Sei sulla pagina 1di 8

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. (From the Metropolitan,) pa~.Slll g prayer will nvt suffice for him. H ~ ' ~ 0 Th:e R~glit Honorable ;tord'.'S~, Leonards '
The Angelus, rises.Jrom nis pillow and 'places a candle or a: . , " Etc, Etc . ., - , " ": "
TJ1ere . are few things that strike a Protestant lighted tape\, in the window, while th'oBe who
PR.INTED AND 'pGlH:ismm BV.EItY S.\.TURDAY !tiOl'.!i"1NG BY 'up~'n>.his . fir~tt sojourn in a Catholic country, lneet the proce~sion i n the street, accornpany it DUBLIN", 'November ~21, 1~57, if
llJore;:, than :'ihe spirit '. of· perpetual prayer by for 'some distnn'Ce, joining their voices in a 1\1 y 'LORD-On' retur~in,l!; a short time' since
JOHN P .. WALSH, wh ich 'the Catholic Church is di spinguished. bymn of gratitud e t~ God, who thus comes to From the Ccintin.ent, ~h'el'e business j etained'!
JttJ" Catholic Tel'graph Printing and Publishing E , tab1ishm.,n/ In this country and in other countri es wh ere visit them, lowly and-disguised fi-o"tl l llll save me fur some weeks, I learned that your lordship
, ' I . ' ~rotestantism pl~evails, a single daJ of the week those who see him with the ' eyes of fJitlt! had considered it ileees~ary to taKe exception '
170 Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, IS set, apart for the holy duty of prayer, and Three times a day, th'l bells ~f the 'various to some stut~ ments' made. in a letter addressed
the ' Sundayover, the ' Cburches arc deserted, churches and 'convents toll 'the "\.oQ:elus' " by me to tHe Very Rev. NIonsi&nore YJre
•It ~"'2 OOp(.r .t1@'""
. W7li~.n delivered by our cm'riers; $ 2 50 t Ile, gates Io'c Ireu, J , an d fior t I1e rellialOlog ,.. SIX an d no sooner ' tS . t I1e soun d h ear d t h all J '-'
. Vt'oal'
," Gen' "el'al of': tl)e ' . d'lOce~e , 0 fO''D, u bl'l!l. ' I' .

,nd-U)1port ot the Ca.tholJes 01 thlSDlOcese, ,wdshall teelpel'so, f'

I cordially recommend thefJalllolic ~ele,q ral'hto lhe0,pntidence days of the week, Almighty God seems almost head is' uncovered, and every voice joinEd ill eaol;ot but ±e,el Indebt'e d to your lordship for
hanllo' thus c:mtrib t d t
<l1i obliged by the elIorts of the clergy and laity to o'bt,lin lor I orgotten amt' d st t h e eX_Itlng ,... .. d ' f'b'
. utles 0 uSlIless pray er, , . ,, ' ,? e u a'"t, rac t ,pu bl'IC at- ,
it.n increase,l ('ilcul.,tion. . , , . . lor pleasure. Iu Catholic countries on the con-
t J . B., ArchbLsltOp of Omc<mtatL. ' • • • • ' ' . ••
But we are wanderino- to:) far from the obJ' ect tentlOn to 'the questIOns briefly ' alluded to
. ' • <:) . ' I ..- . I'' d ' . , .
ClNCINNATl,Nov.2,1854 ' tmry, rehglOn 'D1lOgles lU every PUl'SUlt; lt IS we had tn vt ew :vhen we first commenced tlus my etter,. J lz., , ~le e ucatlOn of the ' chtldren :,
. I the first recollection of the (mornin g, the last article . Our purpose' was merel.y to write a: few of Uuthohc soldler~; .the uppliea~ion of pub'lic' ,
The Catholic Tek graph an d Adllncate beiug published with m y memory of the nigh t, man is taught sen. to , line, S, introductory to. an i nte res.~irJg acc,o uot of moneys to, p;)Sely.tIz..1 ng ]lurpose~, th, manage-
,pprobation, :tnd q'Shng the ofilcwl Org,m bfthe Diocese of IIOU1:'. k b f j t f t P t; t F d d h
nile r stl'on~ly recommend it to the patlonage of the CatholIc lepl the, perpetual presence of the omm present ,a remnr a. le c~ nverslOn rom Sill, wl'etcheuness men 0 ae a , l~tO IC. ' ; u.n, , " an ' t e er.dow-

~tlrgy and hLity of Kentucky. , .. , G- d ' ' and despatr brought about by tlfe sound of the ment of Protestant mstltutlons out of 't hat
,. t ~IARTIN JOlIN, Bishop of Loui$uille. O. ~ f d
Lom8VlLli~,l\.ug. 6, ~853. . Scarcely has the sun risen upon the wodd, Angelus bell. ' " un . ' Thes ~ importa'nt. ques t!on's are now be- I
PU'l!L,sil"~ or''' CATHOLIC TE~t:GR:"PH AND ADyoO.\TE."-YOU are erp ' the ~Imrehes are cr'ow.ded by the fervent " vVhile residin. b in Li~bon ,' ; ~ays, the w!itel:, fore, the publw: they ,wtll , be i!iscu~sed ,with ,.f
IUthorized to publishm}approbationo your p.'per, a ud'to st"te and the PHlUS, wbo glad l,y glve to God the firs t " I became acquamted \Vlth a fnilr whom to ,war ·nth; and plObably many hard and unplens- adopt,t' asthe, OrganofDlydiocese May the DlVll1 e 'f' b '" d ' Ad h 'l b
rrovidellcecrown your lapOls with Rncce"! YOUTIDost'devoted rnornents 'o ~ e returnlllg uy . " n W l et e know was to lov e as a man, und to venerate 2S
' ' a n t t l l i n )' 'lIb'd
t,. ~ WI
t,.,.; '
e'S31 j ye, " ,e l1layco~ ~ enty
lo d '1 '
i'ienil/ ' l . tA " Tii,hop of Clev,I":,1!d. j feeble dawn y~t scar~ely suffices to chas.e. away' the, faithful servant of his Heavenly Ma~t\'lr. ~~'pe ,that tl~e good se?se , ,of tb,~ p~op.le ~ of )
T~e OatlW~iC;ThlelJ",lph an d A d'cocate is reco'mmended to the rhe sl:-adow~ of t.lle Ulgbt, , ~he h@ ly, ~ac-~'Itice. 'of' Bein g frequently in his company, I could not ~hIH~I:~t. el11pI,r~'la'1ldt4ell'.I?ve of } m , ~a/yal~ty
~,tholics of Uie Co'viligtOll ,Dioce,e ns an interesting and . i n· Lhe ' lUass 'tS offered u p for the falthJul; 'who avoid r emarkinO' that tne 'tollin'" of the "An. and fan play; wlll declare In favor of " Jushc'e '
!tructive tpa;p~r l 31u1 , as t ~ e m ediulIl by which official COlllmlllU- l::' ..., ,, - d 'h d I . '
Dlcations 'willbem,\deto tbem. ha~,e flocked to .the sacred edi~ce to assist at it gel us " always prOallce~ a sing~l q r effect upon , an t~u~' , -an , twt.,lll the end the' grievances '
.'.1 'Hh:ql!~'; Al,OY,IlJ8 CA,RIteI,L, Bisllop of Oovinpton . before they b')glll tbe labors of the day. 'A,nd him .' If he were in' the streets it n:attered 'of whICh we cnmplamed WIll be ,redfes?.lcl,
~_~-""-:<k>___ _~ __. _::'C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ after the solemn services of tbe day a,re' ended, not who ,were his companions or 'what mig!;t . The results 'alrcady obtained by this discus-
" ,D , ath of a :rdission~rY. instead of closing its gates, the temple of' God is be the weather, he pau's ed 'u:'til the bell I~ad s~vn nat~r~lly .lead us to in.dulge in t'hese pl~as-
'!ert open to all who wish to come thither to pray, ceased to toll, 'and bared his head while he re.' Illg anttc!,Patlons. Cerull'nIy, yout lord ship'
The ilfiss01m: .Denwcrat re lates the following ,a nd indeed seldom is it wholly deserted . Th e peated the prayer of the Church. I have seen must no ':v '~Iearly see' that 'the man~ge'inent ' df
U1elancholy,: ~isast~ r b y, whi~h a good Priest and rich man enters to thank I-leaven for filvors, him Rtanding thus idike vi-hen a burnin'" sun the P atr:ot,IC 'F und was not so satisfactory' as '
two or three of' his cO!llp~r:ions 10,st; th ere lives. ~~e, poqr !Han te beg? bJessing 0n hb 'cl aH~- to!L darted fire on h!s hea.d~ and whe~" his grey hairs y,0~ irna~in e,d, ~n~ th.e ~1;r~.~g~~\len'~s : for the ,:
[he motil e'!' to pray Jor ber chtld, the , Wife fo r were tossed ,py the pmless storm, tears strearn- ,ndowment of pubhc lllSLlt l tlOlIS . we,r~ ltO~
Fa/til r A cd dent-Father Dtw1'1'nc!;; , 'of St. ber busband, the virgi,lJ for. <li 's ~ifl) retreat in S01llG ing from his eyes, and ' his ,face 1:J eari !l~ such ~ 'lweeab,le ~to ." ~ll ' cl~ssea and every ~d'cii061ina~ "!~
"lIm'Y's }J1£s,'-ion, Ka,n sas, and two' odieI' pm·-cloistered solitl\de, it lle u 9h;l.PPY 'und injured, ; I00k of mingled tjcrony and lo ve as St. Peter's t~-o n O!, Clmstlun,s. ,T he letter of the Du~e, L
, $O~S DTQ 1G~led., ' . ', often' f0r ,the fue that hilS caus(ld theil' ul isfol'" might have had, ~hen he, first wept over hi s' of NorfQ'II{, oO,e . of the l~l~~t illustrious nO~'le- " .
,( tunes. S.ollle for themselves,_'o.tH,cr5, fo~ :their, turee·fold treachery to JF;S,US. ' I have alwa,v~ men of Eng~and, the ' te~tIm.ony of'so tI!al1y.,':
A . gentleman' whO' arrived from {(b.nsHs h-ist 'friends; , each and' all hal',c some p.etitiot\ ' to observed that for a long time ur.ter ,'-hi,s pray~r o~he'r ~athohc gentlernen 1 a~d ~he v.oide of the ' : .
evenillrr, 'i nfol'llB us' of ~ melancholy accident tp~ke, and thus the.y leart~ te 'I?Jk upon ,AI. w~s ended ?nd. his teaTS had c,ea's ed to flrl'v, he ~:1thoh.c p~ess, n;lUst,h~ve raIsed ~enous, 'dou?~~ r
which "'occulTed' upon the Missouri river, and rlllghty God as the t!llmedIate dIsp ense r 'of :all wduld r e maIn sllent and abstracte'd, and when ~n yoU! 11110<1 as ,te tne correctnesll of the 0Plll- "
whi'c h' resulted in thfl deatl't of' .three persons. good giftR, There, at leus t pride ,is ,forgotteu, he' spoke again, conversation would ir; ~ariably lOllS y~u ex pre~se~. · .' \ .- ' : :
A skitI' whieh left City on last Wed ; and the gifts of fortune are ,of li e! avaiL , The assume a sadde'r and more serio~lS ' ton'e thcln it ' \Vhtlg~ tr,ut~, notwtthstanding the mallY ef! ' ,I
ne~d,ay" '9~h !nst.,. c~nta~nin'~ .Fatber ~u~rinck ,n~ble klleel~ by 'the ~ideof tho ,be!?gar, the pr~nc: possessed before. I haa. o,n~ day. w~nd:n;d forts ma,d~ to sUPlh;ess it i.s, thus ~1va::!9itig, ~uio ,~
of the Catll.oh~. NhSSlOn, D. J. F., SrJllth, of of.ten pray,s \lclmd· the lowest of IllS: people. ,rhe farther, than I was '1,IsuaIly tn th'e nab,lt of dowg', o~en ? ~ y, pe~ha.p,s I mlghta\:i~jld?n, .thm,g s t
Leav,e n'rorth Utty ; Mr. Pat;t.e rson, 9t ~eb.raska, htgh.born dame, 'whom scandal dares nob and I came to a spot 'lo vely as any that ever to , th~Ir qours.e 1 and ' leave , the VltldICatlOn ot .
forme i;ly 'of :End,iana; ~\'. ,Sears, of Lincoln openly assail; prays Gear the' reclaimed and sllliled beneatli the sweet skies of the Soutb, my lettllr to tIme at:J.d the progre~s of: events. )
CQubty, Indiana; an~ ,a , gentleman, a ' resi'~.ent . w~ep~ngll1~gdale~ of th~ streets, the spot· There omng~ tr~es .h~d' f~rpled. the!r f't:awant' Ho~e,:er, ' as _your " l~r~shrp . c~n~eSCen1?d to ;
of. .l'd ~ nhu tt~n~ Kansa~, nllll1e unJ,now~, frOl.1l less Innocence of AloyslUs,by . the repent· groves, ~nd acaCIas npngled theIr graceful f'uli ~ notIce .th.~t le~ter, I fear 11?Ignt be ,con,sldered
Bel~ast, ~Ial ~~" o,:~ hIS way ;Ea,s t to ~r~ng .hl!> 'ant agooy, 91' ,an ' Austill. , \'~ell does 'the ag~ witl~ l1tyrtles tich in. the ' contrast .of their; ~l~ W~l)1tIllg m~0~r~esy qr respe~h Iwe,~e I ,not
fanh ly to the 1 emtory, when abo~t 2? [lllles Cathqltc-, L:hurch teach poth by precept and by dark .green leav~s and countless. mnl.tltu de of to ofh r some o~servatlOns t~ explaw ,or confirm
froni 'Kansas Qity, between\~liyn~ City and practice that spiritual equality which brought sho,vy flower~. ; Amidst t!l em rose an an6ien~ what I ~rote ~ , i I s~a.Il /:lb, ~o as l:<rie~y as·pelss!i-,. ';
Liberty" struck ,a snag and was capsized throw· the, blind and the lame to the feasCof thc 'L ord l bilildinO', a church dedicDted, as I afterwards ble, ~Oplllg to ~<?nVlnce your lord!>}llp that ~lie '
ing~the. e{i t~re p'a'rty into the .~iver. , . ~l r~ Smit.h Iy. hich a.~lIlits )10: distin~tion o~' ran.k. or p~'ide,: learne~~ 'to .0111' i blessed ,~ady . of"' lVIcrcy. ' A V~~W8 ,~en'tertai n,ed ~f the questionsr~ow lll: d yr _' ,
aod ITI r. , Sears 8uc()eGded H1 retullllllg, their and wInch makes the nght dlsposltlO!iS ot the flluntalll, bnght as the" diamond of t.he desert ! ' dtSCUsslOn were. correct,. though the reasons for
bola upod t he'loat until sh'e drifted on ,a sa.nd beart tbe' sole prerogative , of the children ' of spr;lng up ch)~e at my fe et, and 'Jilt!! the 'guar. ,ildopt!,~ ~ t!len1 we're ', liqarcely )liI:te~ at, 'a ~d"
bar: :rne bnlance of the party 'name'~, , with God. li;veri til' frolIl the 'chU-l:ches, th ~ piety diangeriillS of its cleal' culd waters, ap old. gre.y :sp ~cla:lly .that, I had goud g~ounds: for pa}ling
all th~h- b'agga~e, were lo~t. The bodies had of tiie people has fr~quently pr ovided sorn e cr~ss'~ad be'en raised beside them. It was very ,Into qu~stlOn the lp~n~qemel)t' of the ,Patrio,ti\l
not ueen reco'lr'ered, ' thou(!;h searc,h hJ<;l been melllori'ul, by which ,in the nli<,l~t bf their world ~ .old, part of it had already c~umbled into dust, Fund, and for comphlllllng that publw , funu!',
matie. ' . 1 Iy ,lifair,s th'eir 'hearts Iwiy be reminded of the and among thIS) ti.tllen ' stoocs a i'ose h,ad grow r ; w~lether, at. home f~r abroad, 7'ere made engjnes D uerinck was a prot'nin~ lIt gentle'man "one thing which is gecessary :' - salvation, anp ,was b looming brightly aJ:iove its ruins. of prpselytlslll' a~alllst , Cathohei,ty . .' If, i,n,'this
al the .Mission, and was highly respected for Tbestr~e'ts-, the crowded thorougl;tfares, the F 'i tting type, I thought, of the h6'pe .which reply, 'I ~h.ould '~se 'any expres,s'tOn, lU'cp nsi~ t,ebt
his' amiable arid C hi'isti'a n .like deportment, and marts of business, ever contain some monument Chri,~tians hold, 'and wh,ich .blooms the bl:icrhtest wI,th. ltb~ lu!!li respect due to 'your Jordfhip" I '
his 10s8 will be deeply felt. of religion, , ~ude ind.eed, ,an4 such a,s the eye am'id the rl).ins of tb f tom?: '. , '" 'beg to pr~test bef~~c~Janal thut' i'~,l ·o,e alt:o-;-,", ':
, "', •• • . thatl?oks:o the :.Xccu,tlOn of t~le' wLl:~, ~nd not to ': ThE) sun was bri'ght in, the , heavens, the air ~e,ther ag~:nst my mt~qt,l,o,n j and , If )hro?g~ ,
the pIOUS llltentlOn of the artIst, will turn away was full of'sw,eetness and of' balm not a le;lflet l!ladver.~enice or T're~osse8s~on I shq~ld f~lllqto
.. , " .' fron1 i~ i liisgus.~, ; , bu~ , ',,:)1ich, ~\le. pipu~ , cl~il~ stirr ed, 'n ot ~ ,pIOS'SOP1' fell . tr~};n . the, hElavy a~! ' , nJlstake, ' . I , 'wt)l ,lie ~.e:ldy ~ correct my ,\ :
The Catholi c jourqals . of . Madrid mention dren of the soli". thlOkmg o~ 'ij1ll1 whoql it boughs, the very yoice of the foun~ain paille in. B,lIOI, .w:h,en potnted 0Ut .• ' " , . . ' : ' '1
faets' ,,,hich gllOW in tbe, most strikin g manner represen,ts t:atber th an of the representation. a lazy murmur to the ear as if it also shared in I ~Vlsh l howev,e r, that It shoul? .?e dlst~n?tly
the strong vital i ty of Catholic Faith in that city. ,itself, gaze upon with feeling~ alike of respect the caltq,of that noontide'bour. W,hile i Pllused un?e:~, t~.od 'th,at. we are not exat;nInIn,g whether
I'he' illustrious ' Archbishop of Cuba (Father and love; In. the lon,e ly wa;ys of the mouPt,~in, nl'ar t.he ' old cross, ,and loved . the piety w)ht'c h ,relief ~s to be g~vpn to t~e _+n,~han. ,s~er~rs, or
Claret) h,as: latel.y ~een gi; in~ a serie~ of reli· by the nver stde, ~n ~he ~loon:~. fC\rest, every. bad pl~ced it amopg the beautiful works pf the 110t. rhe:e. can ,~e n~ dtffere?c,e ,of opllllOn on, ,
glous ex ~r~ls~p" In .the first p!ace to the ~len, wbe.~e you meet WIth some ~'Cl!glOU$ emblem to Al mighty" I saw ¥,n old ~an appro~c~ it, \~h:~ .qu:~~tOn: , Every one m1'l ~t, de~es ~ the at-
In~ aft~! w'lr~s, to the w9 men " 111 th,~ church of rell110d you ,t!lUt the~e are : tpe wor)l:s of' th e , who m I insta~ly roqognized all my friend, ,:Oll~tlCS, comullttcd ~y the ,85Poy~, and. sjlUcerely:
8t; ,Thoo:lU~. :he cro~ds wh~ ,flocl{e rl to ~ear livin(!: ~od. It , is, lovely while wanderi,ng Fqther ~a?ci~, .. H.eJ9?k~d arQund,-there, was debtr: that th.e. sufferers should .be r.ehj~ ved,. "
thl~ . ,el.~qu~nt." , ~nd , .zealous Irelate were ~111~ amont; scenes, where e:lch. step y?~ tak,e tells 'o.f D'?: one lU Sight, f?r the darK bougj:ts '~f ,an ,il'e x , " It t~ t.rue, mdeed, t1~!l L h,ere. ~e ,c,all?ot do
mense, ~ h e 1!,nthful completely filled th~, vast the 100gh~ and power of Him who framed them, bId me from 'n ew, and he knelt before, t.he I:LlC~l " I,n OU; to~n,s, and .e~~n I? t?IS c ~Y, we
n~ves 'of,th e chur:cll',· the chapels, the chOir, the ~ind while your mind is exalted to tbe contem- cross. :' At tbatmoment' the bell' f : h , h>ee 10 the rn ~ dst of scenes ,of ' InlS!'TY, arid, des- , .
trJb\rn ~s, a!) c1 ind eed every vacant spnce. , The nlation' 0'1' His omnip' ~tenc~ and y'ou 'pause in n~i"hbol'inO'. cbur~h tolfed out tlx ~ O;~' l" e t!tutidn, which, though ,regard ed with. in'differ - >,)
Ib ~" "' , '~
<' I '" d ' f' • bl A I b' h
a ,ors 01 t.le .In 'ela:lga ~
h " "
rCI IS op . ave your silent !ldrniration,-when a, rud~ ci'oss In.volun't~rily. I , held my . e n",e us. bIb '
breath, for -the swe'~t encey ~ any, . can Rcarqey eeq~a I~a, ev!)n i~
1 -1
been: wOl'th~ly lespon.aed to, the Gel1er~1 Com- strikes the ~ye, a Madonna. perhaps!, WIth t\le sou,nds lingel'ed for ll- moment on the air, as if a country ,;was~ 3.b'y fire ~~d s-wor?! . ',.W~r~
mun;IO?: w~llc;h ten~lOate~ tl:ese exerCIses ~~s infant Savioqr, '. and , ,you s~clderi ly remem~ er he'ld there by.;some ,inv!s,i ble . sympathy, ang your lqrdshlp ,to v,l s,I~ . sol!leof the rutned lall:,s'
Idml~lst61e? by 1ns , LOld~.hlp t.he " Apost~11C tb!lt ( H.e ~vho ,' p~led mO~?talU upon mountaIn, ga ~ e the last l tnk to th'e ,spell that bOll1!5i me5 a~d stree ts ~f Dubl.l.n, ~our,hEa~t would th.nIl
NU~Cl?, assIsted b! t;',o Puests? and ?ccupI,ed who seatt~red HIS ma.gl11fi~e?co overpte ?e.sPtt, By an uncoosclOUS movem~ nt of ,the soul, 1 IVlth hor,ror at, .the ~lCtlll ~ ?~ human ~oe Wlll~h
Iwo wh,o.l e . h?~rs. lhe, l!ege~lI(ra~ w~t asks , W ~ S \ an lDf<ll)t weepl~,g for YOU!' .sake lt1 the bu;-ned to the old gryY cross ~o P\'uy; and there ;vo~ld present t t8~~f. JJqng an~ g~lh ng perse;
wh~~her ' lt IS for. the people who llIa ,n~fe,,~ s~eh stt) ble elf , Bethlehem" a man expmng for your was the oi,d rulln , Pfostra,te on bis, face, wbile in cut.lOns, as w~ ll , as .the .I,a te f;q~llle" a ~ d ,thl,l
:entlments of plety ~hat ~e~or~ bn." ~la~ , ]j~e~ -salva ti<)~ on: t_he, altar of ~he .cross . . . Often als?, th e stillness of that still hour his stifled bobs cIeara~ce ' syst~,m unhapptly adopt,e~ ,. by porn,/( >
tf nt to Llo,me to, o~t~lll ,a dl~ll.nut~on of t:1e f es: in the .stlence of the mght, III cert~.lO C~tho)~c re~ched n;y ear a~ I stood, th,e unbidden wit. , 1 ~ ~d:oIds, have .brough..~ ~bout ~,h.l,s i ~~te of I
"va!s of the <;,h·U1Ch. 'Llns J~u~nal adds.. ,c ountnes, you are awake.ned by stralOS of lllU~lC lIe~s of IllS seqr et sorFO\y , I klJow ) npt how tb \nhs . . H ev c.e " o~r I chantable ril~o,qI:ces are,
81;£' as thc",EpQw . assures us, _thls de ll1 a ! tha.~ , move ' the ver.~ s?nl., and to,uch ;he I: e,art lo?;; I stoo,d, ga~inl? ,on th!'l fortp <if' thil t , w.oe. whollY.lnsumcIen~ mee.t ,the ~? c,a lls t?
int91l1d ,?er)' ~Ejl ~,~ a , ?,IOUS p:o~le would not be by Its sweet and pla! ntlve rp eh'J dy. You l!sten wq~n ,ma~. ':It lll!ght ,have b~en a. minqte, it ~~ade l~. u;gen.t ~ndpresslng c~ses of', dlstres~' !l
oft,erfere<] ~Ith i,or fteq~le~t!ll", the, churches as for a mo ent 'and y,ou learn th <rt while you a,le migpthav:e b,een all hour j I had p o. , note 9f ' ¥ ~ ~ tber~.exls~s a ge~~ral de?lre t~, make :~ery
(heen as > they p~ eas.ed, ,I t I,S not. lc:s true that pipOwed?n th,e couc,h .of Iux~ry, and health , t~ ~ e~ . my t.houghts:wer,~ ha,l f in h eil-ven )' where ~acr~fice: t~ alle ~ Iate tbe suff~nngof ou.r ~reth-
~ ou<:)hci t? dillls:der suc,h a hbel ty a~ ~ con- and happl,ness are tbe handmald8 ,of .your re- , time IS not , haH' WIth that p'Qo.r wretch who~e ren ,rn 1n c11a, and to help to sl).p,ply theIr wants
ceSsIOn" Wouilld It not hem ' l <moeslm I ~ "f ' " l'h ' d ,isl. . . ,
io' ,: , ' _ , . , UC 1 r . p e Rose, I ' . " •
the ministeu,i At l'~)ig.ion, is bearing. tHe woe ~vus so d~ep jt mi~h~ h ave heen deemed e v~n rO,m .our own.P?ver,y.
, i )', " , "
~s Il l'e IS p:r-
li,,:nb!l~,up .'th~ toleFat~on accorded ~o tl~e ~rre- adorable s~crament .to , s~mll mernb~r of the d ei'patr,r sa~e for the ho~e'ful gla\lc ~ 'Which he fectl~ C?~ ~lstent ~It~~l~ e p ersuaslil ~ t~ atc~anty
'?" us 1.~dtJfe lcnce of those u?beheveJs who human fanll ly .who 18 perbans &ummoned , t o o'ave. to heaven save for the bloGIDwO' o£ th ot and lel! iijlOn reqUire ,tl~at ruOl)~y gt:ven fo r the
heSlstate hot t; work ,th fest· J d'
thiS • o,n e ' '. 's l' . I ' Ii ' , '. " " . <:) f , " -
~rt as. , .n guit tile scene of hi~ . toits a~d la.bors, ~n.d find~ so itary: ros~, W~jC!l shed its be~t!ty and frug., r~ ,e 0
, , , '" "
oou'l way .aV , partIeS}i'9ul~; b~ stl,tlsfied,. and , It no ,loQger . c,onsolat'lon . ex<:el't In reh,glol1, no l'!lllCe above h!s old , grey haIrs; sugge~ting ,to the pr~~l~.ltllln ot ~rr9I, or t.o ot.her u r: -
,l I'; f f h . l . 'l I d' b
um,a.n .nllse;~ s 10~ , p o,~ ~ perverte
., ' d

