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Design of Dome


fcu 35 N/mm²
fy 460 N/mm²
Permissible tensile
stress of reinf, fst=
100 N/mm² Ref . C.E. Reynolds and James steedman "Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook"
10th edition. P-313

Permissible compression 140 N/mm²

stress of reinf, fsc= Do
Ec= 26.57 Kn/mm2
Es= 200 Kn/mm3
modular ratio αe=
15 Ref . C.E. Reynolds and James steedman "Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook"
10th edition. P-325
Allowable direct tensile
stress of concrete, fct=
1.56 N/mm² Ref . C.E. Reynolds and James steedman "Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook"
10th edition. P-313
Allowable compression
stress of concrete, fcc=
9.72 N/mm²

Radious, r 11.43 m
Thickness, t 127 mm ( Assume thickness = Dia/500 )

Selfweight= 3.175 KN/m²
Floor Finish= 2 KN/m²
Additional Load= 2 KN/m²

Total load, w (unfactored) 7.175 KN/m2

Point load at crown, W= 89 KN

Point T=W/(2πr sin2 φ)

Total load, W Radious,r Meridional thrust (Compression) Hope force, ( - com, + ten), kn/m
φ, Deg kn/m2 ,m T= w*r* (1-cosφ)/(sin2 φ) , KN/m H=r*w*(1-cosφ-cos2 φ)/(1+cosφ)
Load, W, kn/m
KN (compression)
0 7.175 11.43 #DIV/0! -41.005125 89 #DIV/0!
5 7.175 11.43 41.083292165 -40.6148840741 89 163.144294889
10 7.175 11.43 41.318989144 -39.4453408823 89 41.0982611896
15 7.175 11.43 41.715841413 -37.499977082 89 18.4999880023
20 7.175 11.43 42.280023712 -34.7844030422 89 10.5940139044
25 7.175 11.43 43.020466347 -31.3060618444 89 6.9385287012
30 7.175 11.43 43.949160517 -27.0737993536 89 4.9570568452
35 7.175 11.43 45.08158087 -22.0972830698 89 3.7668758359
40 7.175 11.43 46.43725152 -16.3862447716 89 2.9993622034
45 7.175 11.43 48.040492196 -9.9495117054 89 2.4785284226
50 7.175 11.43 49.921395509 -2.7937770586 89 2.1118155081
55 7.175 11.43 52.117106043 5.0779591037 89 1.8468638008
60 7.175 11.43 54.6735 13.668375 89 1.6523522817
65 7.175 11.43 57.64740423 22.9883749304 89 1.5087333311
70 7.175 11.43 61.109552199 33.0603947393 89 1.4034349092
75 7.175 11.43 65.148561518 43.9227469245 89 1.3282393785
80 7.175 11.43 69.876349285 55.6354188222 89 1.2777944279
85 7.175 11.43 75.435603911 68.2879396598 89 1.2487498695
90 7.175 11.43 82.01025 82.01025 89 1.2392642113
95 7.175 11.43 89.840352665 96.9880169169 89 1.2487498695
100 7.175 11.43 99.243745562 113.4846760241 89 1.2777944279
105 7.175 11.43 110.64808055 131.8738951441 89 1.3282393785
110 7.175 11.43 124.63945388 152.6886113393 89 1.4034349092
115 7.175 11.43 142.0381778 176.6972071045 89 1.5087333311
120 7.175 11.43 164.0205 205.025625 89 1.6523522817
125 7.175 11.43 192.32110275 239.3602496903 89 1.8468638008
130 7.175 11.43 229.58400163 282.2991741973 89 2.1118155081
135 7.175 11.43 280.0005078 337.9905117054 89 2.4785284226
140 7.175 11.43 350.53773073 413.3612270181 89 2.9993622034
145 7.175 11.43 453.47623465 520.6550985903 89 3.7668758359
150 7.175 11.43 612.13283948 683.1557993536 89 4.9570568452
155 7.175 11.43 875.31554017 949.6420683646 89 6.9385287012
160 7.175 11.43 1359.8708992 1436.9353259495 89 10.5940139044
165 7.175 11.43 2406.8155165 2486.0313350134 89 18.4999880023
170 7.175 11.43 5398.1646076 5478.9289376649 89 41.0982611896
175 7.175 11.43 21551.575138 21633.2733146279 89 163.144294889
180 7.175 11.43 1.093645E+34 #DIV/0! 89 8.263084699E+31

