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AJH 2001; 14:186 –194

Review Course: Continued

Laragh’s Lessons in tensin converting enzyme in plasma12,13 that, by rapidly

Pathophysiology and Clinical removing two terminal amino acids from angiotensin I
creates the octapeptide, angiotensin II, the most powerful
Pearls for Treating Hypertension
arteriolar vasoconstrictor hormone.
However, despite these developments the roles of the
renin-angiotensin process in hypertensive disease or in
Lesson I: A Brief normal physiology remained in doubt. Finally, when a
History of Hypertension Research: large number of clinical studies failed to find any consis-
Renin Is Twice Rejected tent relationship between plasma renin levels and the pres-
ence or absence of common forms of clinical hyperten-
In 1892, Brown-Sequard, the father of modern endocri-
sion, Goldblatt’s renin hypothesis was rejected, and renin,
nology, proposed that the kidneys had an internal secretion
for the second time, became a dead issue. (Actually, this
(ie, a hormone) that causes hypertension. Building on this
misinterpretation of plasma renin measurements occurred
idea, in 1898 Robert Tigerstedt, Professor of Physiology at
because scientists were unwilling to recognize that hyper-
the Karolinska Institute and his student Per Bergman,
tension may not be single process; therefore, hypertension
reported1 that saline extracts of rabbit kidneys when in-
associated with low renin values might be mediated in-
jected into anesthetized rabbits, consistently produced
stead by a sodium volume excess.)
prompt and striking increases in blood pressure. In a
In the meantime, the 1950s produced the recogni-
meticulous series of studies he showed that this kidney
tion,14,15 isolation, and synthesis16,17 of the adrenal corti-
substance did not increase cardiac output, but increased
cal hormone aldosterone as the major regulator of sodium
blood pressure by constricting the resistance vessels. He
and potassium balance, through its renal actions to pro-
also described the more prolonged pressor response to
mote renal sodium retention and kaliuresis. The absence of
renin in nephrectomized rabbits. He called this substance
this hormone (Addison’s disease) leads to death from
renin, and suggested a role for it in causing human high
sodium depletion or from hyperkalemia18 and its presence
blood pressure.
in excess, as in adrenal cortical aldosterone-secreting tu-
However, this idea lost its credibility when, to Tiger-
mors (primary aldosteronism)19 causes sustained sodium
stedt’s astonishment, other distinguished European scien-
volume-mediated hypertension with hypokalemia. This
tists uniformly failed to confirm his findings. This was
work raised the possibility that aldosterone excess might
probably because sterile technique, antibiotics, and refrig-
also cause other hypertensive states. It was also shown that
eration were not used in most animal research, allowing
the plasma potassium level, as affected by dietary potas-
bacterial proteases to rapidly destroy renin if it was not
sium intake is a major normal stimulus for adrenal aldo-
used immediately. Renin also failed to survive the reaffir-
sterone release.20 Although it was proposed by Bartter and
mation of an association between renal necrotizing arte-
associates21 that aldosterone participated in the regulation
riolitis and malignant hypertension described by Volhard
of plasma and fluid volumes, the framework of signals in
and Fahr in 1914.2
which sodium volume exercised this participation re-
Renin remained a dead issue until 1934 when Harry
mained obscure and its connection with hypertensive
Goldblatt, in his classic studies of renal artery constriction
states other than that occurring in primary aldosteronism
by a clamp, produced chronic hypertension in dogs ex-
was not suspected. That there might be a connection
tremely similar to human hypertension.3 Interest in renin
between the kidneys and the adrenals emerged as a pos-
was quickly revived, and this time the original experiment
sibility, however, in 1958 after Gross22 showed an inverse
of Tigerstedt and Bergman1 finally was widely con-
relationship between dietary salt intake and renal renin
firmed.4 – 6 In the same year, Goldblatt7 and Wilson and
content in rats.
Pickering8 described the production by renin of malignant
In 1960, Stanley Ulick and I, together with our associ-
hypertension with fibrinoid necrosis in dogs and rabbits. A
ates,23,24 made it possible to explore the plasma levels of
few years later Braun-Menendez et al9 and Page and
aldosterone in various hypertensive states by developing
Helmer10 independently showed that renin itself was not a
and applying a double isotope radioassay that allowed
pressor agent. They showed that renin is a circulating
accurate measurement of the minute amounts of aldoste-
enzyme that hydrolyzes an inactive decapeptide, angioten-
rone secreted daily. We demonstrated that patients with
sin I, described by Skeggs and colleagues11,12 from a
malignant hypertension virtually always secrete huge
circulating protein renin substrate13 now called angio-
amounts of aldosterone, even more than produced by
tensinogen. Skeggs also discovered that it was the angio-
adenomatous primary aldosteronism. Moreover, our

