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AF Zoom-Nikkor ED 80–200mm f/2.8D
Ck ҋᅶᢪ೗Ϸ En User’s Manual 105

ᰡᰁ᪞х Supplied Accessories 135

77mm ు୫ਭᮨ࠽֏ሣ 77 mm snap-on front lens cap
ᮨ࠽َሣ Rear lens cap ೽྄ֆ਌ 200 ၢᥭơmmƢ
ᮨ࠽ኳࡐ CL-43A Hard Lens Case CL-43A
ft 30 20 15 12 10 8 7 6
B m ∞ 10 7 5 4 3 2.5 2 1.8 M
Printed in Japan
8MNJC742-01▲ G12
‫ ތ‬A ഡलԍ‫ޑ‬᭗ࣽഽ

ଓᣖૣᤑϹ AF ‫ب‬ၢॆԎऴ ED 80-200mm f/2.8D ᮨ࠽ˊ‫ޗ‬ҋᅶലД‫֏ڳ‬ƥ᢭аᐷᯛᢱ ʻ ᮨ࠽᪇х ʻഡलԍ‫ޑ‬᭗ࣽഽơ‫ ތ‬AƢ ੯ᥭनၢ ੯ᥭनၢ‫ޗ‬୛ണၢᥭλ᪍‫ظ‬ᅶƴഡᨀनၢᥭጌϛ1.5m ƴഡ࠵
ᨅЌெ‫ڔ׬‬ၯሮസᢪ೗ϷƥмҤૣ‫ޗ‬ᄕ‫ڔޗ‬Ъَ᪍ᕜԊթջᅶૣሇᮨ࠽ˊ q ԍ‫ ޑ‬/ ᮨ࠽ࣴ᠆ඓᡫ o ༻ԍᓶ‫ى‬ᕠ !7 A-M าਭඓᡫ ‫ޗ‬ጫ৽ᖪ֬ୈઉᯀѓԌᖪ֬าਭλᨆ៞஢ే೎यԍ‫ޑ‬᭗ࣽϛ f/22ˊ ࠪցຈᄈϛ1Ƴ5.9
੄ᅶЃॆ਒ᖪ֬नၢၯሮസơF3AF ᰑ࠮Ƣ೎ƥᢜᮨ࠽ಀ௄ᖪ֬नၢˊ࣯ᨄ‫ظ‬ᅶЃୡ֬ w ഡलԍ‫ޑ‬᭗ࣽഽ !0 ԍ‫ޑ‬ᄔ !8 ੯ᥭᘲ‫އ‬ெዥơ฾ᗡƢ 1 यԍ‫ޑ‬ᄔ಺ᦾᖭഡलԍ‫ޑ‬ᡷࣽơf/22Ƣ
ˊ नၢᥭጌெዥ Э1.8m ᖭುፁᨇơȤƢ ơ‫ޗ‬੯ᥭनၢาਭλϛ1.5m ᖭ1.8mƢ
नၢˊࣴ᠆Ѓԧऑሇၯሮസκ೎ƥ࣯‫ظ‬य஢ేनᣳᥭጌҴૉటҖᑉၯሮസസᦳˊലᮨ e ԍ‫ޑ‬ֆ਌ !1 ιᕫ൳‫ࣽފ‬ᄔ !9 ೽྄ெዥ мᏘ‫ڔ‬ᘫॄϛ‫ת‬Ѭ
࠽৙ണऒ৙ˉ࠰ौ᯶‫أ‬मདྷौሇॆ਒ᰴୄᮑᖘơNICƢ ƥ‫ظ‬ഡल‫׎‬഻ԍ‫ڔ‬ᵃ੓Эᓨటᴱ 2 ബԍ‫ޑ‬ᄔ࿌֬᭗ࣽഽƥмҤ᭗ࣽഽκሇሄဿξ฾ဿनḌˊ
r ഡलԍ‫ޑ‬Ҵ‫ؿ‬ഽơEE ѧ !2 ιᕫ൳‫ࣽފ‬ᄔ᭗ࣽḎ‫ޑ‬ @0 नၢᥭጌெዥ ᘧᠳᡊᰑ᭗ࣽƥ᢭ைሮ‫أ‬ಲّ࿌֬᭗ࣽഽˊ नၢᰊցժ௮‫ݥ‬ Ȥ -Mơ1.5mƢƥȤ -3mƥ2.5m-Mơ1.5mƢ
नຈ਌ƥ‫ݿ‬๢೤Оӵˉ᧿֬᤼Ѐм‫ؠ‬ҋᅶιᕫ൳‫ࣽފ‬ᄔࣴ᠆Ѓιᕫ൳ᨆ៞࠱ᯋ஢ే೎ ദᓶ‫ى‬ഽƢ !3 ιᕫ൳‫ࣽފ‬ᄔࣴ᠆ඓᡫ @1 ᐗ࠮ᐰ៧ӧඓᡫơሄᗡƢ ԍ‫ޑ‬ֆ਌ ඓՋ‫ڔ‬ԍ‫ޑ‬ርᢱֆ਌κަϛ f/2.8 ᖭ f/22
ሇᄮ଄ᨢஶˊ ʻनၢ॓
t AF ᓶ‫ى‬ !4 ၢᥭඓᡫ / @2 नၢᥭጌ ഡलԍ‫ޑ‬᭗ࣽ շࡺటҖ
ҋᅶД‫֏ڳ‬᢭аᐷᯛᢱലҋᅶᢪ೗Ϸƥৰ᢭࡭‫ܐ‬ұᎫˊ Ǽनၢ॓ǽ៨ඨϔ୛ղၯሮസಀ௄ᅶЃνٌᮨ࠽ୈνٌ૮Ճλሇ࠰ጕनၢ॓ˊ៨ඨϔ୛
