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Week 9

My Weekly

Week 9

day 1 dream
day 2 to not have, to not exist, to be not there
day 3 clothes
day 4 to change
day 5 travel
day 6 to not know
day 7 promise, plans, appointment

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 2

Day 1

큰꿈 big dream 크다 = to be big

큰 is the adjective form of 크다.

좋은 꿈 pleasant dream 좋다 = to be good

좋은 is the adjective form of 좋다.

무서운 꿈 scary dream 무섭다 = to be scary

무서운 is the adjective form of 무섭다.

허황된 꿈 absurd dream, dreams about impossible 허황되다 = to be hollow

goals 허황된 is the adjective form of 허황되다.

꿈을 꾸다 to dream

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 3

꿈만 같다 to be like a dream -만 = only, just

같다 = to be like (something)

꿈에서 깨다 to wake up from a dream -에서 = at, in, from

깨다 = to wake up

꿈을 이루다 to realize one’s dream, to achieve one’s 이루다 = to fulfill, to achieve


꿈 깨세요! Dream on! Wake up (and see the reality)! 깨다 = to wake up

-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

꿈이 뭐예요? What is your dream? 뭐 = what

뭐 is 무엇 is the original form, but people often just use 뭐
for ease of pronunciation.

좋은 꿈 꾸세요. Have a nice dream. 좋다 = to be good

좋은 is the adjective form of 좋다.
꿈을 꾸다 = to dream
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

꿈은 크게 가지세요. You should have big dreams. 크다 = to be big

크게 is the adverb form of 크다.
가지다 = to have
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 4

드디어 꿈을 이루었어요. My dreams have finally come true. 드디어 = finally

이루다 = to fulfill, to achieve

제가 1등을 하는 꿈을 I had a dream where I won first place. 제가 = I (polite) (subject)

1등 = first place
꿨어요. 1등을 하다 = win the first place
꿈을 꾸다 = to dream

이게 다 꿈이었으면 I wish all this were a dream. 이게 = this

이게 is 이것이 is the original form, but people often just use
좋겠어요. 이게 for ease of pronunciation.
다 = all, whole, every
-(으)면 좋겠다 = I wish + S + would + V, I hope + S + V

어젯밤에 이상한 꿈을 I had a strange dream last night. 어젯밤 = last night
-에 = at, in, from, to
꾸었어요. 이상하다 = to be weird
이상한 is the adjective form of 이상하다.
꿈을 꾸다 = to dream

전세계를 여행하는 게 제 Traveling around the entire world is my 전 = all, whole, entire
dream. 세계 = world
꿈이에요. 여행 하다 = to travel
제 = my (polite)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 5

그런 허황된 꿈은 안 꾸는 You’d better not have such absurd 그런 = such + noun

dreams. 허황되다 = to be hollow
게 좋아요. 허황된 is the adjective form of 허황되다.
안 = not
꿈을 꾸다 = to dream
좋다 = to be good
안 + V + -는 게 좋다 = had better not + V

제가 1등을 하다니, 정말 (I can’t believe) I’ve won the 1st place! It 제가 = I (polite) (subject)
feels like a dream. 1등 = first place
꿈만 같아요. 1등을 하다 = win the first place
-다니 is a verb ending that links the verb with the following
clause, showing the speaker’s reaction or feeling toward a
fact or what happened.
정말 = really, very
-만 = only, just
같다 = to be like (something)

어제 무서운 영화를 봐서, I watched a scary movie yesterday, so I 어제 = yesterday

had a scary dream. 무섭다 = to be scary
밤에 무서운 꿈을 꿨어요. 무서운 is the adjective form of 무섭다.
영화 = movie, film
보다 = to see, to watch, to look
-아/어/여서 = because, since
밤 = night
-에 = at, in, from, to
꿈을 꾸다 = to dream

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 6

Day 2


돈이 없다 to have no money 돈 = money

시간이 없다 to have no time 시간 = time

방법이 없다 there is no way, to have no solution 방법 = method, way

입맛이 없다 to have no appetite 입맛 = appetite

이상이 없다 there is no abnormality, everything is fine 이상 = abnormality, something wrong

할 말이 없다 to have nothing to say 할 말 = something to say

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 7

아는 사람이 없다 to not know anyone, there is no one I 알다 = to know

know 사람 = person, people

저는 할 말 없어요. I don’t have anything to say. 저 = I (polite)