0895-7061/01/$20.00 © 2001 by the American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd.

PII S0895-7061(00)01317-0 Published by Elsevier Science Inc.

study24 showed, contrary to previous claims,25 that these hypertension and albeit more gradually, also causing their
massive aldosterone excesses of malignant hypertension later heart attack or strokes.
were in fact quite unique, because in benign essential
hypertension aldosterone values were normal. What Is Malignant Hypertension?
Suspecting that the excess adrenal aldosterone secretion
Malignant hypertension is the most severe and rapidly
in malignant hypertension was triggered by a renal signal,
fatal form of human hypertension. The syndrome of ma-
the kidney being the most compromised organ in malig-
lignant hypertension (MHT), as originally described by
nant hypertension, my colleagues and I cautiously infused
Volhard and Fahr in 1914,2 is characterized by severe,
angiotensin II, the pressor peptide released by plasma
accelerating hypertension, accompanied by evidence of
renin, into normal volunteers and showed a striking,
renal disease and also by signs of vascular injury to the
prompt, and unique increase in aldosterone secretion.26
heart, brain, retina (grade III or IV), and kidneys and by a
These experiments revealed a signaling system between
rapidly fatal course, ending in heart attack, heart failure,
the kidneys and the adrenals starting with kidney renin
stroke, or kidney failure. Malignant hypertension is also
release, and the formation of angiotensin II in plasma to
consistently characterized by hypokalemia. It can be a
(1) increase blood pressure and also to (2) stimulate adre-
sequel to benign hypertension or it can be caused by
nal aldosterone26,27 secretion to thereby promote renal
severe renal artery stenosis or by advancing small vessel
sodium retention and potassium loss. In this way, the three
renal diseases such as occurs in lupus, periarteritis, or
key elements in the hypertension equation, arteriolar va-
soconstriction and body sodium and potassium content,
When we discovered that hypokalemia was a charac-
are coregulated by a single system, blood pressure through
teristic feature of malignant hypertension we realized that
plasma angiotensin levels and body sodium and potassium
hypokalemic primary aldosteronism due to an adrenal
content by plasma aldosterone. At the same time, this
tumor always had to be ruled out diagnostically. At
research implicated uncontrolled overactivity of this new
present, this is easily accomplished by a plasma renin test.
renin-angiotensin-aldosterone control system for causation
The world has learned that primary aldo patients always
of malignant hypertension and of its fatal generalized
exhibit very low plasma renin values PRA ⬍0.65. In sharp
vascular injury. The revelation of this biologic control
contrast, MHT is always characterized instead by medium
system and the relevance of its overactivity for causing
to very high plasma renin values. The renin values are very
severe malignant hypertension launched an immediate ex-
low in primary aldosteronism because the aldosterone
plosion in hypertension research that has forever changed
excess causes massive renal sodium retention and potas-
the understanding and treatments of hypertensive vascular
sium wastage. It is the sodium volume retention that
diseases, and its related cardiac, cerebral and renal vascu-
suppresses renal renin secretion in their normal kidneys to
lar injury, which continues to dominate cardiovascular
near zero, because the sodium-volume excess takes over
research today. (For a more complete historical review,
full support of their high blood pressure.
see also Reference 28.)
How the Renin-Angiotensin-
Aldosterone System Was
Lesson II: Insights From Discovered and its Overactivity
Studies of Malignant Hypertension Implicated as the Cause of Malignant
Hypertension and its Fatal Vasculitis
Studies of malignant hypertension led to: (1) discovery of
the plasma renin-angiotensin aldosterone hormonal con- In 1960 we published four articles23,24,26,27 in rapid suc-
trol system for coregulating blood pressure (by angioten- cession that abruptly put renin on the biologic map. Our
sin) and body sodium and potassium content (by aldoste- group had been studying the role of aldosterone, the re-
rone) in humans. (2) At the same time, this research cently discovered powerful adrenal cortical hormone,
implicated unabated overactivity of this renin-angiotensin which acts on the kidneys to increase sodium retention and
aldosterone system with high plasma renin angiotensin promote the elimination of potassium. It is present in tiny
levels as the cause of malignant hypertension, of its high amounts in the body (10⫺12 M concentrations). We spent
aldosterone levels and hypokalemia, and of its severe 4 years developing a double isotope label method to mea-
vascular injury to heart, brain, and kidney vessels, leading sure it accurately.23,29 We showed that aldosterone secre-
rapidly to fatal heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, or tion was high in heart failure patients29 and, in these
stroke. individuals was likely causing their fluid retention and
Furthermore, the latter research, by revealing the dev- edema. There were also great hopes in the field that an
astating cardiovascular effects of massive overactivity of aldosterone excess, by retaining sodium in the body, might
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone control system in malig- be a cause of essential hypertension, and there were re-
nant hypertension, provided the template for implicating ports indicating that their aldosterone levels were high.2
milder elevations in plasma renin that occur in medium To the contrary, with our method, we found that aldoste-
and high renin essential hypertension for causing their rone secretion was quite normal in essential hypertension.

