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1. Roy widhi (161710101021)

2. Wardatus sholihah (161710101033)
3. Adelia dwi (161710101079)
4. Nur wahmawati (161710101109)
Local wisdom can be defined as a richness of local cultures containing life
policies; outlook on life (way of life) that accommodates the policy (wisdom) and the
wisdom of life. In Indonesia the local wisdom that applies not only locally on a
particular culture or ethnicity, but it can be said to be a cross-cultural or cross-
ethnicity so as to form a national cultural values. For example, almost every local
culture in the archipelago known local wisdom teaches mutual cooperation,
tolerance, work ethic, and so on. In general, ethical and moral values contained in
the local wisdom passed down through the generations, passed down from
generation to generation through oral literature (among others in the form of sayings
and proverbs, folklore), and manuscripts.

Although there is an attempt to inheritance and preservation of local wisdom

from generation to generation, there is no guarantee that local knowledge would
remain strong face of globalization that offers a lifestyle that increasingly pragmatic
and consumptive. Factually, we can see how the local wisdom-laden policies and
philosophies of life barely implemented in practice life is more pragmatic. Human
growth more rapidly make the fulfillment of their needs even higher, for example in
paper consumption. In Indonesia, the consumption level is very high. According to
the Indonesian Pulp & Paper Assoctiation Directory paper consumption in Indonesia
reached 5.96 million tons in 2006. The high level of paper consumption is making
tree is a raw material for making paper on the wane. Recorded 65-97 million trees
were cut to meet the demand for paper of the workforce in Indonesia (Velliana,

This encourages us to seek a new alternative as the manufacture of paper. For

example, bagasse. Sugarcane after the ground to take water dregs results are
unused or only to waste, whereas the bagasse has good fiber as raw material of

This paper making the need for raw materials in the making. Usually paper
made with wood raw materials, but in this paper-making raw material that we use is
baggase, waste from sugar cane after compression and extortion, generally have
fiber properties similar to wood fiber properties wide leaves. (Baskoro, 1986). The
main components consist of fibers of bagasse around 43-52%, and 2-3% dissolved
solids. (Paturau, 1982).The raw materials is :
1. Baggase
Bagase is a byproduct of the sugar industry which is the fibrous residue of
sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) after the extraction and compression (Casey,
1960). According Baskoro (1986) bagase have a composition similar to the chemical
composition broadleaf wood, except for water content. Misra (1980 Baskoro, 1986)
mentions that bagase consists of three components, namely: (1) skin (rind) covering
epidermis, cortex, and perisikel, (2) bonding fiber vessels, (3) the basic network
(parenchymal) or bond pith with scattered irregularly. Bagasse is a lignocellulosic
waste generated by the sugar mill after sugar cane juice taken.
2. Cellulose
Cellulose is an important component of the wood used as raw material for
paper making. Cellulose, by Casey (1960), defined as carbohydrate in huge portions
containing layer of mostly plant cell walls. Winarno (1997) mentions that cellulose is
the long fibers that together hemicellulose, pectin, and protein form a network
structure that strengthens the cell walls of plants. Macdonald and Franklin (1969)
mentions that cellulose is an organic compound that contained most of the world and
is part of the wood and other higher plants. Fengel and Wegener 1995) states that
the cellulose found in all plants of the high-rise trees to primitive organisms such as
seaweed, flagellates, and bacteria.
In the manufacture of this paper is need for support material in the manufacturing
process. The support material used are:
1. Acetic acid
Acetic acid is a protic solvent hidrolilik "polar", much like water and ethanol.
Acetic acid has a dielectric constant of the medium is 6.2 so that it can dissolve both
polar compounds and inorganic salts are like sugar and non-polar compounds such
as oils and elements such as sulfur and iodine. Acetic acid bercambur easy with
polar or non-polar solvents such as water, chloroform and hexane. Solubility and
ease of mixing of acetic acid is easy to use secaraluas in the chemical industry.
(Fessenden,2006). The acetic acid in the manufacture of paper is used in pulp
cooking process. using the pulp cooking temperature of 69-90 minutes, the time at
maximum temperature 90 minutes. This process aims to separate cellulose from
lignin (delignification) through hydrolysis.
2. Water
Water in the manufacture of this paper is used for the washing
process.Pulp cooking results is washed with water. This process aims to free pulp
from cooking solution. Washing is done until the pulp no longer contains acetic acid
which is characterized by clear washing results