할 말 = something to say

이렇게 해도 문제 없어요? There’s no problem even if we do it like 이렇다 = to be like this

this? 이렇게 is the adverb form of 이렇다.
하다 = to do
-아/어/여도 = even if + S + V
문제 = problem

요즘 별로 재미있는 일이 These days, there is nothing very 요즘 = these days, lately, recently
interesting going on. 별로 = not so much
없어요. 재미있다 = to be fun, to be interesting
일 = thing, occasion, stuff, work

입맛이 없어서 점심을 안 I had no appetite, so I didn’t have lunch. 입맛 = appetite

-아/어/여서 = because, since
먹었어요. 점심 = lunch
안 = not
먹다 = to eat

가게에 사람이 아무도 없는 I think there is no one in the store. 가게 = store, shop
-에 = at, in, from, to
것 같아요. 사람 = person, people
아무도 = (not) anyone/anybody
- 것 같다 = It seems/looks like + S + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 8

그 사람은 성격이 나빠서 He has a bad personality, so he doesn’t 그 = that, the

have any friends. 사람 = person, people
친구가 없어요. 성격 = personality, disposition
나쁘다 = to be bad
-아/어/여서 = because, since
친구 = friend

이 신발을 사고 싶은데 지금 I want to buy these shoes, but I don’t 이 = this

have any money (on me) now. 신발 = shoes
돈이 없어요. 사다 = to buy
-고 싶다 = to want to + V
-(으/느)ㄴ데 = and, but
지금 = now
돈 = money

제가 없는 동안에 제 강아지 While I’m not here, please look after my 제가 = I (polite)
dog. 동안 = while, during
좀 돌봐 주세요. -에 = at, in, from, to
제 = my (polite)
강아지 = puppy
좀 = a little, please
돌보다 = to take care of, to look after
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 9

인사를 하고 싶었는데 I wanted to say hi, but I couldn’t because 인사 = greeting

I didn’t have the opportunity. 인사하다 = to greet, to say hello
기회가 없어서 못 했어요. -고 싶다 = to want to + V
-(으/느)ㄴ데 = and, but
기회 = chance, opportunity
-아/어/여서 = because, since
못 = can’t
하다 = to do

핸드폰을 잃어 버렸는데, I’ve lost my cellphone. Do you think there 핸드폰 = cellphone
is a way I can find it? 잃어 버리다 = to lose
찾을 방법이 있을까요? -(으/느)ㄴ데 = and, but
찾다 = to find, to look for
방법 = method, way
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have

요즘에 회사에서 바빠서, I’ve been busy at work lately so I haven’t 요즘 = these days, lately, recently
had time to watch movies. -에 = at, in, from, to
영화 볼 시간이 없었어요. 회사 = company
-에서 = at, in, from
바쁘다 = to be busy
-아/어/여서 = because, since
영화 = movie, film
보다 = to see, to watch, to look
시간 = time, hour

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 10

카메라를 떨어뜨렸는데 I dropped my camera, but fortunately 카메라 = camera

there was nothing wrong with the 떨어뜨리다 = to drop
다행히도 카메라에 아무 camera. -(으/느)ㄴ데 = and, but
이상이 없었어요. 다행히도 = fortunately
-에 = at, in, from, to
아무 = (not) any
이상 = abnormality, something wrong

어제 분명히 열쇠를 서랍 I am sure put the key in the drawer 어제 = yesterday

yesterday, but now I can’t find it. 분명히 = evidently, clearly, obviously, apparently; without
안에 넣어 두었는데, 지금 a doubt
찾아 보니까 없어요. 열쇠 = key
서랍 = drawer (of desk or dresser)
안에 = in
넣다 = put, place, insert, lay
두다 = to leave (something) at a place

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 11

Day 3

새옷 new clothes 새 = new

헌옷 old clothes 헐다 = to be worn out

헌 is the adjective form of 헐다.

겨울 옷 winter clothes 겨울 = winter

예쁜 옷 pretty clothes 예쁘다 = to be pretty, to be beautiful

예쁜 is the adjective form of 예쁘다.

