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CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Wilson Tran
November 29, 2017
Professor Striegl

Lesson Title: Anti or Pro Vietnam War Date:11/29/2017

Unit Central Historical In the 1960s, what were the origins and consequences of Cold War and
Question(s): the containment policy?

Subject / Course: Modern US History

Grade: 11
Lesson Duration: 90 minutes

Content Learning Objective (content and product):

After doing the warmup, taking notes on a lecture on the Vietnam War, group discussion analyzing
two documents, and answering the questions on the worksheets, students will be able to explain 2
reasons for and/or against the Vietnam War with 100% accuracy.

Historical Thinking Learning Objective (thinking skill and product):

Students will be able to weigh in on if the U.S. should have entered the Vietnam war, through using
evidence and interpretation by reading the two documents.

Historical Thinking Skill, California Content, and Common Core Standards Addressed:
HTS: Evidence and Interpretation
Old CACS: 11.9 Students analyze U.S. foreign policy since World War II.
4. List the effects of foreign policy on domestic policies and vice versa (e.g., protests during the
war in Vietnam.)
Common Core Standards: Grades 11–12 Students. 1. Initiate and participate effectively in a range
of collaborative discussions (one-on- one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on
grades 11–12 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly
and persuasively. 2. Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and
media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, orally) in order to make informed decisions and solve
problems, evaluating the credibility and accuracy of each source and noting any discrepancies
among the data.

Narrative Summary of Tasks / Actions:

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

Summarize the step-by-step parts of the lesson with time estimates for each part.
1. Warmup (5 min.)
2. Lecture (20 min.)
3. Group Inquiry Activity (50 min.)
4. Lesson Assessment (10 minutes)
5. Closure (5 min.)

Materials / Equipment:
List everything you will need to teach this lesson:
PowerPoint of Lesson
Primary source copies
Piece of tape
Equity Sticks for the Lesson

Inquiry-Based Lesson Plan for History-Social Science

1. Anticipatory Set Time: 5 minutes

I will begin with a question to the class on the basis of war. Using your prior knowledge of war, do
you believe war is necessary or not necessary and explain your belief? Then I will pick from equity
sticks for a student to answer. Then depending on yes or no, then I will ask the students if one of
them had the opposite and have them answer and explain. In order to show both sides of the

2. Central Historical Question for Lesson Time: 0 time

What were the origins of the Vietnam War and was the backlash of the war?

3. Teacher Input (delivery of historical

Time: 20 minutes
I will give a lecture on the origins of the Vietnam War stemming from the containment policy, an
overview of what communism is, the Gulf of Tonkin, lastly public opinion on the Vietnam War.
Then provide primary sources to students with guiding questions.

4. Student Activity and Investigation (w/

Time: 50 minutes

CSULB History Social Science Lesson Plan Template

I will split up the class down the middle into 2 groups, when I will use tape to separate the class.
One side that is for the Vietnam war and one side against the war. The students will be given
documents depending on which side they are one.
The Group on the side for the Vietnam War will be given: Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Congressional
Joint Resolution, August 7, 1964 and Memorandum from Foreign Affairs Advisor (Bundy) to the
President Washington, May 25, 1964.
The Group against the war will be given: Martin Luther King’s speech, “Beyond Vietnam,”
delivered April 4, 1967 and John Kerry, testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations, April 23, 1971.
I will give each group 20 minutes to read the documents individually while answering the guiding
questions. These guiding questions will be done in their interactive notebooks, checked later to see
if done. Then when done reading, each group will have 15 minutes to discuss on the important
points of each document. At this time they are able to use electronics to help them in their
argument. Then the two groups will have 15 minutes to debate with each other for their side. I will
moderate by if a student raises their hand I will give them a chance to speak if they have not.
Side note: In order to incentive the students to speak, I will have participation points on the line. As
well as the group that I believe had the best argument will have extra credit points given.

5. Lesson Assessment (w/ differentiation) Time: 10 minutes

The ticket out the door for the day will be writing down two reasons for and or against the Vietnam
War and explain.

6. Closure Time: 5 minutes

I will ask if any of the student’s beliefs on war changed seeing any student answered. If none of the
students have changed their mind, then I will pick equity sticks and have the chosen students read
out what they wrote for the ticket out the door.

7. Student Reflection (metacognition) Time: 0 time

I will link the Vietnam war to the wars throughout history so that they think about how war was
needed or not.

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