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We’re going to the Bronx Zoo!

Your child’s class is going on a field trip to the Bronx Zoo. This opportunity will allow our students to interact with
wildlife in a completely unique way and will help us enhance our current curriculum goals. The Bronx Zoo is
world-renowned for its large and diverse animal collection and it is the perfect setting for our students to discover
mammals, reptiles, birds, and amphibians.
Trip Information
Date of Trip: 8/31/2018 Departure Time: 8:30 a.m. Return Time: 2:30 p.m.
Location: 2300 Southern Blvd, Bronx, NY 10460
Method of Travel: Public School Bus Service Cost to Student: $12 Chaperone: $12
Cost includes: ☒ Admission ☐ Transportation ☐ Class/Tour ☐ Lunch

Student Lunch: ☒ Bring ☐ Buy ($7-10) ☐ Provided in cost ☐ Not needed

Special Instructions:
 Please return your signed permission slips with admission payment no later than August 17th.
 Children need to wear sneakers.
 Please provide lunch with a beverage, preferably water and also a snack and beverage for our morning
break. (Plastic Bottles ONLY!)

Group Ratio: 1:5, 30 children. 2 lead teachers, 1 assistant teacher, 2 parent chaperones. 1 free ticket per 20 tickets

This trip relates to our current theme: Zootopia

Please complete and detach the bottom portion of this form and return to teacher with payment

Student Information
Name of student:_______________________________________________
☐ I give permission for this student to attend a field trip to the Bronx Zoo with The Children’s Garden Childcare
staff and parent chaperones on Friday, August 31st, 2018 from 8:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. I give permission for my
child to be transported to and from the trip by Public School Bus Service.

In the event of an emergency, the following people should be contacted:

1) Name:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone number: ________________________________ Relation to student:_____________________________
I have enclosed cash/check for the following amount: $_________

___________________________________________________________________ ________________________________
Signature of parent/guardian Date

Chaperones: We will need 2 chaperones for this trip. Please check the box below if you can join us.
☐ Yes
☐ No

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