옷 가게 clothing store 가게 = store, shop

옷을 사다 to buy clothes 사다 = to buy

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 12

옷을 입다 to wear clothes 입다 = to wear

옷을 벗다 to take off clothes 벗다 = to take off (clothes)

옷을 잘 입다 to be fashionable, to be stylish, to dress 잘 = well

well 입다 = to wear
옷을 잘 입다 = to be fashionable, to be stylish, to dress

옷을 못 입다 to be not fashionable, to be stylish, to 못 = can’t

dress badly 입다 = to wear

to change (one’s clothes) 갈아입다 = to change (one’s clothes)

옷을 갈아입다

옷을 좀 사고 싶어요. I want to buy some clothes. 좀 = a little, please

사다 = to buy
-고 싶다 = to want to + V

이 옷 이제 안 입어요. I don’t wear this any more. 이 = this

이제 = now
안 = not
이제 - 않다. = not any more
입다 = to wear

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 13

이거 못 보던 옷이네요. I have never seen you wearing this before. 이거 = this

이거 is 이것 is the original form, but people often just use
이거 for ease of pronunciation.
못 = can’t
보다 = to see, to watch, to look
-던 is a verb ending that marks an action or a state that
used to take place in the past.

오늘 입은 옷 너무 예뻐요. The outfit you are wearing today is very 오늘 = today

pretty. 입다 = to wear
너무 = too, excessively
예쁘다 = to be pretty, to be beautiful

이 옷은 좀 작은 것 같아요. I think this clothes is a little small (for 이 = this

me). 좀 = a little, please
작다 = to be small
-(으/느)ㄴ 것 같다 = It seems/looks like + S + V

주로 옷은 어디에서 Where do you usually buy clothes? 주로 = usually, mainly

어디 = where
사세요? -에서 = at, in, from
사다 = to buy

제가 입을 수 있는 옷 Do you have anything I can wear? 제가 = I (polite) (subject)

입다 = to wear
있어요? -(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to + V
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 14

따뜻한 옷이 좀 더 필요할 I think I need some more warm clothes. 따뜻하다 = to be warm
따뜻한 is the adjective form of 따뜻하다.
것 같아요. 좀 = a little, please
더 = more
필요하다 = to need
-(으/느)ㄴ 것 같다 = It seems/looks like + S + V

옷이 더러워져서, 집에 가서 My clothes got dirty so I will go home, 더럽다 = to be dirty

change, and come back. -아/어/여지다 = to become + adjective
깨끗한 옷으로 갈아입고 -아/어/여서 = because, since
올게요. 집 = home, house
-에 = at, in, from, to
가다 = to go
깨끗하다 = to be clean
깨끗한 is the adjective form of 깨끗하다.
-으로 = to, with, via, through
갈아입다 = to change (one’s clothes)
오다 = to come
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 15

Day 4


계획을 바꾸다 to change plans 계획 = plan

마음을 바꾸다 to change one’s mind 마음 = mind, one’s thought

방향을 바꾸다 to change directions 방향 = direction

저하고 바꿔요. Let’s switch (with each other). 저 = I (polite)

-하고 = with, and

바꾼 거 있어요? Is there anything you’ve changed? 거 = thing

거 is 것 is the original form, but people often just use 거 for
ease of pronunciation.
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 16

저하고 자리 바꿀래요? Do you want to switch seats with me? 저 = I (polite)

-하고 = with, and
자리 = seat
-(으)ㄹ래요? = Do you want to + V? Shall we + V?

아무것도 바꾸지 마세요. Don’t change anything. 아무것도 = (not) anything

-지 마세요 = Don’t + V.

다른 색깔로 바꿔 주세요. Please change this to a different color. 다르다 = to be different

다른 is the adjective form of 다르다.
색깔 = color
-로 = with, by, in, on, from
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.

더 큰 것으로 바꿔 주세요. Please change this to a bigger one. 더 = more

크다 = to be big
큰 is the adjective form of 크다.
것 = thing
-으로 = to, with, via, through
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.

날씨 때문에 계획을 I’ve changed my plans because of the 날씨 = weather

weather. 때문에 = because (of), since
바꿨어요. 계획 = plan

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 17

이거 한국 돈으로 바꿔 Please exchange this to Korean currency. 이거 = this

이거 is 이것 is the original form, but people often just use
주세요. 이거 for ease of pronunciation.
한국 = Korea
돈 = money, currency
-으로 = to, with, via, through
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.