No. Composition % weight

1. Lignin 21
2. cellulose 4.838
3. Hemicellulose 1836
4. Pentosa 27
5. Ethanol 3
6. dust 2
7. Silica 1,5

The main raw material for pulpis cellulose. Cellulose can be obtained from fibrous
plants. The main elements of the plants is hemicellulose and lignin. From the
composition above, there are three major components in the papermaking process,
cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin.

a. Cellulose
Cellulose is a polysaccharide that’s a major component in the pulping process
which has the formula (C6H10O5)n, n is degree of polymerization depent on how
cellulose is isolated. Celullose that having fiber with long chains are more
resistant to degradation cause by the influnce of heat, chemical or biological
attack. Cellulose divided into 3 kinds:
1. Alpha cellulose, long chains, insoluble in water
2. Beta celullose, short-chain, if given acid will precipitate
3. Gamma celullose, short-chain soluble alkali, if goven acid will precipitate
b. Lignin
Lignin is a major component of wood constituent that can bin celluloce. In the
papermaking process, lignin must be removed because it will causes paper
colored be yellow if it strored too long. Addition of acid or alkali can eliminate the
lignin. Lignin removal process is divided into 2 kinds:
1. Lignin is left of carbohydrate allowed to dissolve into insoluble residue.
2. The lignin is left late that carbohyrates are left as a residue insoluble.
c. Hemicellulose
Hemicellulose is a non-cellulosic polysaccharide that contained in fiber and
soluble with alkali.

The main components bagasse is fiber around 43-52 %, water 46-52 %, and the
solid dissolved 2-3 %.(Paturau,1982). Fiber length is 1.43 mm and the ratio between
the length of the fiber diameter is 138.43 mm (Baskoro, 1986). If compared with the
raw material wood, cellulose content and pentose in bagasse more, it will ease the
penetration process, cooking, crushing and washing the bagasse is much smaller
than the timber. Therefore bagasse can be used as an alternative material for
making paper replaces the wood.
Papermaking using bagasse material is very safe for the environment. This is
because the manufacture of paper with bagasse material carried with the organosolv
process, organosolv process is the process of separating the fiber by using organic
chemicals such as methanol, ethanol, acetone, acetic acid, and others. This process
good on the environment and is very efficient in the utilization of forest resources.

Bagasse from the sugar mill waste and waste paper that is not unused highly
efficient and economical when used as raw material for pulp.
In general, low-quality bagasse prices ranging from Rp 300,000 / ton with the
specifications of the moisture content of 17-25% and the shape is not uniform, while
the price of bagasse bagasse high-quality range of USD 145 / ton with the
specifications of 8-10% water content and shape of the fibers with up to 1.5 cm long.
So much the amount of bagasse, the bagasse will provide added value to the factory
if given further treatment. With the availability of bagasse that is still very abundant in
Indonesia, has been ascertained that the benefits derived from the use of bagasse
would be enormous


First, cut bagasse into pieces and then dried in the sun to dry. After that, put
it into a tube or drum and cooked with water to 80% of the total materials, then
added a solution of NaOH 7% (solution cookers) that can be added to a solution of
bisulfite of Ca (HSO3) 2 3% (as a catalyst) for sulfite process that can break lignin
formed to ligonsulfat, so didn’t needed process to remove the lignin. This cooking
process take time for 2 hours. Next, we will get the form of bagasse pulp is fused
with water. The next process is coloring, we can give color to our paper as we like. If
we want to the paper coloroing white, we can make the process of bleaching with
sodium carbonate, but if we want the paper has color, we can add grated ginger to
the color yellow, suji leaves or pandan leaves for green, purple sweet potato skin to
purple and others. So no need to use chemicals used, so that the resulting paper
using 100% natural ingredients. Pulp which has been blended color is printed using
screen printing with the size 30cmx15cm, and then dried in the sun to dry evenly.

Using bagasse as raw material for making paper we can save the
environment. papermaking in this way very easily and large-scale housing, so the
idea is easily applied by various circles.


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Pustaka Utama

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