ofl n~~ th: ,I be Sal? , as t mIght be w~th ve~y longer hop~ exceptin Ri~ who thu.s , cpt;Jes to sweet thOl\ghts of t~at crown of•.immortal blis~ w~rtby' ,~u:~o, W.e a~'~ ,not deaf ~o the
~hd rea, ~11 t 'Y. I~afl!, t~at mea~ureB. of , ~llls meet him in th e hour when the world closes to whi~h anglll'l love, ,to }Veav,<:l J or tlw ,brq)V~"of cr,lles ~f , R~ftenng huu?amty: blft. tbe h:stol'Y,
, l:iy to e sfl tlsfacttOn a~ordea to dlsbehev- his view. You ,whisper ,perhaps a prayer and Iepentinoo sinners and which lIlio-ht one da.y C\f I the past, as w(lll, as. the dutIy, occurren-
:~s:~~l~ real~y bd ,ail ~ffen ,e :a?d ' inEult ~~, again sink: into ~ '~IUIl~b.:I: ; 'but th,e p~ety of'the ,en'eircle p~at' nQw h;~bled t; the dust in' e~ , wh~ch we· )witness -;yit.~ our. own . ey,es
timenta nd fcehnos (If rehglOUfl people, Cqtholic in'habitant is not so easily satisfiod i II sorrow and shame. [To w continued.] ' gl'le eVidence ,o f such a propensIty on the
part of many to interfere with the educn.- great forbearance and moderati on- has found it sent to Protestant schools. I participated, I mine in what religion the young Kirleys were
!'ion of Catholic children, and to seduce them necessary to exercise his authority in bringing must confe3s, in the prevalent feeling, and I ~I be educated. The father being dead, and
; 'rom the religion of their fathers, that the duty them to a sense of duty. was influ enced by facts which came under my the mother a lunatill at the time, tbey could
we owe to God and his holi Church, compels Where bigotry and violent f,tnnticislll are so knowledge. H eports of cases of proselytism not be consulteri. But the religion . of th e
us to be watchful and even jealous on so vital rife, are we to be surprised that attempts should in England, and in othe r parts of the cmpire. father 'was known j the religion of the brother
a matter, and to insist on obtaining safeguard; be made to uivert charity from its heavenly have tended to confirm lily convict ion. ' I will the natural guardian of the children, was, 0;
for faith, a virtue,' for the loss of which, no destination, and to make it an in strument of now enter into an GX'aminution of those reports, could easily be known. It was known that the
earthly treasure can compensate. proselytism? Your lordship, judging from but I beg to solicit Y:lUr attention to the merits children had been entered in a public institu-
In approaching the principal business of this your own hii?;h feelings, thinks tlut. it would be of a case which has occurred he:'e in Dublin. tion of this city as Catholics ~everal timcs, and
letter, you will allow me to assure you that I treason against human nature to ill1:lgine. that I select it in prcference to others j because, it was, or could l:ave been easily known, that
fu lly agree with your lordship, that" this is so base a perversion would be possible: yet its having in my ha nds the original letters of the they had been placed by their father at a Cath-
not the time to drop the cup of' bitterness be- actllal existence cannot be denied. Look to the persons concerned in it, its proof does not de· olic convent school in Dundalk; yet, notwith_
tween the Churches." Neither on the present, workhouse, the j ails, the hospital s, the union pend on vague repo rts ot' oral evidence, which stand ini?; all these reasons, it was decided to
or any other occassion" have I had recourse to so schools, and examples of such treason will be may be easily misunderstood. place the children in a Protesta,nt school, and
unworthy an expedient. Though I have been round even in }i]ngland. The history of tHe Among the, many brave soldiers who lost to make them Protestants.
sometimes ' obliged', as guardian of the flock, to late famine in Ireland affords another iHustra· their lives in the :;ervice of their countrr du- Major Harris, assigning a reason for the step
raise my voice against litlse prophets who ap- tion. Human misery in Povery form-starva- ring the hte Russian war, we fina the na-::e of he had tak en, says, the chi ldren were not
proach the fold in sheep's clothing, but within tion, sickness, and death overshadowed the Sergeant John Kil';ey, of the 4th Dragoon brought up in th'l L~oman Catholic faith. I
are ' raving ,,"olves, seeking to devour the tender land. What fedings but those of pit,y and Guards. Kirley waS a nltive of Louth, anu a dare say th<;1 ~lajor is not well qualified to de-
lambs, yet I have always inculcated peace, comoassion 'could have entered the heart of man Ctttholic. When dying, he left behind him, cide what constitutes educ~tion in the faith, or
charity, patience, and forbearance- Such ill in tl;e midst uf this universa l desolation? Yet, in this country, a wife and " three children to examine children 'in the doctrines and pl'ac.
the ~elleral practice of the Catholic pastor every- the sad tale is recorded, in history, that many Unhappi ly, her afflictions preyed U1)on his tices of our Church. We cannot accept his '
whe're j and we may boast that in Belgium, calling themselvps Il'inisters of the Gospel of wife's mind, a nd after some time ~he was assertion as evidence in such matters. But
Ea,v aria, France, Austria, and other countries Peace, and many ot,hers led astray by tJlCit' placeci in a lunatic aSJ lum in ,-this city In even if they were uninstructed, the course liic-
where the influence of the Uatholic clergy is words 01' examples, did not hesitate to - avail the meanwhile, the report havill" gone a )road tated by justice would have been to send them
very, great there, those who differ from us in the ,mselves of the direful condition ot the coun- tha t the cbildrell were ahou t t"o be sent to to a Catholic sc hool, to be educate,i in the reli-
religion are treated ,:with t,h e greatest liberal,ity, try to insult the feelings of the POOl', and to Protestant schools, the Rev. Cano n Grimley, a gion of their father and their natural gUJ l'dian , '
whilst in some of the northern kingdoms, such attempt to rob th em of their faith. Relief' W:lS clergym'ln wllo had devoted many years to the his brothel', their mother being t hen a luuatfc.
as 'Sweden, and Den{uark, where Protestantism oftentimes r efused exce pt on the condition of reli gi0us instructiotl of the Catholic soldiers in Does Major Harris pretdnd that all ignorant
is all po'\'Verful, most galling penal laws are en- apostacy, and the starving man was called ou Dublin, wrote to Major Harri~, of' the Royal children s hould be taken and sent to Protest~,nt
forced ' again~t Catholicity. In our Churchcs in to choose between the death of his body or of Hospital of this city, informin g him that the schools, without regard to tho religion of their
Ir~hnd, though we teach with the Scripture his soul. At the same time, proselytising young Kirleys were Catholics, and prot,estin '" parents r But were they in reality left with-
tha t there is but one true fai~h ' and one true schools were established, and spread like a net against any unjust interference with their re~ out any Catholic education? Certainly not;
Church, we n()ver indulge in iuvectives against work over the country, and st;ll'ving children lig ion. Majol' Harris did not give a dccisive foi', as we have seen, the .f'utlwr had broug,ht
t hose who profess another religion, and you invit~d to frequent them, and to ~bar~er their answer to Uanon Q-rimley's letter but statp.d thelli to a conven t school 111 Dundalk, request-
might pass 'y ears in our houses of' worship with· faith for foot! and clothing. In many instan ces, that he would refer the case to th'e considera- ing th~, particular care should be taken to in-
out hearing the name of Protestant or Dissenter children have ,been purchased from a miserable tion of the Jommissioners of the Patri:>tic 8truCt them in their religion, and, besi'des, we
mentioned froll,! our altars oqJUlpits. 'tV e ~each ,mother, that they migb t swell the ranks of Fund. have the important testimony of the chaplain
our flocks to lov,e aJl !)1ankind, and the univer- sectarianism. The system, inaugu rated in the 'fhe question of the educ,ation of the three of the pcnitentiary, t\lat hc himself p'ai ,j great
suI 10,ve is manifested , in the management of hour of darkness , and ,trial, though defeated 9atholic childr~n .were thus fairly brought be- ca,rc to the instruction o.f t,l10 eld est chil.d., and
charitable institutions, euch its those of' St. generally in its main object, has, nevertheless, fore the ComnllsSlOners or those wbo were act- prepared her for confesHor...
Vi'ncant de Paul, and the Sisters of ~Iercy and produced great evils, driving its victims into ina- in their name. W'hat their decision was Now, !et me ask, my lord, was it just to ordel
Charity, wbo give ~elief to the needy, without hypocrisy and lying. Unhappily, it is still w~learn from a letter of Major Harris, in repl; these po~r children, Ua~holics themselves, and
distinction of creed or country. Thus, Catho- urged on with vigor, and we have to regret that to Canon Griml"y who bavin" waited for sev- the offtipnng of Ca.hohcs, to be brought up
lics, tbough they are so often assailed as bigots many ~ood and benevolent ChristianS ' in Eog- eral weeks witho~t he~rin<> a"'nythin<> further Protestants? Do we not find here a bias in'
and intolerant,practice tl,'ue cbarity and Uhris- land are induced by the reports of interested al:Jout the fate of the yo~ng"Kirleys" begged of favor ?f. Protestantism, whilst we arc to,lil.tha,t
tian t j leration, clinging firmly to tru th, condem- preachers, to contribute irnwense sums to its the Major in a second comllJuniea ion to let all religIOns are to be equally protected t Re-
Ilil!g doctril,l al errors, but loving all, an\l pray- support. , him kn ow' what was the decision of th:l Com- verse the case for II moment.; suppose, Kirley
ing for their salvation. . Now, having a knowledge of the paltyand nl1sslOners . Here is Major Harris's letter, of had been a Protestant; suppose hi~ :rife was
Unhappily, my lord, I am obliged to state, tbe feelings which I have described, was I not, which I hold the original: now morally dead, havlllg lost h er ITIlnd j SIIP-
and I do so with deep regret, that a large por- my lord, justified in inquiring by whom the "ROYAL HOSPITAL Dnblin} pose the fat?er's brother was a Protestant, and
tiOl~ of phe Pl'otest:;nt clergy of Ireland do. pOL funds about to be collected were to be llJanaged A:l ?6 , Ul57 ' that the children had been at some Protestant
exhibit the same charitable spirit. They add -whethe.r by' men of honor and charity, or by l "Sm: I have tht:10~0~ to a~knowledge pal:o~hial school; ~ould Major fhrris have en-
not drops, but torrents to the cup of bitterne3s, men who on other occasions had not h ~sitated , your note of the 19th inst. It does not appeitl' tertamed fur one ;ll sta~ t ~he p;opo~al. to hav~
no'~ only between t,h e Churches, but between to traffic on human misery? Had I not a rigbt that the ehildren of Sero<~nt Kirle were ever them e?~cated Catholtcs r hut It ~s consl-
neiO'hbor and neighbor, master and servant, to ask, without incurring tbe guilt of' treason at any time, brought up"'by tbeir p/rents in th~ de:ed fall' to use o~her m~~sures and .0tlICr
landlor4 and tenant. It is a sad fact that dur- t o human nature, what proteJtion was to be Roman Catholic faith, and therefore they have we:ghts where t~lcre I.S que~tlOn of our rights.
ing past ye~rs, they have exci~ed a mO,s t violen,c giver to poor Uatholic orphans, in whose souls been serit to a Protestant school where they wii! It IS the lot of ~ath?lrcs, as It has always beel),
persecution against poor ' Catholic servants, re ll· a traffic, worse than · the slave trade, is sought be well taken care of' b the Ro ar Patriotic to suffer. !>-.shght IS cast even O? the ~npmory
. dering themselves answerable to Heaven for to be establis'hed? ' Commission. Had thes!childre/bee~ Roman al:d t~le rehglOn .of a, ?rave Catholic soldIer, who
ma~y fellow creatures to misery · I perceive that an inquiry almost similar C th l'
havin<Y " reduced
. .. . . . a 0 lCS tlley wou ld Ilave b ee n scnt to a died III the serVice ot hIS countr'-. J
Alas, poor
and starvatIOn, because they would not consent was conSIdered expedIent by a collengue of Roman Catholic school, and the same care Kirl ey! h ad he foreseen the fate of his chil-
to violate the dictates of conscience , Perhaps your lordship in the management of the Patri- would ,be taken of them. dren, he would have deplored-his h eu-rt filled
YQl}r ,lo~dship is not aware, thct tbe Chu:ches of otic Fund""':'Sir John Packibgtol1. "'l'here ex- " t;ho~ld ~Jll y further correspondence on this with sorrow-the unhappy lot that ,compelled
t hese ctergymen contioul11y r~soul)d wl. th the ist.s ," so we read in a letter of his 'to the Ti-nies, hi'n do leave his offspring under the cO,ntrol and
" ' '- l' . I h • . subject appear to you 'to be necessary, I be o"
fi erceft denunciation of CatHo ICHY ,j·tle t. emes "in the public mllld, in combination with a I at the mercy' of stran,,"ers. .', ,
, d d ' you wil . be so good as to addre~s It to the
of their sermons are frequently placal' e ,on desire ,to subscribe, a feeling that no adequate H Nor is it to be supposed, my lord, that tpe,
onorary Secretary of the Royal Patrioti(;
the.. walls of this city, and . published in some security bas yet been offered with respect C .. I 1 sentiments attributed to Kirley exist only in im.,
. . d ommlsslOn.- lave the honor to be, Sir,
newspapers, in which Catholics are stIgmatIze eith er to the responsibility under which the IT a"O'ination, or are not generally participated. in
.. b
as g uilty ofi,dolatry and superstitIOn, and c arg- fund is t6 be administered, or the principles,
" .I. our most obedient servant,
by Catholic soldiers in the army. We h:wc the
. h f d 1 ' (Signed) , "R. R. HAS-RIS, •
ed with teachin"o- , that ly~ng, t e ,'t an ot leI' regulations, or conditions, under which it is to most conc.l.usive proofs .t hat such feeli"",g~ ,He
I ' '- " Major an<;l District Officer.
crimes, are lawful. Even 011 the day set aside applied." 'Vhen such an uneasiness about th e general, and are manifested even on t~e b,a ttle·
by .her gracious Majesty f'or h uml' 1",l atlon an d E
fund existed '
in ?ngland, where fair play is the " Rev. Thomas Grimley, etc ., fields and ·in the ' hospitals of' India. ' A .mos~ n
~ , "Saint Paul's Uhu.rch, Dublin ."
prayer, some reveren,d orators exhaustbd their general rule, and where no attempts is ever respectable officer of the East India service-
eloquence if!. proving that Catholicity is worse llIade to injure the religion of the great mass Let us examine, my lord , the various cir 'l'hom2s Staunton Cahill, li:'q., M. D.-wilen
than 'P aganism or lHabol11tiledanism leaving of the people, could it be Iconsidered strange' cUlUstances of this case, so as to decide whether examined belore the U0Il1111ittee of Indi;m ,Terri-
t hElir audiencl) to conclude that the poo r that doubts of a similar nature should be raised they justify thp proceedings of Major Hni'ris . tories, gave important ev,idence on this f\u'bjecL
Irish soldier, no,,:" fighting the. battles ot'li:ng- in Ireland, (where bigotry and intolerance have L Sp-rgeant Kirley was always a Catholic j ,:rhe .following question was propoRed to· hilll':
lanl,! on the burning ,~ands of India, is worse lyft indelible traces on the soil? \ his 'father and mother, now dead, w"re Ua~h. I "9169. Haye y()u known soldiet:s who had
than the brutal Sepoys to whom he is opposed j' Nor, my lord, was the management :of the olics' j his brother and sister, still living, are either been wounded upon the field of battle,
and instead of humbling themselves, as they various funds, collec't ed for the relief of the Catholic,; he himself went to Mass and- pel" or who were on beds of sickness frum. other
were invited to do, tbey boldiy proclaimed, like suffe rers in the late Russian war, calculated to formed other dutit:'s uf our Church. Nor was CatlSe~1 00hl~plain th at, in the even t of 'their
the proud Phal:isee, that th ey were not lik e lIlake us place unbounded confidence in every h e indifferen t to the reli(!ion of his children. deaths, their ,orphan 'c hildren would be left
other' mer, nor such as those millions of Cath· future collection. In many, 'cases, the sums When stationed in Dundalk, he brou.~ht them w-holly 1!!'!J,provided for?"
olios. : In the ll1eantil1~e, whilst breathing raised were openly applied to the purposes of himself to the schools of the S'ist.ers of·Men.lY, 'l'he re~ly Ivas as foll ows :
nuthing but hatred, and desirous to oppress, proselytism , A respectable lady living in Ire- and made particular request that every atten-" Complaints have been made, to me by men
these pre'a cheb hold 'themselves forth as models land, the widow of' an officer, assured me some tion s~ould be paid to their religious training of·,different regiments, when, they were dying in
of toleration :md' liberality, and condemn time ago, that, having applied to one Of the by the Sisters. 'rhe superioress of the conven t the hospital. Th ey felt unhappy and ' ditcon-
all others as loyers of despotism and tyranny. societies established for relieving sufferers in bears testimony to the fact (See Appendi:r- 1.)i tented at the r~collection of the fact, that ~hile
It grieves me to ,add, tbat. her Majesty's Pro- the anuy, she was promised the means of edu- Be9ides, when t?e Rev;. Mr. Hort; chaplain 01' tbe .Protestant portion of the children were the
tes~ant soldier is marched' to where cating her son and daughter, but was informed, the troops in DUblin, had proposed tc? Kirley'to objects of ihe care ofth,e government, their own,
the preaching is so . uncharitable, where tbe at the same time that they should attend' Pro- send one of his girls to England, to he brought children wer~ cOlll'pelled to abandon what the
doctrines of Catholics are described as worse testant service at the schoo: in which they were up by a Protestant lady, he stipulated that the , fathers believed to be tbe on ly proper religion,
than those of' the Hindoo or the Moslem, and to be placed, I believe some of the public child should be educated in her own religion, That feeling, I tl)ink" hail been general , among
where, if nothing else, the offcnsive placards committees, and the founders of Hampstead and wrote two letters on tbis bead to a Protest- the Romal) Catholic soldiers, particularly on
exbibit~d at the Church door, are calculated Scbool, did not attempt to conceal their prosely- ant gentleman in Dundalk, which letters I hold service and when sick in bospibl. Those who
to fill him with pr,ejupices :, tisui tendencies. in my possession. , had children w'e re naturally anxious about
By preaching after tqemanner I have des- Greater regard to justice and charity was cer. 2. That Mrs. Kirley also professed herself tbem, and alwu:}'s regretted that they had not
cribed, by attempting through the inst, um ~n- tainly displayed in the m\J,nagement of' the a Catholic, cannot be ' deni ed. The poor a Catholic orphanage to put them into. 'fhat
tality of insulting placards,.' handbills, and Patriotic Fund, and undoubtedly your 10rdRhip woman, during her husband's absence, or regret, I may say, has b<;1ell universal."-Sixth
invectives, to .propagate religious views in a new and yOur colleagues undertook that work of bene· after his death, was committed several times to Report on Indi(tn Territories, 1853, page
fashion, our modern apostles bave succeeded in volence in a most impartial spirit. That, how- Grangegorman Penitentiary. Major Harris, 108. ' .
poisoning the m~nds of many with the bitt(lrest evt:lr, in carrying it out, grounds for complaint when aboub to dispose of her children, called at, The, feelings which , must naturally arise !U
llOstility against their C~tholic bretbren on ac- bave been given, and arrangements attributed the Penitentiary, and inquired what was her! the bosom of a dy ing solgi ~l:' anilllated with a
count of' their religion; indeed I may safely to your body or your al!ents, have been looked religion, and the religion of her children. The, firm al)d lively faitb, as to thq reli gious educa-
6ay that many of their hearers have been worked on justly with dissatisfaction, I trust I shall governor gave him all the information required, tion qf his children, are here so well described.
into tbe persuasion that if they hate a phan- givc yo'u convincing proof. Far be it form me, and showed him the books of the Penitentiary, that it is not necessary to add a word of com-
tasin called Popery cordially, they,have fulfilled however, to charge you or your colleagues with in which lVII'S. Kirley and her children were ment or illustration. ,
the law and the prophets. a desire to do anything unfair, though I can- entered as Roman Uathdlics three or four suc- You have now, my lord, a sad story beforB
Undoubtedly the liberal ann enligbtened DOt but condemn some of the proceedingq for cessive times. I publish the governor's letter, ; ybu. Wheth~l' the evil done to th e youn,g
Protestants of this country, and, happily, theS wbich you are held responsible. Probably, which proves that Major Harris received' full Kirleys (and how many other children aue
nre numerous and influental, are unanimous in whatever was defective or reprehensible i'n your information regarding the religion of Mrs, ' sharing their fate ?) .wi ll ever be rep:loir~d I
condemning the unboly warfare of calumny and administration, is to be attributed to under agents Kirley and her children (See Appendl:x II.) cannot conjecture. Proba bly such impreSSlO!l3
vituperation wbich is carried on with relentless of biassed minds, whilst all the good that was 'From the same letter of the governor it appears have betJn maue.·upon th eir minds in the J;l~st
fury against the ancient reli gion of Ireland j to be done is to be referred to the direct agency that Mrs. Kirley was in a lunatic asylum for months, that they are noW determ,ined enemIes
yet it is too true, that flIany sanction and en- of the Commissioners themselves. some time, and that she w s entered there as ' a of the religion of their father. 1 know thai
courage it. Among those are to' be numJ>ered, Yet, my lord, a general persuasion prevailed in Catholi\}: I add the important testimony of' when yery young Catholic children~are i nd\lc~d
I regret to say it, dignitaries of the establi~h- this country that a tendency to proselytism the ch,aplain, Rev. Mr. White, who states ,that, to spend a few weeks in the ragge pr?Selytlz-
ment, even in this city, and the great con feder- was evinced in tbe management of the Patri- the Kirleys were Uatholics, and that he .i n- ing schools of this city, they are ll~slduoU51y
acy of Orangemen, who, within the last few otic Fund, that the same provision had not structed the eldest child for tbe Sacrament of taught to hate everythi ng Uatholic, ev~n the
months, have carried their violence so far, and been made for the education of Catholic liS for Penance, which she applOached several times. name .of the Blessed Virgin, and tb e SIgn ,of
allowed themselves io be excited by street Protestant children, that the surplus funds had (See Appendix III.) the cross of' her Divine Son. Th ~o?ng ~Ir­
preaching to such transgressions of the law that been allocated without any regard to Catholic Such was tbe ' state of things when .Major leys, now so many month~ under t !luling lll.a
the Lord ' Chancellor ·of Ireland-a man of' rights, nnd that evell Catholic childr.en had been , H~rria or the RQyal Commission had te deter- Protestant school, may have been acted on In
. '

