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Approximation of Lightning Current Waveforms Using
Complex Exponential Functions
Mirko Yanque Tomasevich, Antonio C. S. Lima, and Robson F. S. Dias

Abstract—A key aspect to evaluate the lightning performance These analytical modeling approaches are extendedly and
of transmission lines is the correct representation of the lightning successfully used in specialized research. However, engineer-
current waveform considered. Traditionally, the analytical mod- ing analysis performed in electromagnetic transient programs
eling of such data might involve the use of double-exponential (EMTPs) is regularly done using the piecewise linear waveform
functions or even Heidler functions series, i.e., partial fractions defined in [8]. Such simplification might yield inaccurate results
with polynomial functions of variable degree. Herein, we propose
the fitting of lightning current waveforms to obtain a pole-residue
in frequency- and time-domain simulations.
model as an alternative procedure. Purposely, we investigate the In this letter, we investigate the fitting of lightning strike cur-
performance of the vector fitting (VF) and time-domain vector rent data as an alternative modeling approach. Two iterative
fitting (TD-VF) methods to represent continuous lightning cur- pole relocation fitting algorithms are tested: the vector fitting
rent waveshapes originally modeled using Heidler function series. (VF) [9]–[12], which processes frequency-domain data, and
Four nontrivial test cases of single-crest and double-crest peaked the time-domain vector fitting (TD-VF) [13], which employs
lightning waveforms are analyzed. Albeit comparatively accurate time-domain samples. Both methods require the solution of an
results are achieved, the TD-VF provides models with lower pole overdetermined linear system by a least-squares method and
orders than the VF approach for equivalent window observation render pole-residue approximations as the final result.
times and time steps. Incorporation of pole-residue models in tran- Four test cases based on Heidler functions series [6] calcu-
sient simulation programs can be straightforward as compared to
a Heidler function series heuristic approach.
lated from experimental data measured in Morro do Cachimbo
station (MCS) [14] and Mount San Salvatore (MSS) [15] are
Index Terms—Electromagnetic transient analysis, electromag- analyzed.
netic transient propagation, lightning, rational functions. We found that although both VF and TD-VF methods render
pole-residue models of comparable accuracy, optimal results
are achieved using TD-VF. Either higher pole orders or greater
I. INTRODUCTION window observation times are required for the VF approach to
HE waveshapes of lightning strike currents have a wide perform competitively.
T variation range in parameters such as steepness, wavefront
time, crest amplitude, and wave tail time. A correct assessment
of transient overvoltages and overcurrents stresses associated II. APPROXIMATION IN FREQUENCY AND TIME DOMAINS
with the lightning performance of overhead lines in power sys- A. Vector Fitting
tems requires a rigorous representation of such waveforms.
Purposely, double-exponential functions [1], [2], and more For a linear time-invariant system, where ān is a set of initial
recently, the formulation proposed by Heidler [3], are fre- poles, cn are residues of the rational approximation, c̃n are
quently used in the analysis associated with lightning phenom- residues of the escalating function σ(s), N is the fitting order,
ena. Nonetheless, these expressions are better suited to represent and d∞ is a constant real term, the relation between an input
median values and single-peaked lightning currents waveshapes. U (s) and an output Y (s) in the frequency domain is
Furthermore, as pointed out in [4] and [5], the averaging pro-
cess can lead to an inaccurate representation of their respective σ (s)

original single-crest current patterns. To overcome this scenario, N  cn
in [6] and [7], a heuristic approach involving Heidler functions c̃n
1+ Y (s) = + d∞ U (s) . (1)
series, i.e., partial fractions with polynomial functions of vari- n =1
s − ān n =1
s − ān
able degree, is employed to obtain an improved representation
of single- and double-peaked waveform data. It can be shown that the poles of Y (s)/U (s) are the zeros
of σ(s), which allows for an iterative pole relocation process
Manuscript received May 06, 2016; accepted June 12, 2016. This work was to identify a new set of poles an ; see [10] for details. After the
partially supported by INERGE, FAPEMIG, CNPq, and CAPES. poles have been identified within a small number of iterations,
M. Y. Tomasevich (independent consultant) is with Yanque Ingenieros S.A.C.,
Lima Peru (e-mail:
the residues cn in (1) can be solved as a least-squares problem.
A. C. S. Lima and R. F. S. Dias are with the Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra Both an and cn are real or come in complex conjugate pairs.
de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia, Universidade Federal do Rio de
Janeiro, 21945-970 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (e-mail:; dias@dee B. Time-Domain Vector Fitting
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this Letter are available online
at The TD-VF method [13] is based on the same iterative pole
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEMC.2016.2582544 relocation scheme of VF, albeit completely developed in the
0018-9375 © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


time domain. Thus, rearranging (1) leads to pairs. The lightning current id 1 (t) is approximated by