y ԍ‫ޑ‬љᨩഽ ιᕫ൳‫ࣽފ‬ᄔࣴ᠆ඓᡫ @3 नၢᰊցժ௮‫ݥ‬ ᐗ࠮ᐰ៧ӧඓᡫ ‫ ޗ‬80mm ၢᥭλటҖ 2 ϑሄဿ
ࣴԘᲉቹ u ԍ‫ޑ‬ርᢱֆ਌ !5 ၢᥭֆ਌ @4 A-M าਭᄔ ੄य B2/B3ˉE2/E3 ୈ K2/K3 नၢ॓ᅶЃᱡ๢៨ඨϔ୛ղၯሮസ೎ƥ᢭թռ‫؝‬ᓣ BˉE ԍ‫ޑ‬ Ԙᖪ֬
᢭‫ޗ‬ҋᅶ֏аᐷᯛᢱǼࣴԘᲉቹǽƥৰм๡ኵሇಲ໿ҋᅶˊലǼࣴԘᲉቹǽϔᡫ᧏Ͻ᫕ i CPU ఉဿ !6 ‫ب‬ၢᄔ @5 A-M าਭᄔ᫓ಇைᬋ ୈ K ղˊ ༻ԍ • CPU/AI ၯሮസƳԘਥԍ‫༻ޑ‬ԍ
ᠳሇԬऑƥ‫ظ‬ҋૣᕜ࠲ࣴԘˉ๡ኵ‫ޞ‬ҋᅶД‫ڳ‬ƥৰᲒ᯶नૣୈвОᨲୄОᦳћऌୈᤆ ʻ༉ଐЀᲇ नၢ॓ EC-B/ • ԢвၯሮസƳഡलԍ‫ޑ‬
Д௬࠼ˊ᢭‫ޗ‬ᯛᢱϥَ࡭‫ܐ‬ұᎫƥмҤലД‫ڳ‬ሇ୛ണҋᅶᓥ‫ظ‬мᰡ೎ඇᯛˊ • ᢭ұ௄ CPU ᮨ࠽ఉဿྊ༚ৰलੴνᠳ௬ޫ CPU ఉဿˊ ၯሮസ EC-E A/L B C D E G1 G2 G3 G4 H1 H2 H3 H4 J K P M R T U F ‫حײ‬ ॆ਒‫حײ‬
ണԟெዥ • νᠳयмλ᪞хርఉࣴ᠆ᖭലᮨ࠽ƳPK-1ୈ PK-11ᖪ֬ਠѦᄔˉBR-4ᖪ֬ᄔୈ K1ᄔ F6     ࿗ᮨᰁхॄध 77mmơP=0.75mmƢ
ലᗩϔඓ༉ሇெዥ‫ڔ‬٢Ϥ࡝λˊ ơPK-11A ‫ ڔ‬BR-6 ୈ BR-2A ‫ظ‬թռкഠ PK-11‫ ڔ‬BR-4 ҋᅶƢ
ˊᘧνᩓࣳ๢༉ଐЀᲇƥ‫ظ‬ F5+ DP-30     { 
(+0.5) ιᕫ൳਍ ‫ ᦾ಺ظ‬290ă ሇԬᒳιᕫ൳‫ࣽފ‬ᄔ
ᕜѕफᖮ௬ޫലᮨ࠽ሇ CPU ఉဿୈԢв᪇хˊԢвᮨ࠽᪞х‫ظ‬ᕜξၯሮസνԧऑ ƴ
A ᡚ‫ ٴ‬៨ዥᘧνᩓࣳᢜᲇெዥୈ౯Ѹν੄ƥմണ‫ظ‬ᕜᨲୄО‫ٽ‬๨Џୈᤄ᫕ћሇԬऑˊ ᢭֩੶‫ޗ‬ҋᅶ֏Ԍඇᯛၯሮസሇᢪ೗Ϸˊ F5+ DA-30  
 (+0.5)  { 
ॄध ᐛ 87mmơഡ࠵ርੜƢĆ187mmơЭၯሮസᮨ࠽‫᧵حײ‬ᒃਥ
A ༉ଐ ៨ዥᘧνᩓࣳᢜᲇெዥୈ౯Ѹν੄
ƥմണ‫ظ‬ᕜᨲୄО‫ٽ‬ћऌˉм‫ؠ‬ണ‫ظ‬ᕜ • ੄ലᮨ࠽ࣴ᠆‫ޗ‬ൺЌ߉‫ؿ‬ሇၯሮസκ೎ƥᘧ԰यᮨ࠽‫ࣽފ‬Ѓιᕫ൳ୈ‫ת‬ᕫ൳ƥयၯ F4+ DP-20   
(-1.0)   ᫕᫗ ᐛ1300g
ሮസّ‫ ᦾ಺ؼ‬90ăҋઉᯀ᫓ಇைᬋѬЃ‫ؼ‬λᡅ೎ƥૣሇୡெ‫ظ‬ᕜѕುଐϔᡌዉտι
ലᗩҋᅶмλ‫ތ‬ዥ‫ڔ‬፽‫ؿ‬न੶ᲉᩓࣳሇԬऑѸթᏚ‫ڔ‬ᢪ೗ˊ ᕫ൳Ѕ‫ˊع‬ᨭ᧼Цᨡ೎᫨಺ᦾιᕫ൳‫ࣽފ‬ᄔ‫ظ‬ᩕԏᢜ૮Ճ‫ؤ‬ᅴƴժ‫ऺׅ‬ᢌᲈ೎᫨಺ F4+ DA-20   {   ॆ਒Ԛ‫ـ‬ұᆎ‫ظ‬ᰡ೎ഛಅᢪ೗ϷԬ᧏ϥኳх୼ഴᠸඨሇ഼ջƥᓨುᲉЀԌᨭቹˊ
‫ތ‬ዥ‫ڔ‬፽‫ؿ‬ሇँҐ ᦾ‫ࣽފ‬ᄔˊ F3  {  { {{   U 