the same way. Perhaps, also, their mother lected of the state of regimental schools and have b een, Catholics cannot regard as otber bi8tery has thrown about it, we ~bould be pre-
may now approve of what has been done . It asylums for soldiers' orphans abroad, while than en~ines of proselytism. The penalty ~or pared to infer that if a Catholic people still ex-
can scarcely be expected that a poor woman serving to illustrate and confirm what has been disobedience to this arbitrary regulation IS, isted, it.s temporal condition wou ld be that of
whose mind has been shattered by poverty, af- st:lted ~ about the Duke of York's school, the forfeiture by the unfortunate parent of the utter destitution. But instead, my lord, of reo
fliction and a residence in a lun utic asylum, Hiberniun School, and the mixed in stitutions subsistence ~lIuwance (two and a half rupees, or proach on tbis head, sHould not tbe incompara-
will h~ve courage tu condem n the .measures of endowed out of the Patriotic Fund, will also five shillinO"s a month) for each child. above ble fidelity of the people to the faith of their
~ to b" fathers be admired, which no amount of perse-
nn officer whom persons of her rank are accus · open the eyes of the publit: to the way in which four years of flge who may e abilent.
tomed to reO'ard with reverential awe , the reC'iwental schools are conducted here a,t We have giv en this very 10llg extract, from cution bas been wble to subo ue Y ,. Of all in-
But wha~ver may be th e f:'\te of the poor home. ~ Dr, Fennelly's report, because it so fully ex - stitul.ions now existlng," says a high Protestant
children, whether 01' not they have lost that The orphanages in India were establish ed in plains the grieva ncc of the regimental schools-:- authority, " the Irish Church is the most ab-
faith without which it is impossible to please part by subscrip tions raised among the soldiers, a grievanc;e of which Ireland has to complall1 su rd and indefensible. It is cOllsiderell so by
God, when the facts to which I have referred both Catholic [lnd Protestant, with the under- as well us India. * * * * * the present l!:eneration, it will be considered by
presented themselves to my m!nd, h::d ~ not standi~~. that t:.very child sh(\uld he rear~d i.n To weaken the claims of Catholics, which I posterity, and men will wonder how such an
grounds to doubt about the fan applicatIOn of the rehglOn of Its parents; but as those Illstl- have been urgillQ", I perceive the Commission- abuse could b ave existed so long."
the Patriotic Fund, and to express a wish to tutions were committed to the care of the Pro· ers' i)1emora,;du?n alleges that "I CJ.uite over- If I bave, my lord, touched ppon some of
have measures taken that the Indian Fund ~cstant chaplains, they soon changed their ori - looked the f,lct that there is such a serv ice as those religious grievances which afflict this
should be manaO'ed with a crreater recrard to ain al character. "I call these institution s the navy, with 70,000 men, who, Wit!l very few land, it is not indeed to evoke angry feeling,
Catholic interest~? *" * ,;' * 'Protes tant," Fays Dr. Carew, Archbishop of exceptions, a1"(i Protestant, 1vho"e widows are. but to demand redress. Shrinking from the
'l'he Hibern ian School ba.s been establi shed ~~des,a, late Vicar-Apostolic of Calcutt.a, in a entitled to participate in the ben efits of the calm assertion of our rights in the spirit of men
principally for ~he childre~ of Irish sold~ers . .report on the State of Catho!i?ity.' pl:inted) in Patriol£c Fun :l." It also insinuqtes that the who deserve to be free, whilst we should fall
As we arc herE! In n, Ci1thohc country and In a 1853, page 20; "I call these HlstltutLOns 11'0' Catholic sailor3 are not more than one to two immeasurably' in youi· lordship'S estimation, we
Catholic city, and as a great muss of our Irilib testant, for such they must ):le accounted to be, per cent. in the navy. should at the same tim e stand accused ·of hav-
soldiers are Catholics, one would expect that by whatever name they may be officially desig- The author of the Memorandum in this ing indefinitely defe:Ted the attainment of jus-
in this school the greatest ·.iUlpart,iality would · nated, as their whole system is openly and paragraph quite forgets the object of the Putri· tice, which would benefit the empire at large,
be displayed, and Catholic in,terests and feel- avowedly incompatible with Catholicity, botb otic Fund, Mr. Mugford, in a letter of the by the union of all its people on terms of per-
ing~ duly respected. Let us see what is really in doctrine and 'disciple. 14th October last, in answer to an application fect equality in the bonds of eternal friendship.
the case, In the first place, the board of gov - The Very Rev . . Dr. Fennelly, the present for relief .from Dublin, says: " , The Patriotic In conclusion, my lo rd, I beg to state that
ernment, the commander, and all the office:-s, 'are Yicar-General of :Madras, confirms this com- Fund is limited by royal commission to ' tbe many Catholics have a~s ured me of their wil:"
Protestant, if you except, perhaps, one ser- plaint in an able pamphlet published this year, w£dows and ,orphans 0/ those who lost thei?' lingn ess to contribute to the Indian Fund,if mea-
O'eant, Secondly, all ' the teach ers 01' masters A t page 22, he observ es : "If there be one in- Uves on service connected with tlt e late lOa'" sures be adopted to protect, the poor children of
~re Protestant. Thirdly, the so-called Chelsea stance I)lore tban ano.ther in which the Cath- against Russia," As, unfortunately, the 70,000 Catholic soldiers against the dangers of prose-
monitors are Protestan t. Fourthly, the other olic servants of Government have felt specially sailors of the ::eriti~h navy did not lose their I'yti sm. Perhaps the appointment of some
monitors are all, with very few, if any, excep. aggrieved, it has been in the neglect, if not lives in tbe Russian war, their widqws and Catholic onoblernen and gentlemen, to -take part
tions, ProtC'!Ftant.. F ifthly, in the school-rooms 1V0rse than neglect, of th eir Catholic orphan children cannot have that claim on the Patri· in the central committees in London and Cal-
t here are :P~otestant bibles and prayer-books on children. Asylums had been, f~om a very early otic Fund which the , YIemorand'urn grants cutta, with the view of superintending the in-
t he desks, and they are also scattered through date, established at the several seats of govern - them. Indeed, as there were no naval engage · tflrests of those children, would remove all ap~
oth4'1" parts of the bouse, so that, to whatsoever ments, for the maintenance and education of ments ot' any moment, the casualties in the prehensions and satisfy ptlblio anxiety.
side a Catholic boy turn s himself, there he finds the orphan children of deceased soldiers. Those fleet were not great, and the widows and or- I have the honor to be, . with profound re-
Borne temptation to Protestantism . S ixthly, institutions, to whose establ'ish17l ent Catholic phans of sailors mURt have been but few, whe n speci,
the books used for literary in struction , such as and Protestant soldiers contri/;tttecl aWw, were compared with those of the lan.l army. 'W hy, Your lordship's obedient servant,
the historical compendiums prepared by n Pro- conducted on strictly Protestant principles; then , are the claims on the Patriotic Fund of ~ PAUL CULLEN.
testunt clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Gleig, are very they were open to Protestants; but, notwith- the widows and orphans of 70,000 sailors been
objectionable, and contain many things contrary standing Lord Dalhousie's statement to the put forwa.rd so pf(huincntly in the lVlenlorau- .••
to the teacbing of' our Church and offensive to contrary,""they were closed ao'ainst Catholics. dum Y Why is it made an occasion of reproach. Rome.
our ears, There wa";; no admittance for Catholic orphans, to me to have overlooked claims which have no The Roman correspondent of'. the' Jmwnal
The Catbolic children in this school are not ,'xcept on condition of renouncing tbe religion existence? * * * * * * de Bruxelles, writing of Piedmont, announie,
~lIowed t,o eXCeed one-third of the entire num of their puretlts," * * * * In the las t parngraph but one of the lHemo- that the new Representative from that State to
ber of' pupil~, on the I!round that only one ·thi,rd The Very ltev. Tleverenrl. Vicar-General of randum, I am charged with having insinuated the Hdy See will be lVI. iBounc3mpaO"ni, now
of th e army is Catholic. If this rule were ap- M, explains the present condition of' things that the money of Roman CathoUcs has been. Minister at Florence, already known'" by h:s
pliell to all asylums, it couM be defcnled. But more fully , At page 24 of the pamphlet al- Ilppli~d to the ~n~owmen~ of Protestant schools, visit to the Holy Father at Bologna while on
it is not extended to England. In the Duke ready mentioned, we read: and, lU reply, lt IS tauntI.ngly stated th at" the his tour t.hrough the Papal States. M. Buon-
of York's school, for exan;ple, the Catholics are " The o-arriaon and reo-imental schools at thz contribution from Ireland amounted only to campa~ni's. appointment to this important post
not, I believe, a twentieth part, and if you take s·everal military stations °have bee n also practi- £60,000, the greater part of which, it cannot is considered as almost ,certain, and it is hop3d
all the asvlu!lJs of England and Ireland to- cally and effectually closed against Oatholics. be doubted, was subscribed by Prot~stants, who will be att~nded b,Y the happiest results. The
gether, t!t~ Cat.holic chijdr~n will ' probably not The education in these several e~tabli:;htnents for the most part constitute the nch of that hindrances towards a full and complete recon-
amount to th e tenth part of the whole number, has eve r heen as Protestant as ant i·Catholic country." ciliation between the two Courts will certain(y
and t,he Catholic superiors and masters are not, bigotry could make it. The Catholic c1e.rgy- If your lordsbip weuld glance at my letter not come from Rome, which has at all times
probably, one in a hundred. If one-half of man has had no rio ht even to visit these again, you will at once perceive that, indulging expressed every willingness to make every con-
the army, or eve n one-third of the whole army, schools. The books t' have been ' Protestant~ in no insinuations, I stated ,direct,ly and open ly cession compatible with justice and z:eligioD.
consists of Catholi cs, it is clear from this state- the teachers Protestant-the in structions es .. that t.h e Catholics of' Dublin subscribed to th e It is Rome tbat some time since recommended
ment th at no adequate provision is matle for sentially Protestant. It may be said th,t the Patriotic 1i'und accorcliIlg" , to their means and Mgr. Artic·o to resign his See of Asti, which
their orphans, and no regard paid to their rela- rules of' th ese regime ntal school s provide ample with their accustomed generosity, and I must re.commen?f).tion Mgr, Arti co has complied
tive proportion. security for Catholic children, in asmuch as the now add, that my own contributiog., to show WIth. It IS not known whether Mgr. Fransoni
' The limitation of the number of Catholics latter are not required to apsipt at Pl'Otestant how heartily I approved of' the cause, far ex· will follow tbe example of Nhr. Artico. A'
admitted into tb e Hibernian School is a, griey- prayers nor at religious instruction, in case ceeded my' means. In this stat.ement, my lord, rumor is afloat ' that the Mgr. Fransoni, Arch-
ance, because, when a widow applies for a place their parentR declare in w1'-iting their unwil- it is impossible to employ plainer or simpler bishop of Turin, will be elevated to the Car-
for her child, and is mformed that the number lingness to have their chil(iren present on sucb language. But tbere is a question connected dinalate, and placed at the head of an Ecclesi-
of Catllolics is complete, she' is often tempted occasions. But this rule, however liberal in with the matter which the author of the astical Congregation worthy of his rank as Arch-.
to ent,ill' hini as a Protestant, and to sacrifice appearance, is only a snare for weak-minded Memorandum tries to evade. Was it fair to bishop, as ,is · tbe ' Propaganda, wbich haS 'al-
his faith in ord~Jr to provide for his support, parents. It is wen known that there are al- app ly funds, rais ed for one specific object of ready had his brotber as Prefect. This sacri-
and ,the temptation is increased as there is no ways to be found in India very pio!!s com - which all approved, to the ,e ndowment or estl~b- fic c' on the part of tbe ¥el)erahle Prelate would
Qatholie officer 'to superintend the registry. I manding officers-men of the Exeter I·hll ment of Be.hools to whic~ Catholics could not smoot~ dowll one of the gr,e atest , ~ifficulties
~ave kn'lwn, myself, the case of one poor class- ·w ho make no secret of' their Protestant have contnbuted, and 'J[) the advantage of which exist between the Courts of Rome and
wqm.en, who betra;red her conSClence EO far as predilections, and of th eir dislike to everything which their children cannot safely participate? Piedmont. The ' Consulta of the Finances met
to act in this unhappy way. Her son had bcen Catholic. Is it fair to expose n simple, .>imid, I will not discuss this question, but I find an on the 6th November, and the 'Session was '
bHptized at the Catholic church of St. Nich- weak-minded private soldier to the danger, on answer , t.o it in a publi..: document now lying openerl by a speech from Cardinal Savelli . . The
, ola~, had been to confession several tim es, and one hand, of incurring the di spleasure of his before me: Boly Fathllr ,had received the members of the
had ·attended tb e school of the Christian superior officer, which he feels would result "It is not necessary to be a Christian to Consulta previous to the opening with the kind-
Brothers, Yet he was entered as 'a Protestant frolll his fronl his fOl'biddinO" his children to be know that, to collect money for one object and est condescension, and expressed his great satis-
i? tne ~ibernian Scho~1. ~n the process of pre:'ent at religious · instruc~ion in th e schools; to use it for another, withuut the express con - faction for their services. On Mondav the
. t~Hle, ,· tins woma~, falltn~ mto a dangerous or, on the other, to the danger of viola.t ing his sent of the donors, is an act of tllC grossest dis- 16th, there will be held a Consistory fd; the
SIckness, and seeJ[)g death approach, was so conscience by withholdin~, throuO'h fear of his honesty." , . precognition. of the Spanish B ishops who
terrified at the dreadful account which she was oHicer, the prohibition n~cessary to guard the . . ~his is stro~~ la~gu~ge, but. it is, not ,m ine- could not, be appointed in -the last Consistory.
about to render to the Eternal Judge for huyc faith of his children? Is not the rule itself an It IS that uf a digmtary of the Protestant Whatever may be staten ~y some papers there'
ing sacrificed the faith of h~r child , that~ it was insult to the Catholic soldier? does it not Church, the Rev. Dr. Baggot' of Newry, in a are g od reasons for believing that no Ca;dinnls
fefired, phe would die in a most hopeless and imply an inferiority most offensive to hill~? letter of. t.he l?th i~stant, wr!tt~n in praise of will be nam~d, a~d' it is dOl;1b~f'ul whether any
deplorable state of despair. However, through But suppose the most favorahle cuse, that the the ad!Illl1lstrat}on ot the Patnotlc Fund. such promotIOn WIll be made In the Consistory
the mercy of God, she succeeded in res cuing soldier gave the prohibitory order in writing, at· l;our lordship appears to agree in substance at Christmas; notwithstanding the promotion
he r son from the scbool, and providing for his the risk of iucurring his superior's displeasure; with Dr. Baggot. "It is treason," you ob- of Mgr. .i\1attel;1cci, pro-Chancellor, to this diO"-
education before her death, and having done so su ppose the Cntholic pupils to absent them- serve, " to humanity to suppose that the fundnity is expected to take place before 10nO": he
sbe resig~ ed her spirit in peace to her Creator. selves from Protestant prayers and religious in. !will not be honestly dedicated to the slcred pur- would be replaced by Mgr. Sagretti, almoan of
Her son IS now grown up, and recollects all the struction, these schools are in their constitution poses for which it is designed." great experience and active habits. In case
circ~mstances of h!s ca~e. Unhappily there and in their operation so thoroughly Protestant, Applyin g this test to the Patriotic Fund, was there should be any pI'omotions at Christmas
Ilre mothers he~e llJ Ireland, perhaps many, that Catholic children cannot frl'quent them it, it may pe asked, originally designed, or wcre the purple would, it is said, be bestowed o~
w~o have acted In the same way towards their without danger to their faith. So much are ,the public, when galled upon to contribute, in- r,~gr.s. Ami~i, at Bologna; Gian-
children, and allowed them to be educated in a these schools, dreaded, and so imminent is the formed that a very large portion of the fund llIZZI, Audltor·General of the Oamerlingat .
religion not their own. They often, without danger to the Catholic youth frequenting them, was to be applied to the endowment of ' schools Quaglia, Secetary of the Council; and Ca~eila'
doubt, fe~ l the severest remorse of conscience. that in practice a Catholic parent who sends his in which the teaching is Protestant,' or con· Secretary for Ecelesiastical Affairs. Here ar~
Must we not condemll the system which is the children to them is not admitted ' to Sacra- ducted on the principles of the Union Schools it seems .to us, a ~o?d numbe~' of names put
occasio? of s~ch evils Y ** * ~ mepts. .and most dangerous to ,Catholic children? forward for all to rec~eve the hIgh honors spo-
. HaiVlOg smd. so much of schools at home, you 'fhe Catholic sol,d ier, in addition to the many -Yet a quarter of a million has bee'n thus IIp- ken of. Mgr. Farelh, who received his official
w1l1 IlOW to C!!JI your attention for a otber burdens from which his Protestant, com- plied. nomination to Madrid on the 16th of' October
1I1.~ment to ~ndIa . It. is to the collection now rade was relieved, has had, as previously Th\l allusion to Catholic poverty has, we was consecrated un the 1st of November at An~
belllg made ~or ~he rellef of tbe eufferers from pointed out, to maintain an orphanage to shelter think, been unwisely introduced. It recalls rc- cona, his native place, and is about imlllt'd-
the late mutltly III that country that this letter and educate his deceased comrade's children' miniscences which it were far better mv lord iately to repair to his post.
. ,. d h d " . ,
~wes Its ongm; an ~s t e istribution of the he has had also to contribute to the main ten- Out to revive. If Catholics are poor, we are It is intended to·publish in Rome the version
fund ~ust be comImtted to persons rcsiding ance of Catholic schools for the instruction of temped to ask, in the words of an illustrious o! th.e Septu~gint which was commenced 'by
th~re, It cannot be dec~led snperfluous to ex- his children. , Catholic schools have been lo.ner Irish poet (Aubrey de Vere) : Cardmal Mal, who labored at this great work
a~l1lpe :vhat are the ~eehngs toward;; our reli· esta.blished at ~he principal stations throughou~ "What made them Helots? Gibbet, scourge, and brand, Up to about the en~ of the Pon tificate of Leo
gl.on o.t those who mlsht perhaps be trusted IndIa, and mamtained at very great expense. Plag ,ing with futile rage a fitith devout." • X,II" and who ~(1d mdeed pro~uced some' ,p!!rt
WIth Its management,and whether any ten- They are found to work well. Some of them 'l'he injustice of the laws, and the action of of the manuscrIpts as they now exist in the
d~ncy has been di.spl~yed, in that remote re- are not inferior to the best European semina- the Establishment, have rendered that infcrior- YatlCan. This edition :-vas, ?owever, ' imper-'
gIon, t? ap~ly PU?11C funds to. the perversion of ries, though in the greater number the primary ity in point of wealth inevitable, with which we tecto The work was dlscontmued and such
Cathollc chIldren? . , education of children whether in .Jj]nerlish or are often reproached. First came confiscation portion of i: even as was printed h~d not beel)
. As an i,lIustration o~ these important ques- the vernacular, is alon~ attempted. 0 on a large scale, and legal penalties were after- made publtc. The work has since been re-
tl~ns I WIll merely refer to the public orphan- "By a late Order of the President of the wards monthly inflicted on our Catholic gentry sumed, .and is under tbe management of Father
ages, and the schools for tbe education of chil- Coun0il of India in Council the Catholic soldier for non-attendance at Protestaut worship, and Barn3~I~e VerceJlone, a man learned in the sac-
dre~ belongi ng to the ~evera~ regiment~ in is commanded, under a he~vy penalty, to with- ceased to be levied only when all property had red Wl'ltll1gs, and of' Signor Spazi, Professor of
Ind13, and the controverSIes wInch have arIsen draw his children from the Uatholic schools been wrested from their hands. Even now the Oriental Languages in the Roman University
~bout them. ~ ?a!e selected these topics- where they received a, sound religious educa: country is enormously burdened to support an w,h? have made a most minute and careful re~
tirs~ly, because. It IS 10 the management of ed,u- t!on, and a literary education at least not infe- institution which, by its religious teaching, can VISIOn of .the whole work, and which is now
catlO?al. estabhsh~ents . that the greatest eVlls flor to that provided for them elsewhere, and in indemnify the state or the people for on the pomt .of being fin~shed. We may there-
are llIfllCted on Cathohc chil~ren; and, sec- to send th~m to th~ garrison and regimeqtal ample supplies which it recei~es. Looking at fore expect 10 a short tune to have an edition
QJ;Idly, because tbe accounts whIch we have col- schools, WhICh, constItuted as they are and ever the country in the light which past and present of the LXX. as perfect as possible.
• I ' h Gil " Catholicity in the . United St~te5," determinedly fa vorable to the CCltholic re- THE HmDEN TREASURE, 01' the Value and
€,atnO'lic Q0e egrapg roth &bhomh Such is the title of two articles which have ligion ," could . do nothing to redress our Excell ence of the Holy Mass,
Rzv, s, IT,ROSECRANS, D' D',} . a ppeul'ed in the "Civ illa Cattolica,'" The wrongs, Thea ·observe the laws pas~ed to cou- ThiE little work, composed by the. ~Ies"ed
, and . .. ................... ........E DI"£ORS name of th.e author is !lot given, but he appears fhcate Church pro'p erty, law., springing f,rom Leonard of Port 'lVlaurice, trallslati d fro ln 'hn
VERY REV, E , PURCELL, " ' ,. , "
========~===='====;:,==== to be l;nown to some of our cCitemp-oraries in the the most intense malice, by which the title to It~lian, at tbe particular request of' and wiU;
" East. Cat b}'0 IC C1Jurc'lleS 'IS t 1k en f rom t I10se to wh om an mtro . d nctl0u. by t h e B''18 h op of Southwark,
Cincinnati, 0" Saturday, Dec, 26, '1857, When a person undertakes to ' supply the it was given by the donors, and public opinion and revi,sed and recomwended by the Bishop
-- " I ", - " Oivilta Cattolica" with · information respect- was gratified and our ,political institutions were of the Western District of Scotland, and dedi .
. fostage ,on Catholl/) Telegraph and Advocate in ": the Church in the Unite'd States, he ought delighted to have an opportunity of showing cateci, with pei'missi,)n, to Cardinal Wiseman
· ~:~~l~ ~;i~~~~D'y~~;~~~:':::::::::::::::':::::',:::::::::::::::::::·.:::lI~~: to \ e .exceedi~gly careful not tel mislead its how" determinedly fav orable they We1'e to the is in course of publication by J, p, Walsh"
.To ..nypa..~ofthe , United · States,peryear, .... " .. " , ,, ....... 26et" . ' f' l l' Z· ' "H b \. n '" I '
readers hy a hasty expression of his opinions. t;. atlLo W J'e 19wn, . ere we e le\'e we may vlnClllnatl, t consists of in~tructions on the
,j ~Oidination. .", . 'That pap'er, circuJates amongst .the most eminent cease to pile proof on proof to demonstrate the excellence, nece~sity~ and usefulness of Holy
.on Saturqay, )9t,h December, NIr, .Joseph· churchmen of ItalYI and its pages are consi- folly of this writer in the" (/iv'iftn (/attlJ1ica," Mass, the advantages of assisting at it daily and
D.wenger, a .natiYe of Ohio, and member of,tbe dered: invaluable on account of the conscienti· and to guard peopl e against the danger of being devoutly, methods for this purpose, devotions
C.o~llJunity P .. P,S,S" received Tonsure an'd ousness of' its ,editors and the mature and ridiculed as well as disuppoiuted by the adop- for Confession and Communion, portrait of a
'Minor Orders in I the Catpedral j and Rev, ~Iaborate oharacter of its . co~munir.aLions, tio~ of his opinions, What is the S~honl-Law true Christian, rules for living well, two L iia,
. Messr~, Ja!lles Ha,Yes and Theodore Kuhlmnnn, The corre's pondent who has thought proper, throughout the Union but a political institu- nies, one of the Sacred Heart of J eaus and one
".S:J" wel~e ordained priests by . Archbishop doubtless with the Dest intentions, to supply tion, including a most oppressiv~ tax, which of' the Blessed Sa'cr'ament, This treatise will
. Purcell. . inforlllati,Vl1 regarding Catholicity. {n the Uni,ted thr~atejjs by. its extravagance to swamp cities be found quite as useful fDr priests as ' fqr
The conoecration ef the Right i{ev', ;Toh n Ii, States, has written incautiou~ly, or hi;q zeal bas as well as indi,"iduals, and frpm which Catholfc peop,le, We have ,long desired to see some-
Luers, Bishop-Elect of Fort Wayne, will take led him into statements which cannot be sub - children :lre exclL1d~a unless at the riilk of los thing of the kind published to increase th'e d-e-
' place, ~, .V., in the Cincinpati. Cathedral, on stantiated by reason or f~dt, ' We haye no de'- ing their faith, To these 'let 'u~ add Houses of votion to }Ioly Mass and C.olllmu\lion~ a~d we
,the, Sunday within tbe ,Octave of the Epiphany, sii'e for a controversy with him or llis friends, Refuge to ')Vhich Catholic children 'are sent therefore bespeai( for it a'; liberal patronage,
10th : Ja.nuary;. I 1he may be, but we thi',nk it proper t~ daily for no crime, but because ~. judge thinks If it have tj1e effect it ought: to have, we shall
A COR~~Sl'rND.E~T·· ~f 'the J~ol?don Jtfo1'n l;ng notice one or two of the most important state- ·that they are not of good character! The be edified by a much larger attendance at the
!,ost, a journal 'not 3,lways unfair wheri spenking ments ,in his c()llJmunica.tion, Sp~aki'ng of the Army and Navy are also political institutions .! Daily Sacrifice. , . ' i ,,1 .
of Catholics, accuses the Mendicant Friars a'nd United States, this w!'lter obsenes: . ,"Yhat do we know of' them Ie. determin edly • •• :r'

the Cardinal Patriarch-- Archbishop of IJisboll of "Now, in this country, it is our in'tention to favo,rable to, the Catholic religion!" . Cat.hoyc I ' The Legendary HIstory of IreJand, ' :
ft ylOg' f
t'h ' II ' ; £ '
e ye ow lever·s nc en-Cl y nn
t 'k 't d ,how that God in His providence, bas, at the soldiers obhged to attend Protestant worship,
Ie . , , , I £ '' ,
This is the title of a work trull'slated f;'.om th;
Frencl of ~1 B I b J h G' I
' " h ' k ' 1
}eavlpg t e SIC. to ta ~e care . 0 , tlemse ves_ f 1 " I ' present time, prepared the 1:unen.can peop e 101' and chaplainf\ so contemptible as to offiCIate on , I " arnev", y 0 II I lllary ' lea.
' t', tb' n th I' ·f'· 'ltll ~nd' holds' open ' , . , 0 I T!le boo,k has alreado- been coude,ulJed by .t,L 'e
· , . . ' , conversIOn 0 ~ va , OIC d ," su ch occaSl(!)DS to unwdhllo- . hst.eners. ny a , J' H
The . facts are, ' however, ,that the MendlCant to I-ll'~ Church tl1e way' of accol0plishino- one of · k ' ,'" , ' I N Catholtc 7 eleN.r aph in terms that have pro-
" "
Orders 'were long SlUce bamshed by antl-Chns- her, most glonous conquests. 10 conVl.l'lce hlln
, ".~ , ' wee Or so ao-o SIX youno- men lD t Je [ava l
0' ". ", ..
1 d
vo{e a reply ·holll the translator, " 'We nave
- 1 '1' f L' b h
tlan eO-Is atlOn rom IS on so t at t ere were 0 t IS we as ( no more 0 h " f' h' " 1 f tIle cand'id, reader School at Annapohs apphed, as they ' were read the v'olume very atten. tively , '. a'fld w'"I",h
,': '
t Ii' " - t" ' .- .' ' ., d' "th P ' than' that with sincere mind he weigh the -rea- Catho' l ics, for perllliso;ion to go to the Catholic every disposition to defend Mr, Shea we feel
DO .F nars ere 0 run away j an as Jor e a- " '11 b ' f' 'd ' , 'bl" d t ' th t I h d 'I' .,
- h" ' " ' " h' D' h h sons ahd the fUQts we WI ' . nng orwur . to church on Sunday, and It was peremptOrily re- 0 Ige 0 srlY, a ?e .as execute on y a very
tnarc " He was VISltl!l", IS IOcese w en t . eplOve , 't f'
1 ., U J
II , persuaded that
' , before he
, , hus, fused 1- . cleyer translatIOn of a very .cjueiitionuble work,
plugue broke out j and as soon as he heard of It, fiuished readino- he will shai'e our sentiment, , Of Mr. BarneyuI's antllcedents we' know noth~

he returned, spent days .and ni.~hts in the hOil- and that, withO'time', this will , matuve in his . So here we will/est, We regret , that w~ ,ing: we judge him ollly fmm what is now be-
pital's fook the fever-ind died! mind as 'alrt1ady in ours 'and Illany others, Bet· cannot agree 'with Lhe writer ~n the" Civilla lore ~8 , There iR some difficulty in deterinin-
'. ' . , ' tiing,'in a .profound and most solid conviction," Oattoli'ca," out truth is truth, and in a' matter 109 IllS exact .stand point, :;;ince writinfr from '
,-The Conference" ' This is. certalIl , Iy a very ,encouraglIlg
" way, t (j B~ i~lpor'tant as our relig. ,
ion" and in a pa'per so theII I ~gen h daI , r"Y hpoi,nt .of, Lv, iew 'O.I'e cannotnlwu,, J
. A S COl~rerences 0
f tlJe cI'ergy are no t yo t state a l)rOpos · ,ition, Instead of the' co'ld and d"Ishlngllls 'h ed ' as ;t I Je" ) G'·/.Vl.'l-fa G ". otto Z' ICa.,
, " no sp te' i 1wtlyet lei"tt'"e ISI In J,U . n ort t' earnest. d'He, , IS
O··o.nIm~~ in this country, som. e" of our readers 1 Id ' d I' , 1 ' gl ,WI , Y e uquent ·u It;lles, an It may.
dry arrangement of logicians, we ai'e set' all ,in person s lOU Jmp:u en.t y excite efpectatlOns be occ~sionaHy fel'vcllt and ed ifying, Rut}Ve
may n~ed ari explanation of their nature aqd a '"Iow ' ~ith the anti~ipated pleasure of being whose fulfilment is eVIdently too , remoie for :ta4e hl~ ,book ,to ?e chie~y. satirical-a h tller
object, . They are assemblage~ oJ the clerf!Y for "full per~uaded" and comfo~tablv wrapped' conte~lplation, The poli~icaL institutions of 9road ~fltlre of,ten : we, mI8tl'US~ him w"h"en , he
mut,uai instruction and edification, The' Priest'
. ' .
,,! ' "
up 1U a profound and most so 1 c9nvlCtlOn,
r d - , . "the United States are not" determinedly favor. seen s .1 ;cere, for ,hls sfmle and hIS snelll'.al'e won-
. : . , '.' . derfully alike, For 'instance, h,o speaks of ,the
presl'dl'ng i's elected 'e"ither by the Bishop of th,e b al.le to the IIJterests and pI'llJClples of the
~ 'Rut now let us eX'amine th'e arguments ' ' y , U , ." ;, . , ' '. . , power l}n? g~ntlel!ess of Bridget as" displayed '
l)ioc,~se, o~ : by the ~Iergy th:mseb'e,s, and l'lis 'which this miracle, this great miracle of the Cathohc relIgron, and there l~ notl)lng HI the In prodlgl€s Simple and familIar, easy; doubt less"
caIl,e d Dean ; . Certam questIOns are , usua oJ conversiori of the Unit,ed States, is to b~ aecom. s,ocia] aspect of the cou?try to justify the idea tl?\' udl1Yblrish vilrg~nbSaind~' to d,b, easy to be be-,
prepared, and pliblished some tilThe before the ' I" h' d 0 :11 ' ffi t" th' . t' I that the conversion of the peopl~ is approxi- leve y a,ny ,' rlS . au ItOl,]" bllt a little too
· , , ' P I~ e, ,ne ,WI su ce or IS ar lC e, , Iy. • 1,' t h' , ,'I, I " ,
Conference IS, held; apci. these' form the subject ' '. ' ' mating: ,va !oal, per laps, 0 c aIm Ot StllJ.l..€: tie 11l1ngl-
. h" h 11 k' d 1 t'h Here It IS: nation, thc ear accustomed to minacles, We
u'pon w lC a remar s are ma e, n . e ur · k' I fi t I tl t th G ••• . d ' 'I I l'f . ' .
· '. , . .' ." vv e remar lD t Je rs pace 1a e oV- . Hard to Beat. 0 not esteem It pal'tlCu ar,y' ell jlOg to be 1fI~
treatment · of • these questIOns, ~ome 'P1lE-St" erhme!lt and political 'institutions of' the United formed that vu l,'arity is easy to an. Irish' vir<>iu '
usually design;lted by the Dean., either reads States are founded on principles determi'uedly" Mr, and l\I~s, Nicholas Longworth, of' this saint, . 0 .' o.
, , .
an es~ay, or extemporaneous y , IS cusses I d' . th l' hi t 'Ii ' t t
e I ~vora , e 0 . ~ . ,e In eres ~ an " pl'osl?en .J,o ,e d 't f t'h city, celebrate
. thi~ week, their Golden Wedding, . 'le ?,PP ers, ,l.ea e . " e aID-ts lin ,th.e
'1'1 1 t I d d "'I'h 8' . d
principles involved 'in the one 3'ssigned to him' C~th0llC l'ehglOn. ,!,llIs t!,u,t h IS ,becomIn,g ' having been marl'ied 'h:ere, ' fifty 'years afO. WOlllef.\ are, poslt[\~ly bad" a.B.d sacre.d · thl[i}gs '
. . wI'
after HC h ' anyone .. WlS- h'lOO' lD " fi·orma
' t'IOn ,IS a it eVident d now to 'every I I' Impartlal . , Amel'lcan:
I. 'j'
'10 T , he three groo. lusm,en and the tine,.e ·brid~s- are ,
{ITI a 'Way '
that reminds . "
us more .
. , ' . ,b , 1 the educate Cat lO' lCS It IS a t ling mam est. m~ids who stood up with, Hleril on , that Eu(!ene Sue' thu\J a dev;out chl:omcler of Church
liberty to , make such , ~nterrogatlOns , a~ he MAn not Catholics publicly ad Oli·t 'it, and 1'ro- 1 • Hi~tory. \ Af.ter enu ;neratillO" with 'a certain "
occasi0n are stin livin!;, as are also lI1r,and ' . , 0
thinks prpper, until th~ ,time, aHo~ted to the testants confess that if ,things continue' ftlr 'the I ' J , . satisf'lction, , infirmities of . the ' pI'i,llleval
question ,is exhaust ed, ' I', , fiitut:e; ~s th~y shpw ~~ present, the ,.:~·iulUph lVIrR, Armstrong, · how res in P~orih'sai,n:s ot' .E,i ri.n, h~ asl[s . . ri1o~t , innocen~lly,
A t the Conference held, accoraing <to 'an· of ·the Cathollc fai th IS sUl'e to' lollow, " IllinoisI' who were married with them, ' This " ~\i I~at then , would)~ be, If ~d were readIng
noun-cemen t ,In - th e,.-R 1 •
",em mary, on, • " Th ~rs . d,uy, . I This statemel~t 'is to say' the 'leafltJ an extra-. marv'ellous~, fact speaks volumes for the salu- the. Ihistory, Y"
notA of' Xnsh sanctity,
If' f' tbut i)f . ITlsh b
. , . '" " 1-' ,.

,, "

, W I h d ' b 't r our I'm te wen wess , . "'-gaIn..,....

