Sei sulla pagina 1di 187

P .t (r) , r , , , 1 . , , rr, .

' lr I i ,




'! l ,

(f)."' . E,

.t fi

rq{PuL lrduor

lir lr ro p /o{fr

s@5 FjssDI' iP3|q aq]Jo!'|,uio]

1trq{3'l r{r Jo luqs3unn Er pF uoq}t airs
H IIf]l


ry $usr ru,iPF i o rquirr in!

iuo4$ aq q rgn$od
oor iq rru lriP rlr Flrwi iq o

io Nvs) lv ts
SteveJa&sonandIm Livi$:lona pres{t:



utn wahknew ta rn ,nw stiryirynw $r

ltu so, d tr. d* of t . w'b3@ Nf
.j@b a @ni',1thry d ttx st&1d w wtu btttu,
t'lry $nnonv w qnhs 4 *.41t t k'kg
tu tu br! 4 w rtuBtryt. tu w antvbnetty
b4o?q'{'tLv ti^i4 hc w qtu'd tbhqti@
b tt Mdlt so@rn k Lh dafu'tt dtv a tavb dq
k*. w tkt thhk Mtq rl t - d B ab'a L!

11aM, w6 ran t*hd a qh'd sa $e rdd b

i"t'latt kt'r.i h fr nh' t'44. tu flm b sflr tu
har, tu uls itj dth ,114$ nd s@ w,tq the
wtttt 4 @tk s\a M#. tkr fr.k * &rry uxB
bbb l titi:l L*a dt nre w, hk pt antq Lw.tb.l
iik wahband'N ry tn ew dtud. tf tu
tun o" tw utl It s'']a I'w a jE@ 4'd

@hti@rl r tutit s,tA t\4r*4n nd hh ati. Asuhl

3nit hre w nr @ns al he bnb'turr tu& B tt
I1ffi x , i(rdd !4t ran a tM, tkqbwd - a l@Btq
utsil' tta wd wlrL,t'v !qu* r.'ld| nl| na
ffi hl hgk w ,.t? utr Qw q .tutfly, the
tuqt a e1aNh6 qt t k$t h t4t dtu ih' 4htiry
e l| l'4ndq|a g d a F b t u p r a l q l a ' t]tltt
4o{'r'', .ad.r AND cur

n 6 td o 3 g o s' r u *daol i cm6l ql l i sdtyo|

reonop!id 5li, shGErlhrdowt h $a{h ol

sc* diqq ,/ 4d 3mb! rsail!! h 8lr*s8,r
rels h d{ nqe rhdllii3 ri6h4 Frbry dwnhFs

s c r e s h 1 h 9 6 ^1 6 |n h d d ,$ n !w o d d 4en9y

wouldal@b€v€ryhdpnr ir yo! lnd you I&nds haw

o sl L yo b b h l bLej tn,IhdFureed h q J e ' b p L y

od a fs dher PsPre ,ho iF jln d k{ ro 3o

A&h Fu itu sohs b 6d nh nc tuqE 5arery

hdos 63ht 5erer $ thit the Diredo. ao jodse

pray4 rhen) 6id rhedf, ror dEsews ir dq

ref{qc bookr rt d r! A1{d nta apechLLy

:e is nits oI rhevda dty dkkrr b3dhs
drh [! no6bL inhabibrk,b6$6 lnd pwa

Tnesimph$tlhs bdo @w i3 6 6 rh. P{e o,r

@!Ldlhd +dhsrou6nr6ihr !d4iE*he sb{@dng$neofthgna6:|Lhsbdlyu96b'

i* .r.'dy h'* qd-*

-." 'r "d*.tud.s - n u { h o I6 IltL - yd fe|youD db,e@dn€b
rh, rd€ibre voue d6{qiB tr dq rf yd *ee
t#redr; qenrd h6 bd P:tr:
Nrycf.nn€s'h'd{.'lllIwstsdr|s|il!ud L4srde M 8,..rvid' 6wns rut\,hif5 3ob3
se.rk_{o!Hsc, .;{ 4 €adsioo or rh€dEn&r
lilderclnd !qti@. Th.E i! alrc ? is Bfta wonh'h.hjdr|gdtffito{td63aqdllr|gs

d nsht lhit e werydbg ldf Tle s:bs or 3b.[

rhl bs! odd'oLla ot ad4d4 &knbs rc mud
fte !u. n {or;d€€rt6d @nPlqo * €4!4n€d

dift€Eni nolndn€ ofi t$G*d@n se i ho* or Ew,

I. UuLds rhenhs ,nd niddhA siEn h thepEvi


nr@rrherchof arypraLArreNh!rdv{tu' w$

inPo4dr tusFnPle
n€rcaliohi €irEid,(,s4 sFars! . s rL
o - ii a {cE, Ee a$5 - h dil rhrcl*h
&F e?dbr rrdrd &d clF !6ei pbyd by

A'tut Lae txtuat'{t As rs iam. inplq thG


FAlPl eq hr hshq Lvcb) low b prFE 6 *h

o . lu d € t h c a b i| jt y bd d e q 6 n e *j n l r ( R j &sr i l
osr br sed Ior rr*)
r.dK! rhe srin lhoc by 4y ?n@d Fon i b 6
Fhk Gr 40 DorcJ ,hfl r*h8 6r tulrrds€

&Br tk!&rir3, ftL sFoi slr lons h wry

t D* aft ,ioPry. r contor 0 hoold dma d

idritur4 sidL?.v h. ofhe nlv hiw ?dd.d eru
e.d Ld. lKtfut TrA - k Artud bt, b\t atkN. tot 2
sn*im4 ({rh apFopdne€durbc h rh€d{e,
Jld d cd a q b r ' h lo @d

|.oPNesn63,bIm4b !!oU dbr 4!aby
mpl. rhc 5hll nay b. sln h .ofiudbtr wtr6
sn! {r+ brr.4 lppried by rlE .o, sp<iir sldrl

$re ilrrnda to add aLLdE porb bEded h thd

b sfu *n c @ i d& 4d* tb* theri no 3 win d h

q sood €ms tu a dal. FuI|]!! nok! on hdjns
rri u$s &aat od.d b n*€ dealsod seiidla

,',Je re,i6 {&po,q&, - rh€ <hrFd' wth thG

sP4 i]sk i l Iw eLw E l dhthe& to f Nq r c t g n u d r

b?ah(oE ,hrh ; ior kiry d4ed dr shg rhe c/{ bE /('@ra&, - ftn srdil skll 6 nsr ofro
dsdxd @nb!r rure ror dch hdiidulr duel bur
whih h#rd ; bdis ddidedoi rrer$rt orailmbei
of di oLr,)rfr &Hb r{r^ {q6 or oppoiq @n.
rocd.E h rd) ad ruy bePossEd ll@ rha orc

lfts ri : prddhi phe oil'ls 1 poht oI clt ro?

di$h3 od 4 nu.h 4 rhry otr lbdr r pdricir'

P | , { eh* r e d d 4 b o f a P E U c J ir b n q d | y' in
hav!Ionpohbof ciryrd.coem!s(ditme.

Disd ttulllll i choc of b€iB (uou-

^rrhqn Mrd M,$ trl@&rel - p6E$4 rbr sril n€os
ddas oI dls8!i* rhs. the skLl rtuy odry. rlE whi.h 54e b nake i6 r tiftl€ 6d D a f.w d@n_
jb'bn'h.dre&d.hne&Pukhin'tr1\dm I€d3e dads od viis wrEwon4 who s; r b
11Bnodifrqs ror:ll th* dtuHoB ft lGbd b ihc of'h€lo.zlmadUnliletrl4lsPftds|jn'h'ab'|'ty
idr & dom ! sod Ps@r\ rolhs som€PohE
r,&tfufu,grsjncwry+{iditsdn rhnd aFt * dy trhrh neu ri2r ! H.rc ;ho diddr
the!.d 4e 6116!l or rir Llwot i petrol{ plic. s6 h g ' H o Eto .|o o e
sd"r wirn voqd'hiB
tuqiir srdnft isntsp€d:rry
nBhs noBrE, aflq irrt bd ey bs bnr * r hd
Ptritutxta,te4tdshdtt) rhis duut sp€daLgdtl
{s6 hio it5 om * a IeFl hLl; tor mo€ d€rtk nshs bash, qe6 bEwringdoik od lrrly
d hd ( do6 rl8, se rtu s6n {ritud 'cd. r+ doseds ddo6 sftits onPLbt @r or

pqoty n Ap€d:rry 6e b Good pLi6r lnd oi@r

k!fu 'b d lnay a| Fbec hoqby ah { o t o h e lP

Afflo Ith ssP*ilr s kl nsLl *!dhD q@e,gi eed

6!tnd) Ld, ttualtsld

LNe !dd!J a rcN ns oNt ibovc n n olrd aLe bc
@kd rhd loowhd3€ of iu* ibod dy sbjKr mdq

$d' si@ 1s'nrt(eeLr*r - ftn E4hL stjr r
A ! s d c t | a lq 4 F a q m ]3 |l PN .s!sPo i |sL L

kd3e or qry de ery ob{uE d Fndims doec

os btraw o {FJoeuq€ virb6 srdr 9i# shk

Dded th* th€ ldg!:g4 rcpresoredliy $o, siqE

tu ro cq od rhsprlcs of h!hni6,ii3 @4s6 by

a!ft simprr6\4 r c obiou rhir dy ea oI rno,

n er A bh&mrh weLd kwe Mdr r4B a n'€|hf
c' ,L 4 a b l!.&A:4 bei nd$onof@u!

06 1@ks you ro b*! rh€ni crg Frhapt

ipedirisrLr srirr or rhn $pe t!$Iy d Fn or rher
di rcnN y hl rrqed b do s sh&' b se
brsood +!E5 ulr h€ ery uPm r n! ($ms

md Dl@wt b* r eo j$ besed b rheas of orha

!4r - as werlai rbchrodudioo of rheMror M4n

stsar sr LGe ibqer, rhqe L ! !@d iew .h$ of
woGhipol a p&rio,rr 3o4 d€ y q dhs $peF*qrr
ddc ilhf u | ' T | 4 r c n c t s s L l y ! @ju e d q b '

nowsq, nth* thd .ho64 r@mrtu rbidsd ltr or
soq..! lpells(tobr roFd q p* !r or,ry,ar,
bsdhe rrh Dcs sFlk fror the|nt h.lo!) t6. p!i6r
nst cho@ tsoh r qdts diftflt llr. whtrhc tuilv ad th. rid th* my spelbon bl rcwBed - th* ir


sr'L6t Dr'ir6 (qerrtkt (@n)ad Grc@

D(@r4 (orb€|ry)ruy alp be€rned o$iq thc

4str oI a {€ll {rd whi.hio Be! L alcldy liited)

q *udiedlnv tufrhq krde I ci belar ba!rw'n'

odH +:ndddia o{ rhe5pdLhdudhs dunbtr
ir na !tf€&d. @rthw ro:Pcy ns a lMcds
rho ha5&1116 buriot L?t nav d th€d* or ,
erE i@$ fo! up ro thE nirut< l.kb PtrPs h+,

Nots$n theIollodg h.€ io rE& (3{€Buv

&ese a EY€E ry@u iot mk sGdi tr &r, srl
s.,!6 ,r re, srr b 14i,* qow44, fl{ th*
sFn, lnd L* Ior otJy (e nhub d ore n:jor hsr.
l{fd oI rorhd! $ell 6 L bdq asr h a vq
spdftt rom or c!-hjall !sd. rq th€ sul ssl
pGh{sibl€(rr;; F* Ior cotudos oc4 RcEEhs
rls rc ek d prqinq6tN q rw(h tit do6dr olre
$erhhg inlrible). tuvsiq ndE win 8ls oFn
non.msiorra&ufts dd iak€ m&ne holdiB the
lnbn br e. rh€ EWFe of tut 1@*iq i ni3hlfir
c srAMiN^pohbro cr):rso rg* rh€a*s one
Fd Nde ds rha' oy $qd ucd iln r't ddd
ryiI now& rliw - butnay iin heF bldryhjuEd ih*
r B wil dr ?8tu v.ry ed liGs 6e].d if rhse {e
,myd@b6 rbod dE qet €1.€&oI a Bgld !P.ll

or rdl h*5 foronryrhd nirurE, iul6 h a o'b!s

j rugia||*,'fun
,ry s afy ods dsicL sFni thry qiE a sc$tur

Ls bco ai @ th. stun*rb or a sBill .hild (!or

€n@h 6 ddd up h !@oq q hold a 3wo-d, b.
q-,i,rrr rh€ r;E of w,,r13 eb tre i sr.4,
a bE* th€ 5pdl. Tr. effet of the sp€lley b!
*p:nd.d by ?odi6s 1 tu*hs srAxlN^ poid rd
F&rrG) rhis tu rr.dic sFncu*: sho{

dlr b€ rnpodry Slnd€d[n 1+ hinuts (@ll ld!

ech p.Eoit tLry wiu lrd rh:r timr @iq lbqL
sr .;.&. ""'p*"tby .Frrh"' **"turrv
'h" b "turhd'e* o
rd4I@ r*nn he\snlisa
es otsn - dd rh:t iftluds bdh rheHs@s od th!
iEllcda hirsLr! evore nav ddlde rlxt thry &
+dhns q6 G q rGis€rcu rius b do
'h{ 'r
dE.i prcvd€d lpdrqda drcua! hs hhod@
'i€ tuo'nrs,r[1+1dnorc;s@&low) If youdonl
!n[ jBr b tutufi enMq blr b bbd tho h

d bhda or adiq n.t : spdLrht pcll dll wqk

bu+ or @nJ{'Eqrh riqhtb F€d rk 3k,6 b-

wh a t ! F s f f q t h e d a \6 b r d d to h GsP.l |' th .
&4 G q mE $ bdow)- Th3 sp€llwork in ed,
the 5@ewy * rlE ew sFdl srill tu]n h rbr fr tu$,rly fr@ 1 6 6), ind rh* aub{ ; add€db rhe
arn, dow! $c enob6 of ay r'o p.oph dth6 6r niidnd e* oI rr€ sp.rras a seplq 6,b3 a tu
srtr). Anyore scs* y r6rid ld &.i i! .d l,r# of lidt Eqqre 1 d'n f^xN^ eohrr bu'
oi63 ihc afoEDFb@edlhrs oI srsi€ rishr e, 6) - Tre +.ll is sinil{ 6 D!#6, blt it lrryE i
IqiE5rqlRsl^t'N^Pd6'odyocM4rsIdI oK[ ra€s ie (frrr€otr! e@d rheada) for r
,orr r ,€quircdfo bdh rh! oisiEr ,pdr r d rh. ser rosrh of rhe 1346 hitubt. Tlref€ ft*€d
r rhi* 4d di* *y, re8rhs er tu.a aianatuis
iut i5.d riy rdvib, inpcsibli rh€ v€I n revedr,h
sary o* €) Us4 tht spella msrrJred bdl or
rq odG lwry &on rh. sFllcr( rh€ o$ i8 rc
qho s& it + dce qad6 (qoE frrrrh rbEcedB'
creabE i d lildra! of aE:se hrelliqe q hs
jn khof
F 63h
d iEd4brlisae
b yi6bddyl ou'j
Grnd* rrn4odo{dx'
hu@oid' idud-
h3 hu@) m{ rd & &.i r rcn lsrid rh€n
5! r hhr/r (hoic h rh€@{ of H€re-, 0 crf

r'rn# rr)- ure rk,,r ihow,rrd $rl @njusupa

$€n qF h 6ne (rd /0 .(t 6r !ryoF who didnr

4{i6any *rc rhs hrorh ro do so h dnd witl b.
wlr did you $yr :d dlrh rher h*d ii 4qy for i

wrh Fr,iil Gs om spdl so hl * rins dd rh! M,si

srdndr aE @I!:@cd, bd.@r4 1 srAx,N^ p.iih)
Ery d rd srd buri 4dtd b a +ct6( haodherr b ihesr?nhi csr or sFn.ds I tuihs Fd rr
oiisP![fypolonedLi qudq6od'l 4d4a

tu ./ rtua(d) rhi hody @oirurbn irrows5peLk

nomh*d dtrnd(! &u a4$h,0liut, q rho4
q Dg s$ jno* !!l i ol i P pri d6i P l ttu b r

n4 pr6 rhe@* of rhe5r€rri6eLtG* rhEerin$ do

i! smn amo!^rof lquido €dibkr-, {o i dadLv

rhlv ie rosred rar r.r Ld tr horewq rbwed)

'h poi;^ d,riss r nuh dimisq a rrE runb. of
ria!"1 16) of .trrB sn +dr a $rcEr aijus
Lp a pow4irL 8ar€or u hd G ! hi,r dd sow, ahrh
qda (hl.o cbooE b lak€ r @wr a lnarhr !e), rion nodq qept to bedE (4d rhrt d[i ditrNuyl

hdkrjis H.rts bat d rheasbr n4r r& & rur dth5l4,'(@|dbl6kdtof15qble!ftgeo

o! rcrr4rror rh€i 5(4 (pbys: choie)q b€brom $cstuL srill rclk;othetrkeaaeoft b tupp.d6r
orlp frrh€ {d frhns D rtu &6 roy dlo b€ Msdd:ndbd$.dbyaoa654lr
diryd q blou ovs (k ftEror ryil ore oo $LI
No frsh6i6 n:sn or sp&* n posbh whih rrr

i{atu 1d) ne biarc sFrl !!lou rheck ro

sl6F€ bri* 5a.€5tsd rh. &,tue tpicLly rtd th.
Ibnhm4 lji oI o. iodtuiddFEotr rf€ tutu€h
&sn: Dss (s)- rhn *qe sFn, nKh b€loved
viliqs .oniuredup* bie( .nd .otusiq r d (nmd qf rase6,l dabthE h odulr mrkr, coirrs up !
rlwrys b. Errd @ b 4EEd qflrry wh* dr 3h6rry hlii dddj4 a d!4s, r%dlE, dq wrrl
happo.l]lde 6 th€DiEfti thisspdlFquie, orctul
pr*niis d y prn,se * r4t 3@€oI rh€
pd h dP tueP shod,i@re hq dodr pcdilt ionhal !(r!or14tholshir[:src r'^v'N^pork
rhin$ r|j p klry rcdr h4PC hores vidois ind !o ov be cor€d orr.nd d*oy€d rr @ b€
u (6d !ho!ld) bl {L6frd nrltl tr€i ribd qF tcPFd-Ior?shon'hil.'d|e*t-hsid.:oible4
nihtiois o( the furE ff yotr e uJ4ry dth ttt lijtr @ b e .q F lb yrunw q;dD g!qE ry
lPd], donl dbw n b 3ift,)
w,, (d) ,M, wolk o oory oft *i@rs q ore Dwd sFll qa c4'krlFr (d a @i oI e n^!f^
nq or i # up to the nets€ dbed. w.t hn{q, pinti) lpd thea:!ss ,hthm*t pPsrb
cd b *l:i:P uP bi v c n€k l l (s s hi d id l
,pida/s w€b ri'r tiF ill widb it ind rdF :nyoF
br4wr' 10 Tn€scF. a*b8 rhtu{€rr u
enjure up : Powqill €dthquJe qq o iEa of up b

thegoudhudd€&dadqdk'inoPoupd$ery. '
4 dy &k*y bdLdllre lid rbshs dowi yatLs
$Lidly @6hed ds€rri$. Airliihh rhedR (qepi
rhe spdkahr) nut !@$flry T*r /ii, r4r ?nd @n

the grclid. fte q@re |{h ror thre nhut6 ad

arod b€ @njuredlsd tor ro nbuks r! ,4r of

o fth c5 P dl an6ftbdhn€i al i nd r o f u d e ir !

lwrb rc lcs or 3! r pohk) choo4 rhr $dn dbs

MiW Mag]. spsll5d9 6t jd [r! ty oth{ ?elL


b u ' b h P s u t o ! h & ! I rg e u r u i r r l k€ s? € d
b jin o m d s r h @ g h f b sth q w i h ' h € .e m ' q o f
rhe riB€B q w\414 or rcs q !4 (ioe b rh.

