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Jacaerys Valeryon

Steel d10 Guile d8 Lore d6


Lord Of House Valeryon


Dragon Rider

Ancient Heritage

Enhanced Stamina d8 Enhanced Reflexes d8

SFX: Elemental Protection Spend 1 PP to ignore Stress, Trauma, or Complications inflicted

by heat.

SFX: Second Wind. Before you make an action including a Ancient Heritage power, you may
move your physical stress die to the doom pool and step up the Ancient Heritage power by
+1 for this action.

Limit: An Insult is a Challenge: Gain 1 PP and take d6 Emotional Stress when men casually
offer insult to you or to an ally, especially when couched in flowery language.
Limit: Exhausted: Shutdown any Ancient Heritage power and gain 1 PP. Recover power by
activating an opportunity or during a Transition Scene.

Belongings: Sword d10 Armor-d6 Dagger d6

SFX: Dangerous. Add a d6 to your dice pool for an attack action, and step down the largest
die in the pool by -1. Step up Physical Stress inflicted by +1.
SFX: Unleashed. Step up or double any POWER SET power for one action. If the action fails,
add a die to doom pool equal to the normal rating of your power die.
SFX: Combo. Use both Sword and Dagger in an action or reaction.

Limit: Gear. Shutdown any BELONGINGS power and gain 1 PP. Take an action vs. the Doom
pool to recover gear.

Combat Master D10, Crime Expert D8, Sailing Master D10, Dragon Expert D8, Science
Expert D8, Alchemy Expert D8

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