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“In a while” vs. “for a while”

I recently got a message that says

Haven't heard anything from you in a while.

I always thought that the right way to say this would be to use for insdead of in. Are both versions correct? Would there be a
difference in meaning?

meaning word-choice prepositions in-for

edited Oct 28 '14 at 19:36

RegDwigнt ♦ asked May 12 '13 at 14:17
79.6k 29 273 362 msgmaxim
420 5 11 15

5 Answers

I'm trying to capture a vague idea floating in my head. Not sure I can explain adequately.

First off, both "in a while" and "for a while" are grammatical and idiomatic per se. However, to
me, "for a while" would mean that their hearing from you is an ongoing process, which you
interrupted for some time — or well, for a while —, but then resumed. Which is not what the
sentence is supposed to express.

What you want instead is "in a while", which also means "for some period of time" but without
implying that the contact has been re-established already, or indeed ever will be. Which is the
whole point of that sentence, after all. It's just a reminder that it should be.

So I would most definitely say, "Haven't heard anything from you in a while".

This might be just my dialect/idiolect, though. I haven't checked any corpora.

answered May 12 '13 at 14:36

RegDwigнt ♦
79.6k 29 273 362

2 For what it's worth, I have exactly the same vague idea floating in my head. – Marthaª May 12 '13 at 15:59

1 So, as I understand, if I wrote to someone after a long period of time, then I would most likely get "haven't heard
from you for a while" in reply. On the other hand, if it was the other person who initiated the correspondence, he
will probably write "haven't heard from you in a while", because he wonders why I haven't got in touch with him
for so long. In fact, that was the case with me. – msgmaxim May 12 '13 at 20:23

The “vague idea” is because for a while specifies a limited time period. If I haven't heard from you for a month,
then the period is over – but it's ambiguous whether it's the silence ending, or just the month. – Bradd Szonye
May 13 '13 at 4:01

FWIW, the Oxford Dictionaries don't do any kind of distinction. It's nice to see that others use them in the same
way I do. – Alfredo Hernández Sep 14 '14 at 8:24

The sentence you give should be:

"Haven't heard anything from you in a while."

"Haven't heard anything from you for a while."

No difference in meaning in this case, at least, not to my knowledge in American English, and
not in my idiolect. But there would in these cases:
I'll give this to you in a while. [Not now, but maybe tonight or next week.]
I'll give this to you for a while. [You can have it for a week or maybe a month, but then I
want it back.]

edited May 12 '13 at 14:42 answered May 12 '13 at 14:36


The distinction between for Duration and in Duration depends on where the Reference
Time is. Reference time is an Instant in time, not a Duration ; but Duration is measured
from it.

In Duration refers to a time period Duration long that ends at the Reference Time
For Duration refers to a time period Duration long that begins at the Reference Time.

answered May 12 '13 at 17:21

John Lawler
79.6k 6 106 289

How does this apply to the example, and are you suggesting "for a while" cannot begin before "now" in the
example (surely not?)? – Cerberus May 12 '13 at 20:59

According to Google Books estimated results, "haven't seen him for years" is actually somewhat more common
than "haven't seen him in years" - but that's a different context, where they must mean the same thing anyway.
John concisely summarises the distinction for contexts such as "We'll stop in/for ten minutes" – FumbleFingers
May 12 '13 at 21:33

1 @ John: Just a wild guess, but might it be that in "haven't seen him for/in years", the "Reference Time" is actually
years ago, when he was last seen. And that this in/for distinction only applies when the Reference Time is now or
in the future, not in the past? – FumbleFingers May 12 '13 at 21:38

1 @FumbleFingers Is it just my perception but do we use in a while in Britain? It sounds distinctly American to me.
I would always say for a while. – WS2 Jun 11 '15 at 16:46

1 As soon as you add a negative to any example, there is a sea change, into something rich and strange. Adding
negation does not simplify syntax. – John Lawler Jun 12 '15 at 14:39

Correct Standard English dictates:

the use of for for duration — "for a length of time", "for seven days", etc.
the use of in (= "shortly") for pending future action only

We shall see each other for a long time/for seven days.

We shall see each other in two days' time/in a short while.

If the action or non-action belongs in the past and continues in the present, then it is more
fluent Standard English to use for:

I haven't seen you for a while/for a long time.

[= It has been a while/a long time since I saw you.]

If the action belongs in the future, then, and only then, is "in a while" correct.


I have not heard from you for a while.

— past

I shall not hear from you in a while.

— future

edited Aug 29 '13 at 22:22 answered Aug 29 '13 at 21:44

RegDwigнt ♦ user50799
79.6k 29 273 362 31 1

These phrases have similar meanings. They are not usually interchangeable, but there's one

for a while

This phrase indicates a limited, continuous time period. If you go on vacation for a week, you
will be gone continuously until a week has passed and then return.

not for a while

If you won't return from vacation for a week, you will be absent for a week and then return.
This usage implies a definite end to the period, although the exact timing may be vague (a

haven't for a while

If you haven't seen him for a week, then he was absent for that duration. Because for indicates
a limited time, this often implies that the absence has ended (as RegDwighт suggests).
However, when talking about a fixed time leading up to the present, it may simply note that the
time period has ended, not the action.

in a while

This phrase indicates a time some distance away – usually, but not always, in the future. If you
go on vacation in a week, you will not leave until a week from now.

not in a while

If you won't return from vacation in a week, then you will still be gone a week from now, with
no indication of when you will actually return. This usage typically indicates a deviation from
plans or expectations: We can't get the job done in a month.

haven't in a while

If you haven't seen him in a week, then he disappeared a week before now. This usage indicates
a time some distance in the past. There is no implication that the period has ended.


For the example in the question, haven't for a while and haven't in a while are roughly
interchangeable. For carries a weak implication that the absence has ended; in does not.

answered May 13 '13 at 3:53

Bradd Szonye
13k 5 30 76

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