L፽‫ؿ‬៨ዥ‫ۥ‬᥎༉ଐơ‫ׇ‬ஷᡚ‫ٴ‬ƢሇԬऑˊ • ലᮨ࠽ು໿ξᅶЃॆ਒ F3AF ၯሮസሇ DX-1‫ئ‬೽‫ݥ‬δ᥎ҋᅶˊ Ƴ ఋᙘҋᅶˊ ၯሮസ‫ؠ‬ሮԟД‫ڳ‬ϔണຆണऌႪᤌୈԈᐆሇٍጣˉ٢᫗‫ؠ‬ᄔұҋᅶഭᰊᢪ೗
I ‫ތޗ‬ዥϔୈ‫ތ‬ዥᰁᨀඓണԣѱሇ༉ଐԬऑơস‫ތ‬ϥҐϛ੄ੴᡌᆀƢ
ˊ ʻनၢ {Ƴ ‫ئޗ‬೽‫ݥ‬ϔ‫ظ‬ᠶྏೳơၯႜνѕ‫ا‬տ੓‫ڻ‬Ƣ ˊ ᄔұ ണຆണऌႪᤌୈԈᐆ
F፽‫ؿ‬៨ዥጂ๠ơνԇᡲᨆ៞ሇƢሇ៞ϛˊ ലᮨ࠽ಀ௄ A-M าਭᨢஶˊᘧᠳᨢஶ A-M าਭƥ᢭ைѮ A-M าਭᄔ᫓ಇைᬋৰٌ UƳ թ॓೪ዥνѕటᴱनၢՋኵ਌ˊ ҋᅶ ᪇хٍጣ
E ‫ތޗ‬ዥϔୈ‫ތ‬ዥᰁᨀඓണԣѱሇጂ๠Ԭऑơস‫ތ‬ϥҐϛጂ๠ஜᡊƢ
ˊ ೎಺ᦾ A-M าਭᄔˊᨢஶ A ‫ظ‬ᨆ៞ᖪ֬नၢƥᨢஶ M մ‫ظ‬ᨆ៞ୡ֬नၢˊᨀేᮨႜ ( )Ƴ ஷ‫ؿ‬ϔሇಚ௳೤ெᅶЃϔ࠺᫕ဿ༻ԍሇകԍ៧ӧӖˊ੄ᢹಜ F6 ሇകԍ
ᬢ ໄ ᮘ ԛцᭃ ࠰࿁ᔌᘪ ࠰࿁Ёᘪ᫆
ഭᰊ (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr (VI)) (PBB) (PBDE)
D፽‫ؿ‬៨ዥਿց୭៞ơ੶᱇ᨆ៞Ƣሇ៞ϛˊ ᮨ࠽νಀ௄ᖪ֬नၢƴҋᅶᨀేᮨႜᮨ࠽೎᢭ᨢஶ Mˊ᢭༉ଐƥ‫ޗ‬ᮨ࠽ࣴ᠆Ѓॆ਒ ៧ӧ೎ƥ᢭‫ޗ‬ᖪࣽϤᡷࣽ b6ơ Ǽनၢ॓៧ӧǽ ƢϔᨢஶǼԢвनၢ॓ǽƴ᢭
K ‫ތޗ‬ዥϔୈ‫ތ‬ዥᰁᨀඓണԣѱሇਿց୭៞Ԭऑơস‫ތ‬ϥҐϛ‫ئ‬ՠᆀໆƢ
ˊ F-501೎ᨢஶ M य‫ظ‬ᕜਰ᥎ၯሮസಉᰧˊ ༉ଐƥҋᅶ B ୈ E м࠮ሇनၢ॓೎ƥ‫׾‬ҋകԍ៧ӧӖϛ 0ƥϴ੶Ᲊᨢஶ
1 ၯሮസ࠮ࠤ‫ڔ‬ᮨ᎑
Ć ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ
ലᮨ࠽ಀ௄ A-M าਭᨢஶˊᘧᠳᨢஶ A-M าਭƥ᢭ைѮ A-M าਭᄔ᫓ಇைᬋৰٌ ǼԢвनၢ॓ǽ ˊF5 ‫ ڔ‬F4 ሇᅶୗ‫ظ‬թռҋᅶᖪࣽϤᡷࣽ18 ‫ڔ‬नၢ॓കԍ
A ᡚ‫ٴ‬ ೎಺ᦾ A-M าਭᄔˊၯሮസ‫ޗ‬ᖪ֬नၢาਭ೎᢭ᨢஶ Aƴ ੄ၯሮസ‫ޗ‬ୡ֬नၢาਭ೎ƥ ៧ӧவሥᢹಜകԍ៧ӧ ƴണԟᢝᐷҴૉƥ᢭‫؝‬ᯛၯሮസሇᢪ೗Ϸˊ
ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ
ժ‫ׅ‬ᖪ៞ஜᡊˉһᄮୈಅ᠆ˊ ơࠅಥցƢ
ፄሄ‫ת‬ԈඨƳν᨝ᅶЃലᮨ࠽ˊ᢭༉ଐƥ‫ޗ‬ಇ࠵Ӄᄈϛ1Ƴ1ୈഛᴱ೎ƥM ߉नၢ॓Ь
E ጂ๠ஜᡊ
᢭ᨢஶ M ৰᨭ᧼಺ᦾनၢᄔርᖭ‫ئ‬೽‫॓ݥ‬২ϔሇ‫ތ‬ӵν԰า᏷ൌᨆ៞नၢơᅽЃᮨ
࠽ഏ᱘Ѓ൚ၔୈ൚Յሇᄔࠏϔ೎ሇണಊၢᥭ‫ظ‬ᕜണ୛νٌƥनၢᄔᡷᡝϛ‫ᦾظ‬ᖭጬ ‫ظ‬ᅶЃ೪੯஢ే‫ڔ‬੯ᥭ஢ేˊ 2 സ෗Ԉх Ć ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ
G ጂ๠ᡌዉ ੄Д‫ڳ‬ᅽЃᥥᚽᓨኞ௬ҋ੧Ԭ᪇࠮᱘೎ƥժ‫ׅ‬ᅶୡᡌዉ࠮᱘᪇թ ˊ ੯ᥑ᧼ M ‫ڔ‬ುፁᨇሇѬᒳƢ ˊ୛ಀ௄ሇनၢาਭ࡝λ៨୛ዥơണԟၯሮസनၢาਭሇ ʻ ᮨ࠽ұԦ 3 ԍࣣᮨ࠽ˉ෧ᮨˉ
ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ
ٞմयѕᨲୄᡌᆀˉୈᅽЃኞ௬᪇թᓨफᖮ‫ا‬ћˊ‫ئ‬ՠၯሮസᆀ Ҵૉƥ᢭‫؝‬ᯛၯሮസሇᢪ೗ϷƢ ˊ᢭༉ଐƥ‫ޗ‬ᮨ࠽ࣴ᠆Ѓॆ਒ F-501೎ᨢஶ M य‫ظ‬ᕜਰ ࿗ᮨᄚᅒ
C ፞‫ࡿ׾‬୩һᄮ ໆƥৰࡿ୩ᑀ᭖۵ୈॆ਒௼഼ሇᑢһദ֩ϔੴᨆ៞һᄮˊ ᥎ၯሮസಉᰧˊ
• ᅶ٬ພᄬ‫ؚ‬ᰑᮨ࠽៨ᱤሇဣष‫ڔ‬ཌॕˊᘧᠳ‫ؚ‬ᰑ໇ဿ‫ڔ‬ெᐬƥ‫ظ‬ҋᅶδޮ࿜ണळᡲ
4 ᆀ࣒៨ᱤ᠆᪞Ԉх
ϰ᪾ୈᮨ࠽ྊ༚֋ሇ৭Չᧁොৈୈᮨ࠽ྊ༚ᐫƥ м‫֬᧿ڄސ‬ಲਭЭ᫔ّ࠮ᨆ៞ྊ༚ˊ
K ‫ئ‬ՠᆀໆ ੄‫ؤ‬ᄕД‫بڳ‬ၔˉԱ၌ୈ‫ؤ‬ՠၢ‫ڇ‬ᎋਧয়೎ƥ᢭፞ֆ‫ئ‬ՠၯሮസᆀໆˊ ၯሮസ ॆ਒ AFơᖪ֬नၢƢၯሮസनၢาਭ Ԣвॆ਒ၯሮസ ༉ଐνᠳᆎλ໇ྍƥϴνᠳᅶୡெᡌዉᄚᅒˊ ơ‫ׇ‬ஷᆀ࣒ԈхƢ Ć ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ
C ፞‫ࡿ׾‬୩һᄮ ៿ၒћˊ‫ئ‬ՠᆀໆƥৰࡿ୩ᑀ᭖۵ୈॆ਒௼഼ሇᑢһദ֩ϔੴᨆ៞һᄮˊ ᮨ࠽ A-M ᄔ CˉS ୈ A M ơF3AF ᰑ࠮Ƣ • ᮨ࠽ᩑԍᒱୈ NC ࿗ᮨ‫ظ‬ᅶЃұ஍ᮨ࠽֏᪇Ԉхˊ 5 സ෗Ԉхƥ‫ׇ‬ஷៀ᫩ˉ
ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ ˁ
• νҋᅶᮨ࠽೎ƥ᢭ሣκᮨ࠽֏َሣˊ ‫ׇ‬ஷៀຄ‫ޑߖڔ‬ᎋ
ժ‫ׅ‬ཐԗາϔୈఉᡌտາƥୈ៿᰾າཱུྰˊ A ᖪ֬नၢ ν‫ظ‬ᅶ ν‫ظ‬ᅶ
J ጂ๠ఉᡌາ
ٞմयѕफᖮ᥎ဟୈᡌᆀˊ M ν‫ظ‬ᅶ ୡ֬नၢ ୡ֬नၢ • ұ௄ᮨ࠽৭ႉˊԬ᪇൛ᨲᅴ᭞यफᖮು໿௞‫ݽ‬ሇ௬ޫˊ ༉Ƴ
ժ‫ޗׅ‬ണ‫ظ‬ᕜ᥎ဟˉႍှሇ‫ޡ‬୛ҋᅶˊ • ᘧ‫᧔ޗ‬ᮿ೎ᯋԬνҋᅶᮨ࠽ƥ᢭यԢࣘಇ‫ޗ‬᯸Ս৭ႉሇ‫ޞ‬ಲм᯶๠‫ؤ‬ᱍ‫ڔ‬ᅴ᭞ˊժ ണຆണऌႪᤌୈԈᐆඓ᡿ᢪ೗
F ጂ๠ҋᅶ ‫ޗ‬ണφၖພˉ໑໱ˉ‫ظ‬ႄપ‫ܢ‬᱆֋ᎋ೙ႄપພѱˉᏝषሇ‫ޡ‬୛ҋ
಺ᦾ‫ب‬ၢᄔ‫ظ‬ᢹಜၢᥭৰᨆ៞൛‫ˊތ‬ᘧᠳᨆ៞Ᏺኵनၢƥ᢭Ԍ‫ޗ‬ᮨ࠽ሇ 200mm ‫ب‬
ν‫ࣘظ‬ಇ‫ޗ‬ርम᯷ԍλƥϴν‫ظ‬ξኀᕥ໱ୈัᕥϙδ᥎ࣘಇˊ ˁ ៨ዥᢜണຆണऌႪᤌୈԈᐆ‫ޗ‬ᢜ᪇х୛ണަᤌൃಥϔሇ٢᫗ަ‫ ޗ‬SJ/T11363-
2006 ඓՋᠸࣽሇᰊ᫗ᠳຸмλˊ
ᅶД‫ڳ‬ƥयѕफᖮႍှୈဟဨˊ • यᮨ࠽ಇᒳ‫᧼ޗ‬Ѓီၔሇ‫ޞ‬ಲयѕҋਿ‫ࠅ׎‬ಥ᪇х‫ا‬௬ୈ‫ˊੋب‬