However, in 1958, a patient was referred to us with ma- and was available for clinical studies by Ciba. We cau-
lignant hypertension. We found hypokalemia (K⫹ ⫽ 3.2) tiously infused angiotensin II intravenously in tiny doses
and grade IV retinopathy. We first thought he could have so as to only increase control blood pressures 5 to 10 mm
primary aldosteronism because we found his aldosterone Hg at most.26 We did 40 control infusion studies using
secretion to be enormous, 880 ␮g/day, almost 10 times various other pressor agents and eight using angiotensin II.
normal. We advised adrenal surgery at which we found no We found that only angiotensin II markedly and promptly
adrenal adenomas, but instead bilateral adrenal hyperpla- stimulated adrenal secretion of aldosterone.
sia. We studied 13 more such MHT patients. All had
hypokalemia with enormously increased aldosterone se-
cretion rates.
The Pathogenesis of
These were not easy times. There were no effective anti-
Malignant Hypertension:
hypertensive drugs to control accelerating MHT. These pa-
A Control System out of Control
tients were headed for early death. Bilateral adrenalectomies
in three patients produced no clinical benefit. Postoperative or Thus, we had a very good explanation for the massive
postmortem studies in six patients confirmed that they all had aldosterone release that we found in MHT.26,27 It was the
bilateral adrenal cortical hyperplasia.24 This bilateral hyper- result of unabated kidney release of renin that created high
plasia meant that their adrenal glands were receiving a hu- plasma renin-angiotensin levels, which, in turn (as we just
moral signal from an extraadrenal source, but where? Adre- demonstrated), powerfully and selectively stimulated al-
nocorticotropic hormone, the tropic normal for cortisol dosterone release. The high plasma angiotensin II levels
release could be excluded. The most likely source to us was increase blood pressure by vasoconstriction, but because
the kidneys because, as Volhard and Fahr2 had shown, the angiotensin II also stimulates aldosterone release, aldoste-
kidneys are the most damaged organ in MHT. rone in turn causes more renal sodium retention and more
We concluded that it might be that renin, the forgotten kaliuresis leading to higher and higher blood pressures and
substance, was being secreted or abnormally extruded into to more and more kaliuresis. The renin system servocon-
the blood by the damaged kidneys and that this somehow trol mechanism is damaged so that neither salt retention
signaled the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone.24 Ob- nor high blood pressure can turn off kidney renin release as
viously, we could not administer an impure renin protein they normally would. A vicious runaway circle develops
to healthy humans. But fortunately, angiotensin II, the from more kidney renin release producing more plasma
pure octapeptide pressor hormone, the sole product of renin, more plasma angiotensin, more hypertension, more
plasma renin’s enzymatic action had just been synthesized potassium loss, and more and more vascular injury to

