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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [1]

Grade 10
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Answer t he quest ions

(1) Simplif y

(2) If sin θ + cos θ = √2 , simplif y tan θ + cot θ.

(3) Simplif y cos 3θ sin3(90°-θ) + sin3θ cos 3(90°-θ) + 3 cos 2θ sin2θ
(4) 6 sinθ + cosθ
If 6 tanθ = 3, f ind the value of .
6 sinθ - cosθ

(5) Simplif y .

2 sin3θ - sinθ
Simplif y
2 cos 3θ - cosθ

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice

(7) If secθ + tan θ = y, f ind value of tan θ in terms of y.

a. b.

c. d.

(8) (sinθ + cosecθ)2 + (cosθ + secθ)2 = ?

a. 6 + tan2θ + cot 2θ b. 6 + tan2θ - cot 2θ

c. 7 + tan2θ + cot 2θ d. 7 + tan2θ - cot 2θ

(9) =?

2 2
a. b.
1 - sin2θ 1 - 2 sin2θ

2 2
c. d.
1 - cos 2θ 1 + 2 sin2θ

(10) If tan θ + cot θ = 7, f ind the value of tan2 θ + cot 2 θ.

a. 49 b. 47
c. 51 d. 45

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [2]
(11) (tanθ + 2) (2 tanθ + 1) = ?
a. 5 tanθ - 2 sec2θ b. 5 tanθ + sec2θ

c. 5 tanθ - sec2θ d. 5 tanθ + 2 sec2θ

(12) =?

a. -1 b. 1/2
c. 5/2 d. 2


a. sin2x cos 2x b. 1

c. sinx cosx d. sinx + cosx

Check True/False

(14) T he angle of elevation of the top of a pole is 25°. If the height of the pole is
doubled, then the angle of elevation of its top will also be doubled.
T rue False
(15) Value of cosec(θ) is always greater than or equal to 1.
T rue False

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [3]
(1) sinθ + cosθ

Step 1

cosθ sinθ
We have been asked to simplif y the + .
1 - tanθ 1 - cotθ

Step 2
cosθ sinθ
cosθ sinθ
+ = sinθ + cosθ
1 - tanθ 1 - cotθ 1- 1-
cosθ sinθ

cos 2θ sin2θ
= +
cosθ - sinθ sinθ - cosθ

sin2θ cos 2θ
= -
sinθ - cosθ sinθ - cosθ

sin2θ - cos 2θ
sinθ - cosθ
(sinθ - cosθ)(sinθ + cosθ)
sinθ - cosθ
= sinθ + cosθ
Step 3

cosθ sinθ
T heref ore, + is equal to the sinθ + cosθ.
1 - tanθ 1 - cotθ

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [4]
(2) 2

Step 1
It is given that
sin θ + cos θ = √2
⇒ (sin θ + cos θ)2 = 2 ........................... [ On squaring both sides ]
⇒ sin2θ + cos 2θ + 2sinθcosθ = 2 .......... [ Using identity (a+b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab ]
⇒ 1 + 2sinθcosθ = 2 ............................. [ Using identity sin2θ + cos 2θ = 1 ]
⇒ sinθcosθ = (2 - 1)/2
⇒ sinθcosθ = 0.5
Step 2
Now we can re-write expression tan θ + cot θ as f ollowing
S = tan θ + cot θ
sinθ cosθ
⇒S= +
cosθ sinθ

sin2θ + cos 2θ
⇒ S = 1/(sinθcosθ)
⇒ S = 1/(0.5) = 2

(3) 1

Step 1
Since sin(90°-θ ) = cos θ and cos(90°-θ ) = sin θ , expression can be rewritten as f ollowing
= (cos 2θ)3 + (sin2θ)3 + 3 cos 2θ sin2θ
Step 2

Since x3 + y3 = ( x + y ) ( x2 + y2 - xy)
= (cos 2θ + sin2θ ) [ (cos 2θ)2 + (sin2θ)2 - cos 2θ sin2θ ] + 3 cos 2θ sin2θ
Step 3

Since cos 2θ + sin2θ =1 and x2 + y2 = (x+y)2 - 2 xy)

= (cos 2θ + sin2θ ) [ (cos 2θ + sin2θ)2 - 2 cos 2θ sin2θ - cos 2θ sin2θ] + 3 cos 2θ sin2θ
= [ 1 - 3 cos 2θ sin2θ ] + 3 cos 2θ sin2θ

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [5]
(4) 2

Step 1
6 sinθ + cosθ
6 sinθ - cosθ

Step 2
Now divide numerator and denominator of this f raction by cosθ
(6 sinθ + cosθ)/cosθ
(6 sinθ - cosθ)/cosθ
(6 sinθ/cosθ + 1)
(6 sinθ/cosθ - 1)
(6 tanθ + 1)
(6 tabθ - 1)

Step 3
Now replace 6 tanθ with is value (6 tanθ = 3)
(3 + 1)
(3 - 1)
⇒S= 2

(5) cosec θ - cot θ

Step 1

We know that 1 - cos 2θ = sin2θ. Using this identity we can simplif y denominator, if we
multiply it by 1 - cosθ
Step 2
Now on multiplying numerator and denominator by 1 - cosθ,
1 - cosθ 1 - cosθ 1 - cosθ
√( ) = √( × )
1 + cosθ 1 + cosθ 1 - cosθ

