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Volume 11, Number 6, 2008

© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089/jpm.2007.0268

Assessment of Implementation of an Order Protocol

for End-of-Life Symptom Management


TOD BARRY, M.B,A., C.P.H.Q.,3 RITA JUE QUAN, Pharm.D., B.C.P.S.,4
and NEIL S. WENGER, M.D., M.P.H.1,2


Objectives: Designing comfort care plans to treat symptoms at the end-of-life in the hospital is chal-
lenging. We evaluated the implementation of an inpatient end-of-life symptom management order
(ESMO) protocol that guides the use of opiate medications and other modalities to provide pallia-
Methods: Physicians and nurses caring for patients using the ESMO protocol were surveyed about
care provided and their experiences.
Results: Over 342 days, 127 patients (2.6 per week) were treated using the ESMO protocol and
we surveyed a nurse and/or physician for 105 (83%) patients. Most patients were comatose, ob-
tunded/stuperous, or disoriented when the ESMO protocol was initiated and most had a life ex-
pectancy of less than 1 day. One fourth of physicians felt that the protocol was instituted too late,
principally citing family unwillingness to reorient toward comfort care. Providers reported that opi-
ates were titrated appropriately, although a minority revealed discomfort with end-of-life opiate
use. Nearly all clinicians found the ESMO protocol to be valuable.
Conclusions: A standardized protocol is a useful, but not fully sufficient, step toward improving
care for dying hospitalized patients.

INTRODUCTION ties despite minimal chance of recovery.5–7 Unfortu-

nately, this leads to inadequate symptom management


ilies, and health care providers usually reorient
the focus of care toward comfort in a complex set of
at the end of life. One evaluation of patients dying in
the hospital surveyed family members about the last
few days of life: family reported that 63% of patients
interactions. This process is often difficult for the pa- had difficulty with physical or emotional issues in the
tient and family, and can be challenging for members 3 days prior to death and that 4 in 10 had severe pain
of the health care team.1–3 In the acute care setting, during that time period.6 In another study, semistruc-
such decisions often remain unaddressed until the pa- tured interviews of nurse specialists showed that “end-
tient is too sick to participate.4 Given that the default of-life interventions in the acute setting were driven
in the hospital is fully aggressive treatment including by a preoccupation with treatment, routine practice and
mechanical life-sustaining treatment and resuscitation negative perceptions of palliative care.”8
and inadequate time is devoted to developing care Even when clinicians and patients and their fami-
plans, patients often receive aggressive care modali- lies recognize that a patient is nearing death and the

1Department of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research, 2UCLA Healthcare Ethics Center 3Quality Man-
agement Department, 4Pharmaceutical Services, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California.