, per ec ·sallcl,l,tv e'
17th inst., there we!'e present, I).meteen cl~rgy- , ormnary exagger\ltlOn, . e lave . a · some fI yo . . C I !l ' that which is seli~iO"lJorant, we 'lDUSri'aVOW 'tfHlt
men, -viz,: Very Jl;ev', E. T, . Collins, V, G,; e~periel1ce of the United States and we do n'ot A Step jn the Right Direction. , ,the venerable pe'rs~nages d theTtislr (hderida~
Rev: Messrs, LUeJs, ' Ktoger,' ilel)geho1d, lHi-, agr~e with the writ-edn the" C£vilta (!}a.'1toZica ," Editors of Gatho,lic Telegraph: ' du not al1 attain. perfecti,on,1' One otriersatn- '
rno-o McMahon ' PabiRc'h Sommer" Steh le ' That the political i,nstitutions of the U nit_ed h d" d d I ,pIC): id)udil1g to 'Colulllbkill" ,h e say's, n· What '
t · , ~, ' , " ~ , ' _ ,... ~' " 'I ",
Kroemer, Karge, EI'k man, Tobbe, Wifler, Cor~ S~ates are "d~te l:rni.nedly fiFvpmble tQ the their good 'and piou~ Pastor Rev Ji,"'tl'
.' ", U
J.>y t e 'a VIce an un ev tie patronaO'e of ·l · b l '
II su 'I!!llll
b I I · ' ,ht I - 'd' t 't d' ! an IV,
00 ( Ie mILl).; ~dvel' tiC f~ teh ' . ; e ,
. ". ," . ' . ' ,." " , ' f Z (,) Z l ' , " , . . <1 ,101' up,oe,l,Ypse,as marve .ousa~' t!a·o eapos tl e
c?r~n, :, :0 Donoghu~, Barry, ~ Copplpger, , ~l,lt~l'eS,l: ,and Pl'o''P,cnty o . t ~,e , S (!~. La I,e l'e- KeIlJ~ the yimng men of ,St, ..J oscph's cOTlgre- dr,. ,hJ lw , .clearer it migJ:t be.." is. sca~'pel~
R,O,secFans, . '. ' ,,' " , " , ; " " Zig/,VI¥ .. 1'8. ~n assertIOn pr?~ocat~ve ?t ~:lughte~ gation, payton, ha;ve f'or,med the(llsell'es into a' sdutal:~ rcading . for eaJ',llestC'I~holic"'[Tilnils, , .
Rev Father Hammerwas detU'lOed by Illness, or Indl(!:natwn, Oar pohtlCal InstitutIOns are L't, A • t' ' tl " 1'1 I' d cl and SCll.l'cely wOl'~h th e p;l1ns of a Olitholtc. tr,ms-
, ' , ., , . ",'" ' ,- '. . :, ' I elary J:\.~soCla lOn, WI . J :l View, I,e 'In re . , '1 t·. ·, 'fd <d d, • . 0 _ ~
The Re.v"Mr>Gilmore, of St..' Pat-rrc'k's church, favorable to no partICular creed, '. The attrac- , ' ' . ' I' h I " . ., " LtOI,. n cl qt ~ vCln c; .eep a? ang" rol;l~ sqr
., . Y , , ,' -- ,. , " .' ' -" '" h " f h ' lOstltutlOnseseW ere"totleddfUSlOllorCIIthOlre [cosrn diffusoil, Ito; droopsof,' l:ntterness throu,,!l
C' 'nati r" 'h ad before owen notlCe that he tIVe and dlstlllCfUlshlOO' c aractenstlC 0 t e 'I' I 'd ' 'd ' 'I F' d. ' . ' , . '"
mClD , " 0, ".'." .. . , ' " , ' , 0, ' ,0 " , ': , mow 0 ge UTI PUllClP, es, lor thiS purpose a every page. A contempt,. and plt.y vi he-land
would, be unflvOlda»/3 detaln ~d, from attll-ndlng" ConstltutWI1 lS, that It l ets us alone, ,' ~ t ,IS ,series of' leqtures will be delivered at . their and the Irish ·is visible through ' ull, the brilliant '
" 'p~e ..fJ.?estions proposed w'eve harnedIl' d'is" 'neither favorable nor "u~favora~le, . It does not church dut:ing .the winner, 1'he iirst ' ~n , t'he periods in w'hich he celebl>\t~s ·hel· pra ~ 8eR , At
cussed' and we propose':\'t o make' ,t hem and authorize ou,r pi:rsecutlOll, We therllfore re- coul"e was haDpily" 0 d ' Th r d least wo fear RO, " It ,reqUires more hlsh blood
c mmence ' on ur3 ay d d I' I' . .t t
. " " , ,

, . ,
their elucidations a theolOO-lc il'~ column of th~ spect and uphold it, But how are' the de,tails? ~v~nilJO' the 17th i t b R
. ? " , ' ' d " 'f' t- '

tc" I't

j. '

I k

-" ,

ns., y . ev.
J l' Q "
0 In uln-
at) ere u I.t~ t lal).w e po~sess", to
sup"'ose thiS man IS etlrllest
· 111 hi." fille sen-'
us ~.
"'ELEGRAPH as often as pooslble for the vome . own rOlIl lJe lIelO" 1 were you over 00 - 'I 1\" t S 1\1f , S'" , ' .' , , , t·· . . , "
.:. . < • " , ~ , • '<. ',0 ' . ,, " an, :toun· t. mary s . emmary, Cin Cinnati., tenceR and muslCal , utterallce~, . HIS clitnplI -
fU,tU:re, . . . :people and ,place yourself lD a ~?SltlOn to look ~ilbject-" 1'lie Social Principles of , Catholic _ lh~llts have too much iGalli\') ti,p sel; he' neyer '
Before separatrn'g, the clergy ~greed that the ' ,through , ,al:~ a.bout them" ' W ne:e nnW" are <ity:" Though the rain 'poured down in tor- kissed t~1e . g,e nuine T0Ck of B l a~'ney.,'-,
next Conferen'ce should be helq, 'w~'th tHe per- ~hose pnnClples "det~l'llllneaJJ to rents the church \V~s densel ',' crow8ed' and nev'al ,wtl l '5car~ely J;l~tter, an LnshlllCl,n by c(lllr .
, ,
n118SlOn of ~he Most l\,ev, ") ' A rc hb' , !S'h op, lD .. t IIe' th e Ca th o.c Ii re 1"10lOn,,' ~" , Wh,a t d0 we fi n'd IJUt.·amon"st ', .the audience were many yof.our , most . In" IllS "reen Isle of the ocean" If country or
'" b : ' d' I b ' d " 'C "
L~b "
1 ralY 0 ,
f th A h: " I ''-d
e rc lep!Scopa resl e,nce, on Ie " . '"
"'.. -tl a Ion" and shameful " cataloO'ue of wronO's
" , . 0
'" , . .
" ., r.espectable ,Protestant fellOW-CItizens,
,, ' , ei)sy sanctl,ty an . nlltUl"<\
The there be any d0ubt over 11 passage IIko the fol-'
eatIt,L~ e, ,an .
Thursday, of ,tl1fl second ,w.eek after East,er. elt.her s\l,nctlO~ed or con!ll~ed at by t.he ~ov- Rev. and eloquent Lecturel"ssubject was hap- lowing? ," Amid the lriBh Ruints,", says... ~-r'"
, • ' ,"
1\. marble altar for one of the. side chapels .of Catre"
\ j ernment? VIi hat redress . " lias
. ever' " been made ' pilv . chosen'
' . .. l'te~ dell' very c Iear. an d'Impressive' . BUrileval , " we ~eem' ,to, breathe . the mIld, ., mOIst,
'>"al has bee'n exeouted 1'11 very .beautifu,l style at the for the Boston mobs? How pertll1aclOusly have 't ff· t th d' ~ 'd I II ' freshne'1)3 of ,the_ Insh streams and ' vu.lIey,9 ,
u~ ~ , ~, - " '. , , . . IS e 'ec upon e au lence was eVI ent y te - ' I '\ I f tl ", tl ' '. b '
establi~hment of Mr.' Brookfield, corner of lj:ighth and New England pohtlCal InstItutIOns refused re : . . b , '. ,. . t 10rc t 10 e ect are · rOID Jell mo 18r S wo:)]
. '" _ ..... lng, as, one ' y one, facts were bl'ou!;ht forward :nurk ed wit,h the div ine seal, they O'I'OW like'
Plum. lYe understand that-it will remain fur a "few d·ress. , \Ve believe that a yolunteer comparly I ' . f 1 ' ~" , " ~,.., .I
dilYS in his wareroo~s, where it ,can be inspected by" ' " . , .' S lOWlDg In t Je c eat:~s.t manner the en,nebhng the lIly ID the, ehol'us of At.ha ll e, and the sou
those who take an interest in beautiful .work, If eOI1l"po~ed of Catholws, cannot even obtam effects of ·Cat.holie .teaching, as compared wit,h rcpo~eg .with the~11 in tl:e' ca.lm, of solitu~e! i"ll ,
n 'U • ItS . t the sanctIOn
'~ of law!
" What
'' was
. the treatment , tIle hUlIlanit"rian " do. ,c t rl'n es so preva Ient a t 1; h e adnnratlOn . of theIr sere nrty,, their . blessed
, qUiet-
St, ,I;",eter s ~enevo en OCle y, . , r-ecelved by the .A:rchblshoD of Thebes when he t d D' hI ' , ude, and the ,vondel.'s whICh their virtue pro-
The ;lnn\1al add ress o.f t1e I S t, P'eter '].> 's -,e no- was. '
,hunted through the ' .
land? , \Vhen ,even. ' prese n . ay, . unng t, e_, pcture, ' wInch . occu- duces Wit 'I"I so .(],mllll ' ·t',\ SI,.JP
' " l'!CI : .ty, C}Ulnl
I·' in"- a
'volent Socl'ety wl'\1 be delivered by ,P ,' ' Me- 'h I' h I 'd " '" h' pled an hour and a half 10 delIvery, the mOSL facility, . In advance on eurth, the salllts move
t e po Ice w 0 la to lIlterlere to protect IS . hI 'I ' " , ' db I .
Groarty, .1,,_ "'j~q" at the basement of', t,he 'Cathedral 1' " . . d' d ' fi :ll ' I breat ess 81 qnce preyarled. Pro.testant~ sBemed 10 a golden cloud, are envll'one y to 1e nun-
lIe were con emne and ne, and popu ar ·t k 'th th t tht I ' I" f C h 1- bus and crowried with the halo"
< F '" ' t h 1 t " t t! ' If , t ,. '. ' , s ruc WI e ru U simp ICILV 0 at o,1'c , ' , ' , " '
on inuayeVel1lng, e .s lllS'1 a la -pas . oplDlOn approved the sentence, Can we foro-et d' , I' I I ' But we cunnot multiply such quotatIOns, nor
seven 0 c oc (
'I l '
, . . . .
. : the Know.Nothing political institution "so 1'1' C. h r
" lRCID me, so e egant. y set forth by the speaker
" . " ;' indeed lS IL worth 'w 1 e, \~',v,e Illay
. , h'l ' k
pe m18-

The members of the Society who are not fur, "cletel'lnin ed1;1 jauqra.ble to Ca,t lwlics '.'1" De. W}1 st at 0 :cs thelll~elv~s felt '~ JOY, t9~ ~ud ~aken, of course, but we conSider the boo~ a
, h d with> the new Badg ' es will please 'call on , t h VI' . . d ' C I I" " b d for utterance, In the happy reflectIOn, so Ylvldly prolonO'ed and almost unbroken Rnecr at Irish
nlS e . ' , t r J Y l n o - c ur01es mur ermO' at 10 ICS 10 roa - b h 'd h' , . " d I I' I' Ch ,I f', b illnin<Y
'''' M' hae! O'Neill the sexton at the Cl1the. ' " " ' , 0 roug t to min on t e OCCnSlOlJ, that thcu's waH lustoryan tIe, l'lSl ute 1, 10m eg ":
inf. £ l C , day lIght, and these cnmes overlooked by the th 'l v'lle e r b ' t d 'th ' 'I ' f Id to end Sneer IS too harsh a wo r<i,
I:I ' II f .. - h tl . f" , . , ' e pr g o. elDg nur m e WI In t lat 6 " '. . "" ,
01 ,udze and Ial:whed at In the JurJ'~box and pub.
' 1
d rliL. ' e WI u, ms . l e l)1 new O1\es It IS somctuues a smIle, . The scofier, at any
the old, .It is advisable ~hat all .should be uni. I' ~ " at,'" II T ' . of the ONE HEAD and' the ' ONE SHEPHERD , time is no particular enemy of ours: he can al-
' b fi d d IC opInion sus almn'" a , '1 tl f th' \ d ' . ' A d
form ~: t th e processlOll to _e orme OT) ,,-,un a'Y, , '. , ~ . .r n , 1~ name 0 19 y~ung an ,prollllsing ~s- w~ys be foiled by an ea~y indifference,
t!le 10th January, whe,n ~h" .!lev, Fatl!!er What. have we stdl luter, Smelling COlll- soclatlOn, a~d of th~ St. Joseph s congregatIOn ~o we make no speei~l quarrel with 1\1, Barne-
Luers is to be consocrated BI1jhop" ., ' , I . n;littees, the home~ of pious women violated, generally, 'We beg to thank the genen;ms and val-no more than I,e should with Thackeray,
C.' T, JONES, Prcsident, and clergymen k~oeked , down; tarred and ~ev, gen.tleman for his great kindne;s in c'on'!- whom he at times resembles, saving that his
WM, B. ~ARRY, Seel'etary, feat'b ered, and our l?olitical institutions, "so mg, at hiS own expense, ~o do us so lUvaluuble ink-stand runs with sharper gaiL "But we oan-
a favor. ' . B! '
DOt entirely div ine the translator's int,ention in
devotin~ his time and talent.s to such a publi-
IFrom the Precis Historiques I
Sis t e r s of Not reD am e, o~ 'S:~sus on Its restoratIOn, also came to reside cure.
Fa.thers of t~e Faith, ~nd finally tbe Society after that the community was inform ed of this

cation. He coulLl not well translate three hun- Among the religiou~ communities whieh ·~Ith.~. Blin. He said l\ in sccret in .the ~ ulia immediately began another career,
dred pal!es ot' French satire without seein~ its have exten ded m~st rapidly in our day and to!'d S' chamber, .c~mmuntcat~d he; datly, wblch our Lord had traced for her. By are·
drift. And yet seeing it, we were puzzl ed to thc greatest good In th e Church th e ConO'reO'a- ' pleslded at, the reltglOus exercises 01 several tr~a.t of ten days she entered this new phrase
kn ow bow he could ·recuTIlmend it so gravel'y in tion of' -the Sisters of Notre D:lnH~ figu~es C'in ; you.n7 ladies"l ?f rank who assemb!ed around o.t hfe already so tull of merit;;. After thi>1
his preface, as the work of a Christian artist. the most honorabl e manner. . Julia f! bed and styled her their mother. time of serious reflection, she and jiademoiselle
We think it is nearer the mark of a French The object of the Congre/!3tion of the Sisters !~ut l\ir. Thomas.:~as again pu·rsu ed by the u~leu. set out with the missionaries, who were
infidel. - Ca tlwl-ic llfirTO I'. ?f Notr~ Dame is to labor principally for the :Infidels, and had hl<-c t~ have fallen. into their gOIn!!; tv attempt at Abbeville and Saint Valery-
! ••• InstrllctlOn of poor ebildren under the t1ircction h~nds. It was (lCcord.ln gly ·'deterl11med to put sur SqlI~me the good that they had effected
Obituary. of'the Bishop of the diocese and in concert with ,hlln out of the reach'..·of domiciliary visit:!. at Ameins. '
ft is with the m o~ t deep-felt regret that we ~he parish prieAt. These Sisters are especialiy -:He to~k refuge at Be~h\-a?~ourt, in a chateau At the close of these two months of labor
announce the sudden and unexpected demise Intended to prepare children for confirmation as .,belon;glllg to two of the laDIes who composed she returned to her religious falUily' wh.ich wa;
ofRev . !John Baptist Duerinck, a member of well as first communion' to form them to mora- ithe clI'cle at the Hotel Blin. Mother Julia was directed b'y Mother Blin in the ab3enee of
tho Soeiety of ,Tesus, and Superior of the
lity! virtue, and tbe du~ies of th eir state. If also transferred to t'his place, an'elMademoiselle Mother Julia, and as they had both but one
Jesuits' mission amon'" the Potowataillies. The their foundre~s permitR boarc1ing schools and ,de Bou~bon follo -,ed .them . . 1\11'. Thomas de- heart and one soul, all wOl'lr cd hal'illoniously.
sad circumstan ces of' this event are brietly tl.: ese: pay schools, 11, IS only as a means of attainioO' ivoted hlmse!f to/ tbe InstructIOn of' the people On the .15th of October, 1805 , the two
.J . B . Duerinck, in accordance with all order the principal end, which is the education ot ~whom ~he mls~.!es of the times had left in pro- ,~.othe~·s, WIth two of the first companionJ,
poor children. The Sisters of Notre Dame ure f ound If(noran . Mothcr Julia and her noble \ Ictona Leleu, under the name of Sister Anas-
receiv.ed from his ecclesiestical superiors here,
was on his way down w St. Louis,a ilLI started from
every wh ere iilithfui to these eOO·:lO'ements an d companIon un ertook to prepare persons of their tasia, and .Justine Garson, under the. name of
to th,is objeet of their institute. b Every ~om. ~ex for the reception o~ the s.acraments: Hence- Sistcr Catharine, bound themseh·es by vow to
Kan~as Oity (9t h inst.) in a sk iff, in compnny
with foul' other ge, some fa' whom were mumty has its beloved class, that of' the poor. ~orth t?~y taught .l'~tle gIrls catechism,. read· the work which. heaven had led th&m to un-
bound frj),,'t he same place . On their way down. Let us go back to the oriO'in of this work of lng, wntlng and kmttlng; but as yet wltllJut dertake Cathal'lne Duchatel, who had been
th e! met a snag, which up'set their boat, and G:od. We shall see t.he hand of Providencc ~ny .tho?ght ?f devotirig thei,r whole life to the. BICk when. she entered, returned to ;he Oratory
jeop'ardised the li ves of three of th ese gentle- dlPplayed at every step, som etim es even in a Instru,ctlOn of the young. The charactr.r of out of whICh :she had come to enter the Sister3
men in it, among them t.he subject of ~his obit· striking way, and apparently surpllssing the the Village was soon ~hanged and God crowned of, Notr~ Dame. She did 1I0t live long.
power of, nature, ~!lese . first labol's. w,lth consoltng success.- Th e slsters..h~d soon t.o .seek a new spot ca-
nary. Tbis is [\11 we have as yet l een able to
learn of the Cll'c!Ul1Istances of' hj~ premature and The Congregation of Sisters of Onr Lady 100:alds the close of February, 1803, tbe lJc· pablc of eont~lmng the rlHWg community, wbich
~rose at the end of the last century. . It ac- cupants of tl~e chauteau de Bethancourt re- Illcreased datly, and the classes which were to
much regrrtted deuth.-St. Louis L eada.
I l{nowl~dges as its foundress Julia Billiart. turn ed ~o Am,lens, ant! Mr. T,homps,o ~ entered be reg~larly opened. They took up th eir resi-
. J u}ul. was, born at Oervilly, near Compiegne, the SOCIety of the. Fatbers of tbe. 1:<I)(h. . denc.e In the Noyon. suburb, renting a house
THl): FAIR AT THE l\:IECHANI.CS' INSTITUTE. III 1/51, of parents unfavored by .the gift of To throw SO~1e hg~lt on th~ {)ng~n an~)irst cO~~lguous to the se[~ll1nry .. One of the fir~t
-The Fuir of the Sisters of the Good ~hep. fortune; but from bel' tenderest years sbe seemed development of the Congrega t.lOn ot the Sisters boal ding scholars, MademOIselle Rwheron a
herd at:the Metlha nics' Institute, we are glad to to be a child of benediction, on whom the AI- of Notre D~me, it is necessary to trace th,e young orp.han, known in religion uncleI' ~he
,SGe, is receiving a libeml patronage, as it emi- llIi!!hty had especial views of grace and glory. character ?f a man who after the ravages of' o~me of Dls.ter Bernardine, went ou.t one day
Bently deserves. Her sweetest recreation was to retire to a th~ revolutIOn acted t~e part of a popular 1'e- w~th it bel.l In her hand to go through the dis-
co~ner t.o pray. Already God delighted to rOl.mer, and ,,:hy contnbuted. to fo;m. and' con- tnct. '!'lthout. any difficulty she· gathered a
FOUR DAYS LATER FROM EUROPE. gUIde tIllS young child by the brighteHt lights. s?h~ate ~he.TlS!ng congregatIOn. ThiS man was cr?~d .of httle. girls around her, to whom she
At the nge of seven or eicoht she would O'ather I ather "\ ann. II .Id With adllllrable candor: " You are inform-
ARRIVAT. OF S'rEAM ER ADRIATIC. . little ~hildre~ around h~r 't{) teach the~n the Jo.seph Desideratus Varin was born ~t Besan- ed that tl~e Sist,ers o,f' ~otre Dam3 h'ave just
SANDY HOOK, Monday, Dec. 21- 9 A. IIi. catechIsm, whIch she knew by heart, and in can In ~ 76~? .of ona , of the most pIOUS and opened a tree school for ltttle o·irls. Go tell this
The new Collins mail steamship Adriatic, tll\) e~plan.ation of which ~he displayed remark- worthy famlh~s. of the country. In. his youth to yOU!' parents.~' 'l'he nex~ day froll~ sixty',to
with dates fro,m Liverpool to the inorhing of the able mtel hgc nce. 'TcuchmO' the truths of reli- he ~as exce,slvely petulant and Impetuous, "eventy poor chIldren had an swered t'1a·t call
ith insc. , p:lsl:;ed here this morlling. gion to the ignorant was tb~ favorite work of:~aaslOnately fond of the chase and of military and the pious mistresses lavished o~ them th~
The steamship Arabia's ad-vices rcached Liv. her whole !if'e. 'fh~ ,:ol'thy priest ohhe pnrish, hfe. ; Y'.et he. entered the Sem!·nar,Y , of. St. treasureB of charity that filled tbeir soul. . I •
erpool on the 6th inst., and the City of Wash _ Y1 r. Dan glCllurt, distinguished among the rest SlllplCO at Pans. Vamp was termll1aLlng hlsde- - _.... _- . _ -_.-- -
ington on the 8th inst. . . tbis young plant which O'ave so much hope cond year of theology when the revolution com- Patrons 0f Newspapers.
The Adriatic brin'f!R one weeks later 'advices and he delighted to give he~ his particular care: pelle? him to return home . He thell entered "Ve pub,lish the following modest req uest on
, I d' , '- As :soon as she was nille vears old, he thouo'ht a regllllent of dllagoons, commanded by Marshal' the part of the publ'ls]lers of' the 'T t' i1
,rom .n ta.· hI'" . " d e B· r f I fl " lYtL wnll , n-
General Havelock was still hemmed in at e C?U d n O,I~nger ~efel' Ittt.le. J ulta~s first COI11- , . 109 Ie, at 181' .0 t 1e'. two young . princes,. telligence~, and solicit a consideration of the
I k mumon. 'Illls e~tllnable pl'lest due'ted her ' Oharles and lHaunce, afterwards BIshop of "m.ltt er Involved" to the d f"
,uc now. th O d I I . . 'G-hent d h d ' h d" .. b" .' goo ~eose 0 tll(l
General Campb~lI was marching to his r·elicf. ,en, .an a so ~o ong as It was pOSSIble, lt1 all . , ~ an .e s~rv.e Wit
IStlnctll'? lt1 th e. ;;u scnbers. to Journals generally. I
'fhe Bank of France has reduced its rates of good works winch she undertook, and was her' campa.lgns . of 1/92 4nd 1793. Alter these "There IS, perhups no clus~ of the b'" • .
discount. consoleI' in all thc terrible trials which she had blo.ody sccnes, Varan visited his f.l!nily in cOlnmunit.Y which feeis more sensibly tl~'lll:hs tn
Addit.ional failures are reported, but they are tu undergo. . SWltzcrland, and then joined Ihe Society of the propri.etors of' the many public jOll r ·i tl e
llnimportat;Jt to America. Julia h,a~
grown. up. . God ~h? preserved Sacred ~Ieart, which i~ ~79~ united with that elfe~t
of' .d erangement of the Cllrrell'~a.,s a~~
'1.'he Indian 'news was brought - by a casual ,hcr I sou'l d f.rom.
" the IcontaO'lOn h "' .
of vICe ' wished of Fabh thd Father.s
'V of thehId lialt'h,~ . pamc,
h whICh has, so portinaciously~. 'e 111 bY I
lrt'aSle'l .J

