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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

2007 ACEI Standards

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
A. Goal(s)—Unit (broad terms)
a. Students will make discoveries about simple machines and their uses.
B. Objective(s)—(specific terms)
a. Students will explore different simple machines.
b. Students will create their own simple machines.
c. Students will be posed with a problem and come up with a simple machine as a
C. Standard(s): Professional Society/State/District
a. 3.PS.2 Identify types of simple machines and their uses. Investigate and build
simple machines to understand how they are used.
II. Materials
a. Materials
i. miscellaneous objects (simple machines)
ii. as many miscellaneous materials I can find to create simple machines
iii. instructions for simple machines
iv. blank sheet of paper (6)
v. Video
b. Space
i. All over the classroom
c. Behavior
i. Shut down negative behavior/ point out positive behavior
ii. Brag tags
1. If students exhibit good behavior and excellent focus they can
earn a brag tag
2. If students exhibit negative behavior they could get a warning and
their brag tag taken away
d. Time
i. 45 min- 1 hr
e. Technology
i. Use Ipads
ii. Video -
III. Anticipatory Set
- Put a bunch of simple machines on the table and have the students play with them
- I would like you to go to the back table and grab an object from the table. Take it back
to your seat and just play with it. Talk to the people at your table about the object. See
if you can find some commonalities with these objects.
- Have students share some commonalities
- These objects actually have one major thing in common. They are all simple machines.
IV. Purpose: must be stated to the students
a. Today we are going to be learning about Simple machines because by choosing
the correct one they can make our job easier.


Use major concepts, principles, theories, and research to construct learning opportunities that
support students’ development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation.
(ACEI 1.0)
V. Adaptation to Diverse Students
a. Have the students be put in ability groups. Give each group a different problem
based on ability.
b. Have instructions to make any simple machine for Alleja, Alyssa, Trevor, and
c. Give the higher ability students a challenge to create own simple machine and
compound machine.
(ACEI 3.2)

VI. Lesson Presentation (Input/Output)

 Has anyone heard of simple machines before? What have you heard? wait for responses
 I would like us to create a definition of what a simple machine is together. Now to do this
we have to work together. I want all of you work with the person next to you and grab 2
different objects from the table that we worked with earlier. Talk to your partner about
these objects about what you know about simple machines. Once they have time to look
over objects come back together as a class and create a definition.
 Driving question: Why do we use simple machines?
 Have student’s hypothesis about why they think we use simple machines.
 Show simple machine video
 Share snip bit of information on simple machines (have real life examples and show
them while you talk about each simple machine)
o The instruments that make out work easier are called machines.
o There are six different types of simple machines;
o wheel and axle- An axle is a rode or pole centered in the wheel that allows the
wheel to turn around it. The wheel then spins in a balanced circle to be used as
transportation on a bike or to turn the hands of a clock. EX. Bike
o wedge – some people might see the wedge as just an inclined plane, although it
is actually two inclined planes. The wedge is used to separate objects. This is
needed to cut, tear or break something in two. A wedge can be used to keep
things together or secure things from movement. EX. Needles, scissors, a nail, a
take, a door stop.
o pulley is actually a version of a wheel and axle that is combined with a rope,
chain or other cord to allow moving something up and down or back and forth.
The pulley can be combined with other pulleys to reduce the amount of work
necessary to life huge amounts of weight or to lower them down. EX. Blinds,
o Lever is a long tool such as pole or bar that is put under an object to lift it. The
lever is more effective when put with a fulcrum. The fulcrum is another object
perhaps a rock used to brace under the long tool (pole or bar). EX. Scissors,
hammers (for removing nails, light switches, hinges, door handles
o An inclined plan is simply a ramp. One end is higher than the opposite end. This
allows things to go from a lower point to a higher point or vice versa. It takes the
same amount of work but less force to move an object up a ramp than to move it
vertically. EX. Slides, ladders, escalators
o A screw is really a twisted inclined plane. It allows movement from a lower
position to a higher position but at the same time it moves it in a circle. A screw
can also hold things together. EX. Jar lid, drill, bottle cap, light bulb.
 Put students in groups of 4 and present each group with a problem and a bit of
information.—Allow students to move around room (Provide students with problems
on slips of paper with a spot to draw a picture and write.)
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6
Karter Preston Eric Ozzy Trevor Conner
Brayden John Arie Hunter Kayden Carter L.
Alyssa Breanna Laila Macey Rhian Moszi
Grace Alicia Haley Ava Alleja Moriah