Y (s) = cn U n (s) − c̃n Y n (s) + d∞ U (s) (2) id 1 (t) ≈ rn ea n t + 2 ea n r t (rn r cos(an i t) + rn i sin(an i t))
n =1 n =1 n=1 n=1

where U n (s) = U (s)/(s − ān ) and Y n (s) = Y (s)/(s − ān ).
The time-domain response y(t) can be directly obtained via where indexes r and i stand for the real and imaginary part of
the inverse Laplace transform as an and rn respectively.

y(t) = cn un (t) − c̃n y n (t) + d∞ u(t) (3) B. Time-Domain Fitting Using TD-VF
n =1 n =1 To use TD-VF, we need to fix the unknown transfer function to
where un (t) and y n (t) are the time-domain convolution integral the arbitrary waveform data. Purposely, we evaluate the impulse
response of a system defined by an ideal impulse as input u(t)
counterparts of U n (s) and Y n (s). Through numerical integra-
and the lightning current data as output y(t). The discrete-time
tion with k discrete time samples tk , we obtain
counterpart of u(t), named as u(tk ), is given by
un (tk ) = αn un (tk −1 ) + λn u(tk ) + μn u(tk −1 ) (4) 
0, k = 0
y n (tk ) = αn y n (tk −1 ) + λn y(tk ) + μn y(tk −1 ) (5) u(tk ) = (11)
1/Δt, k = 0.
being tk = kΔt, with k = 0, 1, . . ., and Δt is the time step.
The coefficients αn , λn , and μn in the definition of un (tk ) We subject vectors u(tk ) and y(tk ) to the exponential series
and y n (tk ) are presented in the Appendix; see [16] for fitting process TD-VF leading to the poles an and residues rn .
details. The approximation of the lightning current id 2 (t) is given by
An overdetermined linear system is obtained if we write (3) 
using (4) and (5) for each time step. A new set of poles an can id 2 (t) ≈ rn ea n t . (12)
be estimated as the zeros of σ(s) as shown in [10] until pole n =1
convergence is reached. Finally, the residues cn and constant
term d∞ are calculated by solving (6) in the least-squares sense Note that as all calculations are developed in time domain, the
use of frequency-domain transformations is totally avoided.

y(t) = cn un (t) + d∞ u(t). (6) IV. COMPARISON OF TEST CASES
n =1
To assess the accuracy of VF and TD-VF fitting methods,
III. LIGHTNING WAVESHAPE MODELING four test cases considering two single-crest and two double-
crest peaked lightning current waveforms are analyzed. The
A. Frequency-Domain Fitting Using VF time-domain waveshape equation is given by a series of Heidler
To employ VF, we first need to perform a Fourier integral- functions [6], [7] as
based analysis to convert the lightning current id (t) to its N  
Ik (t/τ1k )n k
frequency-domain counterpart Id (s). Purposely, we can use the i(t) = exp(−t/τ2k ) (13)
numerical Laplace transform [17]–[20] as k =1
ηk 1 + (t/τ1k )1/n k

where ηk = exp[−(τ1k /τ2k )(nk /τ1k )1/n k ], and Ik , nk , τ1k ,
Id (s) = id (t)e−st dt. (7)
and τ2k are empirical coefficients obtained from measurements
made at MSS and MCS.
This expression can then be approximated as The data for the parameters in (13) are originally presented

Id (s) ≈ Id (sk ) = Δt F id (tk )e−c t k (8) in [6] and reproduced here in Tables I and II. For both VF
and TD-VF fitting processes, an observation window time T =
where Δt is a constant sampling time, id (tk ) is a time-domain 50 μs and time step Δt = 10 ns are considered.
sampled data vector of the lightning current, F stands for the Figs. 1 and 2 depict the mismatches multiplied by 50 for
fast Fourier transform operator, c is a real constant for the com- the fitting of the lightning currents associated with MCS and
plex frequency s = c + jω, with ω = 2πf being the angular MSS using VF and TD-VF. The mismatches are calculated as
frequency of the sampled data, and sk is the vector of sampled Δ1 = |i(t) − id 1 (t)| and Δ2 = |i(t) − id 2 (t)|, where id 1 (t) and
complex frequencies. As id (t) is both real and causal, the use id 2 (t) are the VF and TD-VF pole-residue approximations and
of an antialiasing window filter was unnecessary. i(t) is the original waveshape calculated using (13).
We subject vectors sk and Id (sk ) to the rational approxima- The mismatch Δ1 presents a deviation peak at t = 0+ μs,
tion fitting process VF leading to the poles an and residues rn . followed by an almost constant value through the rest of T . This
In the frequency domain, Id (s) can be expressed as is due to VF uniform pole distribution along the frequency band
NC and the arise of small inaccuracies of negative value in the fitting
rn  rn rn∗ of very high frequency data. Conversely, for the mismatch Δ2 ,
Id (s) ≈ + + (9)
n =1
s − an n =1 s − an s − a∗n a localized peak appears at the time where an inflection point
in the wavefront of i(t) is reached, after which a minimum and
where the symbol “*” stands for complex conjugate, being NR stable value holds. These results are related to the sensibility of
and NC the number of real poles and complex conjugate pole TD-VF to signal slope changes.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Fitted waveshapes—MCS. (a) MCS #1—VF (40 poles). (b) MCS #1—TD-VF (26 poles). (c) MCS #2—VF (44 poles). (d) MCS #2—TD-VF (26 poles).