M 4 t a ' h g ; f s . e $ f ! i'' h e sF ]]w d ksw l h r c

Lr! 6sEr r r*r:in€d n drur]. und{ ntdr q h

laior ohlhde b : 9erl kiB G* (is wh{ rhea*s
, d{drt bbr moJifreBsh@rdb. h rhe odd of only
, 6 -r (6 sur, d d{ided by tu Dn{br of

rr L! @Lr
t ik. rfr sp.nd€ mr wo*:nd rheHao
hapFro h@). ]turu k 6 oopr ribl€ fo. Miid

Mgt sp€lls(t6!y io* rcl ech orhq o* wrh !

Mircr Mst sFlk :Erbbk e s rollow' ,{tud@

ed-crol btare bi8&t-ct@ Ba' llh . 4 d - f t G wn n a k 4 ]b Bi Pi € d &d d r ' ]]y
Ee tui eNre .te lwho Ed Dd 6e d6{t, 6
Pi:,lW - tudN- P*h Faktu srtp- st* bns * rhe sFlo*s i:s r g.od m@sh prbp of d*
FEon h hs mrid q h@r rhe mm.) it sGh Edlv
r6ny .at iiio i drj* (u,hs rdin bv ddi old
, ni€e {i3@on4 be6E eqs r b eo.h 4 ? tow
p d r e iT lT DiE f t r n ' v!]L o ' l 1 6 } ' 0 h Jt' th .


t@ - 3r2rr d4 d6 of h€4 up ro fi@ hrirurE

rosr fom5
^ od b@! a [.1. jn rhedsied oh!d, * if
i de yqc bda hdd jut lndlGth ir rhis sDell
ai h. qed @ rivhs 6dns5 - rh@sh rh4 bnj b
notu th! hat b*oe n @ 34 re d@s, lril pul
$.n ha* &av wrhr 5mnsht|! rh. sFnr tur
ftm n d r y u* dbnghraadLs s bd lf u h l

c@lTh e oP s i 6ofe,'h5+dl qa o lm lf l
or a peM def by lny amour, fron ! fe d€src6 b

ciiot ab:rrr f@c r rihs b.4; * s u,r by

.1l{ts ra*Iorrr3 mhd6 (DnEd rcrkb !{Ert

(hdc oI scB msr be lpplied a 6E Lli€c rfs e

G n P 6 E ( r u d b s q b n i $ e d [i Bth i s{ € ||,@r
lirrrwo*onrh.,!ryb€ oL rihs d.*qre, lre ?

c]hru whih rhe(erioi of a po'eftt nasrcl

iishr Eqire5 rhe Msic lpdL iri,ir, sne oh*b!
rlr srowl]il€ rh:r tsomrhl dyrs .mb6sor r frre
r,r4@ nrb spdLrnpry Nre5 ! srun objKror. rrh45'noghfqs@@c66ndtfui'ay!c6!a
dsk of rcry flal obj€d I@] I li6r. ph4dk tha oon b a p!op&oidrc for*npre ne &ht riis for
rhry*furL|y:€]htanmajcl@ftoolblPl€l@k r! ni!6s (DiEdq !o[, h rco

rew, bd I amd tum r hdtul of dlrl opptr @iB

hh shby sord os A r3r /@ e,[ q @n4ist
ic m d p i* 4 t h e p t e o fe yo r e vh i 4 cd q q
choe oI aq6t *d th 6,k nd belbl€ 6 ie the

,er rhe oPFfr of a@l thisMid entuL

not inply h.ab upar obj{t q F@n. It t setul for

nlwed ? ,oll :g:in$ rhd' v tr! or r r8r & rd b

nsid€rh€lpprqdne rn for 1 r tull d:ys lDidtor


/iill ljry ? Poh6d Fige, th..dd b!d4 eNoE

&Jd - ni5 r€ll 6s oie objdt o! prtt r a pau h
pLraror rr y s@trd' 4 i{ rtuk,rh 368 srui t{ Fkd wjih a $?p{ed $ck (rell a dtr on e 6 t6!
tthd rcll lgdi sr' r or 7d ld r,ll by the vidn lnh ldA r sr^xru^Fd) atm*tdy, ds a
My bereqqi€d,d th. Dipdo/' djs4rboj rh* tur n.!6s mirituot I rhf a*4 an lhoof 6 nb q

d :s$i! d43q b h! hod q i wldols lwod

, ! ' i, T h " h 4 d y 3 F lli !l d sL fo l n € n d l r ysn i l |

Hdsr! a siql€ lr q ddr @ be @@r@inded 1116h obj{k rt @ frr a Frdr ro : dGk or r pLs or

dd.oihard a lic or Eval hL cbabs rlE ich o E F n ! la ] 6 g b @ t ' iq Ib tr r l .th tsP.|l

r h eo * o f a r u d i6 ( o f 1 r e h ft( $ B&Eb
Lop@ a nodids oI - 6).Nole oI (()le, rh* B6 lin

rh! hohs by yridr rhq d!!d b rhefrcr prdd

whl rhedeiredeff&rsho{,rb. beroEhr4 rot6t

tu6ke (qrd for €xdPre ndc ! LoEetutr hb !
{nos ro ri, d r Pdin3 n@€,q wd6 1o u !<e

ie s.kea h ad rh.k ou$ pucr4 up@@nholbbv
rfr crkh r6t Ior 1r ohd6 (ftKrq orr5h **tt
md mayb. resceJby : s@stul rd /@r4 d th€

qe $6h L alowed,:nd onLyobjdb tb* @uldb€
or Lmin to aoLlowtf. odc whns( lt o! $e 3o4
(iJ * aLrp6dbh) for r 4 nhi6 (DiE6r rcrk in huou b€i€ nry be rllow.d : r& ,/ rd b ad
s*d' Tr. numbasof dahres :fte&d nay t! !p to r{is pusb.4 d dE Dicb13 dilcdi@ rhis rftle

rh€s nubc niy bs doubkd trbld rnd s di, * @f dY.d:nk, .li{ bP3:nd s.lly rtuF bal
-il Bq'e'!-ThnsPgjlno*5h*dlytheoPP6I€wiy

.d fteser y lorrrr) dLLir o @dE FEoo h lrl

dh{ w?ysit,o*s id fire lrfqrbn Ga ibove).

{ell aus iG vidn 6 sliprs ir i brn@ srin h.d jdt

.{p€&ed r,oo'h h,sId uc$tu1 16I tq h.r d
on icdsr s.[ avojd
^ the efbds of thn :Pd|

d odihs of food or lqlid. up ro rhesre oI a rid€r

b 3poirrs nirl r,y poi$nh3 rhr !ow! lddol r]E

! fiiry frrc *m$id!. bd lirr ior do y tuLLy

friqs hjury. rhe $udB Lns for r r diy5 1D[{br

rj,rr L*e theerf{r ofl4t rhr {er cs6 ? rhy b{r

. utres|o.LB €rsL,arspi* ro ton rM !4rf,
pn nove fte sPrrt d@sio Fll dm4€ tio srAx-
Eh hb i 6E di4re or brow&iy ! rcw dodsr c
am ot t u f r : g J . d b | ; a d h b ? h € a h wr e ' ( T h c

imbitbs) rhe ,arhs nay b! afldred ror r 13

mhds (D €rd rorrsh 5<E ovq a dc6ne of rn

i !n id .r$ irr( on€s,* ,€r * Iluss orher


rqEs ln ihe niddl€ or ! rohs.rr howew' rh€E ] F 5 h n ' b f t o t h ! d h e r sF d |sl i |k? Pd $ tn a v

h a r | ctedal | thGerh* aredrc * ly d : l| ib l€ ' 4
Ert* Gndcpdlly &d Gry, nay tss6s thfl.

rdd +dk se scsn ly ad 6y* d'

[e Dicbri @n ribl€I Lirc M3t spdlr rhos

@*4 d trno€ sr^nrN^ Fh6 b!6r EltuiEfutl
€qutu bolelons dturr b€focrrr€dh rl4e requir
h3 r6s €faod@y soselly b€Gi ind rh€n{oBdh

soft of rhesdk ft d{dv [€ ene d rhdr Mer

+dlqrrr.i6 (s* &q;e a,td +d.) rr;

3&O nr dh:rLh. br6lis b66s rherqk oI

se F i6 e &vo @ & dl a'|tnrvbcsedb
tu tb ab9r dqrtu tu rq. tutqt
i€d spdar srdrrfo! oe !ol1oily. lle drioft. nut
ovel"ll rerlrthintheFig|hisdodLfEr'{,
winrcd [rdy idoriaerheD€nq rorwh* it r ft rtu
md6 of rhepds0, tr lrrow ia lbrer h in c{e hr Dqon iB rhepnd kmF,iiy rosd hr ni4 rh€

H.rv co4ryii? o ro u! ri! sp€rr,rhePliet m*

rfrrhed hod, ind @mrud ay onehleltisor c6.
r€ wrh !$ oie wor4 ihe vhh win td ri@tf

4d nomaLrydo rtu @nrud ,D.,, for €M,l€,

wdLd !o* d|y m i (hicdg al,4l b F$:;v'
nr€ efr{b of i @nmsd di hs ha,n w b
tukn s@drat R/4Q 'hE.
9h6ginyqqbEw(|iit9{lyndr6io|aFr resbrd (!r 6e DiEror s dncdo,rj by a 16I to &.r
Mru6r d s !. lThn @!H hdude a srlkb4 zonii.
jh,c G) rrn 9{ 5hPry b ss doM a {i o.
ra' nhur* lDiK6.rorl, h 3@d). od.ovs:n {d
n tunamdt 6qe 6 ! Bd d* of b€iB dcwo

dn4tuit r niy {c. hb nohL enbar wrh rh€

pdsr h { *rmpr b hrs @*rct of rhelitrq! l6h.

rNs $4 ! cs r6ereirr of rtu rcn or $e reo dke

,rnl (2) rhi m,ry+rrrauls one!di4 *r[h &4ry o Tiis ntuar+err wok [re rh€Evs! of a
por$ *€r, EmoviB rhevson rron food ddnkor
rh€ udio sbolrdb?arrowdro T*,l.r r,. o reGi .v.n 6!n a vidr! body Fud,moe, I u.d r63h*
rheefF( if rhry{rL rhebLhdre$ri*s rorIi nDde


.rd:dq 4bmiiony b mrc ry ore di rortq,rd

h$ of rh€ci@66ics (,rhh rtu Gp$irris ot rhe

{d htr. Gqe of rhEen*s. [ {o beEwFed b

4af a.hlBdqldondeny 6irson. dr rcrr(rhoush
rheDiEdq nay in ?Iow rhevhin b 76r tor&.r b

sPiI uith tte turd G)

A n d { h ia } h d F d d d ' si q th i @n Pr b b ,{

n6r5 ft {d, JL rhss pr6€d mwr joh hiod5 ind

fer uiLr,o* rf I do6 rh! dsht3n6dy rcre ,in

d LLNqk ou ju* whlr i,rJomdbn rhe etuy rnow!,
@rli d@r nllA a naid tufruP
:id *rmpt b rs$ rhecheek! (!s rir rure srvs
b lh &dPlbtr oI D,fu s,@,'zrl &4' above)'
s/d wdr (r) ThGsp.r wdk h i vq ,inirar wly
b rheMsr,perr wr, !@rh3 o iivcLbh kI wrdch

trd !i[ dLapts{ if r@crr€dby eyrhhs idde rh.

c,ffib (6 q noq Ec b€ro!) Th; ntut 3Fu

&i& td (d) A pdAr us rhis ,pe[ 6 rt€r 2 pifr !o ,ra of Eln inilqme p@iEndv &a L*
3hqtlv qdead spini 6 cho*, Po[as*t, Di!5h*, !i&ad 4d Evn @*urs Fon .n6n€ il 6 if o
dc) &d tu €{rhly loisriid, sndis r * rar oi rs
& ida*d by a 6ih6 6E rdPs for 44 €xh

1ir * rod e hdnr ft qd6 these of holy*nbok,

.hirk or oir6 trEk r& bolirrry or dE i@, &d e on
G6ns rhclacce d rhr 3pdL.!ffitu GFtk ivolv-
ig *rh sr^k'N^ pd6 nsr be@ldsrkd lllly
by rtu smr lube of p.in6). A *@nd a*i3 ot

iny q{illy wr.b€hlved He@' N& rh* Dr'tu

n ody 44 o* by BadcuF, od wolrd cEi 4q
spet b svFtutrl eq @
qa.tlv th. emc{a s $sr urt 1r.tul G€ lbove,
gapl'h d a s P m h n | b d B I r o n ih l3 lg P| a i!
uvir cdslltd ft rheFi6t loowsbor[ rhesne or ind sruore b,& n € sbdiq P|{e If rh€ @d L
rk behs ind the pbre d which ihry ,lwslL tk brcld,thetrvgll€r@yEnb{oorli}thdEglrn€'
pcedue b 6kly er€. Howtrr blindry4kn& t Fudtumoq Ior ,rr rherin rh* rh€wiy b€M€; rhc

€xkdy edr rhidl my uF theli* b *roPr ro

Po*$ rir 6*s G* er s,@d4rr &ia, sow)
d {q @rjJ€* h phFt'r {on o ther.fl'! asr dd@i rroqrd lom rh€bad or{ orire.dheE.
rh€ DiEb! win h6m hn Phys ir rudr s oF

t'no s4d, ,,ra 6) - c@judB uP&Ddt

Duy pr@diois nut b€ 8ore rfrcql b.6e rhn ;
Badcuy pd6r, rholsh it nay bc s.d by rh€dere6
h Ery ereprioiiL ddcids (ro (@irc iiJom
ri4 be a ftn@ 6 srye rk o4s of pod, d{ ) I
requiE th. @ or d aEa th* hls b@ deN.d dd
sp, ,tore (3) - U$s ! ball oI ihh jlv{ tuhe dd nisiany @eed wrh Dsdb (or cw'nr" od
rutr<?dod drr a numbs o{ I14 ileibd dd* oie

h e h .h gd.w hrrc 'h€s od.ofc o o d a d h d

m6r be nad€ for i Fiod or * My hqF s rhe

sei€BLi6ar,ald Ddlan b, d* o y s*hh o
:o puifed by a co,ldtr (or tuftar. h the!*. d

.-* ,ib ,i" dh". d;ft6 .M ,-i. th* I'.

rhe a*s ed hL hcher 6qtd be sul€d bb rh?

rft. mq€ yql rion ebve6 ihm u@t, b;ur
or rhr r+oiibiftrs 'he,
of ihen p6iu of .oqBe rh€re

J $ e h a b ! c o L d P t es6 l th ,€ n Ph r co |

h3 rfe' pkns or slh beig{: {q otr^ tilc ELlrt

Nio i* r h is a G $ t o h L o h fte n ' o L e ? n d w i l b e

q o EiD nsr bdory (or hive qa beloB€dJro !

iso Ftr{s nry ch*e io

dohs $ rhq urlLroe aLlrhs pd$r sFlk rfry ,ready
m!. c{at, r4frrr spNLr &nd; ca@.side

er6 AdErrffs eiAhr' r* oo6nt G;chieJ'n


Ae P' Bia ;y4 d 6 sP {hl ocs:es'dr:& l e,l

.h d sym b o ].9 r ,rs{red@|o[B e.tToe]e

Mea sde Eitq,i chr6 stnb.r: srlhqrtdn t f!


h:ye hdqdednch Grtios bdo!. de ror the


Mon of th, forrosiB sodr dd drrr, ,E wo66rpp€d

hdy ne $d orh* objeds oI wqdip p4rhr b oE

rheddins for hintrrt uiq rhearmsdk bJor r a

Bdc M o E d d J L o I j | o f t h , 3 o d 5 o d d € i&s,
iidqdLs rh€dnq sodr ofuhcDwa& atrdEk* aid
t,PpqBrc. Dise /ad, dh6tl
crtuk Ako carhdj&,fr!4 H,ar,1dJJ4
spdLr oicoi s{4 sid€:6!i syhboti s4n seGl
Frah ars.rhd Tdt &dr APF{4s rry @br Ydi@ remPte4e'i, d3,6 /@. AdwntuF
ru4sFdil{qamFiGside60,,,syo|o|.hd. h g Pd $ d e d ,6 s1khi & '6.4'e4,'
s , t rd. o l d i e , 4 ' T m P h i v f u A d vo d c sqk b AaMb Pde sr''b\ tuhtur swlhql
Pe*5! ery tu$dr ra& &,bq Pole4 94! ,.
FeSU.6 Swn@Sv4tu||stBdB Noc.
tuk$t lf Itntt', tqttv lt vtua tsd atfltutj
sicd @r@i tur r€nPle E4tr & d!,? Adv.ft.
snw wtuqt eia NoE wddliw.t l! ffi

tuE. waw, wia ttu6. sP4in

F,fih,, ,b6 &d r,!6 sid€!c4r. svnLor
Pirr q r4 $ftd @bu, 6/e. rdprc ch,, ot 16 gi!frkls-!1lganed$di4T,i'o'Apl)€a@al
ck wl t tt,tqei wth ath h@ qd hrk. sBa
d.jN he46 P!64 qek uir' lE Dqd,R\ia sk t .oiehi knig d $d" sid€icoor''sFbol s,4,1
h4 uMq sFnRed ei8 Nob: turllltq 4 ttq fu d @ b f&"e T flP l e|,,!vA dvohdg

uhn nto e[.di sbr/4 &6b, MMr'. Appdre:

stuilst ww. splnl 6e tdtu 4&,
tul/ SynborisorJ6.$cd oroux c4. r.ah y4nh
tuvo6d3 Pishrr r5 ksdr re.6: Fer, err,
LqA - Ar@ clhd n. rti'kt,. bkn, Aktyl

Gol 0l .tl ko 4rd a,r6 siderN!,t r synbd: ,44sp{b]@mcGco{a$sid€.c@],sFbol.

I f uheel ' n ' u t 4 | N n k d 4 t ' s z g.d | d q r corjn @it s*ftd &lo!x cd Tnpre t i;
fu,I{&ToPhy4i6,idrenhdqFiFbl;n,',,, ^dv
sktdo', svnrc' sqtuat Beiry.Nde.sq'

ei,wttla wnT sp{ial .qefr bih qvt tu4,
T€nPLe ndEiuiB Pisb? 16 /fu,,'
14 srl Jo!,., e,ru, s,@ad,{r &ie Ndq

u'.r- Ar$ G|hd &'l .ir"4 /rnt wdd.

