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7 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

1. Fish

Fish, particularly salmon, can be a great food to consume for eye health. Salmon and other fish
have omega-3 fatty acids. These are “healthy” fats. Omega-3 fatty acids can contribute to
visual development and the health of the retina in the back of the eye. They can also help
prevent dry eyes.

Consider incorporating fish into your meal plan a few days a week. When buying salmon,
choose a wild-caught version instead of farm-raised salmon. That’s because farm-raised
salmon has more saturated fat and less omega-3s than wild-caught salmon.

Salmon, and most fish, can be grilled or broiled. Try seasoning it with fresh herbs, lemons, and
salt and pepper for a simple and delicious dinner.

2. Eggs
Eggs are a great food to eat for eye health. The yolks contain vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin, and
zinc, which are all vital to eye health. Vitamin A safeguards the cornea. The cornea is the
surface of the eye. Lutein and zeaxanthin lower the chance of getting serious eye conditions
like age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Zinc contributes to the health of the
retina. The retina is the back of the eye. Zinc also helps eyes see at night.

Eggs are extremely versatile and can work for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A simple way to
enjoy eggs is by hard-boiling them. Try them in salads and sandwiches. You can even eat a
hardboiled egg for a snack.

3. Almonds
Almonds, like other nuts and seeds, are generally good for eye health. Almonds contain
vitamin E. This vitamin guards against unstable molecules that target healthy tissue.
Consuming regular amounts of vitamin E can help prevent age-related macular degeneration
as well as cataracts. You should aim for about 22 international units (IU), or 15 mg of vitamin E
a day. One serving of almonds is about 23 nuts, or ¼ cup, and has 11 IU. Other nuts and seeds
that contain vitamin E include sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, and peanuts.

You can enjoy almonds as a snack at any time. They are also tasty in your breakfast cereal,
yogurt, or in salads. Just remember to keep an eye on serving size. Almonds are high in
calories, so try to limit your intake to one to two servings a day.

4. Dairy

Dairy products such as milk and yogurt can be good for the eyes. They contain vitamin A as
well as the mineral zinc. Vitamin A protects the cornea while zinc helps bring that vitamin to
the eyes from the liver. Zinc is found throughout the eye, especially the retina and choroid,
which is the vascular tissue that lies under the retina. This important mineral helps with night
vision as well as the prevention of cataracts. Dairy from grass-fed cows provides the most

Dairy can be consumed throughout your day. You can drink a glass with a meal or enjoy it in
coffee and tea, or breakfast cereal. Yogurt is a healthy option for breakfast or as a snack.

5. Carrots
Carrots are well-known to be good for eye health. Like egg yolks, carrots have vitamin A and
also beta carotene. Vitamin A and beta carotene help the surface of the eye and can also help
prevent eye infections and other serious eye conditions.

Carrots are easy to eat on the go. Julianne whole carrots or keep a bag of baby carrots handy
for an afternoon or evening snack. Toss them in salads and soups for some added nutrition, or
shred them up and add them to muffin or pancake batter.


6. Kale

Kale is known as a superfood by many because it contains so many important vitamins,

nutrients, and minerals. It’s extremely good for eye health. Kale has the antioxidants lutein and
zeaxanthin, also found in eggs and other foods. These nutrients may help to prevent serious
eye conditions such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. Lutein and zeaxanthin
aren’t made in the body, so you have to incorporate them into your diet. A 100 gram serving
of kale, which is about 1 ½ cups, contains 11.4 mg of lutein, and it’s recommended you get 10
mg per day. Other vegetables high in lutein are red peppers and spinach.
Kale can be made into snack chips. First wash the leaves, then tear them into small pieces; toss
it in olive oil, and bake it 20 minutes or so, until the kale gets crispy. You can season them with
a light sprinkle of salt. You can also sauté kale for a side dish or serve it in a salad.


7. Oranges
Oranges and other citrus fruit contain vitamin C, which is key for eye health. The vitamin,
found mainly in fresh fruits and vegetables, contributes to healthy blood vessels in your eyes.
It can combat the development of cataracts, and in combination with other vitamins and
nutrients, age-related macular degeneration.

To enjoy oranges, you can drink orange juice, peel one as a snack, or add them to a fruit salad.

How to Make Lemon Water
In order to reap any health benefits of lemon water, you need drink it consistently, and you
need more than just a single wedge of lemon in your mug.

When making lemon water, always use fresh lemons and not artificial lemon from a bottle. To
make lemon water, squeeze half a lemon into 8 ounces of boiling, warm, or cold water. To
make the drink as healthy as possible, use filtered water and organic lemons.

Infuse flavor to lemon water by adding:

 a few springs of mint

 a teaspoon of maple syrup or raw honey
 a slice of fresh ginger
 a dash of cinnamon
You can also add slices of other fresh citrus fruits such as limes and oranges, or cucumber

Does it have any harmful effects?

Lemon water is perfectly safe to drink.

However, the acid in lemons can damage your tooth enamel over time, which makes your
teeth more prone to cavities.

You can manage this easily by drinking lemon water with a straw whenever possible, to avoid
contact with your teeth.