마음을 바꿨어요. 저도 I’ve changed my mind. I’ll go with you. 마음 = mind, one’s thought
저 = I (polite)
갈게요. -도 = too
가다 = to go
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

방향을 바꿔서 신촌으로 We’ve changed directions and went to 방향 = direction

Sinchon. 신촌 = Sinchon
갔어요. -으로 = to, with, via, through
가다 = to go

만나는 장소는 바꿔도 You can change the place of meeting. 만나다 = to meet
장소 = place
괜찮아요. -아/어/여도 = even if + S + V
괜찮다 = to be okay, to be alright

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 18

이거 더 작은 사이즈로 바꿀 Can I change this to a smaller size? 이거 = this

이거 is 이것 is the original form, but people often just use
수 있어요? 이거 for ease of pronunciation.
더 = more
작다 = to be small
작은 is the adjective form of 작다.
사이즈 = size
-로 = to, with, by, in, on, from
-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to + V

바꾸고 싶은 게 있으면 If there’s anything you’d like to change, -고 싶다 = to want to + V

let me know. 있다 = to be there, to exist, to have
이야기해 주세요. -(으)면 = once, when, if
이야기하다 = to tell, to say
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.

약속 장소를 다른 곳으로 Can we change the meeting place to a 약속 = promise, plans

different one? 장소 = place, venue
바꿔도 될까요? 다르다 = to be different
다른 is the adjective form of 다르다.
곳 = place
-으로 = to, with, via, through
-아/어/여도 되다 = to be okay to + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 19

차를 바꾸고 싶은데, 아직 I want to change cars, but I haven’t 차 = car

decided yet. -고 싶다 = to want to + V
결정 못 했어요. -(으/느)ㄴ데 = and, but
아직 = yet
결정 = decision
못 = can’t
결정하다 = to decide

핸드폰이 고장나서, 새 My cellphone is broken, so I’m going to 핸드폰 = cellphone

get a new one. 고장나다 = to be broken
것으로 바꿀 거예요. -아/어/여서 = because, since
새 = new
것 = thing
-으로 = to, with, via, through
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

이렇게 하면 안 될 것 I don’t think we should do it this way. 이렇게 = like this, in this manner
Let’s try a different method. 하다 = to do
같아요. 방법을 바꿔 봐요. -(으)면 = once, when, if
안 되다 = to be wrong, to not work
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will/be going to, It seems like
+ S + will/be going to
방법 = method, way
-아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 20

Day 5


국내 여행 domestic travel 국내 = within the country, domestic

해외 여행 overseas travel 해외 = overseas

배낭 여행 backpack travel 배낭 = backpack

신혼 여행 honeymoon 신혼 = newly married couple

여행 가방 suitcase 가방 = bag

여행 계획 travel plans 계획 = plan

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 21

여행을 가다 to go on a trip 가다 = to go

여행 계획을 세우다 to set up travel plans 계획 = plan

세우다 = to set up

여행 자주 가세요? Do you travel often? 자주 = often

가다 = to go

신혼 여행은 어디로 Where are you going to go on your 신혼 = newly married couple
honeymoon? 어디 = where
가세요? -로 = to, with, by, in, on, from

여행 가서 사진 많이 Did you take a lot of pictures during your 가다 = to go

trip? 사진 = photo, picture
찍었어요? 많다 = to be a lot
많이 is the adverb form of 많다.
찍다 = to take (photos)

이번 휴가 때 여행 계획 Do you have travel plans for your 이번 = this time

upcoming vacation? 휴가 = vacation
있어요? 때 = during, when
계획 = plan
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 22

저는 혼자 여행하는 걸 I like traveling alone. 저 = I (polite)

혼자 = alone
좋아해요. 여행하다 = to travel
좋아하다 = to like

저는 아직 해외 여행은 안 I haven’t traveled overseas yet. 저 = I (polite)

아직 = yet
가 봤어요. 해외 = overseas
안 = not
가다 = to go
-아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing, to experience + V-ing

한국에서 한 달 동안 여행 I will travel in Korea for one month. 한국 = Korea

-에서 = at, in, from
할 거예요. 한 달 = one month
동안 = during, while
여행하다 = to travel
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

대학생 때 유럽으로 배낭 When I was a university student, I went 대학생 = university student
on a backpack trip to Europe. 때 = when, during
여행을 갔어요. 유럽 = Europe
-으로 = to, with, via, through
배낭 = backpack
가다 = to go

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 23

올 여름에 가족들하고 This summer, I’m planning to go on a trip 올 여름 = this summer

with my family. -에 = at, in, from, to
여행을 가기로 했어요. 가족 = family
-들 = suffix for plural
-하고 = with
가다 = to go
-기로 하다 = to plan to + V, to decide to + V