ၢѬᒳᨆ៞नၢƥၦَ԰ᒓलᖭ୛᱇ၢᥭˊ Ć ៨ዥᢜണຆണऌႪᤌୈԈᐆᖭळ‫ޗ‬ᢜ᪇хሇൺδަᤌൃಥϔሇ٢᫗ᥑՠ SJ/
ժ‫ׅ‬ᅶᮨ࠽ୈၯሮസርఉᠷሷ࠷᯷ୈਿԍˊ • ᧿᧢Д‫ڳ‬೎ƥ᢭‫᠆ׇޗ‬ᎵԬ᠆ԗᥙ࠲࠰ሇᑾՁൃಥƥмՐळơᩕԏƢᅽЃՁաफᖮД
F ጂ๠ᠷሷ
ٞմयѕफᖮ࠼೗ୈᠺᠽ௬ћˊ ʻनၢᰊցժ௮‫ݥ‬ ‫ڳ‬௬ޫˊ
T11363-2006 ඓՋᠸࣽሇᰊ᫗ᠳຸˊѫ೤ƥмᄕണሇ୼ഴോхᠳҋၯሮസሮԟ
यनၢᰊցժ௮‫ݥ‬Э FULL ࿌ᖭ LIMIT ‫ظ‬ᚊ੧ഛઉሇनၢˊनၢᥭጌ᧔ᨀ೎ƥᨢஶ Д‫ࣶڳ‬Ԙν٢ണκᨕണຆണऌႪᤌ൚ϛ‫ޅ‬ᰯƥৰςκᨕД‫ڳ‬᪍‫ׇ‬٢‫ˏޗ‬ԟЃᆀ
A ༉ଐ LIMIT ‫ظ‬यनၢᰊց‫ޗ‬ᐛ 0.3m ᖭ M ሇᥭጌԬƥᓨनၢᥭጌ᧔ᨇ೎ƥᨢஶ LIMIT մ‫ ظ‬ʻԧऑሇ᪞х ພᆀ࣒ᡷࠩϔႯࣽണऌႪᤌҋᅶᰊցெл2002/95/ECːሇᣬԏᘲ‫އ‬ϥԬˊ
ժ‫ׅ‬ᅶྰୡᡌዉˊ यनၢᰊց‫ޗ‬ᐛ 3m ᖭȤϥᯋሇѬᒳˊ • 77mm ಺ԗਭ࿗ᮨ
I ੄ੴᡌᆀ
ٞմयണ‫ظ‬ᕜफᖮᡌᆀˊ • ‫حײ‬ਭᮨ࠽ᩑԍᒱ HB-7
ʻ ੯ᥭ஢ే ๢ඓ઀ሇಚࣗ೤߰Ѓϔ‫ץ‬ОຜԞ‫ދڔ‬ᆀ࣒ҴૉД‫໇ڳ‬ൽఊցᎫᄮ֦໿‫ؠ‬ሮԟඓՋƥ
F ጂ๠ಇᒳ
ലᮨ࠽δᗇ‫ظ‬नၢЃЭುፁᨇᖭ1.8m ሇᥭጌࠨƥѫ೤‫س‬᱇ᨭ᧼यनၢᄔᦾᖭᥑ᧼ ʻ୼ഴᠸඨ ៨ዥᢜД‫ڳ‬ሇᄔұҋᅶഭᰊሇ৯ಚˊ
1.8m ඓᡫሇѬᒳƥ‫ޗظ׾‬чѲၢᥭλ᪍ᕜनၢЃᨀᖭ1.5m ሇᥭጌࠨˊनၢᥭጌெዥ ၢᥭ 80mm-200mm ᢭ᩓࣳД‫ڳ‬ሇࣴԘ‫ؠ‬ҋᅶ༉ଐЀᲇƥৰ‫ޗ‬Д‫ڳ‬ҋᅶَට௳‫ޞه‬ሇ໿੢ˉᠸࣽм᨝੄
ፑ‫ح‬ϔयՠᄕδോ฾ᗡᐰോˊ‫ޗ‬ഡᨀनၢᥭጌ‫ ڔ‬200mm ၢᥭ೎ƥࠪցຈᄈϛ1Ƴ5.9ƥ ഡ࠵ԍ‫ޑ‬ ሇಲ໿‫ݽ‬ಃ԰ջᅶୈਉਨࠨᄮലД‫ˊڳ‬
A लੴҋᅶ ᯷ԍѕ‫ޗ‬ၯሮസԬ᪇ᔎၢƥৰണ‫ظ‬ᕜफᖮဟဨˊ
ᓨ‫ ޗ‬80mm ೎ࠪցຈᄈϛ1Ƴ14ˊ
࠷᯷ӝጌᠺᡅሇᥭጌ੯ल೎ƥϴണ‫ظ‬ᕜѕफᖮဟဨˊ ᮨ࠽ᑄ൛ 11ᐵ16 ႜ ᨆ‫ح‬۵Ƴॆ਒೟ӵо‫ݥ‬᭖۩ơϔ‫ދ‬ƢണᰊԚ‫ـ‬
νҋᅶ೎᢭ሣκᮨ࠽ሣƥୈұࣘ‫ޗ‬໢ണ᯷ԍၯमࠨˊ ʻᐗ࠮ᐰ៧ӧඓᡫ ᠺᡅ 30ă 10ಿ – 12ă 20ಿ
A ࡭‫ܐ‬ұࣘ
᯷ԍѕᔎၢƥৰണ‫ظ‬ᕜफᖮဟဨˊ नၢᥭጌ ៧ӧᡅ਌ ᖪᥭጌඓᡫᐰሇ៧ӧơ‫ޗ‬नၢᥭጌֆ਌κƢ ၢᥭֆ਌ мຐᏘϛ‫ת‬Ѭơ80ˉ105ˉ135 ‫ ڔ‬200Ƣ
ơκཏেᠲᜦϔ᥶ 268 ‫ؿ‬ൌጆࠠ৶‫ ޡ‬50 ซ 01-04 आƥ200001Ƣ
ॆ਒ऄୗಀ௄ϔੴദ֩ၔᐰ Ƴ4008-201-665
ᨆ៞ጥ֬೎ƥժ‫ׅ‬यၯሮസୈᮨ࠽ࣴ᠆‫ޗ‬ιᕫ൳κˊ 80 mm 428ǻ 3.39 mm
A लੴጥ֬
౎Ӆˉዉౠ೎यണ‫ظ‬ᕜफᖮ‫ا‬ћˊ 105 mm 221ǻ 1.78 mm