FIG. 1. Renal-adrenal, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone hormonal system for normal control of blood pressure and of sodium and potassium
balance: its uncontrolled overactivity causes malignant hypertension. The causal role of the renal–adrenal hormonal axis in malignant
hypertension is shown, in which runaway renin release from damaged kidneys leads to a massive excess of plasma angiotensin, and hence
of aldosterone, leading to hypertension, hypokalemia, severe vasculitis of the heart, brain, and kidneys, and an early demise. The syndrome
can be reversed by specific anti-renin system drug therapies or by a bilateral nephrectomy. In contrast, primary aldosteronism, which results
in equally high blood pressures (BP) and aldosterone values and similar hypokalemia, is characterized by very low plasma renin angiotensin
values and practically no vascular injury. ACTH ⫽ adrenocorticotropic hormone. Drawn from Ref. 27.

heart, brain, and kidney vessels leading to rapidly fatal renin angiotensin)-mediated hypertension. Therefore, your
heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, or stroke. This primary drug choice will be either an anti-sodium/volume
proposed pathogenic scenario for human malignant hyper- drug or an antirenin drug. If you choose the first drug type
tension is depicted in Fig. 1. incorrectly, lots of decision errors can follow because each
antihypertensive drug will generally induce reactive in-
creases in either the volume or the endogenous renin level
that in turn impairs antihypertensive action. But if your
Clinical Pearl #2: Malignant primary drug type choice is correct, then the blood pres-
sure is easy to control, very often by one drug type. If only
Hypertension and Primary
partially successful, choosing the second drug type is also
Aldosteronism Express Quite a simple problem (more on this later).
Different Types of Hypertension
Malignant hypertension and primary aldosteronism share
these features; 1) severe elevations of blood pressure and
Lesson III: How the Renin
2) marked increases in aldosterone with hypokalemia. But
the similarity stops there.30 Malignant hypertension is a System Works: Tiny Amounts
vicious, rapidly fatal disorder, in which renin and angio- of Infused Angiotensin Cause
tensin levels are very high, whereas primary aldosteronism and Sustain Hypertension in
is a relatively benign long-standing form of hypertension Humans: Noradrenaline Does Not
with few premature cardiovascular sequelae, in which
Fig. 2 illustrates the renin system servocontrol mechanism
renin and angiotensin levels are instead markedly sup-
that regulates blood pressure in normal humans. In this
pressed to near zero by the large body sodium volume
study,33 we infused angiotensin II into normotensive
excess caused by the aldosterone excess from an autono-
people for up to 11 days to increase their blood pres-
mous adrenal tumor in a person with normal kidneys. This
sure. You can see how this 35-year-old nurse on our
comparison suggests that the elevated plasma renin angio-
research ward became mildly hypertensive. The goal
tensin II levels of malignant hypertension are in fact the
was to raise her blood pressure of 110/60 mm Hg to
cause of the ischemic vascular injury because hyperten-
about 130/85 mm Hg and to keep it there for 11 days.
sion with high aldosterone in the absence of plasma renin
When we stopped the infusion, she had a big natriuresis
(primary aldosteronism) exhibits no signs of premature
and promptly returned to her prior level of normoten-
vascular injury to heart, brain, and kidney vessels.
sion. What happens when angiotensin II is present in the
Accordingly, there are at least three points to be derived
blood in slight excess? This woman gained 2 kg in
from this comparison:
weight over the first 5 days because the angiotensin in
1. Hypertension caused by too much renin angiotensin her blood stimulated a large increase in adrenal aldo-
(a low flow or “dry” hypertension) is much more sterone secretion (third panel) and this caused sodium
devastating than is a similar degree of hypertension retention by her kidneys (second panel from top), as
caused by too much salt and volume (a wet high flow indicated by the absence of salt in the urine during the
hypertension). first 5 days. Then she leveled off at her new weight and
2. A pure salt excess, with high blood and extracellular reestablished neutral sodium balance. When we stopped
fluid volumes, hypertension, as in primary aldoste- the angiotensin infusion she promptly got a big sodium
ronism, creates a high filtered sodium load that turns diuresis, and her weight and blood pressure anxiety
off kidney release of renin while the resulting larger returned to her normal baseline.
distal sodium load promotes kaliuresis. The bottom panel of Fig. 2 is key, because this illus-
3. Thus, a similar degree of hypertension in humans can trates that, when angiotensin II was given continuously to
be caused by a) too much salt, or b) too much renin, this healthy person, less and less of it was needed to keep
or c) an inappropriate excess of one component rel- her blood pressure elevated from day 5 to day 10. Thus,
ative to the other. We called this spectrum analysis we needed to reduce progressively the amount of angio-
the volume vasoconstriction model. tensin given (one-fifth to one-tenth of the original amount)
as she became more and more sensitive to its blood pres-
For openers, this teaches us that there are always two sure-raising action. This increased pressor sensitivity oc-
major final determinants of any blood pressure lev- curred because the angiotensin, by aldosterone stimula-
el23,31,32; (1) the amount of sodium (ie, volume) filling the tion, had progressively overinflated the blood volume by
arterial tree with each heart beat, and (2) the caliber of the causing renal sodium and water retention.
arterioles,24 as set by plasma renin angiotensin levels. These data show that tiny, diminishing amounts of
Accordingly, when you analyze any hypertensive situation angiotensin over days can make you and I chronically
the first goal is to determine whether it is a) primarily a hypertensive by causing salt retention to amplify the hy-
sodium volume or b) primarily a vasoconstriction (ie, pertensive response. Thus, a mild angiotensin excess in the