steamer to Suez. Calcutta date's are to N.). a. so ~o a, orn It WI.t 1 . erol~ virtues. She fell . . er . al'an~ w 0 ~as ~ rea J ~cqU(H~ted t e wh~le country for several w~eks O'one b
v<m b.; r 1.B ,.
s.lck. 1he comp'hcatlOn of · h er maladies dcfied .wIII~hh Mother Julia, perslstedlll beltevln<raO'ulUlt '" " and WlllCh still cont'lnues . Und er a eel' b t'llloty y,
'i'wo convoys of provisions had arrived at all remedi es and lert her at the 30'e of about a uman appearance, that she was destined to of tbis Jil.Ct, we feel that n0 one of 0 d
Lucknow. thi1't.y, paralyzed in both legs. She" eonstantly labor for the glory of God on a large scale. will take exception to tl;e O'JJneral I'e q lll~~tre~ .e;·s
. "I· C b II d t ff I d t t d I' suffered ,>reat pain. in a.Jl her bod"'/~nd a vI'olent But when he imparted his views' to th e humble we address to all of tllcmb'and tll'l't . .w lIC 1
S vO HI amp e an sa ' la 8 ar e lor .'" f' I . J • E, I . I I' d F h' , " eve lY one
Cawnpore. rfro ops were also moving rapidl.v contractIOn 0 t Ie nerves ot the jaw even de- ~u ~rer. s Ie simp y rep Ie ' ': ,II ~ ather, ow can who knows h:m ·clf to be indebted.' ."
for the rclief of Luckn.ow. ~ . d b f h ' b' l'
prl,e .. er 0 t e POSSI I Ity 0 speaking in an' . . . e. f It be don ~" 'TI h bl I I d' d d bl' h
. le um e mot ler 1:1 In . ee ~a IS Ulent, and is in circ'.lmstau ce~ill,to.[JIg . afford es-
More troop. ship3 bad arrived out. lutelhglble 'man~er. Mr, D'Hlgicourt took her within a short t~me reco~ered ~,he use of speech, It, will forthwith rcnder to us in note:~ 01: drafts
The Adriutie left' Li verpool at half-past two the ~loly Euchanst ev~ry day, and the pious ?ut her paralY81s was still entire, and her .suffe~. \ on EOlvent banks, the amount of his indebted-
o'clock on the afternoon of Wednesday, the 9th Illvahd passed tbe day 1\1" a cluse union with hdr Ings. Iwere often very acute and almost U111- ness, or so much of it ~s he call convcl1lent U . IJl
inst. Orea tor. God alone .knew all the secret of this VCISH. . spare." . "
There has been severe fighting at f-,ucknow. comm.uning. She spent t\'Venty-two years .ou a Yet she soon began to receive into the house ---~-~~ "- -
~ener~1 Outrall! is reported to have been bed of sufFering without being able to take a where sh? ha~ retir~d with Mlle. Blin, youug .. Bank Anecdote.
!Cunded, ' ,step. Worthy ladies, ,brought by the worthy w?men of upnght mwd and good will" who 'Jlhe Hloom.ington (I!ls.) FLag is~esp(msible
.The following failures are reported: . prjeFt, sOllietimes came to seek from .J ulia e~- Wished to devote themselves to the education 01 for ..the followll1g descnption of the m'anller ill
,; 1\1essr8. Newells & Nick, of London, in the lI111ples of' patience and resiO'nation and oiferher POOl' girls . . The first were: Cath~rine Duchatel whleh ~oll1e of the B~nks of that State trans-
. Norway trade; liabilities £500,000. Albert the testimony of their sympathy. Rheims, Victor~a Lolcu of Cheppy, in old act bnsJ[] ess . . Hurra for fr ee banks, and wild
Keily & Co., also in thc Norweg;an tl'ade; But th e poor sufferer was soon deprived of PlCardy; and JustJ[]~ Garson. The first as- cat currency. It beats chuckElI'-lur.k, where
iabilities £170,000. Keel .& Collins, in the ,all ~hese consolations, The priest and the noble semblng.e l~ad been dlsp~rsed by lUuny circum- the 'more you put dow;} the less YO Ll talce u l ."
~erman .)trade; liabilities muderate. Lich en- ladles were ere ,long compeUrd to fly before the stances '1 he two ladles now devoted their '~o Satu rday' a farmer sold some. wheat and
tein & 00:, liabilities £80,O vO . . J;; G. A.danls j bldody Fren ch revolution, . She was bereft of 1:lbors ~o form. them to the knowled;;e propel' received a chC;lk upon that ballk f,)r one hllll-
ealico printer at Glasgow; liabilities £120,000 the sacram ents and of ·communion. God also 101' thetr vocatIOn and especially for t'he solid dred dollars, drew it, and reccil'ed 'Cherokee'
lioiland & Co., of London, in the Manchestcr see med to withdraw, as if to let his handmaid' virtues of the rel·igious life. ' Heaven, which money fOI' it. He went home, and when re,ld-
kude,' liabilities £ 40,000,' and others of'ress bear '. alone. the whol e. weight ~ of'
. her trials and hud h chosen.:ft: t Julia fur its work,' vitilbly blessed in , O' the ., Flog ' ,Sllndoy
, , m olllln"',lollnl.' I' I out tlat I
.Importance_ ml:icnes; but soon touched WIth heJ1 humilit.y er e 01 s. the 'Cherokee' had {)'one up "Th d: , fi
(' ld fi'" t t' B k f E I d a,nd fuith, he consoled her hilllself anew. . In 1804 Father Varan ~."ave · thelU a littl e of tile 1101'ICst L'urnle"I' WllO )'" d ' Ide I ~~C0I111 &ure
. .,.0 was vWll1g· 0 ne. an - 0 !.ng an '1'h . {' J ' . • rule to s . dId f I;, 1.1 so 11; W 10 It at
In large quantiti es. The City of Glasgow e reputatIOn o · ({evotee gwen to J ulll1. laid erve .IS an essay, all on t 'Ie secon 0 a ruinously low fi o'U!'e t .. ' 1 · '
B kId I ' I d '11 her under the sus,picion of' the revolut·lon'. I·sts Febl'Uary, .t he first members of this Society, in p',lyoff' t'lle P"Ylll"'ellt:' 01]0 Ih31~scf.e noug 1 ,caslllto
an 8 lowe u . arge surp lIS, all . WI resume ' f I l l . . . t' I BI d S ' . ," • ~ s arm wilen Ie
~u&iness. b 'ley Isoug It WI' to hea p vde Inslllts on her''tlpresenceI 0 t tleI" esse acrament, devoted dicc:)vered ' , his los"~,~ I" ea",lei.'Ima"'lne'd t1la.n I• . ' d e- '
, The depression continues at Hamburg, but. :It S Ie. pussed through the mob unperceived, . lemse ves 0 t 18 I!lstructlOn of YOllch. 'l'hey scribed. ", .
Il, has been resolved . to establish a discoull{. hidden Th ', In the . bottom~9' of0 a waO'o n. .. alsod consecrated
' tl themselves
' . f h to the heart 'of Jesns On Monduy ,u hem I'Ct e . d t a tllC B an'k and
'~nk, with a capital of .fifte en million marks, ne of hldies who un ~t le.protectlOn 0 t e' heart of :Mary. asked ·the· bank to rede ' 't b Ut .
IS was In 11 4, 'll Y
imu.lediately. . . had 1 kn9wn .J ulid \. had . taken. . .refu'~e " in Amicns hand Motner writ'J UIl<r~act
. t' llof consecrfltion d I in her. own .calmly . ,'lild deliberately ~~p I, d tlwashcoo
, t n'Jorllle , lat e t h e'
There have been numerous - additional fail . 8 Ie wrqte to tJ"e pIOUS VIrgin to persuade her ' . tng IS I ' preS<lrve. t contains a President nfLhe l\1cLc~ C t - R 'k ' I'
re&, it was thought that the turning· point to come and reside in a little section. of the vow to extend del"Qtion to the Sacred Heart ot give him /o)'/1j dollars o~·
Ifl?ll 1 :\~ . '
);vour, d
ad been reached. Hotel Blin, where she had tak en up her resi. Jesus and the Imm[fc ulate Conception of Mary. Ilis one h'llnd;'ed dollars of (,1~n~l~ ',U{ I:ncy or
Both Houses of Parliament have voted ,£l,OOO ?cnce. There. heaven awaited' her to accompliJlh . In tb 7-.course · of t~!S .year 1804, the Fathers which the aforesaid Presid~n~' ~I{: P°l~·~ra~~e,
General .Havelock. eternalJ de~lgns.
It.S ]\1' . F . . . .<
" of tbe Faith • , t'll
gave a-MlsS100
d 'h I at' I A'miens.' Julia's a:IIter '
it "suspended"
, on. oa '" t ur d <lV an d not I WIsh. ~Im
'!l.b" Bank of' England Indemnity Bill had ' I1ly -,oulsa lrances, VYlcountess Blin de COmp111l0nS 0 owe t e 10 y exercIses. She inO' to "hllrt the farmer' f l' - ' " It! l' m
' " orae~ed to a third l'eadin<>0 in the House ourlJo..n,
been th I was bornf' G
' n on the St'h / of. Mar(il~ ," , 1756'by herself''t was '"
rrl timc3 . . carried . there ia a chair. . th~t in ten days ' , tll·,It S l's llnp lee er wou ItdO
.IS ttngS, ' not llb e
Q I,ommous. _ . n e c \!luteau 0 ezanQonrt In, ",the depart- pOI eI~. . le IUlSSlOnal'leS sent to the nSlll!! wQrth. ten cents on th d II , Th P sl'd
. Parlia~1Cnt wi.1l probably be adJ'our~ed in ''I ~r11ent. dof' B'l· ' the SOm!lle. · -I eI' .~. so work~d upon tile f~l:uO Ie l~rs ·f.'ee I'llWS
~. ,. wns'Peter communi , ' ..t ] 'the . womend I and girls whose in:nOl:: e rt;l t lat Ie
f -,ouls e Ir , lord o~fBQllrbofi, bel' mother ance IncapaCItate t lem 101' the receptIon of accep ted the forty dQlhr . d
I' - . a
elf days to the usual time of meetin<T. co, I'
The Leviathan wa& mukincr slow" pro<>ress ~Jl1ary .Louisa eluudine, dau rr.liter of the' Baron of thc sacraments, in order t,o instruct them. towul'ds hom~ the : f' s, ~~ pwel1.~on llsl;~ay
aily to deep' water. " " . :jFouqnesolles, IoN. of' Gezoocourt and Viscount One of these apostol'ic laborers, Father En- hi!ll 'he would'try. ~ or.esiu[ lve . r~sfl ent te In~.
The Bank of 'France bas reduced its rate of lut' DOlllensi. Mlle.
. ' f ~~
Fril-~"ces Blin, whom God fantin, came one dUF to tell Mother Julia that he could but
d r::r '
w~uidlll gt 1l:n h~Y
. no·. pl'OllllSe lin.- - --
cents If
ISCount one per cent. id es t'lile d f'or wor k s \o"l/eal, he W"S m k'
had also just passed . '" a I~g a novena to t le ..,acre
, I"
'[he <;Jorps .Legislatif had adjourned to the lthrougl~ days .9f tel'rol~,: she had just been Fe- tor a perSOll In w?o.m h~ took ~ deep i~tere~t; Recei ;Jts from Dec. 17 to Dec . 24 1857
8th of J [' nu~ry: . Ilease? tram Pl'l~o;;.~ 1V I; ere_?he had been detain- he btgg~d her to JOin brn, ~lllCh she ~ld . with L. M. i\l.ontgo":,el')', honton, to ApTil4. I S;;8, ...... :........... I 00
Malta and Corlu have been successfully con- ed With hel' noqa buniY." i Al·ready marked out ~Il the l~rvor of her soul Without uskll1g any GI?~n. Coakl.y, Z~nesVJlIl'. t.o July 6, 1856, ,....................$ i.oo
; ted b! a ~ublUal'll~e telcg.ra'pl~. .
1 '11' ,:; h "
Ill!' t l.e gU I. ot~n(), s. e was re~tored to llbel'ty by
I' .. Informatl
a th' 8 h f' J u,n.e, ~;e
on...n e. t 0
I L' f· cth.em.III. Abuey. to ,Tunc 3 I85H
ie~st 0 ~~.~~,:~I:~.;ty: Kenton, to Mayls, 1858·.·. . :·.:·. . . . . . :::·:::::::::::::: t~

u .rhe !:;pulllsh.MexlCan dIfficultIes were as- he

i 1
fall af .
. I' obesplerre. DI~abused
.'" as to the
' the Sacred Healt,
. F tl E t: . whlCh was tne fifth of th e Dr '' 1'h ,·'nsLlbmry
. ' 0 •. roounn. Day ton. to May 3 1808 ......................................................... 1.70
1I1lng a more peaceful aspect. UC van~ages W Heh ~ature had I~~ ish?d on hel',. novena, . a leI' l n antln returned . J ulta. had ~:·n~; ,K~ege:·. Oinci?nati, to Jan~ary I:ls:iii. ......:,. ·... ::::::: '2:eg
.. _ _______ ~ ___._ and WIth . lO~e wh.wh fortun e, I.n spIte of gl'eat ,been camed to thc garden and wa~ at that I~O- J:unes cu~;~i:;g;~,~:'if~~'7vi~ie~8t08Ai;~i·l·i·;lii5ii:::::::::::: . :. :::. ~:g6
losses, h· ·a~tt!lleft her, she WIshed to devote ment alone there :-" Mother" sud the mls- W'lf t" d ' n
'.MIt. J . W . .n DUSSELI
"WI'11'III a L'lew d ays, lel'Se' If ' 01eIy to pray?r. and good works. s.L~nary
. . as h e approac.hed her, ' "if' you have a . . . .. . .. ' .:r , .- '. C unts o
t It ItlS ay s pn el' the ac a f t7wse
SIt Dayton, Piqua, Springfield, Toledo, Cleve. As soon as J uha,Btlllart had been conducted faith, take one step In honor of the ' Sacred (ow s~lbscllbel.1 who are 'm debted fl' om two to
nd, 0., Vincennes 'Vashington, ,'Terra to the Hotel Bli~, Mademoiselle de Gezencourt Heart." Julia arose and took a step, the first in SIX years m'e p1'esented, as press /ny claim.s re -
aute and Fort Wayne, la, i and cali on th e bccame he.r aSSiduous. nursc. Although she twent;;-thl'ee years .- " Make another," said the quire thei1' immediate pf'lyment .
bscribers t tl 0 l . could bun httle charm In the company of' an in· Fat!l'er i she obeyed.-" O ne more " -and the
a . 0 le al whc Telegraph and valid whosc very langua;:;e she cou ld lIOt und er- effect followed the command. " It is wc]] " he For Sal e - --=
it vocate fo_r the payment o.f their Bills.. He stal1d " she ne~ertheless formed with bel' that con·," IlOW sit dow.n." .An~ Julia Si';llple IN T.H~ T~WN o~ FAYE':TBV~LLl'l: ~ROWi\" CDU \,l'f, 0.,
ecI also tuke the names of those who Wish to 11, ly fl'l end. s hlpf'whlch I goes' I .beyond
A I the tomb .. as I a cbtldh satId down,
d saYlll<> that It seemed to Ce,~1.un~t~'t~ttOl'l',FllAME HOuSl~,with ,"Ven neon"d ' ng(){
3r," '" I,' e II ell of ImLer Itt lb. d OGr ., Sf bl
nu~"ell f Ollr days ::;hci1 .. nod OrhpT necessary 'h uil ti in ·',. AI~~: 't:·.? :~.n . ll uggy.
l' . C! - '
, ome subscribers. Mr. .~ will b .
e III I oOl1le
I' tl me a ter
L' . hi h h t· 1C Illig lty
I scnt Julia the l eI'S e cou 0 more. It was only ·routm~ on , jam ~nd W t t ( lso a. JeU J O'In Lots
ayton Chri<tm~s week wI'th a chol'ce collec- , Icon~o datwos lO]"W c er .50U most ardently :1'1'0" °Tho\'TOpo·rt .. js .ullors '<C dS; "d . cho:celot of~~'uit
01' er anll in 'i ~ht f t~
.On Qf' C h ' r 'B 'k, onge ' . A n \ exec 11-erib·· pnest,
J the Rev. MI'. J * TIlese were SOC1CIles . . 10rmed
after the suppression of Calho!", ,. . .
rhul'oh !tn~ school·houi
J In goo
e. . Term';"SE50 lie. ~"h 0 , uO
at OIC 00 8 for sale. "bomas who afterwards entered the Society of I esushb y eiemPslary or p~ous p.ersons who w.ished to IOJ_!u,FOI' fur.ther p::rhculars coil on the ownllr_' at ]o'aj;ctt~,·illo ·on·
• . 1 . • QW, e ru e 01 I. Ignatlus. See Guidee's Lile. 'OJ~~':' 1807 Da. P K. MAR'fiN.
t ' ' . oc31·1/j

[From the Dublin Telegraph,]
ture and trade at home will demo nstrate to the this 01' on any other national questions,
most sceptical on t,his point that a system of divisions, the bickerings of the best men, have conduct' was most unreasonable,' an d wOuld
Our old gentleman would simply protest that such --
On the Irish Emigrants to America Return- filiI promises but foul performance runs through of late irritated the tempe of the na tion, and be led away like a lamb . As to the people
the whole machinery of' British legislation to- Ireland has not recovered as yet from this un- they are so worn out with continual ' squeezes:
ing to Ireland.
wards Ireland, which has eventuated in the fortunate mental attitude, But the topic must th at a judicious proclam ation would quite reo
Thursday, Nov , 26, 1857, melallcholy results that form a part of thc 8ub- not be dropped! the people must be hpt in concilc them to the change,"
Alas!. where can the poor persecuted Irish j ect of my letter on this day, 'rhe common mind of their time, position and illterests; and ' The correspondent then ~peaks.of t~e ca~e ota
find a resting place from their sorrows; or is taunt which every Irishman h ears at every turn ~t a more favorable turn of the publ ic feeling man named To151 us who went from some oneof
t,here an abyss below an abyss iu their nati?nal in London, is that, " the Irish are always com - we may hope to see Tt;nant H.ight. renewed the vessels up the country for the simple pUt.
plaining i" and the next observation which is with more than usual earnestness, In order to pose of robbing the naiives, He was eauobt
sufferings? The newspapers, within the last sure to follow this insult is, that we never do approach this favorable moment with advan- by the Chinese, and not immediately kill ed;1S
month, state the melancholy fact that ships anything for ourselves, and are neve,r satisfied tage, publie meetings ought to be plonned, he deserved to be, but was tortured, and di~
with hundreds of the Irish were about to sail with the favors we receive, This English gibe lea ders invited, th e press engaged,the people:con. after the lapse of sume days. As we will \
from New York; thus profering the poverty of has, been, often replied t~ by the wel~-known stitutionally excited; and if all these desirable asked to contribute some one of these days \
' native ' Ian d t h ' I1 P oor h ouse, 'and the saylDg preliminaries were succe"sfully arranged and the China reliet fund, it is worth while to hea
t h elr e II'IS , . of the drummer " Iil Cromwell I 'hs army,-
. " ' while 10 the act of flogglDg a poor rIS man, skilfully carried out, I feel certain that the how the correspondent speak of' this affair:
Irish grave, to the misery felt at th18 momen t The pOOl' victim writhina in aerony implored Oabinct could be easily influenced at the very " I have no doubt that NIr, Meadows ' will
in the States of America, ThiS " IS a sa dplC- ' the drullllIll,H' to ' ' 'him
strike ' higher "" on th e back, next S~ssion to meet the public req ues t ex - deal,;i th th!s matter with the temper aud fir m,
ture' and ,makes th e case of Ireland, in refer- and then begged him to strike him lower down, pressed by the universal Catholic people, joined ness It requires, The elder of the village IpuSI
ence'to these homeless creatures, a deplorable an,d then ag~in higher up, The drummer re- by our Prote,tant friends, and cOllveyed ill tCID - be, mad~ uccountable for this l~nglish (or rather
. phed-" It IS the d-l to please you; you are perate, respectful and earnest lan gua:!;e, Insh) life as h c would have been aecountaqle '
instance of' mislegislation in some quarte r or not satisfied whcrever I strik e you," In fact D, W. C. for a Chinese life, and the reparation should ~
other, In no part of the entire globe can' a our Irish complaints are sometim es laughed at, - - - -....-.-<,~-- very public, Otherwise any treaty will be
similar tale be told-namely, hundreds, thou- and the assertion of our gri evances, our peti- [h'rom the Dublin Nation, J dead letter, To-day the victim is a worthlea
sands, tens of thJusands of its inhabitants first tion, our earnest petition, for a change or cessa- India, outlaw; next Jjea1' the v-ictim's nc;,m e maJj b
· f h . t f t ' f tion of our inflictions, are heard with apathy General Havelock is still besieged in the JaTdinf!, 0 1' D ent, 01' Beals, or Gibb, at ·
fi ymg rom orne ID error 0 ex ermlDa IOn; and answered with disdain. Even the man ~
' f' I h . fi ' R,esidency near Lucknow, says the telegraph, Fletcher."
and then fl ymg rom arger orrors In a orelgn who takes up the case of the Irish poor and Wit h 1, 500 men- 1 , 000 more with sick and
land, where a money crisis and a consequent who exposes the injustice of Irish grievances, wounded are at A lumbar, dist,ant three miles, ' The Archbishop's Letter. ,;
stagnation of trade a nd of employment make is con~idered an unh appy, disJontented distur- Communication between the towns is difficult, The Archbishop of' Duhlin has this week C
their condition a case of una,>oidable fam ine or bel', and is often branded as a revolutionist or a the enemy are in great force, and very stron ~ published an able letter addressed to Lord .S!. ~
h eIp I( s~ men d Icancy, ' I I d 't' es th ese her disloyal subject, in artillery, Nena Sahib is to be near Bith~ Leonards on t,he, mann,gement., or ' ratIler mis,.'
. re qn pi 1 I am qnite well aware that any man can h h b t h
I d oor ; t . ere as een a mutiny and a massacre management, 0 w at IS called" the Patriotii
Poor child ren, b ut s h e cannot, a l as. reme y "!!:,rumble at the present order of thiooO's, while 0 f']~y rl't'IS 11 0 ffi eel's D,t D cesa'In t h e F10rt h -west of F un d" an (J~. th 0 app I"!CatIOn 0 f pu hI ic moneJl ri'
th eir endless misfortunes: the cure of' th.ese he never proposes the arrangement he would the ~ombay , ~resldency, The Maharaja h of to prosel~tl~lng purposes. It is an eloquenl
and similar scenes of distress lies in acts of substitute for the laws to which he objects, I OraJlls, a Bntlsh tool, has been killed by his n,nd COIn IfIClIlg argument, a perfect substantia,
Imperial and Local Legislation, at present dl~ Iro,t ~elo,ng to this cla~s; nor do l,hope that own peopie; the British arc still bt!si eO'ed at tlOn of the assert ions contain ed in the letter
laced bevond the most ;anguin e exertions of a rdl~ gdnevant~es ca nt' e remotvbe ID ad Ybear , Suagor, and in great danger: Maun Sin~, it is his Grace from Rome, and a crusher to th ~
P , J . , ' Th e Isor ers 0 a na IOn mus e cure y a certain, has j oined his countrymen on je~rnina contradictions of Lord St, Leonards, It is a b
Ireland s best fnends , 'lhe unhappy :fate of slow process; and the minds of men cannot the faJl uf De'l hi; Bawih Sing has done like~ a pattern as to style and manner which the a e
tIle Irish, referred to, has been graphically de- t~ke up a new class of ideas except precisely wise; the Punjaub is causing some uneasiness; sailants of the Archbishop would do well
picted by one whose sympathy and truth the as they learned their lessons at school, na~ely, O~ntral India is disturbed, and th e rebellion imitate, The miserable organs in this cit Q
Irish 001' mayJ'f~ly on with inlplicit confidence: by ~ sl,ow ~dva nce every day, . Change ot old continues at Nassick , Then we are informeu whose stock in trade is misrepresentation an
P, ' If d f prcJudlces IS a work far more difficult : than the that the British forces met or 'overtook the re- abuse of Catholicity, should study it and try t )
and whoev~r will take on hu:n
,the uty 0 most abstruce problem in conic sections; and bels in various places and defeated and utterly deal with th eir opponents after a similar fashion '
reading the sta tement made In thIS case by the ' perhaps the point which is most unattainable in d,isp~rs,ed them, T,he value of this" disper- If the h,abit be not too firmly , fixed, it woul '
celebra ted Thomas Francis Meagher will learn society to surrender long exe rcised power, 01' to slOn IS very fJuef tlOnable; as to defeats we be well If'they would abondon the stupid drawl I
beyond ull di~pute that this is not the 'season rec eive on terms' of political equality those who should say there are defeats on both sides ' th e Illade up, for the most part, of lies and nick J
for emIgratIOn , , to A' menca; , 'an d t h at every new for I centuries
f'II' hav0 I beenId marRed
d as " f h I")ntls
inferiors, , '11 WI'11 not report t Ilelr ' own when they, can names. wI' I I I
lIC 1 t ley put into t leiI''' .leading col \
, , am 0 (jWlDg tIe 0 pru ent maXlln 0 t e possible avoid it; th ei~' succe~ses are paraded umns," and publish daily ill Dublin. "It'
draft of adventUlers from Ireland Will share the illustrious O'Connell: I would only struggle but if we could h"ve the native accounts ofsom~ on ly a very low ill tellect that will imagine ther ,
filte of ~heir unhappy countrymen there-viz" fur a reasonable instalment of jmtice at a time; of thesc afbirs we fancy thc "victories" wo uld is either sense or wit in calling a Oath ~lic Arch 'l
when their little means are exha usted and their and without alludin g to several matters of great pale down considerably; many of the" rapid bishop a " Bral~tuin" and talking of t 01
hopes blasted, they must return on the same importance, I' would confine the mind and the marches" would turn out to be ruins; a "dis- "Romis)) cnste," Such writing ll1ay win t r:
f 'f h fi f h' exerti ons of the Irish people at the present cri- turbed distr,ict" w~uld, come to signify a place fO,ols' applau,se, but l,'t falls flat ffo.m ',conta di
voyage a gn e to t e ormer scenes a t eu' SI'S to a,ll organised plan of seekin o" the flllfil - W1lere no sing Ie .l"ng U' IISIlw an or small party is Wit II anyt Illng so so IId ,pure, and poltshed t
national despair, Ulent of the old promised law of Tenant Right, ~ R·a e or an lOu,r, an . unp Ieasan t symptoms " th e 1e tt el' 0 f'th e A rc I1b'IS h op 0 f D u bl'In.
t t f' I d"
, It is a strang'e fact to see tbousands of th e The question has numerous advocates among ~uuld be explaltled to mean evident prepara-
subjects of England seeking a home in Ame- the land ed proprietors of Ireland and England: t:OI1S for revolt, The plain J'eadiner of the des- English Bigotry, ,: C<A

rica and e],;ewhere, while , d the English

ffi ' Empi re any color of a Cabinet which may be formed patches, now published is that the'" '-'I'I'tl'~h
.1.J v
at d
A scan a ous anI d b eastlj- riot took place In cl
holds untenante d In,ng oms BU Clent to feed wi ll not be hostile to a reasonable bill on the several stations are in uJ'gent need of rell'et',' the wee I( a t L E~ as
ewes, t G l'\m~te
' d h
a, on t e occ at
and support ten ti~lles, aye twenty times her subject: and I firmly believe it only requires 8epoys are nowhere besieged, showing thut the sion of the burial of one of those o'ood worn st
own population. It i~ almost an incredible us' the temp crate, united force of the Irish tenantry whule country is in their hands; reint~rcements belonging to the Protestant Church~ who stri ~~
sertion fo write, that she will hire some thou- ' to secure its speedy attainment, Thc grantin b" are arriving from England at Calcutta, Illutl'ny to "
~~, Imlta te t 0 some ex t ent tlIe usua I an d PIO ' ell'
sands of Germans an d F~ renc I1 to fill h er natIOnal this qu estion to Ireland is a case of vital im- alia' dl'saLrectl'on li'
are spl'eadl'ng, alld the rebel- lile £' f f I I"
0 our ema e re IglOUS,
, Ie deceased w •y,
services, while the most faithful, the bravest of portance even to the English Government, lion is I'n full blaze,
a mem b er 0 f an 0 l'd er 0 f .....l1ercy who have tb .,
her own subjects are standing at the gates of Within the last month have been made, in taslished themselves atEaRt Grimstead, In t de
Washington, seeking employment, or begging the Inwmbered Estates Court, sales of' land
~ ~
Chl'na. discharge of charitable duties, she took fev re