해외 여행도 좋지만 국내 Traveling overseas is good too but 해외 = overseas

domestic trips are fun too. -도 = too
여행도 재미있어요. 좋다 = to be good
-지만 = but, although
국내 = within the country, domestic
재미있다 = to be fun

내일 여행을 가는데, 아직도 I’m going on a trip tomorrow, but I 내일 = tomorrow

haven’t fully prepared yet. 가다 = to go
준비를 다 못 했어요. -(으/느)ㄴ데 = but, and
아직도 = yet
준비 = preparation
다 = all, whole, every
못 = can’t

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 24

작년에 여행 하다가 만난 I received an email from a friend that I 작년 = last year

met last year while traveling. -에 = at, in, from, to
친구한테 이메일이 왔어요. 여행 하다 = to travel
-다가 = while V-ing, in the middle of + V-ing
만나다 = to meet
친구 = friend
-한테 = from
이메일 = e-mail
오다 = to come

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 25

Day 6


모르는 사람 a person that one doesn’t know, stranger 사람 = person, epople

모르는 번호 a phone number that one doesn’t 번호 = number, often used referring one’s phone number

모르는 이야기 something that one has not heard of 이야기 = story
before, a story that one has not heard

저는 잘 모르겠어요. I don’t know. I’m not sure. 저 = I (polite)

잘 = well

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 26

저만 몰랐던 거예요? So, only I didn’t know? 저 = I (polite)

-만 = just, only
-던 것이다 is a sentence ending that expresses a fact that
was previously not revealed.

누구인지 모르겠어요. I don’t know who that is. 누구 = who

-(으/느)ㄴ지 is a verb ending that comes before words
such as “”to know””, “”to ask””, “”to not know””, “”to find
out””, etc, to show what the speaker is referring to.

모르는 척 하지 마세요. Don’t pretend that you don’t know. -(으/느)ㄴ 척 하다 = to pretend to + be + adjective, to
pretend that + S + V
-지 마세요 = Don’t + V.

저는 모르는 이야기예요. I don’t know what you are talking about. 저 = I (polite)
이야기 = story

저도 이 동네는 잘 몰라요. I don’t know this neighborhood that well, 저 = I (polite)

either. -도 = too
이 = this
동네 = neighborhood
잘 = well

어디에 있는지 모르겠어요. I don’t know where it is. 어디 = where

-에 = at, in, from, to
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 27

아직은 모르는 척 해 For now, please pretend that you don’t 아직은 = (not) yet
know about it yet. -(으/느)ㄴ 척 하다 = to pretend to + be + adjective, to
주세요. pretend that + S + V
-아/어/여 주세요 = Do something for me.

아직 모르는 게 좋을 It’ll be better for you not to know about it 아직 = yet

yet. 좋다 = to be good
거예요. -(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

모르는 번호로 전화가 I received a phone call from a number 번호 = number, often used to refer to one’s phone number
that I don’t know. -로 = to, with, by, in, on, from
왔어요. 전화 = telephone, phone call
전화가 오다 = to get a phone call

그 사람은 모르는 것이 There is nothing he doesn’t know. 그 = that, the

사람 = person, people
없어요. 것 = thing
없다 = to not exist, to be not there

몰라도 괜찮아요. 물어보면 It’s okay if you don’t know. You can just -아/어/여도 괜찮다 = to be okay to + V
ask. 물어보다 = to ask
돼요. -(으)면 되다 = S + can just/simply + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 28

어디에 가야 살 수 있는지 I don’t know where I need to go to buy 어디 = where

this. -에 = at, in, from, to
몰라요. 가다 = to go
-아/어/여야 -(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to have to + V + to be able to +
사다 = to buy

아무리 생각해 봐도 답을 No matter how much I think about it, I 아무리 = no matter how (much)
still don’t know the answer. 생각하다 = to think
모르겠어요. -아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing
-아/어/여도 = even if + S + V
답 = answer

모르는 게 있으면 저한테 If there is something that you don’t know, 있다 = to be there, to exist, to have
please ask me. -(으)면 = once, when, if
물어보세요. 저 = I (polite)
-한테 = to
물어보다 = to ask
-(으)세요 = imperative (polite)

이야기 하느라 시간 가는 줄 We were busy talking so we didn’t notice 이야기 = story

the passage of time. 이야기 하다 = to talk, to chat
몰랐어요. -느라 = because of V-ing, since S was V-ing
시간 = time, hour
가다 = to go
-(으/느)ㄴ 줄 모르다 = to not notice (something + V-ing)