FIreMdk'lyd4',@/,i'D6ed{n,?,sp.d:l ^p.
shdb - Ako eLled,crah[ cd],l, iwm, Gft ldami tue sd€i cd synbol:w'[. tow cot@r
nent Mt. Note Mdh{ ot 6144 4,d r'4,
ei8 No@MM alk t,Lih. e'fr, *ftr al

Ndtur synbo! tuer4 /4a. $ftd @l4c N@e

D kn '|i &fuc es bhfu'94n8gFB u E | N4
M'h Nofr:woshiwrtusw k;t Nrts
rftrc doa ior pG.s D!s!e s*il
D4rf i a nJ das. {eg. berd)
Db!!i* b a l{& chose Gs iF, Jd

rh€ {ollowiB ors eJ ndd ar. rddidod h or nodi6

(whid lbd otr P4e 97 of r,4&'f)

h $. sd@d lrurio4 rh! dbsuip my lmpty b. ?n
p.inb ne H.o lls ii hL e hq ta,* sldll (i.i the
a da:dq i d!3@ n4 b. el€d qPo! ro qe rhb i@bd !b@ rhe tundid s!( {oG) a u*d * a
sldl b oe of tuo drrft@t urbN. h rhefint, rhe
,!r rt* nodilis Epha' rh! +, 6l'H.rc onoq
n 6 d4trq q, roPd ooriq ,:r rhedloc rh*
" dds sidh rh{ (*e Dr,jt'a, p4r rer, for
l h e H a o n@ u9fuodl e6@ [qs * I f t q h g hdh€r d€6 t. Dipir co ends be Ed jtr
,iare spedlr sldnor $, r {o4 nodi6,hs d* bll *dly d€ sn. way b ndditr a rcll *tu s4rr
srB , ratsuF @wEd by tu {@ sP{tur
'rE rnow)i! -1 (se
srirr(!hrh rheH@ hin*rf dfts
e,s{'e, Fse 4r. cturdbA whoF!*s rh. *dt
slq sril n*t $ill drdr ae:iNriL $oqh rhdetr D
Ddifiq 4!h* flce rtu vdou ecd ri@s6 f|q 1b 4 frcn @;o hDwhds.b r or
&e6udly@ftidqsdbbelPo}.n',thoqghsom.of sNe rr@d (h a hury vou{ourd4{ rcni dtr).
rttr nay bl foftd lron di(Fr hod 5i3nal, q 1e5 tor,hicr2 L:m rhG!wb{ to Er afrial modin*o(
h rh€ oE of rh€ ore Ed by ft€ nifl* cuir4 * + ! 6 - r) od ue rtu asrt a rheoodjJbroraDI

rha $bradiq r am rh rrB or rhr hlowreds!,

rho ucd lsahd rh.r shod.ld3u ( s6re.

bdafthr dhoEidbbqeft}h'$[s .

h.^+at hows{, @ neds ! noE +{i8licd sk]r|

Thv j4s L 4 s P e b | s L r c h P | y l e 6 h o q to f {d rhistslhtE rf. &a&i E{hr shn 6n* h vq
bs k ds b u ' b o w N c l r t w h l l € t fu r ce clb h
!@| d b e |anl N * harui nl noI,fu d , o t h e 6 r E h 4v padiono d€4 borh rLc fkl arLdrh. burr
et on b ory ! fs. Th! rnpLet way ro d.btu hvobld hlE &a4r skiLr,rbeyshdtd e.h dn Mo

4's tbr eiDp4 oI rioEhdg. dd rsF r i iwbs abhmodjfoEtsonl|i.hbl.yli.hfdnoE'5(renodi

pie r onLyon FFq his &4in skrL h? or sh.
s holrd ! 6 { k 4 a s r t h i s r b v r e n iq h lfu u u a r
w:y :id nodi6iq if dy oI rf! Iorlo'iis 4pty. rf
uc$rd k or shepaF rh€or{e€dpnq if lol rhe

oE whicbapprisb: r1so 5bdqr@id Brhe rhm b

Pde or6€d dclbre@r ryodh(ornor)

Pdc o{rrrcd4 r6s er vodh E** Ey hde ? s{hr tuh of lo'd or hi4hc.rh?n

nr4 b bld€rcud rh4 hrk wql€d qr for rbcr


rdckry is hvolv€d b ritr @, rhefrodjJi; fq shs nDq adjMeb h iim€ re€d be mid€ ir FU chd&
cd' sbn G* r"p,ftr Fsc ,o3) !io',ld h. sed.
h dr rh€f dtudio' rhchBbc*sodarsohof y

aho lds 4 , m b bk.knlh 1' d drssqiil sci]e,

{e 6yic 6 bi€li frrh a hlndrum rerchdr (sfthl
s@hrt so r6eyh* a +: nodni{ b rherr44rl

h r h € @ u 6 e o { a so e sF cb l |yd u h g a o n p r i g i
! t f a h lg e ld wn q . i ty' a H g d 5 s4 !r $ d r n l y
ren so up q doM a rodli? (r4t !euh) {d frme
lreowi * a h.ot advotus) b€@ne sallft q



ri chipbr r vor yin ilndn{y ddiirs borhh tohs

dd i 6:.boqnd ids, abat pqr srekdd rb€
cit (o. noE @r4rry.ttry 4i4 n e woid€dirrb6€

f 4 b r y b o o k q b y h lm q h 6 € |' fo r q o P|q l L

h4r hi rike rhe alair Lob*s (ton 1,,) q rh€

$dLE D4on! r@rh bkd ('d e4,,!d win

b rhnsin. nd vinasrtbrE rd .rcs win* 6$r

b! iu* thgbi*d@p isihi rtu ploroI! parrioLa!
'hth Asagrrcbiisib:|dgdiiryonatsi'ho'ryg,
rhn book lor qimpr. rhevirrigeot Md]!n L rcr
r h g a s c f o lL M lh $ s$ i d e h $ r o .g e ti Bd r |o .
nd jln $d lnntuE arbo, tuon a snarlposur f( r i. rcadsid!ro

5. Nlne od ddlir fl€drd Dfebrrr of *h&d

lrreadyban ddlihd, €ihd h rheArsNed.iBhrhs
od{6r rindsG!.hioB od rhe116 of rheDint
d6ds (th.De* of srurrsdd th. sry
rhq! D€srt q,hiGwr brcs you flq Moe ddiik
,iLr rob*t hr€ 6 do, * rhh3s fikerhe r*di

(!trdnudr or rhef,$l€d pd of rheoLdwqrd) * qurr

msr oI rhcnajor 4rods. hxd yoq wont 6nd,row-

cnF6o rron snrh, ya win obvb$ry hde b

pid d dorn roaridi, sd tr &opni pLtu ind i@3h

( @risr,nodtum 6rc,a od nold,m (Fro*hotnt
aorr6eprorof ytu :dwie€ Ga shrr vin4e ryirha

Nh:hwr you Ein obviody hd? b he* rh. si?

rcuM .vey .o@c for rheh, oirv r ydmii dr fire


lqpe tor €vq rhr rkdioD !trd pLo*hgs t Erl
i 6wi dd a .ry L rcr e msh rs 3i? s 15 reauh or

ud $ d. smc lry sbrs (rh!r i3.! dry whichr J$

oi (holgh e fcw vinaBs u hlE lrr oI rheflr.

cE*hs {y sd of s*hmot s ofio Nde €dq by

lhq€ [ did ]e' rye rnow rh:t ( did bod, or rhec

skb 6 er s5 Fu ftrd fo! a sriq ror F{ advo.

(rho!3h $me win be prc!* ody h rr. i1J4r di+)
rho band6sar& ro' nub,l prcGdon behindthe anaiktPLie,elg]sa*L.hdbqriE?Pqdnh4
yoo!& sb&d€ o{ i nq vin4e A na ! trldelode

of dhs 116 dwefl.rr yor adv{r€,rre.dy r6rures:

s P e d f i. P l. e , io wtth € tl n e b a d d th d 6 0 T i h r

d s is iq iP l{ € $ * ir ci d yq L so ' h e n + o f
ArhGiqrhrord wold or yh.revs

rN eft or r|l tujor nEe( rf yo! c f€eliB

c* ho d oI ? oie oI FF !trd en. p$dli. dd *id

**.h is r; villise;' bm. cqcdGG 64t otr

hir d a tu; hkN{e A .rc$ odord by i rcushLy

i' .t'/ ;.el aioui i6rbr rEt forro!. krcE {y re 6 whrh
Nnr 6 orbnid yo{ virisi 6!^ q db €vo nqe

lhc( bydloliPlaeLhi tnl ni nPqhdqo[oI6l

w4. t s n, I wry inPdmr q burypraer.ri ya {€
ddrrhg a luhnor h s /o !ri.i hI a ri6her

i*jbuj]dh&' ddtdaw r qe]y bu5v P| i c i $l

p@{ot ru.keh dsriq wjrh sFdri ihiiF (q
€tr4l€ a &h oatd 6 ! ruiq Po{) a Pr{. whi.h
d€iot h : € a n d k . t f r l b e v c i 6 d b vin d jlid @ l

wo&4 o* wh:r sd of s6Lkrh€rede * rh€nsk€r

ro ddlde howouy nirrer sbndsrhd.:re, divrde
t h. Pdp u l # o n o f ' h € d I I ? s q b M b y!@ ]l' th €
popuL?rbn oarherorn r h$ rh @, drid. ft by
ro ro. rhq @ll ror €eh dal @ rheribh b€row
ouir prii,,ry, ! hror dc @t reed 6 frn h fte
virar or rom {4 fo! smeh€E rhe ne or Pod
Agn q|fucrFodua (6rt, Yeehbr5
p*ibh hsk May prrcs !c!d ftw h! ddlih4 whih

hc qqrEs (. f yd wlr. Fu .d 6r D ene dic,

ndq topl. hv@ q 9ods #d af b. phad *

rPPrcPthb roq'bN h bn q dv h a serl

i!ss6 EbLbqhic\ rofloein rnpv iotf miyN*

lrry i fod rerisbs ax q rhkve' lyt fd ! 'tuivre

dF@y. $rd rhe houchddlJ rfs tu i Livis, dd

.i{) rh6e D&k!d a dissq d) !tr dak wth

d € | ib € Db L yd r ddeonfui ]ul yl ndl hen@b€roI

o{,,ire olr4 r r4w, - rcn oe di. h i poq disricr,

rcdue rhc rc![ oI yos oLLbyr poir h a reLrhy
d r 5 d d ' 6 ctr e ' h €6tbytFhr'ThefrdFrtoI
[rn hb]. (@lli3 1+ b d{ide on eulry) an ?ls be
sd b dd€nhe q@ri! d sods b a $oP q

ddii !h(os rhr ratr4 providF onLy dlir As a

donlory,i6 shr' n*' dnv

r a! Ia, oiryb4k'6onlery65v{dh

' 7 ce i+ 3 @ d b uti bet{{rda|dl hrs

Nrub, ct c\5bwr

Major t4PL6 $ouri

$cd sPr @ddbe thesit o( , dery! or p'i!d!

tht *4e {if yo! h."s iot :rredy doE e) y@

ddty! spedaLdry th$ nay be ikodcd by eydiq ^i
sfolrd aL{ {dr b @n!ds rht qay LIE phe n ruo,

{ ekiidd4hPlof&& [nody tl LF dl q
tr dELrhi cry ; d€sisred6 bs i wry G'lr pr.!!.

s{rid Eric GpaGdry) i deivs q pdsr bon6,

6 lPo d sL l c k ddhthee* eP btr3 ir e 5 ib w

.onehhLy 6k. nod$ that th. Heo6 nay wllhed

Herc* do sndris b nhd rher *rorbo ]tu*

h o lg h e y o b . G € d,d + o d h g o !l i r .i r fu tr 3

ca re d b y rh€D w d* E i t46qs eNt 6 h h i 6n &. ry hos b!6*q 6 lnd 3 p&d. o;

D!€@,er (pre 3& oMrdt b priy a 5p<i6. p{t ii noe ini {drry Neqtastod sonewin;bvbutv
Inwnfuechiafu5'hotmqqubjLy'elkls ho$e r&e4 dhlF nqc !d rhof ue * 6. Dh;.
{ l l Pq { j t l ]L ],l h d g i q fto mo !!b l h ede.n
(Nqbd or Athckt wspon Mqe d*iik on n6t or
rhn my r€ foud h orr !tr, rlr rhe6ookof

&r Aiitur nd (uj+t dr) u,rJd€ndry


sbr *rrs ri no$ os, $or doAdr non rlly Un&hdly-bw r!u

R* h€'ny 6 l l b g f o l i d | q i j r y j i d lll!@ t{ r ft.

3ivq{dr iln oubiderhs.ity wirr, €nqhs b }i|r

Husqs*d dw€rbgnoGrsry wrh dd4s of.y6

hr, rho yery b€e bftedi@8e a(* rh*

f fr yh u r u D d sa i n o n e d b y
s!( o sr^M'tr^ !o - s?Ebr(6yP
" ^r!&
Lr€ i hwd body bpFd by ir @bps, d€.p
'rttq &*
hyprchceFs: oppoed nut sc$tuny 76r


c ry r t s , i , t 4 U n d € a d ' r z f t l H o lilr b {
byJ *ndr of a d€idno r no, suir, hr bfb 6r

N 4'E| H 8hq]u

hururci4 ofrd sthry

EULour spir r,prd o, rLeF:nh! rhre { i wi4y

u3Ly{d brurishhudoid hirf way b€rweod orc


l,,l kr M4iir ciu.

nry sdE Misiar ftahe € nd Hs'ih
Aw4e 3!( 7 sr^rrr^ 4 - oumhgrEodG fo@do'nyhPonBhrsnn'brdM6thrccLlaf
f iim d | y A E 4 g r Hg L

solhry or&pii8 or orc i d humr lhuned by mcr


$weFd'dliq hored h!tuioids who !o €xbale!

rlM4 E o n g g F d b ' P d
An hvLible ipidt tBppedoi rh. F:nAlr Phe, ei
Ma$ic *Ndwdin& bllbb.ry, rclshLy hu@id

6idsdlal R.prib 1n4

roqh ,hnE4 rbincM.hraded h!nooi&, sufly sbrllie 8io &e tu a 1J dcbB sEk (rd 1

rb.a rbk).r{o hrs h : m, msn th* rhe$rke h*

s iI L ' s r ^ M ' l A]- sn l ]l b fg l + :l .l p o i s)

UflillvasPh'Li,rdM-ljl!colueruybh&y sutd&cfosdutrsL|yoywbcq'hoqh@m!r'
(dws b?.k 6 sFr fom ro *h.k).

s / d 5 h , r T 4 U| d s i d .1 n *H o l i |€ H i g h
Bumiig hu* h Poin0
Pirridsholridrdeyiq huDu rr$ +n[ i hur o]Jy

.{t ro avoid.r{ hypndiad, vrrin win b€ br6r it
nowavupic rr r hunoiry by ilvq wsporu (yhidl
qrrdrrirt sne Fw€{urm4jq as6k rhrwh rhe

Now rh* rheDn€dq (rh13 youthls loojurd !p r6b

wo.dd yinw, b,n q dv ihe re* n€p c b bhis

rh* ed.qed rcri& uftrad boqr 6i $d rhelif€.

qery I $G$tu1 htreo! r :dw^&y rr rhe f,rl€n{r a d6*Nd ro be rhe ba$ for rhe
Hs@, 4d for rh€ ampaG! you 14 Dn{bt wirl

Hltsn h fr q tth e6nqdtydi fi t!€E {oP {'

ar duBroo riry wirr M {ouid *hdis {yore
who.haG rho, bunF h6 rheq oLsinpryrook i
b r rufy' r rhdc n 3ny*mc of cni$ h yo{ rqrd,
ME 6€ Hdds ,ith is hxe d*6ied b bdr^pt

th cn 3 4 dy b}i fr6htgadw i l hc M * . t ! b rono, !p wid| rrtre 3E pknt of way! b pkBe

rtu H€rc$ hb rbcftick of rh4, wlh r}t nhinun oI
+ed th. tho rora lew nGhts,th{ ror: r.{ effod'Th.wJkoI.ity6vflsodth€vdos&i|d'
wek. Make 'ishl
ihq bqy ieJs or 30 o! shopp4 rdps, d e Plst4 d wir hbal dN dknsi gN $yi & ,H eP
hhodke $m ro a @upk oI o\n&F (i lindlod,
9 ,e d !f!yl q* w onh'feLLow i dvo t u E r wh o
ln@s rh* hb€'q Fbs @ beIouO rn.Hs@s
ddlhd!PLayeF-,ijlobyi@s|yI*la|llhdtod. im',ih a dasq h rkr b,.r r^d a *Gi8s p.rth

rerw 1F3cr73) od , Ehoe ftp hore * theendor

d*rr abodon.p,riohrtirli rhe|eodiry ponBkr.

!i c-qiru

HSx ffi

nodh d ti. or&h Rtu4 Hr lib! brid8$

b M o ' a t y ' l vo o n e 6 r!4 d B b d 9 d o | @Uq'

ddsn :nythhgth. sa orthgc ty orThisv4j!* lre

'hat jbur : | ] ' h € P d r c i P h o I r | 4e ffr L n o ' 4 PL y

r G hom€6 a€ry piak, {s$i, thtrt bisdd od

eGrr haodboo(T,0', Pqr 0li.kid n ekd by the

ALhis! rrLt ,ftd ron GePdi, now ?
the Plia { a hid@d, l !|q!]y but !reb
ll1!s|f5|y hdPdr c eohfT w ohofte
odsirony ! Pr4b *jer aned &it shak.)

T wd o c e td e Po *d *d n { d e cd b yi a |
rq^c orgse{ae dls h ? kir€ fr3ht, od n whenit L *rired t pinte. A,u qui4lt
$(eded by lft hrhi Jdjo R6y. rhres
noothshra Rlbv i! hcFe[ kilhd poLomd A?2ul5(ru errry, dP iie .l crda sil,

cry*sl, arcnhd b&bdio ddefid fd€J b{@sfe€drhehi8lidfAlldh'

rorr$ pnfi.ise wrh a ryord
vil{6J5 ni|i6. b A'w njls ll€ r,a 4
itd r h d hqP i & tshi r'yhi l .:hi dforce
d$uL6 rhe cry wJL h rou bd4 bL@dy
hou6 3{o Y*ntb c depcd od tue.

roil ns Frc is lonPrer€d4d


Mdy hdud4 qE od rro[5 - r€

o | ctsdhtob/,l |l tb]a& dadG|y
6@qqe *:bh Fowrh dd br&, d th
,d sbbrlb$ rhe cry nlrh @ds rhe

In rh. dty or Adoi ii f' $u, e sdtFrrr&

bud hb hL tush k Nd! rhc ciy on a

n€rchot shiP,4d rhn johs i !e! d*
t r d | d e t ' 9 1 € n h . e l d ! ,sih e Nr y
Y a r b y q { f t g E v g a | o flh € d ty' sM t

s*enl o( th. mw ich dthc Iron l6t

F/r P@ ae rirl€d i rhn yar3 dldv
3db abid. rhercPured
h&dqueE of tle
4, Tig p@nt da| A:ar o@sioi:lly kntuEs
hiroc||b!si||dwenigb€re*htheshsiis ^c

ry*hcd h br{k ,o6a ro hidch6 nrlaLeE

.irdar :nd ht ciry cu{d :re nrhes in

drlly dlfidiLdaigi:tidis, bd d.ry Bkrsndq rnows

,7e Ac tulqdbs b Fpur{ l€s{d rherhrf Dqo

b ok l * i H €i K q5* n4ah't h o q h h G
wep@dd€ddy hd5 dd tuuEs fq {y@€. rnnad.
ind 6viil,rdls hains orhe6forrou 6 6nb yqrerf
&chktuF ore ao arr r fiv46 qedubs
dercm{ris F$4s hrd

sFolrry rh4€ hadiB b rhe db 3*F, ee s.renny

?nLle q sd kie dFp h nud !trd hoEedreppis (o

b b c c o ] , b h d . o dj e F ftr e i i d i ffi Ql tfo l cd d d

afy c*.d *h, F6,r thgstuAsL. br*kl'.*"

wdds the ,oad aid d'd o* the d:yusLL ofi.

r betur w,xat rfie c*frsh tua.h ! n\elt*d slightly IT

ftm theoFn e 6y rrE lodhln headlad, mldq a
piRb elhois .na !:&ys * :i.hor h.e dept h th. rnf
ftn:bor shts h nqe s@rh€dvw*F. rldjlc sliF
! 4z Biod b c y o n d h @ s t h e n 6tn d o i@ s
shipsth* all h€Eae rhe3,,.i sqg thes&,r&n th.
D,,a:4 e,l' dd bir &u/s ow! o4dris' .d. *l
4 c/'4A. ar rhe fir nqrhem od oI Lob{s h4st

ruc a dskr oI ncl€ry siBl€{rory @r63s, hone 6

)" tr

ddLybuus oI rh. slird. whih rhedonrory @on!

eiloE o lhoF laE 6e rhe $dion on'P@Pb od
Powgr' bg]ow,ld mot d.biL ibolt thepi|d )

a Edtnnt carl,f s,'or'.Th. EI wro liv6 h@ sns

6 ' ' { , e r q u , T h e om 6 l yd N &6 d 6 w q w l d ch


b e ld e r u d ld , $ k l yb b GBe F |i h g l ,o fi n !