At top At mid At bottom Maximum

Without point 41.08 82.01 1.09275E+34 1.09E+34
Meridional thrust,T load at crown
(Compression), KN/M With point load
204.23 83.25 1.101006E+34 1.1E+34
at crown
Thickness, t , mm 127 127 127 127
Maximum Meridional stress, N/mm2 1.608 0.656 ### ###
Vertical Reinforcement, mm2/m 317.5 317.5 7.521687E+34 7.52E+34
Dia of bar, mm 10 10 10 10
Required spacing,mm 247 247 0 0

At top At middle At bottom Maximum

compressi Tension compression Tension compression Tension compression
Without point
41.01 0.00 0 82.01025 0 21633.3 41.01
load at crown
Hope Force, H, KN/M
With point load
0.00 122.53 0 83.24951 0 21796.4 0.00
at crown
Thickness, t , mm 127 127 127 127 127 127 127
Maximum Meridional stress, N/mm2 0.323 0.965 0.000 0.656 0.000 171.625 0.323
Horizontal Reinforcement, mm2/m 317.5 317.5 317.5 317.5 317.5 200184 317.5
Dia of bar, mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Required spacing,mm 247 247 247 247 247 0 247
Ring Beam Design At Bottom
φ 180
Without point 21551.58
Meridional thrust,T load at crown
(Compression), KN/M With point load
at crown
Horizontal component on ring beam, = T
cos φ -21714.72

Dia of dome at bottom,D, m 22.86

Hope tension, T*conφ*(D/2) Nd -248199
Required reinforcement,mm2 2481992
Rquired concrete area, Ref . C.E. Reynolds and James steedman "Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook"
mm2= 124535.8 10th edition. P-315. (Modular ratio design)
Width of ring beam, mm 200
Required Height of ring beam, mm 623
H=(W/2πr) *cosec2 φ Total T, Total H,
Kn/m (tension) Kn/m Kn/m

#DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0!

163.144294889 204.22759 122.52941
41.0982611896 82.41725 1.6529203
18.4999880023 60.215829 -18.99999
10.5940139044 52.874038 -24.19039
6.9385287012 49.958995 -24.36753
4.9570568452 48.906217 -22.11674
3.7668758359 48.848457 -18.33041
2.9993622034 49.436614 -13.38688
2.4785284226 50.519021 -7.470983
2.1118155081 52.033211 -0.681962
1.8468638008 53.96397 6.9248229
1.6523522817 56.325852 15.320727
1.5087333311 59.156138 24.497108
1.4034349092 62.512987 34.46383
1.3282393785 66.476801 45.250986
1.2777944279 71.154144 56.913213
1.2487498695 76.684354 69.53669
1.2392642113 83.249514 83.249514
1.2487498695 91.089103 98.236767
1.2777944279 100.52154 114.76247
1.3282393785 111.97632 133.20213
1.4034349092 126.04289 154.09205
1.5087333311 143.54691 178.20594
1.6523522817 165.67285 206.67798
1.8468638008 194.16797 241.20711
2.1118155081 231.69582 284.41099
2.4785284226 282.47904 340.46904
2.9993622034 353.53709 416.36059
3.7668758359 457.24311 524.42197
4.9570568452 617.0899 688.11286
6.9385287012 882.25407 956.5806
10.5940139044 1370.4649 1447.5293
18.4999880023 2425.3155 2504.5313
41.0982611896 5439.2629 5520.0272
163.144294889 21714.719 21796.418
8.263084699486E+31 1.1E+34 #DIV/0!



Dome section

Dome section (

Dome section ( In Elevation )


Dome section ( In Plan )

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