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1. Delivering learning indicators to be achieved

2. The teacher presents the material as usual with lectures bervareasi

3. To determine the absorption of students, teachers make the group in pairs. a group of two people.

4. The teacher told one of the couple tells the new material received from the teacher and his partner
heard while making little notes, then switch roles. Likewise other groups

5. The teacher asks the students to take turns / encrypted present the results of an interview with her

6. Teacher explains again that if not understood the material and develop the students' problems.

Teachers and students to draw conclusions


1. Teachers convey competence indicators to be achieved

2. Teachers demonstrate / present material

3. The teacher gives students the chance to explain the material to other students.

4. The student / teacher concludes ideas / opinions of students

5. The teacher explains all of the material presented at the time for consolidation into conclusions

6. summary

God Sees the truth but waits

Once there lived a young merchant named Ivan Dmitri Aksenov with his family in the land of
Vladimir, who in his younger days lived life to the fullest by experiencing all the material things
world has to offer. Until he got married.

One summer, he planned to go to Nizhny fair but his wife warned him that she had a bad dream
of her husband-- she dreamt about Ivan that he returned from the town with hair of grey. Ivan
laughed as if he doesn't care and went on the fair.

He travelled half way and met a merchant, whom he spent the night drinking tea with and
shared an adjoining room in the inn. Since Aksenov is not used of sleeping for long hours he
decided to wake up and continued his journey.

Along the way of his journey, two soldiers in a troika stopped him, and began asking questions,
for the merchant he met halfway on his travel was found dead. Since all evidences of the crime
are pointing Aksenov guilty he was imprisoned.

Learning the sad fate of Aksenov, his wife remembered her dream about Aksenov and was
worried and even considered the thought of her husband being guilty. The thought made
Aksenov even sadder.

26 years in prison made Aksenov a well grounded and God-fearing man. In spite the fact that his
family has completely forgotten him, he still serves as a “Grandpa” to the other prisoners. Then
came a new prisoner named Makar Semyonich.

After months of knowing each other, Aksenov discovered that Makar is the one who killed the
merchant whom he was told he murdered. He was furious with what he found out but didn't
speak or uttered a word about it.

Until one night, Aksenov heard some earth rolling under where the prisoners were sleeping. He
went out and saw Makar. Makar told him not to tell a word about what he had witnessed or else
he will kill him.

When they were led out to work, a soldier noticed a prisoner took of some earth off his boots.
The soldier searched for escaping plans and found the tunnel. Then, they asked each of them
who knew about this but they denied for they knew they will be killed before the one who did it
as Makar warned them. Finally, the governor asked Ivan for he knew he was a just man. But
then Ivan said it wasn't his right or his will but God's to tell such name.

Night fell and Makar went to Ivan. He thanked him and felt sorry for what he had done to him a
long time ago that made Ivan suffer for all this years. He sobbed as well as Ivan and said that the
Lord will forgive you. Makar said that he will confess to the governor so that Ivan would be sent
free--back to his home.

Ivan did not want to go out of prison for he has no family neither home to back to; rather, he
waited for his last hour to come.

In spite of what they've talked about, Makar Semyonich confessed his guilt. But when the order
for Ivan Dmitri Aksenov's release came, he was already dead.

Tuhan Melihat kebenaran tapi menunggu (Ringkasan)

Setelah hiduplah seorang saudagar muda bernama Ivan Dmitri Aksenov dengan keluarganya di tanah
Vladimir, yang di masa mudanya hidup hidup sepenuhnya dengan mengalami semua hal materi dunia
yang ditawarkan. Sampai dia menikah.
Satu musim panas, ia berencana untuk pergi ke Nizhny adil tetapi istrinya memperingatkan dia bahwa
dia bermimpi buruk husband-- dia bermimpi tentang Ivan bahwa ia kembali dari kota dengan rambut
abu-abu. Ivan tertawa seolah-olah ia tidak peduli dan melanjutkan adil.

Ia melakukan perjalanan setengah jalan dan bertemu pedagang, yang ia menghabiskan malam dengan
minum teh dan berbagi kamar sebelah di penginapan. Karena Aksenov tidak digunakan dari tidur selama
berjam-jam ia memutuskan untuk bangun dan melanjutkan perjalanannya.

Sepanjang jalan perjalanannya, dua tentara di troika sebuah menghentikannya, dan mulai mengajukan
pertanyaan, bagi pedagang ia bertemu setengah dari perjalanannya ditemukan tewas. Karena semua
bukti kejahatan yang menunjuk Aksenov bersalah ia dipenjarakan.

Belajar nasib menyedihkan Aksenov, istrinya teringat mimpinya tentang Aksenov dan khawatir dan
bahkan dianggap memikirkan suaminya yang bersalah. Pikiran itu membuat Aksenov lebih sedih lagi.

26 tahun penjara dibuat Aksenov pria juga membumi dan takut akan Allah. Meskipun fakta bahwa
keluarganya telah benar-benar lupa, dia masih menjabat sebagai "Kakek" untuk para tahanan lainnya.
Kemudian datang seorang tahanan baru bernama Makar Semyonich.

Setelah berbulan-bulan mengenal satu sama lain, Aksenov menemukan bahwa Makar adalah orang yang
membunuh pedagang yang ia diberitahu ia dibunuh. Dia sangat marah dengan apa yang dia tahu tapi
tidak berbicara atau mengucapkan kata tentang hal itu.

Sampai suatu malam, Aksenov mendengar beberapa bumi bergulir di bawah di mana para tahanan
sedang tidur. Dia pergi keluar dan melihat Makar. Makar mengatakan kepadanya untuk tidak
menceritakan sebuah kata tentang apa yang ia saksikan atau dia akan membunuhnya.

Ketika mereka digiring keluar untuk bekerja, seorang tentara melihat seorang tahanan mengambil
beberapa bumi dari sepatu. Tentara itu mencari melarikan diri rencana dan menemukan terowongan.
Kemudian, mereka meminta masing-masing yang tahu tentang hal ini tetapi mereka membantah karena
mereka tahu mereka akan dibunuh sebelum orang yang melakukannya sebagai Makar memperingatkan
mereka. Akhirnya, gubernur meminta Ivan karena ia tahu ia adalah orang yang benar. Tapi kemudian
Ivan mengatakan itu tidak benar atau kehendaknya tetapi Allah memberitahu nama tersebut.
Malam jatuh dan Makar pergi ke Ivan. Dia mengucapkan terima kasih dan merasa menyesal atas apa
yang telah dilakukannya kepadanya lama yang membuat Ivan menderita selama bertahun-tahun ini. Dia
menangis serta Ivan dan mengatakan bahwa Tuhan akan mengampuni Anda. Makar mengatakan bahwa
ia akan mengaku kepada gubernur agar Ivan akan dikirim gratis - kembali ke rumahnya.

Ivan tidak ingin pergi keluar dari penjara karena dia tidak memiliki keluarga tidak pulang untuk kembali
ke; bukan, ia menunggu jam terakhir untuk datang.

Terlepas dari apa yang telah mereka bicarakan, Makar Semyonich mengaku kesalahannya. Tapi ketika
perintah untuk rilis Ivan Dmitri Aksenov datang, dia sudah mati.

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