. bread for themselves and for their children in which have come up to the enormous price of ,XTh t t f . 1'1 h' d' d O h I
the alms·houses of Bunker's Hill. All other forty-two years' purchase; and in one in- ' ' a ,am,oun 0 w~r I {e ent uSJasm, of ten- of which she Ie,
n cr death-b ed, she e ?
Euro.p ean natio~s maintain their poor people in t
s ance,
'I br ' . ' t d ' t tift ' der senSIbility, and of moncy contribution will< pre~sed a wish to be buried in ,her own faI;U'
e leve, ~moun e 0 y-slx be demanded of us by Ener1' nd fi . " vault, and directed that her funeral should at
abundar:ce, altholfgh far below England in Na- years' purchase. ThiS fact amon,O'st many b a 01 any given
tional wealth; while England, with boundless others PlOYC.s that land in' Ireland is sold nu~ber ot years to come who can tell Y The conducted according to the rules pf her ord
territory.,, wit h an unnva 'II ed commerCia ' I power, at thIS ' ' mDment at a pnce , under ordmary " Cl\'- strmn on our nerves , and on Our . pocl-ets
' I' S l'k
l ey I In these there ,was nothing remarkabl'e, but
\vith an unfathomable amo~nt of money re- cumstances must be ruino~s in the end to the ~~ be severe, qUIte ~ long pul! and a strong pull. sooner did the at.tending sisters and the cler
sources, looks on in apathy while her peopie, purchaser, Althou<rh the cases referred to are 1here was th e CnUlean war j it was theu nec- men of' the institution make their appearance N
are dl!ven from hQme as houseless wanderers, ot'course, exceptions"'in point of high price, ye~ essary w,e should be arranged with Russia, and the graveyard than they were a&sailed by
.and }.criBh in painful destitution on the foreign the raO'e for 'land in every rank of' tenancy is so read,y :V lt.h our money, to make a war fund and immense mob-they were hooted, jostled, t
shOles of the neighborin,g S,tutes. Spain has en"ros~ina and the prices for cvery description of a reI let fund;, tlien t~le war with Persia, This sisters were knocked down, and they had
" d I " t:> ""
cultural produce are so unusu- was comparatively h"ht '" work , ,ye t we are re- fly for their lives, pursued by a pack of' ho
P lanted Spanish CO],ODlStS lD An a USIa and the cattle .and of uO'ri. quested to be very aoO"ry With the SII'1 n~ade his way fu<
Wu;t In,dies; ,M il d s h e 'h as ex pen de d on t h is ally hIgh, that we may tanly antICipate now the ' 0 " • ,
. 0, a 10f'P el- lina , ruffian s. The cler!!:yman
~ Sia not orle, of u~. knO\"lrl-
, .
,~ystem<J:f lWIIl.e colo.nization SUDIS which should same reckless biddino' for land which occurred' ,,' b t or I t ; t Lli en came an I-rln, Wlll' ch W.3S soon besiec"'ed loy the rab &'·c
w la
.o1J.l€a'wise be ~J)ellt in hospitals, asylums and duriner ,the wars of' N~p.oleon, Without aro'u- ,the war With, CI~lDa j nothing less than forocity and the windows broken in. Such is religio
.' Ieon hus a Iso, j rom his own inp; int:> thie place that .the same fatal causes'" i n
;noor.houses, Napa would, do ,thIS. time '' but ere th e ~u b" Jec t 0 f a toleration in England!. So great is the hoI' , A
jpr,i;v,a.t6 lJUJ;se, p Ianllw .. .l .tIeI formatIOn 'f 0' model this period of Ireland'R history ;will eventuate
Hellef Fund ,
could be,'"'c bro" IIe, d tlIe I n· entertained by an English ~
mub for chaste a
.til.rUl8 in AI,g·e.ria j ,and he has laid the founda- in the same fatal results ,of the kst ten years, dian war came on, We adVise the public} holl'- pious women!. se
tiUtll .of making this pro;vi,llce a Fr.ench .colony, it is a clear case that the unnatural price of eve~, . that they have not escaped the <: hina
in (Flaoo .oj' ,an African pop.!! IatlOn . ,: and he will land ' . . must, when the
at one time scale l~chef Fund.' "Our gallant army "'11 WI go The Orangemen,
.1- ~.elle
reaiP 'UlJ-e J.. fit.o £'}' l1S b iell
ell,e~'.(). IIerne ID 'h t e returns pro d uce a proportIOn ' a1 d epr,esslOn . . where there IS ,
l.n not the' le'\st ,occas'lon
'·llat the Jv ~' he Orangemen are about to" remonstrat Wi
lo"a1tl" .and the .d.e¥otion ,of ,t he ,children of payme~ts' and that like ,tHe moon's phases ,s hould; they Will. a~tack the Inh~bitan ts of sev- with Lord Palmergton against the resoluti N,
" ',l)
in . .Uri-ca.. E~'n,gland, J.V.Lth ' Iarger pos- Ireland . .' a<TalQ
Will , pass ' .t h ro,uo-h ,th.e same llQ<\\a;! ' 'l eral towns and ,to ,
vilIia cY l1S and kIll ma~y' " "
"ery announced in the letter of the Irish Lord Ch
sessions~ wi.tha.m .iille, .a Btar;ving, .an ,evicted darkness whicll h~s hung .o¥~r her ,d.llI;~~" ,the probably a few of themselv-es will be killed and cellor, This remonstrance, however, is not Ag
pupuluti.oD, :aud willi moreabunduJ.ltIDo,ney, will late famine and bear.tJess expulsiop. ,ot her wounded, so there must be speeches, tears, and be effected in the true Orange fashion, and -
1I0t folkJiW ,this h.rilliant example; and thus· people, Although Tenant Rigb,t ;w.iU .not pro. ill?ney. We may as well be prepared for all perceive the rank and file of the Orangem PI
end the \\'iUnde.rings, g.r.atilY the hopes, put '3 duce 'all those happy w.irich ,i.ts enthusi- t~IS; at present the !?reat dema,nd on o~r pas- have little faith 'in the method about to be '
stop to the tetseeutioll.BJ and dry the ,tears of: astie advocates seem to expect, Jet it will ori- S~O~IS an~ our pursBs IS the Indian affall'; but ployed, If they were allowed to cOIPe bEtD -
. tbe faithfnl irish peopLe. gina,te a systelll of confidence which will in- U~lIla w,ill come on ulI~oubteclly. Iudee~d one his lordship:s ho~se with fifes and a ~ig dru 'J
It is no.t jJI,~ended, in these remarks, that spire the 'tenantry with new hopes, turn their of the Ieas;olls why OUI m~sters are roal'lng, so ~ supply of pavIng stones and several .we &
,~e'Mly n: an mlLithe.suppol'ted who wants .hread ; ' minds to rely on their .own ,e.xex£ions, and give madly ag?J.n~t the ~epoys IS, because they lD- loadeu muskets-if they were allowed to b I
; and. that labor be' procured for eve1'] man to agricultlue an which is the ~er~upted It, th"l Chlna,ga~e au? put an end to ter his lordship's hall door, rjdd ~e his ~ind? ,_
" wh\) js idle, wit.hout reiiJJ.:enc.e ;to the former basis of na.tional wel.llth, n'n d in.ded of national ItTfo.r a ~~~' h So~etlllng IS b~lng done, how- and take a few shots at hjmselt and I11S WI
.. bilbit-£ of extrava,ga,J:}ce, .01' the .unprud.e.nce of peace. OfIate an ap~th'y like the colduess of ~\ el. ,ntis. spies an~ speCIal reporters are why they wouid hope to make some impr~ssiQ
the I ~rLies
J ef'erred ,to. N.o these obse.lwa.tioIl8 death seems to have seized .o n the advocatcs of out t ele taklDg notes of .the wealth and weak- and <Tet him to listen to reason. There IS 3
e an I an sen Ing o~e Igh y col- other'" plan, If they could get hit! lordship ~
. , ~ . 1 . , . fth I d ' d d' h h' I
. of . !!lai..l:ae go only £0 to prove that the! the leaders of the measure; .a.nd while Salle of ness 0
, verieq.t ,s tranger of a,er,many ·01' H{)lIand is en-! the leaders of the bill are c.e.nsured and others ored accounts l? keep the cupidity of their have a booze for one night with them iD . t J
c.QlU;l"'ed, favored, ,tJ;eated with .DOllfidence, appiauded, the people, in whose hands the ,uc- ~ountrYl~en ext;nted, The times' corres~on­ rooms of the Grand Orange Lodge they ml
while'" the Irish, nnd ar ,6.imilar, .ciI:cumstances,· cc~s of th,e ,case r.ests, cont.ent ,themselves with . ,ent Sell, S lo?g let~ers to ~IS employers from be able to bring him around, coming on mo T[
are Jl~glected, despist:d).and .looked ,000,aS aliens the .abuse ,or the .praise .of their neighbors with- time to tUI!e, 10 WhICh he glves them a hint or inO', But mer~ly to sign a document,' and,
" or, ,eo.e-lllles. , n.very page.D f ,o.ur 8QCUl
T" ' I b'IS,t!.lfY out ,U1OlIlllg " one step t h .emse I d'
11GB ,towar SItS at-
two-For lIlstance '" - "r~spectfully call attention," and to "prot~
pr,Ove6 this singular illCOf\g.r.u.ity ~ ,and while tainment, A powerful party from Ireland in " ~very ~ne who, looks at China from the and to "request" really the thing is un worth ~;
,- Ileverrul ,amiable men in ~h ,station attempt .to the Rouse of Uommons might heretofore, under Ellghsh pomt of Vtew, must now be satisfied the erenius of' Oranaeism, Nothing can cO
" contradiGl,t these censures .o n .the pattialities ,o r' giv,en circumstances, lorce the measure; but the that no ~rea~y can b~ ~orth the p~wder which of it.'" It is a mockery, t:> 'd
a delUSIOn an a an
En"land _against Uatholw Ireland" my s.t1l.te· day ', for suoh successful triumph.haa passed; sal?tes ItS signature If It do not stipulate that ••• Po
me;t, and m] accurate iilCtll" .can be rt!a<i: .not anlit WQlJld ,be far better, and wiser at present, ~h~~a shall ~ecome one of the great family of The Rev. Timothy Enright, P,P. or GI:~
in lndian ,,ink and papu, bu.t ,ill .t,he.officiaLaud· to make friends than opponents in Parliament, CIVIlised natIOns." beii!:h and Glancar, in the Diocese of Kerry, Is
prMtic!ll.excli.LSion, in the ooncette.d social in-, 1'0 gain the.ear of the HDUse, to win their ad- No doubt of it, from the Encrlish point of been transferred to Ballyheigue . .
l!\t1ority .ale inflicted 00, ,us .thro~hout yoca,cy, is a ,thing more attainable in these view. Here are some of the opinions of the Bulls have been received from the Holy
the vaned deplU'JJllents of the pri.vate.and ,pub- · modern days t.bun to challenge their .strength correspondent : - for consecrating the Right Rev, Dr. O'Hea
, lic sef\'ic~ . of the Empi,re, Fine ,wor~1\, ,~ener- and almos~ det3 their ,hostility. The ~Dic~ of' " I believe that if at any moment ComT,Ilan- Bishop of Ross.
ous sentiments ,and liberal laws ,wIll dazzle ,the &Vhole people ,put forth under ,the .skilful der Dew were to land his seventeen marines ------~~.~.-------
" ,foreigll ,.nat.~o!lf!, .and may for a, Aleason ,deceiNe management of even o~e influen.tiul .ID:ember and to proceed to the Toutai's Yaman and were Take all sorrow out of life, and you
, . evell ,th,~Insh .themsel:v,es; but a,.glance , att~e from Ireland, would go far under ;these , ~lr£um- to tell him that his sovereign had resolved an- away all richness, and depth, and tenderD
" Army and ~a~y;, a, VIew at ,1!.I! ,the PubILc stanc~s to sec~re. SlU:cess. I do not, ~nde.ed, nex Ningpo and the ~urrounding: plain, and that Sorrow is the furnace that melts selfish he
• OIfiQe~1 ~th<;l· dlilcoura.gem.ent of IrIsh ,manufac- .b<!pe Jult .at thla tlIn~ ,tQ Ree Ireland ulllte,d ~n .Mr. Uonsul Medows now reigned as Toutai, the together in love .


Thomas McD,onogh, P. C. RYAN. R. O. FARTHL"iG. Music Store of F. W. Rauch,

For Sale.
WIIOL"ESALE GROCBR, Ryan & Farthing,
Prof. of Mu~ic, 209 Western R ow, between Seventh and Eig1,l~h.
" AYe Maria," 20 cents j ,. Vani Crentor," 25 cents; :c S.he Stood
The subscribers offer for sale, very ch enp\ll fine pain~d Picture And Dealer in Couutry Produce! Clover and Ti mothy Seeds,
for an Altar, "j7,.-" 'the Ascension of Mflria witne~sed hy A.ngels Fish, SnIt, I,ime nnd Cement, 172 and Ii4- Si.l:th Street, Nor rh Wood and Willow, French, German, and English Fancy There:it tu e Altar," 25 cents j I . "'hen Pm froUl B orne,H ~5
:wd tb e 'rwelve Apostles.!) The l' icturo is 16 fl.-et in bei~ht and Side, second and tbiril. doors west of Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ware, Brooms, Mats, Brush es, Cordage, etc. cents, composed by F. W. Rauch j "Goosetbe>rumfoodle," 15
s rees in width. !IOMAN & CO., Ohio. sop 19. lYO. 49 Main st·reet, one door fi·Ol1/.t Colu mbia, ~incinnati, O. cents; and any oOl er piece of Music, will be simt to any ad1 re!'iB,
dec5,lm , No. 11 Enst Seye nth street· oct28 ly if the price is sent in post-stamps. tf " pJ2
- --_._----_._ - - _._ - -_.--
I - Commissioner of Deeds.
The und er~ i gne d i$. a Commissioner to take t.hA ficknowJedg-
J, Richardson,
DE NTIST; Office and residence No. 15S Sixth street, between
R..'\ce and Elm, Cincinnati. New arid Fashionable Winter Goods,
I am now in r eceipt of a In.l:ge :md bea.utiflll assort.ment of
Dr, J. J. Quinn,

I IDent of Deeds, &c., foJ' most of the States an d '.!'erritOl'ics. J . A.

LYNCH, Attorney-nt·Law and Notary l'ubJic, Haa m A, Seh'es'
Building, rrhird street, between and Wa l nut. d12, ts
John Keeshan, Druggist and Apothecary.
Deale!' in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Va rnish es, &c.
Gentlemen"s Fancy Furnishing Articlns, to ""hien I would call
the :;pecial attention of t he public. There will be found in m y
N . W. corner "Walnul and Sixth str eets, Cincinnati Btock nIl the novelties of the sea50n, together with evel'Y ' size
TWEEN RACE A~'l> ELM, (No. 123.)

J . Hopkins,
and quality in TIN WAR1~ ~lANU~'ACTURER,
NEW PRA YER-BOOK. Corner of Seventh and S'yc~ more street, Cintinnati.
UNDBIt CLOTII~NG, GLOVBS, HOSmRY, &c., &c. A good assortment of Tiu ' Ya re kept COngtalltly on hand
Eagle Insurance Co., of Cincinnati, Ohio
SHIRTS }fAD}] TO MEASUREn1ENT, wholesale and retail. Job work in Tin, Copper, Sheet Iron , and
Just published! in !l bc..'l.utiflll 1Smo volume, printed ,from
large type. on fine paper } and embellished with fine eng ravmgs j
J. W GAltn.ISON,
G. "r.
with all the most recent improvements, which I gua.rautee to Zinc done a t the lowest cash prices.
fit, and suit in every particular, fit JOHN O'TOOl.'E. t
in various bindings, from $ 1 to $10 per copy. R. CONKl.ING, S. \V. REEDER, No.4 EAST FOURTH STRF;ET,
A~THONY FA 1- Nortli Side, one door east of Main street. United States Marble Works,
" The Vis i t a t ion Man u a I, " J. W. (lARRISON, President. maV2 JAMES RICIiAltDSON. filinlh slreet, bf'.tween l Vestel'11. Rowand Plum, CinCinnati, O.
A collection of Prayers and Instructions, co~pile~l acc ordin;r J. B. STOCKTON. Secret ar y. .J.O'TOOLE & BH.O'l'H..b:R, manufacturers and dealcrs in Manu
to the Spirituul ry and Spirit of St. ~J:l1l1~IS d e Sales, . J. B. Lf.. WDER, Snrveyor. ments, 'l'ombs, Gnl"re-Stones ~ Mantels. 'l'u ple :.tnd Durenu 'I'ops
Lard Oil Manufactory. ~tnd a.1I Idnd s of marble works. 0l'del's from all p:~rt.s oj ,tbf'
Foundel~ of the Religious Order o~ the Blessed VI~gll1 Mar~. Insurances ta.ken on Bundin .~s and their conteuts against
The publishers deem it uu ueCeriSH!'y to enter lUtO detu lls 01' Fire: also, on Boats a.n d their Cal"gne~ against the perils of sea, JOHN TOBIN,Factory on Seventh street, east ofBrof"~'wad,; States attended to, and work executed with neatn ess a'1d di: ~
, enlarge on the 'pecu.l'iar mel'ilS ofithis Pr3yel'~Book. 'J 'hey. r eie)·. and inland llavi!.nt.tion . . whereorders wiD be thankfully ,received a.nd punctual1yattelldeCi patch.
with p1easu re to the anuexed apl?rol'alltlJd. l'eCpm lllenuatl.nn ot Office, No .1 2 j~ast b'l'ontstreet between Main and Sycamore to, or at his residence, No. 224, ea.stside of Broadway, a few doon J. & ,J. O'TOOLE would r espectfully invite all wan lin" .\Uch to
the }[ost Rev . AI'chbishop of BaJtlUlOr., which they l"eI1,,1l be t reets. julyl uth of Seventh, Cincinnati.O. give them a call, examine theIr specimens and judge tor t.hem~
a sufficient gua.ra,utcc for itR conteutfi. selves . I1p1l2
"The new Prayer-Bool< called' 'l'flE VISITA 1:~0N" ~B.~U AL..'
Boots, Shoes, and Rubbers.
eom"piled by some lad ies of the Convent of the "Is~tat I Otlln thIS JOInl CAHILL. denier in Boots. Sholls, and Rubbers, French Hughes & DorJand, P. Cody, Wholesale Grocer .
city,and r evised by t,fO le:Lrf!cd cler gy men, Exannn ers ~f J?ooks ~1or occo , Shoe Drilling, Shoe Thread, Shoe Laces. Cork, soles, P. CODY ~ dealer in choice fa.mily Flour, 'reas, Sugars, Tobacco
(Suecessors to Hughes & 0' !-Iara,)
of this diocese. and n ow ppbh shed by .Tohn ~rurphy & Co., I S ap- &c .. 3'25 'f'estern Row', between Eighth and Kemble streets, aDd Liquors, &c. &c., Nos. 17 and 19 Water street. between .Main oud
proved of by we, and recomm ended to the falt.hful uf my cbarge'!. 70 FifLh str eet, betwet! n Race and Elm. apll Importers of 1-\ratches and .Jewelry, No. 19 Main Street, Walnut· . feb·26
Given under my hand at Baltimore the 14th day of Koveruber, (In Madison House Building.)
Bells! Bells! Bells!
1857. ' 'I t FRANOIS PAT R~CK, NEEDLE-WORK OF EVERY KIND The sub8criber is extensiveJy engaged in manufacturing Dell!
.. ArchbiRnop of llaltimore." Executed with neatn ess aud dispatch at the HOUSg OF THE Friel & ,McGuire, Merchant Tailor!!, ot every size u sed by Churches, Colleges, PubUc Buildings, s team.
. The P~blishers re,peetfully solicit attention to the style in GOOD SHEPHj~RD, for penitent IVOOleu, corner of Bank and
boats, Plant.ations, etc. '
this wOl'k is i::ssued. It is printed in a .supel'iol· style, on Day miller streets. Orders l'c('.eived at t.h e Uouse, or at Mr. J. P. Hi s Balhi a.r e r:onstructed upon true a.nd correct principles in
! . ... hol·.• nt.;"] 'Paper of a fine t ex turo: the Pra.Yel's a,t iU ass, and Walsh's Book st ol'e, 170 Sycamore streot. mh4-- NO.4 MAIN STREET, LEXINGTON, KY., theirform u.lld thich:ness,and in tbe proportion and combination
Devotions most generally u~d , a re printed from a large. Hllve just received a well selected and large assortment of Fun of metu.J s; thus a ttaini'ng the gre.ttcr::t dl~gree of sonorousness
bold tYPAl ,-Lnd th ~'o ughout the f~ ntjr e worle great cal'e h,-\~ and Winter Goods. mar22 the most melodious tone, and the requisite strength and dura
in the relection of the type, with th e view of r en-
St. Joseph's College, bility.
pJeasing and agreea.b!e to t.he eye. These feature~. NEAR SO,IIERSE7; PERRY COUNTY, OHIO. An ft3So rtm ent 9,f medium sizes are kept on h and, enabliD~
with its genel·a.l arl'angemen t s and conte nts ~ compri!:'· Hauser & Merna, purchas er~ toh ~~n' and.judge of their quality forthemsehes.
This Tusti t utj(Ju, conducted bv the Fath ers of the Oraer of Largp.r sizes, and, if desired, ofa particular tone and key, and
that has neVC\I' before :q} in English. they tru st St. DominiC, was fOi' the first time opened 101' the reception of WHOLESAL"E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN" HARDW ARE
this nook a 'favorite with the Catholics of thiy;; students ill September~ 1851. A large, new. and beautiful Col- AND CUTLLH.Y, chimes of any number ('r si7.e of Bells, cast at R short T'otice.
l eg(~ edifice h as sinc~ been crected, and .is no\v occupied. which, Keep c.oustantly on band a. large and well-assorted .stock of Bell s cast at this foundery nre furnished with springs (to prp
orders from the Trade, Re1igictlts InstHutiom;. the independently of the bu ilding!'i hitheto in usc, will afford ample BUILDEH8' HARDW ARE, HOOP, SHEE'!" BAR, and TIOL'!' vent the unpleasant sound produced by the c1a,p pcr jarring on

nnd others (to wh om the usual d i ~f:Ouut will be acco tnm Oda.lions fol' at least i50 [RON , PUMP CHAIN AND InX'l'URES, Ga,rdeners,' ]j·a.rmers,' frames. the BeU) and the most approvedpilln of iron yol<es, wheels, and
pUl'chasf!d in quantities,) are respec1fully sfllicitcd . .
The Coll~ge has Ia.tely bean chartered with the power of con - [lnd Mechanic:s' TOOLS, HOUSE lj'UltNISHING GOODS, &c. ~
M U it I' II Y & CO., PubliRhcrs. toning the usual Houol's and Degrees, t;l'anted to Universities HA.USER & .:'I1ERN.A, A warrantee against breakage of Bell or hangings (if properly
Marble 13uildin?, 182 Baltimore st., Ba.ltimOl·O. a,nd. Colleges. , ma1'7 286 Main street, between Sixtq :mu Seventh. ung) is given for one year. Communications will receheprompt
,ttlmtion byaddre",ing .' GEOIlGE L. HANKS,
EXI'ENSES : .!lup22 Nos. 120 and 122 East Second st1'eet, O£ncinnati.
The aalhoZ·i c JY[isecllllny, in nOlicin g this New Mannal. Payi\bJe iuvariably semi-annually in ad'fance. Buch~nan M a r b l e W o r k s ,
:_" The Visitation Manual seems to us one of the For' Tuition, Board, Ded, .Bedding, and Washing, per BY TImmy H(llJ{STING Jon PUGH . "?II. KIRK
Prayer Books issned for a I ~mg time: It cO'!tains annunl ..... ... .. ............... .... ....... ...... ..... ................... $150 00 CoR. OF LINN ..nom HOPKINS STREE'l', OPPOSITE ST. JOSEPH'S Crrunon Pugh & Kirk, Attorneys at Law,
thing ne"e~ed for Cath,?ltc devo llOn; sUltaJle l'tlusic On the, pOl' annum ............ ,..................... 30 00 janl0 CINCINNATI., SELVES' BUILDING,.'l'hird strcet, between Main and 'Va.t ilut,
for mormng a'nd evemng, f.or ·Mass and Holy Music on other Instruments, and Dl' .................. 30 00 . . . , CINCINNATI, O.
l!'reuch, German, Italian , and Spanish-each extra........ .. ]0 00 Particular a.ltention given to Conveyancing, making abstracts
''''''~''nTnen'';, in a word for all s tuted t.imes, or casual ('ir ~tat.ioDery, Books, Medicines, &c., when furnished, at current St. John's Hotel for Invalids', fTitle, and to Real Estate trans3.('tions generaJ1y.
that may arise in the life of a Chrislian. prices. '
ns no arbitrary forms of prayer, introduced To those who remain at the Institution during vacation. a.n AND HOME FOR THE SICK, E. A. THOMPSON. T. A. NESMITH.
ction of the Church or in opposi tion to charge will be made of $25 00, and for any part more Has been removed frQm the corner of Broadway and Franklin to Thompson & Nesmith,
than a week, in pl'oportioD_ the corner of Plum aud ThiJod streets, the grounds A'l"fORNEYS AT J,AW,
prescriptions, is more than 3bundantly from Plum to n1'eFarlan streets, Cinein.nati,Ohio.
by ~ the approval and r eco mmenda1ion wilh JJGif" Letters of enquiry should be addressed to BANK BWILDINGS, nort·h ·west corner of " hird and Main
. REV ..J. A. KBLLY, PRESIDENT. [,nde1' the Care and D irect'ion of the Siste'rs of OharUy. ~tl'eets, Cincinnati, Ohio. sep ];) 12m
been honored by the le arn 'ld and venerable REFERENCES :-Most Rev. Ar chbishop Pl1RCELLj Very Rev. ED- This establishment is lal'ge a.nd commodiou~, SUHoulldeu by a
I timOl'e~' who.~ exactness in snch mnt- WARD PURCELL, V. G.; Ut. Rev. J ,A!tIES F. 'VOOD. sepI2 large lawn and shade trees, ma.kin g a delightful Uetl'eat and
y known. A feature. of the book h:l~h Home for the sick; with a beautiful view uf the Ohio river, M.. REGAN,
an especial manner. VIZ: the l-tlurg,cal Newport, Covington. and the l\djt\ccnt scenery of Kr.ntucky. DEALER IN FANCY AND ·STAPLE DRY GOODS EnmROID
St. Stanislas' Preparatory College, Great pains and exertions ,w ill be made t.o make the p1ac·) agr ee· er.y, Cloaks, M;antles, Shawls, &c., No 150 l!'ifth st.~ b~tween Race
if we may SOl call it, of the devotions, which ble and pleasant. All forms of diseases admitt.ed tha.t are no1 and Elm, Cincinnati, Ohio.
for th e chief my~t er ies of Our Lord, alld ontagious. '
Mother for the festiva Is of the principal Sainls. SCOTT COUNTY, KENTUCKY, The attending Physicians are :-DR. MUSSEY. D:a: J. P. JUDInNs. JA?t1ESAPPI.EOATE, A. n. POUNSFOlW
Mes~rs. M:u'rphy have brought out thi. handsome Is; design ed to tritin and educate Ca.tholic boys from the age Dn. MENDENHALL, DR. •J. ]'. WHITE. DR . •JOHNDA VIS. DR. MURPHY, SAMUELl-'LICKINGER, JOHN D. RYAN
of near 706 pages in a most ~redit.uble style. :rof ~ to that of 1:2 years. All the bl'anches
he lish a.Dd Classica.l Ndtl ci~tion will be taught, a$ far as the age
hold and disti nct, and espeCIally In those portIOn s :.t.nd capacity of the boys lllay require. ,
of a th,)rough
Eng- DR. COMBotS, DR. F.
O OTE, and two Re<;ide nt physicians.
ual' which are· calculated for daily use. The '1\ mRM S: BOOK ?r1ANm'ACTUHBRS .
•nnnllSlllers have issued copies in every variety of bintl- Board,ancl 'l'uition in all the b"unches taught, inclUding CRARLEH RULE- late Lowry & Rule, .Corner of B~oadway and ' ~ep22 No. S3 Main street.
we know of no book more ' suitable for n holi- French and Gcrma.n .. ................................ .......... .... $100 00 Fifth street, Cincinnati,O., Deal.e r iu foreign and 'American
present. We hOPe that the Manu.a l will meet with Extras .............. ... .................................................. -.• , 38 00 Marble 'l'ombs, Monuments. Grave stones, Baptismal Fountf. Pierce· Sheehan,
Application must bu made at the Cathedral, Covington, Ky. Mural Tables, Urns, Vases, Statuary a.nd Garden .Figures.
!3uccess it deserves." No boy wil.l be !l.dtnitted into the College unless ]Hevious ap" ConstH.ntly on hand. Ita.1ian ,]~gy ptian and American Marble WHOLESALE GROCER,
p1icution be mllde by parent::; or gU:Lrdians, stating the age of Mantles; bureau,counter~ pier, and center tabletops. 'rhe trade AND Dl·:LER IN
the boy, the school h e attended, &c. upplied with marble Blocks, or made to or'der my lJ EXTRA FA)ULY FLOUR, LIQUORS, CORN, OATS~ ' BALED
JJettess to be a.ddressed to the" President of St. Slanislas' Pre-
HAY,&C. .
pursua.nce of an order of the lJrohate Court of Hamilton paratory CoUege, lYhile ltr P. 0., ~'cott county. Ky."
Ohio, to me dit'e('ted I will offer fOJ' sale at Public t GEORGE ALOYSWS CARRELL, Commercfal Insurance Company N. ·r-V. Corner Court and BroadUiay,
on the premises, on S:lturday, December the 26th 1857. ily25,tf Bishop of Covington. OF CDICINNA'fI. o. CINCINNA1'I. OHIO.
JICC()Dlme,ncing at 2 o'clock P.· 1\'1. tho following described Renl FIRE AND 111ARINE. DENIS SULLIVAN. l\UCUAEL lIfCINTIRlC
t o the ei'ibtCt of Hugh Ju,mes, decea.sed. Situ- §'1l.'. Vll.NCEN'J."~ ACADEllIY, , A HmiE COMPANY Wl'l'HOU1' AGI,NCIES, Sullivan & McIntire,
Cincinnat.i, in the County of Hamilton, It.nd
n.ll that ceda.illiot of grouud situated ill CEDAR GltOVE, NEAR CINCINNA·fI. This Company continues to take !iRks all all classes of prop- PRACTICAL GAS AND STEAM PIPE FITTERS
nD ~t i ; being known and nUD1ber~d on Ethan Tbis Institu t ion, dosigncd for the instruction of young larlies erty at ~he mo.t favorable terms. '. No. 386 lVeste7'n R01Q, opposite Qatha1'ine st1'eetJ Cincinnati.
sub-division of lots of said city, by number in all the branches of a polite education, is under the care of the DIRECTORS. Oh a.ndellers, Pedants, Brackets, and a 'Variety of Gns a nd
fronting on Fourth s'tr~et and running back to Sisters of Ch~tl'ity; it is si tua.ted three miles Northwest of Cin- W:r.I. WOOD, Anu ZELLER, Steam Fixtures constantly 011 hand, which we will .furnish ~t
alley, being twenty-five (25)f~t in front, on ciuna.ti, withiu:t sh ort distance of Mount St. Mlt.TY'S 'f.qeological
being the 'same lot nnd premises conveyed t o Seminary, and is, at aU tim es, easily accessible from the cit.y.
James [since deceasedJ by John I1raham by lease The 'Position is retired :t.nd beautiful. A thick Grove of C ~da l'
I .
L. G. E. STon,
the lowest possible prices. Our long, experience in the above
business gives iI's dec.ided adviiDtages not posses~ed by' oth~rli.
All orders punctually attended to, and executed in a workDlan
30tb A. D. 1847 , d emising premiRes above :tnd Locust Trees sepal'<ltcB the grounds of the Institution from
appurtcna.nces for and during tho tcrm of the public r oad . securing for it the enjoyment of that privacy'ty-Joi"le. J·e:t:rs from the first day of January in the year 1848 which is so favorahle to study. 'Extellsive and pict.uresque
I SAAC C. COPBLEN, Pi·esident.
like manner. .