o Problem 1: I am moving on Saturday and have a really heavy couch I need to get
into a truck. What could I use to help me put the couch in the truck? Group 3
and 6
o Problem 2: My wooden chair broke, one of the legs fell off. What could I use to
put it back together? -Group 1 and 5
o Problem 3: I have this well outside my house and I wanted to get water from it.
What could I use to retrieve the water? - Group 2 and 4
 When students get done I have a bunch of crafty materials on the back table. They will
have the opportunity to create their own simple machines with or without directions.
(ACEI 2.2)
(ACEI 3.3)
VII. Check for understanding. How do you know students have learned? What strategies
will you implement if all students have not met lesson outcomes? Employ one or
more strategies to determine student learning.
a. Has anyone heard of simple machines before? What have you heard?
b. Create definition
c. Why do we use simple machines? – Hypothesize
d. Present a problem and see what their solution is – drawing picture and writing
e. Create own simple machine
VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure
a. What is a simple machine? and Why do we use them?
b. Show me the simple machine you made along with the worksheet completed in
your groups.
c. Exit slip – Write on a sticky note what you learned and why we use simple


Formative Assessment
- Students definitions
- Question and answers
- Solution to problem
- Students create own simple machine or create one with directions provided.
- Write about what they learned
(ACEI 4.0)
1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Bloom’s Taxonomy
b. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
7. Did the students enjoy this activity?
8. Was the activity to difficult?

Scenario 1
Solve the following problem. Write a response and draw a picture of
your chosen solution.

1. I am moving on Saturday and have a really heavy couch I need to get into a
truck. What could I use to help me put the couch in the truck?


Scenario 2
Solve the following problem. Write a response and draw a picture of
your chosen solution.

1. My wooden chair broke, one of the legs fell off. What could I use to put it
back together?


Scenario 3
Solve the following problem. Write a response and draw a picture of
your chosen solution.

1. I have this well outside my house and I wanted to get water from it. What
could I use to retrieve the water?


Wheel and Axle

 Glue
 4 paper plates
 Pencil

Step 1---Glue two paper plates together so that the two tops of the plates are facing each
other. Make two sets of plates.
Step 2---Take a pencil and stick it through the center of both sets of plates. Your project should
look like two large wheels with the pencil serving as an axle.

 Plastic spoon
 Rubber band
 Tape
 Bead
 Crayon

Step 1--- Take the rubber band and wrap it around the plastic spoon and crayon until tight
Step 2--- Tape the crayon to the edge of the table
Step 3--- Put bead on spoon and pull it back to launch

 Block of Wood
 Screw Driver
 Screw

Step 1---Put screw on piece of wood in one of the hole

Step 2---Take screwdriver and start screwing the screw into the hole in the wood

 Spool
 Twine
 Block of Wood
 Chain

Step 1--- Take the block of wood and put a spool over one of the premade holes
Step 2--- Take a screw and put it inside the middle of spool in the premade hole and start
screwing it in
Step 3--- Take the string and tie the chain to the end of one side
Step 4--- Take the other side of the string and put it on the spool and start to pull the none
chain side

 Paper
Step 1--- Fold in half lengthwise (like a hotdog)
Step 2--- Fold down top corners to centerline
Step 3--- Fold down about an inch from the bottom edge
Step 4--- Fold new top corners to centerline
Step 5--- Fold up center flap
Step 6--- Fold over centerline so triangle flap shows
Step 7--- Fold down wings
Step 8--- Create an accordion fold
Step 9--- Repeat for other wing
Step 10--- DONE

Inclined Plane
 Piece of Cardboard
 Tape
 Books (2 or more)
 Car

Step 1--- Take a piece of cardboard and place it at an angle on the edge of 2 or more books
Step 2--- Tape the cardboard to the books
Step 3--- Place the car on the cardboard and let it go.

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