ᥭጌҴૉ ᧢ՠտၯሮസ ơ‫ڄ‬δᖭ‫ڄ‬ೃ9 : 00 – 18 : 00Ƣ
‫ب‬ၢ ҋᅶვ፞‫ب‬ၢᄔሇୡ֬‫ب‬ၢ
ժ‫ׅ‬ಇᒳЃभᯄሇᦹ᧗ϔˉርम᯷ԍλୈԢ࣯ਧয়ᴱྛϥࠨˊ 135 mm 115ǻ 0.95 mm ‫ޗ‬ೃല‫׼‬ւ
F ጂ๠ಇᒳ
ٞմयनԬ᪇᱃хᨲୄνᗟ੓‫ڻ‬ƥৰफᖮဟဨˊ 200 mm 031ǻ 0.39 mm
नၢ नၢᄔ
ՠႝೃഭƳ2013 ৯ 3ഢ1ೃ


Depth-of-field scale 200 Focal length (mm)
ft 30 20 15 12 10 8 7 6
B m ∞ 10 7 5 4 3 2.5 2 1.8 M
Subject-distance scale

Figure A Minimum aperture lock lever


Thank you for your purchase of an AF Zoom-Nikkor 80–200 mm f/2.8D. Before using this product, ■ Notices ■ The Minimum Aperture Lock Lever (Figure A) ■ Compatible Accessories
please carefully read both these instructions and the camera manual so you can get the most out • Keep the CPU lens contacts clean and be careful not damage the CPU contacts. Lock aperture at f/22 when shooting in programmed auto or shutter-priority auto mode. • 77 mm screw-on filters
of your lens now and for years to come. • Do not attach the following accessories directly to the lens: PK-1 or PK-11 auto extension rings, BR-4 auto 1 Rotate the aperture ring to the minimum aperture setting (f/22). • Bayonet Hood HB-7
This lens supports autofocus when used with Nikon autofocus cameras (F3AF excluded). It can rings, or K1 rings (the PK-11A and BR-6 or BR-2A can be used in place of the PK-11 and BR-4, respectively).