Flout and . Feed Mills,


cver, upon p;Lyment of sixty doliurs a year r~nt. lawns surround th e building, and afford every facility to the 3. A. TOWNLEY. Secretary: '~ '.
aU taxes and a17sessments as .stipulated' and pro- pupils for pleasant a.nd hea.lthy ex~rcise. ' Office-North~ weSt corner J.liain and Prb'n't streets, Oi'11.cinnatiJ o~ BROADWAY, BE~WEDN COURT AND HUNT STR·E¥TS ..CINCINNATI,·OBIO
in said' lea~e, recorded ill the r ecordr. of lenses in . . 'iI. I~LUMAN, .Agent. . PIEllCE SHEEHAN . '
TBRM: N. B.-Cash for Wheat and all otherkillds ofGraln. dec20
'Book No. 2 pag~s 89, 90 and 91. To he sold subject to Residence, North-East corner and Abigail streets. by
of the 'V.idow a.t thirty dollars per annum, appl'Hlfled Board and Tuition, including all the branches of an II. KLEINE. feb14
'fcrms of sale one-third cash OI1b-thil'd in OliO Y"Hr and Bng1i!'ih ed n, payahlc semi annuttl1y in advance, A. Lotze's ' Improveq; :fatent Wlj.rJ,Il Air
.dlun..,mlrU in two, deferred l)aYDl r;3 nts to be !-;ecnrcd by per Sessio n of ten an d a ha.lf months .... ........ $1:t5 00
Washing, per a.unuID........ ... .......... ... ...... ... ..... 12 00 BY STATE AUTHORITY. ~'q.:rn~qes, ,
mor~gag e and beal' interest at six per r:ent. :M argar-
Administratrix of Hugh James deceased . ~ Beds a.nd Redding, per anuum, (parent!:! may provide it, Choice ' First C la' ss Insurance by the Fon HEATING PUBL[C :AND pmVATJl DlfEL~INGS.
if they pr.efer).. ....... .... ... .. ........ .................. • 00
EXT J{A C II A ItGE: lETNA I~SURANCE COMPANY, tiug IIp ,a new }'Ul'Dace. SUP.E!I'i~l' t,o l}jIlY lS nr,n~cc t\ypr, lll'ougbt
The subs('riher woulq. infol'p1 t,h e Public ~~t lJe l!~s. t: ~en get
Les!'ions on Piano tmd use of instrument, upon every , OF HARTFOJ,U;>, . CONN. before th e, 1)\1~1ic, fpl'~. btFp ipg. llH.uIpi~.o'l~ Con:l oj' "T?od, and
GROCERY & PROVISION 'STORE. day, pel' qual' .. " ............ .... ... .............. ..... .. $12 00
are w.arran,ed lD eVerll' .'.Hht'sc l!l1l'llBGes..Jpn\q glVeD sat
Drawing and tillg',1 per iIuartcl'.... .............. 5 00 isf"ll'tion ,yher~"v.~r" tAe), ,,'frc nut 11lh anq ~l'~ p~r)tjculnrly
WILLIAM G. GLlSSAN & CO ..' Guital'. per quarter. .... .. ..... .. . ......... .......... ....... 5 00 Cash Capltal, ' - . - - ~, - $1)000,900 adapted for, hfi~t~ng ChurF~~s, Semim~rie.s. l~"(enin g 8, &c. j and
South· East Corner Sixt.h !Incl Plum streets, Vocal Music, per qunrt(!r ............. :.. ... ................ 5 00 I t"ke llleas'1rp. in r,e,f~ ""in!! to 1110 l\ig1jt Rev,. ]li'lJop ~pulq\ng,
, French, per quarter ............. ..... . .. .... ...... ............ 5 00 (.Absolute . a.nd [jnirnpa£?·(~cl.) . Right Itev.. lli\lJop R. Y. )'"lIeian, and Right, :He.v. ]lishc'Il A.
. GINCIN N A '1'1. . . German, per quarter ...... .......... _.. ....•.. ........ •.. .... 5 UO lnsures against Dl\nger~ of Fire.and Perils of Navign.t ion. on Ca rrrll . ADOLPTIU8 LOTZE,
Choice Green and Black Teas; ra.w and r efi ned Su~ars ~ Cof· No ext.ra charge is maJe for Plaiu and Fancy Sewing and 'l'a- ~Ui favorable terms as l:Onslste~t WIth solven r.y nnd fair profit. . ·jlylS No. 2l~ Waln"t stroet, CipdnDllti, Ohip.
; S;pices j Sugar cured Earns; Best lll'R,nds of 1"hitc Wheat pestry in aU its various branches. " .
family Flour in barr-els and bags; Cornmeal. Oatme:Ll, kc., Besi.lles:.1. complett3 coul'se of Arithmetic, there is also a c1u-ss Los3e~ ~aid, -:-. - - - - $1O,~~~,~~ Wa1nut Street :Bank,
Fresh Ta.ble Butte]' (recei \'ed daily); Eg.~s; Lltc'd; lLnd of Algebl'a fot' the m ore adv.anced pupils. 'Ihe young la1r!ies ~genclos In the pr~Inclpal towns. and cities thl'ou.gllOut the
'article in the tl'ade Of the best qua,t ity, and at thq lowest whpse p·t.l'ents I'esidcin the vicinit.y are pel'mitted, if required , Union. - , North-West corner 'fhird 1and '\Yalnut streets, CincinnstJ".blQ'fl
PRIOES, Itlwtl,ys pn hand. ~, 0; to spend t.he 1il'st /J'hllr' of each monthl at ho~e, bur. must .POJ,IOIES ISSUED WITHOUT DELAY BY apd sells Eastern Excha.n ge, Jforeign and Am1el'i<'an GolC\;8.od
JAS. H. CA.R'fER, Esq., i'.gent, ' No. 40 Main street. Si1vel','ltud UD(~Urrent mane),; makes,lcollections, and, aif,!.cQ'Unt's
, A SH.AJi.E OF PUBLIC l'A'rllONAGE SOLICITED. l'(ltnrn early the noxt day.
No d~ du ctiou is to he mlLde for Vacation, it bein~ optional •1. W. ·G. SIMRALL, do., pro tem., No.l7l Vine street. shol't-tilI,le business pa:pel •
Orders PUl1cl,·u'au.y attf.nrlccl ~o.
with pal'ents tCl permit their children to renutin in the Academy .J. J. HOOKER , ''. do., }'ulton (17th Ward.) jan27,1~m G. H. ' BUS$1l'ict. &:. GO.
SOU'l;'H-EAST CORNElt SIXTH & BLUM STREETS. during tha.t time. P. S. BUSH,
c. P . Buohana~1
CoYin~ton, i{y.
Newport! Ky.
, 0ppfJsite the MarTcet lIoase. 3m 0,'.
DAY SCHOOL. P. J. Moore,
There is a Day School attached to the Academy. 'ibr the conve- BranCh, No. t.~1 Vine s t r e e t , Plum ber, Pump and Hydrant M.ker, 228 l!llfill, s~f\\e~\ h~tiWt't'l\,
nience of thos~ in the n eighborhood who may prefer thu.t.
Polan,d & Henry,
their children 'should ruturu home overy day. CINCINNATI. Elm and Plum, C;".~Dn"ti, 0 .. hae on Q'W,I),
Th~ pl.~ogress of tbu. COl'por~tion bas been ctablc and itnintcr· Load Pipes, Wal". Closets, nuths, PU'llP,';,R.\l,d. H'yd~~~t~, AI!
e." <I, ( w,il,\ f l'r;piBb
'li1N'E[@I:E!!A1LE GROC.8H.S, Liquor anll Commission '·ercha.nts. TERM: l'UlHed thl'ough season~ of ftbaucial sunshi'ne and storm, or pe- orders for the N).un~ry will be eXf. cu~~~~R,jUl\ne·~tJless . a.ni1. dis!".
Tnition, inclu~ing sa~le brancheR. al r eady Rpecified, l'iods eventful in o~ eX'~Jl1p.t X:r.aUl sw8.epi1?g coniiagrntions and patch. mar3
60 .and 62 Second str~et, bet. W.alnut and ine, payable semI-annually ll}. advanc'd, per Session of ten maritime disast~r. ~ing long .established on h. c!tsh basis. the
, CINCINN A'rI ~ and a half months ... ...........: ...... ......... ..... ... . $25 OQ present .troubles of the credit, 's yst em, 1857,) affect us
Junior Class ....: .... ............. .......~ ...... ........... _.... 20:-U0 in no material pa:ciicular . Patrick Sulliv9.:ltt , "(fI¥i~e.r, .
For further particulars apply to the Sisters residing in the During ,- h~id t1mes,"\be Sf'curity of reliable ins~rance is a.n Respootfully annourices to tbt. c.i~\z.nA of Cinc~nn8tl snd , '
Institution. imperative <\"it,y. T,\w ability o{nroper~y owners to snstain loss vicinity 'ibat b e iR now re&~ 'i;~, tiU all orders, in hi~ Jj.:q~, s;t r
my2 SR. MARGARET C. GEORGE, Motbet Superior. . being t~~n lp.ll~.q.1es~~~ed. ' r \ I ' .,,,. ' . • th e D'&W ~Lmd on Westerll ' R.o:w.; bt!tween FOUl't~l and Fifth I
\ . John Kean, J. B. BENNET;!;, Ge.noral .Agent. streets, "Nest side, No. 165, ')'P~~t4~.Per1!Y st{e~t.
AND ORNAMENTAL HOUS1~ AND SIGN PAINTEll WOO<! "u~ Metallic B......,;~·fJ~ses f~W;"i~"d "'lid, tri'11me~ f9r
PROS"PECTtrS OF ~' . c. BENNET'f;} " '';''' ''' ''
81 Third street, between \Valnut and Vine. may9
'"IOU""T S"" J . d~~. W. ~' .CIW59~~1 'fd,l,w:~e~s. trnnsJl'OrtatlQn to ,my N<:}'of. tl1t', UDjqn, N.~1;~e.i'nil,C.rrI~g6"' ,
If. ill ... . MARY'S COLLEGE~ l --:-=r'" ~ -C::---C:;---~"-".:!.:::'=--'----- ul'B:~s)te d at tht' sh(\rt&S~jn.p.t,j.ep1 .on ~go]laN~ ten:q3.. sep'~~

J. C. SPIlLS, . NEAR CINCINNATI, OHIO. i N~~man ~/ ~pQ,be, .

This Institution will be opened on Monday, tha 1B~ 0.1; Sep· ~PNoL.U21ME ' ~l-m~~S, tPt~MP rANo.D. ;HYpxRAt.N . T ~A Im~S,
tember,1856. · 7 • mO doo s # ~I!' disl
f t Cmcmllatt.O. . KRUEZBURG & NlijRJl Eh~v~ jU.'i~ .r f.o~ived a n~l",~upl'lY of,i-!.e ,.. .
th. , oe.
. It is .si~uat,:-~'il <?~ one of ~he hills overlooking t\\.&- Cf~t~ o~ Cin· 'h3ive on Band and will furniB:C~~ad pipos sheet lead, Bathinf! monst.raDce~, Cft~~*.V*s, Chf\1ic~F). Ci~ot,1pms.",~~sel's,. CroSSei3..

cmnatl. ill I\IIPsltlon unrivalled for healthy "l~ a,Ilil; lIeautiful itubs, water closets, Putnps, ,r"d'1l:ydrants. All orders from the VestmentR, COp<l,'...1\~~~~j~tiBn Ve.ils, Sto!~o, qil.~toe!,~,. P1'le.s, ll;o.IY
scenery ., fountry prpmptly atten~ed t ~;:·· ' dec)F Dread IroDs.,o}(r~~~",.:~W'(~.s: rr:l~ge~,~aDd. C~~ulu:m5t-:ete,\ .AJS,9, ~llt' '
C;t~o~~j~~~J:n~~s~fford to pupils a thoro~h e~fl;N9~,~pder sals, Hrevinl'l3fi,.. all9ij~ ,gre~t ;tl)SOrhnent lof Ge~ft~, EDglj~h, and· and Draft Office L~t.i,:, boo~ .. ~~l<~,;~C~il'<:llft1" for the me,oJt b~ ,A~eD dioce.epl ,
'rhe regular cla'5ical and .scie?tifi;c OQ"~'. iI'_ q( e,iI>~.t. ye~rs,
though students from otherlllstltut,on~wll1 ¥'p,1 'ed til. enter
WM.n. nARRY.
:a... "R.R..
V.._ & H
. ILL,
RIC}) »Wo.
ClncmnatI l;iI~ JU~tb~,e.\I Pllbr.:sned. A cay.logll~1'1·ltl1.~ sent."P9'lt '.
p"id,.io an~.l'\1~Q1\.·bY "I\plyipg tq theabov~,lir"'. 009l1b1n str~~,
0· 68 WEST THIIl<D STREET, the more advanced chsses upon sati"~lHo,'y ex·•. ·• ';ti~n. "". +- 0 d 'D 1- tt an cm AaIl e
oyer the Ca.ila!"Clnc41nut;.j, 0 ..' . . janl9. '
. 'rhe course of in~t.ructi?" will em,ll'l<\ce..t 'J:i
.il;,J;,l\tin i:'" ~qp;1!t '$: ~ n ~ n ..." e Ae
UliUll... ,
C1NCINN A TI. Jauguages, Rhetor!c, LogiC, Math."1I'l.i~s, m~ Natm."j ' N' HTRD C!TREET CINCINNATI 0 . _. .. . ,..... _,-- -=~=
Philosophy, Chemistry, As.tron<lU'.....'."n~. P.Q iFg. 0.7'M T " . , ~ ' . . •• "-_. ·c:~~,1);!~&ii,~e, Companif".
E 8UnSCInB"ER SE .L LS DRAFTS O N The connectIOn of the College wrlb, ~M Ci s. 1 .P;:pvinolal -
SeminnI:y,.nffo ..dspeculiarfaolW.)~sf<il" ·tborQ'Ig\i inst;;J!l'tipn of 011' CWC,lNN OIj:,L,O, NO.8 j'RONT STR.}]El1,~ETW,E~~
ROYAL BANK OF IRELAl:/D, the pupds m the German, nil Itallan r..n~iI~g~~ MAI~ . :l QlliJi.; F.lRl!J AND l)IARINE. ~mH~Onijc-
THE "LONDON & WES'r~UNSTBR RANK, LO"NDON, 'l'he discipline. of the ColI.eJ;'l-. Ibe' pater'riat b~f' vigjla.nt- G . V;:B\>Ob~j . :E S JIalWs. J3me~ l1' Kij·; .1.)!"
and THE CO):IMERCTAL BANK, LIVERPOOL, tphreOfesstsuoire."ts hein, g ahv'\I1s,.llf ... t~ eye o1"th,~\r_ Prl'fe.';'t, or B1'f4r" "I R ~1\lli~~;p, J Donoh~e,. J. .J>,.-,
N G~~ory., S~~f~ ,at""', 1;.:8 n~n.~, President.; '¥m 1) St.ratt.OD t ·
at sight in' all the principal cities ot The domestic arranlt!<!D nts of the Inst.itution are ul'~Yl> the ' .glirmY..qr.; lli"~~ COl). Jl"~~',to ~is city, ha~it1p; no .~Plll"leF · _ '
superintendltnce on ers"of'Cll~rltl' ,. , ' . > \ .-
The au~pice~ unilj3... this,Joll\\,!;al"l'laced.and th~.eo1'd"'1 4 ~git"li. B;U~O:qJL
SCOTLAND, appl'obatwnexte by t,lleMost ·Jtev. AI'ch,1>ishopo/'n,Hk<l II • A'I''I'(\l>NEY .AN'" COlJNSELLOR "'" LAW
and WALES. Clerg!of.tho suflicill»'t fih."'rra.I1t , th.~· : :,~.'." . \ " .~ ' . "'... ,. " .... 0"
J'e:rson.·.Jivin" in the country can remit him 'money by checks 0 that 1t wlll ran k ..m0'l{; Co.t h..Qlic i nstit)ltl"Ds of ,Deb~l'\i ;B\l:\\!llDg,.'sIl.¥-}q.Ea.,t, I"'r'1 0r of Co""t, .""q"i'!"'l\ .trj!;\ts" .
or together with tlie letter they wish fo~ le~rning: and ep,'pl~, d the p~f~onage"~lliqi). no douhi it C l' () INN A T I aU!li .
giving name "nd of the person ro whom it ,.. II re"",ve f~~_~thA.>fi ts an~ !:ua~3"liIh'~ ofyoutb. , _
sent, the Vil'iage 0' rownland In which he or she re<ides, TER~lS,:::~ ' 'Y, . .AL] YEA:lltY IN ADV .AN<!~. . J Adam GelS,;
a.nd the nearest Post Ollioe, and a receipt for the same will be ~llr~e,per. n of ten months ............. $!~. t '
lllal1e~ ro them. ~lI!l " ' . " " " .............. l!iQ. - Certltica~e~ \1lj:njsbe4 for passage to lu.il1h>m Liverpoo~"'Th~ . "If 1,111...... A L. A!Oil> I"":~"'DI.
He IS agent and issues pagsage certificates for 8t ' ), it P,··Wl?g .0~ly are extra ch":ges. let and 16t~ of each month, by first-class .hips of the ".Bl!\~k MA T'J.'R A~S AND BEDDING MAN1lJf'ACrrOJUES .
TIl BI k 8t II If.den.t.'I who remam In, the College durlD~ the vacatl"'!l wil Ban Line" . ~'.. '" . . . ....
ea " e E. '!j:rain a~ Cone of P~~kots to ....... ........ New York. be char~qd an additlonhl $26. Q DraftR for :£1 lind upward on the noyal Bank of IreS,I1d
., . "'1i'd :
No. 214 Vi,?e stree~.J¥\tween Fifth and Slxth..street.s, ~.~t.sida .,
"Li I d Ph' • . .. : .............. ... Bost.on. L Tb.!>', su;n o01"ers. the of TuH,ion, board, bedldj/l~ on Messrs. Pfespott. G'ott, CaVA & CQ., Londou whl,)I, w~\,)OP l
~ alld N? 67 B".1;~st,e.Ji, between.Walnut lind' lDe, Cmcmnatl, 0'1 .
Pass es ve~Ydo rr~!. Li o~adetphl~. Ll~a o~ Stea;nsblps. Vnsh\'!,\g' nnd m Olldmg dUl'tn~ thp collegiate year. 0 ' 'eashed in a.ny pa~t or
the United Kingdom. ' ~I M~nutnctJ.lrer.~ an T1st!lnt1yon bRnd aJarge- assortIP~~l-1
lIosronllg P, ' vool to ~memnat, by New "York or I P':'t:il.' must of e0nr.~~ t'u'l'lli, h their own clothes. baoos and I N. n.-PeclQIIs proellrtng Passage Tickets through,,ps, wi)l"on, 'of well made Fca~ Ha,r, ~Ioss, Cott,on. Husk! and Sll1l'!\!41
• CHARLES CON AllAN'. '~tatlOnc:y, tboug~ t¥s~ ...tloles can be obtained of th.. ooMege, ,arriving in 'New Y07k, 00 waited upon by tru.two~thy. P~\:GQ!,s, 'Ma~trnsses, PUl~ .' .tHstComfprt" Quilts, Cu"hlOns, ,I';~r"i""
R~FEaE!(cES. ~t the oldlnary pq~eS. and insY.rncteu as to the cheape.t and most expedl\~u." .rou~\,>,PI. th.lQwest cash PIlC~St~ -"WI'
e 1\[01% Reverend Arch Bl~hop PuaCELL, and Reverend OJ ~~y. • All stu~onts. mu.s!,}>" Ol1ep ten years ofage. ljC:l.Chin!1; ~l\~il' 4estj!l/l.tlDn .
• G. W.Gano, Esq., Cashi.r nfthe La.fa.ydteJJanlcing t;b';'p'!f!l:y , < All oommulllca.tlons to b& addressed ' to Persoriuesi<li!)g jn the coun'cry, andwishingto;~l\\l!fge Jl~ssage Krenzbfif§\,: ~~l~'.C(lq.,
..srs.Groe~beck k Co.,IJ,a.nkersl Messrs. J ·. &J.SleY'n li{ R REV.S, H. ROSECRANS, D.D., ·P""sldent. for,and ~~n4 1I)0n,ey to tlteir friends, can do so by reI4it~jDi!'.to us .. • t f P' t d Lq ~ G'- , .
. ,~. i;~lti I ~l'»JIl:,!CEB :~Tp~ Mor;j; Rev. J. n. PURCELL, ~dl.lJilb.ol! oj; by mlli!, "\l'jt~ f\jll db....tions, which shall re",,;,yq. lPIw~i'th',!!i.~ ~~\\ urer~ 0 - lC uta an ~. '. . ~ .. SU,,!(~ .
uel W1UIIlB, Blq,; (]\wlg. Ca<llsle, Esq,
""'.~ . t"
"",d, .~,!l~~ ~ oHlle l.'l.-. !l"tc~ All " .~~ipt ,~tW1led b;, ftr.t 1IllIiI. ' . . . ',,~ ,,: I,oeIt street, between 1I'Ifiib snd Sill., ,)i'i:'~iDlliW)
Circumstantial Evidence. also found-or one supposed to be the knife
wbenp.e the Rev. W, F . O'Neill removes to A NEW BOOK, FORCHRr TM AS AND
We find in a New Have n paper the follow- u~cd to complete the murder, Benson describ· '" are ~poken of, but we
Carrick . . OLher chanO'es THE NEW YEAR!
bg account of th e arrest of an inD ocent man cd .th e ga ngway through which the body was call1l ot gIve them as auth entic . ~ lVCTfOl'd In-
for murder, the nppearan, ce of the carrI~d to the ha y. mow in an' adjoining barn, dependent. 12m a cl?tb, 75e. ; gi lt sides, $1 00; gilt edges nnd sides, $1 26,
person and here tracks in the snow were rem~mbered Ju. st P1tblish ed ,'
thou ght to be dead, and th e urrest of th e to have been seen from on e barn to the other.
A Car d.
wretched witn css. This is allother instan ce of Bemon said he never saw the boy before th e
We tbe und ersigned would respel'rtful1y call t.he ftttentiou of
.the facility with whi 9h a foreigner, and parti- murder, ' but he remembered his appearance. the ~!USICAL I!nOFESSIO~, Head, of Somit}>lries and the OF Tll E

He pi c~{Cd out a man in .the room, who ?ad

l't'Iusic lovinJ,! pu blic in goneral to OU1- ex tonsh'o stock of l\[usi· HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH;
cularly an' Irish man, is prejudged and his life cal Merchandise. .
d d tl r ht t ., f '1 such ball', and the futher saId tbe comparIson Having latoly purchased the Stoek of lItmic o[S. O. .Tollie of OR,
en angere on Ie Ig es ~usplClon 0 gUl t. 'wus correct. No doubt now remain ed on th e Broad way, New York. a. succcssor of one ofthu Oldest Hou::c:- s in
t~ e 1\fusic 'fTade in the On ion: we are onablcu to reprefcllt. en Flowers from the Garden of the Liturgy.
A Singula r Case. mind of any person in the room of the guilt of tlre, tbo catalog ues of all thc Yarious publishers in this coun-
try. BY ItBV. ' H I. ;r. HAItItY.
NEW HAVEN, December 19. -Lnst winter, Nugent. Whe n the prison er was br~b.ght in Our stoclt of I mpor ted and nome :\-In,T1ufactured Mnsic:ti Ar~
a hoy nam ed Charl es E. Suge, about nineteen he was asked if 'he knew Benson , und he said ticle~ , havin~ hocn purchased for Cash. on t h o most favo r able Publlsbed with the Approbation of the Most Rev. J.B. Purt'en,
t o.rms t.mables 11S to off\Jr our Good~:1.t prices to suit the times
years of age" was missing from his hmne in "No-he bad never seen him before." Bcn· wlth~\I t deviat~ng from t?u r 0ne Prico,s.yste m. ' ' D. D., Al'chbi~hop of Ci ncinnhti.
Cn,t,ulogues of our PUbltcatlODS of Si\.cr ~d a nd other 3-Iusic wi ll
CromVlell, near Middleton, in this State, and son replied, "Yes you do, Nugent, an d you be sent gratis on n.pplic..'\.t.ion. In pre:senting this u s~fu l and instructive book to tho world,
an-Irisbma n, ,nam ed Patrick Nup:ent, was ar- know you killed that boy, and that I helped to W, O. Pl!:TERS &80)18. the publil'iher is ~ti mu lated to t h e ent~rpl'i so by the master ly
No. S East Fourth stl't~e tJ CinCinna ti :,
re~ted on the charge of his murder and putti rw put the , body under tbe hay." Benson was mann er in wbich the tn-I ent-ed an d. gifted a u t h or hl.s expla.ined
the body und er the ice in the Conn-ecticut then told to look Nuge nt in the face and tell and dl",'eloped th e mystic but beautiful mc:t.ning of the Ceremo. .
river. the whole story. He did so, N ugent all th e N E liV BOOKS nia! s of the Holy CatholicChul'ch. 'l'be e::&plnn;ttions nre ofsueh,
a natu r e th at cyery Christian ~hould make thc.t;n a ....,tu dy, and
10 a few months aft.erwards a body was while trf' mbling like a condemned ·c'Ulprit. On JUST RECEIVED po!'sess,h1mselfoft h e fund ·ofinfol'mn.tion th ey contain , Wl·U,tE,JD
found in, the 'river without a head. This bod y being-
, I k told . that
b heGwasd . in a bad scrape, he said, SEASONABLE AND VALUABLE GOODS ! so simply and beautifully tha t they have called forth ,the unani-
was believed to be that .of the missing Iboy, , now It, ut 0 IS m!llna,n -he will get mous pI'aise a nd r.ommend~\tion of th o Ca,tho1i l~ prl's.c;. Th ~ 8u"l>
from several marks upon it, as well as from n me aub of it. " jects treated of in 1his volume (\oro t.hoso which full more fre..
A fresh Supply of quentl.v under the observation of. . Clt t holics, viz.:
portion of th e clothing. Soon afterward, the Nugen t was then remanded to prison, and
THE CONVER 'r j The Lita n ies; Ang-elns;
Iioing of an overcoat was found, an swerin g to his trial, it was supposed, wonld take place the Hymns; The Cnnfitool' ;
the description of th ut worn by th e missinp: pre~ent month-but circulustances have i)3used OR, LE AVES FitO~I i\1:Y EXl'ERIE~CE. nl es~ed Candles; H o] v "-:lter:
DY O. ./J.. B RO WNSON. Holy A5he.s j . , • Ot1 r~ JJI ' rd ' s Crm:s ,j \
person. Some months drter, a sai lor, Damed a delay. Benson 8aid ' he came to Cromwell ~rhe Cro!"s and th e Crupi1ix j The Hclicf' of th e Passion;
BensQn, directly charged .NugeIl t, the II'ish. expressly to make 'a clean breast of the whole The Author says: " 'rho ,'olume bere offered to the reading Thlee,""sGeodld];",ulrnIl .OSe; I ~'he 1I01y on,; ,
public is DO work of fiction, a.nd the person who g i Yes an account n .. The pJlf:chal Ca.ndle;
man, witb the murder. affa ir-that since the murder be had been The A '!r. u~ Dei : 'l'he llofifu'y ;
of himself is no irn<1ginnry perSall around WbOlD I have chosen 'I'be Scapular of our I.,ady of The Boo SCll. p ula,r ofthePassloD·
He said he saw the deed done, and assisted shipwrecked and was nea r losing his life- to we:tvu pnsso.!;es from my ow n experience. 'l'he persoll who ~ r ount Cnrnwl: Rl csscd FQod' '
Nugent in putting the cOl:pse under a ha,ymow. that he h,\d not enjoyed a rno::n ent's peace tells his story Is myself, and I ha.vo /t iw ed to tc'l l Illy ~t O I·'y, so The Episcopal Or\JamcntlO, The Pn.l1illm·'
Wit,h an Ap]lendix. '
He described accurately the lad'.s appearance , of mind- that he knew tbat bis confession fa r as it bears on my religious convict.ions and expel'ienet~, with
sil:pplicity, franloHlBs, lind truthful nof.s. 'l'hl! I;ook. wh:ltoY€l' 1'h is Boolt iS,a 12mo ()f nenriY ,tbl'ce hu ndrcn pages, J llu~
his dress, the color of his hair, and d,ecl\\red WQuid implicu t'e hi mself, Ilnd th at if he was trntcd, printed .from n heautiful faced ' typo on 'tine wbHe
else it mayor may not be, is a n h onest book."
that he bad not' had any peace' of mind since !lot hun g as an acco mplice, he wou ld go to IXl llCl'. a v~ry n eat a n d read:thln volumo. It j ~, l)lll'tic~larly, jn·
the murder, twd that he had come to Crolll- State Prison for . life-but
. h he
ld did not care LIFE OF ST. ANGEI,A 1Lr:!UCI OF BRESCIA, tended for the useof Catholics .. gelle raliy; a.nd tlle h ~\1ldsome m an
well expressly to divulge_ all he kn elV about it, wbat, .b ecamef 0f I!Im
b If e cou but ease his F ou Ud l"C5S of the Ordcl' of St. Ur5ultt j n er in wh ich it is got up mal{cs the BObl:: wen suited· for pl'esents:
He confronted Nugent and ' charged tbe deed 'conSCI ence o · the urden wbich the dreadful DY THE ADnr. P,,-RENTY.
Orders are rCflpedfnlJy I'ol icit.ed, to which the most careful and
prompt attent.ion will be given.
lIpon him. Th e accused denied i t, but trem- secret had oast upon it) and which he could With an Account of the Order inIrelalld,C.nndct,:md tlteUnitcd JOHN P. WALSH,
'l)\ed from .head to foot. -" not oth erwise bhake off. Sta~es, b~' John Gilmary Shea. 16mo. pp. 201- 170 Sycamore street. Cincinno,li
A true bill :was fou ~ d ' against Nuge nt, and * .' * ' * * * ' * * * OURISTIANl'ry IN OUINA, T:>\.RTAlty, i~ D' 'fUIBE'f, 13y ,- ---"-""-='-'- P.l/bUshed, )

