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Advanced Psychological Foundation of Education — Exam.

1.As a teacher, discuss the significance of knowing the process of child development from prenatal to
adolescent period. 20 pts.

As a teacher or future teachers, we must know what we are dealing with in order to deal with it
effectively. The same goes for teaching. We would never walk into a room of kindergarten students
expecting them to do algebra, or hand a class of high schoolers the famous literature Pride and Prejudice
by Jane Austin and have them read it expecting growth in literature.If we go into a classroom completely
unprepared for whom we are teaching, it will be very difficult to see progress and will cause tremendous
frustration for the students and for us. Our expectations need to be high, but not higher than what the
child is developmentally able to give us.

Knowledge of growth and development is vital to creating appropriate lessons. Knowledge of

physical, mental, and social development in humans is important for teachers to consider when
developing their lesson plans.Let's consider the importance of understanding physical growth and
development. Teachers either should not have students perform exercises they physically cannot do, or
may choose to alter the exercise so it is appropriate for the student. Children and adolescents are in a
period of development where they are still "getting the hang of" their bodies.

Mental development is similarly appropriate to creating lessons which meet and challenge a child's
skill level. Children may be in varying stages of development which hinder or allow them to practice
abstract thought and object or personal permanence. Abstract thought is especially important to
subjects like math and science, which may involve lessons about things which are intangible.I think social
development needs the most additional attention in educational settings. Young people may be maturing
at different rates or have different experiences with socialization, and teachers should have a good
understanding of social development and how it affects education. For example, if one student has been
lacking in their socialization and experiences anxiety at school, the discomfort they feel can impede his
or her ability to learn.

2. What are the functions of play in childhood? 10 pts.

Play is an important part of the childhood development. Through play children learn about shapes,
colors, cause and effect, and themselves. Besides cognitive thinking, play helps the child learn social and
psychomotor skills. It is a way of communicating joy, fear , sorrow, and anxiety.Play helps your child move
through the developmental milestones along the road to adulthood.There are plenty kinds of play and its
functions example of it are.


Children learn from doing, which gives play a cognitive function. Play develops cognitive skills when
children have to think and remember processes and rules. Children develop language skills and learn
about the world and how it works. During play, children learn about sizes, shapes, colors and textures.
Peek-a-boo teaches infants that unseen objects still exist. Counting games teach numbers. Play
encourages children to explore creativity and imagination. As children solve problems during play, they
learn to reason and develop their decision-making skills.


The physical function of play helps children develop strong muscles, bones and stamina. Play helps
develop the brain as children interact with people and the world around them. Playing with an infant
while she is on her stomach helps strengthen her neck muscles. Children learn to crawl, walk, run and
jump as they learn to use large muscle groups in gross motor development.


Children develop social skills through play when they learn about taking turns and sharing, rules,
negotiation, cooperation and conflict resolution. Your child will learn which behaviors are inappropriate,
such as hitting, and how to apologize and make amends. Children need the social skills learned during
play to enter the adult world.

3. Discuss the role of physical and social environment in the different domains of child growth and
development (physical, cognitive, moral, and psychosocial development). 20 pts.

. Gross motor development is the child’s ability to move about and use the various parts of her body
to achieve physical tasks.If your child is having difficulty with any of these physical tasks, it could affect
how she develops. A child who is physically unable to play, run and jump will lose tone in her muscles,
which will cause her to become weak. As a result, she will be less able to do things that other children
her age have no difficulty doing.

Fine motor development is a term used to describe more finite movements your child does with her
hands.Without fine motor skills, your child is unable to use her hands and perform tasks, and this can
influence how she develops. A child with fine motor difficulty may fall behind other children her age and
may be unable to keep up in school. She may need special assistance to complete tasks that other
children can do with ease.

A child who suffers from vision problems may have difficulty developing properly. She may have difficulty
running and playing with her friends. She may have difficulty eating, putting her clothes on or tying her
shoes. If a child cannot see properly, she is not going to have good eye-hand coordination.

Parental interactions with children can have a largely positive or negative effect on child
development.Parents who spend time playing and teaching their kids through reading and by performing
types of hands-on games and activities can have a positive impact on their child’s development. On the
flip side, parents who ignore or neglect to interact with their children in a positive way may be hindering
their healthy development.Children who are surrounded, both at home and at school/daycare facilities,
by a strong learning environment that is both informative and supportive may improve their
Social isolation or lack of socialization can lead to early childhood development issues, such as speech
problems or an inability to socialize with others in a civilized way. Socioeconomic environment in which a
child is raised can have a drastic effect on their development. An example of how this could affect a child
negatively is if she is not socialized with other children, such as neighbors, classmates or family

4. Discuss a real scenario in your classroom (or an experience with your student/s) where you have
applied/used one of the following theories: psychoanalytic (Freud), psychosocial(Erikson),
cognitive(Piaget), and moral (Kohlberg). 30 pts.

Psychoanalytic Theory

There's this one time in the room where i asked one of my classmate why she study so much,then she
told me that during her childhood she overheard her aunt telling her mother that her daughter will not
graduate even highschool since she didnt graduate even elementary.

Psychosocial Theory

During my highschool years i had this experience where in our classroom our teacher have a favoritism in
some of our classmates.There's this one time where our teacher gave us seatwork,then one of her
favorite student asked for her help she suddenly help her without saying anything but when I ask her for
only a part where I didnt understand she ignored me and told me to go back to my seat.I think i failed
that seatwork because I cant understand some part of the questions.

Cognitive Theory

As a teacher of highschool students you will really observe how your student's behavior,a ttitude,and
skills and knowledge develops.There will be instances that one of your student who's not that good in
the past can now get a good grade because he/she study more now.

Moral Theory

When I was in college a engineering student fail to submit on time his thesis,he tried to talk with his
instructor to give him consideration and let him pass the thesis so that he can graduate that year but the
instructor ignored his request and didnt let him pass his thesis that's why he disnt graduate that
year.Because of that the student jump of the 7 story building because of depression that he didnt

NOTE: Numbers 1-2: Midterm Exam. Numbers 3-4: Final Exam Send to messenger on or before April 6,
2018 Thank you. A BLESSED HOLY WEEK TO ALL...

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