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Bisection method

April 17, 2018

| Electronics; Gr:02

What does it mean the bisection method

The bisection method in mathematics is a root-finding method
that repeatedly bisects an interval and then selects a subinterval
in which a root must lie for further processing. It is a very
simple and robust method, but it is also relatively slow. Because
of this, it is often used to obtain a rough approximation to a
Steps of the report solution which is then used as a starting point for more rapidly
converging methods. The method is also called the interval
halving method, the binary search method, or the dichotomy
01. the definition method.]
The method

The method is applicable for numerically solving the equation

02. Theoretical work
f(x) = 0 for the real variable x, where f is a continuous function
defined on an interval [a, b] and where f(a) and f(b) have
opposite signs.
03. Practical work (matlab)
In this case a and b are said to bracket a root since, by the
intermediate value theorem, the continuous function f must
have at least one root in the interval (a, b).

“Make sure to prove that f(x) is

continue in [a,b]… if you want a
single solution.”

As you see in this picture

f(x) continue in [a,b]


so their is the equation

“Bisection method is the simplest among all the numerical schemes to solve the transcendental equations..”

1-Example theorie
Suppose that the bisection method is used to find root of the polynomial


first, two numbers a,b have to found such that f(a) and f(b) have
opposite signs, for the above function a=1,b=2 satisfy the criterion, as


because the function is continues, there must be a root within the interval [1,2]

in the first iteration, the end points of interval which brackets the root are

a1=1 and b1=2 so the midpoint is c1=(2+1)/2=1.5

The function value at the midpoint is f(c1)=(1.5)^3-(1.5)-2=1.25 Because f(c1) is

negative, a=1 is replaced with a=1.5 for the next iteration to ensure that f(a) and f(b)
have opposite signs. As this continues, the interval between a and b will become
increasingly smaller, converging on the root of the function. See this happen in the table

Iteration A B C F(c)

1 1 2 1.5 -0.125

2 1.5 2 1.75 1.609375

As you see
3 1.5 1.75 1.625 0.6660156

1. After 13 iteration, it 4 1.5 1.625 1.5625 0.2521973

become apparent that 5 1.5 1.5625 1.5312500 0.591125
there is a convergence to
about 1.512 a root the 6 1.5 1.5312500 1.5156250 -0.034538
polynomial. 7 1.5156250 1.5312500 1.5234375 0.0122504

8 1.515625 1.5234375 1.519513 -0.0109712

9 15.195313 1.5234375 15214844 0.0006222

10 15195313 1.5214844 1.5205078 -0.0051789

11 1.5205078 1.5214844 1.52099661 -0.0022794

12 1.5209961 1.5214844 1.5212402 -0.0008289

13 1.5212402 1.5214844 1.5213623 -0.00010334

14 1.5213623 1.5214844 1.5214233 0.0002594

15 1.5213623 1.5214233 1.5213928 0.0000780

1- Practical work (matlab)

We will use this function in matlab

Notice :
My coding :
We will put



eps =0.001
As you see
2. After 15 iteration, it Iteration A B C F(c)
become apparent that
0 1 10 5.5 5.006158
there is a convergence to
about 2.2189 a root the 1 1 5.5 3.25 2.352548
2 1 3.2500 2.1250 -0.2154
3 2.1250 3.2500 2.6875 1.136892
4 2.1250 2.6875 2.4063 0.45049
5 2.1250 2.4063 2.2656 0.10976
6 2.1250 2.2656 2.1953 -0.05543
7 2.1953 2.2656 2.2305 0.02672
8 2.1953 2.2305 2.2129 -0.01451
9 2.2129 2.2305 2.2217 0.00607
10 2.2129 2.2217 2.2173 -0.00423
11 2.2173 2.2217 2.2195 0.000919
12 2.2173 2.2195 2.2184 -0.00165
13 2.2184 2.2195 2.2189 -0.00048
14 2.2189 2.2195 2.2189 -0.00041


group: objective of using this method are :

Electronique 2 a) The bisection method is always convergent. Since the

method brackets the root, the method is guaranteed to
Mohamed ar
b) As iterations are conducted, the interval is halved.
E-mail: So one can guarantee the error in the solution of the

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