he was to be tried this month . Within a few Notw ithsta nding the direct character of the above' M. L'Abb. Huc, formerly Miosiollary Apostolic in OhiDll,
~ays, however, the missing bol.' has beell di~-
J ,
tesll mony, ~u bsequent ,events show that the eye that
never ~leep s- th e hov1dence that is ever a c~i v.e in all
author of "'rhe Ohinese Empire," etc, 2 vols. Hmo. pp,706.
$1 00.- T H'E 9 R D 0 FOR
18 8 q
,covered in the interior of 1'en'nsylvania by his tbe nflUlr~ of manl<lnd-.was. wawhful and Vigilant aSI 'rhowo,'k whicll is no" submittod t o t ile American public Is Cloth, Flexible, 50 CE'lltS. Blunk 'Shee'ts between the
uncle. , A special court wa~ immed iately held, ever to bllll g out the a stou ndln~ uuths that seemed to the result of the miHsion:lI'y experience of Abhe lIuc in Ohin n. L eaves., 75 cents.
und Nugent was liberated . , lIe so far beyond all hum an VISIOn. Mr, Sage, the falher It hns enabled him to ullfold IDany part';cnl",'s counected with Tho OHDO for 1858 isjust Pllbli,hP.dand ready for dcl.i....ry.
... C!f the missin!! boy . has a brother-in-law in Ith aca, New tho missions ill tha t, co untry whi t:h wert! I,;efore uuluJO'w n.
Benb0nJ the sailor, ha s·beeq' arrested for per- York , nallled Williams. who has" son abou t the' uge of ~'r~lll tho natu re of its couteI)ts aud fro!fl the,v",'iud ImO\il"dge 9 0'Nen,TU ~I CINOIN NATENSE 1'l1.0YINCrAl,Il" IMBITUM I I
jury with inteot to take life. He' acknowledged his missin a cousin , This lad received, a fortni ght sin ee of Its learned aulhor, It Ul\lSt find ,,' homo in "vCl'y 'Ontholi0 jll ' ANNO \ 1855. ( .• Y , t;uo
~ a laller fl'l~m the interiorofPenllsylvania siO'ned 'vVillm: If"I.~, ~~d be r",td by everyone.",:ho dusire. to Im?w the stato of l~it.he l· will be scnt by mnil on tho ;cceipt of eighteon tbrt:C
hi!! 'guilt of the crim e, which will send hi m to f'"\ usse II , \\~ h'Ie I1 nlU de some SUSpiCIOUS
' , 'c. ,Obmt"'lllty III tbat counlry. whICh IS now ofl""glng 1ll:l11 espc· ceD t postage stamps.
alluslons t o ius cia.lmannertbe attuntion ot both th e Old unltbe NeW' 'W orld .
State's Pri80n for,life. cousin , Charles E. Sage. Young Williums answered it, ' All (trders ,w ith which th e !>ubscriber may be favorad will be
when another leiter came_ · Mr. Williams, the elder, ' THE HAl\11LTONSj promptly s.ttended to. ,
Ihen wrote back to Pennyslvanin, to the aforesaid Rus· JOHN P.' W,AI',SH,
(From the New Havell (Conn .) Palladium.) sell-having previously written to tbe posLmaster of the BY OOHA HERKr,EY, 40c. 1170 Sycnmore st reet, Cincillnati.
One of, the . mo:~t relD~rkable ca~es on the town. asking him to wa loh for t.he person who should
cali fQr any letter addressed to ,William Russell, and de. "THE THREE; ELEANORS," .I
criminal records of this or any oih er 'co)lntl'y, scribe him. Hd did so. On receiving the description, By tho Author of "The ilnmiltons," Price UO cento, Young Men's" Catholic Literary Institute
has just come to our knowledge. Even now, Mr, Williams immediately left Ith uell for Pennsylvan i'u, I '
and ~card lhat the young man he was in pursuit" of had Thellistory of II'eland from the E'"'liost Period to the English
--'- '
Lec,t ures. '
with tlood of li ght thrown upon th e case, been III that place for so me m01~lhg, and that he had
Illvasion. , lly the Kev. Geoffrey Kenting, D, D. TrlLUS' The YCIl.1Tlg Men's Catholic Lifcrhl'Y I n,.;.fitu te ~espectt''-1.l)Y
a portiull of it is involved in tbe ' deepest mys- been keepmg school. He soon lound the young man , luted f,om' the origInal Gaelic, aud copiously annotated ::t;lIlouno:elS
tery. but instead of'vVilliam Russell, he proved to be his O)V n by Jobn .O'Hahony. WH.~ " lItap..showing the locatio~ l'il xth r~!!Ul~lrtbat it bas completed its iWI 'angnm~nts for i'ttl
conr~e of Lectu res. t o be delivered in tne n&...~
nephew, Charles E. Sage-the lad who was 8upposed to ~fth:auc,"ntOlans. n~.d;" IopograplI,calludex. 8,0. pp, ment of the CathedrH1 during th e coming l:i(l~lson: .
Most of om "rea<jcrs ,will remem ber the fac ts be, dead' and buried in his father'S lot in Cromwell' ,51., aud sold at sullscllbers prICe, ...................... " ..... $2,UO ['he ·Four·th ,I . edUl·e in c!mrse ltill be deli.,,-ercd ~.t:(
generally, as heretofore published in the news- Here was a myste ry of mysteries 1 It is not stated' whnt Evidencel3 of Catholicity. ]fond:\y J~\"enil' g., .Tanu'lry 4th, lafiS, hy Hev. w~ .narrJ.
papers, concernin g the disappearance, last win· renson Ihe boy gave for his eXlJaordinary conduct. The Lectur(>s on the Evidencos of Catholicity; deliver ed iu the 4:-0n ~ubj ec t-" Ancient nnd Modern Popull\.( Amusements:'
ter, of Charles Ii:. I::lage, from his hom e in Crom- uncle immediately 100 11 him on wilh him to Ithuca, and Catlledral of Louisville. Dy M . •r. Spnlding, D, D., Bishop 5-0n :'tr ondny l£ven in!I. ury llth , hy RI;" ~ ' Dr. 8. n. R~
then tu rned his face toward Cromwell to see his brother, of Lonisyillo. SCt!on d. ]~ditio n, r ovised u-lId enlarged, .. . $1.25 crnns. Su bject-Ie The }'om-th Coun cil of LAtern n ." II<
well, near Middl etown, in this State. We re- the boy's falher, 6-0n Monday El'elling, .January 18th, by ](eT. W . Bal'l'ett,
eapitulute the fac ts briefly, as they came out in After remaining ill his family nenrly a day, and muk· A newand heautiful l':pition of SubJect-·, Tbe Church aed the Famil y."
the testimony : ing all the inquiries thu,t he desired, he revealed to Mr. MOONEY'S .HI STUl:ty OF UmLA ND . 7-0? ~:Ionday Evening, ,Tanun,'y 20th, by Ill. Y. 'Daley, E!II).
Sage the fact Ihat his SO li was alive, and told the whole , In 2 vols. ,Pdce $4 00. Sul)Jept.-t' 1taly .Among t.ho Nations}' ,
Youug. Sage was eighteen or nineteen years story, but with t.he injun ction that not even the mother MY 'fRIP TO FH:ANCE, by Itov: Jolin P: Donelan: "6e 8-0n l.Iond ay Evening. }\Sbrua.ry l'st, by nov. R. Gilmore. Sub- '
·of age. During ohe (If the coldest m(;rnino-s of shou ld be informed of the facts un lil after hig counsel BROWNSON'S 1,EYIEW for O c tob ~r. jed- I' Middle Ages."
had been ptit in possession of them . The counsel 'were 9-0n Monday Evening, li'ebruary 8th, by lIon. J. E . Egly,
last. winter he was sen t by his father to the barn told the stol'y:on Salurday. As late as yesterday the THl!l METROPOLl'l'.\ N for December.
YOUTIJ'S CATHOLIC Jl[AGAZINE for September, Octoher SnNect-" Philosopby of Distory." t
to feed the cattle. The boy declined goin g, be- mother was ignorant that her son was ali ve. November , and Decem ber. ) 10-On Monday Evening, Feb. 15tll, by Ohas. W. Doitrich, l:S<J,
cause he had been threa'tened with violence by Judges Storrs and Butl er~ were imniediately notified of Vialsh's Eccleslasticaillistory oflrela.nd, il1ustrl\.ted, •..... ... 3 .00 Su bject-· India and h~'r Rulers." • L

the facts, when they ordered 1\ special session of the Ca rewls " " .' wol1 bound in 11- 0n Monday E"ening. Februel'Y 22d. hy Jud~. G:Ii. HilW,,-
an Irishman. named Patrick Nugent, wha kept Court, to be held at Haddam at two o'clode this after· sheep, ... .......... .......... ,.................. .. ,.................... ,... 1.5Q Su bj cC't -.. Goverunlcnt/' - '"
his horse a~'th\! barn. Th e father thought the noon, at which lime 'tile prIsoner, Patrick Nun-ent, with Dr. Cahill's ' VOI'kf.;, cloth,.. •. ...... .. ... . ... ... . . . .. ... .. .. .......... .. .flO
[n bel'D ia~l!- NiglJ'ts' l~ntcrtlli nmcnt , .......... : ........ ... ,' .. ....... :. 1.25 12.-0n Mon~:\y · )~venin ~, March lfit, by Captain 'Va ·S. nn.~
excuse a Irivolous Olle and co'mpelled th~son to the wi,lness Benson, would be brought before ii, when 'a Militllry.Histol.yoflrC:'land 2.00 crftns. Sll bjec t-" As4"onomy."
. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . '
nolie pmseq"': wonld be enlered"and Nugent would be Lifo of Curr!\ u, by his ~o n , ..... .. ... ... ... ................ .. .......... ].2.'1

l1he Lpctul'e~ will commcnce a.t 7 l,~, I). M .. of each evening.

go, wh o departed in tears. This was the last discharged a li'ee man! Tbe elder Sage has ,aO'reed to Shi oFs Sketclws of th e Irisb Bar , 2 vols. 1.50 Admi,.ion-'rEN OENTS.
j ... ..... ...: ............ . . ' ,'
seen of him. by the family. give the prisoner t.he sum of two hund red dollars, to reo Dnrl'in gt6n s SIt-etches, ... .. . ........ ~ ...... .. ........ .......... ...... ...... 1.26 ,,-lie entire proceed" of th e cour!io·wil l be divided e(!t;ally t ..

Suspicion of foul play WU8 at once arou sed, munerate him in part for his loss of Lime. Gera ld Griffin'A Wor ks, 4 vol s.. n ow I"e:tdy~ PQ!' "o1.. .~ .. ....... 1.00
St. John'!' !Hanual elegant1y bound, fl'oUl ........ ...... ·Sl.DO to ] (J.OO tWNm the Dltlces:m ~t)lniDnry an d ~ t. Petcr's and St . Jo~pb '8
The same juurnal continues : CJatholic Orphau Asyl ums.
lind Nur:;ent was urrested. B ut the evidence
'l'he r e!Ldar ,vill concede t h at thi s is one of tho mo.s.t rcmu,l'k· ~~,~':~,~r;i~~~TI~~,~Y';jii:::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::~~:O?~,3~:~g • 11. C, F A,l1TUJNG, Pre.idcnL
WIlS not'tQen deemed , sufficie nt to commit him. :tb l o \c;.t:~es· on ,.t.b a cdminal records. #Not only. circumst.Rllti:lrl " "of Luther, 2 voll'j., .......... ......... .... .. .... ......... ... 3.75 i10rr ~ CLARKE, Reco rding ~ecrehl~y . '
'0 ll01'7

A hole was fou nd in the ice in th e river in the e,-iLlcuce of the stt'ong!;!~t cbl\racter tended; to f;f'nvict NuglJ nt 1.'omporn.1 and E te l·lH\.I, ~ ... ... .. .. ...................... .. . .... . ... ... ...... 'l.~ [j
rear of the barn, and i ~ was suggested that the but by .Pro\'ideutbl interposltioll , was fUl'ui shed, such ~ g~;!~:;~"~~~:I~~Y~t~~~t~,··::::::: :::·:·:::::.-:::::~:::.:::::::::::::::::.::::: . $~:g~ ' Dodge's Patent Ope~~St~-;'an~ Fi~e­
but di.lect. and f.H)f'it.ive lest imony, from which there was n o es:

body of the boy had been put throug'h the open· :Hut, to IC:Lve not [\ shadoW' uf dou bt of his g uil t in a.n y rat iona l lllind. lCanons and Decr ees ... .... ......... ..... .. ....... ........ ................. 2.25 Places.
Itt tbo very ] moment, the as to unding fact is reycu l ~ d Ctl-pt::lin'J{ook ill nome, .... .............. .. .................... .. ......... 1 .2"-,
ing into the rive r. Some time after a body Wa S tuat tho sup posed Ulurdered boy is. s.till livin g I 'What Benson : .G ootl Mothel' of a Fflmily, .... .. ............. ! .......·. .................... ,55 Old Grates Re-set. '
wit.D e~~. wi!! 5:IY when he lalirn s this fact isyet t o be Imow n. Legends of the Commandmen t s ...... .......... ...... .......... .. .. .. .. 100 '
foun d on the river bank , nea\' Lym e, and was tho Wb l\t m utiYe h o coulJ fo r such a sto ry, thu s implicatm g " U Sev\!d Dpt\.dl y Sins, .. .... ....... ...... ......... .. ...... 1.00 Jt Is D?t neccfisa.ry to r~UlOye ~a~'p£'ts to #add 't hls impro't''' II

m~\l'v tl~. The Aspi rations of Nl1ture, bY'I Rcl'.. I. T. HCt'ker. 'j f) mcnt,1\5 It 'can bc dene wIthout lDJu ry to CIU'p'.!ts or fur.
believe ~_ to. be th at uf you,n g' Suge. The fut ht'r lLimsolf, is lL How he could have guessed so accurn'tely
ut th e dress and p er~olH,, 1 Appcn.ratlce of th e Ind, whom ,he ha d 'l'bo Questions of the Soul " " tun:. H ' .. #
who desire econOJ~lr and comfor t. in 1h eir ii.res t-b ould ex·
saw upon it severul marks whi'cb corresponded n e vor see n. is "qUldly as~o uudilJg . 'Vbtl.t oceaf; i on ~ d th u bl ood Graco 0 Halloran; or Irolnnd and Its Pllasuutry . .A. Talo of th e amAll
, .. . • • t)
in e DODGB'S PA'llK~ r befOl"Clll nking th 'I'r '\" t . ' ", ..,
with those 'upon the 'body of his SOli. rr he' heiO'ht ou the barn fiool' is not yet mHue known. ,VhO!;c bbdy i t was Day. By Agnes M. Stuwar t. . 1 '25 monts. . . ~ 111 e~ arru.Dg~·
that was fo u nd ltu d buried as tbnt of young ~age is still a. mys·
was precisely th e same, and a piece of the c~aL tery, And Dot eve n s uspected. ncudrick'C(!nscien c~!s Popula r Ta lcs. 75c. pft l' " 01. If il js a.n ohicet to tiny por {'eut. moro bel\t (1'0'[ 0
isp ropl·.r to suy het~e tlia t th ere b as been a.stor -· ,afloat tha t C~m on Schmid t's 'I'nles. ~5t!. p€r vo1. fi fty pe r tent. les,," fucl i D\..'D GW~ PA'rgN'£"wlll aecorn"pJi~b it.
f •

was recognized as_resem bling .th e coat worn by yoIt If it is de~ir::d.JJI! t o Hyo id ,tlJ e dust usua l iu tile old metbod of
ung :::;lig~ attemp t ed some violcn'co upon a yo ung girl, eight
uino years of ag~, befo re h is dep!!.r tUl'e; a nd it has heen sur· A large nSRor tmen t of ,"cIvet· bound Books, all colors, in ~il;ver, ••ttiog grat-es, DOJ)(}l!:'S I'A'fll:-l'f will tlo it.
biB son. .In the spring, the lin i ng of an over- mised that this WitS t h e cause of bis a.bsence, an d tlll! reason ,vby ivory, pearl, a nd gold ornaments, ch~ps, medallions, &c.,'&c·, &c' DO~d'~~ t~~~~~~~r~njOY the perfcction o~ an Qpen fire then 1i ~
coat; correfpon ding with that of young Sage, ho has not Leen brought baek to Cr omwell . For tbe t ruth of Ciu c~l~ n~ti , December 7. l,S5'i.;-;-Joh n B . ,lty{ln-"~e -lla,'c had
story, we ~nnot vouch. Devout 1I1anua.l. lSmo . found :qn the banks of the ri ver, near Cro,m- thi;; '
, b:Ii·. Su~e, th e ftlt.her / h us til ways bortle an excolle nt raput .ttion, ',(bls is a new"(~ditiou of this VUlllu.l)ie l' r uye.l I~gOk, prin tc1d some .ot 'OU I' ol.~ gl'ltte~ ~,cse t WJt~l I. Do~g:~':-. Pn.ten.t 1'ID pro'H~~
mcnt lU .(JP C ~l ~lI" f.lplL1 ~'cs, an d c h~or fuJ:y r~c('lU llu end it to all
well". Still the re was . no positive ev iqence ' ~ud h is children h been well educated . Dee of his daughters from ver y large ty pe, f rom SOc. t~ $2 flU' wb.o de~ll' i:) cODlfort !l.ud eco nomy 111 th l'iI til'e~. ;,V{e have !tot

against Nugent, but su&pieion gre\y stronger aISryil-nas.\ accomplished young lady, and is r eceiving tI. very l uge sal:-
$ocb ool teacher . All sor ts Q.f conjectu res h ave been pd· Goods ''::,'ldtablc / 01' Christmas P1·esen ts.
~o~ted. strictl y t~o I:elat.iyo pro}Jorti? ' 1 of fu(;l t1s~d,but aresllt.ieficd
tb:lt lS lugs thun In t h e old methr:d. uodJ\'o foul t:ure1be he:tt
v~te l y as to tht:: fll thcr ls compl icity wit.h the affair, but the
dally, until at length all ,doubt IVa's r.emoved by most roliable authorities bt:1ieve h im entirely innocent. ['he ROSAIUES, in pearl, carll.}, garn et, ivory, COl'lWli aD) Eilvcl' cocoa. UlI'own i nto tl1~ r oom if; nen r ly twice as great. It radi:ttea the
the appearance of a sailor named John Amos whole Ir u r.h wHI, howevel', in time be ou t. bon6,aud wood' hou t t~ 11.11 parts of tht) r oom! :Illd s~lpp refiSC~ t he drnul:ht of
col d . ~Ilr toward the fire. An?lhHI' )JlIPOI' !:I1I~ peculiari t.y ) Vie
Benson, whose testimony was direct and posi- I!~As to B.a nson, h e wi ll far e httrd j for he hIlS n ot only b een
il ty of perj ury , ns now ~ppe.<t r s . but perjury of th eblad:est STATUARY of 1111 sizes and prices from 35.0. to $10. ~bl'icrvl!, we ure not troubled wlth !J ust: WhH:b IS 80 a"~trudtve
t.o c.1 rpel:-; and furn hure.-K. Yan!ll'y, JItJIle~ Hall, .1 . H. Lft('(!Y,.
tive. 'We give bis statement below, as it was lund-that of a ttempting to swe.."1.r a.wny th e life of !tnQthel', the CltUCI}'I XES in ivory, veltrI. hone, Pl'tlSS: irOll, ''\''ood, nnd gutta. Ch llrlc:-; B. b'ootu, Jns. A})plu~ntc. Samuel Joh n!"on, 1[. L.1j·llnl)'.
ponalty for which crime is imprisoOm Ctlt for life in the Stattl Pd- ll ercha. ·WU'l. lL C.ol~mRI': A. l·f,. l-'oull5fprd. 'J h os. -Rhel'l ock; vA. 'v l"raD-
given dOling the examin uLi,? I1. N uge nt waS ~on. llut, then, the que~tiol1 al"i se~, ",hosp. bo~ y WH5 thll t found? I !

then arrested. wh ose blood Oll the noor ? Wasauy body murdered at: tbe time ENGRAYINGS-Fin e steel, mezzotints, ll·thog' r.'tphs, rico I,nper, c~!ico! 'fhomns Thom:ls Ha rdi ng, lL ~. MCCl'i:wkf' u, )\'. J.
S. Butler , Donn Piatt, .Jomes.J. Butler. ' ~ ~ itema.n,
]Jenson s upposed or pretentl pd to suppose that yo ung Sage was &c" &c., &c. .lohn B. HYILn,-1 have been using Dodge" l':\f-"nt Open Stov.
Ben~on stated that he was passing through killed? WiJI UenF-on now i DRist that he SllW what. be so soll!U1o ly for OVl!l' fou r weeks. It.nd cOnsider it t be m oS ecoDoDlica.l and 8
Cromwell 011 th e day of tbe disappearance uf sWCJre to, nnd· has so often repeated? Dou btless) the yeil will be !lIEDALLl b ~S A~D RELfQUARIES in coruelian, gold, sil\Ter, comfortable ft rrungemen't for b ea ting dwo¥Jngs J have ev('l _
lif:ed fJ'om t he whole mystery. 'I'he blood mny be prol'cd t o bo and Plaster.ot:P,.l.l·is. ti-ied. It hents two small r ooms cOJllfbr}"~Y. nIHl does ~ot eon· ,
young Sage, and whtfn near the barn, he heard tho.t of some butchered animal, us ",:IS intimated by Nugcn4. . ' • 5'u mc over half t h e cont I tbrmcl'ly l.-it!d HI oue J$ l grate,
and to ilave bee n long siota :-pilled . llutwe will not conj t!cture 10 gold .a.nd silver ;. and a well~selccted stock of Sta- which did n ot give ha.lf os Inu('h ~at :IS tbu Sto~e. As the n
all altercutioi) . H e loo)ied in and SllW Nugent upon these que~J ipns: for it, i s YB;in: ~lltil m.o re time has e la psed. MEDALS tuotts~ cO Ulp~ i sing Iwcry reli~ious SUbjl"Ct, v iz. : heat i s all tbrlJwn out in front.. ,tve titm'c .docs not get ho~, is. ..
and his wife, and a' boy whom he 'described, not For !-'QUle of t h l;ltl.bove 1'(!aSODS, it alU1o~t SOUtn Stl.S n·the boy coulu thcx:efor e gives no' iron b c':t~, n-~ ft:h I consJ'del' 11'61"Y prejudlrislI
ba Jivi ng-b ut l1eitl1er the judges nor prosec uting offioer s The Adoration of tho Magi. to h"allh and comfort. J r:beC'rfull y recomlllond it to ~11 who 10
ll_nd- whose description answered perfectly to h"ve" shadow of doubt of that fact. The Flight iota I~gypt . . vullle thc luxu ry oru .co)D fortable firc. . A..~ . POl:ln sfor~ '8
t hat. of youn g Sage. Nugent, with an oath; B'l!l/\,SON OONFESSES IllS PEB.JURY. , ' H" t t p I have on~ or Dodge's Patpll t Stu'\'(~s l1l \\ !o;D 10 my d've1hnA,
I thed In. ll vi, a
A 1:N \I..D, CO rayer. nod fully CO ll CllJ' witp :Mr. \:o ll t;sfor d i n r egard to, the eCf)DOll'l)', t
Tho Middlesex Coun t y" Argus " of :F riday ndds :
struck dow n the hoy with a club, and th en The bOY, Ch arles E. t-age, I S Al.lVB ! 'l'his is unqu estionable. A Monk, ,~ convenience a ndP\Jrity ofqcat obtniued fl'Colll it.. lobeerfuU,-
stabbed him with a knife. 'As he looked out !J.'he testimouy of the sallol', BenfjOD, so flLr as any knowlcilge 'L'he Goo d Samaritan. r(,coDlm e~d i t to .an h6useleepCl s . ~1'.n1Uel Fli~kinl!;er.
of the UlurdBI' is couccrucJ, was false, iIi. liue) letter, and syl- 'rho U oly lfamily, a g roup. r b~l\'e beeD usmg one of Dodgels f:-. knt Open St oyes in my
of the door, he saw the witn ess, BEllson- labia. office for two mtJntbs pH.Fit, and think it ~upcri or to any Stew
asked him what he; was doing there: and ll.llollson was 3.rL ·e,ted on Wedo1;':sdn.yevenin g by Dcputy Sheriff Mnrringe of th e Blessed Vi rg in Ilnd St. Joseph. a .group. with which I nm acqua1l1te.d. Alex. H. :McGuffey.
H. Wtlrner, i nCroIDwe ll , to ans."·er to the ' chargl~ of petjury, Presentation of Our Lord in the Te mple. ' A few or t.~ e n o.Dl cs. O~ persons iu.Cincinl1ati l:Il:d 'V ici n';ity wfw J
A tl d 'fi t St fO
finally compell ed him to come in and help hi'll with intent to tnkelife. He pleade'l guilty. This will.end him cos yan magm cen • atue 0 ur Lord. ropre~e.nted at the Smi t.h & Co .• Neff. Uro. &; Co., J. 'W. lIenm, Esq., arc n(l\V usmg D..:. dge3 .Patent Grate!:! and Sto-vea :- \V. 8. {
Capt. n. A. 1e
to remov e th e body. (W hen he sa id this, N u- to iltate Prison for life. aga of fou1'te~o. .Tones. ' V. P. llltlbcrt, Geor ge R. Sheenbel'ger, WasbJ. rd.'L u: e
ParillO, Alab3stel', China, Porcelain. snd Wedgewortb V:tses. .1ohn Hates, Mr. Hopple, D S Sinton, l\lfred UurDct' HOD P ,
gent's wife excluimed, "Oh, what a lie I")
Benson added that he did not remove the The following appoin tmcn ts have been r e- Shrines to tho Immaculate COD'ception, from oOe. to ' $10 00. Roger". Jo hn Polloe: I;;, A A Lawrencc, .1 F :n1cli ne, F.U :Melino..
B H Hayes, C P Cassiiy , W" H :i\lorri:;;:, Hev oW l)urceU, Jtev R- T
Collins. H a Ycatman , l{ ]'l llart l ~tL, Dl' B ElJrn~e.n, Morritt l '1_
body to the hay-mow- which he had never cen tly made, by his Lordship the B. ight Rev. Portfolios and Alb u ms ill Papier ':dache, Morocco, and ~rUSli D, Yan.trna.n, Cy ru s CroTlper: Calcb Cl!lrk .•lm:cph Dr B]Jer. ,,' 8.1()bn-
- AT,So-- .

!!eC l) before or ~ince. He was asked what Dr. Furlong, Bishop of Ferns : The Rev. P . C. rlcbly gilt. " scm, A B Coleman, 11 ·W Derby; Dr NortO)1, Wt .1 Drake, Peter J..
White, E A LI'cIIg:uson, A W Loomis .. •J ' Vr Kirk , Ht n ov Ard...
young Sage had on his feet, and he answered Sheridan, of (Janick-Ban now, ht\s been nom,i- Maf;slYe sctts ')1' Cruot.ts fer the Alt~lr. ui~llf.lp Purcell, A!\'l IIxll , CoVillbrtOll : I\y; i\1i~s. N Eennedy~ d~ ;
natod Dean of St. Peter's College (a new Gold, Coral, IJ(>url, Si1 vO', \J et : alJa h 'ory Cr osseR. II nruc~ , do; A D L"ird, do; .J 11 ' Alldn, do' WiIliil-m l!oml\,
" ll puir of cow·h ide boots-one of wbich was Newport, Ky; ' Y S Por te.i , do : J:l.ffit!!i· Wflll1.i·a p ; Hand, InnQi;
Alabnster ShrInes Qfthe Blessed Virgin l):1ury
worD through at the side, the other was worn office); and the B.ev. Mr. Doran, from the 'rogather w'ith n gl'cat variety of !Ioly ' Vator l!'ounts, &c., .te., otc & 'Ve 'Vbilehou~, Spri l1ger & ,rhil cI1HllI.
haYf: lll:myother names: 1;ut tiS the ~bo'V c aTO all well

ttlrough Oil the balL". The father said that British Coll ege, Paris, has bee n appointed Pro- .e:v- As the'fe costly goods been bought for the pre· know n in the city: we prc~'lme . thclI· opini<.\ns ar c suffldent to
convince anyone of the ad\'untajJts iu lJOJlU.E'R A'r}<~N-r:.
was- tme, and that bis son. was about 4aving fessor of French in I,he same institution. The sen~ season, they will be sold ch"'l? for ""sh. Order" "eceil'ert at W. H . MORlnS', 1\0. ~O fiflh streat, wh_ II
the boots mended. Blood was fuund on ·the Rev. John Walsh leaves St. Peter's for the JOHN P. WALSH, the PATENT STO....·B may be feen, . ' ,
curacy of Kilken ny, taking the lJlace of t he- [ Orders a.lso l'C"cl'iv(.'d at ~31t1I\.i D ~ treet: whe1'e auy infornlBti(ll!) It
barn fl oor, and pieces of the floor were sawed 1 70S Y c am 0 res t r e e t., in re"ard to the Patent, or sale of Hights, mlly be oblail/-ed <JI II
up and saved for the trial. Tho jack.knife Was Rev. Jj,dmond Duole, who goes to Kilrune, CINCINN aTI, OliIe. Cd 19 tfJ J , n.RYAN, I'roprlawr.
I .1;

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