goals of care should be reoriented toward the end of use for adult patients. The order protocol could be
life, the shift in care may not proceed.9,10 A medical printed and placed on the written medical record. We
record review of patients who died in the Study to Un- assessed implementation of the ESMO protocol by sur-
derstand Prognosis and Preferences for Outcomes and veying clinicians regarding their use of the order set
Risks of Treatment (SUPPORT) found that approxi- to ascertain whether the protocol was beneficial and
mately half had dyspnea and half had pain in the last to identify the limitations and barriers to its use in or-
2 days, but patients with care aimed at comfort mea- der to inform interventions for improvement.
sures did not have statistically significantly better
symptom management.9 Furthermore, a retrospective
study by Parish et al.11 found through case note au- METHODS
diting and key staff interviews that there was a lack of
appropriate assessment and documentation of physical We assessed the use of the ESMO protocol by eval-
and psychosocial care in the inpatient setting toward uating the frequency of use and by conducting inter-
the end of life. Physicians who deal with end-of-life views with physicians and nurses providing care for pa-
issues infrequently may be less comfortable guiding tients after implementation of the ESMO protocol. The
care with an emphasis on comfort, especially if the in- ESMO protocol contains hospital orders to guide care
stitution does not have clear guidelines to direct such aimed at comfort and instructions on how to implement
care.12–14 This is complicated by diverse views con- such care (see order form in Appendix A). The order
cerning end of life opiate use.15–18 Previous data from protocol aims to overcome many of the barriers to im-
our institution showed deficits in knowledge and vary- plementation of comfort care including lack of knowl-
ing attitudes regarding use of opiates at the end of edge, inexperience, and discomfort with end-of-life opi-
life.19 Despite these obstacles, health care providers ate administration.6,7,9–13,24,25 The ESMO protocol
have a responsibility to provide dignified comfort to delineates the patient criteria for use of the protocol,
patients nearing the end of life.20 Bailey et al.21 have which include: (1) a plan not to resuscitate the patient,
shown in the VA setting that palliative interventions (2) the patient has a terminal illness, (3) the patient is
on the clinician level including education and the use experiencing symptoms such as uncontrolled pain or
of a computerized order set can be successful in im- dyspnea for which opiate medications are an accepted
proving symptoms toward the end of life in the con- treatment, and (4) the goals of treatment have been dis-
text of an electronic health record. The intervention cussed with patient and/or surrogate. A section of the
presented here aimed to educate clinicians and change order protocol guides ordering an opiate continuous in-
physician and nurse behavior by implementing ele- fusion aimed at symptom control, including suggested
ments of palliative care principles and practical pal- dosing parameters and guidelines for documenting titra-
liative care plans via an institutional standard order set tion for unrelieved symptoms. Checkboxes prompt re-
for end-of-life symptom management in a hospital consideration of the goals of ongoing treatments. For
without computerized orders. Standardized order sets example, the clinician might consider discontinuation
have been shown to facilitate care for other clinical of telemetry, vital signs, suctioning, and laboratory test-
problems such as acute coronary syndrome.22,23 The ing. Other palliative modalities can be selected includ-
end-of-life symptom management order (ESMO) pro- ing turning, oral care, specialty mattress, and medica-
tocol aimed to frame symptom management at end of tions for constipation, nausea/vomiting, anxiety,
life as a routine set of structured steps and to ease dis- delirium, dry eyes, and terminal congestion. Last, re-
comfort with providing palliation at the end of life by ferrals to social work, pain management, spiritual care,
standardizing care. child life, and palliative care are options on the proto-
The ESMO protocol was designed and implemented col that might be considered.
in a quaternary care medical center by the ethics com-
mittee in response to concerns that end-of-life symp-
Patients and clinician survey sample
toms were not being appropriately addressed due to
knowledge deficits and concerns among clinicians re- When an ESMO protocol was written for a patient,
garding opiate use. The protocol was developed by a these were faxed to the hospital pharmacy. During the
group of clinical experts and the educational inter- study period between April 2005 and April 2006, the
vention consisted of general palliative care principles, pharmacist paged one of the investigators, who then
models of palliative care, pharmacologic treatments, identified a physician and nurse caring for the patient.
and ancillary interventions. The protocol was placed These clinicians were asked to complete a brief self-
on the hospital information system for institution-wide administered instrument asking about implementation

of the ESMO protocol. Most questions addressed the 0.01. We also evaluated the number of patients who
use of the ESMO protocol as a whole, with specific had ESMO protocols among all adult deaths in the hos-
questions asking about opiate use. If preferred by the pital during the study period. Open-ended responses
clinician, this information was collected by interview. were evaluated using a content analysis approach in
order to provide greater depth to the survey responses.
Survey instrument This project was performed as a quality improvement
project. After completion, the dataset was deidentified
The survey asked the following issues concerning
and an exemption received for analysis from the
use of the ESMO protocol:
UCLA Institutional Review Board.
• Who participated in the decision to institute the
ESMO protocol?
• What symptoms were being treated? RESULTS
• What was the patient’s mental status upon initiation
of the ESMO protocol? During the 342-day study period, approximately 2.6
• What was the expected survival of the patient at the adult patients per week had care guided by the ESMO
time of ESMO protocol application? protocol, for a total of 127 patients, of whom clini-
• Who mainly determined opiate dosing while on the cians were surveyed for 105 (83%). We received sur-
ESMO protocol? veys from 89 physicians and 91 nurses (70% overall
• Whether the respondent at any time felt uncomfort- response rate). Of 127 patients treated with the ESMO
able that the opiate dose the patient was receiving protocol, 120 died in the hospital and 7 were dis-
was too low or too high? charged from the hospital to hospice care. ESMO pro-
• Whether the respondent was concerned about ade- tocol-treated patients accounted for 18% of adult in-
quately controlling the patient’s pain, about hasten- patient deaths at the medical center during this time
ing the patient’s death, or whether the respondent period.
was concerned the protocol was used to comfort the
family rather than the patient? Implementation of the ESMO protocol
• Amount of time spent discussing end-of-life issues
and care with the patient and/or family? At the time the ESMO protocol was written, the ma-
• Whether timing of the ESMO protocol was appro- jority of patients were described by clinicians as co-
priate? matose, obtunded/stuperous, or disoriented. Life ex-
• How valuable was the ESMO protocol was on a pectancy at the time was estimated to be less than 1
four-point Likert scale (4  high)? day for the majority of patients and clinicians predicted
that more than 1 in 10 patients would survive only
The survey also allowed for open-ended responses minutes after protocol initiation. The most common
about care under the ESMO protocol including expla- symptoms treated with the end-of-life symptom man-
nations if clinicians felt the protocol was instituted too agement order form were pain and dyspnea. Suffering
late or too early. During development of the survey in- (defined in the questionnaire as spiritual distress,
strument, questions were piloted on resident physi- anger, unresolved issues, etc.) was a reason for ESMO
cians to ensure that questions elicited precise answers protocol use for nearly half of the patients. There was
and that the survey could be completed in 10 minutes. general agreement in the estimates of physicians and
nurses concerning mental status, expected survival and
symptoms treated. However, nurses were more likely
Statistical methods
to respond “don’t know” in regards to survival esti-
We report frequencies and means of responses. mates (Table 1).
Physician and nurse responses were compared using Clinicians reported that end-of-life discussions in-
2 tests. In order to evaluate whether differences be- volved many providers and patient representatives, in-
tween physician and nurse response were related to a cluding attending physicians, residents, medical stu-
different set of covered patients, we compared re- dents, nursing staff, family members, social workers,
sponses for the 74 patients who had matched physi- pastoral care, and the patients themselves. Surveyed
cian and nurse responses. The differences noted were physicians felt that physicians played a larger role in
not significantly different than that found in the full these discussions than did nurses with less involve-
respondent set, so we report the latter. Due to multi- ment of others. Nurses identified nurses, social work-
ple tests, the level of statistical significance was set at ers, and pastoral staff as participating more often.