2 Slide the lock lever toward the aperture ring so that the white dot on the lock lever aligns ■ Specifications
also be used for manual focus. Mounted on a compatible camera, it supplies subject distance in- Failure to observe this precaution will result in damage to the CPU contacts or other parts of the lens.
with the orange dot. Focal length 80 mm – 200 mm
formation to the camera body. Featuring Nikon Integrated Coating (NIC), a wideband, multi-layer Other lens accessories may not be compatible with the camera; be sure to consult the camera manual
before use. To release the lock, slide the lever in the opposite direction. Maximum aperture f/2.8
anti-reflection coating that keeps flare and ghosting to a minimum for improved contrast, it is
ideal for portraits, sporting events, and, when mounted on a tripod using the tripod collar, night • When the lens is attached to certain models of camera and then mounted on a tripod or monopod, ■ Focusing Screens Lens construction 16 elements in 11 groups
photography. your fingers may inadvertently contact the tripod head the camera is rotated 90° to the right so that the The cameras in the “Focusing Screens” table support a variety of focusing screens for use with Angle of view 30° 10ಿ – 12° 20ಿ
shutter-release button is at the bottom right corner. The tripod collar prevents this by rotating only coun- different lenses or in different situations. The screens listed in the table are suited for use with this Focal length scale Graduated in millimeters (80, 105, 135, and 200)
■ For Your Safety terclockwise; do not attempt to rotate the collar clockwise. lens. Distance information Output to camera
A CAUTIONS • The lens can not be used with the DX-1 viewfinder for Nikon F3AF cameras. When using B2/B3, E2/E3, or K2/K3 screens with cameras not listed in this table, refer respectively Zoom Manual zoom using independent zoom ring
• Do not disassemble. Touching the internal parts of the camera or lens could result in injury. In the event of to columns B, E, or K.
malfunction, the product should be repaired only by a qualified technician. Should the product break ■ Focus Focusing Focus ring
open as the result of a fall or other accident, remove the camera battery and/or disconnect the AC adapter This lens supports A-M mode selection. To choose the A-M mode, rotate the A-M mode ring Screen EC-B/ Macro focus Macro focus is available at all focal lengths; minimum focus distance is
and then take the product to a Nikon-authorized service center for inspection. while pressing the A-M mode ring release button. Select A for autofocus and M for manual focus. Camera EC-E A/L B C D E G1 G2 G3 G4 H1 1.5 m; maximum reproduction ratio is 1 : 5.9
• Turn the camera off immediately in the event of malfunction. Should you notice smoke or an unusual smell com- Autofocus is not supported with close-up attachment lenses; select M when using a close-up at- F6    Focus distance indicator Graduated in meters and feet from 1.8 m to infinity (∞), 1.5 m to 1.8 m in
ing from the equipment, immediately unplug the AC adapter and remove the camera battery, taking care tachment lens. Note that selecting M when the lens is mounted on a Nikon N2020 (sold in the U. macro focus mode
to avoid burns. Continued operation could result in fire or injury. After removing or disconnecting the S. A. and Canada only) or F-501 may cause the camera to malfunction. F5+ DP-30     Focus limit switch ∞–M (1.5 m), ∞–3 m, 2.5 m–M (1.5 m)
power source, take the equipment to a Nikon-authorized service center for inspection. This lens supports A-M mode selection. To choose the A-M mode, rotate the A-M mode ring while Aperture scale f/2.8–f/22 on both standard and aperture-direct-readout scales
• Do not use in the presence of flammable gas. Operating electronic equipment in the presence of flammable gas pressing the A-M mode ring release button. Select A when the camera is in autofocus mode; when 
F5+ DA-30    { Minimum aperture lock Provided
could result in explosion or fire. the camera is in manual focus mode, select M and focus by rotating the focus ring until the image (+0.5) Infrared compensation indices Two white dots are provided at the 80 mm focal length
• Do not look at the sun through the lens or the camera viewfinder. Viewing the sun or other bright light source on the viewfinder screen is no longer blurred (because the effective focal length may vary when  Diaphragm Fully automatic
through the lens or viewfinder could cause permanent visual impairment. the lens is exposed to extremes of heat or cold, the focus ring is designed to turn slightly past both F4+ DP-20  
(-1.0) Metering • CPU/AI cameras: Full aperture
• Keep out of reach of children. Particular care should be taken to prevent infants from putting the batteries or M and infinity). Supported focus modes are shown in the following table (for information on cam-
{ • Other cameras: Minimum aperture
other small parts into their mouths. era focus modes, see the camera manual). Note that selecting M when the lens is mounted on a F4+ DA-20  