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 29

모르는 사람을 함부로 You shouldn’t carelessly follow a 사람 = person, people

stranger. 함부로 = carelessly
따라가면 안 돼요. 따라가다 = to follow
-(으)면 안 되다 = shouldn’t + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 30

Day 7


약속 시간 time for a meeting, time for meeting 시간 = time, hour


약속이 있다 to have something to attend, to have a 있다 = to be there, to exist, to have

plan, to have an appointment

약속을 지키다 to keep one’s promise 지키다 = to keep, to guard

약속을 어기다 to break one’s promise 어기다 = to break (one’s promise)

약속을 취소하다 to cancel an appointment, to cancel a 취소하다 = to cancel


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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 31

약속할 수 있어요? Can you promise? 약속하다 = to promise

-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to + V

약속 지킬 수 있어요? Can you keep your promise? 지키다 = to keep, to guard

-(으)ㄹ 수 있다 = to be able to + V

약속 꼭 지키실 거죠? You are going to keep your promise for 꼭 = for sure, at any cost
sure, right? 지키다 = to keep, to guard

약속 장소가 어디예요? Where are you going to meet them? 장소 = place, venue
Where are you supposed to go (meet 어디 = where

약속 시간에 또 늦었어요. I’m late for an appointment again. 시간 = time, hour

-에 = at, in, from, to
또 = again
늦다 = to be late

친구와 점심 약속이 있어요. I have a lunch appointment with a friend. 친구 = friend

-와 = with
점심 = lunch
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 32

제가 언제 그런 약속을 When did I make such a promise? 제 = I (polite)

언제 = when
했어요? 그렇다 = to be like that
그런 is the adjective form of 그렇다.
약속을 하다 = to promise

지키지 못 할 약속은 하지 Don’t make a promise that you can’t 지키다 = to keep, to guard
keep. -지 못 하다 = to not be able to
마세요. 약속을 하다 = to promise
-지 마세요 = Don’t + V.

다시는 거짓말 안 한다고 I promise you that I won’t lie again. 다시는 = (not) again
거짓말 = lie
약속할게요. 안 = not
거짓말 하다 = to lie

약속이라도 한 듯이 모두 다 As if everyone had planned it together, -라도 한 듯 = as if + S + V-ed,

everyone was late. 모두 = all, every, whole
지각했어요. 다 = all, whole, every
지각하다 = to be late

저는 오늘 약속이 있어서 I need to go somewhere today, so I’m 저 = I (polite)

going to go now. 오늘 = today
먼저 가 볼게요. 있다 = to be there, to exist, to have
-아/어/여서 = because, since
먼저 = first, earlier
가다 = to go
-아/어/여 보다 = to try + V-ing
-(으)ㄹ 것이다 = will, to be going to + V

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 33

친구하고 약속했기 때문에 I’ve promised my friend so I can’t not go. 친구 = friend
-하고 = with
안 가면 안 돼요. 약속하다 = to promise
때문에 = because (of), since
안 = not
가다 = to go
-(으)면 안 되다 = shouldn’t + V

오늘 저녁에 친구와 약속이 I completely forgot that I was supposed 오늘 = today

to meet my friend this evening. 저녁 = evening, dinner
있는 걸 깜빡 잊어 -에 = at, in, from, to
버렸어요. 친구 = friend
-와 = with
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have
깜빡 잊어 버리다 = to completely forget (for a short period
of time)

이번 일요일에는 다른 I have another plan this Sunday so I don’t 이번 = this, this time
think I can meet you. 일요일 = Sunday
약속이 있어서 못 만날 것 -에 = at, in, from, to
같아요. 다르다 = to be different
다른 is the adjective form of 다르다.
있다 = to be there, to exist, to have
-아/어/여서 = because, since
못 = can’t
만나다 = to meet
-(으)ㄹ 것 같다 = I think + S + will/be going to, It seems like
+ S + will/be going to

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My Weekly Korean Vocabulary - Week 9 34

오늘은 너무 피곤해서 I’m so tired today so I cancelled my plans 오늘 = today

and got some rest at home. 너무 = too, excessively
약속을 취소하고 집에서 피곤하다 = to be tired
쉬었어요. -아/어/여서 = because, since
취소하다 = to cancel
집 = home, house
-에서 = at, in, from
쉬다 = to get some rest, to rest

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