Fig. 2. Fitted waveshapes—MSS. (a) MSS #1—VF (56 poles). (b) MSS #1—TD-VF (32 poles). (c) MSS #2—VF (74 poles). (d) MSS #2—TD-VF (42 poles).



MCS #1 MCS #2 Fitting Test # # Poles RMSE

k Ik nk τ1 k τ2 k Ik nk τ1 k τ2 k Method Case Iter. Total Real Complex (×10 −3 )

(kA) (p.u.) (μs) (μs) (kA) (p.u.) (μs) (μs)
VF MCS #1 17 40 2 38 22.79
1 6 2 3 76 6 2 3 76 MCS #2 11 44 4 40 21.38
2 5 3 3.5 10 5 3 3.5 10 MSS #1 18 56 4 52 16.42
3 5 5 4.8 30 5 5 4.8 30 MSS #2 21 74 6 68 22.33
4 8 9 6 26 8 9 6 26 TD-VF MCS #1 12 26 2 24 30.32
5 22 21 7 23.2 16.5 30 7 23.2 MCS #2 17 26 4 22 28.61
6 20 2 70 200 17 2 70 200 MSS #1 19 32 4 28 26.86
7 – – – – 12 14 12 26 MSS #2 23 38 2 36 26.86

TABLE II In both cases, the RMSE values were three orders of magni-
DATA PARAMETERS—MSS tude lower than i(t). The accuracy improvement using higher
pole orders was negligible. This result suggests that a local min-
MSS #1 MSS #2 imum with an optimal fitting order was reached.
Furthermore, the RMSE values of VF are slightly lower than
k Ik nk τ1 k τ2 k Ik nk τ1 k τ2 k the ones of TD-VF, but the former requires nearly twice the
(kA) (p.u.) (μs) (μs) (kA) (p.u.) (μs) (μs)
pole order of the latter, as lower pole orders render an inaccu-
1 2.8 2 1.2 100 3 2 3 76 rate fitting of the wave tail part and Δ1 tends to proportionally
2 4.8 3 3 100 4.5 3 3.5 25 increase. This can be explained as the truncation of the signal
3 2.9 5 4.8 25 3 5 5.2 20 in time domain leaves out the low frequency-domain spectrum
4 4.1 7 6 60 3.8 7 6 60 of the wave tail part. Hence, higher pole orders are required for
5 16.7 36 6.6 44 13.6 44 6.6 60
6 11 2 100 600 11 2 10 600
VF to compensate for the lack of frequency-domain data. This
7 – – – – 5.7 15 11.7 48.5 issue is worsened by the use of weighted functions, which tend
to relocate the initial poles into the high frequency range, further
increasing Δ1 . Thus, a feasible way to reduce the pole order of
VF is to increase T . For instance, if a value of T = 100 μs or
Table III presents the number of iterations, the number of greater is used, a total of less than 30 poles is required.
real, complex and total poles and the total root-mean-square A greater number of poles are used in both VF and TD-VF to
error (RMSE) corresponding to VF and TD-VF pole-residue represent double crest peaked waveforms than for single crest
models. peaked ones. Even though a comparable number of iterations
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


is needed for VF and TD-VF to reach convergence, the overall tegral, assuming a piecewise linear approximation of the input
fitting process of TD-VF was slightly slower. This is due to signal. The ones in (15), used in various EMTPs, also assume
the numerical integration scheme needed to perform the con- a piecewise linear approximation for the exponential kernel of
volution integrals in (4) and (5). Result differences using either the convolution integral, hence are less precise.
trapezoidal rule or recursive convolutions to perform the numer-
ical integration were negligible.
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