(1 - cosθ)2
= √( )
1 - cos 2θ

(1 - cosθ)2
= √( )
1 - cosθ
1 cosθ
= -
sinθ sinθ
= cosecθ - cotθ

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [6]
(6) -tan θ

Step 1
2 sin3θ - sinθ
2 cos 3θ - cosθ

Step 2
On taking sinθ and cosθ common,
sinθ (2 sin2θ - 1)
cosθ (2 cos 2θ - 1)

sinθ [sin2θ + (sin2θ - 1)]

cosθ [cos 2θ + (cos 2θ - 1)]

Step 3

Using identity sin2θ + cos 2θ = 1

sinθ [sin2θ - cos 2θ]
cosθ [cos 2θ - sin2θ]
⇒ S = -tan θ

(7) b.

Step 1

We know that sec2θ - tan2θ = 1

Step 2
(secθ + tanθ) (secθ - tanθ) = 1
Step 3
y (secθ - tanθ) = 1
Step 4
secθ - tanθ = 1/y
Step 5
Now (secθ + tanθ) - (secθ - tanθ) = y - 1/y
Step 6
2 tanθ = y - 1/y
Step 7
tanθ = 1/2(y - 1/y)

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [7]
(8) c. 7 + tan2θ + cot 2θ

Step 1

Let's expand using the algebraic identity (a + b)2 = a2 + b2 + 2ab

(sinθ + cosecθ)2 + (cosθ + secθ)2,
  = (sinθ)2 + (cosecθ)2 + 2 sinθ cosecθ + (cosθ)2 + (secθ)2 + 2 cosθ secθ
  = sin2θ + cos 2θ + sec2θ + cosec2θ + 2 + 2
Step 2

Now using trigonometrical identities sin2θ + cos 2θ =1

  = 5 + sec2θ + cosec2θ
Step 3

Now let's use trigonometrical identities sec2θ = 1 + tan2θ and cosec2θ = 1 + tan2θ
  = 5 + 1 + tan2θ + 1 + cot 2θ
  = 7 + tan2θ + 1 + tan2θ

(9) 2
1 - 2 sin2θ

Step 1
On adding two f ractions,

Step 2



Step 3

Using identity sin2θ + cos 2θ = 1





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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [8]
(10) b. 47

Step 1
tan θ + cot θ = 7
Step 2
On squaring both sides,
(tan θ + cot θ)2 = 7 2
Step 3

tan2θ + cot 2θ + 2 tanθ cotθ = 49

Step 4

tan2θ + cot 2θ + 2 = 49
Step 5

tan2θ + cot 2θ = 49 - 2 = 47

(11) d. 5 tanθ + 2 sec2θ

Step 1
S = (tanθ + 2) (2 tanθ + 1)
⇒ S = tanθ(2 tanθ + 1) + 2(2 tanθ + 1)
⇒ S = 2tan2θ + tanθ + 22tanθ + 2
⇒ S = 2(tan2θ + 1) + 5 tanθ
Step 2

Using identity tan2θ + 1 = sec2θ

⇒ S = 2(sec2θ) + 5 tanθ
⇒ S = 5 tanθ + 2 sec2θ

(12) c. 5/2

Step 1
Since tan(90°-θ ) = cot θ and cosec(90°-θ ) = secθ , expression can be rewritten as
f ollowing

Step 2

= 1/1 + 2×1 - (1\√2)2 = 5/2

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [9]
(13) a. sin2x cos 2x

Step 1

(1 + cotx + tanx)(sinx - cosx)

We have been asked to simplif y the .
sec3x - cosec3x

Step 2

cosx sinx
(1 + cotx + tanx)(sinx - cosx) (1 + + )(sinx - cosx)
= sinx cosx )
sec3x - cosec3x
(secx - cosecx)(sec2x + secx × cosecx + cosec2x)
[Since, a3 - b3 = (a - b)(a2 + ab + b2]

sinx cosx + cos 2x + sin2x

( )(sinx - cosx)
sinx cosx 1
= [Since, secx = and
1 1 1 1 1 cosx
( - )( + + )
cosx sinx cos 2x sinx cosx cos 2x

cosecx = ]

1 + sinx cosx
( )(sinx - cosx)
sinx cosx
(sinx - cosx)(sin2x + sinx cosx + cos 2x)

(sinx cosx)(sin2x cos 2x)

(1 + sinx cosx)(sinx - cosx)(sin3x cos 3x)

(sinx cosx)(sinx - cosx)(1 + sinx cosx)
= sin2x cos 2x
Step 3

(1 + cotx + tanx)(sinx - cosx)

T heref ore, is equal to the sin 2x cos2x.
sec3x - cosec3x

(14) False

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ID : id-10-Trigonometry [10]
(15) T rue

Step 1
we know that cosec(θ) is ratio of the hypotenuse to the side opposite to angle to θ , in
a right angle triangle.

Step 2
Since hypotenuse is always greater than or equal to other sides, this ratio will always be
greater than or equal to 1.
Step 3
T heref ore the statement Value of cosec(θ ) is always greater than or equal to 1 is T rue

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