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For the safety assurance of the composites and simulations for

Probabilistic Finite-Element Analysis prediction of the failure under impact, it is important to incorporate
of S2-Glass Epoxy Composite Beams uncertainties associated with material properties. The uncertainties
in composites arise due to the randomness in quantities such as
for Damage Initiation Due to volume fractions of matrix and fiber, excess amount of resins in
High-Velocity Impact the plies, and volume of voids and porosity in the matrix. Sriramula
and Chyssanthopoulos [4] reviewed the uncertainties in fiber-
reinforced plastic composites and summarized different stochastic
Shivdayal Patel1 modeling approaches. It was considered that the uncertainties arise
Department of Applied Mechanics, at the constitutional level, ply level, or at a component level. Some
authors (e.g., Cederbaum et al. [5] and Bucher and Bourgund [6])
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi,
studied the reliability of composites only under static loads consid-
New Delhi 110016, India ering different reliability methods such as a first-order reliability
e-mail: method, second-order reliability method, and response surface
method. However, these methods failed to estimate the Pf accurately
Suhail Ahmad in problems with highly nonlinear limit-state functions and in prob-
lems with low Pf (Rajashekhar and Ellingwood [7]), as higher-order
Department of Applied Mechanics,
terms are neglected. Simulation approaches, such as Monte Carlo
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, simulation (MCS), require a large number of FE executions for
New Delhi 110016, India structural analysis making it computationally expensive, especially
for large and complex structures aiming at a high target of reliability
Puneet Mahajan (Patel et al. [8]). GPRSM is able to overcome these limitations and
leads to a more efficient estimation of Pf (Bichon et al. [9]).
Department of Applied Mechanics,
The paper presents a novel design approach for a lightweight
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, composite required to be strong enough to sustain high-velocity im-
New Delhi 110016, India pact due to bullet-type projectiles. Fabrication of such lightweight
composites is a challenging task. Presently, a huge difference is
observed in probabilities of failure among the four different arrange-
The safety predictions of composite armors require a probabilistic ments of ply layups. The methodology presented can achieve a
analysis to take into consideration scatters in the material proper- lightweight composite design using a realistic approach. The com-
ties and initial velocity. Damage initiation laws are used to account parative study of Pf is carried out based on probable limit-state func-
for matrix and fiber failure during high-velocity impact. A three- tions. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis presented here is an
dimensional (3D) stochastic finite-element analysis of laminated efficient design tool for optimization of light-weight composite
composite plates under impact is performed to determine the prob- armor material.
ability of failure (Pf). The objective is to achieve the safest design of
lightweight composite through the most efficient ply arrangement
of S2 glass epoxy. Realistic damage initiation models are imple-
mented. The Pf is obtained through the Gaussian process response 2 Stochastic Finite-Element Analyses of Composite
surface method (GPRSM). The antisymmetric cross-ply arrange- Beams
ment is found to be the safest based on maximum stress and Yen Probabilistic response assessment is strongly recommended by
and Hashin criteria simultaneously. Sensitivity analysis is per- various international codes of practice, especially to achieve chal-
formed to achieve the target reliability. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4033575] lenging design targets for satisfactory service and survival. It is
Keywords: impact, computational reliability method, reliability- because the deterministic approach does not account for the natural
based design, safety, structural reliability scatter in the input data and does not quantify the exact Pf. The
probabilistic approach, on the other hand, explicitly quantifies
the extent of safety or Pf. Many a time, design standards recom-
1 Introduction mend a threshold of target reliability for satisfactory design (target
Fiber-reinforced composite materials are generally used in a reliability 10−3 to 10−5 (Goh et al. [10])). Hence, the probabilistic
wide range of applications such as military, aerospace, automobiles, approach is all the more essential to assess the true safety margin of
and body armors due to their excellent mechanical properties such composite.
as high specific strength, specific stiffness, and resistance to corro- Pf under impact is obtained at the most severely affected location
sion. The high-velocity impact of composites has been widely stud- of damage initiation. It truly accounts for the variability of material
ied as it leads to damage in the composite. Abrate [1] provided a properties (elastic modulus, Poisson’s ratio, shear modulus, and
review that outlined the literature related to impact response of com- strength properties) and initial velocity. Discretization of material
posites, damage mechanisms in composites during high-velocity properties of random nature is modeled using the Latin hypercube
impact, and their effect on response and the residual properties of sampling technique (Bichon et al. [9]). The random variation in
the composite after impact. The numerical progressive damage and material properties and initial velocity of impact are used in stochas-
failure model of the laminated S2-glass composite plate was devel- tic finite-element method (SFEM) to determine the statistics of
oped by Yen [2]. In the model, failure initiation and propagation stresses in the lamina under impact. The stresses or strains and the
laws were introduced to account for the fiber and matrix failure random strengths in terms of their statistical characteristics and
modes. The numerical model provided an estimate for the limit per- distribution are substituted in the limit-state function to identify the
foration velocity and simulated failure modes and damage. The fiber failure surface region gðxÞ < 0. This multidimensional failure do-
failure initiation was modeled using a modified form of Hashin cri- main is a measure of the Pf for each ply. Reliability assessment code
terion [3] and included the effects of normal stress in the direction of interfacing with ABAQUS is used in stochastic fashion.
fiber (σ11 ) and transverse shear stress (τ 13 ).
Corresponding author.
2.1 Modeling of Uncertainties and Stiffness Matrix. Global
Manuscript received September 30, 2015; final manuscript received May 5, 2016; stiffness matrix K for SFEM is obtained after assembling the
published online August 19, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Ioannis Kougioumtzoglou. elemental stiffness matrices as

ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems DECEMBER 2016, Vol. 2 / 044504-1
Part B: Mechanical Engineering Copyright © 2016 by ASME

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Table 1 Pf for different criteria and ply arrangements (SS beam)
Ke ¼ BT · Cðx; θÞ · BdV ð1Þ
Maximum Yen Hashin
Here, B is the strain–displacement matrix, Cðx; θÞ is the approxi- stress failure failure
mated elasticity matrix, and V represents the volume of the element. Cases Ply layups arrangements failure (Pf) (Pf) (Pf)
If material properties are represented by Gaussian fields, the elas- I Symmetric cross-ply 0.00 0.04790 0.0815
ticity matrix at x can be given as II Antisymmetric cross-ply 0.00 0.00004 0.0090
III Symmetric angle-ply 0.00 0.00460 0.0803
Cðx; θÞ ¼ C0 ð1 þ wðx; θÞÞ ð2Þ IV Antisymmetric angle-ply 0.00 0.00190 0.0341

C0 denotes the mean values of elasticity matrix that represents a

random field of elastic constants E1 , E2 , E3 , V 12 , V 23 , V 13 , G12 ,
G23 , and G13 ; wðx; θÞ represents the approximate random field mod-
eled as per hypercube sampling technique.

3 Numerical Study of Composite Beam Under

Impact on a composite beam of size 254 mm × 25.4 mm ×
6.35 mm made up of 24 layers of S2 glass-epoxy is simulated using
finite-element method. Four  different  ply layups are studied, namely,
 ° symmetric cross-ply 0 °
3 =90 °
3 2s, (b) antisymmetric cross-ply
03 =90°3 =0°3 =90°3 =0°3 =90°3 =0°3 =90°3 , (c) symmetric angle-ply ½45°3 =
−45°3 2s , and (d) antisymmetric angle-ply ½45°3 = − 45°3 =45°3 = − 45°3 =
45°3 = − 45°3 =45°3 = − 45°3 . An optimum layup among these arrange-
ments will be decided using the Pf. Each ply of the laminate is
assumed to be transversely isotropic. The stress–strain relation be-
tween normal stress and normal strain is assumed to be linear elastic.
The failure initiation in the plies due to tensile and compressive fiber Fig. 1 Probability of failure of simply supported
failure, compressive fiber failure through the thickness, and matrix
composite beam
failure are modeled using a strain-based criterion given by Yen [2].
The above ideas are implemented in ABAQUS using a user-defined
subroutine VUMAT. (94–99%), indicating the effect of shear stress τ 12 in prediction
The composite beam and impactor are meshed with eight-node of Pf.
brick elements. Full integration is used to avoid inaccuracies due to Stochastic failure assessment based on Yen’s and Hashins’
hourglassing. The impactor is made of copper and its dimensions failure criteria is hence made.
are taken from Sevkat et al. [11]. The material behavior of the As discussed above, the first 22 plies have failed out of 24 as per
impactor is governed by Johnson–Cook plastic hardening model. the fiber failure criteria. Hence, the Pf for the bottommost ply is now
Cohesive surfaces based on traction and separation law are em- obtained for various ply arrangements and failure models as shown
ployed to simulate and predict the damage due to delamination. in Fig. 1. The Pf for the symmetric cross- and angle-ply arrange-
Experimental values and the respective statistical properties of glass ments based on Yen’s criterion is 41.2% and 94.27%, respectively.
epoxy are taken from Refs. [11,12]. This is less than that predicted by Hashin’s criterion. Similarly, for
antisymmetric cross- and angle-ply arrangements, Pf based on
Yen’s criterion is 99.5% and 94.4% less than that of Hashin’s
4 Probability of Fiber Failure criterion. Therefore, the Pf for antisymmetric cross-ply layups
The efficiencies of MCS and GPRSM are compared to estimate (Case II) is minimal in comparison to other ply arrangements,
the Pf. The GPRSM is found to be computationally less expensive namely, symmetric cross-ply, symmetric angle-ply, and antisym-
than the MCS. metric angle-ply irrespective of the failure criteria. Because of the
For the entire ply arrangements, Pfs are obtained for simply sup- symmetric cross- and angle-ply arrangements, fiber fracture energy
