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ELD Quarter 1 Benchmark

Directions: ​Choose the letter of the word that matches the picture and completes the sentence.

1. She was so _____ to pass the test. ​WIDA.6-8.L1.2

A. Happy
B. Angry
C. Curious
D. Confused

2. The crackers are the shape of a _____. ​WIDA.6-8.L1.2

A. Rectangle
B. Triangle
C. Square
D. Circle

3. Carrots are _____. ​WIDA.6-8.L1.2

A. Red and rectangular

B. Orange and long
C. Yellow and round
D. Pink and tiny.

4. It is windy, wear a _____. ​WIDA.6-8.L1.2

A. Skirt
B. Coat
C. Helmet
D. Bathing suit

5. It is warm. You can wear_____. ​WIDA.6-8.L1.2

A. Gloves
B. A jacket
C. Sandals
D. A parka
Directions:​ Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.


My friend’s name is Ben. Ben is a great friend.

He is fourteen years old. Ben plays soccer.

We have so much fun together!

6. What is my friend’s name? ​WIDA.6-8.L1.8

A. David
B. Ben
C. Jose

7. What is his age? ​WIDA.6-8.L1.8

A. 15
B. 14
C. 13

8. What does he play? ​WIDA.6-8.L1.8

A. Basketball
B. Softball
C. Soccer

Directions: ​Here are some sections from a science textbook. Answer the questions about them.

Chapter 1 The Earth ……………….pg 12

Chapter 2 The moon and sun …… 25

Chapter 3 The planets …………… 43

Chapter 4 Our Solar System …… 60 The picture shows the rotation of the earth
on its poles.

Solar: ​having to do with the sun. Mars, 45-46

Lunar: ​having to do with the moon. Solar System, 60-65

Orbit: ​the path a planet takes around the sun Stars, 25, 60, 62
or the path a moon takes around a planet.
Sun, 25-28
9. Which picture shows a glossary? ​WIDA.6-8.L2.14
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. D

10. According to the chapter titles, what do you think Chapter 4 is about? ​WIDA.6-8.L2.14
A. The people on the earth.
B. The stars, planets and moons that are where we live.
C. The make-up of the moon.
D. temperature of the sun.

11. Picture D is a _________ ​WIDA.6-8.L2.14

A. Caption
B. Glossary
C. Index
D. Table of Contents

12. Picture B probably belongs in which chapter? ​WIDA.6-8.L2.14

A. Chapter 1
B. Chapter 2
C. Chapter 3
D. Chapter 4
Directions: ​Read the following article and answer the questions.​WIDA.6-8.L2.12

The Water Cycle:

The water cycle describes how water moves through our atmosphere. First, the water
evaporates from the surface of the earth and rises into the atmosphere. There is also transpiration
from plants. Then the water cools, resulting in condensation into clouds. After the water is
stored in a cloud it falls again to the surface as precipitation. Finally, The water falling on land
collects in rivers and lakes, soil, and ​porous​ layers of rock, and during surface runoff, much of it
flows back into the oceans, where it will once more evaporate. The cycling of water in and out of
the atmosphere is a significant aspect of the ​weather​ patterns on Earth.

13. What happens before precipitation? ​WIDA.6-8.L2.12

A. Evaporation
B. Condensation
C. Surface Runoff
D. Transpiration
14. What happens after water collects through surface runoff? ​WIDA.6-8.L2.12
A. Condensation
B. Precipitation
C. Evaporation
D. The water cycle begins again.

15. Transpiration occurs between which two stages? ​WIDA.6-8.L2.12

A. Condensation and Precipitation
B. Surface runoff and condensation
C. Precipitation and surface runoff
D. Evaporation and condensation

16. Which is the correct order of events in the water cycle? ​WIDA.6-8.L2.12
A. Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Surface Runoff
B. Surface runoff, condensation, precipitation, evaporation
C. Evaporation, precipitation, condensation, surface runoff
D. Evaporation, transpiration, condensation, surface runoff
Directions: ​Read the following articles and answer the questions.

Water’s Worth
“When the well is dry, we know the worth of water.”
—Benjamin Franklin, 1746

What did Ben Franklin mean? When something is gone, we understand how much we
need it. This is especially true for water. Every living thing on Earth needs water. Without water,
there is no life.
It may seem that we will never run out of water. However, let’s look at the facts.
Ninety-seven percent of Earth’s water is in our oceans. It is too salty for drinking. Another two
percent is trapped in ice, glaciers, or snow. This leaves only one percent. This is used by plants,
animals, and humans.
Earth’s usable water supply is ​precious​. Many ​communities​ around the world don’t have
enough. They need clean water for drinking, cooking, and washing. Their rivers and lakes are
polluted. Many water supplies are decreasing. This problem could grow if we keep polluting or
overusing our water supplies. Experts worry that the small percentage of usable water will not
last. Governments and individuals are trying to solve this problem. We can help, too.
Losing our water can be frightening to think about. But it is not too late to change it.
Today there are a lot of products to help us save water. We can find low-flow shower heads. We
can buy rainwater collecting systems which save water that falls onto the pavement. Usually,
water runs off hard pavement and into drains. From there it flows, untreated, into bodies of
water. But there is a way to fix this. Instead of using hard cement for sidewalks, builders can use
special kinds of sand, dirt, or other materials. When water hits these materials, it flows through
and into the ground. There it is cleaned as part of the natural water cycle. Products like these can
be used widely.
We can also do simple things to help make sure our clean water supply lasts. Here are
just a few.
● Take five-minutes showers.
● Turn off the water when brushing your teeth.
● Pick one glass to use all day for drinking water.
● Do not pre-rinse dishes in the sink before washing.
● Ask for water at a restaurant only if you will drink it.
● Ask you parents to get a shower head and toilet that use less water.
● Choose plants for your yard that need little watering.
● Reuse water collected in rain barrels for your indoor and outdoor plants.
Today, more governments are thinking about ways to save water. More importantly,
people are doing things to save water. We are learning the worth of water.