FIG. 2. How “normal” amounts of infused angiotensin sustain hypertension in a normal volunteer. Prolonged continuous angiotensin infusion
in normal subjects for up to 11 days ends up producing hypertension, biochemically and hormonally similar to essential hypertension. Similar
noradrenaline infusions do not sustain hypertension because they induce pressure natriuresis and return to normotension. In the study
shown, the infusion of angiotensin was adjusted to maintain a mildly pressor response. Angiotensin II induced a marked, selective increase
in the adrenal cortical secretion of aldosterone, together with consequent sodium retention. As the sodium was retained, angiotensin II
became more pressor. Because of this increasing pressor sensitivity to angiotensin II, angiotensin infusion was serially reduced to a point
where aldosterone secretion fell back to near control levels. This sodium-mediated pressor sensitivity to angiotensin is created by an initial
gain in body sodium volume content that would normally turn off the need for endogenous angiotensin. As the infusion rates of angiotensin
were reduced tiny amounts of angiotensin, within the normal range, end up sustaining the hypertension; then when the angiotensin infusion
is stopped there is a prompt natriuresis with return of blood pressure to normal.31

blood fits the model requirements for causing sustained Lesson IV: The Nomogram:
essential hypertension. We could not show this for nor- Plasma Renin Levels
adrenaline, which we infused into 12 people. These sub- Respond to How Much Salt We Eat
jects do not develop sustained high blood pressure, even
when the dosage is increased in steps. Instead of activating Fig. 3 shows our nomogram34 describing how the hor-
aldosterone, noradrenaline induces paroxysms of pressure mone renin behaves in the blood of normotensive people.
natriuresis with a fall back of blood pressure to normal. In this study, we used our sensitive and precise method for
measuring plasma renin, crafted over the years 1960 to
Thus, given intravenously, only angiotensin fits the model
1968, that has become a world reference standard for
requirements for causing and maintaining long-term hy-
accuracy, sensitivity, and reproducibility. If there is any
pertension in humans, by a process in which subtle sodium
one thing that has been crucial to our work it has been this
retention appears to be the key cofactor.
methodology, one of many crucial contributions that Dr.
This study33 indicates that what the hormone angioten-
Jean Sealey and colleagues have made to our work.35 Fig.
sin II does, in you and me, is that it normally protects us 3 shows how plasma renin levels behave in healthy am-
from salt and volume depletion or from too low a blood bulatory subjects in response to changes in dietary salt. It
pressure. Actually it does these two things rapidly when shows that, when you eat a high-salt diet, blood renin
we stand up every day. Angiotensin restores blood pres- levels decrease toward zero; conversely, renin increases
sure by constricting your arterioles, and it restores salt and sharply when you eat a low-salt diet, by about 20-fold.
water balance over the next several hours by stimulating What is beautiful about this hyperbolic normal curve is the
aldosterone release to make the kidneys retain salt and fact that it describes how our normal blood pressures
thus water to improve or restore our blood pressure and rarely change when we change our salt intake, because, as