Eosc oI i€wlkry od hblfld, sorrnd oetr u

o1k!l d odfrr.! h Po* Brdend ELbnfin*Lf h4

aF or dlt diselt t{qqon Borryoif ud hi Iadly

(,ifc teo 3rcw! uPeru @d oG b{* d4shbn ! E E r y q P 4 iv € , bu ' th r y6 ' F /€ ctl yo d |6 ' !
3. Ji,6r Ori&r. rdtu!. rne Er Prcds€d,&*
r*b in romt Jiony tr ! bi3,jo!!r d silor who

iq on thd conpLqry. ouidrrr rive h a elph aJ

b fr o* ddn h6 $s dqr|I Gid h4 sodime

,8!iir. Th€hv@ ; or qulry


im ft dcPdd io,sside $€ r44 o/ crE6

e tub,leh/. olfa.
n d tg ,Ei l G q,i s al rul !ol dq.nad E iw| o *


soodr b6 q od oI rhisdb Nrhod FIB rbeprcpq

to the hdboul it L.lw:ys fr,ll or druiktr pinks lnd
dws p@I€sdonilsdbld dd pnrpo&h bliB
rrrt iav i.ha rrcn rh€m

sju x orJy i r4pqq no@r rooriry


T''rlea g g T i * d
pubrr houq ft i8 h tid a ftod ro. a mjo. snqsLiq ; :!
*phnw s@d,' rd' hqds rodoid Fyhs&a/5

sd hn eo rrcllbdtlew*hd (r.t qurityl

th. :e, rhc b r lelthy dnb4 or ncrly piv*c

atr,b ad @ur oI6dk. (askhy, whq rcniq on
hinrri ridy irs ,h4! or i2* o! p,bh h. shgld
i+cr h for $n4iq b!'sio su':i€e th*

r. r,! s@d a(e. Alksn€D3 rnbh crudriaa

u@uMed by frftry lppLicdby tL. p4o6se t Lord
Mr hinfrt sho feN ro haw bko ptry oo h.(


Erycdcofth!F*'Eehedbyfollowhgdyoc prcblbLy uN his owf rs&d! (Fd norc h6mdoi

of rte naiy tubrhs p*hr s hn pdde.nd joy, foq o rhesea€danatr $e o, otrr e, r
rnnprs or rh. Dftdrbry €E Bra* Lds 8ur&d by

rh€y {Er i ihd osn isk rh€ roq sss od rhicl

sorefrrr.dr2bonbryafrqyd {orhe r,iredrenpr

b bm leadhb sord fr,\ i6 @s q sirt pues d6
r !a &stred by o bsm, so*ryd edr{' wtrile
lnds rhe hluoe of $ns $4e ithsd sb*r.4
dep4din3onryhdhqheriks rtu pdon (frrowdruir
id! rwap 3d 6!n pkhe prhr€J$ep0. on frre

ney 6iqhh0h3 4Pdiwd' 6 Mr r'r!4 |r,r//q er rhi L!€e d+ot fou.

h@sF sqve,ir dqs 4Forrc, (rd,rcon5 ad (o!
rhe bp rwo hwh) rtu rib€4, ,hi.h 6i6i5 n{y

oud€d for rc qb!.{rdir lnies by a di*d fii€nd,

rhrf h dr4iser if rir job sms {cprabtq he win

arry oi hi own Hi aer,,r p|Oihg dd hd nce$

qu{s src@d€d by r$ t*oie s*' r rhevof rof

bgiYryunfl*h63Po*e*oltheBdd3d shbr
th whis s6. w{ hdGbgilhible |!on rhc hoac,he rw*rIPLrysM*bgeoft3l?dbbd|cotA!'
ar upod) ind h6 ricd i! Brrdeid 61 6ve re6. He
iadiLm de p*, oi gn$ of &yr baLtDwr* b$hg,
oll rh€coblids Hdd (rcE poplrrnykioM d

t: :l

c ofr wourdexp€d,bqfth? dinbk L sL{r od rh€

ovs*b! siiv dd hErkruar rhe pivrr erod
dof, ld€ndsor tu owlq juriB olrni r wh€re
hrv of rr€ ho* didry dn$ h rhedv iE n*iu t "l
Ar rlE rq oI cirro$ HirL* rhe@rE oI rr& disrdd,
dad3 tbc6L,l llEe whth sirs th€{d
hn| rhebuirdis &e pekJ norc rishdyrosAheraid
dow boa iL fth dlrdd ts rf rcninson rhe :I: 6'E-".".i]
iE J ws F P q | t l, ' ' ! qh th q d o { b !d d l { ftd

\eecnneq Pm5tnfr,!.]6w)

!nd&!€rs b*ki bd€4 rn& ts ged lhe ha; atrstlyb|o.k!nuPbsur6reedshtigoi!6er

eo oss &d.r in N*Jte Alhv ad
- rh. s[d o(
hE h@ d@ved by rhe ctry cqdd s cl Rch

, aetuel, Evr. non w|!f.€ dnKdo me

nba vados 3rb&b iid .hopl€ blodcnind !4id

fdE oI ilrd ad nolo 3ood5 iid j!$ rbod lny
$ryia th€ w?qed hlnd (rd nonj@o) nid @
red ue How€v( rhc rFd€F j$lo6ly dhs h tLdr
oM Fach {d n* 4.6 * nde b Iel vq u.
r! rltr eh e,/ r,,ft ftL lluty Prac ;
nirud d6r rhed@8e Fc or drc, Dwd.d by ib
bidlor4 HogswdrHo€s.phrF b* @ thenurbd or
*irviB *w€rrr rhq rhhk @c or r6!n 60 hoLdrn
dsht rhoBh rh! dru|ls i'on who* il rhn h€*o

d &,l1', P''$tual M#.& rhc f€llow; io rc

h ie ass$hi cuild Hc$uarm odofkiLliqisb''Ilhfuibylhg
Dw:d v{4 r,&dhd4 a E6Ed advoi!rer who h!!nr
b* hi €dhu6n ror a Ery sood n:pr a G!u,
thebsefrthsalndEvilidsdathHerue34to ff3hb ber out h€E *ry dshi dd rh€ rudtup
^s rnd
6aPciu*tebyaEfu||yd.ngjigit9rdorbs co&ry &e rwy, h*rit b be $+t q. ( v€4e


7 rd& Iq Ed rh. randhs*ase * th, bqr6n o. 116. me cd 4't ctudt' rq||fr u\6ttu\1rty, *e
aflo3 stei ! il'rys j:nm.d !*h fuod€ds or {om tudig si$ of thr d{ of$udreL i! rtu 6!r
so:r bors ,hrch !o be ined b kle ore dosndwq,
{ q r h r cq h th € 3neTfuhE nnj 9|omb:
ljih Iw idvaL b€tor rryiq b *or lv4thris ll€y

lT T b g . d l$ 7 lll l ' ' T h € d Yi l r yb d { @' h €

rei:ftd hi plic lpdody r wr rhenyiis Fqhs0
dd hr r rry errh. aF pdnhd Do@ re-po cd
b] h
'q v b r J ! I c P l d e d a | h jo f' h e lJ' n o

:1a! tl
i! F I
iK, F6 iooJs e i{4hrb05 hrw Nu;d. rtu

3ds5 the dler ro b4r a few h.rds 6sdh{ ein


bui wh.i I n (oc*r d* sm€lls@€howsds €vo

1 aed3 M l well s fts Pinb id m€rchdt
srun 6shiE v6sk soDe@ be h €d b hre @rds Lmlr dou (io dr otlEoi, in fid, bv nob; of $e
or rdivd;k r shqr d6hre up q downrhs.o*t, IrwJ cui4 for io!.Fyn€d or pobdon n@q|


frnirryciria ju* wh* r sohs oi!

,nd rui , h rho b rhe m*.hhe, wh@ @wd! or
p@pt .rc atw45 sifrhg 6 buy rirn Th. 6shyfl€tl

u & sai sary dry dlrchha hodkrchhk 6 rhd

iB vdnh. d6pre (or Ftup' &€rg o0 rhe fid

rh* rhe6Fr d r,rid d rhs s{ond i drat rhdf

n\tr 4ddh.n!jt.r r cnIPl 4| h.hi l l Lak d

r rr. H45' olM6r5 viFtr P?F6 rh€ n* n*< J21I|tsillt']wfuh@Iry|
eft hc Lthg with th?,id of rrubarcd nolld

& { h u ik d h f : . ' * llre hn | ! @ b r I F 4 q '

hbr and oho wrblft Fhobed r \ eo otdirbd
@nfor$h irehee i6 a fis|t(nly dik;t .old€
n n oo\ .k dftd by
4d he. Dr aEtu1 w{b q a,n 6. miu iu,i4d
[| lF'rin lAa 4 sq u|i yr
Lr P44!.l'rc r'#@ wlib hislfe PqEush$
ow! aE{ h rb!6 (rc M?rr4d e4 bdowr,
Dom& Piperu* dl rr M,n wo* hro h; 6rn fte


$r hf n &@Dr.d itkr i pe6dJ mdiqr d,mq

md i6 dhobh irc :,lnt blyamed up by ihe plaes
mm a sron bws i blilt on tq or t6? rcot od
{@n I i bumhsbson Lir66 up ttu niql b soide
h PonBL:.kad r hipp€B {ywhqq enc ryp€,or
buh6s rod 6 dsrs qdhs M6r of rtu dvs

pLe* (by rhl ory! d&&ds r anahry L). bd

*e6 iid ar4s. lue

lrk c , !c @ , ' P d o r e F 6 b c I t r d b y' fu n a 8 ['

kl4 ]i lh. dtr .dds :re iluny rePt jn th€ Ctv

who usarLydar d tun ou ron of jde fron

dawo q l i | d u d . 6 t r y b q e r yith th e b a ck]%o f

p; a"
e$ !r aL,aFmd rrybs Formrdd,iiserhe
!l o ;

br*r .bboB hde rherrurydsp€rb rd rher riv$ h i: !!9

Iavourb udic doB rh€rre* of hn hq*.
o Ho4 o/ er l]re rrr& or4 {oq reJy loray
rh.Hq*oIPdnbth?60ft of ih.nfiinds v'ids
4E€ of dbi@sftd !|J he Fh @ b€ePPlrt4

.pLre hddo o k6 or drE rh. 4s$iro oit

6 lolncdii4 tui lirtihood liEs rhe How ol
r. ft cd,, t,4l'EiF. nre scd hqdquftF of rhe
Brcrhsh@JoI rh! (nlq a rfe 8!j!d b rmm b h

h€Bbcrow3ruod l€rc!howvs, Ecttu ncn

pLo b bnq rh& bs}l b a sr*fldoly codsior

4 l.r?r /l'@. Jd&e 116 foilFri sdbe h* h.r

odconc of a trhLG4 c,tru,,l &{6rtri, bdo"I

I r4t ,. D'l3r,'. rh€ Fqle of Pon flackdd
doFii* r &
n ,ok !ovs.jorr!
dz@Lod vbror
A : 4 / rutuc
s o r + .jd
whod fri8hr$ h* wqdip Dakdras a horyNo lnd odsiErrdods or
hi! n€nory h:E prcduadnkxLe, ll4eh rh*
*oi6 seny Fore ro be fds che Ert@, aled wT 4 fu 6 5 !d AP Fsgthecodoffumsad
wi& b vrrrry inFnd b tuh€mo od ein65
a ie ind bdq .rue fd rhs Mulr dtusr iulu
soiJie r {tuny bhd o a, 8E$|*iis h $ne
+*E rrqd onry by rhoE who i2vol bei
n. T,ir,, b s.n,r, lrre Frrcn ddt of ndreB is !h6orfte roph * rlhioied in rhef(m or a huse
chbdd h a ooak bmph.oisrturd lron iory,
bws r@mrk bp of lhi.rr o {oryts (h€ voic o
:n y*@3:no3t| .fr,heffi :ndP ii? t ' d d h t
Hish Pd6r, rh€ ]6ed Yw lurha i dwes cln€d
rm5 of &*nt $@3h rh. 3od hd yd b bdh€r 6

y rtrl.,o &txr,r bd br brc!8k hn Prtonit

b e sd sh d lBth rc€h
* irdL the ph6r oI Kutlr* g*rrq ro Faic rheu

arndb' rh4h nsr or rhe rine he rtei6 rhe

sGh Pn€d w(hi rh. w?urof hi oa plbQ 1!or
noe io65 ooer d (dril ddrt' re re')
qrh rlt odhay p&prq fd 6. r dh4 r|!y esrd * r
'prcFl sod Eo3etui pu[re ud s{€Ely aFtur
14 r&fl44#F4r' rhe b'8csthi in rh€db;
aw6on€P@9,€nldqth*theb€€dm.dtnPl€ M by Ftup, rh. |'srd od b rhedfyr ft ta|dtod
cFd o d !hunu+J 6!| oIhR h€i s h t in d s ' d l!

6PP u lg e d b a d " I

hirk Ior orh& sanb h& L5bds b i nh*lel or j!*

gi H6 :;

uoBd ruld rhe enhrl (qn ail !!d * rf.6l.nd z

or theblndiq ! ih. croud brew.ry.rhl d€ n pirdtc

tiEddil|lhcrcl6ih|'B4ukdLEEd]€d' i:,


k$ry onpr, rhe M6ir N6e Dbbd ! no* f:nds

6 rhe h(re oI the ,hadowy bd poreint cord of

whole ia. ?nd wh& rh. dd ryh:d€s d;n sidae

rdibLy sinrs phe. rhse e a ** nay

dsb of $.dy.r@kB P@Ph haoshs :mqnd *

!(,ftE 4d D Jcys,lui w**h* oeryrrinq rh* *cs
d Th € N oq€!!| $l he,(.oIth.M r * d s q u g € '

frads5 od osbnqs h s&rch oI ? s@d deJ. Ghc

rto wet of Mudr€ Bdd8€i i &; e* of eys
r e P * Rv s ig h h e 4o d l d to 3 i Er h € n b 4 !g 2 d

,{hh rhL dlrrd rd h @o\ or rhr E* oI rh. drr


: n. fta; cNrr Tio!,ho !io*;rhhs !b4r

ha,m whi\pryd
slird hadque* d a rusnw bbcr bdldi4 h rh.
rr of rh€ N@! h ad, ture ; rc 34rr eid

d fcred tsd of rhesuird* difiertnrrin6. rirE ec

Epqt rortu Earhed o1rheslild $nvh€E dE
M6r d rhebordin3:rookd ir rhq c uvJ forsom
orhs b$ire$ q havrbm qie ibindold &yore
He ro fiy6riqde nuchdos sooi dinowr
'ho 'in
€Ery @v. of ihe buirdbs!!u b. s@d only r r. M.,b q@d A ndkd or lm? sn bre5Ptde
n be a!@ w$ daysa w€L rholsh n, cbrta.rq
whi.h tu tu$ krow rhisFi or rhe.ry. ti vdos
buildiqq !pp'6rie [k ;d htr qurifi€d rrGws une, of h?ds5m4 bc qrrq lnebrl o hio
nct 6 tu8e ido@hon or pla jobl, hlc *ds
rrro or s:k sp.dirrr €quipnor.Fn nom&ra tu- ateTle6rtofthe@+!|160!9|!;i|waFthclne
dowi, rhislEa nay wll b. rhebsisr h rhedryr 6q
s{ho h&d &"' d/ P@ff, b€try.) ft buiNs6 0rrrh*i rkEs,,l;0 4-oqid.
rs o{rirs tum hor pr,tprci hlrio, b
otragt of Midoe s6, dlinoy?d lnd lotue 6lls,
bedh h rh€rorar 4DG (se sen of,{s,k/@ b lnyoE wrio@ b€* rh€n(6w 6r

L rs r*ct tr ber ilnkr of ulhhs wbo?E ashhs

!rh^ rm*oe' €45 dd aribqE (u$ary ey4€d

5 &s.,t ,.! ski!. olrh or ye6 b€foc be ws

dep@d,&rcn vils65^ d{i;€d b imoturi4 ii dqe
d*uq he inpsed a {dppr4 d @ rood.ody rh€
ft+ onehadbd buiLr rhep@pt!idcd islsr
? ' lfu r ' ,9 4 ,F PorB rdsodsndi d6,r€d
Digggk e L b o k q t h e w o E € { o .wd ,M h e
bddohrLyPahessiEn!l!!'futndilod|hone 6€y have6 ]!@ a h* i pbk tor a @uDhof wek
oI rhG @nm€n,ho eouEed rercneG 6 rtu os
!!d *knPt b $|| rhentfu *!fu' bd A:41'3 PJ; rriru. R md, n* @shrc * rhedrt hadib;l
hrbqr srrrL pluus krh tuss bo,l5fld Ffte
F4|. dqr |'tc b of'endh;
b yle lh g yh m h tfol l @l l i <$ful oMni o

rte Dr &rI,,,4 .,4' 74,a No w i tusor hq

he cify cud sie ! wjd.6dt1t'for rhi r wh.E rh€


rypiard,otoE/, hsud.HeEtrrvds f@ni[ od

obhh*Fdal|y@e]kD,Iolhbd*@e6'sricuc Aknd.dfubsholr.cq'wthdhq!64$addty
b mblrl on shoqldfrndlu* rhc thhs idwdred on :
P6broi $e'rr (Avr4€ q$Lity)

hdk t, r a a very bq hwsi (rd rro dic lho
lolrne ror a*@€F for rll rins €x@r Nidt)
@n; *e a saE tull o{ necha6 aid re;rc6-d cin

bdy4n rh€sltheF ide ol rh. MaLd ssie dd 16r Q
![y wthh rhi! lra t 6 posbh b by iud

.@d s4 l oLei | | y obhhed

ap&r * ot€n qqik di,6dlr
F| d e rh ef'Ls @ n!+oF.E E P l a d b y | i€ e r!
ho,!- i wh h dhdl trc d sc.rYr ddFt 4d
nst dflb* n.&nt! (Roll on rh€ Mer.hur Bs! Ii
h} lr ifq[m *eLyD' ol N i dqtbeL€thl ul h


r hhs rrDodos .nodso. rh. p,+ of sh,ni

? r r]l i J,4TheFn?P {to'qgy ]i r g e t o g n { d
Frtuo4 eu ror naiy *{5 ro nah it @npkory
for rrr rdv{tuo li63 h rhr dry ro bc ftnb€6 (rnd,

linbtue of i h€e nuah{ or wdoE who .dtd be

NndEd ornb?6 lilrbs b rc* fq lhftvs Fys


broms fromdbhd hidi rhG!o!rd €vo b€i sdi€d,

ihe sh4r d kis (!c th* &Ey, lbove fof turhq &-

@monPrae q wid so 6 aadc13 Yld oi d

hinErf a 3Dn, $ak Ire nd, i4s johs h hr s

h:rs od bnds.s@r rte hne bd n{y iE nin f

r Er q,aDrl ,iH *n. ,hch L ofhn 6u* rorllim
t !. &,r{ 4, wirya oe ol rh may sdmiq sP.n

res on h rh€dt dd iI d4dopcd do* liik wrh

ihe rhr*r cdl4 d6pne th€nkrdtu'al ndror or
sorce€c rhe 36*ry dsBc4 dsurir 6M hr

$* rhn hwm dos hdcd prcvid.! toL ii dE wiL

fEDr hudrcn h.trs beyondrhed+ un6di*el,

rr3 r! /5,, rqm. a6x bol| rh. p,opddq or
ofidnss - 6od, d;oli a @on tu tht nabt ed a

;*dd iklr to mwd.pleidog dedis sd relo.

ddrs ltlx aB sa owr,fin ant H41lafL tu rl dory6 androbh rrdniBhthwtiq ofro adv. ro
fsd rh€idr rhs€ to! : b€Lh fed. A56xr njibn
i@r * ryrdlhb€ he306 hudhs (olaiderh€dfy if
whichh. word Payrry da+
o,nytbl ns*rudedrry ts-

Domiftbis the Bl*keid slyrire, rd dill vqbh a

destnsdby sm@re drh: h*. ror the4h,:gr .

