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Ulcer ( Maag )

Ulcer or stomach ulcers or peptic ulcers are symptoms of ailments that attack the stomach due to
injury or inflammation of the stomach that causes pain, heartburn, and stomach pain.

Ranitidine Dosage and How to Wear ;

1. Recommended doses of ranitidine for adults range from 150 mg daily or 150 mg twice daily or
300 mg once daily depending on the patient's condition. This medicine can be taken before or
after meals.
2. When used to treat indigestion, such as uluhati and nausea, the usual dose for adults and
children age 8 years or older is 75 mg to 150 mg taken when symptoms appear. If the
symptoms persist for more than 1 hour or reappear after 1 hour, then a second dose can be
given with the same strength.
3. To prevent symptoms of heartburn caused by eating certain foods or beverages, then use
ranitidine 30 to 60 minutes before eating food or drinking a suspected beverage will cause
symptoms (make ulcer relapse).


The word vertigo comes from the Latin vertere which means to rotate (2). Understanding vertigo is:
the sensation of movement or sense of motion of the body or surrounding environment, can be
accompanied by other symptoms, especially from the autonomic tissue due to disturbance of the body
equilibrium. Vertigo (often also called spinning dizziness, or dizziness of seven circumferences) is a
condition in which a person feels dizzy with a spin or the environment is spinning even though the
person's body is not moving.
Dose of Mertigo and How to Use :
1. Adult Dose: 3 x daily 1-2 tablets. Dose adjustment based on drug response, generally 24-48 mg
daily (divided into three doses) 9
2. Not recommended for children under 18 years old.

How to use:
It is recommended to be taken at mealtime or immediately after meals. Please swallow whole-intact,
do not break it. Try to drink at the same hour every day. Do not change dose without doctor's approval
Source: Mertigo: Usefulness, Dose, Side Effects - Mediskus


Diabetes is a disease in which the body can not produce insulin (blood sugar regulating hormone) or insulin
produced is not sufficient or insulin does not work properly. Therefore it will cause blood sugar to rise when
Dose of Glibenclamide :

The initial dose of glibenclamide is 2.5-5 mg per day. Dosage may be increased per week to a
maximum dose of 20 mg per day. Doses greater than 10 mg will be divided into two consumption
schedules in one day.

For elderly patients, the dose starts from 1.25 mg per day

Coronary Heart ( Jantung Koroner )

This disease occurs when the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle is inhibited by plaque in
the coronary arteries. In the artery walls can occur ateroskelosis conditions, namely the accumulation
of cholesterol and other substances that increase so narrow space arterial.

Dose Of Simvastatin :

Simvastatin is available in tablet form with dose size 5 mg, 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, and 80 mg.
Simvastatin is widely available in the form of generics and patents. Simvastatin drink enough once a
day and best if consumed at night.

To reduce fat, the dose of simvastatin given is 5-40 mg once per day. First the patient is given a dose
of 10-20 mg and seen the response. In patients with high risk of heart disease, simvastatin may be
given in higher doses, eg 40 mg. This is because fat targets in these patients are lower than normal

influenza is a respiratory tract infection caused by influenza virus that is contagious. Transmission of
the virus can occur through the air at the time people talk, cough and sneeze. Influenza is a common
disease among people.

Dosage As Well As Rules Of Use :

(1) For adults and children older than 12 years ie 1 tablet that is 10 ml, drink as much as 3-4
times a day.
(2) For children aged 6 to 12 years ie ½ tablet that is 5 ml, drunk as much as 3-4 times a day.
(3) For children aged 2 to 5 years that is 2.5 ml, drink as much as 3-4 times a day.

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