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I found them fascinating and very telling about a person’s

life and indeed their destiny.

(ojo, obelisco)

(nabateos adoradores de las estrellas).

El nombre de Petra proviene del griego πέτρα que significa

piedra, y su nombre es perfectamente idóneo; no se trata
de una ciudad construida con piedra sino, literalmente,
excavada y esculpida en la piedra.

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The Lost City of Petra in Jordan

15 MARCH, 2013 - 10:59 APRILHOLLOWAY

The magnificent ancient city of Petra, Jordan

The lost city of Petra in Jordan - named as one of the new 7

Wonders of the World - is a majestic place thousands of
years old that still holds hidden secrets waiting to be

Petra was re-discovered by the first European, Swiss

explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt.

Later, at about 300 BCE, an Arab polytheistic tribe named

the Nabateans migrated to the area. It was after that time
that Petra flourished and became the capital of their
kingdom. Nabateans are considered the builders of Petra, a
tribe that was so famous they were mentioned by many
different civilizations at the time, and records containing
references to them were found in ancient Greece, China
and the Roman Empire. Yet little is known about the
Nabateans and their society, and most of what we know
comes from the scholar Strabon.

But the treasure Burckhardt sought was intellectual rather

than mercenary; he moved to Aleppo in Syria, mastered
Arabic, converted to Islam and took the name Sheikh
Ibrahim bin Abdullah

Burckhardt’s secret plan

When, travelling south to Cairo, he heard rumour of ruins

hidden among the mountains of Wadi Musa, he was quick
to devise a ruse: ‘I pretended to have made a vow to have
slaughtered a goat in honour of Haroun (Aaron), whose
tomb I knew was situated in the extremity of the valley,’ he
wrote, ‘and by this stratagem I thought that I should have
the means of seeing the valley on the way to the tomb.

He lived out the rest of his life travelling the Middle East
and Africa as Sheikh Ibrahim bin Abdullah, before dying
from dysentery in 1817, at the age of just 32. In the two
centuries that followed, countless others – explorers,
scholars and the simply curious – have followed in his
wake, but still Petra remains a place full of untold secrets.

The ancient city of Petra was literally carved from the

sandstone cliffs of southern Jordan. There the Nabataeans
built temples and tombs, houses and halls, altars and
aquaducts. And they built a civilization that stood at the
crossroads of the ancient Near East, a center for commerce
as the spice routes and trading trails of the time all flowed
through Petra.

At its peak the city of Petra was home to some 20,000

Nabataeans who, in the midst of the desert, built an
ingenious system of waterways to provide their city with
the precious liquid.

It is located about three hours south of Amman, the capital

of Jordan, and was founded by a nomadic Arab tribe known
as the Nabataeans several centuries before Christ's birth.
The Nabataeans were renowned for their great skills in
trade, agriculture, engineering, and architectural stone-

El viajero, arqueólogo y espía suizo Johann Ludwig

Burckhardt fue el primer europeo que consiguió llegar a las
ruinas de esta ciudad, en agosto de 1812, acompañado por
un guía.

Johann Ludwig Burckhardt corría un peligro enorme porque

estaba prohibido a los europeos deambular por estas zonas,
y tuvo que viajar disfrazado como un local. Tampoco pudo
parar a tomar notas o apuntes, pero constató que esas
magníficas ruinas de un templo excavado en la roca rosada,
al final de un desfiladero, correspondían a la antigua capital
de los nabateos.

Pretendiendo ir a visitar la tumba de Aaron, cercana a las

ruinas, pudo al fin penetrar en el laberinto rocoso y
descubrir los templos esculpidos que encerraba.

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