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The Relationship Between Characteristics of Passenger Electric Train with

Transportation Mode Choice in Jakarta
Comment [K1]: Word size: 14, bold
Adhi Muhtadi1, Indrasurya B. Mochtar2, and Hera Widyastuti2
1 (Each first letter should be capitalized)
Doctoral Student, Department of Civil Engineering and Environment, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology,
Surabaya, Indonesia Spacing: Exactly 12pt
Department of Civil Engineering and Environment, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya, Indonesia,

Comment [K2]: Word size: 10
Electric train (KRL) is the backbone of public transportation in Jakarta. The amount of passengers
served by KRL average reaches 768,736 passengers/day. The amount of trip in Jakarta has reached Spacing: Exactly 10pt
18.7 million movements/day. So there is a huge gap between the amount of movements with the Format: organization + city, country
amount of passengers served by KRL. This creates a crucial problem, why KRL is unable to
transport passengers in large numbers even though it has been integrated with BRT TransJakarta.
Therefore, the survey effort revealed preference to find the characteristics of KRL passengers who
were not connected strongly with the selection of public transport modes (KRL). Characteristics of Comment [K3]: Word size: 10
travelers to be investigated in this paper include gender, education, employment, income, bicycle Spacing: Exactly 10pt
ownership, motorcycle ownership car ownership, driving license ownership, travel requirements,
destination location, distance residents to station, travel distance, distance from the end station to the Format: organization + city,country
destination location, lots of carrying goods, and disruptions travel. This survey has been conducted
in several KRL Jakarta stations during September 2017. The analysis technique used by logistic
regression analysis which will get the probability model of using public transport, the value of
significance of each parameter and the value of Nagelkerke R Square that can explain the possibility
of someone choose the mode transportation. The number of respondents is 66 KRL users.
Questionnaires were distributed to several KRL stations in Jakarta. The result of significant
relationship analysis on the selection of modes of transportation is education, travel distance, and
motorcycle ownership. The model of the relation of travel distance to the selection of modes of
transportation yields probability up to 84.3%. While the model of the relationship of parameters of
education and ownership of motorcycles to the selection of modes of transportation yields
probability only 21.4%. The results obtained from the survey revealed preference shows that of the
20 parameters reviewed only 3 that have a strong relationship with the selection of modes of
transportation. Therefore, other parameters have the opportunity to be developed so that people are
more interested in using public transport compared to private vehicles in the future.
Key Words
Karakteristik penumpang; kereta rel listrik; pemilihan moda transportasi; revealed preference; regresi logistik
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