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Month Dale Ti me Desk Press Officer Caller Orjpnisation Detail ActlonfResponse

Jely 2Q03

09107103 I8 :4{1 Duty Paul Sykes Nn 10 DPO Has Dr Kelly bcen told that he Advisesi thal I was sute Kale would
is rotrecome a public figure and have considered Ihis. I2ang Kate to
what arrangements are in hand make sure .
to protect twin?
09107103 Sg:30 Duty Paul Sykes Kate WtVson ' ThefCO havesenl us rheir Unable to pilot lines.
lines on haq and if the name
become public, you should
09107103 18.16 Duly Paul Sykes Richard Guardian 1 have the name: is it Di David Confirmed name is conect .
Norton Taylor Kelly?
09107103 18:10 Duty Paul Sykes Kale Wilson The FT have Ihe name of 1he Nmed .
persun from MOD who %vas
Gilligan oonlacl

09107103 17-55 Duty Paul Sykes BFBS HMS Marlborough has saved a Unaware of this. Coniecled Fleet Duty
number of fishernren from a PR (Lt Cot Curry) . Deleils available In
- sinking Dhow in the Indian a press release which Curry faxed lo
Ocean. press oflice.

09f07103 17-55 Duty Paul Syke; Toni Lemane Daily Teleggaph Re. GiffigariandthelvIOD As slated, The individual volunteered he
oontued~ didheeomneforwarof had contacted Gilligan
owrt amid ; Guardine claims
h7pD was closing in um him
having been tipped offby a
08107103 22 :37 Duty Howard Rhosdes

08107103 22-35 Duty Howard Rhoades MertinWhite SkyArcws WevejustseenMrlloondoa TheSoiSisnoldoing anymore.Vou've
piece on the Ten o'clock news . missed hrm sorry.
We'd like to dorm injerviciv

08107103 22 OD Duty Howard Rhoades DPO rang the BBC lo ask for a
r copy of the Gavin Davis Lofrer .

09 September 2093 Page 229 of 1941

Month Date Time Desk Press Officer Caller Organisation Detail Action/Response

July 1003

0g107103 21 :44 Duty Howard Rhoades lonelhon Beale BBC Ten O'Clock Can you comment on Gevin Well as 1 have not scen this Irves and
News Daviss lener to Geoff Hoon alier contacling privateofTce nielher
tonight? had they I declined lo comment .
08107103 2i :00 Duty Howatd Rhuades Martha Camey Newsnighl I would like lo get a message to DPO rang D News with message
SoiS l underslandbeistalking
toGavinDams tonight . l
would to talk to him not for an
interview buljuil for
background before we go to air .

08107103 19 08 Duly Howard Rlioades Stuart Green PIHQ The Americens line BE the ISG Thanks noted.
have said that they do not wanl
lo do inlervi en~s of any sort.
lane Colbin turns up loraonow
expeclmg to do somnething . 1
have spoken lo Devcrell who
did initially Lven1 to co~opeeale
with the HDC~bul as weare
under A m n iwn command we
musl obey their wishes Can
you raise with Angus Taverner
andTany Manhews .

OSI07103 19,00 Duty Howard Rhoades Danielle Sof8 office Have told IheSotS of D news Thanks .
advice about bids that we
should let The statement run as
il stands for the time being and
not do any ini enIews ye!
partic ulary Newsnighl

09 September 2003 page 230 of 1941

Month Date Time Desk Press Officer Caller Organisation Defail ActionlResponse
Jul<v 2003

08107l03 18 :55 Duly limverdRhoades Caroline BBC Northern Can you e-mail the slaterned We have a dosed e-mail systnn I will
Du 011 old Ireland Richard Whalley promised have lo fax or read it lo you DPO
earlier to me at the BBC, added that the Army's policy iowards
bullying is one of norrlolerance, If (he -i

Cochrane family feels there is nmv m

evidence Then they should pass these on
lo The investigating aulhooities
OSi071d3 18 .23 Dniy }lowatdRhuades MOD sSaiementornthe -

i)814i103 P .45 Duty III owacd Rhoades CPO MoD Moll issve slatemenl on the o
single source about 1he °'
manipulsfion or inlell igence.

OB107103 09.45 Duty Howard Rltoadcs FinIoNelson BBConlme Canveehave acopy ofGeaff This is jaiviste correspondence and will
Rohrer Haon's 1etler la Gaam Daz"js~

08107103 06.03 Duty Gemme Blackburn Rumphrey

08107103 01 .57 Duty Gemma Blackburn Daily Record,
Glasgow .
08107103 01~38 Daty GenunaBlackhurn Reuters

08f07103 h~~" [y jT>e;+k~~iffB~IBC1k17vr71'-~°'~l4dyrey'tYbUU $~ ~ Porfon+CPSvudicl . Linegiven.

08107103'D0:20 ~ Duty Andy PA 1'vejuslseen IheIMsilpiece Lines giwn as before W

woodcock that a SUldtet has been shot in
Basm " What ale 1he details?
08!07103 00:10 Duty Geanma Blackbum Hat Cheran Daily Mail Pnrlan Down . linegivsn .

07107103 23~50 Duly GentnaHiackbum RobEvans The Guardian I'vejust heardihePorionDown Line given as Wore. y
. CPS verdict. w1hai is you


09 September z003 Page 231 of 1441 ;"


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