{y4 bdrrc*t tr L i srid rookq !1I!r, wrh pLlh

bdLdhg i E e o L ! € € b w g ' t h €h lL q r cn h o o N
rePs db v i f u d h d s l € n d $ P h ir te fm wh th i4

atswh*d p€.pLeA.a, n sdwd by I e1.d bdd or


r c o n d iv d r d h f u ob yi n o F a b l yq fl .d w &d e i

tr6red h.n*no aod Eravrd by hin Aa( Bcly

,ts*, b !try dhid4 diEdtr qcpr vho fe a4ls r$s
ddlh. re : e n u y o f ' f u n s t g b v a $ :L | a
d@flly, * ib the lill q tfie iodr !& d 6c frlnf.d @dh lnd i! fo6*, ,hch !E eid.d bv a

*,^s;-b *"; b rh.h""d,d d" A.*r. c,u

b *$h. $* rhey joh up v h the aNi{t qitu of
cd€Fli i pk6 c.irht t6!rc ?E pra6 Pqr 3rtued B a (] F[HQ]I, 610
ddLypLr.d rhc ny &d rh* 6y rhepre;hsl!. of
r 4i& @3e d p€.pk dd fer 05 rh. mih s@pr

v : r c r A z A b @ ls m.l r ? n q .p d { € sr F d b €
oe for, drr@sh he hi5 @de po4 BL*sdld lii homq
phhry he *i[ rilcs ro sd rh€.@ 4 c',6 qr of
hrbry dcsideny, 6 spod a f* w4k q no{hs

!r on d3 bd h'n*tf .hF b.h'nd. DFpie hr roE

r did od dadq dwnhE, er Endtu rnsr
o l' b u t , h g L a L 9 ad *g kl i d &a d e h sF i €

ho@ rhe cib cad fom eo re* Iqs G{ the

thouah s Nny d thequrbB or rhd nunb{ n:y I lr c s b m | a P P * f ua "' h e 3 r d h 6 d |a @a o

b e o d q d dy onl hedl 'w [5qhdP * | 4 ' a y
pinr6:idrhisssFdor'he.ity!€@rcLi orh4
eln {d @npr rh4 dq.qtd ws h+e b bc (Fo!

ba.kb rhevq fisr pinre **ls rhoushMt

word &ny rhn ,rr. rdry cq ildud.d 4vones
lqhdqnoJs!PiE|eAfioqlhen4t*{gi rhbluoeorfuflni|bFfdsal|oldedtyt
Drq rE JE ri. ngsr liBle sDlp of +ip ;nh
of rh€n rivch $. rrhen rb or row\ rhdgh 5@c
hav. warkdv 6 oftid4le .ry. AI dE flnitr, ne Ery *dc4 f0 * Ft dq itr uMble6 prFd rhe
o 9n irfu{c do |h€ &rd m Jl @y thq ;
hhfd4 | trrh rheLmo a,.tueB rlcs who
ryo* 4dsr h, aid $ q. llr r6e otd fi!,n6 &!

e iJ r u [ q r 3 h | h 4 dM F o P.cEth r e q h o h l

6r dy cdE. Dktun i8 a ldm whee rfe dr

f c ! lid n t h € r u r k |PL l e - d se d } A.|h € yF t
, dq h€ bEi oE ,( rdred uPa 4prcd G *rtiB
hcP<| GIh? bood@$ |b| hd5 b lhcsULd
616€16ldlienN6wh€nlhryQc\:du|thood. 'h€n

qrLifv 4 tun rhiy6. E h rhlr ! bolid b rh€ fnie


M6r fusA n.yq 6nd @l th4 al cqi|*nshr t

id h ldr rhc tuad o1rhe cqild, bur ore or r .iile of
rve rse. rndudevurpdn:ii* dd nonhdd fthe
riftq roned ax{ [.r ituEdibh D{i2oot hfr hod).
i' ,orui, w6o ({ rhs clndndrE rte hqsho iE rhe
.uh6 of rhe cuird h htil}, rhey snc o€ ffnJ,

nih'd iq aftry bv khs rh. b.* rhif or rhq itl

rowhs b.n 4ory@ry ro help rhd do rh.L 106
popary, 6 ! Nrr noy n.nbs alsob.tons b
ddk! 8!rd. Tlr€&dheftood i! Ld bv a drd€ or?o{

P@o6onqp th. hvet or rhr 3uildi i6h€d by

k ' ^ d d 4 " @|id . b o d o' ] t * @ ' T h e y h ? ! e

- n 3 k b & r h e s e sl i L o i l u d o $ € r h e n u l n *!
b€@ney4. |buemb rnd tuhr of rco8etul

:d h'inid!'bn GrreBLly b4sht tuon th€ A*a$ir
cdld) to sd th€ orlpdb ciher h sistr up q hdq

h rlie cry R€l*ioN bee*n ths $ild dd Loii A?u

& srenny ery soo4 6l riry Ectud d 4Een4r

LDn f h8€.$ate polrid mdo{q4 Amo4 ,he
n6r hpdrdr sqirds rE rhs forrwiB (then GdLd
unid df Ei6tue6 od arr6 lDsl b)
b,yet Fdrow{iP rcold 06l Rnbqn F'c dd tlik Pah i
M?dMr cdH {Vd6 cockltw)
MtrlDEd cuid (cdLoi stu3r) &dd! b ighr, bd n6r ae hoG sosibL rte bis€d
Ms{h{r'cuird ( r€@LeshlBbt
Moqhia.6' coMdum lqredlv Ecd)
Nrvi3lbE B@rbohoodjaJ{116db M'h.6 cuitd

sqera' Guit (hr d Foe$:Pd)

by Bd,*' [s Nhr n€n|!E rft d fol.

b,s (he rt. oay orlln, for ju* !b@r 4€ry o.d

(ry &Bso6 cr, m c,Q fd hqFdelcd ldEG

frv6 6 rhc dhq haid, rhae c itwas $erhiq

nqt{sslnPlvs@Fof|llefihdldrhqs{hoA piis on whdhs r be rhc q{ Nr!o* of h6Gu6
d.rrhsof rh. c:pporb d!i8&B be@dhrkeew.4
$rriertli'nyPLn|ybqoP'ondstinehPort r{!ei 5 Pa cd dd 7t Pq cdrt

Lsa hL owtr @h+ (mad.d a saLr nhr eruwhqe

h rhe prlie, ir wd ?nd the cdds suil& :lso
}!nu ri4 oa bkB iod rh€ Eft{ ctuqua o{
shidiid dis rs the cord Pide lor'Dqodt ddo!

Pi{e 1or Ww€ht

D4oq rd rh€siLq A€c (or'shint d€@BEdwnh a
| 4 | b te d n u d ]- sq'4|hqdoi udgqbr'he

,rd behrer; be for rhe.44 ol cb6 h sil fornoe

rqd a rew (otrs siny)d rvq wer jd b siye
&drrry, rht r sP Pi& ! !tuarly a @d€ eii
Fo .lcd s w E | y e6€obv thgTh t Y 6 ' c u n d b

0.4ry 16 AinudLr e pq lsr o{ ft €nrir wdth

d i Pnw6 hou (rhl iftLd4 h@ihe PrcFfy,
rrcr4( tr ) fd t Fr @r Ior ! bdft$
!bj{r 6 rh€oii{e or rh. hdiidut lnd rhei;s

ob 16 - h rh€ psr bKs rhoc€d oo a whin bv

so cPa v el 'N ooe;rl | ow €dh,d ! lM d t y
wlhod a 6idq s pefr( (or wthod b!ib4 Ihe Firds
o ils o ib e d ' b a L d F o P|g i o n h u n d ' b n n ]l a t
q a
b€ a i;isht ec se6 hl hvicd by brd &ef
flobs d nr h a houehotd od so oi rlr€ hx6 !r
bdig hvt,l on thd Fruule diy). rhn hi :l$:ppris
rurrrhedvsrf.n:sn l rh{€h rir rvfrqe&d
str' rry &!qt rof pn?65hips:rirb&db bd ror:,hite lxwrywr4!
tual5 bod alLshipslonsq dDnwo ndresmst iEw bx n hPNd oo i rcll of 1 oo oe dG)

d vg h b v ^4',s Fbab6tduP qdo ws t E u f r a n r lid e a d € t y o |tyP6 o Iw a l fu q e d n $

' a l h a i o ^d vg i o d a yq *d yF n i q i {

sP .ryb o (A l si Whb

{Dr .rc$iq drn b!@n$ i mior rEd2.r. rh.

r adindE derp lrcrr oi. dd hrLft rhe 6uLr,

-F 1, $h mqLriplvby ro) Hsvy eh $r day
i+ @ c n d n { r c ' d 0d b d yr ca d ' w h i h L i g h t

h4'whlre*,fogi!E'r,Pa'rqe.wirhYtibix|y drE & !r$ ada36 rd !d chd$ 'fi6€ nay

le !oiin*6 rtrll o@ dn i d muLriplyby p) ps i rhe€rc$n tfror'h€

'irquFLde 'hoqh
d l,q L 4 l l c y 6i i otol w d30e+4 id ly r f t g

cid4$ @ be hiEd drh diw, for ore joum€y,for

j@mB Ps FFotr q @ cP a dy qeo cP a lek

(hirrrbeFEods s4hLsoLef cord Piee n r oic

w,y ot wdkii3 od u iPrcFi*e inqd)
sedan{Eir ais hird by rh€ jolFey o rr r4iany
c4riB I cdd Pr@ ps Fuc, p[s !p. I]ie rh:iF

4 oFn r+tsd @ri4t nc dd. G l!* * blnpr but

se oe !b ft ravhs b -ld€ li* deP rhrcud

orce rh€y hlE a $fBq lbmrd riry simpy ble


&3s b f€ry p.oph up afd dowMv& dqdig rh_, (,qir46 yq nishr€4{t ba {r !p ri {6rc Elwqk
diyLG* LouEror 1 CordA€a p{jouey

orh$ sundr dd the noc ciohaly iftriEd oI Bh*

i oh€, whcrhqdsir\ q wo$ty ldd eih€r; e

.r q€ry dv 8ak, ad *.h of rh€*vo lry drenh h6

i d l{n M dia dd idd 6) very o(di@!Iy a ,

nhlidftd d4€rc8,e hkd b rhed4€;N,nneti

*sry Jai b@is fron i E trr* n4e r ro {qde a hqs !n 3r@ bm' o


Gorrorc drl &ir r uohsd ot a chhar s+h rh*

iBaf4 beror riry wir Jo aiyrhhs toc dGd Gaally
,i(st dD€6 a 6, d.erbet oreswinyar uri a

roud s! y :id *docd. Depr€ fldr 3coiBly

r4 tle rdarL @nrred n an orte^b€sE* 6r ro
nr€ hckrce pL! rhre4h rh.r
niq dd hish.d?$ dd8! (ad rh6e lih.nd8h bwevr4rhcn norirwiysFsibl€ so ror! qurt:nd
dod q noEy) 3d 16.pdvibs. of behg ded by bd
b/5 ri4r$dr. q cwn by hL Lordshiphinrtr .sroe p*sedbr rh€lour tun orcdiq aadrher4o
srin o{ $r riPy{ (or
rhof of rd3he$dar Lveq bd ior otunc ,odudi8 thd om der€re, add*! a.fad4r5
e rnPdsred duiriof n nibd x t
& Inpi$n d-d{n6osniredx5
u rnPdsftd Ju6rioi*nibdxu
r Eftr ed- for4 4 y6E (@LLl dieruntss
@ e6P? ol bly *|f at T

4 s t o & h 6 r M ,*4 sq *e fo l F 4 d i F
d $ q k h d c M{ k.' sq s@fo l l n d l F
(it qrn. ior tLred,.h@$ approfbb anFdso)
rfuidedty il€saLr,hains lroc]
dru*'dircbghseuadsoes 'rhod 4 8ired f!@ Por er{reid i
Bdb@rft34oirdebLdir etr@idd,

!5+ lalouabb jldsru{ awaid.d sod:l

Matorrh€frikdnap:major:idii bodtry qbdbo +

.4!fr by I@r hoqs, I. sndhs€4 4 InFh& r Hud€d

F ' fo lth g cityfq l ny*E 'D x*tdd:i k:ebeb
Bum t * t h e s h r e ] q ' H u A € d ] os€ d b g lid lb d :|
aED 11 Dn8 ind qdttrd rr Fgdb t.t Ba{r pich 33Iv, 6[hg i ho]s h rhe *d, joid3 a

cs fts !E h6d on rhr ra* dayoI *ry nodh rhc

rhs d:y of rl€ rppe,r, rhl d.I{dor * br@ u s

wheEhehry b. joh.d by he Lqyer ef siElfhhd

asiB juqrtrr A ts i\ dll n rude o^ tbessboe

lod rhd bodr (o whir mrhs orrhd bodv)P|Id,4

oi $€ dt€ndsfs hryq !'i pGably dyoe €lr

Hed r. Am; + N6. r. r.i 6 Eyc

tpt, tun &o die ror rh€histh ol th. sd€nG

: ore da} r. oic qeb a rwowek, t ce iMr|!
@l i eyq F;11T416'Tw€n|yygG'

r,e6ad - rhc @Nid ne wo{ with qlv tohtr

rf. rial le *rhd 6ybLrby.on6.r rhr nvorvsrhe
d€knddr fi3nriq srere, b thedarh i rhesFrt5

&fodrr rir orhd !d! rrso 3ds ro d@r rh.

wry brds th* th4 md h:s r sp{hl* h sh&
1€ (qb* n rly4 peeed * thehishpdr of ii
s P q6e E ' * l { d € J b y h w d E *o fPq | e h d rh€Mdkds+arc wh.rherry of rh. Iwose rru
d6brry, * na!€ssooJlof Ior oEt fiendsb pr&e n e6i.ry qp b rheDiEcb' ryhonay E. sore of
i rh. cirr of rhhwd Ron tuo dilt€rd<orou€d die
id €d * td :nd ,dk'€5P{rigl,)

D M nldo. rtu had rhhl rEs !m whd Lord

rr. hon! h, j!{ tufr€dm @oyi3 b€i.6b a

!6 A Cobrh his jun b@ 3o f,aPP4 @nd BF

dayh rir b{k rcomoI rh. silvq cd.

ore of rtu a3|$ |!on bsh row{ h:sh$ d€d

Tn€|odLoldof rM H€ rd f@s n Gary? weF.
rh€ nedmt si4 wh r*.r, h6 ju* b€{ @bb€d
of a nisnw sn*oe by ! trlhed ndl.y
T itPj4 &g a |hythg5r,,,h5/r.8'o0i l s,B r
$nli brodiB rtu nodh of [e c*6sh.

LordA4r h6 jon l€frpqr i rheeo ot cre for


rhe M*u Thrt hir

6r. fte spic redoi, * ? lolt{d of

eJ rh rrn* o. sqrh ei6E b EbrE r


od { uPLeror! dai3dos job.

e b* nGh'! mynedosEr.pLyis &r y@rLreh

6r rM noryr.idq, ({6hb vLmd n LoorhBlof

F I{ rid wdw broushryoq tu Adwoed FishriB

ADVENTURE rErysFdJicirudftdfon*whjchwg6oeryin
nak r 4nq fd yo! b M we c nE vou E;nb€r
'A sh.dobott Bld.ksrd!
rne pbr L dividd up hb I nubq of sa6, whjch


soineto hrPPnwill sPoilyq qjaynsr d rh€8rm€,

@h N! nse s hrod@d, wdn deoibe ihe

rl3hl haviB sh@edrh€He@6awayfor a rcmor.

b e E a d @td !re d l yb 'h cH q o 4 ;*wbehn?ltGi

iNrud6 .rl rhe&a cqys 4d &rd du b appar h

rhe*ni wth d€siPrbN {d srm. *nk[6

wLnhyoq hry aE ro ue b hcese rhele|ntc 6d

b y y @a n i d d |o b o {4 ki i i m{|H o !.{ 4dont

ft do !e 6 rhe wqld or F*hdis ior6y. rir

idFi ^qj!$ hes hb 6r n?xr.xtiq $ft

lrr ownn rnoFr of eut; sois 6 hapFn

i€d d hodyaudsfq a nedDnr bd rhenn;

6 {t tun wy rhrc!3hr ftheyhqer b i prcdbbh
r b! , dha d | w ' n c [ v a w h 8 t ! s p F li]b
or PonBhlk*d whee tLeyrBt dor wth rtu $ad

Pdt h ths ,40's ed*durc n@4? ol ri! $@./

rf you hlE aLeldyb$ pr+ns li3nriq (:d ur edury hoF rh€ydrd, ftq sirLirEadybe

5 Pylo .e n g sJu4rful N i odrnstheageTl c

*e th. re, dres dd ,kiLl, p!6drd {itr i lht {iLl rnow whorh€y.{ s. h 6l dhbh hfom*io
o n th ..lh ch &d ,rhcy@'beqbd^-ul s

rieEtoE lnd thL ore 6elrq wodedind suiLty

Addrrbnlly yq till E.d r. .hd( wh,ch(ir ?nv)or

h ord{ Tn€E ic oo re*ddos d 6 rhl bPe oI

noF or rheHs4s mq har klo{h,t€ vin h+

a, Liids rhs p&ry dliis 16. adv&tue ch4r !$
Iee oI a Hqo whoba !$ |!r ! noNk a mid'y bro'
r,.l€fth t {d Rdt* rhl Mdts Thit bdh or whon

A Hero ion c" ot 11i€8, ore 1od dr! ore) or

.[y ol rn4a (Fi3h63 F?dsy r) H. r@ bos a br :drifu€wi||1.:dhifib:.ttoPodBl*}l{d,dher
wisehei lik€jy to !|n*€n od ioncddd,

Lqd tuu3 4{dr lsoubdry rher@rDed un6s

he hadr remov.dby archbnhop(iLivrn dli is '&
wE ,/ rr{ $@d - h€dlL b€asiry E@Fiabl-" by

Atlt ww 3@,+t w.ti6hb r6t, i5 daqd.i i

t,arJg k4ee, ye kt ,ri tut btu aw h Itu
ttu Bhdsls uk af Ttht6.' tuq *4 nw w\
kqn' rid5 ptr c'iutu P'a"* fedto dtLllltt
a1Nr,rh,u i tb ntrrn| Bn$, uhoh.beddth v,'
k4 rakr@k.htuu cit,t. k ndturt b
a sd 6oh MrcRi.k n,s. Fbarl, oE (2 d o,Jy 9| '(@dl |e| Pfuil\ lry|k,
'te @ fu 4 Fa o| 4
one)o{ rtu H€rcs @ be tr\€chadq ryhoaiftd in Iq., a@idit thehqie6alurit n.M tuttl
rhebookMrJ,&,i, roe (Fi3hr4 Fdrsy :e). H. {r 't6daq
ttawtE t@r nn ut lwd dh/ fadi$ e&
vttl hei @, tu{ tik kwit. 6e al th6etN* w
turyht fltlM 4t!4s rkri8 b kk aw tJacdLI
a,, 4tu h $ tus afutha3 bM" yN we lv@t. n
,U,l,Isr. h!i*,tnil.ttustt, atu.'la @r?r@l
uho e t44 h dnt lw ,t lt ui* r kbh. hloiw
d.t!, x hn* qt thd thc @' a' h. tf tu ratu$i
hahe6 hd,!tu^ 1U bd' nt Iw h tN hin
turrik i&tvd yq tha, Eadt! b 6ritd at6. hutB
ri&, tatrd il lu @,u ,@ b. Pi 4 ,bt ,,,1
b tu tht @ M!6 al tte cid aho@ra ids ne
4t lu wM rd 1t sbteb ttqt wftal R'ry'Nwdt
k que h qrq\ lr !r4 b\t k ir8rt ed e. M6tF

14 i" dtu,ud lti 6 iqi utd la,1i,1

'tnis kdroiquework jut 6 rell h Aierced fisbih3
qrwdw, h tk a;H,hne 4 Ah6iQ ht le ku hds, 4d muy Pr:yss ojoy r if yau Gn s*
a|u9 |!3kats aul lw shulto h .6| *| r*a
b t d h t s , dq |i 6 ftri 'l & !4 fe kvto a e!h|
,r t4frtdk PadBkdsr she@tn ft tum*4itt
r' al vw oa @! H'!e Ik tuks6
Pq r t,&e | iI!' h i'0i fF!h€P l entyofl i nsod

siiq y* iftb rd* .r h." rh.ysd hb ui apkue reedb $n our sn€ ot rh€dcbir youfrt 4 *
i h. 66rpr{e Yousd r/,1iJomdbn €rhs f@na 'dr
htod(bffue-rhcHidns we | ?nd 4o krc$ raE ro 66 ioi.y ii o'nq b

Nomd L , 6 l . b o f u 3 w o r l . b u tth e F yo lfe td ! waLdoandfrndod lhr !* of I p.6o! he r. ful

sood dd rrrn his 3or rh4 bk@hd rfis 6. of :F ^
G oldE r d ' c . [ b r i d r Q l @ s | yh € h fo la ch !io b ]
&onth.qui*' *di$dP'6c @ t!oN ( gl bni l
( phity of @nFri6or bur rhe Hqo4 s* rh. job
enly G+<hLryiI rhry e ir lel lnqn h saLn@i
* rh. roPk who 6oed ftba$ sfte d I lsd
rqbrtu4 e'&&ryet,,Eso@!..

rtde5 - h@o dd noi h@o who Lo! by

rh€air dt rh* hewob rheg1616rhq@sb Allinii riy bdBndsb rhep@4 d nh*ed by apnry of oG
bgowlh h i n l t 3 a j E n s e s l ! Pb d h .6 Pa yii3
$blrrh d4rry wheft rheHs@5 &d uy diiq.|:tu as rri. h{ rhey& beiq Fid b 8wd wrdo winb€

A, d n ss cd3q. heht Mo mih@+6$ FrE.

