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/* global console, alert, prompt, document */

/* jsLint pluspluse: true */


Get && Set


callback function no (return)

Sails.js (MVC [model view control] framework based on Express js which is based on
Node js)

<form name="ff">
<input type="button" name="bb" />
<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
for ( prop in ) {
document.write ( "button(bb)." , prop , " = " ,[prop] , "<br />") ; }

| Where Put The JavaScript Code |


=> inline => HTML attribute onclick = "function name()"

=> internal => document.write(" ----- ");

=> external => <script src="JavaScript/Plugins.js"></script>


| Syentax |


| Variable |

| Data Type |

=> => number

=> => string
=> => array
=> => bolian
=> = " " => null
=> undefined => undefined
=> => object

// typeOf();


| OutPut |

=> document.write(" ----- ");

=> alert (" ----- ");
=> console.log (" ----- ");
=> inner HTML = ;


| InPut |

=> prompt("text", "example value");


| Operators |

=>( < ) => greater than

=>( > ) => esser than
=>( = ) => assignment operator


|( Conditional || comparision ) Operators |


=>( <= ) =>

=>( >= ) =>
=>( == ) => comparision operator => compare " value "
=>( === ) => identical operator => compare " value " + " data
type "


| Logical Operators |

=>( ! ) => not

=>( != ) => not equal
=>( !== ) => not identical => not equal in " value " + " data
type "
=>( === ) => identical operator
=>( && ) => and
=>( || ) => or


| If Cases |

=> if(condition) {


} else if(condition) {


} else if(condition) {


} else(condition) {



| Loop |


=> for(initialization; condition; final expression) {


var i;
=> for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {


=> while(condition) {
final expression


var i;
=> while(i < 10) {


=> do {
final expression
} while(condition);


var i;
=> do {
} while(i < 10);


// Loop Controler :
=> break; =>
=> continue; =>


| Function |

=> function -----(parameter1, parameter2, parameter3, ..... ) {

"use strict";

retern -----;


//( invoke || call ) function :

=> create a botton with html atribbute => onclick =
"function name()"
=> in javascript => function name();

// Sef Invoke Function :

=>(function -----(parameter1, parameter2,
parameter3, ..... ) {
retern -----;

// "what happen in function stay in function"

// Types of Function :
=> Built-in => " ready to use "
=> Custom Fanction => " which you defined it "


| Events |

Write Event By All Methods :


<div id="te">sabry ALzahar</div>

<button id="btn" onclick="change()">change color</button>


=> function change() {

"use strict";
document.getElementById('te').style.color = "red";

=> document.getElementById('btn');.onclick = function() {
"use strict"; = "red";

=> function change() {
"use strict";
document.getElementById('te').style.color = "red";
document.getElementById('btn');.onclick = change;


| Switch |

EX :

var season = prompt("what is the best season for you ?");


case "winter":
alert("winter is too cold");

case "summer":
alert("summer is too cold");

case "autumn":
case "spring":
alert("this season is amazing");

alert("you didn't enter a season name");


| Array |

Litral Way
=> var friends = ["sabry", "ahmed", "mostafa", "omar", "yasser"];

=> var friends = [


=> var friends = [];

friends [0] = "sabry",
friends [1] = "ahmed",
friends [2] = "mostafa",
friends [3] = "omar",
friends [4] = "yasser";

Constractor Way

=> var friends = new array("sabry", "ahmed", "mostafa", "omar", "yasser");

=> var friends = new array();

friends [0] = "sabry";
friends [1] = "ahmed";
friends [2] = "mostafa";
friends [3] = "omar";
friends [4] = "yasser";

=> var friends = new array(


// " array is zero based index "

// element 1 => index 0

element 3 => index 2
element 5 => index 4

// array check :
=>if(array.isArray(friend)) {
console.log("good this is array");
} else {
console.log("no this isn't array");
// length : var dem = "java script";

consoe.log(dem.length); =>11 digits = strings + spaces

// array get length :
console.log(friends.length); => number of array elements

// array set length :

length = 2; => 1 && 2 element only
console.log(friends) => ["sabry", "ahmed"]

// convert array to string :

console.log(friends.join(" - ")); ||
console.log(friends.join(" , "));
// add elements :
=> length => firends[length] = "sayed";
- in last => push(); => firends.push("ali", "khaled", "ramadan",.... );
- in first => unshift(); => firends.unshift("ali", "khaled",
"ramadan",.... );
- by index => splice(); => firends.splice(index, how many remove, add item 1,
add item 2, ...);

// remove elements :
=> length => firends[length] = "sayed";
- in last => pop(); => firends.pop("ali", "khaled", "ramadan",.... );
- in first => shift(); => firends.shift("ali", "khaled", "ramadan",.... );
- by index => splice(); => firends.splice(index, how many remove, add item 1,
add item 2, ...);

// array reverse => index [last] to index [0] => firends.reverse();


// array sort => A to Z => firends.sort(); console.log(friends);

// array sort => Z to A => firends.sort(); firends.reverse();

// array slice => => var x = firends.slice(start, end); console.log(x);

// array concatenation => firends + array 2 + array 3 => var all =

firends.concat(array 2, array 3);

// array search => top to bottom => firends.indexOf("yasser", start index);

// array search => bottom to top => firends.lastIndexOf("yasser", start index);

// print first element in array => console.log(firend.shift());

// print last element in array => console.log(firend.pop());


| Strings Methods |

var x = "i love javascript and json"

=> toString();
=> indexOf(value, start postion-d=0);
=> lastIndexOf(value, end postion-d=0);
=> search();

