical considerations. A Stavanger, Norway. Trendheim:Tapir
cross deep watsrwaya However, SFTs positive political declm'on is expected p~hliAhm.8.
can assmt the e n ~ r o - m ~ t in other soon, thereby opo~in~ the way for the Stralt Crowing: Proe~din~sof the ~eond
locations by enabling traffic to be actual project to proce~L International Symposium, 1990,
handled ~nvisibl~'~i.e., out of s~ht of Trondheim, Norway. Rotterdam:A. A.
the surface. Balkma~

Volume 8, Number 2, 1993 Tt~.Tmo ANDUNDEI~G~OUNDSPACE~CHNOLOGY285

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