Physician Nurse

Mental status at initiation of ESMO protocol

Coma 27% 35%
Obtunded/stuperous 39% 25%
Alert, but not oriented 24% 18%
Alert and oriented 6% 10%
Don’t know 4% 12%
Expected survival at initiation of ESMO protocol
Minutes 12% 12%
Hours 33% 27%
Less than 1 day 12% 14%
Days 40% 24%
Weeks or longer 1% 2%
Don’t know 1%a 20%a
Symptoms treated with ESMO protocol
Pain 74% 73%
Dyspnea 54% 42%
Sufferingb 51% 40%
Anxiety 27% 33%
Nausea/vomiting 8% 10%
ap 0.01 for difference between physician and nurse responses.
bSufferingwas defined as spiritual distress, anger, unresolved issues, etc.
ESMO, end-of-life symptom management order.

According to physicians, the time spent on these dis- Attending physicians were involved only about one
cussions varied from less than 10 minutes (1%) to fourth of the time and residents about half of the
greater than 3 hours (29%; Table 2). time. Family members were recognized to contrib-
Physician and nurse responses were in agreement ute to dosing titration decisions about half of the time
that the nursing staff mainly adjusted opiate doses. (Table 3).



Physician Nurse

Who participated in end of life discussions?

Attending physician 83%a 66%a
Family member 82% 75%
Resident/medical student 75%a 52%a
Nurse 29%a 63%a
Patient 16% 10%
Social worker 8%a 22%a
Pastoral care 4%a 17%a
Other 20% 23%
Time spent on discussion of end-of-life issues
10 minutes 1% 2%
10 minutes–1 hour 15% 17%
1–3 hours 45%a 17%a
3 hours 29% 21%
Don’t know 10%a 43%a
ap 0.01 for difference between physician and nurse responses.
ESMO, end of life symptom management order.



Physician Nurse

Attending physician 25% 25%

Resident/medical student 51% 47%
Nurse 76% 89%
Patient 4% 6%
Family member 45% 53%
Social worker/Pastoral care/Other 2% 10%

ESMO, end of life symptom management order.

Problems with implementation terms.” Physicians described many aspects of family

of the ESMO protocol unwillingness to reorient care toward comfort:
Nearly all clinicians (87%) reported that they found • “Family not ready for end of life protocol despite
the ESMO protocol to be valuable. However, clini- patient’s severely poor prognosis.”
cians reported a variety of problems with opiate ad- • “Pain started to get out of control; family under-
ministration at the end of life. A number of clinicians standably did not want to start protocol until ab-
were concerned about underdosing of opiates. Five solutely necessary.”
percent of doctors and 15% of nurse were concerned • “Family was hesitant and felt guilty.”
that the opiate dose used was too low to provide ade- • “Family kept holding onto hope.”
quate comfort. One nurse noted that the patient for
whom the ESMO protocol was initiated was “still Some lateness in arriving at a comfort-oriented de-
yelling out for help with his pain.” Clinicians reported cision was due to physician behavior. One physician
a variety of reasons why symptom control was inade- noted, “no one addressed goals or questions on a con-
quate at the end of life. Uncertainty concerning sistent, realistic basis with family over three weeks.”
whether the patient had symptoms was reported by Practical issues also contributed as noted by another
some clinicians. One nurse stated, “It is sometimes physician: “patient did not have adequate IV access so
hard to know when to increase drug based on protocol wasn’t initiated immediately.”
pain/symptom control or family anxiety about pa- A small percentage of clinician respondents felt at
tients’ pain/symptom control.” Discomfort with opiate one point or another that the infused opiate dose was
dosing at the end of life also played a prominent role. too high. Nearly one in five respondents were con-
One nurse said: “Even though I believe that end-of- cerned about hastening death and several worried that
life symptoms have to be managed with opiates, I feel the end of life symptom management protocol may be
uncomfortable being the one to administer them.” On used to comfort the family and not the patient. Some
the contrary, most clinicians did not indicate discom- clinicians were uncomfortable with the opiate doses
fort with providing comfort care. used to control symptoms (Table 4). One nurse indi-
A more common problem with the ESMO protocol cated, “I’m always very uncomfortable with the end-
reported by clinicians was that it was initiated too late. of-life medications, so to me, I always wonder if doses
One quarter of physicians (and 9% of nurses) felt that I give precipitated death.” Another nurse noted, “It was
the ESMO protocol was tardy in its implementation. my first time dealing with a patient who was ‘end of
One nurse noted “by the time pharmacy was going to life palliative care’ and it was somewhat difficult for
prepare the medication, [the] patient [had] already ex- me to accept that.”
pired.” Another nurse remarked, “Patient passed be-
fore morphine was started and she had been dyspneic
all morning,” and a physician wrote “patient required COMMENT
heroic measures to stay alive while family decided.”
Most often, physicians attributed late implementation This implementation assessment of an ESMO pro-
to family unwillingness to “give up” or “come to tocol at one medical center shows that it is judged