Ed yd rted 6 ilow who L {rd4 ,n.L ?nd
/nodWikoedHg4s'inEeJ'osP4dore@und nohowt.r-kldb]r'ho{hodd,nth*iEng.s.goL|h1
r s4r F. Fnry bid he ein prcbaL,ry
dd up hb I
e wapon beroE rh€y co r€hr A 6rnh{ $Ee rcudr

wardo5 aEEn @mp!i!s 6f wasos. rnsr ft ex

. tlft whln huis oDwrddr lri$ 6oJr. r n*e5 hrn

i bhr@wardyo! ao R Gonhi 5!L!r1!r rMrc

3h,k1''t. tuao c wt ke {i ol Nr h 6t t n a. u
.ffin !nk3. al Mtku @ne tuo dr' rite soN', I
shtLe$t. lwt h @. rt ,6 htt lht tf t t*l
r1we,6 h.ut ,h6 kawns

sirv{ Pre i n4y a$ Liredyore €kg rho!3h h€

s4chtsknk.Bqptr ttst, biwte not, wuttl

rI y@ wiir L! i@p dnah hb rir ida q do Dor trehnr,t tGbrddk ti6 Al,etdq\

d 56 ank s tbd ary,3 It 3@,1,,twtB &n d(/! h

Bth{ thn sittiresr4ted \dr. odt416 t4, Maks

nn anea 8'6. bhi'whty ,thu ts bltt t ,tl
c.d r*rt b{&! or rhcddss f@mp$iB pnn$

&rre\ of N@J &4s h4 ar!6dy ,tu€d dd hG

w4@s od bnr {s do*d {did d 16. urb8e
&64.M,th,|T}EmIlonPoiBb&ddisoI sryht skl! tha nt, ct\ LN 3t'rkqd nl)

@$e.s sidc 4 dE Hrt@s app@ch one haod E*hs

tup L w6 rhr p,ny. heotr 0I bcIcekIre r) d hi

h o | ! m r iG F b | . 4 Pm "b u r |6 € h r Gb r e k@r
b rdd 1 to rec otrrhr Doa3€ r$l€ $. rhr turor

s\tut sutr! Besh @ Gt na),wqH Lq. ha)

xB @miny se nobrqes b herpDn FK tuh''

or rhhs, j$t qt od si:p!, o FF od K[e oi rh€n

dnpLyiB the td?ii tu fr3hrsere, 6 to ue i hon

hdt dtqs w rtnin\.t l t u48. ,,i&
F'kF, th tty tu bill ^
Ftu r, h h knus atta|m
mEdaL do bigga thanrh. hbh you u* d 3!mh&
cfi@$ ! par€@lou Glch6 whreq ccin) sd rry b A srdt.kt t@ttpt6 tw/d I,a, ttuw rt ,Nit4e6
pik r F f t m w h i ( n n € f u | - q 6 kse r ykd y
&usoc th* wr ur b lodrcr how Ia. cheer4 4d hte'6 hi6euG M'rne'$e Mkr. k bit5s
,ukdv h tut1d4 hryttdluu j4rrneb
tntudi eepet. ottrt,ilee tw dq.
ra:heGu8 lilh oled,€adprcj€dF ?reid€d w€ *e 3w M,:r144\A * watdrF lu @neb r tux
onc wth watriofubLebl; who the 6sht4 i ov( 'G'ep, sod 5n.I hqw4 ,a ter6 h ur |,kt'
we sinplv w&€ bosd d€o tiih a dop tr$e wwdt @rtaddb da ii p.hqF vu aut hin t tu
'h€ re tat la, t sh$ otph' t kokFutt h kiw hd'6
othp, Nth i;, Iq'hnt 4tk aN rr tur' rt hc
tdt h,t s6 h1iae, 'rt
utu $ t4ldt khht rin \u
a , Iail !tu14 atq bhh d h' [d@ he dsj6

na be, ot e,$\ Nn' oq!6 hwd, tlotit tu rn

lut wq\r ntk u b theinqc sa. 3w lf tb
^htu dnwq B n rl i. ota# rtu! tn! b $uk q
t$N rhi, tte aM h eu+qt hb't'6w.F ytu tee L 'hwat
[ / , 1 +6
h ovnik
! i{ ' , 44'd
b h6d46
w h i h tsd
iki o lww
,.' ' 0 *6 A sod
ql ni ber knte wa tu w k6 kt. w qstt a v.a*M,]6bw|&h]nfu'l/qd'fuw'srae|8|
3thv, lt rtu Bk k s{a\ a4 r 4l tlt qd
ltu talond,Fr{t, b tro thinkw,ei4dae '
na6h l1,a $h I1hx 74& hrb shs ,ryar@ear
hd ri F \d 6 |'q M fu h.14 a,u!,@|
e!, *r 4 tu F th' Btrt bkk .

/q d rI h€ is sLu*y. vrrdil cosi4s hin dd


dh€r suddr ash rooad d&wii3 then ,sp@s Ir

wrtk te. kur oltik wo, rr.1r.1)6hIc twn wdl
l rri5 rd, H e' ha b b htnt6 w,. th*rE L,ftrv
b Ir! ,iou,4 !J/@, rt /ns 4 qtu !0 jo

A na nv@h w. sv,,turvth{! G tu1 {r4\ t an

" {!y de cprbL potuqoErs s&idly, wrrdo lcdy
h id ' h € b e | e tlr oE theabi |j l ,,6nsd{my@'

'M 4 ttt, k$. tt o'@w t't .w n q e, rl ttuI tut.

llk kde eids, sotr c rh€H€rc4ind vddik d<ide

3@ H.!tu !q!! tt,t 6 0 n t\d.6 d k4' @l

ennh{. wt n dd d'h htu +ital

lh d ld d o r [ b d b d *' h e 6 € h tb e fo Ei r E

h im d e 6 ' P u [ t h db |o N g d o i B@l yi Po h to f

d vrrdjr a3@ ro hv*ris:b the one dd {tr

'c,frhM sit nu, thar! th, 114 lN 6l
o' rie($ tn *6btu ad ah\l
- r whejq (ii,rD&d rwo3obr.ts{ehrt}

As rhenrp *ow' h[ boJy r slun*d Ioe.n qq

$@nd chr i pLed h rrod of rhe6bh, pslnabty
dn€They6ndtED | d4bd'l i athql €h'a


is h a P € , b u r h d 9 Il ,ve |Etyb h .l s} i i d d l i d !!


r u k a o v u d B Q s g o fl l c,th € si l o l D a th L a

he* i lnd Ldrhr Nd drp o^ ro : Iotd€dhtu $ E

sptut sritt5uw"rd cltlJd nlI lha tr h:s dd€4 youw@r beabhb uo{oldod rcad

sd b o*e ! p*roi on rh€wix 6 [ @orsfthef
*uF ic $@b$ hsbred c dq+ *:nPs

brd n homrh. Fnq ryhosiFedr soru nrbotry

havy oies nrm dodr kvc yire rdb 6 Anush.

tir n&r tosiwi!dU !by nqGy hl 6i d,q

sry @o6d uy duA verdirwinjoh h but rl re+

e !* or oded dsacfts lishkr h a sh:rr th bor, tfr
rhe bi3.6sr r [i. obyio* pr*e 6 *?d roolds,d r dnDetodsr6bydmg|in3himThisPrntlv

uilo.L.d,blibdriFoi|ydoth6 dhide 14,.dr sru8sreone tunhs dw ; dliribh ro

sP.drl shn thqe ; r sli3htfldl oI $lphw G pqst

conldsnolhiBexcPla|€s'0a!udb.dbq, who BEsrsbodyi8nov€4 rheLlrkE {d som.orhs

PBq , wl sqletvd tuhsn th sia at tIL watto

Ittru A Ftudr,. Ln taitq tbdh to bE ur,!. t n
w,kr.l tE *I *i Fani*Lt t tu datea h t* tutrl
tshDNty ftn I n 14, th,sne *t yqt nei, kG.
tl ta n,iw b w 41J4o|,h1k&. tutt eatt nt4
6 a4tur @tt.d ht, be, ta@ h I, kk @h
nto hw ii @,, rqt^t 4rr bsrte,

Hq4s win 6trd! er b$r coD (1 Gorddd ?7 sirvs

By now rhc H@$ sholrd be put.J. someoie g.t 1ltwq*k i4 debh ne.NaNry hrcku tdhpn
h' l@aafr ,|' M 4t@ dIbl k $fr k ngfu
ta@ uhd @,kd5 I kw. I th, Nq k Nt tqth@ni8
aithi, ndtu rpo wE , I dn b. k.d b nry h

Mw thB]6lv vw, ti).rob,, arnr 1$, q6t,4N

uth tubd r $dt b @ d tu,$ tu a tuhitk,
ld Ea h id| l v i | | ghenE w fudq|h @ lh | l' la n

tk\ p6 ur atu h 6t M! ffil! aa us da$

tid dk ,rcrry,lpra rd w4, d{Etst,er. x
f4r?dwaldo@o@n6mlhilGndq;in€rhot' h@ nE @'dt nlEEq tu)tta5q16otrtIe,
r t4 6d ntlh Nta. r,t l I tlt ! nu nt4ot\)

jr t h € 5 u | P h u r c ssm !|l h i s? |Ea d yk4 r cr te d ,th e


b h c Hc id ' Y o u n4 6 !h b Jh r 5 l e h ' |y' fr h € y

bt q 5hoesnft ot5s1tu,r@n6
ati@rbh h tk ai. sM. tf e, @ @r htut. h

h\t 4in n 4bd' tl'a , $i.r, r!tu* drq) ol .nol' E

oitB ,r the@dte k @ wttr, x ,oIrtu hb
r ndi3ht bh& Nn &' ,n uth 4a4 chad nr6

t h € | f $ r u o d € d b yl m e d m o ' b u tl i yg ystd 3

b y t | g t h F * R* h € r l h "n r r yh g b $ 4 ' € h 4 ' h e

u lb b b q * iiy : P d I' l h g o 1 syth ,n 4 ]!

HereF nst go od or rh! br 3d sftore (oR of
vldirs D{, peftlpt b hold th. bd iip oFq dd t\rndrya|!d44!nD!a|'b|than|h'ul@E
lte t, hheq. nu* 5M tud d\d q h t an
a,4. No {ud !r$ Dr@s tk he dry*. r s! shez'q|m9r|'*anu|.r'fu'p413'.u|Toltsl
a rtEiltuw, rB|' @ie ttu&r

iry !.foe breirJar ju* b kq rh€nhod, b hd6
br { r eiltgih{ ddiyjs q.qg:]r y h&t6.dl
iolhhg rh4 rLh bd$ rba, 3oh3 od lnd voqi+iB

lhg|ocl( m *qeful9o| w h4dqhl v e

IhLhrd bs4h3, b@niq od 8o{arry tiq rhrcqh

s'6 t ra E\A htM,1 b ttu k'dr q yw si'h5I

ua\k h h6t 3nt4i tr w, .o,H qi,lN u $n n'tu.
14! a' ndq w r n.h ad t edah h6lrnq dn
,lutd w! tat*wty it ru L,iq hG4wt4{ b j\4rel
rhe bodyor the D€noi d&:y aCdry,bur {
-irL 'd

be.e' b th€H<es t iqw rhr Bn$ wd

It shouLd
rh€joh.rne6ri pdr olarr lord *n b be3h&ad Aftq rhe6€hr,rhevin4€F,in orfs food ,hrh sil
rh4 r&y euLdrirk6 BE$3wiri lbod h( hcbrid I iP&yh!|.do|spd|f!|8ud.i,trk6t6ov(?

nie H{oA lrr |:wetuo pobhnsthm* res.rr rr4

verdik6 prcnprrh€nind ss4r idas Try b kt |noweythiBibdtPondlckod,lhrywinb€a'ee
you Hqo6 do * nu.rror rhl rhhrhs tunEhs 4

|!we r n4i( 5wo,niit !row, him b add 1 ro iiy rctk

n4k hd' r rion ? 5drq yho had bi8 3ubh3



nE loqFey ?nd rLE osrr oftide ihe {ill win b!

aiorh{) 4d, i{ yo! hdds rh€sere dshr I wn bs

WeE |oo}1ry {ot $he €'kd th* llE led l;

vhrt! rhoql ci by sn, of rhen n&y rhE,!,



d€paE4 sEcdy.irrbnFEd 4d ;ohvsHt r wq

oL' behgr cE{ <t6ofF * h3f!e| i $q6€

.iM ttu tuq@d w rad ut b 6, d). \ulr 6 u

r !luii9.fulL3IItdd[qur r 4'\t'Bd
!, v strrl! r.ttt 1w,('eI b /,tntq{ i an 6ae4,.h
, rauttrkvs,n4hr,13]tu,h:&x u,/d trdl
t i,ad ll nu, p6t tuhE, r)i

w€hoFr - if lnry * roo{i ?id r4isniad r h4is

h hi rifebcrdr hr lrore hid b b4ih lrh o.! HcL hvert slt {r ^b arbtt e @t6r
^afirc? ^rtt.,

ua,3d h td qt ur! N&tM B4$ b a.d6r nv \! rrl t b! t6 tr [* tt u ud h $ n

'At. !& 4 w,re. ep Nt tu en ol ud( w tit6

hthEqtu,rb @ 3rat 36su5ssadtqwq, tm
etr bi1 tuzv arn uet h * !)' Im'qtI h )'4iQ I
,,kwn\whbn&w ee ol@tE yol@ddel
unrortu@revrh6, roe coLdPi4s s@
'.e 'he

r@t,'Lur tur uitthM 4t tutulo $Gr lne F*, rhry q toi vddir on rhefa. sid€of rhe

idi, bd wirrb. bo idrc6 b inrds. d erh*

beq (;s,rd rher qric sdudehdhs h th.

sFnrrsr @Llq i nodi,nrcn4!h* s! r ! sh3
rhr no.liA€Fjor 'hirha (Dnpd' F*s rts) wirl
sErhd rrrh.ykir,irrowir'*r!/trbferth,
.N| r h n u 4 q | &l !
Nw 4v nv, wd5 qnv Lnu tifrss, dd tq$.

t: d

oo { to a"oid behs adied fo. muder

tu c4bu al rhttui Bhdsfr,l cti, cqd n a6n, r,,k

rcBq id woce r[. .h,p lsoor bk 6)didl iut

nt tet hry tw rt4 tuDrdtyht'qk* twaa4
hdi,il'rcuns6k Nt at h te&r4
' 9,wPq,q|hkn1.hfi " '9N '4'@ s |
n,t ,t N.liu h vu @ A,t'u tr. uuk b
Nar'ttrbI ttr t ,,e cok hw, ant ol u,r. a, liu
,o,tsh !u/ t@dsP4q u'n4wNt'kil
LL oi rr[ ces*, * La* thrc pq H€D, a.h of ths

r!ftj lor or dlnise dd ror sne idprabb Fsoo,

cE*is rcis do ju+ a weLl


ir€ ca'n c.phn n"ir cdh r -n,ll ,m\ orslrm€

rhiir $e6 hid oily jld &o qord Ihd nery

wn, !tu tatehkt! he wet 6. rdl str r,i*

w,, t * | nt Ih$ apsueal rr'14 u'th.tq

wryw k h Ntt ltn Iin e, M i, w h@ttkd 4
se d 4 s|y thoql l i ftheH qGdea e b 6 s h r b e 4 Lr,eDcsons Todrh hyd and Bnss hosc a he
th€y shoqldb? d+ped h rcn' dBsed oft 6 tu4.' d hdc doE h &u. J 1seabow) rlF b s(o€

(ind fldr i losd chrtdkn th* rlE

^ia, -ioyqry
b e i b ls6 6uP 4?i i hahdi tdue' o a / 1 9

hnNbs the 5n bo, the H.o6 e$ thrclsh the

rrr! w@Fhrw h 6berb dotud:id:iyH.o

rrtrbud{, wirdds F6! srvs r45 b }is tjshr od
r. n e rhoushthe rlhys a r.d a rhr er

J ! * Q n P e d { d € n PL yo ' fu m i u e { d d h q !o m -

h€ne@s d $ar rLt. qo n a cr. a 6! 4 Poi

rL,. ihe sh,ir boy lho hd Hso6 b thc d{, He

rhEiG *Ik i B|{ksnd, he @uLJnrdo thejob he

s@t stits,Aa,@6 na),Hik nr, tut Ptr,,ab,

tud sin6ls),eat nr, D*ee (, cu l1o)

wh;*eo! b blnbk arons ,hrcqgh rrt h ,srcrdt

ssid stitk ci nt bry@ kt 4r^, tn tub,. netr nu rat jjd hned
ia) city Lqe ttn rr il r/!rr' @d eq td r tt@ h rat vr&
tui' tn

o1 ,f t an tuL,t trku, ot tttrr fu t ptt t d

,,rw wr5tttE @Lrlvkbk,3d @w ualh tn.k

dke! c h;n€; rd ofrq He@6{ne f@d lf

va hdc sn€ dale hread4d 'h€
@ld ltq dwirnE
; b,L, F.d ,.p*.,- .r s. d 4,ft .n- w"
-d -
\ ] q | 9 E 9 e r ' w' g " ,,r ' r yb l yk,' 1 tr |]a
otr thegdhs hblg do wd (w.lL 4 dot't ) i]ls ll P,R. jt ers al tuh ud huhi t
@ 41nar u 1tt Alke ( r ]Bq. lrQ b jls 4
L t b d b e ' h g wilw tb } n w w h *th € yP@Pss
ho ,ttt 4r ! ..bfr ht ht o )Nre al 4 l^nte+oa,l
b try h bt r ti6k FNe rnlFhtd h i* k*na1
a d v'fi{.i | .'| Il tr.1tl 'N E !1.'9 i| B k 4 q |
relt0ad 16qry; t, kt n4,6 Ih@bt, thlstt
!,v 6eFqt. at&6,r d, x 6 r k4 teh, tnqb'r.
41 41dd4 4lrsb 4'tu In | rtu r4Nn
' '14'w
cl raht tlrqsr tb tulet tua e,, r., r \y
46 en "h,e
ar e,J. lkdv b4 h |@ij), 9@D' @nhl

+06 @+r b do * alr ror otorru'bo rh" fty h+

I datrois! Tiy bo! dre rddre$s of thc [oms of


Pa yi ry htdebt'grh45v gd:!@ c o | d P i{ g h
o *,b d th.goods Gl l i n'oooG P , id h e $ d
Ndeiwaldot Me rhm lr!ry b be? hbdrdc b 6.