ported composite beam, and it is found that the Pf for the 22nd ply is more than (or delamination energy is less than) that of the anti-
in the antisymmetric cross-ply laminate arrangement is minimal in symmetric cross- and angle-ply arrangements. The ply arrange-
comparison to that for symmetric cross-ply, symmetric angle-ply, ments for an optimum design of composite beams play an important
and antisymmetric angle-ply. However, it is not in an acceptable role as discussed below.
range as per the recommended target for stochastic design. Hence,
4.1.1 Optimum Design of Composite Beam for Different Ply
in order to obtain the target Pf, more severely affected plies (23rd
Layups. The fiber failure initiation (Yen’s criterion) of composite
and 24th) are examined and acceptable target reliability is achieved.
beams with antisymmetric cross-ply layups (Case II) has Pfs,
99.91%, 99.13%, and 97.89% less than that of symmetric cross-
4.1 Comparative Study of Pf for Different Limit-State ply (Case I), symmetric angle-ply (Case III), and anti-symmetric
Functions. The probability of fiber failure for the bottommost angle-ply (Case IV) arrangements, respectively. It is because for the
ply predicted by maximum stress and Yen’s and Hashin’s criteria symmetric ply arrangement, delamination energy is less than that of
for different ply layups and impactor velocity of 120 m=s are shown the antisymmetric arrangement and additional energy is dissipated
in Table 1. It is observed that the Pf for the maximum stress criterion through fiber failure.
is not significant. It is mainly because the fiber stress is far less than
the permissible value of fiber strength. Hence, the fiber failure
occurs mainly through the in-plane shear stresses (τ 12 ) and (τ 13 ).
Hashin’s failure criteria involve the direct stress and both the shear 5 Sensitivity Analysis
stresses τ 12 and τ 13 , while Yen’s criterion does not use shear stress Sensitivity analysis of performance function with respect to the
τ 12 . The Pf obtained by the two methods also differs appreciably changes in the random variables involved in the mathematical

044504-2 / Vol. 2, DECEMBER 2016 Transactions of the ASME

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Fig. 3 Probability of failure of simply supported cross-ply
Fig. 2 Sensitivity behavior of simply supported cross-ply
composite beam

model provides information of variation in the statistical input of a

6 Conclusions
performance model. It is a technique for systematically changing Fiber damage initiation is considered to be the safety criterion
the strength and resistance parameters in a model to optimize the for the S2-glass epoxy composite beam under high-velocity impact.
design to achieve target reliability. A comparative study of different fiber failure initiation criteria is
Sensitivity levels (ψ1 and ψ2 ) indicate the influence of mean (μ) performed, and it is found that a maximum stress criterion is more
and standard deviation (σ) on probability of failure “p” or (Pf). conservative than the Yen and Hashin failure criteria. The fiber
The following equations state the same in the general form failure initiation of antisymmetric cross-ply layup (Case II) gives
minimum Pf compared to other ply layups, namely, symmetric
∂p cross-ply, symmetric angle-ply, and antisymmetric angle-ply. Sen-
ψ1 ¼ ðσ=pÞ ð3Þ sitivity analysis shows that the Pf is significantly influenced by the
mean values and standard deviation of random variables such as E3 ,
T 13 , and V. The sensitivity-based probabilistic design optimization
  procedure is investigated to achieve better strength and lighter
ψ2 ¼ ðσ=pÞ ð4Þ weight of composite for body armors.

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ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems DECEMBER 2016, Vol. 2 / 044504-3
Part B: Mechanical Engineering

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