=> split(separetor, limt);

-> x.split(" ", 3); => ["i" , "love" , "javascript"]
-> x.split("a", ); => ["i love j" , "v" , "script" , "nd json"]
=> slice(start , end); => +,-
=> subStr(start , length);
=> subString(start , end);

=> charAt("index"); => x.charAt(5); => "e"

=> charCodeAt("index"); => x.charCodeAt(5); => e => 76
=> replace(value, new value); => x.replace(/javascript/gi, "php") => "i love php
and json"
=> String.fromCharCode(115, 97, 98, 114, 121); => sabry
=> .concat(,,,,...);

=> .repeat(repeat number);

=> .tolowerCase();
=> .toUpperCase();


| Object |
=> var myCar = {
color: red,
type: via,
price: 50.000,
module: 2017


| Math |

=> Math.ceil();
=> Math.floor();
=> Math.round();
=> Math.min();
=> Math.max();
=> Math.random(); => from 0 to 1
=> Math.pow(x,y); => x^y
=> Math.sqrt(); => root
=> Math.abs(); => abslute value


| Regular Expression | used with : [ search | replace | match | split | test ]


attributes list

=> [g] => global search

=> [i] => insensitive case
=> [m] => multi line search

// without double qoutes


| Date |

=> new Date("");

// Date Format :
=> full format => new Date("");
=> long format => new Date("");
=> short format => new Date("M/D/Y HH:MM:DD");
=> ISO format => new Date("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS TZD"); =>
# used #

| Incrment & discrment |

i++ => i = i + 1
i-- => i = i - 1
i += x => i = i + x
i -= x => i = i - x
i *= x => i = i * x
i /= x => i = i / x
i %= x => i = i % x


| Window Method |

=> window.#anything
=> /n
=> prompt("text", "example value");
=> alert();
=> confirm(); => boolean value(true , false )
=> setTimeOut(function, milesecond, param1, param2, ......);
=> clearTimeOut(myTime);
=> var myInterval = setInterval(function, milesecond, param1, param2, ......);
=> clearSetInterval(myInterval);
=>, target, spacification, history replace);
=> scrollBy(x, y); => =,-
=> scrollTo(x, y); => =,-
=> stop();
=> .close();
=> .foucus();


| Window Proprites |

=> .innerHeight();
=> .innerWidth();
=> .outterHeight();
=> .outterWidth();

=> .scrollx(); = .pageXOfset();

=> .scrolly(); = .pageYOfset();

=> .location.href = "http://www.";


| |


| |


| Find Elements by Id , Calss , Tag |


=> document.getElementById('...');
=> document.getElementsByTagName('...');
=> document.getElementsByClassName('...');
=> document.quarySelectorAll('...');
=> document.quarySelector('...');

| Find Elements by Object |

=> document.title
=> document.body
=> document.images
=> document.forms
=> document.links
=> document.anchors

# like array but have no methods expect .length


| GET & SET Element Content |


=> innerHTML => text + html

=> outterHTML => text + html
=> textContent => text only


| GET & SET Attribute Value |


=> Eement.attribute; || getAttribure(attribute

=> Eement.attribute = "...."; || setAttribure(attribute
name, value);
=> hasAttribure(attribute name);
=> removeAttribure(attribute name);

// class attribute => className


| Class List |

=> .classList();
=> .classList.lenght;
=> .classList.contains('class1', 'class2', .....);
=> .classList.items(class index);
=> .classList.add('class1', 'class2', .....); || .classList += "'class1',
'class2', .....";
=> .classList.remove('class1', 'class2', .....); || .classList -= "'class1',
'class2', .....";
=> .classList.toggle('class1', 'class2', .....);

| Child | child = "HTML tags only"

=> .children;
=> .children(child index);
=> .children.length; || .childElementCount;
=> .firstElementChild;
=> .lastElementChild;

=> .appendChild();
=> .createElement();
=> .createTextNode();
=> .createComment();

// create attribute

/*attributeName*/.value = " ";

EX :

var myMainDiv = document.getElementById('main'),

// create div element

myNewEement = document.createElement('div'),

// create p element

myNewP = document.createElement('p'),

// create text node

myText = document.createTextNode("hello from javascript");

// append text to the new element


// append the new element to my main div


// append my new p to my main div


=> .insertBefore(element, place);

=> .removeChild(child name);

=> .tagName;

=> .parantElement; = .parantNode;

=> .nextElementSibiling;
=> .previousElementSibiling;


| Node | Node = "HTML tags" + "artributes" + "comments" +

"space / text"

=> .childNodes;
=> .childNodes(child index);
=> .childNodes.length;
=> .firstChild;
=> .lasttChild;

=> .nodeName;
=> .nodeName;

=> .cloneNode(false || true);

=> .nextSibiling;

=> .previousSibiling;

// .cloneNode(); = .cloneNode(false);
// .cloneNode(); => clone tag and his attributes without his content (text)
// .cloneNode(false); => clone tag && his attributes without his content (text)
// .cloneNode(true); => clone tag && his attributes && his content (text)


| Callback Function |

=> setTimeOut(function, milliseconds, param1, param2, ...);

=> setInterval(function, milliseconds, param1, param2, ...);


| |

=> document.getElementById("test").innerHTML; => <div>

=> document.getElementById("test").value; => <input>
=> XOR

=> var doc = "hi /"sabry/""; => hi "sabry"

=> var doc = 'hi "sabry"'; => hi "sabry"

=> .focus;
=> .blur;

=> .style.properity = "value";

=> this.
=> document.inputEncoding;
=> document.lastModified;
=> document.URL;


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