17.​ ​What is the main idea of the selection? ​WIDA.6-8.L3.14

A. Earth has a good supply of water.
B. Earth has ways to clean its water.
C. should grow plants that need little water.
D. People can do easy things to save needed water.
18. What words means the opposite of ​precious​? ​WIDA.6-8.L3.15
A. Pretty
B. Special
C. Active
D. worthless

19. Which detail explains why Earth has a small amount of drinking water? ​WIDA.6-8.L3.14
A. It may seem that we will never run out of water.
B. Ninety-seven percent of Earth’s water is in our oceans.
C. Experts worry that the small percentage of usable water will not last.
D. Governments and individuals are trying to solve this problem.

20. What does the word “communities” mean in the following sentence?​ WIDA.6-8.L3.16
Many ​communities​ around the world don’t have enough.

A. groups of people that live near each other

B. farms
C. lakes
D. cities

21. Which detail explains one way rainwater travels into bodies of water? ​WIDA.6-8.L3.15
A. It falls from the sky right into the body of water.
B. It runs off hard pavement, into drains, and then flows into bodies of water.
C. People pour water into the bodies of water.
D. Glaciers melt into the bodies of water.

Like sightless worlds,

We believed ourselves
Unique and important
In all the universe.

We planets in orbits,
Invisible before,
Met unknowingly
And unaware.

We pass and pass again

Circling the same sun
Becoming familiar planets
Sharing a universe.

Suddenly we see together

The many colors of our sun
Who wraps us all
In the same golden blanket.

Can we learn
To be neighbors,
To give peace a place,
As brothers each to each?

Can we find hearts

Large enough to care
When we do not
See eye to eye?

Can we stand strong

In our own place
While we welcome them?
Can we celebrate each other?

22. What is the selection mostly about? ​WIDA.6-8.L3.15

A. the colors of the universe
B. planets in orbit around the sun
C. brothers searching for each other
D. people learning to get along
23. Which is the best summary of this selection? ​WIDA.6-8.L4.12
A. People who do not know each other have a hard time being neighbors.
B. The speaker thinks about how nice it is to share things with other people.
C. The speaker believes that it is important to stand strong in one’s own place.
D. A member of one group thinks about the challenges of cooperating with other people.

24.​ ​The speaker compares people to​ WIDA.6-8.L4.13

A. suns.
B. colors.
C. planets.
D. blankets.

25. Which is an example of personification from the poem ​Celebrate​? ​WIDA.6-8.L4.13

A. The sun wrapping us in a golden blanket
B. Finding a large heart
C. Planets orbiting each other
D. Being unique and important

26. What type of figurative language is not in the poem ​Celebrate​? ​WIDA.6-8.L4.13
A. Personification
B. Oxymoron
C. Metaphor
D. Simile

Directions:​ Read the following scenarios and write about them.

Juan made a list of words that describe book and a list of words that describe a notebook.

Juan’s list of words to describe the book: Juan’s list of words to describe the
➔ small notebook:
➔ blue ➔ big
➔ thick ➔ brown
➔ thin
27. Now, you make a list of words that describe a desk and list of words that describe a
table. ​WIDA.6-8.L3.25

Here is a list of qualities that describe the Here is a list of qualities of that describe the
desk: table:
➔ ➔
➔ ➔
➔ ➔

Are the table and desk more similar or more different? ​WIDA.6-8.L3.25

28. I think they are more _________, because


29. Write a multi-paragraph essay about the similarities and differences between a science
classroom and a social studies classroom. ​WIDA.6-8.L3.25

Social Studies Classroom: Science Classroom:

Main Idea and Supporting Details

Read the following article and answer the following question.

The Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park has changed since Jim White first explored its caves
with his homemade ladder. Today, a person can explore its caves in comfort or, if he or she
chooses, do it the way old Jim did.
Carlsbad Caverns is one of 118 caves that make up Carlsbad Caverns National Park. It is
the most famous and the easiest to explore. Over the years, it has been paved, lit with electric
lights, and made wheelchair- friendly. Today, a person can tour its many rooms without even
breaking a sweat.
Spider cave is another of the 188 caves, but don’t mistake its level of difficulty. It’s not a
leisurely stroll. People who explore Spider Cave will find no lights, no sidewalks, and no mercy.
A trip through Spider Cave is a series of tight, dirty crawls followed by high, sweaty climbs.
Spider Cave is a limestone maze that gives even experienced cavers trouble!
If you’re planning a trip to Carlsbad Caverns National Park, be prepared. You never
know what you might get yourself into.

30. Question:​ ​Based on what you read, what was the main idea of the article? Which key
details support the main idea of the passage? ​WIDA.6-8.L3.22

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