. rhi f ! i,,i rods; rhi nrr ,,:bF

'h 'he
, r dQnbir a^ be foundh D&ao4o ha3! ?6rl
4.".s.brhe 1,"',-. b'".r' {.sd 6"..
^1"" ",r
nth@rh iLe nr; p!Do* !t dE Fcsr laE r b
F,d; ih" H-*" ,.,t .rh. 6-
",rh -'b. -

sooc h|o;sdo^ | sLloed froF HaLd rhnoba,

t .gq an be 6uid h Duroe, tpirs:6:)l he h6
nnNLrk,i non rh, s6 rhq an bk rodsre dd
h-;wii"h Hjin rhNnbi. ! ore

. , r i bGwl (hKrt od rhefrops LLf h rheDcpn!

, rh {dFi of Rqws.olr,,. $EEl b ro$oe
|Iu Ihrf w1 ,'v rav L N| lan e b w !o|q
, h, a nth arb i tht dt* tun lM ,bdry N$h
r kb Ptt4, rtt 4! 4d a abd. nqk s tuDv
i,t uwh, q'u.4h6. wra, qD , lq ntutk 61.t tt.t
deLiq wft Udc, tu Hrrcg 6ou hin by seN
al6dy, w dqbtL!$ o,{ q hlkiq b cilgo, p6 aGu e! ,mv ol 5ktda6 b tqte aw ,k ,4*tl
'hq n ,ltnr r!rd. t d|rt 4 t ket nt q M4 al rht
I d. u!,4 at w rFtk v4 hau t arc ate ot q
t .kw elt*t skr c,6t dtn
onDlqst ant tut' sq'rrst |\rv th, ||o rd$
.1|h| ci].sr' frIi 6 |h\] d|' tu]d g| 4 Md ]$|' i|
rt t. hin h hk, krt h n@ k tnh* ra ald ttr

nfuh t he ,wn!, x n ra t6* lt ntd, ttu orl

h L4 .ry5 al ewryLd hns'tat llt ib rk hn'
r'i rE eok heM w un & qvqr e' .l ,i tutd

h td yb w usn$ih r,U , da' l.tLi Eab tin tih

, h{]r! tdt dd !wr, b k4 hin atttt h,4,t qh

e BEi' ?i.u thqc !6 i ni' unt !l@e Bd .tt1 tnv ldtt! 4;r @ih tnaq A,r b6n6, ta
t.t&' axh ttE bieks i ir cqa af ?.r.aa,N 1.. .rNv Fv kt t6 rtv. Aut tltewl
ukutn y uts t tr. tu sv kt al.xtu u 'w Ue,Dt
oNniut bnd' 4 qdhab h rnn t!tu, tN hI
14*d6tt I t nt6 ad ttd aq rh@* 6uu k trt o!4 the!ry wrthplstrtul sddts ot ts€eaLa
NtlnMtanhQ stakt t@td h 8/6 t w'adl 'ar

o iDv q F l| I h € o t '{ 5 yo u w q k,d o n th } e IH e


!de! r i o^e s4 ro do hyo{s for (iq sltlnor (!s

rrdd o ..4,r. o/,h so.o./ h D4iEq)brr quie

*1.in3 ,err piid lor $en hv$risrrioi lhs offq ol

onea.. titu,,dtran ak krux urh'tusrl! tLd tl D@$t .a,t nve |tnt tkt x Ntk h|w bs
.h'|fuk64]||i.hthlurphs]fu|g]!,la6Nrriaelh]4 @th ]Buhih h bL| rb rtk It taau,l ts, t autd b'
r, kdtuBj rer r4. nr'h,t *n rLin4*4.n.M4! fldnh b sqtt rar *ar k M't b Not h ,dt Mt
l\t b k4utt hurhkrr tuw rn lsu rrtNiu5 kde
bbaA. eu1Ltn ,1r rh,r'(B 5ryrttk6 6 rr! turt
,ndN hr'uct,q{rq/6knq5h,a4t 4,, eb

hfohrbo for s addrionir, 6rd prce. .fti;;sh I

lla id yu r ]k.| v th*'fuH go6w i ||behkresdh

P€nnbs rh* iriq r lhih rtu c c@rd F n h; up

to 9 *o d o ytq 6hA srconsi heyrresFl
'y bd
ly4one bvoi.d win di$pF rrrcleh lile dooF
o n Dya B e.ev | hs nhtk 'dqni g | ] t f f i| L
h5eh lka an@ r&ut 6 k bq, rha kn sl
Nu ,th t rhq k 4d5q awe f$ nu. tho, k at
f o! 'dr { k h a b l c q s | f u 1 r 4 f u | !e .u l!w!
]rt@|a]@|wlqll aqhk'dnblf]'athrNr

Nav 46tu n Ljw' @ra k & h.tu8 3d ]u,6al

nb tut'a h4\r Ei4 a ,nlu i @kht! 4 aw,!, w!
qt, ht sv@ryn Jkt@nftyq.6N. l ss6t vtu f'.1
ut j6r rtu k ad e6 A'! etud wih hben
-4r e@at tk6,r,t b @dwe4 tunq tit
dx h,|| ,tqs4t
s@i! 7 - undq lhe siryh8 Drid3. (&ain)

h,€€ H€ riv6 sde bs@ hg n rnk {d 6Gd or
;d; rh" 6bre d";s b..*'. H. *t * *he"
-y "in
iI d6t6red to :Jmt b th€n th* hs l,odwurds
w;e iivorvrd h the6ghtdd s!€ d6dP6oii s€ !*

h Bh.r,id 1h4 @dd vc[ Il thry wish6 Gl]

Bnsrsr".rrntu. b s"-.
;'|acs r. D*E{
- 'ir
h m b $ 4 e 3'A c ow 6* bow i t| tN co J o s t

snu di theH{4s * anytLor 4tr thevh{e h<4 to

d" D;z-t r.dL o"- Ll,ryh*" b.- h"."d*riB
d66ds n publt Nes dr thetomis5ion eill qucuv
rik* b""Lb ih. c'ild oI rht'.. rh'v b.
"irr "*"h"d
ory bmsc d Niodens hi5 foud en€ psprr

rr" Pr44!./ re^.D rdwiEE Ffiond4

h a sn (h hoti nP dhi tthi i gs oi hn n h d , ! . h * ',l

lspih rtu wods KEEp o ua {n,hd b kpr r.d

dd dibrliq rhepqfed bBidy rfrhe6 rhdghr of |lk6 m rh€d@ h !vo:| lryF' Nlodh; w
$ds 6€ dod ,f{ ory s@sh b<!u€

Nrod€ns lEtuEs rlE Hqos on rh€ subj€dof {iod.

!ftdBbidly rtu H6@5 ha,nLyq{ gd nqe 60 a
e d o a o lt wo o d & 6 r h e h tg n Pb l h l n w l h

hLl pohrd h.r PdbaPsir hc didd' &es ! nud r*e 'Hdtt! Nd 4y khl bk. s,t ryr. lhe M itg,*
,itNhhthtw bhanetrytea Hw*eai ol ttcll
kd a 4it h w a@/.unr @., d6ik ry [4t 4at5 b
qno@ rytf tb' wn't@ea lt qwth, F! dfuH
h a64 vu6dt i Mtt' yq d€n. h! tdp,
4 d w| ] i4 $ ) | ] . ' q d n .t|.a In ) e .fu 6 4 |4
r {kda td F k.4rr tat d nu nd N, w
h v 1.h,4 rkd M rlt 11'.t . u n4 4 47@\5 m
Mqktsqt. n\4whtzt t ot u!* tt\t ry.
'cl @Dc I itau 4 816. M4
Nrre h Bhde\l dr t4
Fqt. t ua hhtb', re ltue eaa M hb n\ ethi6
6that at,)h3 all h tk6 tF ttd' ltq thw, at lu
t\rhd ht ttlfqt
t )r\?!n Nr tuut k@r 4 rd t dr,t t N. rcdjlhte

lll s n { t l, i av |? | n u w @ l w WN

I t o wh b q P l? h ib 4 t l h e sl |e d D { ' h D r n d

14,,luvt t w tryhs h t\.1tte thig, [,t ] sQnd h

]u rtt e. .it! s'n, t tuk ttu w t;' ,nw| hq't
' n e la r q b ] . f u a ' k u l kd b fu ' ' @' 1 d 4 ' M d
lvt all h tut ad $. hqah' t rn i\ ua trd
lne, r A,r N, t tul k @ ,tE rnt w. t uo,lakN
! b,6 \4'tttu,rcw t t dr, N hr P w.rr,nn

drn {d ,om!d {d rhewhorerhiB bok 6 if r
h iErL o d y bs nbl heD D pds T@h ' t r n ig h t t r

;q 'h ]icd hthe'rqhb

Fbir\ 3hq'd thg Hso6 dldd€ b bk Ntod€@s,

1 \i\rt'

dtybutd|yb€aseheno€€dbdst$ltoreds nd !tu Nlrir. ay4c whopb rhe,&nd bl of

.rr H€Fs {e ju* $o* to qplirrce hts nDd€

sqaqta+itb8,/sh (r, cu n,

condinF noi+i!rr!) pay or @(s bcy aF rhe

lilL do rhr Fb i!$ d €rkirivdyl


ls c d ' s } in b 6 y 6 @n 6 e th o o I4 yl h h sh 4
;wh h|F r @ut ,L ndr! tttu tutt'ts tqt $wa
h!d@Bs lqn||qh ut.ktqtt' t6t rf rL

er) ,l!@hs oh, t Fv n, ltrtu haaa )6t tit'

.M wa ' lc| fu i![' l]da5ea|!14q4'|5
rur ift bn tuw wt , 44 h 4, @sllan hr

oc hisrhus5hiw ban dnpdedof. eq{ bEs dL

oi ft bde {rrh. r+tor
'o*l ^
tuthieb ta a&es\'1ntt, Mul! | f@ trr*'t
p a " $ l fr I1aw l ,fo'dd]W g!i {h4 '
,d'tD 3i tn r @o rw, ry 5e. Ir d n! kte l
Ir|!]fu ''hj x bry frrd| @ i 'fu| 16|u h . ,

4h Ati t tultat t'rt o'ww 16aa atBt 5od rl

harsh. t6 P1,6,ktd, ht vo!,ry 141tuh Ltd
Md5 d'd. il td at hut na tak
,Ndeer sp(ir skLL5
if rh!! hde rhln GsaEr

ri aeiN sd( foLLo*sd

by r sn rsrhn /ud,$.

Th e yo uehtbw a* 6l qhl bdocd d 4 t h n b d ' h

' $ $ o Eh s,Iq sr h €l j sht,qthryGol @!hthe

hm , ii !hn6 af tun to sci! n It h,ki, rhey


.caurofl|re3rt*b! tyofAdsfal,kddlh]ds
Dv q { a P P @ lr t h v s e l h i l g u fe a cr w d h 6

r lr . Ha c wlh $ 5 a b d b l s' a h ' d d ( g e h o F l

cnyc@r, eve ooBh of rhecirr cuad onhrid 6

aFio@sPldEqPqt|ytdnordbEs blcaLdi'
i riss ed a rropnd.rh.y *e d*:ited h od o/ r,Ep/,
yo r@n w a| d3furs j b6]y u6{B e ' F iiiq
trc, iut nr. arc you Mre 106 of bG, shnbr pd
pb*' oouod rhi iqn hisk bn ii+y I prcvokd.

n€os or €eqtbo p€di*d h Pon Bb.kd4 baDs jlii€ Pd lr d Bwsdow bthes{dq'D !o€{l

s{d€tu d !rculdh3 ir{s ee qowded nrse de

fror ci\ cG.d, <o bedihLy h€{d sNnbris ib@l

:h .o | d ,th e skln yandths.dP P l €dH i 5<omP obo

laru hin b re+ hr voie don q he niqhr D* br

q sPlu t4 EL o P' h€i l trl ro& dbqbbdbbh

ft€n .hqn .cq, sh@rdrd /q shx b


@b b 4 b d l [e 'i d ci o d o ci g i h n !n i i y

BG$ h i p{brn phc (he n6r rikervo(db^ beiB

Juhs ! kic b rM D4oar ro.ri) qod of rrrlt

ftG (q€ has nE orrjedi$, @c r ro {r + d

houE - he t nd 3qili or Bhsrr nqlll.L Raud

6 sp<u skn (orr,61 5r4) lors tu e.h H.@,

n tu8 t Ptt Bk*'ot 4e@&n etndq, ttn'sks

@th b,s6, 4@t tfut6 Mr 44h pit dlti tr,i -
net! hktfit- hgv$ | niwsibte kpqryurv,h

.wktti\* t, hMM, atohtq6,4dh b,tunia

N d ry ,m t rhr 4db e,,t ws6 han qsdr
6tu venn Fw h afr | ww v4d8 btld' *mt
@trE,tutdstl.r4 n ttuLr d k b@es$r


nor@btr h* b rheHees od ovdhadne

!h* rh4 rJr6e lbod rhs owr@indoa winb;
c u l| d a n wilh t h € f fg a s' h € Evg d q g o b l t
Mickh t rrso d4omfed ro 6110! rltn

] jl. r s e $ u o b ' i€ y se e d i i 6 d q h j r { d 6 l L

$n yo! !n ! srur hro e ede rrly s rryiq b

shirehin oft ed oneof you !!nb€r qunHyhid6 h
a d d o s:y( b yn a rj i gr$.e$6]rE d.sP shLsr(LL
rcrDrh. F* oI rheFdy qui*ry nows oi, rryhs b
sd 6 the o.* .ohs be6rerhehil spobt6d om of
lE rdddn he GjunFd upai dc!9ft Tnb &n or
th cyd ' ry hgb,@ 'i ,bc i q'ahh r d . ' h 9 f r ll

ndts whon io@ or rhe Hd@ n how ol. rt

bd, ooa oosht h! wir b! v4 tidbi?d rtut bhb

4.4{hlglPe$nab|ythstsetBwindklhyhohe siw { r&rr$ wh4 rhets{cs .d {o6d rh. cqir4
F q 4 u $ i EP Ii 6
@mP€hojsry,uE rhrwr slais
An {hr cs,tut, e td n' kn rt 4ee D@ttoane hiqodAnydenakhga$c6sfulrcl|?Fiojtwor,J
h ttt dfkq, kk b $ ta Mi&tt, ot cid al Lr wlL l@w rh* rh€ Noc€ L d€ shadvtvqsid€
th6*, rd4, nol qn nq en h'khn@vq,
'hai "a


unr$5 rh€y deribq*,t qd€r

sd onrhLjo6 by a rhrf.Jl€J cNnbq Heh€roqsro
:34 r'd by Md( u$4 c rcei0y prcnd€d ntrr ^||'|tdhrrw{o\43lnPlyrcEthdF6{add

hft,rwideshifu:yl.rdsqPtoabrl*kid€d|iodi€' rtspoisibilit dd ituEroa Imds .rln dd diqitud
h ad€nr 3dr oI firrLblrh ror, heviry hrrd erh wbo h @0P4. Lk h3 ei {d d&dhi sbc w6s
botrom skP.piry4 qiE wrr6I s., vkbr
rhr ordq h?wr houhs, whi.h rh. dogptrrteds 6 fryP'etysorco|themoeanbtld,Ho@snry
Horyew,the8id ; dd, od FnFFd dd stu €4<h

hL lfe rqhiq it {@!d tuh6q upr*sort


itu@ekor"ie ,{6, L roi,, BB$ had

rne Hso6 heryb &*rs Emily rf.y i!rt dir{dor

s4adsh? Brsi no)
idothqlghr ud!By
prcbiblyBdtiry ihn5v bese you Evs bs dohg

rdoF ] 5ri M0 A poht to any hjued H*o

vddik qiads hn hdJ to rht Hrt@sdd bi* then'el

'rht w' o., w reu ldaia, tt, id !a1&td cw

@k w atww t@t6 tu@t, t' ]eJ. kt tl p@&
h ld ertqr Lra! bd Azr/5 tudr *6 ,E kq

bns q'tund t! k 11dr14tu 4tuunwis arih he

tin6r4rtund v6i4 4 ke FFF'


'veaikhF .Fter ury tuttv at !u, sr,l n$ r8l al

thi9 il tlq k4tht t utuu 8n 16 s fta eq
rha tawttt hbt',w6 rf,tkfe1d3 Mdttu
sha N haa rtu ru fut' 6 tai'hs otiwlwttnl rN k@ uld lwa tu n |u,t w' I b 4 Md tsw
rt a lw af*,,h, tu@6 61t tt"t tt h rhtt dKk
rsds tlrn t dn1 katu etu. ls @ lirt thq, lat
tj& . a bb au taw h rk Nw ernt, al e6c
th8sfq'tu. co re nd t'ry a l@ ttr'1stqdhl, sd

'tr! eeltl 4e kd ,.. huh { M, r P6m. nnt
wu ch h | n@ dul n!dfi ah!Its k r| 1 4 ; ' h |

hnq, eltu swpntu.h ry qhl, wr stuNHndtz

hd tth lw tu ol 5@d5. tr herid 4t r@, ttu
re ed Nq i nq .P,w, k4 h kok N l,tt
thn thecitd lf Ttnu, t @t
" n'd1 t'u wv w
@tkt ht b6it$. 4a h in @.k1 .tr tt w
Fatauj 44. w r ja 3w 4tu4 rtr nruar ant- rl
h i FM fu m k !a.h| M| Mbl l \n!l rk lB
paF{r th* $r c arn41 o4sh b Fy rhe m€rchorb!.L
ror rhe tse@6 $rvn6 (irrhoqn uet rc rep?adiiaor hownry oarL.6 r6.e &e a$uoo3
rh* lh! Hercs 4!+r rhissoeos otrer(hry mayrry
6 h ig g | ? th .P' { d q pi l i ttL4bdh.w oi ,tbudg.

1k IdL' dh t\'q!q. t", at41 6 ay tnax t lt

takt @rtt @!,blttd,]] r. tw dirlh ruw ,1r,
rrt htws@.k e&441tqni k,4r drt l,ctltht h
tu6 Na656iwrL1N* kt trnt h$t {,rr
r taou lu mdro,e th st a4 kt\^ af tt t L6;

Gia al rhb6 q't1ahotrta w ldht wn. tu sv ltql

tM e n d4,rd ttuu tte tutu6 ea h! tu14
hdtr, rr M 6ryh. un6 at rEn5 hc n6!M uh')

nd h, q1,, , kqw 4 qth, \ ttu k* Ph\tt al

thq. n w wd Mna' tu t hs,vbe, tth,hs. ra' eqte l@wlq dti.d hh b,t tut e d,,h nd ha 4tu1d
w! bdw B,@ t 1! 4tqi4, sibh'l..14r itut tu
Mk, ttu l.tve $tq]q 4r t ehdt b tc@pt hN ,tutg tbt dr! h! fre! dd t htu aht
raeh,bb 4, u.. fl@,hd t a4& h f,t qr \4v vN
@|ah|@ulhfuyheits@nu]'akwk9! 'fu sQ,stu t w tq t hsw54t tt I,a,,4p
ed t 4n Mt! tN r'tu.r b dcq y@' ||uu a *n ol 6a ith' v\e, r ,ha r'an @Idte,t b Lqw nv b,,l
4a cda P'6 ad E 4 rekht. aa 4 t drd Bo c't't
@rtttr ist ,rh tu kt 4 ou sldy, tw kk' b tu\dt lin tu al th 11w! fld a6 the k! t tad
lMtq a kB uttu 't't!
da, h na rq nd - il l tr wr@ abu irn ||?ark tw b tsuu|drtu-,, nvlntw
ut nw,r 1d win n;et! tu t! d !hd. tw n .4 ! . a u I ' e ih l& k l| t e s|fr r
t att eN r,enrq tut r A@! ry krs da

I n d ft{h, h' t k 1k!c b 4tu tn

ar,a w ke| dt w utM ie N& @,k b'
b.ilr I uh hau nt 'ottt
tte rd hthet. ala e nltt4 @n
we!t,r l$ ulk 4o k 6w h ,q, vq tfltud, elits
int k hd nd tteft aw6 ll | trb!'d te h'dftw kwt nht tu *qL bau n6t at eb !* q u !*.r! n
ot bttqe.tav a tu bat h *t lvr .itv.t .tqwt h ta @wv Br tit lt* Nrh lar w hear stsd! Nthd
t'N.1il t@.hh$w@"d nqn tu td^t ttu urEnnt 'hee,
1 N.1 !b u wq h p *l l ?ha@u1l v|d6ar'g
drii tu,16 M eas qra6 trhi{ tu hqstthrt qsk
tu tume, a,!t 8y led e Ad t'd ut@,w'

'^, t e! rrd @Ntdh' t@tphc r ltuu'k qa tu

su ran w'k e h*:M al nry nn'l.ld@w N* ltl si* rhequ"bG ai oddlook 4d sys rh* he,in
tt bi alt t ttd te bw h hrw tttutts.!64dht r[l nd dr&$ rhennk urirhr rdls h6 b€e
rh! t l nedqhai ntltu ta@w h otq b
6lt|elb€hrviowodgieth€nichocb:proA'c b*od.IdlwiL|&gut c ( ow J l dht| e| l l l l

waEs rhe 6$5fo* rin oo@4 €lmhos aoodl


bliBhtddh6ddsulrLy9@9!Fk cilQldq
tuhar srcrsft qd od sFik srslryh! ooary
+ . wr b ld h q wo ir o i fi q i $ u i d cl o i P|i d r d

by rh 5 oubo.tunbo bm dre H@e!. wfo ift u*d

!v4., ntu trLl i ntt!