Also, you should rinse your mouth with water afterwards. However, it is best to wait an hour
before brushing your teeth. Brushing while your tooth enamel is an an acid-softened state can
lead to damage.

If you're taking the lemon water with breakfast, then it's a good idea to brush your teeth before

Bottom Line: Lemon water is safe to consume. However, it may damage your tooth enamel if
you drink if often.
According to a recent study, red wine and grape seed extract can potentially help prevent
Good for the Eyes
Boost Brain Power
Good for the Knees

Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols. These are thought to have anti-
inflammatory and antioxidant properties. One of these is resveratrol. It is found in the skins of
red grapes.

Laboratory studies have suggested that resveratrol may be able to slow or prevent the growth
of tumors in lymph, liver, stomach, breast, colon, skin cancer, and leukemia.
Resveratrol is also present in red wine. Few studies have looked at the association between
red wine and cancer risk in humans, but it has been shown that high intakes of alcohol on a
consistent basis can increase the risk of cancer. Moderation is key.

A moderate intake of alcohol is defined by The Dietary Guidelines for Americans as up to one
drink per day for women, and up to two drinks per day for men.

Another natural anti-inflammatory that occurs in grapes is the flavonoid quercetin.

Studies have suggested that this, too, may help prevent or slow cancer growth.

Excellent Health Benefits of Starfruit--Top Antioxidant


Source of Antioxidant
starfruit contains a high amount of vitamin C which acts as the antioxidant

Rich in Fiber
What is even great for this fruit is the way it provides a good amount of fiber. Fiber is known as the good nutrient which is
responsible for the work of digestion system

Source of Potassium
One of the health benefits of starfruit is the way it provides a good source of minerals. At this point, starfruit provides a good
potassium in it. As the consequence, potassium is a vital nutrient which takes part in maintaining the heart health as well as
controlling the level of blood pressure. Moreover, not only providing potassium, but starfruit also contains other great minerals
including phosphorus, zinc, and iron as well.

Source of Protein
Protein is such an important molecules which are found in many kinds of foods like fish, egg, and meat as well. At this point,
starfruit also provides a source of protein. Then, with protein, it will help to maintain overall body health. As a result, protein is
beneficial to balance the hormone, supporting neurological function, and aiding in digestion. To sum up, you can get great
protein nutrients by consuming starfruit regularly.

Source of Vitamin A
In fact, starfruit contains a very good source of vitamin A. indeed, vitamin A is an essential vitamin which plays a main role to
promote the eyes health
Source of Vitamin B-Complex
.Source of Vitamin C
As you can see on the table above, starfruit provides a good source of vitamin C which acts as a powerful antioxidant. In this
case, by consuming 100 g of starfruit will give you 57% of daily requirement levels of vitamin C. As a result, with an ideal
amount of vitamin C, it will help to protect the body against bacteria and viruses which harm the body system

Source of Magnesium
Starfruit is a good source of magnesium which can help to regulate body function greatly. At this point, magnesium is a vital
mineral which will help in treating headache and muscle cramps

Contains Polyphenols
What is great from starfruit is the way it provides polyphenols as one of the major antioxidant constituents. With polyphenols,
our body will work greatly as it protects the body from the risks of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative
diseases. Polyphenols also have a role in boosting the immunes system and promoting good the great body metabolism

Prevents Cancer
To deal with cancer, there are many options to be chosen. However, one which takes the major part is by consuming healthy
foods everyday. Surprisingly, starfruit is being a great anti-cancer. In this case, the one who works for it is the presence of
antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals contained in starfruit. They begin the process by preventing the free radicals and cleanse
out the toxins of the body. As a result, starfruit is beneficial to prevent the growth of cancer cells as well.

Incredible Benefits of Potassium For Health

Keeping Your Muscles Healthy

Improve Your Brain Function

By consuming potassium, your brain will get enough oxygen and it allows the brain to work more effectiveBy consuming
potassium, your brain will get enough oxygen and it allows the brain to work more effective

Getting Your Bones Stronger

Lowering Heart Problems

Reducing Stress

Increasing Metabolism
Metabolism or immune system is very important to be increased since it helps your body protected from many things causing
diseases and illnesses. Having problems with your metabolism means that your risk in getting contact with diseases becomes
Improving Blood Pressure

Improving Nervous System

Nervous system works in your body by providing responses and signals to make your body communicate and relate toward
things around you.

Keeping Your Kidney Healthy

Preventing Muscle Cramps

Foods Rich of Potassium

1. Bananas
2. Prunes
3. Sweet Potatoes
4. Beans
5. Yogurt
6. Tomatoes
7. Carrots-- You can take more potassium by turning it into juice
8. Fish
9. Soybeans

Cook half a cup of soybeans and consume them will give you about 500 mg of potassium. This amount is only available in
unprocessed soybeans.


One more type of fruit packed with potassium is orange. You already had bananas and now you have other great option.
Again, juicing is more effective in this case since it provides more potassium content. Pick oranges that can be fresh squeezed
to give your body many other minerals such as calcium, vitamins and folate.

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