flow in the upright positions and thereby turn off kidney fast as we lose sodium from our body, a perfectly balanced
renin release. stoichiometric increase in your own kidney renin secretion

FIG. 3. Relationship of plasma renin activity in plasma samples obtained at noon and of the corresponding 24-h urinary excretion of
aldosterone to the concurrent daily rate of sodium excretion in normal subjects. For these normal subjects,34 the data describe a dynamic
hyperbolic relationship between both renin and aldosterone levels and the daily rate of sodium excretion, an index of intake. Of note is the
fact that subjects studied on random diets outside the hospital exhibited a similar relationship, a finding that validates the use of this
nomogram in studying outpatients or subjects not receiving controlled diets. From Ref. 11.

occurs, and this creates a just enough higher plasma renin Fig. 4. Using our renin data from normotensive people34 to
level, which causes compensatory blood vessel vasocon- build a nomogram (within the dotted line curves), hyper-
striction to keep the blood pressure at exactly the level tensive patients exhibit an abnormally wide distribution in
where it was before we avoided the dietary salt. The plasma renin values35 about 30% have subnormal or low
reverse occurs when more salt is ingested: renin turns off renin values, about 50% have medium or “normal” values,
as a result of an increase in body sodium. This sodium
and 20% have overly high renin values. Thus, people with
creates more fluid volume and this replaces renin to sus-
high blood pressure differ from healthy persons. Our re-
tain normal blood pressure hydraulically instead of by
renin-induced vasoconstriction. These interactions de- search indicates that the low renin patients live the longest
scribe the twin reciprocal support of all blood pressure by and do not have as many heart attacks or strokes, although
plasma renin angiotensin levels or by the sodium volume they are older and may have higher blood pressures.36 In
status, with kidney renin release reacting to salt intake. contrast, the 20% in the high-renin group suffer the most
Thus, salt provides the primary support for our blood pres- ischemic vasoconstrictive phenomena, strokes, heart at-
sure and renin has a backup role, kicking in to support normal tack, heart failure, and kidney failure, and an earlier death.
blood pressures whenever salt is not eaten. This renin vaso- These data thus show how human hypertension, long
constrictor compensatory response likely occurs at the cost of called essential hypertension and considered to be homo-
some reduction in flow to the tissues and of possibly more geneous, is in fact a heterogeneous biochemical spectrum
heart work against a higher vascular resistance. Thus, a priori of renin/salt disorders in which there are two different
sodium deprivation is not necessarily a good physiologic primary mechanisms interacting (renin vasoconstriction is
tradeoff that can be universally recommended.
primary in the medium- and high-renin groups, whereas
sodium volume mediation prevails in the low-renin pa-
tients). These two mechanisms are associated with differ-
Lesson V: The Abnormal
ent susceptibilities to premature cardiovascular events
Plasma Renin Levels in
and premature death, and they are also characterized by
Essential Hypertension opposite response patterns to anti-renin as opposed to
In contrast to normotensives is the behavior of plasma the anti-sodium volume type of antihypertensive drug
renin in subjects with high blood pressure,36 as shown in types.