No o g b yd a$ei h:bi 6i 5m| ]hd€d $ jl! lh c

M,k' EG€ w6rrc ft rads fodqM Io. PsPh
sh. h* r sftn hbb @vsed wrh I bishr dorh oi
nde rtutr lwo d,ys :h€ad)of oft {€dd! psen. sEh

't,; bd do bLm€w if yow

voyd bssiis hq <r L€h'4 o|dla, sheb.sh5

i.ohdorry rhn r $pp6ed ro b., nrgi( {€L b(

rheb€idsrowowr rhcb,n rtul b4iN 6 sFk

'rt na, Fn a I 4; k *. llJ',v6t n t brcnt$
tw ya1 4rt trr kq& we unh !s. 1p rae *
bn. rlaE 0. nrry uu I1tr! & | e@E ont t kr
M,uu he{ew *.tu8ht n 6 k*. Nkhthq Bt L
dt. I tu n fu ,tu otuth.b,iHhg rr{, b .htui8,
n8 h d6, Md4shan,'& 4 sa. HELlvts! HL

'6t ca Nd c k, aN! td, t t! ytn ld it h"5

rrt d.t! epa b4,tt I hr hhl

h€r*irr dh Fircry s6ru6 oNc rheH.re6 f& & n s o d i5 k f o . h iid Yl a H e d L L r c' b € Pl € a d b

refi, shlhupshopandso$ hone6 Fck x€ rh€n. 4pdbrly ir rhly i,ve bM rherebsfoe H.

{s$. rh€ visbo oI rhe 3ord{ naf ebid4 ards rl9

nar rhd rhc{onose of sone,rrigio* se. n sohs 6

Hrvhs disowpd rh* Mrlrm€ sft hr5cir msial

p@sq oe oI rhets@4 nay behrtr$ed h h*dis

Gr@ Cord PiG3, 4qdn€ 6 rhe ruhs 3i6 h

6 rtu dry h4 b€o rDkr4 Madztu sh ,rLr phh ro
the q*s conj!res !p :re bdef:nd ftihrins Donr

pedd *ythiq ur5 yoB q b, kirly sue i sin

rdF if Th" Noee r ra if u\ be'$4i [c
h,!e fred doo' rbcy s& I gEi hin lmncd ,ih
q! ro&is FaLe rhqe i ! dod * the f?r eor ad
*ds kd up b a bjtunv riom whiduDrtq doq



q@t *nts Att t,, ,4) Hi* nl) Lt& P.*tt ,r,
s{ct st6 htt, skkht tl lkr,lha, strt tt4)
D,eh n) 14t bd!N4 nl) na r & n t)
.a)n+) rrtuiu tr:|, nt ) cti\t ni. lr4r n4)

Ie &6o!d ,i iiprtld, $ nrh rhebdb (bu Jon

n4 09gdthem ?gnn hb|]

'wetr,t,t4 jar. ukt .lae t@etGttu au tfubrwl
Luk * rb tud, ot ,we nd,l{ky ,,twh,t
ap, rhhk ttqr. nislr! blh rq ri$ Do &i
ba6e , dab h,.h lf M N \e h 4 k$tq.| e
tiaotkaE 5N stu4 t 6 wdluh Mrat ril

rI rherqo f@mMirrSrr R4r L w rheH(€s, he

dy b. do6ii4d Allo$ hin i rcll i#Nt h[ D'!!a?
sprur sbnif ir L uis ir,or r re /,i r# rf heG

1r! lwhiGwr mne hr priyq h4 chofd, rlf.!. /ia

,'h, t,Nh at tjtu! 4'1A'.|h'M tt wnd tit hM
Lokofrh€n iM tun G@wdedlnd the;, o|v e*r

hro@6on e DG* kve He kooks tft s of nisn rd

rde!bloid $cry wh.ewr rc$ibr. bdkLows

wanry on blhrf or h I AF$h rirdhlr & d$bovDr

'wdt. lrt q\.11@r a\4il rfln wr i4atd tk

edllcH4€5h?vehki!Is!d.d5adrttline q, Ntu h 6' 2d b e.t

ht tb, ,tu n ti@t
qat I,M rE cuu hatvtttu -t

'sroP]l Anat@, rtd,44h ENaucD t\tst c es

' s he k th pqte 86<' tldti kr, hiea.Ml

ot!\dq i wr whq| ht un,wlB'k 4r {td
e,r,w M.1@\kNhbu hne uhd w rnwis n
bd A4tt Nke n !tu @d b t{u, irud' ed
ltahdka .M, w uwiv. k 8/6 w, q sql
I'iq't ol\iv tlt ti|,iw tr* i** tf E"r tu tu eM
the@b k't. tuqat sv lq,q ttu trat,d\lul

wrl*hPPesrlaFedt'hthtlishow!ll,l!P l
turr at a@4 rrt K!tn; il. ut b B, c a, aul
thax tw ,a h1rt n na ad mL ie'k u! u' tu, hn, thtufna& ail k whant; h' vtur, cuu
qv46t. hd ttd.Jut tur tu t t! d! ., td 'bt
eip tud hd, slbd cf e. 3i R 6 hlr lw
Mnt 8d althd tb n&4 t |tt.t'N tlat k eet unl
atte q tut c,i| hr rar te uo\k N* dh 4notw
rI rhr Hqo rron Mirkri Rq4 is wi'h rheFny,
at rnde shiptun.r hJ tuds 1&n k did. n.!
adffiktrhtuvnlrqt 'tE @Hke n tlq thn, e,!l
naM|k{4|9qva,fuh*ifulel'ryd' ,^]\ rq
ld1t lN iltuk tt@aNLa,kkt r,a1,

nr€M F k r y R e l i g i o 6 c u | L f r h€ Hd e h r t:| 'tu

r n4lbqlw|wl.@|k
tha\ rytu qbqrl @
h ,fu|
d' ,w the
hq| ytulf$
,@ ' rrt tkt. l
@1|ra|*h 6$ n,ud'Ik wt|| pt, td k lnt
h rhe orkdos F, Grtbn n{riftd by rolbur.

v, @ .tw t@6.[ tu Fyiq n wt orcnt b ttr

tin. tu6h 4 tu trNnNksi'l rlq diht,a ior' krds hdk6 @16.Il. 1e* !tu i th' en t
!4 4Ld iu eet Nka ea, 4 Nr @ k dris dry tt@ d,F, e ut ffik tf ,t 'lrd
8wrt lu @ il
bl|l.'wr]kqbsdwqJ|W'h'ryqsblnieiq lu8i4''o|]rt@Ge'wthywtg&wda'd!m/.'11
h'r ||uth qr ur'it'. ht t a, td tkn ht !u. il w' b, d te M Beh d ytu t,it tyh1 h w se
Rdi* d on of hi5n€( ,ik, lBd rheHerc6 rrrc!8h

ErimhN ihd rflpLe Ar€r i 6Ne ,aLr lr|lnktuLLy

€noBh. bd J,k iys hts &{ hside ?nd he redoN

phe fte buirdiqn w€irro&4 bd lar ha rood ai

P, i y L a a |E d ysq }e d th l o d l o tl L h *l!$A5


ie. Lih j:t rh€yw,[ rid rhelplbis

!@ns dcfnrd and u4cd f6. nne n he of rhe
soud noo. bur rh€ndrcEe reld3dnishl otr do,i

I l I 4 d L o a h o E D w b i ch $ d d se 3 |i i * r h€ofa
no (q pqsibly a godi) ftde oriEry of b€$ h totr

/ir 5 em*! n6r Lorsd h'Etar rhe me I n

tu.ktsnrr! tltnL hi tu ! nt, rraui, D4{ l) r,

3d. nt be PnL8na s?.r,*18 nJ),9rqt ha,
16r tlo atal{ r)
n44ry | nr .tsed rqt\I

rh |d6r ot./rr * ncfly q'niery stick{d bws

lh e b o e |.o l 'hepft,ts ofE | i nodEid I T ik in s

qeprbn b thisthe Fkns r@Lhly ddrd. b 6*hr. 4p&d by rh€aiL wiy, of rhei icw n6kF ks ir rhe
@ple of Bhcrsnd reedcdqrB lompriqit rh.y
*d d:h bra.kbb* rd .4 [E sue,hd *abbrq
sq& oe urd by rh. &8ioN of oEeporr (*e
'Rew al ,tE sv@e. in tug@w). Prcvidr 6e

r,3 riet h# hd nq. omb rcb$, 4!h h ihc
shdnJ 6rr& of rf. pddlooi. H. hrsme sq{qqs
Fw4 bd is i @w!d ,tun n @rusb hiod rahdd
ftn @ d o lh e d ttyw d!N & th4l th:s*w nl

dt aid sumnois 1J Go[ 1 dh then add t F

@tur ror Ij houEGo[ 1 det afd whi.h rim dq

tu. L presabry
b rryb krl rh. psn lho hrsbe{
m o m Pa wi' th e n l gi .hnn*l G*th€5'na4& .

objdr or ft an@iis is NoT !n!a ll€ dnrol of

rhc a*s dd i{ he dh6 b riq ro3. Dsr
imldhrely 6r a *6n4 hhdhs *dl 'hr
r &;, sr,r D.,r, A 6 sr^M,tr^ poht +elL rhisoi€
bhdsrhes ed Darh Dno h o obj{r pEp,rcdfor
thg pulPde by rhe cr6' lc objed nut be pFed
who dE sPdr L d,r, rd rle a*4 nu* sP{ify


h jn $ @ L u * ' ' h q h h9 + @|d b € a b h

tut syrhiB * hin.
'tur 'hrcE
tud srin,H6t Mqi n4
s4t4tbrkl6 Fq,tutt 6ffid, Bti{ clNhbs\n,
tq, Aa,tu 86,c'h4 R*nri, Ri sit*Mrtr

by$e dhn rr; serss,irhour
rh€ hd{oid wrh a fry bft nis4 o rdded oi, d
s h a d o wy P i6 wh i d l sr ye a sd e o ' !$ ' Ah r l l € r
rhse r€m, 6€+hc ndr rNosE ro, no€ in(om* d.{iprioi of rh4e GtuE5 @ be fo@d D or d r"
6dn?bod cohn5 od how|h€yae @d.)

ndinun or 7 lh osr th* rh€ HGh Prrd atr

,ak dd noruk reld lrE H(cs Loi ,LdeaLrq od ponr

od rh€whdo! rhrqsh whih Jak€dffd ft€ b{irdh3.
6€ adYobe ?f@s.o/,tu $,4,' rl),re,aa

h L P'h .Pl ry s Y l fl al ]4w h* i 44on d u 4 t h e

hou€ $r€ly bd Roi* dd l"r [r to ofi b!q6c


rabres ir fr hld beo f by acr ,) rh€ cry Gurd

qF6on !o r#/q i{r b ryoid behs s&i h t6t

.e 6 5 T lr q sh d ld [€i d@l M€ckbyrherh€
takod ne ( Eirrbvc 6
din odsiderhrhosq pLus
a afrsir *,b rhecad lin lri upin ras. iqnb€",

sLn bLl rh€ywi be a hidhs { rhe5!ftn or rfr

r (pi.+\ 4e idi€dd rh"y(,t & olldlGrrs

ihldof c!* r h€ y F r r m 4d* t Bnoi i !

e.* *rn dL5 wirh r petutr' of 5 ee rqiEd b

H{@ sh3 rh€@or}r mown€d er (om I mdE

lrEG F. Rqqnd)ed rctri* {ihi tu* sr Ll

&d ror oo thr souodJr@,6,ir Epqred,irl

06 Dn(br @k 6n fdbn 6 @dziryLy <wy *

vilrih. rre doq * rh. |:l ide of {r€ rmpte reor

wir L! n r qulc r aar*o iqd3€i 6chrrikerhn{d

r!rh4 for I jew Rouds h rhe 4d. how4e. tr L

nqrbnd lLdq rtr€Hish ftied L r b,{d lho

$nno Fne Do@f n b rilri ror 6ih He{

D4hoijpiwo hde beo {nioi€d he rh* :iy


q4 ed frr* {d tun6 {oroled by srnpryen

iqsont r Lqd &&r ts$ibt rh! o ty pe$n D rLe

rrq lonr bo{r* *yore my mq€ rrcubre r Lh.

6,{ L dE h(s,oo sa€o! lfq r c hd ro rir Hisf

r 1

ftiFri wdE th6 oui ju* r yo! dir B6s's r+F. Fq
rh! Hch Piars book y@ idBLry ,or $nc r4r
l€v? iir oI rho* €?diry ro hind 1r.ab{rur lne


1nse rhree- Erin ahc &d vuh (n6iiB DdkEs,
L6k od Lift) w4e herdro & E{oDbh rorsiiis
rfe b ths c.r*rhr coqr, rheprerd sodsof Tro bh'tdtto,tN,tat! ndnnd k t4,tubl& kk*
ud /iN6 turnte o@ nq. r $, tohe ol Elk'

di*, pdnsaL chaos.M6r of rhepisb rt. m mort

y d h i g h t q P {|b E l v€ |o ko l 4 i |p R FFind i@ I | a 3 a h J 5 J 4 , r j

ln d h is t h € d r o ic ofl 6 yi g { ||d o n co e yh sh 6

a - r p*ruy rf r|l Tap&ou,al3.@rlrk, rk He@

Td to e* win halverhr dm+. An rh* r h rh€

dcvq ; rhe€npb botrledrorte hrd rhcoiLoI LIc)
Ile ler wiLrbr oI mdr rirasr b rheHsoer rie

ve ta|' tatu@n ! ,wntkbh@.lwiE e

w4 anfa ea b 4d h $e q$ttud a, e' nt ol
b8 tlt t4' erd.l hGpw s,bae hb Na, tu trt
.@vtdetheaqr rx tk an ot u.r. cd tk
stuidat al '7dE r"d
kRht 4, htdr' vt
nw *eqot.a "wkuiR
tu b@, n,n lw u/ br Lad 'rt
we h beN wn ,\d rb +,n rl Enn ain @tr h
oi rhe woid orce @4 r is ibt 6r rhc cohn h
n* 6 &o'r +Fdde A bG bn\ hind +FF

hr 6r H"rc$ ft i r.1,Drd d bi@r5{d ;

hf t rh* | ho + h l o 4 r + b | e + e E € 'h€
o b h ir !

snerrh€He@6myd€dd*h4oeno,ijlh or
$wd5 futr TnGt @r!c@ti}h b<i:wiqr Iol Hg@.
1r tuFmhi! | rhldom4d tultcslsdr
q* rhq shord be rcb o,ny in rcE ; rhe

n e , r r h e F 4 q d ;.ir
pcgdids k hr L' a w!mh* ro rhi:n :jbqr rhc

ods , rh a nd ot brss rhis r4[4r s @ijidsablv

do - whrh c jqn d well,b&u€ rhecotembo k

+oihg for a 63ir Tum b seE t6 c 6* d vou
rr w{ a Flsh colnt rhr oc h 6n adyohc is or a
dilr€Etr odq JroFrh€L jt r mde or $4 cr€firjy
ss cod lxm 863 (q ay dhe n*j) cohhs cnod
r|1ewdod ind sr@e$F A roror htrid. n€hrryo,r
is €quir4 a wn * tuo very+{i8r nrn! rhr 6Err
@& ro r * * rheFne Er 4 i huou h!,rr rte orhq

A J 6 b llh s@ th e
doie6I bv ] F h d r x * m o N t h * n sr w€ a F B
b l. p t lu ld e ' k c o L nl b o d yb vr u o so fa n a ||
d * r q\ q i rcnof o or noErM'shb 3ole
b!ft@ 4ah, n L b hish ro @dr rcm,rLy lnd,
{e eo esrs NaF e hn rhecolo: by sr4 n ir rd& r,.[ js rqired 6 hft iL onR rdr,rhepluswin
f,n od lrd rh. oir winl!'gh rodnh rwy. The6dm

hidd{ brhid a spdit ptib oo rhr 6dhs .h6r

B€@s rh€GorenL $ 6i& rh€plib an k hr o y
drh r nrsih !4pon q by rh€Heo E[d rhccohn ,AHt|4v41.|yc|ab
r ediq dou b *de n. aa{e hiLyhdh4
^nr Asod kqd-4/kh 1(t+e*re ot Mr4hl
marrind rhcHe( n{* scs!tuLty rd ior rd b hr tu34 r ft Prd' rh!r" win rcw be a assh
r. Hrvq dore rhai, rhc &rd be@s visibh. A 'ir[
f@nd {esfir rd /o, &.r wir d4rrey rhe hsd
swtt hzrtu*ce hr, tu{. t,,
Mtlt t1t, twrhl)

M ftru4s ci besld b.drrcr rheithr. rf y@ ue

itb! lrE Ji3ri !*r rhpsi4h Pd4r lid iG D4q

i d sre$ boEd rrh6 tLeobjeri€ hds r ra €r


to 6 id @iw hrt;haP P ohs 'b3d3w, y io n lh g

6 rhelry l}ry winstsndn4r oI tun r h. lishrhs

nqe tudos n{d dd Jar5h@tdbeor hind b wlve

wef i H@ bs i!* 6inh€d ofr d oppored orce

rheHerctson M/ir4, xqd k lrr r|? p,r' rhr

6s6!h'inr'c oorits6r himq hs shelin ni $rh

4 $ t d | y s t L u c ly 4 dko q to ' ' h e d + F r th i

sefut pLsdie .oLr.
rf rhetrs$h wb' si€sds r rre

h ik!i| l@ lfo 4 4 ifhehdthekrcganari .
ld o r d lf' h "yd q r gl erLdtw 'nny4.4'ry
hod4 ovq rhe moq aid w is redby. b rh. vd *' o n IGb b ir dfl el new hfn|h?yftrct

Ads g!:i! win P6t i @ad or t@ cou Pis

rie H.b* gd 4r oI ft€ d|l h e6tv, drhq bv
di€ds8 rh€mor hidrig dh b a ry€otr r{ rhry
€ndhqi You @ jln hrk tho rhrcqh rhe 6r F$6sdEb@kofelooesllond*tmolgwhih
GrtioD rhe60rm, HB an rave rhir wrh iob,i or

winjs {ndeb rheddrwi'hw:rdo*sqh8

'hn Helwgwdh!' ' lylr c m !d.J | y Ps d| 'hl Pn.eo

ad!{ruq @hs rhcy3ir rhe! E rtd ro wardob

tus@Ls wirdo his €noqn

d4' how ro rd466 Erinr6, ro KiB $rano! *

s,son .rrrp tq<iJly n rhq tte d6 who

brc€hr himb{[ b ]16in ,&e4! o/ ra $@rr)

od Dbod ro d. I ihl r pE(] soodr Es4 H?{itl

!d9,h@oddohfb€nbN ui dei l he
br wh{ rhq i*t @neb @d r& bek rhey,in
E"s rrm ! p+" 4 bdhd ib4r r beRa;lho kil

r4d I nfqrtutrh rddrwrd\$r;c Lwhrr

ert rhirr4 Adyocd F€hrh* Fohq ldQie

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