Physician Nurse

Opiate dose too low 5% 15%

Opiate dose too high 6% 7%
Concerned about inadequate symptom control 18% 23%
Concerned about hastening death 14% 22%
ESMO protocol instituted too late 27%a 9%a
ESMO protocol instituted too early 1% 3%
ESMO protocol used to comfort family, 6% 9%
not patient
ap  0.01 for difference between physician and nurse responses.

ESMO, end-of-life symptom management order.

favorably by clinicians and used in about 1 out of 5 was introduced with an educational component, this
adult inpatient deaths. These findings suggest that an evaluation underscores the importance of continuous
order protocol for end-of-life symptom management and repeated education for challenging areas of care,
that includes a protocol for unrestricted opiate use especially in a busy academic center where turnover
guided by hospital policy19 is feasible. It is not sur- of personnel can be frequent. Also, nurses make most
prising that the protocol is applied to incapacitated titration decisions, with contributions from families
patients with short life-expectancies as it is targeted and residents, suggesting that interventions to im-
to patients at end of life. However, based on clini- prove the quality of end of life symptom manage-
cian reports, the ESMO protocol often was used too ment must involve these groups. Guidance is needed
late. Physicians felt that late use was related to fam- concerning how to respond to disagreements be-
ily preparedness to transition toward comfort-ori- tween clinicians and family about appropriate dos-
ented care. Yet, a variety of other factors also im- ing and the appropriate response to suffering that is
peded timely implementation. Several of those not explicitly symptom-based. The perceived preva-
identified by clinicians should be amenable to inter- lence of psychological/spiritual suffering among pa-
vention. These include earlier, more realistic prog- tients placed on the ESMO protocol also highlights
nostic discussions and advance care planning and ef- the importance of psycho-social and spiritual care of
forts to increase clinician experience and comfort in patients along a continuum of their disease to mini-
treating patients symptomatic toward the end of life. mize such distress at end of life.
Increasing physician recognition of the value of mul- This study is limited by the fact that it only repre-
tidisciplinary teamwork with dying patients may also sents the experience at one medical center and data are
improve care. Nurses were more likely than physi- subjective clinician reports. Frequency of ESMO pro-
cians to acknowledge involvement of nurses, social tocol use could have been under-reported if some
workers, and pastoral care in end of life discussions. ESMO protocols were missed by the pharmacy or if
This suggests that physicians were less aware of the the order protocol was implemented without pharma-
critical role that these members of the team play in cologic component.
end-of-life care. In addition, given that “suffering” A standardized ESMO protocol is a useful, but not
was a common symptom treated with the ESMO pro- fully sufficient, step toward improving care for dying
tocol and that discussion regarding the protocol were hospitalized patients. End-of-life care must be inte-
rarely recognized to include social workers or pas- grated into an overall advance care plan so that it is
toral staff, increased involvement of social work and not considered an isolated decision delayed to the last
pastoral care may be particularly valuable for pa- moments of survival. Training is needed to facilitate
tients and families. physician and nurse comfort with the use of unre-
Even with the standardized ESMO protocol, a sub- stricted opiate administration at the end of life. Most
stantial minority of clinicians reported feeling un- importantly, this was only an implementation feasi-
comfortable with the administration of opiates to- bility assessment; evaluation of whether the ESMO
ward the end of life, suggesting that additional protocol improved end-of-life care outcomes is
education is needed. Although the ESMO protocol needed.

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Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Confer- American Thoracic Society; European Respiratory Society;
ence, 2006. European Society of Intensive Care Medicine; Society of
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