FIG. 4. Plasma renin and aldosterone levels in untreated essential hypertension. Relationship of the ambulatory noon plasma renin levels
(left panel) and 24-h urinary aldosterone excretion rates (right panel) to the concurrent daily urinary sodium excretion used as an index
of intake. The dashed lines define the normal range derived from a study of normotensive people. A total of 219 patients with untreated
essential hypertension were studied, some on several occasions at different levels of sodium intake. Low-renin essential hypertension (solid
triangles); normal renin essential hypertension (open circles); high-renin essential hypertension (solid squares). These three major
groups are defined by the appropriateness or normalcy of the plasma renin activity for the rate of sodium excretion, which is used as an index
of dietary intake of sodium balance. Additional abnormal groups are defined when aldosterone (right panel) is included in the analysis.
Plasma renin activity results are expressed as nanograms of angiotensin I produced/hour per milliliter. The values shown should be multiplied
by 0.64 to conform to the National Bureau of Standards angiotensin I reference standard. From Ref. 11.

Lesson VI: The Plasma Renin off renin release, allowing more salt to leave the body and
System is the Servocontrol for the blood pressure to decrease. Thus, the long-term regu-
Blood Pressure and Sodium lation of blood pressure and of body salt, as set by the
and Potassium Balance renin system servocontrol, is a major everyday survival
mechanism for all of us. To maintain blood pressure, and
Fig. 5 shows how the renin system works in all of us as a body fluid content, dynamic angiotensin II-induced con-
servocontrol. It all begins in the juxtaglomerular cells of striction of blood vessels (or relaxation with its with-
the kidneys. When you or I stand up in the morning, renin drawal) is the immediate response, whereas an induced
is promptly released into the blood by the kidneys. Renin sodium volume retention, or diuresis, provides for the
makes angiotensin, which instantly constricts the blood companion longer term sodium volume control.
vessels, so that the blood pressure does not decrease at all Knowing this, it is easy to understand that there are two
when you stand up; in fact, it actually goes up a little. interrelated points of attack for the analysis and treatment
Then, over a more leisurely period of several hours, of high blood pressure. First, you can block angiotensin
plasma angiotensin II also stimulates the adrenals to re- formation or action to thereby reduce arteriolar constric-
lease aldosterone into the blood, causing dietary salt to be tion; second, you can induce a sodium diuresis and reduce
retained; this restores the blood volume, because sodium is the blood volume. For the latter, diuretic treatment is often
the major osmotic force for creating the blood volume, and effective in itself in low-renin hypertensive patients. Their
the volume of extracellular fluids bathing all tissues. In plasma renin values are already low, apparently because a
this way dietary sodium creates and sustains the fluid body sodium volume excess has already had a suppressive
volume of the circulation. It follows that, in this feedback effect. Accordingly, with diuretic therapy, as salt and wa-
servocontrol, when blood pressure increases, or when salt ter are removed, blood pressure will decrease and then
intake becomes excessive, the kidneys respond by turning plasma renin will increase reactively to normal, all of

FIG. 5. Circulating renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Renin, secreted in response to reduced arterial pressure or reduced renal tubule
sodium, produces angiotensin I from circulating angiotensinogen (renin substrate). Angiotensin converting enzyme then converts angioten-
sin I into angiotensin II. Angiotensin II increases pressure by direct arteriolar vasoconstriction and stimulates adrenal aldosterone secretion.
Together, aldosterone and angiotensin II cause renal sodium retention. The resultant fluid accumulation leads to improved flow. These
pressure and volume effects in turn lead to suppression of renal renin release. Dashed line indicates negative feedback. From Ref. 37.

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Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Dr. John Laragh, Amer-
Amino acid sequence of hypertension II. J Exp Med 1956;104:193–
ican Journal of Hypertension, 515 Madison Avenue, Suite 1212, New
York, NY 10022; e-mail:
12. Skeggs LT Jr, Marsh WH, Kahn JR, Shumway NP: The existence of
This article is a continuation of a monthly series that began with the two forms of hypertension. J Exp Med 1954;99:275–282.
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