Nikon N2020 (sold in the U. S. A. and Canada only) or F-501 may cause the camera to malfunction. (-0.5) Mount Nikon bayonet mount
• Observe the following precautions when handling the lens and camera:
- Keep the lens and camera dry. Failure to observe this precaution could result in fire or electric shock. F3   {  { Filter-attachment size 77 mm (P = 0.75 mm)
Camera Nikon AF (autofocus) Tripod mount Built-in tripod collar rotatable through 290°
- Do not handle the lens or camera with wet hands. Failure to observe this precaution could result in
Camera Focus mode Dimensions Approx. 87 mm maximum diameter × 187 mm (distance from camera lens mount
electric shock. Screen
Other Nikon camera flange); overall length is approx. 195 mm
- Keep the sun well out of the frame when shooting backlit subjects. Sunlight focused into the camera Camera H2 H3 H4 J K P M R T U F
when the sun is in or close to the frame could cause a fire. Lens’A-M ring C,S or A M (except F3AF) Weight Approx. 1300 g (2.9 lb)
- If the lens will not be used for an extended period, attach the front and rear lens caps and store the lens A Autofocus Not usable Not usable F6 
Nikon reserves the right to change the specifications of the hardware described in this manual at any time and
out of direct sunlight. If left in direct sunlight, the lens could focus the sun’s rays onto flammable objects, M Not usable Manual focusing Manual focusing F5+ DP-30  without prior notice.
causing fire. 
■ Zoom F5+ DA-30
■ Parts of the Lens (+0.5)
Rotate the zoom ring to adjust the focal length and frame the photograph. For pin-point focus,
q Aperture/mounting index !4 Focal length mark/tripod collar mounting mark
focus with the lens at the 200 mm zoom position and then zoom out to the desired focal length.
F4+ DP-20   
w Minimum aperture lock lever !5 Focal length scale F4+ DA-20   
e Aperture scale !6 Zoom ring ■ The Focus Limit Switch
r Minimum aperture signal post (EE servo coupling post) !7 A-M mode index For faster focusing, slide the focus limit switch from FULL to LIMIT. At short focus distances, select- F3 { {    U 
t AF coupling !8 Macro range indicator (orange) ing LIMIT will restrict focus to distances in the vicinity of 0.3 m to M, while selecting LIMIT at longer : Recommended.
y Aperture indexing post !9 Depth-of-field indicators focus distances will restrict focus to positions between approximately 3 m and ∞. {: Vignetting visible in viewfinder (photographs are not affected).
u Aperture-direct-readout scale @0 Focus distance indicator
■ Macro Photography U: Split-screen display does not improve focus accuracy.
i CPU contacts @1 Infrared compensation index (white)
o Meter coupling ridge @2 Focus distance Normally, the lens focuses at distances of from infinity to 1.8 m, but it can be focused at distances ( ): Figures in parentheses give the exposure compensation for center-weighted metering. Select
!0 Aperture ring @3 Focus limit switch as short as 1.5 m at any focal length simply by rotating the focus ring past the 1.8 m mark. An “Other screen” for Custom Setting b6 (“Screen comp.”) when adjusting exposure compensation
!1 Tripod collar @4 A-M mode ring orange line will appear in the focus distance indicator window. At the minimum focus distance for the F6; note that with screens other than B or E, “Other screen” must be selected even when the
!2 Tripod collar lock screw @5 A-M mode ring release button and a focal length of 200 mm, the reproduction ratio is 1 : 5.9, while at 80 mm the reproduction value for exposure compensation is 0. Users of the F5 and F4 can adjust exposure compensation
!3 Tripod collar mounting mark ratio is 1 : 14. using Custom Setting 18 or the focusing screen exposure compensation dial, respectively; see the
camera manual for details.
■ The Infrared Compensation Mark Empty cell: Not suited to use with this lens. Note that type M screens can however be used for photomicrog-
Compensation from distance index line raphy and macro photography at magnifications of 1 : 1 or higher.
Focus distance Compensation angle (on focus distance scale)
■ Lens Care
80 mm 428’ 3.39 mm • Use a blower to remove dust and lint from the lens surfaces. To remove smudges and fingerprints, apply
105 mm 221’ 1.78 mm a small amount of ethanol or lens cleaner to a soft, clean cotton cloth or lens-cleaning tissue and clean
135 mm 115’ 0.95 mm from the center outwards using a circular motion, taking care not to leave smears or touch the glass with
your fingers.
200 mm 031’ 0.39 mm
• A lens hood or NC filter can be used to protect the front lens element.
• Attach the front and rear caps when the lens is not in use.
• Keep the lens dry. Rusting of the internal mechanism can cause irreparable damage.
• If the lens will not be used for an extended period, store it in a cool, dry location to prevent mold and rust.
Do not store in direct sunlight or with naphtha or camphor moth balls.
• Leaving the lens in extremely hot locations could damage or warp parts made from reinforced plastic.

© 1996 Nikon Corporation

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